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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- #define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(b);++i)
- #define FORD(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i >= (b); --i)
- #define VAR(v, i) __typeof(i) v=(i)
- #define FORE(i, c) for(VAR(i, (c).begin()); i != (c).end(); ++i)
- #define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end()
- #define PII pair<int,int>
- #define mp make_pair
- #define st first
- #define nd second
- #define pb push_back
- #define lint long long int
- #define VI vector<int>
- #define debug(x) {cerr <<#x <<" = " <<x <<endl; }
- #define debug2(x,y) {cerr <<#x <<" = " <<x << ", "<<#y<<" = "<< y <<endl; }
- #define debug3(x,y,z) {cerr <<#x <<" = " <<x << ", "<<#y<<" = "<< y << ", " << #z << " = " << z <<endl; }
- #define debugv(x) {{cerr <<#x <<" = "; FORE(itt, (x)) cerr <<*itt <<", "; cerr <<endl; }}
- #define debugt(t,n) {{cerr <<#t <<" = "; FOR(it,0,(n)) cerr <<t[it] <<", "; cerr <<endl; }}
- #define make( x) int (x); scanf("%d",&(x));
- #define make2( x, y) int (x), (y); scanf("%d%d",&(x),&(y));
- #define make3(x, y, z) int (x), (y), (z); scanf("%d%d%d",&(x),&(y),&(z));
- #define make4(x, y, z, t) int (x), (y), (z), (t); scanf("%d%d%d%d",&(x),&(y),&(z),&(t));
- #define makev(v,n) VI (v); FOR(i,0,(n)) { make(a); (v).pb(a);}
- #define IOS ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0)
- #define HEAP priority_queue
- #define read( x) scanf("%d",&(x));
- #define read2( x, y) scanf("%d%d",&(x),&(y));
- #define read3(x, y, z) scanf("%d%d%d",&(x),&(y),&(z));
- #define read4(x, y, z, t) scanf("%d%d%d%d",&(x),&(y),&(z),&(t));
- #define readv(v,n) FOR(i,0,(n)) { make(a); (v).pb(a);}
- using namespace std;
- #define CD complex<double>
- int mod = 1e9+7;
- const int max_n = 1e6+5;
- const double eps = 1e-8;
- CD roots[max_n];
- CD t1[max_n], t2[max_n];
- int N;
- int n1, n2; // INPUT
- VI A, B;
- int ANS[max_n];
- void FFT(CD t[]) {
- FOR(i,0,N) {
- int j = 0;
- for (int k=1; k<N; k<<=1, j<<=1) if(k&i) j++;
- j>>=1;
- if(i<j) swap(t[i], t[j]);
- }
- int step = 1, n_step = 0;
- while ((1<<n_step)<N) n_step++;
- for (int step=1; step<N; step<<=1) {
- --n_step;
- for(int i = 0; i<N; i+=2*step) FOR(j,0,step) {
- CD u = t[i+j], v = t[i+j+step];
- t[i+j] = u + v*roots[j<<n_step];
- t[i+j+step] = u-v*roots[j<<n_step];
- }
- }
- }
- VI conv(VI& v1, VI& v2) {
- n1 = v1.size(); n2 = v2.size();
- N = 1;
- while(N<n1 || N<n2) N<<=1;
- N<<=1;
- FOR(i,0,N) {
- t1[i] = CD(0.0,0.0);
- t2[i] = CD(0.0,0.0);
- roots[i] = CD(cos(2*M_PI*i/N), -sin(2*M_PI*i/N));
- }
- FOR(i,0,n1) t1[i] = CD(v1[i],0.0);
- FOR(i,0,n2) t2[i] = CD(v2[i],0.0);
- FFT(t1); FFT(t2);
- double s = 1.0/N;
- FOR(i,0,N) {
- t1[i] *= t2[i]*s;
- roots[i] = CD(real(roots[i]), -imag(roots[i]));
- }
- FFT(t1);
- FOR(i,0,N) {
- ANS[i] = ((lint) (real(t1[i])+0.5))%mod;
- roots[i] = CD(real(roots[i]), -imag(roots[i]));
- }
- VI ans; FOR(i,0,n1+n2) ans.pb(ANS[i]%mod);
- return ans;
- }
- VI v;
- int SQ = 30000;
- VI conv2(VI& v1, VI& v2) {
- VI w1, w2, w3, w4;
- FOR(i,0,v1.size()) w1.pb(v1[i]%SQ), w3.pb(v1[i]/SQ);
- FOR(i,0,v2.size()) w2.pb(v2[i]%SQ), w4.pb(v2[i]/SQ);
- VI ans1 = conv(w1, w2);
- VI ans2 = conv(w1, w4);
- VI ans3 = conv(w3, w2);
- VI ans4 = conv(w3, w4);
- FOR(i,0,ans1.size()) {
- int myns = (ans1[i] + ans2[i] *1LL*SQ + ans3[i] * 1LL * SQ + ans4[i] * 1LL * SQ * 1LL * SQ) % mod;
- ans1[i] = myns;
- }
- return ans1;
- }
- VI rob(int a, int b) {
- if (a==b) {
- VI ans(2);
- ans[0] = v[a];
- ans[1] = 1;
- return ans;
- } else {
- int mid = (a+b)/2;
- VI v1 = rob(a, mid);
- VI v2 = rob(mid+1, b);
- return conv2(v1, v2);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- make(myn);
- readv(v, myn);
- VI ans = rob(0, myn - 1);
- int loc = 0;
- FOR(i,0,ans.size()) {
- loc = (loc + (myn-i)*1LL*ans[i])%mod;
- }
- printf("%d\n", loc);
- }
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