
Endtown RPG Session #2

Sep 15th, 2015
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  3. Status #EndtownRPGX Help!X Robert_StonesX
  4. #EndtownRPG: (no topic set)
  5. [14:40] == DM_Everst [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #EndtownRPG
  6. [14:41] <DM_Everst> Thanks, well there is a sort of thing in games where adventurers are supposed to be pretty strong right at the start.
  7. [14:41] <DM_Everst> I switched to desktop.
  8. [14:41] <DM_Everst> Yeah, I think that covers the new stuff.
  9. [14:41] <DM_Everst> Oh, science has been revised.
  10. [14:42] <DM_Everst> Common sense science is now just "Science" and big boy science is now "Science Advanced"
  11. [14:43] <DM_Everst> There is such a thing as a science skill kit as well.
  12. [14:43] <moglog> I'm not dead yet
  13. [14:43] == DM_a_comin [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  14. [14:43] <DM_Everst> We'll fix that.
  15. [14:44] <BeaverGray> I must have a lot of kits
  16. [14:44] <BeaverGray> I have science, woodworking, and engineering
  17. [14:44] <DM_Everst> Now you know what it's like to be a good and proper engineer
  18. [14:45] * Maels just runs super fast.
  19. [14:45] <BeaverGray> does anyone have the log from the first session?
  20. [14:46] <DM_Everst> Yeah Maels, you're not Usane but you're about jesse owens tier.
  21. [14:46] <DM_Everst> We don't have a log, swear on me mum I'll save it this time.
  22. [14:46] <DM_Everst> But I remember what happened.
  23. [14:46] <Maels> Technically. I'm one point away from being Usain bolt, and 1 more from surpassing him.
  24. [14:47] <DM_Everst> Correct.
  25. [14:47] <moglog> as it happens does anyone have a link to my character sheet pastebin?
  26. [14:47] * Maels can also get a log as well as needed.
  27. [14:49] <DM_Everst> I'm digging through my history
  28. [14:50] <DM_Everst> Snapper:
  29. [14:50] <moglog> thank you
  30. [14:51] <DM_Everst> Stones:
  31. [14:51] <DM_Everst> ... And that's all I got, huh.
  32. [14:52] <DM_Everst> np
  33. [14:52] <BeaverGray>
  34. [14:53] <BobbyBoulders> so what time specifically are we starting
  35. [14:54] <moglog> DM said an hour drom 16:18
  36. [14:54] <DM_Everst> 3:00, 15:00 hours
  37. [14:54] <moglog> from*
  38. [14:55] <DM_Everst> We can start right now if you guys want
  39. [14:55] <BeaverGray> Wait!
  40. [14:55] <BeaverGray> I need food
  41. [14:55] <DM_Everst> Its like 5 minutes away.
  42. [14:55] <DM_Everst> Good idea!
  43. [14:56] == Boulders [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  44. [14:56] <Boulders> is 5:55 pm right now
  45. [14:56] == moglog has changed nick to Snapper_Jack
  46. [14:56] == BobbyBoulders [BobbyBould@cant.stop.the.rock] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Boulders))]
  47. [14:57] == Boulders has changed nick to BobbyBoulders
  48. [14:57] <DM_Everst> I gotta remember this IRC command stuff.
  49. [14:57] == Maels has changed nick to DJ_Max
  50. [14:57] <Snapper_Jack> !r d10
  51. [14:57] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d10
  52. [14:57] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  53. [14:57] <DM_Everst> !r 1d10
  54. [14:57] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  55. [14:57] <DM_Everst> !r 1d10
  56. [14:57] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 7 --; Total: 7.
  57. [14:58] <DM_Everst> Hey DJ/maels, do you have a pastebin for your character or anything?
  58. [14:59] <DJ_Max> Yeah one sec
  59. [14:59] <DM_Everst> np
  60. [15:00] <DJ_Max> Whoop. I put it in my dropbox not pastebin
  61. [15:00] <DJ_Max> But that changes very little.
  62. [15:00] <BobbyBoulders> I still don't know how long from now we starting
  63. [15:00] <BobbyBoulders> I don't know what time zone
  64. [15:00] <BobbyBoulders> DM is
  65. [15:00] <DM_Everst> PST
  66. [15:00] <BobbyBoulders> oh ok
  67. [15:01] <BobbyBoulders> so an hour from now?
  68. [15:01] <BobbyBoulders> or here very soon
  69. [15:01] <BeaverGray> more like a minute ago
  70. [15:01] <BeaverGray> but
  71. [15:01] <BobbyBoulders> ayy
  72. [15:01] <BobbyBoulders> ok
  73. [15:01] <BeaverGray> I have to head to the store real quick
  74. [15:01] <BeaverGray> brb
  75. [15:02] <Snapper_Jack> anyone got the doc open?
  76. [15:02] <BobbyBoulders> I'll also be getting dinner here in the next hours
  77. [15:02] == BeaverGray []
  78. [15:02] == realname : Rizon Web IRC @
  79. [15:02] == channels : #EndtownRPG
  80. [15:02] == server : * [Where are you?]
  81. [15:02] == : is using a secure connection
  82. [15:02] == : BeaverGray is a CGI:IRC client
  83. [15:02] == End of WHOIS
  84. [15:02] <DM_Everst> Yeah.
  85. [15:02] <DM_Everst>
  86. [15:03] <Snapper_Jack> thanks
  87. [15:04] <DM_Everst> Across the world, three guys get hungry at the same time. I'm gonna go eat something. Back in a sec.
  88. [15:09] <DM_Everst> I am back. I am a fast eater.
  89. [15:10] <DM_Everst> Anyone have any questions while we're getting settled or is everyone out to dinner?
  90. [15:11] * DJ_Max is good.
  91. [15:11] * DM_Everst agrees.
  92. [15:12] <Snapper_Jack> should we reroll initiative? I don't really remember where I was in the order.
  93. [15:13] <DM_Everst> I thought it was beaver, stones, then you but sure if you want.
  94. [15:13] <DM_Everst> The highest roll was 14 IIRC
  95. [15:14] <DM_Everst> So go ahead, just for you.
  96. [15:14] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  97. [15:14] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  98. [15:14] <Snapper_Jack> +7
  99. [15:14] <DM_Everst> 15
  100. [15:14] <DM_Everst> So you go then gray, then stones.
  101. [15:15] <DM_Everst> For a guy holding the gun right to a bird's head he is not going fast on the pickup.
  102. [15:15] <Snapper_Jack> Killing for the first time can be a hard thing bruh
  103. [15:16] <DM_Everst> -3d10 mind points to be precise!
  104. [15:16] <DM_Everst> But we don't have to go into that yet.
  105. [15:18] <DM_Everst> Speaking of this specific scenario and Mind Damage, I still haven't gotten word from Aaron if Typhoid's are immune to schism.
  106. [15:18] <DM_Everst> I mean, they should be right?
  107. [15:18] <DM_Everst> For now, let's assume that it is.
  108. [15:18] <Snapper_Jack> noo mutation to get out of sync with, so yeah
  109. [15:19] <DM_Everst> Yeah. So I'll type that in the rules and see if it flies.
  110. [15:19] <DM_Everst> Ask Aaron again.
  111. [15:22] <DM_Everst> So I've been mulling over some skills to put in
  112. [15:22] <BeaverGray> hey sorry bout that
  113. [15:22] <BeaverGray> im back
  114. [15:22] <DM_Everst> np
  115. [15:22] <BeaverGray> I was first
  116. [15:22] <DJ_Max> Oh? What kind of skills?
  117. [15:23] <BeaverGray> I remember cus I really wanted to slap the gun out of Stones' hand
  118. [15:23] <BobbyBoulders> SO
  119. [15:23] <DM_Everst> One was a super stealth skill that required you to have all the other stealth skills, you would navigate people's blindspots like a ninja
  120. [15:23] <BobbyBoulders> you wanted to slap the gun out of a fully grown male human
  121. [15:24] <Snapper_Jack> if I recall he suceeded just before we called it a night.
