
Sunshine Romance (ch4)

Aug 6th, 2018
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  3. I'm sorry I've been so bad with updating this haha It's been done since I started posting chapter 1, I've just been so busy with work and life I keep forgetting to update. But never fear! More gay fluff is here!
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live Sunshine.
  7. ----------
  9. Chapter 4. Rhythm Of The Heart
  11. It's later in the afternoon when Chika wakes up from her nap with Riko. She can hear the voices of her family members as well as the TV on downstairs, and a glance at the clock tells her it's almost suppertime.
  13. Riko is still asleep beside her, and from what Chika can determine her breathing is much more even than it had been last time. Her pallor seems healthier as well, and a quick check of her pulse shows that her passing fever is probably almost gone.
  15. Relieved, Chika hugs her friend gently and nuzzles into her collar again.
  17. It's then when she remembers what had happened earlier between them. Chika had kissed Riko's forehead in the end, but she can't deny a part of herself had wanted to kiss her elsewhere.
  19. And that hadn't been the first time. She'd gotten the urge before, be it in her anxiousness or in excitement, she'd wanted to just throw her arms around Riko and kiss her full on the lips.
  21. And it had always taken some self-control to stop herself, at least from kissing her.
  23. But before... it had taken a lot more self-control than usual.
  25. Because she doesn't really know what she wants, or what Riko wants, or if it's even something they should be wanting.
  27. Either way, she can't think about it anymore now, because Riko starts to stir in her arms. Tired little nosies work their way up her throat and seem to get stuck. A couple small coughs come out and Chika quickly sits up to grab the water bottle with just a bit left in it. She softly rubs Riko's back for her to help rouse her.
  29. "Riko-chan, Riko-chan! Take it easy." She hopes the coughs are just from waking up and not lingering symptoms of the fever and cold.
  31. Riko pushes herself up wearily and rubs her eyes, running a hand through her bangs to keep them from clinging to her skin. She seems to remember where she is right away.
  33. "Chika-chan..."
  35. "Here, drink." Chika offers her the water and helps her sit up. Riko gratefully accepts and finishes the last of it with a sigh. Chika sits beside her nervously, like a puppy. "How are you feeling? Does your stomach still hurt? Does your head hurt? What about your fever?"
  37. "It's all right, Chika-chan. I think it's mostly gone. I'm just a little groggy is all."
  39. "You sure?"
  41. "Yes."
  43. "Thank goodness."
  45. A beat of silence comes between them, and both girls' minds jump back to what had happened – and what hadn't happened – earlier.
  47. But they both know they can't let themselves think about it.
  49. Not here. Not now.
  51. A sudden growl from Riko's stomach begs for new conversation.
  53. "Ah!" she squeaks. "S-Sorry-"
  55. "Riko-chan, are you hungry? Do you have your appetite back now?"
  57. "Maybe..."
  59. "Then why don't you stay for dinner?" Chika offers with a bright smile as always.
  61. But Riko shakes her head. And for some reason, it feels like a rejection to Chika. Her shoulders slump. But just before she can convince herself Riko doesn't want to stay because of what Chika had done earlier, Riko explains her reasoning.
  63. "I've imposed far too much these past few days and nights here, Chika-chan. My mother is going to scold me. I can't possibly trouble you and your family any longer. And don't say it isn't any trouble!" she quips. "It's been nearly two whole days now!"
  65. Chika still wants to argue anyway, but she understands what Riko is getting at. And a part of her is relieved that the reasons Riko is choosing not to stay have nothing to do with the kiss. So Chika counts her blessings and accepts.
  67. "Okay. I guess it's better if you have dinner with your mom for a change huh?"
  69. "Yes, I think she'd like that."
  71. Both girls chuckle and naturally fall into their usual mannerisms with one another. Chika gets up first, then offers Riko her hand, ensuring she has her balance as she pulls her to her feet.
  73. As Chika tidies up the bed, Riko collects her things from before, her blanket and her cosmetics bag. She promises to give Chika her clothes back as soon as she washes them at home.
  75. The two girls go downstairs together where Riko bows deeply and thanks Chika's mother and sisters profusely for letting her intrude for so long, but they're all just happy to see she's feeling better. Chika walks her to the door where it's just before sunset outside.
  77. "Make sure you go to bed early tonight," she advises. "And drink plenty of water. Even though tomorrow is Sunday we still have practice!"
