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Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. lol more time waster for all the viewers who want to see something that is really brilliant and epic story plots
  2. just to get sad and down that they can't.. oh wait yes they can the comic still continues and nothing you do has effected anything lol these are the moments where you should facepalm yourself little troll fag
  3. also i knew you were into hitler makes complete sense
  4. and btw its trolls who try to remove freedom of speech because they clearly can't handle it and chooses to troll it
  5. trolling is nothing but a form of words shaped as bullets
  6. if the troll shoots the gun
  7. hits someone with the bullet and that person isn't effect what does the troll do then? give up? admit defeat?
  8. no they keep trying and trying even know they "know they lost" and over stayed their welcome
  9. but see a troll is weak they tries not to show it
  10. but for that person that the troll failed to effect is still standing strong with the darkest grin on his face begging and waiting to see what you have left to offer
  11. troll using up the last of his ideas before the person shocks the troll with something the troll never knew existed because the trolls mind is not open
  12. his eyes being closed he can not see what is right in front of him
  13. refuses to see truth in things clearly true
  14. only chooses to see things with his head cut off
  15. thinking to himself ''OH WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME SO!!'' never realizing that it was maybe his own actions that made the villagers grab their pitchforks and touches
  16. maybe the villagers gave the troll a chance ''perhaps with stares and hurtful words'' the troll is misunderstood and perhaps if they troll had more control over his own thoughts he should have gave it time for the villagers to trust him
  17. maybe he wouldn't of reacted so impulsively and ate all of the villagers pets and live stock
  18. the things that they are attached to
  19. the things they love the things they raised from a baby
  20. perhaps the troll deserved being burned at the stake
  21. perhaps its the pure beauty of vengeance
  22. to watch your eyes as you feel the first flames touch your skin
  23. to see just how much you regret your actions
  24. the only moment in your life that you truly thought out your actions
  25. but no it was way too late
  26. your legs are on fire
  27. the pain is so intense and so unbearable that knowing your about to die
  28. you resort to nothing less then pure Instinct
  29. creating a burst of energy unreal to the villagers you break the hold and jump out of the flames
  30. destroying everything in your path
  31. your mind was also destroyed in the process
  32. nothing left but the animal inside
  33. so you will live like an animal feeding from the next most interesting thing that catches the eye
  34. perfecting your killer Instinct more and more with each drop of blood tasted
  35. you no longer think you only feed
  36. then you will recover
  37. start to trust things again start to love and care for something
  38. one day it will just click and every puzzle piece in your mind will come together and you will be able to see through everything
  39. you will be able to find beauty from everything
  40. you will no longer want to hurt a fly unless they truly deserve it just for being what you used to be or like the villagers that mistreated you
  41. but atleast you will leave the good ones alive because you can see the pure heart they are
  42. they don't deserve to die so what gives you the right to kill them? and before long instead of killing the villagers you help them
  43. you realize that they are only cruel because they were treated badly at some point of their life
  44. just like you were
  45. you become beautiful despite all the burns on your body and you leave the beast behind
  46. you find meaning in life
  47. you can control every move you make
  48. every thought you think
  49. every emotion you have
  50. you can control the smiles and the fronds on every persons face
  51. you become someone that people want to follow
  52. for the right reasons even if they seem wrong to others
  53. you will explain the way you see it
  54. and they will understand it and accept it
  55. you will have enough power to turn the land to dust but not choose to use it for that reason
  56. your eyes will be opened
  57. but first you have to be burned at the stake
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