  122. [15:24] <DM_Everst> Yes, such is life in endtown.
  123. [15:24] <BobbyBoulders> nope
  124. [15:24] <BobbyBoulders> he was about to roll for it
  125. [15:24] <DM_Everst> Well, roll.
  126. [15:24] <BeaverGray> i was gunna roll for a tailslap
  127. [15:24] <BobbyBoulders> did we already start
  128. [15:24] <BobbyBoulders> just now
  129. [15:24] <DM_Everst> Correct.
  130. [15:25] <BobbyBoulders> hold on
  131. [15:25] <BeaverGray> what are the rules for that exactly?
  132. [15:25] == BobbyBoulders has changed nick to Robert_Stones
  133. [15:25] <DM_Everst> Well he gets a penalty to hit for targetinga small spot.
  134. [15:25] <DM_Everst> -2
  135. [15:26] <Robert_Stones> what about height difference
  136. [15:26] <DM_Everst> Also your arm would have 80 hp.
  137. [15:26] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  138. [15:26] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 5 --; Total: 5.
  139. [15:26] <BeaverGray> welp
  140. [15:26] <DM_Everst> He is short and you are regular. So it's abit of a reach but not undoable--
  141. [15:26] <DM_Everst> Welp!
  142. [15:27] <DM_Everst> You do have another action.
  143. [15:27] <BeaverGray> hey, short is the new regular around here
  144. [15:27] <BeaverGray> can I try for a second tail slap
  145. [15:27] <DM_Everst> yes, but you won't be able to parry!
  146. [15:27] <DM_Everst> So yeah.
  147. [15:28] <BeaverGray> I need to get that gun out of his hand
  148. [15:28] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  149. [15:28] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 7 --; Total: 7.
  150. [15:28] <BeaverGray> come on
  151. [15:28] <DM_Everst> Are you adding your speed?
  152. [15:28] <BeaverGray> oh
  153. [15:28] <BeaverGray> speed is 6
  154. [15:28] <DM_Everst> Now we're on track.
  155. [15:28] <BeaverGray> so 15
  156. [15:28] <BeaverGray> okay
  157. [15:28] <Robert_Stones> minus penalty!
  158. [15:28] <Robert_Stones> !
  159. [15:28] <DM_Everst> So 13
  160. [15:28] <BeaverGray> aw
  161. [15:29] <Robert_Stones> !!!
  162. [15:29] <Snapper_Jack> where's DJ_Max
  163. [15:29] <DM_Everst> Really the melee system is dependent more on active defense than failed rolls.
  164. [15:29] * DJ_Max is here. But he was instead moving to get the bird out of the room. Better to not be there.
  165. [15:30] <DM_Everst> So you you want to roll intiative on this DJ?
  166. [15:30] <DJ_Max> Right.
  167. [15:30] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  168. [15:30] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 4 --; Total: 4.
  169. [15:30] <DJ_Max> 7
  170. [15:30] <DJ_Max> No, 8, herp.
  171. [15:30] <DM_Everst> Okay then.
  172. [15:30] <DM_Everst> Roll damage beaver.
  173. [15:31] <DM_Everst> And let's all remember the thing called "Restrained strike."
  174. [15:31] <BeaverGray> sorry, whats the damage for getting beaver tailed?
  175. [15:32] <DM_Everst> You declare a restrained strike in melee, before the attack, (10+2d10+str)
  176. [15:32] <BeaverGray> I only want to hurt him enough so he drops the gun
  177. [15:32] <BeaverGray> So yeah, restrained strike
  178. [15:32] <DM_Everst> I'd say 10 damage sounds good. That okay stones?
  179. [15:33] <BeaverGray> !r 2d10+14
  180. [15:33] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 1, 1 +14 --; Total: 16.
  181. [15:33] <Robert_Stones> 10 damage sure why not
  182. [15:33] <BeaverGray> haha
  183. [15:33] <BeaverGray> double 1's
  184. [15:33] <DM_Everst> A love tap if there ever was one.
  185. [15:34] <DM_Everst> Still, 10 damage to Stones arm.
  186. [15:34] * BeaverGray runs toward the armed human, swinging his tail full around, missing once, but landing a blow the second time around
  187. [15:34] <Robert_Stones> what do I roll
  188. [15:34] <Robert_Stones> for defense?
  189. [15:34] <DM_Everst> The pistol slides to the other side of the room, which is like 4 feet away.
  190. [15:34] <Robert_Stones> or do I have to declare that
  191. [15:34] <DM_Everst> Same as if it was a strike 1d20+speed.
  192. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> well ok
  193. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> uh
  194. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> I would have wanted to dodge that
  195. [15:35] <DM_Everst> Well I thought you were just taking the hit.
  196. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> sorry!
  197. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> well
  198. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> I'm ok
  199. [15:35] <Robert_Stones> with the gun being knocked away anyways
  200. [15:36] <Robert_Stones> (dinner is going to be ready soon anyways, so I'm going to have the character jump out and disappear for a while, is that ok)?
  201. [15:36] <DM_Everst> Okay.
  202. [15:36] <BeaverGray> Youre just cooling off cus you got schooled by a beaever
  203. [15:36] <DM_Everst> Snapper, we neglected you in this conflict so now it's your turn.
  204. [15:36] * Robert_Stones noticing he's without a gun, he jumps for the window
  205. [15:36] <Robert_Stones> what do I roll
  206. [15:36] <Robert_Stones> well,
  207. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> what am I checking for that
  208. [15:37] <DM_Everst> Tumbling,
  209. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> ok
  210. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> I don't have that skill
  211. [15:37] <DM_Everst> It's a free one.
  212. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> o
  213. [15:37] <DM_Everst> So 2-7
  214. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> !r 1d20
  215. [15:37] <AbsolBot> Robert_Stones Rolled:-- 4 --; Total: 4.
  216. [15:37] <DM_Everst> 1d20 +2
  217. [15:37] <Robert_Stones> I thought adding with the bot
  218. [15:38] <DM_Everst> You succeed!
  219. [15:38] <Robert_Stones> was broken
  220. [15:38] <DM_Everst> lil bit.
  221. [15:38] <Robert_Stones> because last time it would give us the same results
  222. [15:38] <Robert_Stones> every time
  223. [15:38] <DM_Everst> You flip through the window and stick the dismount.
  224. [15:38] <Robert_Stones> now was that two actions or one
  225. [15:39] <DM_Everst> One, let's say.
  226. [15:39] <Robert_Stones> ok
  227. [15:39] * Robert_Stones bolts
  228. [15:39] <Robert_Stones> I'll brb in like an hour and a half
  229. [15:39] <Snapper_Jack> syl
  230. [15:39] <DM_Everst> Cool.
  231. [15:40] <DM_Everst> Back to the apartment, Gray has swatted away Stones who responsively jumps to freedom.
  232. [15:41] <DM_Everst> The Crane is clutching his beak. He seems like he's ready to not be hit again.
  233. [15:41] <DM_Everst> DJ, continue to escort the crane out of the scene?
  234. [15:41] <BeaverGray> Look we need.. stay focused here
  235. [15:42] <Snapper_Jack> are we using quoets for our characters' talking?
  236. [15:42] <DM_Everst> If you want. We can get the gist.
  237. [15:42] <BeaverGray> ((I gues not, whoops)
  238. [15:42] <DM_Everst> I'll use quotes.
  239. [15:42] <DM_Everst> Crane "Bwaaaa"
  240. [15:43] <BeaverGray> Okay. We aren't going to shoot you. But we can't let you go and rat us out. Where were you going to take the stuff?
  241. [15:44] <DM_Everst> "We were going to take it to Bronco."
  242. [15:44] * BeaverGray sighs and covers his face "Please tell me Bronco isn't a bull"
  243. [15:44] <DM_Everst> "Everything goes to Bronco first."
  244. [15:45] <DM_Everst> "...Okay, he isn't."
  245. [15:45] <DJ_Max> "...Is he actually not a bull?"
  246. [15:45] <DM_Everst> "I'm just doing what you tell me!"