  79. "Yes, I know." Riko smiles sweetly. "Thank you again, Chika-chan. You've done so much for me these past few days. And even before that, too."
  81. "You already said that!"
  83. "I know. I just want you to know how I feel."
  85. The words sound very different from how she'd meant them once they're out in the open. Riko had opened her arms for a goodbye hug, but now that she's said something so strange, she recoils.
  87. "Th-Then I'll see you tomorrow, Chika-chan."
  89. She turns to head down the steps. But before she can get very far, Chika hurries forward and pulls her into a hug anyway.
  91. "Yeah," she mumbles. "See you tomorrow, Riko-chan."
  93. And her embrace says it all.
  95. That she doesn't care how Riko's words might've sounded, she just isn't going to let her go without a hug. That's something special they really only have with one another.
  97. Riko manages to lift her hands and return the contact a little before Chika lets her go and sees her off with a wave.
  99. Riko heads back to her house and greets her mother, explaining everything and reassuring her that she isn't sick.
  101. As she eats dinner, showers, and gets ready for bed that evening, Riko's mind keeps straying back to Chika. More often than it usually does.
  103. Once she's changed into her own pajamas, she puts the ones Chika had leant her in the wash and then dries them. She folds them up and puts them into a little baggie before retreating to her bedroom.
  105. And after spending so much time across the balcony, it's almost strange for her to be back here now. She hasn't slept here in two whole nights.
  107. She can see the lights on in Chika's room and hears music again. Riko opens the divider and steps out onto her balcony.
  109. "Chika-chan! I have your clothes!"
  111. In seconds, Chika pops her head out.
  113. "Oh! Thanks!"
  115. Riko takes aim and Chika opens her arms. It's a clean toss and a clean catch for some clean laundry. Once Chika has the bag she waves.
  117. "Got it!"
  119. "I've just washed and dried them."
  121. "Thanks! How are you feeling? All better?"
  123. "I think so."
  125. "Yay! That's great, Riko-chan! You knocked that fever out in just a day!"
  127. "It's only thanks to you."
  129. "Aw, shucks~"
  131. Riko chuckles. Their nightly antics are so cozy and familiar, it makes her forget about any awkwardness that might've formed between them before.
  133. They talk for a little while longer before saying goodnight.
  135. Only after she's turned the lights off and crawled into bed does Riko's mind start racing. She tries not to think about everything, tries not to consider what she might be feeling. It's too complicated, too painful and exciting at the same time. She just tries to close her eyes and get some sleep for tomorrow.
  137. ------------
  139. Riko's always enjoyed walking to or from school or dance practice with Chika. It was just one of the many advantages of having her best friend as her neighbor.
  141. But this time, for the first time since before they'd really become friends, Riko is tense as she walks beside her on their way to practice.
  143. It isn't because of anything Chika is doing; she's still her usual peppy self babbling a mile a minute about the choreography they'll be going over today.
  145. Riko tries to acknowledge what she's saying, nodding and humming and offering brief comments here or there. But her mind is mostly somewhere else, on what had happened and not quite happened yesterday. Her head still feels a little fuzzy, and she can't tell if it's lingering aftereffects of the fever or something else.
  147. Either way, as soon as they meet up with You and there's someone else to focus on, Riko feels a wave of relief come over her.
  149. And when they finally reach the blacktop area of the park where the rest of Aquors is already waiting for them, Riko's sense of unease dissipates altogether. She greets her friends in turn with a smile, receiving waves or hugs from each of them.
  151. Meanwhile, Chika presents the group with the fruits of her efforts, the finished lyrics and music of the newest song. The choreography is already in the works, and after everyone has stretched and jogged for their warm-up, it isn't long before they're lining up in their positions and practicing the steps.
  153. Riko does her best to focus. She listens to the voice of whomever is counting the beats and tries to step in sync with the others.
  155. Of course there are always a few blunders here or there from everyone when they're first beginning to learn a new dance. But even after half an hour and several solid run-throughs, Riko seems to be the only one messing up.
  157. First she bumps into Yoshiko, then she gets out of line with Mari and Ruby, and then she ends up doing the wrong moves at the wrong time. And each time she throws herself forward in a bow of apology, promising to focus more the next time around.
  159. And at first everyone is fine with the mistakes. It's a little unusual for Riko of all people to make so many, but they think nothing of it.
  161. Only Chika is feeling a twinge of concern and suspicion. But she doesn't want to make a mountain out of a molehill or risk embarrassing Riko in front of the others, so she just keeps an eye on her quietly.
