

May 12th, 2014
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  1. -------Quest Premise------
  3. Players go on expedition to discover what other Griffon Holdings there are in Big Book of Maps that Thane Farbeak gave to the players earlier in the world.
  5. ---Potential Reward---
  7. Old diary journal that contains local flora entries as penned by a semi professional herbalist. However some of the entries might be wrong! The herbalist is only a semi professional after all.
  9. ---Mechanics behind it would work as so...
  10. Find Plant, look up plant, if its a normal plant entry is a ok, if its abnormal such as Dragons' Nerf or a Sun flower as an example would give a basic information behind it in regards to its effect and theoritical ideas for potions, however this information CAN be faulty. Example would be if OOC a plant that has a posion that kills if eating a whole leaf from said plant would be described as 'Nibbling upon the plant in question left me exhausted for an entire week, most likely have an idea of using it for a sedative or pain reliveir.'
  12. Can Also work out as a simple roll d20 with the SLSS botany skills to assist in researching with this book and the quality of the information given.
  14. ---Example of what Entries would Look like---
  15. roll 1-5 Faulty desciption of plant!
  16. I found a most interesting plant this day, when I had attempted to taste test it after seeing it was something new I found that it gave a most exhaulrating feeling before I slumped over exhauested from the effects that passed.
  18. roll 5-11 Description of Plant
  19. Sun Flower : Upon coming across this yellow petaled plant I had found that it was a trick! After crossing some boundry it had marked as territory it flashed my eyes and left me seeing spots for a few minutes!
  21. roll 12-16 Sketch and Description of Plant
  22. Passing trough the area I had found a interesting collection of flowers in the night as I moved on, they were small lily shaped things that glowed under the moonlight when I had approched they seemed to dim and eventually exude a darkeness about them as they hid away! When I eventually started a light again the flowers had closed their petals completly its facinating!
  24. roll 17-20
  25. Includes a sketch of the plant.
  26. Descritption of plant and a potion recommendation.
  27. Discovered a interesting plant that lets off continous streams of smoke during the day and had thought it would make a interesting spice for my meal, however upon introducing it to [REDACTED] the pan caught fire and seared a hole stright through the pan! Definitly something that could be used in a explosive or volitile concoction.
  29. ---Why?---
  30. Reason for it would be the equivalent of an acheivement hunter/pokedex type thing which can also give out some hints to the players that may or may not break the pc!
  32. ---How is it brought in---
  34. Realting to the old quest way back called Farbeak quest with the griffon ruins there was a map given that showed the holdings of the hold that were never fully gone into, one of those was a hunting lodge up in the mountains further east from the platue. The Farbeak Hunting Hall as it was called would be a grand majestic ruin that is rather well preserved for a decayed hunting lodge. The answer behind that is due to a variety of creatures having made the lodge their home and kept it running as it passed hooves, talons and even fins at times in history, some in friendly relations others in bloodshed.
  36. This time however it is currently being used by a batpony of the town that had went the same route of Caroline and left the town with a friend he had managed to make from the cesspit of 4c as he thinks it. However they become seperated as the mare he was friends with had gone on ahead due to some sick jokesters prank that had said he was already going on! The bat then gives chase remembering that they were going to head north as they had both agreed that the Crystal Empire would most likely be more hospitable to them than Canterlot was. Coming across the lodge in the freezing cold due to his want to try for the crystal empire and search for his friend the batpony would take shelter in the lodge and regain his strength. Finding the lodge in rather good repair the bat pony finds that his friend had passed through here as well! He knows this as she had left her journal behind with a bunch of her notes inside! Realizing that it would be better to gather supplies first before making the trek to the empire and hunt down his friend he started to hunt and made a small garden in addition to the things his friend from before had done to fix the place up.
  38. Upon finding the book the bat found the last entry describing that she was heading on up the mountain pass, confident now once he regains his strength and collects enough food for the journey the bat will follow suit. Main way to gather food for him is done by hunting and traps much like Mary does. However there is a problem the traps he lays out have recently been getting uprooted and knocked down as if by some large creature that is being a pain in the ass for him. Attempts to hunt it down have been for naught and it had lead to him getting frustrated stay out of the lodge longer and longer when the pcs arrive from the instructions on the map.
  40. When pcs arrive they will need to navigate through a variety of simple traps to enter the home while I will drop hints that its partially occupied even if the rest of the lodge looks desserted as hell. Eventually the party will hopefully enter the lodge and find the book in his room amongst other things such as
  42. -Dried Jerky
  43. -Bedding
  44. -Bow and arrows
  45. -charcol sketches of humans
  46. -some clothing
  47. -Plant book
  49. Now the moral quandry fun times begins! Do they take the stuff and get even if its not theres? Do they trade for it? All sorts of delectful questions to answer as they have a time limit until the batty returns and sees theives! Que a small midboss fight between the party and the batty where if they pcs win against the batpony by beating him down to half health, he will ask for forgiveness and ask why they are doing this. If instead they do diplomatic options during the combat sequence then the batpony will slowly calm down and ask what they want. Granted if one pony is being nice and the next one attacks then all bets are off and its a fight.
  51. Now what happens if the pcs get recked would be that the batty would tell them thats what they deserve and keep em alive as he has a task for them help wth since ts the least they can do to help.
  53. This task which is what all options would lead to hopefully is to assist in hunting down this troublesome critter that is wrecking all of his traps. The reward would be the plant book as the batpony gets well enough with his garden but still has a sweet tooth as it were for meats.
  55. The Party heads out to hunt in pairs with a small horn to alert the others which will allow them to concentrate it down when they find it. Hopefully they will find it, the it however is a Great Buck with a truly impressive size and antlers on its brow that uses them to gore and use a bit of subtle magic to make plants bend the right way to allow for easier escape. Its that subtle magic use that caused all of the batponies traps to fall to pieces as he was mainly using snares and traps using plants and woods.
  57. After the hunt is concluded they all return and the batpony offers them to stay away from town since they seem decent enough. Especially considering its a town based from 4chan, which would have the added option of allowing the pcs to maybe retire their character as a npc if they wanted or something else who knows really just an idea to talk bout some more.
  59. End result however is that the party gets the book the batpony gets to hunt in peace and everyones happy, cept for the deer, hes dead.
  61. ---Stats---
  63. Batpony - Wagon Wheel
  64. HP 12
  65. AC 12
  66. Dmg d6+1 Bow and Arrows range of 30 yards or about 15 meteres I think
  68. Perks Hunter's Expertise - When using a ranged weapon gain a plus one to Aim.
  70. Great Buck
  71. HP 25
  72. AC 13
  73. Dmg d4+2
  75. Specials
  76. Gore - Lower horns to impale the enemy! Roll d20 to hit as normal target rolls to avoid whoever is highest is winner, if hit deal d6 damage plus 1 point of bleeding damage over 3 turns.
  77. Nature's Call - Biambi's bloodline flows in you when making an escape check or attempting to conceal yourself add a +3 to attempts.
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