  247. [15:46] <Snapper_Jack> "where is Bronco?"
  248. [15:46] * DJ_Max sighes. "I'm sorry about earlier, just 'um...try to calm down and look...after this, we'll just act like we never saw or ever met each other, cool?"
  249. [15:46] <BeaverGray> ((Did we have a photo? Stones jumped with the thing of fabric right?))
  250. [15:47] <DM_Everst> "Bridge 12, down by the river on the south eng"
  251. [15:47] <Snapper_Jack> ((I think I'm still holding on to the photo))
  252. [15:47] <DM_Everst> "Cool cool, just don't hit me anymore!"
  253. [15:47] <DM_Everst> You still have the photo.
  254. [15:47] <Snapper_Jack> ((It had a bull and something else on it))
  255. [15:48] <DM_Everst> A fish.
  256. [15:48] <BeaverGray> That's not going to work. He's going to rat. I say we call the cops. He'll be out of jail sooner than later, but he'll be out of our hair for a while
  257. [15:48] <Snapper_Jack> ((Right))
  258. [15:48] <DM_Everst> "Oh god not again, I swear on me mum I'll go straight!"
  259. [15:49] <DJ_Max> "Well, he'd rat to the police too, and then they'd be in OUR hair."
  260. [15:49] <Snapper_Jack> "We could break his jaw and send him too the hospital."
  261. [15:49] <DJ_Max> "We're better off just trusting each other and letting go."
  262. [15:49] <DM_Everst> "I'll work the mines, go scavenging topside just DON"T KILL ME!"
  263. [15:49] <DM_Everst> The crane has curled up into a ball.
  264. [15:49] <DJ_Max> "Alright everyone. We can just, put all this behind us, act like it didn't happen and move on. Alright? We don't have to go all..."
  265. [15:50] <DM_Everst> Stones on him?
  266. [15:50] <Snapper_Jack> "He'd recover."
  267. [15:50] <BeaverGray> "Fine. Lets get out of here before someone comes wondering where their lackey went."
  268. [15:50] <Snapper_Jack> "Bridge 12?"
  269. [15:51] <DM_Everst> Down by the river.
  270. [15:51] * BeaverGray nods
  271. [15:51] <DM_Everst> It's nearby.
  272. [15:51] * DJ_Max nods. "Yeah. Lets roll. Bet the 5-0's on their way already."
  273. [15:51] <DM_Everst> Exit?
  274. [15:51] <Snapper_Jack> ye
  275. [15:51] * DJ_Max exits stage left.
  276. [15:51] <DM_Everst> You exit the building and proceed to bridge 12
  277. [15:52] <DM_Everst> Just as you turn the corner you see four rats lined up on the street.
  278. [15:52] <BeaverGray> "Great..."
  279. [15:52] <Snapper_Jack> Cop rats, or just rats?
  280. [15:52] <DM_Everst> Two have knives and two have bows and arrows.
  281. [15:52] <Snapper_Jack> right
  282. [15:52] <Snapper_Jack> probably not cops
  283. [15:52] <DM_Everst> Punk rats. little chains and leather. Pointy hair.
  284. [15:53] <Snapper_Jack> "Let me handle this."
  285. [15:53] * DJ_Max blinks "er...Go for it."
  286. [15:53] <DM_Everst> They speak,"Aaron aint good for much, is he?!
  287. [15:54] <Snapper_Jack> "You there. Rats."
  288. [15:54] <DM_Everst> He continues, "Sorry, Double A-ron" the other mice chitter.
  289. [15:54] <DM_Everst> The stare at you.
  290. [15:54] <BeaverGray> (haha what)
  291. [15:54] <Snapper_Jack> "You will leave. Now."
  292. [15:55] <DM_Everst> The laugh harder. "How's that?"
  293. [15:55] <Snapper_Jack> "I'm a 350lb carnivore. You are in my way."
  294. [15:57] <BeaverGray> "I wouldn't argue with him"
  295. [15:57] <DM_Everst> "You're an armored lunch box!"
  296. [15:57] <DM_Everst> "Right boys?" Laughter continues.
  297. [15:57] <DJ_Max> "I wouldn't either personally. He's got a lot of jaw..."
  298. [15:58] <DM_Everst> "Give us AA-ron, and what else you got."
  299. [15:58] <DM_Everst> "We heard you working him! This is our job!"
  300. [15:59] <Snapper_Jack> It occurs to me that there is no intimidate skill))
  301. [15:59] <Snapper_Jack> "You mean the bird?"
  302. [15:59] <DM_Everst> Actually there is. I forgot to bring that up.
  303. [15:59] <DM_Everst> It's in social.
  304. [15:59] <DM_Everst> There's a table on it.
  305. [16:00] <DM_Everst> "Yeah, in the flat! You kill him?"
  306. [16:00] <Snapper_Jack> Ah, I see it.
  307. [16:00] <BeaverGray> "Why, what do you want with him?"
  308. [16:00] <Snapper_Jack> "I ate him."
  309. [16:00] <DM_Everst> The rats ready their weapons.
  310. [16:01] <DJ_Max> "Er..."
  311. [16:01] <Snapper_Jack> damn, should have rolled for intimidate.
  312. [16:01] <DM_Everst> "We're his cover! Feather head couldn't do one thing right! BOYS!" He singals.
  313. [16:01] <DM_Everst> We'll remember that next time.
  314. [16:01] <DM_Everst> ROLL INTIATIVE
  315. [16:01] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  316. [16:01] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 12 --; Total: 12.
  317. [16:01] <Snapper_Jack> +7
  318. [16:02] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20+6
  319. [16:02] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 1 +6 --; Total: 7.
  320. [16:02] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20+4
  321. [16:02] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 1 +4 --; Total: 5.
  322. [16:02] * DJ_Max is going slow.
  323. [16:02] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20+6
  324. [16:02] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 1 +6 --; Total: 7.
  325. [16:02] <BeaverGray> what the shit is this
  326. [16:02] <DJ_Max> I have no idea.
  327. [16:02] <Snapper_Jack> don't add your mind in the roll it's self
  328. [16:02] <DM_Everst> I'll let you reroll gray.
  329. [16:03] <Snapper_Jack> it will always give a a shitty number
  330. [16:03] <BeaverGray> Nah its fine
  331. [16:03] <DJ_Max> Yeah, its fiiine.
  332. [16:03] <DM_Everst> Well, reroll anyway, you're tied with the rats.
  333. [16:03] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20+6
  334. [16:03] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 1 +6 --; Total: 7.
  335. [16:03] <BeaverGray> Im calling shenanigans
  336. [16:04] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20+6
  337. [16:04] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 1 +6 --; Total: 7.
  338. [16:04] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  339. [16:04] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  340. [16:04] <DM_Everst> Yep, that's a thing.
  341. [16:04] <DJ_Max> The Bot has a mind of its own.
  342. [16:04] <DJ_Max> Its gone rampent.
  343. [16:04] <DM_Everst> Let's add post roll from now on.
  344. [16:04] <Snapper_Jack> agreed
  345. [16:05] <Snapper_Jack> now, am I already standing near the rats, or do I have to move towards them?
  346. [16:05] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  347. [16:05] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 19 --; Total: 19.
  348. [16:05] <BeaverGray> +6 = 25
  349. [16:05] <Snapper_Jack> whoops
  350. [16:05] <Snapper_Jack> nvm
  351. [16:05] <BeaverGray> Im a fast little rodent
  352. [16:05] <DM_Everst> Well, I was thinking they were afew paces away. Like 6.
  353. [16:06] <DM_Everst> The order goes Snap, rats, Gray, DJ. Sound good?
  354. [16:06] <Snapper_Jack> aight
  355. [16:07] <DM_Everst> It appears the rats have leather jackets (60hp) I should note.
  356. [16:07] <DM_Everst> So, snapper, your turn.
  357. [16:07] <Snapper_Jack> when you say six paces that's two moves to cover that distance?
  358. [16:08] <DM_Everst> Or one if you have speed 6
  359. [16:08] <DM_Everst> Running, would be 12 paces at speed 6.