  163. They try the same part once again, this time with Kanon counting the steps as she claps.
  165. Riko fumbles to remember what she's supposed to do. Her chest feels tight but she knows it shouldn't because they've only been practicing for under an hour, and it usually takes her much longer than this to start showing signs of exhaustion.
  167. She does her best to shake it off, but in only a few seconds she finds herself short of breath again. She has to look to her side and copy Hanamaru's steps, but it's clear she's not in-time with the others. Kanon stops clapping.
  169. "Okay, stop! Riko-chan, you're still late on that part."
  171. "Indeed," Dia comments, bringing a hand to her chin. "You've been awfully out of breath this morning. Are you all right?"
  173. "Eh...?" Riko looks around to find all of her friends wearing worried expressions now. She quickly lifts her hands. "Y-Yes, I'm fine! I think I'm still just getting used to the motions."
  175. "Are you sure?" Mari inquires. "I think you look a little pale."
  177. "Agreed," Yoshiko nods. "She is paler than the forsaken heart of the Fallen Angel."
  179. "Yoshiko-chan," Hanamaru cuts in. "I thought the Fallen Angel's heart was a black hole."
  181. "It's Yohane!"
  183. "In any case," Dia sighs. "Shall we take a break?"
  185. "I think so," Kanon agrees. "All right everyone, 5-minute break. Riko-chan, go drink some water, okay?"
  187. "I... okay..."
  189. Defeated, Riko retreats to the shade where everyone had placed their water bottles. The others take their drinks back to the blacktop and continue talking, but Riko separates herself. She sits in the grass and pulls her knees to her chest, sighing as she looks down at the water bottle as if it can give her answers.
  191. "What am I doing...?"
  193. "Riko-chan!"
  195. She looks up to spot Chika rushing over to her now. Riko's chest tightens again but she plasters on a smile.
  197. "Hi, Chika-chan."
  199. Chika picks up her own water bottle and takes a drink before sitting down beside her friend. She makes sure she's close enough to press her shoulder against Riko's. Almost instantly she feels Riko's weight sagging against her.
  201. "Are you okay, Riko-chan? You seemed really out of it."
  203. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry."
  205. "But that's what makes me worry the most!" Chika turns to give her a stern look. "We've only been practicing for a little while and you're already so out of breath. That's not like you, Riko-chan. Are you still sick?"
  207. "Shh!" Riko waves her hand up and down. "Don't say it so loudly. If everyone else finds out about that they'll make me go home for sure."
  209. "Is it that bad? Should we make you go home?"
  211. "That's not what I meant." Riko opens her water and takes a sip, knowing it will make Chika feel better. "I don't want to miss our first practice of your new song, Chika-chan. I'm okay."
  213. Chika makes a conflicted groaning sound and takes another drink.
  215. "Okay. But if you don't feel well, you've gotta tell us, Riko-chan."
  217. "I feel fine." To prove it Riko stands up first and offers her hand. "Let's go back."
  219. Chika hesitates for a moment, not sure if she likes how much Riko is sweating already from so little activity. But she doesn't want to upset her.
  221. So she accepts her hand and jumps up, looping her arm through Riko's before strolling back toward the others. Chika catches the gazes of the three seniors who all seem to know for a fact that something is off. But she gives them a smile and a nod.
  223. "All right!" Dia calls out. "Time to get back to work, ladies!"
  225. So they all line up again and begin their steps. Riko finds she's keeping up better this time and attributes it to the break she'd been granted. She makes it through the movements while keeping pace with the others, controlling her breathing like she normally does.
  227. She catches Chika's eye more than once, flattered that she keeps checking up on her, but trying to show it isn't necessary.
  229. Finally Riko gets herself back into the swing of things. She always enjoys practicing since it means she gets to be with her friends, and she doesn't dislike the exercise either. Sometimes the bit of exhaustion works as a fuel for more energy, almost like a benchmark stone to surpass to continue on with the challenge.
  231. As she listens to Kanon's counting Riko finds herself smiling like everyone else is. She hardly notices the heat coating her skin because it just feels normal as they're going through the movements. The air passing between them as they move cools her off a little, and she truly thinks she's overcome whatever setback had been pulling her back earlier.