  360. [16:08] <DM_Everst> Sorry, without a map I'm using general terms here.
  361. [16:09] <Snapper_Jack> damn, I'll just use both my moves to cover the distance then. try to get in the middle of em', grab their attention.
  362. [16:09] <DM_Everst> Let's say you do!
  363. [16:09] <Snapper_Jack> I can take a few hits from some rats.
  364. [16:09] <DM_Everst> Rats turn.
  365. [16:10] <DM_Everst> Rat attacks snapper with knife!
  366. [16:10] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  367. [16:10] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 1 --; Total: 1.
  368. [16:10] <DM_Everst> +6, but still a crit whiff. He loses his knife.
  369. [16:10] <DM_Everst> It goes torwads:
  370. [16:10] <DM_Everst> !r 1d7
  371. [16:10] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 2 --; Total: 2.
  372. [16:11] <DM_Everst> Beaver, the knife lands at your feet.
  373. [16:11] <DM_Everst> Other k.rat. Attacks snap
  374. [16:11] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  375. [16:11] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 20 --; Total: 20.
  376. [16:11] <DM_Everst> +6
  377. [16:11] <Snapper_Jack> damn son
  378. [16:11] <DJ_Max> Ouch.
  379. [16:12] <DM_Everst> !r 1d10
  380. [16:12] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 10 --; Total: 10.
  381. [16:12] <DM_Everst> +14
  382. [16:12] <DM_Everst> *2 for crit+ 28 on the shell, snaps.
  383. [16:13] <DM_Everst> That was a relatively hard hit...
  384. [16:13] <Snapper_Jack> that leaves me with 272 HP
  385. [16:13] <DM_Everst> Oh the humanity!
  386. [16:13] <DM_Everst> Arrow rat shoots at DJ.
  387. [16:14] <DM_Everst> *Remember that you can roll to dodge in archery*
  388. [16:14] * DJ_Max shall do so.
  389. [16:14] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  390. [16:14] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 14 --; Total: 14.
  391. [16:14] <DM_Everst> +6= 20
  392. [16:14] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  393. [16:14] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 10 --; Total: 10.
  394. [16:14] <DM_Everst> Plus speed?
  395. [16:14] <DJ_Max> 18.
  396. [16:15] <DM_Everst> nope, on the chest.
  397. [16:15] * DJ_Max tried to do a darksouls roll and failed.
  398. [16:15] <DM_Everst> !r 1d10
  399. [16:15] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 4 --; Total: 4.
  400. [16:15] <DM_Everst> +14
  401. [16:15] <DM_Everst> So 18
  402. [16:15] <DM_Everst> They are using small bows.
  403. [16:15] * DJ_Max shall take it. "Gah. That' hurt."
  404. [16:16] <DM_Everst> A.rat2 attacks Gray.
  405. [16:16] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  406. [16:16] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 3 --; Total: 3.
  407. [16:16] <DM_Everst> *Twang* it flies over your head.
  408. [16:16] <DM_Everst> Gray's turn!
  409. [16:16] * DM_Everst having fun here.
  410. [16:17] <Snapper_Jack> ((Did anyone pick up the gun?))
  411. [16:17] * BeaverGray takes a step back from the careening knife
  412. [16:17] <DM_Everst> +10 damage for headslaping.
  413. [16:17] <BeaverGray> wait what?
  414. [16:17] <DM_Everst> No one declared it.
  415. [16:17] <DM_Everst> I was joking.
  416. [16:17] <BeaverGray> oh god
  417. [16:17] <Snapper_Jack> ((Haha oh wow))
  418. [16:18] <DJ_Max> (None of us thought of it.)
  419. [16:18] <Snapper_Jack> *And in that moment Snapper Jack realized he may be retarded
  420. [16:18] * BeaverGray picks up the knife somewhat nervously before glaring at the rat gang
  421. [16:18] <BeaverGray> "
  422. [16:18] <BeaverGray> So I can move toward them but not much else?
  423. [16:18] <DM_Everst> You can throw the knife. charge, whatevers.
  424. [16:19] <BeaverGray> I'll charge the one with the bow
  425. [16:19] <DM_Everst> You can almost get there, you'll be about 3 feet short.
  426. [16:19] <DM_Everst> Okay.
  427. [16:19] <DM_Everst> Time for DJ!
  428. [16:20] <DM_Everst> You are actually fast enough to approach and do something!
  429. [16:20] * DJ_Max after getting over the arrow would like know how crowded around each other they all are.
  430. [16:20] * DJ_Max wants to see if he can disarm 2-3 of them at once.
  431. [16:21] <DM_Everst> Well, two are on the left and right of Snapper. Gray is charging one that looks to be fiddling for another arrow.
  432. [16:21] <DM_Everst> There is one guy totally unconfronted.
  433. [16:22] <DM_Everst> The lineup looks like (A.rat)(Gray)(k.rat)(Snap)(k.rat2)(a.rat2)
  434. [16:22] <DM_Everst> From your perspective.
  435. [16:23] * DJ_Max will focus on the unconfronted one! If another is nearby where he stops that he doesn't have to move, he'll try for them too.
  436. [16:23] <DM_Everst> kk
  437. [16:23] * DJ_Max is rolling to disarm
  438. [16:23] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  439. [16:24] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 1 --; Total: 1.
  440. [16:24] <DJ_Max> INCREDBLE.
  441. [16:24] <DM_Everst> That's a whiff.
  442. [16:24] <DM_Everst> You have one more action.
  443. [16:24] * DJ_Max can spin about and try again this time with a kick disarm.
  444. [16:24] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  445. [16:24] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 13 --; Total: 13.
  446. [16:24] <Snapper_Jack> today is a bad day for rats I guess.
  447. [16:24] <DM_Everst> The rat is trying to knock so he doesn't defend.
  448. [16:24] <DM_Everst> roll damage.
  449. [16:25] * DJ_Max simply used the first one as a feint, totally.
  450. [16:25] <DJ_Max> !r 1d10
  451. [16:25] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 2 --; Total: 2.
  452. [16:25] <DJ_Max> +8+8.. so...18?
  453. [16:25] <DM_Everst> Okay.
  454. [16:25] <DM_Everst> And this is targeting his arms, right?
  455. [16:25] <DJ_Max> Yes!
  456. [16:26] <DM_Everst> You whap his hands and his bow goes flying.
  457. [16:26] <DM_Everst> You hear abit of a crack as you do so. The rat clearly is in pain.
  458. [16:26] <DM_Everst> Round 2! Snaps!
  459. [16:27] <Snapper_Jack> there's one more guy with a bow right? I'll go for him.
  460. [16:27] <Snapper_Jack> a bite
  461. [16:27] <DM_Everst> Okay.
  462. [16:28] <DM_Everst> This one is trying to parry.
  463. [16:28] <DM_Everst> Giving up one of his actions on his turn
  464. [16:28] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  465. [16:28] <Snapper_Jack> it's a d20 without any additions right?
  466. [16:28] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 1 --; Total: 1.
  467. [16:28] <DM_Everst> +6
  468. [16:28] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  469. [16:28] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 3 --; Total: 3.
  470. [16:28] <DM_Everst> He critted to let's say thats an autohit.
  471. [16:28] <DM_Everst> roll damage.
  472. [16:29] <Snapper_Jack> alright hangon.
  473. [16:29] <DM_Everst> (...Open like a 7-11)
  474. [16:29] <Snapper_Jack> !r 3d10
  475. [16:29] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 1, 10, 10 --; Total: 21.
  476. [16:29] <Snapper_Jack> +70
  477. [16:30] <DM_Everst> I don't know how gorey you want it but let's just say there are gloves and shoes available.
  478. [16:30] <Snapper_Jack>
  479. [16:30] <DM_Everst> pretty much.
  480. [16:30] <Snapper_Jack> I still have another action right?
  481. [16:31] <DM_Everst> Well, I was saying you moved but, sure, why not?
  482. [16:31] <Snapper_Jack> alright, let's go for the knife guy
  483. [16:31] <Snapper_Jack> another bite
  484. [16:31] <DM_Everst> We are literally talking like a few feet here. Let's just say you reached over.
  485. [16:31] <DM_Everst> Oh dear god.
  486. [16:31] <Snapper_Jack> !r d20
  487. [16:31] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  488. [16:31] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 12 --; Total: 12.
  489. [16:31] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  490. [16:31] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 13 --; Total: 13.
  491. [16:31] <DM_Everst> +6
  492. [16:32] <DM_Everst> So 18 to parry.
  493. [16:32] <DM_Everst> you got 14
  494. [16:32] <Snapper_Jack> oh well.
  495. [16:32] <DM_Everst> So the Rat in horror swooses to the side.
  496. [16:32] <DM_Everst> *You can roll an intimidate next turn.*
  497. [16:33] <DM_Everst> Rats turn!
  498. [16:33] <DM_Everst> k.rat 1 tries to attack snaps, eater of mice!
  499. [16:33] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  500. [16:33] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  501. [16:33] <DM_Everst> +6
  502. [16:34] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  503. [16:34] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 5 --; Total: 5.
  504. [16:34] <Snapper_Jack> +1
  505. [16:34] <Snapper_Jack> eh
  506. [16:34] <DM_Everst> !r 1d10
  507. [16:34] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 7 --; Total: 7.
  508. [16:34] <DM_Everst> +14
  509. [16:34] <DM_Everst> So 21 damage
  510. [16:35] <Snapper_Jack> my god, nearly a quater of my life. gone.
  511. [16:35] <DM_Everst> (The rat is trying so, so hard to hurt you.)
  512. [16:35] <DM_Everst> He parried last turn so he's out.
  513. [16:35] <DM_Everst> k.rat2! Attacks DJ.
  514. [16:35] <DM_Everst> with knife.
  515. [16:36] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  516. [16:36] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 9 --; Total: 9.
  517. [16:36] <DM_Everst> +6
  518. [16:36] <DM_Everst> 15
  519. [16:36] <DJ_Max> (Give that Rat a medal. He's the MVP of this gang)
  520. [16:36] <DM_Everst> (ha)
  521. [16:37] * DJ_Max will attempt to parry if possible.
  522. [16:37] <DM_Everst> Entirely possible
  523. [16:37] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  524. [16:37] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 19 --; Total: 19.
  525. [16:37] <DM_Everst> He attacks, but you don't have any of that.
  526. [16:37] * DJ_Max even does a small sway to go along with it.
  527. [16:38] <DM_Everst> He ends his turn. Disarmed rat moves to DJ's side, to put him between him and snaps.
  528. [16:39] <DM_Everst> He ends his turn to keep an action. Gray's turn!
  529. [16:39] <BeaverGray> i'll go after whoever still has a weapon
  530. [16:39] <Robert_Stones> I am back!
  531. [16:40] <Snapper_Jack> welcome back
  532. [16:40] <DM_Everst> K.rat 1 and 2. You are adjacent to rat 1
  533. [16:40] <Robert_Stones> what is happenin'
  534. [16:40] <DM_Everst> Hey man!
  535. [16:40] <DM_Everst> They fighting rats!
  536. [16:40] <Snapper_Jack> we're killin rats
  537. [16:40] <DM_Everst> with knifes!
  538. [16:40] <BeaverGray> Tail slap
  539. [16:40] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  540. [16:40] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 19 --; Total: 19.
  541. [16:40] <DM_Everst> He spent his actions so he takes it.
  542. [16:41] <BeaverGray> cool
  543. [16:41] <BeaverGray> !r 2d10
  544. [16:41] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 7, 7 --; Total: 14.
  545. [16:41] <BeaverGray> +14
  546. [16:41] <BeaverGray> 28
  547. [16:41] <DM_Everst> (The whole action system is to make sure fast characters can still take a hit.
  548. [16:42] <DM_Everst> You hit him, his jacket takes most of it but it's looking pretty worn.
  549. [16:42] <DM_Everst> (I think maybe the tail slap need a buff.
  550. [16:42] <BeaverGray> I''ll use my second action to knife him
  551. [16:42] <DM_Everst> Wait, did you add strength to the slap?
  552. [16:42] <BeaverGray> yeah
  553. [16:42] <BeaverGray> I have 4
  554. [16:43] <DM_Everst> Okay. Moving on.
  555. [16:43] <DM_Everst> He still takes it.
  556. [16:43] <DM_Everst> He's very busy with the snap attack.
  557. [16:43] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  558. [16:43] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 17 --; Total: 17.
  559. [16:43] <DM_Everst> hit
  560. [16:43] <BeaverGray> +6 = 23
  561. [16:43] <BeaverGray> for the knife
  562. [16:44] <DM_Everst> roll damage
  563. [16:44] <DM_Everst> (His arm only has 40hp)
  564. [16:44] <BeaverGray> I keep closing the tab with the book in it
  565. [16:44] <BeaverGray> sorry could I get it linked again?
  566. [16:45] <DM_Everst>
  567. [16:45] <BeaverGray> !r 1d10
  568. [16:45] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 4 --; Total: 4.
  569. [16:45] <DM_Everst> Knife 10 +1d10
  570. [16:45] <BeaverGray> +14 = 18
  571. [16:45] <DM_Everst> 18
  572. [16:46] <DM_Everst> That's a bruise, you knock it out of his hands and it goes straight down.
  573. [16:46] <DM_Everst> Sorry, wrong attack.
  574. [16:46] <BeaverGray> "Listen buddy.. just go home. Too many people have been hurt today."
  575. [16:47] <DM_Everst> You stab him in his chest.
  576. [16:47] <DM_Everst> Roll intimidate.
  577. [16:47] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  578. [16:47] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 3 --; Total: 3.
  579. [16:48] <DM_Everst> +3 bonus. +3 for mind.
  580. [16:48] <Robert_Stones> so uh
  581. [16:48] <Robert_Stones> ok
  582. [16:48] <BeaverGray> wait
  583. [16:48] <Robert_Stones> u guys are still fighting the rats
  584. [16:48] <Snapper_Jack> yeah
  585. [16:48] <DM_Everst> Yes.
  586. [16:48] <Robert_Stones> kk
  587. [16:48] <BeaverGray> I have 6 mind
  588. [16:48] <BeaverGray> so 9?
  589. [16:48] <DM_Everst> Yes.
  590. [16:49] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  591. [16:49] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 17 --; Total: 17.
  592. [16:49] * BeaverGray is a cute little beaver
  593. [16:49] <DM_Everst> +3
  594. [16:50] <DM_Everst> The rat is very angry
  595. [16:50] <Snapper_Jack> brb
  596. [16:51] <DM_Everst> Okay. DJ, your turn
  597. [16:51] <Snapper_Jack> b
  598. [16:51] <DM_Everst> One rat thinks he's a big tough guy now.
  599. [16:52] <DM_Everst> You have a knife rat and a regular rat trying to get behind you.
  600. [16:52] <DJ_Max> Do I still have that I disarmed in front of me, or are they moving behind me as well?
  601. [16:53] <DM_Everst> The disarmed one is moving behind you, he's on your left right now.
  602. [16:53] <DM_Everst> The knife rat is same as he's ever been.
  603. [16:53] <DM_Everst> ...Sorry, right.
  604. [16:54] * DJ_Max decides to turn about and not let him escape just yet, might as well give them a kick to the head! ...and if the Knife rat is in the same place might as well give them one too. He should have one action left that he'll hold onto after.
  605. [16:54] <DM_Everst> (He's trying to put you between him and the group.)
  606. [16:54] <DM_Everst> Works. Roll!
  607. [16:54] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  608. [16:54] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 17 --; Total: 17.
  609. [16:54] <DM_Everst> Rats will parry
  610. [16:54] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  611. [16:54] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 14 --; Total: 14.
  612. [16:54] <DJ_Max> "One and two and..."
  613. [16:54] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  614. [16:55] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 10 --; Total: 10.
  615. [16:55] <DM_Everst> +6
  616. [16:55] <DM_Everst> !r 1d20
  617. [16:55] <AbsolBot> DM_Everst Rolled:-- 7 --; Total: 7.
  618. [16:55] <DM_Everst> You hit them both.
  619. [16:55] <DJ_Max> I'll just roll the d10s at the same time
  620. [16:55] <DJ_Max> !r 2d10
  621. [16:55] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 6, 3 --; Total: 9.
  622. [16:55] <DJ_Max> 22 and 19
  623. [16:56] <DM_Everst> Okay. And this is to the head?
  624. [16:56] * DJ_Max may look like he's one of those kickboxing instruction videos...and yes.
  625. [16:56] * DJ_Max is all about them called shots it seems.
  626. [16:56] <DM_Everst> Okay.
  627. [16:57] <DM_Everst> So 44 and 28
  628. [16:57] <DM_Everst> Let's say.
  629. [16:57] <DM_Everst> 38, sorry.
  630. [16:57] <DM_Everst> You hit them very hard!
  631. [16:58] <DM_Everst> Teeth fly and noses bleed.
  632. [16:58] <DM_Everst> They don't look like they can take that again.
  633. [16:59] <DM_Everst> They are messed up, but still fighting.
  634. [16:59] <DM_Everst> Snaps! You back?
  635. [16:59] <Snapper_Jack> ye
  636. [16:59] <Snapper_Jack> Gonna go ahead and roll for intimidate
  637. [17:00] <Snapper_Jack> I add mind to this or?
  638. [17:00] <DM_Everst> Wait, I've looked over my 'head damage rules.
  639. [17:01] <DM_Everst> Yeah, DJ, you disabled their heads.
  640. [17:01] <DM_Everst> They are 'unconscious'
  641. [17:01] <DM_Everst> Throughly.
  642. [17:01] <DM_Everst> Roll for intimidate snaps.
  643. [17:01] <DM_Everst> +6 for the situation.
  644. [17:01] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  645. [17:01] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 16 --; Total: 16.
  646. [17:01] <Snapper_Jack> 22
  647. [17:01] <DM_Everst> (I have to add that to the table.)
  648. [17:02] <Snapper_Jack> ((only one of thems awake at this point right?
  649. [17:02] <DM_Everst> Let's say that works. the rat will retreat on his turn.
  650. [17:02] <DM_Everst> Only one of them is still alive, kinda
  651. [17:02] <DM_Everst> Yeah, let's go with awake.
  652. [17:03] <Snapper_Jack> "If you leave now, I won't track you down and kill you later. this is your only chance."
  653. [17:03] <DM_Everst> (I've got to refine the rules for intimdate)
  654. [17:04] <DM_Everst> The rat replies "Aaargh!"
  655. [17:04] <DM_Everst> He will retreat next turn.
  656. [17:04] <Snapper_Jack> neat
  657. [17:04] <DM_Everst> Conflict has ended.
  658. [17:05] * DJ_Max comes to a stop in his dance like motions and goes. "Ah jeez. I think I hit them to hard..."
  659. [17:05] <Snapper_Jack> now we roll for stress?
  660. [17:05] <DM_Everst> That's more for when the adventure ends.
  661. [17:05] <Snapper_Jack> or calculate it?
  662. [17:05] <Snapper_Jack> alright
  663. [17:05] <DM_Everst> When you're dividing up xp
  664. [17:06] * DJ_Max then realizes, he still has an arrow in them.
  665. [17:06] <DJ_Max> him*
  666. [17:06] <DM_Everst> It would be horrible to get in a fight, and then collapse from guilt immediately after.
  667. [17:06] <DM_Everst> The arrow was stuck in your armor, luckily
  668. [17:06] <DM_Everst> Snaps has afew scratchs on his shell, but it's nothing.
  669. [17:07] * BeaverGray remains untouched though a little shaken
  670. [17:07] <DM_Everst> Gray is clean like laundry day.
  671. [17:07] <Snapper_Jack> *wipes mouth
  672. [17:07] <DM_Everst> Well, it's the first time you witnessed cannibalism.
  673. [17:07] * DJ_Max sighs with relief. "Thanks mom, real nice jacket you got me. Whew~"
  674. [17:08] <DM_Everst> (Jacket is now lucky.)
  675. [17:08] <Snapper_Jack> woah hold on there
  676. [17:08] <BeaverGray> "This is crazy. What where they doing here if the crane was supposed to nab the stuff in the apartment?"
  677. [17:08] <DM_Everst> (Recalling, they were his cover. Basically his backup.)
  678. [17:08] <Snapper_Jack> I guess I should have specifiede, but I meant to spit most of him out.
  679. [17:09] <DM_Everst> Well, you can try now if you want.
  680. [17:09] <DJ_Max> "They were his back up... Meaning....these guys have some serious muscle...we may be over ourselves on this one."
  681. [17:09] <DM_Everst> Roll against strength.
  682. [17:09] <Snapper_Jack> on a d20?
  683. [17:09] <DM_Everst> Yes.
  684. [17:09] <Snapper_Jack> !r 1d20
  685. [17:09] <AbsolBot> Snapper_Jack Rolled:-- 16 --; Total: 16.
  686. [17:09] <DM_Everst> Under you hurl, over you don't
  687. [17:10] <Snapper_Jack> oops
  688. [17:10] <DM_Everst> nope. Still cannibal.
  689. [17:10] <DM_Everst> Back on track!
  690. [17:10] <Snapper_Jack> "I'm going to go get the gun."
  691. [17:10] <DM_Everst> (Good idea)
  692. [17:10] <BeaverGray> "If this is what we can expect when we try to do good for this town..."
  693. [17:11] <DJ_Max> "...We didn't get the...Oh man we are so dumb"
  694. [17:11] * BeaverGray thinks for a moment. He looks at the knife in his hand and lets it drop to the pavement.
  695. [17:11] <Snapper_Jack> *Goes back to the apartment
  696. [17:11] <Snapper_Jack> ((what's the situation with the crane, he still there?)
  697. [17:11] * DJ_Max comments "All things consider...its better to do good and be screws then be really good at being bad..."
  698. [17:11] <BeaverGray> "Don't worry about that. You guys can come back with me to my shop. We need to prepare."
  699. [17:11] <DM_Everst> Stats on stones gun: 9mm pistol 20+2d10 7 rounds.
  700. [17:11] <DJ_Max> screw-ups*
  701. [17:12] <DM_Everst> Crane is still in a ball. Looks like he's about to get up soon.
  702. [17:12] <Snapper_Jack> *Also stuffs that pancake pillow under his pot helmet
  703. [17:13] <DM_Everst> (You have invented Flap jack helmet.)
  704. [17:13] <Robert_Stones> u guys still fighting the rats
  705. [17:13] <Snapper_Jack> no they dead
  706. [17:13] <Robert_Stones> ok
  707. [17:13] <DM_Everst> No. They wooped them.
  708. [17:13] <DM_Everst> It was sad.
  709. [17:13] <Snapper_Jack> Also, I stole yo gun
  710. [17:13] * DJ_Max sighs "Yeah... Yeah. We're gonna need...something...I don't know what."
  711. [17:14] <Snapper_Jack> *leaves apartment
  712. [17:14] <Snapper_Jack> "You mentioned a shop?"
  713. [17:15] <Robert_Stones> well I g2g
  714. [17:15] <Robert_Stones> u guys have it good
  715. [17:15] <Snapper_Jack> bye
  716. [17:15] <BeaverGray> "Yeah my workshop. I fix... people's problems."
  717. [17:15] == Robert_Stones [BobbyBould@cant.stop.the.rock] has left #EndtownRPG []
  718. [17:15] <DM_Everst> Later stone!
  719. [17:16] <DM_Everst> Proceed to Gray's shop?
  720. [17:16] * DJ_Max makes a face at that and almost wordlessly asks. 'define fix.'
  721. [17:16] <DM_Everst> (Yeah, why so omnious?)
  722. [17:17] * BeaverGray looks back indignantly "I fix radios, lawnmowers, broken windows, chairs, roofs, and apartment steps. I help this town damn it."
  723. [17:17] <Snapper_Jack> "Comendable."
  724. [17:17] <DJ_Max> "Ah...alright. Whew...okay...Right."
  725. [17:17] <DM_Everst> (So you literally just fix things. No need for an elispes)
  726. [17:18] <BeaverGray> (I was just thinking about my role as the town fixit)
  727. [17:18] <DM_Everst> Snaps, what are you doing?
  728. [17:18] <BeaverGray> (self reflection and all that)
  729. [17:18] <Snapper_Jack> "You guy's go ahead. I'll catch up."
  730. [17:18] <Snapper_Jack> I'm gonna go grab my bat. Then I'm gonna try harder to vomit.
  731. [17:19] <DM_Everst> Let's just say you do. The rat is still dead.
  732. [17:19] <Snapper_Jack> alright then.
  733. [17:19] <DM_Everst> (I'll remember you don't swallow next time.)
  734. [17:19] <Snapper_Jack> wink*
  735. [17:19] <BeaverGray> "So do you normally ah, take bites out of people?"
  736. [17:20] <DM_Everst> (He must! He is a turtle!)
  737. [17:20] <Snapper_Jack> "Do you normaly eat ladders?"
  738. [17:21] <BeaverGray> "Hah. Fair enough."
  739. [17:21] * DJ_Max shrugs.
  740. [17:21] <DM_Everst> Your next move? Two unconscious rats and AAron is still upstairs.
  741. [17:22] <Snapper_Jack> I'm still gonna get my bat with nails in it.
  742. [17:22] <DJ_Max> "Should we bring one of those guys with us? I mean we could probably squeeze a little info out of them?...Eh, probably shouldn't. Better we leave them there."
  743. [17:22] <DM_Everst> (We can say that stone gave you the cloth for the sake of expediency.)
  744. [17:22] <BeaverGray> "I say leave em. More are sure to come if we waste any more time."
  745. [17:25] <DJ_Max> "Yeah...lets bolt."
  746. [17:25] <DM_Everst> To were do you bolt?
  747. [17:25] <DM_Everst> *Where
  748. [17:25] <DJ_Max> To Gray's shop I'd imagine.
  749. [17:26] <BeaverGray> My workshop
  750. [17:26] <Snapper_Jack> As I said I'll catch up
  751. [17:26] <DM_Everst> Okay. To gray's workshop first.
  752. [17:26] <DM_Everst> You're there. What do you do?
  753. [17:27] * BeaverGray unlocks the front door of the small junkyard. Theres a small sign out front simply titled "Gray's"
  754. [17:28] <BeaverGray> "Welcome to my family business. Make yourself at home" Theres a menagerie of scrap and otherwise useless items strewn about the place
  755. [17:28] <BeaverGray> "Take what you think you'll need to defend yourself. Just keep in mind I want a business to come back to after all this is done."
  756. [17:28] <DM_Everst> Salvage rolls are available.
  757. [17:29] <BeaverGray> I'll just take whats on my character sheet. My pistol, riot shield, and bat. I guess I engineer some nails and other sharp stuff on it
  758. [17:29] * DJ_Max scratches the back of his head. "Weeell I might need something for my head..." he notes before looking to see if he can find SOME FORM OF HELMET
  759. [17:30] <DM_Everst> Roll salvage and engineer for Metal Helmet.
  760. [17:30] <DM_Everst> Roll salvage to just find a pot that will fit your head.
  761. [17:31] <DJ_Max> !r 1d20
  762. [17:31] <AbsolBot> DJ_Max Rolled:-- 11 --; Total: 11.
  763. [17:31] * DJ_Max has no skill in salvaging~
  764. [17:31] <DM_Everst> It's free
  765. [17:31] <DM_Everst> level 1
  766. [17:31] <DM_Everst> 2-7 + mind
  767. [17:32] <DJ_Max> Oh right herp
  768. [17:32] <DM_Everst> 2-9 is your MoS
  769. [17:32] <DJ_Max> In either case I still believed I failed.
  770. [17:32] <DM_Everst> (No prob. A comprehensive character sheet is on my list of things to do)
  771. [17:32] <DM_Everst> Yes.
  772. [17:33] <DM_Everst> You look through the scrap for an hour and find squat.
  773. [17:33] * BeaverGray is rummaging in his "office". A side corridor with a small table covered in nails and wires. He looks at the riot shield laying under the work space. "You know, I always thought I would be using this during the crazyness right after people started mutating"
  774. [17:33] <Snapper_Jack> to be fair I don't think pots are made in your size
  775. [17:33] <BeaverGray> "I thought we were past all that nonsense"
  776. [17:34] <DJ_Max> "Yeah... You'd think. Turns out, it just went somewhen else."
  777. [17:34] <DM_Everst> You can roll other production skills to make something, but is all gm optional.
  778. [17:35] <DM_Everst> (Making a wood helm or shield or something.)
  779. [17:36] * DJ_Max ends out just sitting on some junk and stretching a bit. "Nice shield."
  780. [17:36] <DM_Everst> Roll woodworking Gray.
  781. [17:37] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  782. [17:37] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 18 --; Total: 18.
  783. [17:37] <DM_Everst> 2-15
  784. [17:37] <BeaverGray> I got one rank in it
  785. [17:37] <DM_Everst> 2-10
  786. [17:37] <DM_Everst> You have failed in putting sharp crap in a bat.
  787. [17:37] <BeaverGray> :(
  788. [17:38] <DM_Everst> Try rolling engineering.
  789. [17:38] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  790. [17:38] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 8 --; Total: 8.
  791. [17:38] <BeaverGray> I got 2 ransk
  792. [17:38] <DM_Everst> (This is kind of a flight test for the crafting system.)
  793. [17:39] <DM_Everst> 2-15, succeed. you now have nail bat (15+1d10, +2)
  794. [17:40] <BeaverGray> aw ye
  795. [17:40] <DM_Everst> Besides that you can run some repair on DJ's armor
  796. [17:40] <BeaverGray> "You know, I really didn't want to be the kind of mechanic that builds weapons in an underground town with a box of scraps"
  797. [17:41] <DM_Everst> (Oh god, the reference.)
  798. [17:42] * BeaverGray steps out of the back room "You know, I can fix up yer gear if ya want"
  799. [17:42] * DJ_Max nods. "I feel that deeply, that feel, I feel deeply...Wait you know how to sew?" he asks before moving to take off his jacket. Huh! DJ was wearing a shirt that said 'MAXIMUM' underneath it.
  800. [17:44] * BeaverGray pushes some junk off a nearby table "Give it here. In my line of work you pick up all sorts of stuff"
  801. [17:45] <DM_Everst> (Because we are working off of helmets being supplimental to the total hp of armor. Snaps technically can replace ten of his body hp.
  802. [17:45] <DM_Everst> Or at least gain 10 hp saying it was differed to his pot helmet.)
  803. [17:46] <BeaverGray> (how about for my shield?)
  804. [17:46] <DM_Everst> (DJ gets ego points for having his name emblazoned.)
  805. [17:46] <DM_Everst> Did your shield get damaged?
  806. [17:46] <Snapper_Jack> Eh, My shell will heal eventually. I doubt I have the skills to fix a busted helmet.
  807. [17:46] <DM_Everst> Except finding a new one.
  808. [17:46] <BeaverGray> (Nah, Im just asking if thats how it works for me. Or do I need to actively defend with it?)
  809. [17:47] <DM_Everst> (Shields are alittle different. They are a separate hp pool from the character)
  810. [17:47] <Snapper_Jack> We've seen here today just how difficult finding helmets can be.
  811. [17:47] <BeaverGray> "Its a workshop not a kitchen. Why would I have a working pot in here?"
  812. [17:47] <DM_Everst> You are technically behind cover when you carry a shield and thus carry a +3 defense.
  813. [17:48] <DM_Everst> You can duck down and use it as blocking cover.
  814. [17:48] <DM_Everst> Why not?
  815. [17:49] * DJ_Max just shrugs and goes with it.
  816. [17:49] <DM_Everst> If someone gets 1-8, it's a miss 9-12 it his the shield.
  817. [17:49] <BeaverGray> "People usually stop by and take what catches their eye. The rest just leave stuff they can't use and I fix what I can. For particularly valuable stuff I work out a trade"
  818. [17:49] <DM_Everst> Any shot on you when you use it to block goes to the shield.
  819. [17:49] * DJ_Max nods solemnly.
  820. [17:50] <Snapper_Jack> also, I just realized I haven't actually added the +10 from the helmet to my hp, so doing that now.
  821. [17:50] <DM_Everst> (I'll revise shields.)
  822. [17:50] <DM_Everst> Snapper has become stronger!
  823. [17:51] <BeaverGray> I still need to roll to fix up the jacket
  824. [17:51] <DM_Everst> Roll to fix jacket
  825. [17:51] <DM_Everst> Engineer or metalworking.
  826. [17:52] <BeaverGray> !r 1d20
  827. [17:52] <AbsolBot> BeaverGray Rolled:-- 16 --; Total: 16.
  828. [17:52] <DM_Everst> 2-15, so close.
  829. [17:52] <DM_Everst> You dig and tinker but don't really achieve anything.
  830. [17:53] <BeaverGray> hold on
  831. [17:53] <DM_Everst> One hour has passed.
  832. [17:53] <BeaverGray> the DC is based on rank?
  833. [17:53] <BeaverGray> what are the windows of success
  834. [17:53] <DM_Everst> For a level two skill 2-12
  835. [17:54] <DM_Everst> +3 from mind 2-15
  836. [17:54] <DM_Everst> Like I said, It's times like these that I want to switch to 1d100.
  837. [17:54] <BeaverGray> hm
  838. [17:54] <DM_Everst> Much more precise.
  839. [17:55] * BeaverGray fails to sew a confident stitch. "Ugh sorry. I'm used to working on cars and appliances"
  840. [17:55] <DM_Everst> at 15 you have 70% chance.
  841. [17:56] <DM_Everst> The armor is no worse for wear.
  842. [17:56] * DJ_Max shrugs. "It happens.... I'm sure if I buckle down I could patch it up."
  843. [17:57] <DM_Everst> (Really that should have been a shoe in.)
  844. [17:58] <DM_Everst> (Okay, so it's been 3 hours. Do you guys want to continue or stop here?)
  845. [17:58] <DM_Everst> (If we stop we can sort out xp and stress and such)
  846. [17:58] <DJ_Max> (Well now is a good place, and if nothing else is planned we can stop here. sure.)
  847. [17:59] <Snapper_Jack> I'm about ready to call it a night
  848. [17:59] * BeaverGray straps the shield to his back, slings the bat in a custom holster and straps on a messenger bag filled with odds and bits "Let's move out."
  849. [17:59] <DM_Everst> Well, let's continue that next week.
  850. [17:59] <DM_Everst> Let's go to xp.
  851. [18:00] <BeaverGray> woo
  852. [18:00] <DM_Everst> First: Using a skill successfully: +2 points.
  853. [18:00] <DM_Everst> Last week was very skill heavy and I didn't recall so you all get 20pts. from last week.
  854. [18:01] <DM_Everst> Snaps used intimidate twice this week so that's +4
  855. [18:01] <BeaverGray> cool
  856. [18:01] <Snapper_Jack> I failed the first time didn't I?
  857. [18:02] <DM_Everst> Yeah, you can have +2 if you want then.
  858. [18:02] <DM_Everst> I thought you used a skill some other time as well today.
  859. [18:02] <Snapper_Jack> I've done the following: Bitten somone in two, and scared someone off
  860. [18:02] <Snapper_Jack> not much else.
  861. [18:03] <DM_Everst> So that's the next bit, minor threats +4 for one kill and one forced retreat.
  862. [18:03] <Snapper_Jack> neat
  863. [18:03] <BeaverGray> I did some workshop stuff
  864. [18:03] <BeaverGray> and save the crane!
  865. [18:04] <DM_Everst> Yep, so that's +6 for the skills and +10 for saving crane.
  866. [18:04] <BeaverGray> yay!
  867. [18:04] <DM_Everst> DJ, you took down two people so that's +4.
  868. [18:05] <DJ_Max> Whoo!
  869. [18:05] <DM_Everst> I'm not just dooling it out here, if you guys have anything to point out I'm all ears.
  870. [18:05] <BeaverGray> Well we didn't do much RP
  871. [18:06] <BeaverGray> but I geared up the party, thats its own benefit
  872. [18:06] <DM_Everst> So let's talk about this. What do you think should be xp worthy?
  873. [18:07] <DM_Everst> I've got the combat and saving the day stuff but that's about it.
  874. [18:07] <DM_Everst> I think Snaps should get some for remembering the gun.
  875. [18:07] <BeaverGray> did I do a good job describing my shop?
  876. [18:07] <DM_Everst> Yes. actually, that was pretty good because you added to the campaign.
  877. [18:08] <DM_Everst> New rule: Good idea :+5
  878. [18:08] <BeaverGray> woo
  879. [18:08] <Snapper_Jack> neat
  880. [18:09] <DM_Everst> You all get +5. Gray for workshop, Snap gets +10 for the gun and snatching the goods, DJ for taking out two enemies to help the rest of the group.
  881. [18:09] <DM_Everst> And the disarming attacks.
  882. [18:10] <DM_Everst> Now here is another thing not yet in the book: Player commendation.
  883. [18:10] <DJ_Max> Yeah. I figured multi-actions means I should pay attention to that kinda stuff.
  884. [18:10] <DM_Everst> Who do you guys agree should get +10 xp for whatever they did today?
  885. [18:11] <DJ_Max> I'd give it to Snapper, mostly because he remember the gun, its important
  886. [18:11] <BeaverGray> I agree
  887. [18:11] <DJ_Max> Also the intimidation was good.
  888. [18:11] <DM_Everst> 10 to Snaps!
  889. [18:11] <Snapper_Jack> Cool
  890. [18:12] <DM_Everst> I'd like to skip the mind stress part this session.
  891. [18:12] <DM_Everst> I'm about to quittin' time myself.
  892. [18:12] <DM_Everst> Let's get some feedback.
  893. [18:13] <DM_Everst> How do you like the system so far, and what needs work?
  894. [18:13] <DM_Everst> I really think the skill system flounders the way it is now.
  895. [18:13] <DM_Everst> And crafting is abit unorganized.
  896. [18:13] <DJ_Max> System feels nice. I usually play melee classes and in most games that drops off of becomes irrelevent. I feel like that isn't a problem here. I like that. And yeah Skills is mostly it. Comabt seems to work well and good
  897. [18:13] <BeaverGray> *ahem* roll and keep
  898. [18:13] <Snapper_Jack> So far it all seems to be working. Maybe a few things that in the skill department that could use some greasing, but overall it seems to be working.
  899. [18:14] <DM_Everst> Next system Gray!
  900. [18:14] <BeaverGray> I like the focus on active defense
  901. [18:14] <BeaverGray> but skills need a little fine tuning
  902. [18:14] <DM_Everst> Thanks.
  903. [18:14] <BeaverGray> perhaps a d100 system would work better
  904. [18:15] <DM_Everst> Yeah. That's this week's objective.
  905. [18:15] <DM_Everst> I am happy with how combat is working but we haven't gotten into ranged combat quite yet.
  906. [18:15] <DM_Everst> That can be tougher.
  907. [18:15] <BeaverGray> im rollin with a gat
  908. [18:16] <DM_Everst> But skill rolls are on the block, definitely.
  909. [18:16] <BeaverGray> but I only got 6 bullets
  910. [18:16] <DM_Everst> hehe. I got to put in rules for rapid fire still.
  911. [18:16] <DM_Everst> It's all you need!
  912. AbsolBot
  913. akunim-werk
  914. BeaverGray
  915. DJ_Max
  916. DM_Everst
  917. Snapper_Jack
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