  233. But it doesn't last.
  235. It isn't long before nearly all of Riko's energy suddenly depletes itself without warning.
  237. It's during such a simple part, just a few side-steps and a twirl, but it feels like someone's just knocked her legs out from under her. She yelps as she crashes into Yoshiko again, and the whole world spirals. There's a chorus of gasps and cries of her name, and she can feel several people suddenly grabbing onto her back and arms to keep her up.
  239. "What happened?"
  241. "R-Riko-chan?!"
  243. "What's wrong?"
  245. "Riko-chan!" Chika cries out for her loudest of all, and when Riko blinks she finds Chika is the one supporting most of her weight. Her eyes are wide and trembling with concern. "Riko-chan? What happened?"
  247. But Riko can only shake her head. She can't catch her breath at all, and her heart is suddenly hammering. Everything feels hot, including a sharp sting behind her eyes.
  249. "I... I'm sorry... I-I think I need a break..."
  251. The others can't agree quickly enough.
  253. "Of course!"
  255. "Chika-chan, please take her to the restroom and cool her down."
  257. "O-Okay."
  259. Chika grabs a water bottle for her friend and tucks it under her arm, then leans forward and pulls Riko's arm across her shoulders. She guides her off into the shade toward a little building at the edge of the blacktop.
  261. Riko is shaking and gasping, and it feels even worse than the last time Chika had seen her like this. She has to use all of her strength to keep Riko on her swaying feet and prevent her from collapsing before they make it to the little bench outside the building. Chika eases her down and sits beside her for a moment, having her lean back, ensuring she won't fall.
  263. "Riko-chan, drink some more." She hands her the bottle and gets up. "I'll be right back, okay?"
  265. With this she hurries into the bathroom, yanks off some paper towels and runs them under cold water. She comes back out to find Riko coughing over her drink just like yesterday.
  267. Chika wrings the paper towels out and lets the water drip onto her friend's head, then wipes across her forehead just as she'd done before. Riko is still panting hard, and she has a hand pressed tightly over her chest. When Chika rests her hand on her side, she can feel her heart pounding rapidly. She's at a loss, and her voice tumbles out in sobs now.
  269. "Riko-chan... Riko-chan..."
  271. And it takes Riko a moment to get her bearings and her breath back. But as soon as she realizes that Chika is crying she lifts her face in panic.
  273. "Ch-Chika-chan?"
  275. "You dummy!" Chika raises her voice like Riko's never quite heard it before. She's heard her yell in frustration or passion about being a school idol or about their competitions. But she's never raised her voice at Riko before.
  277. Riko's heart jolts again, and it's not long before her own tears are spilling over too.
  279. "I-I'm sorry. I-I wasn't trying to hide anything from you, Chika-chan... Honest. I just... I really thought I was okay... I really thought I felt fine..." She pulls the paper towel off her forehead and buries her face into it. "I-I'm sorry. P-Please don't be mad-"
  281. Her voice tapers of in a mixture of hiccups and coughs. Knowing that Chika is mad at her makes her feel worse than the fever ever could have. She feels so wretched, like she's betrayed her somehow. She feels sick in a worse way. She's scared Chika will really reject her this time.
  283. But it seems Chika realizes she'd gone too far. She hadn't meant to sound angry, but she guesses that's the only thing Riko could hear from her right now when she's feeling so guilty.
  285. "R-Riko-chan, no... d-don't cry. I-I didn't mean..." She breaks off, pulling Riko into her arms tightly, trying to convey what she can't put into words. "I'm not mad. I was just worried. Watching you collapse like that... it was scary." She tightens her hold on her friend's shoulders, sniffling. "I'm sorry. I knew you still weren't feeling well and I had you come to practice today anyway. It's my fault."
  287. Riko's greatest relief is knowing that Chika isn't mad at her. She slumps against her friend, sobbing hard into Chika's shoulder.
  289. "N-No... it's not your fault, Chika-chan... I'm the one who's sorry... I didn't mean to upset you..."
  291. "It's okay. The most important thing is that you're all right, Riko-chan."
  293. Chika brushes her cheek softly against hers, feeling the wetness of Riko's tears transfer onto her face. She curls her fingers into her shirt and holds her close. She can still feel her trembling, and her heart is still thumping too.
  295. "Riko-chan, I think I should take you back home for today." Chika tries to ease herself back. But a sudden gasp from Riko stops her.
  297. "No!" Riko squeezes harder to Chika's shoulders, preventing her from pulling away. Baffled, Chika freezes.
  299. "Riko-chan? What's the matter?"
  301. "S-Sorry..." Riko hides her face in her friend's shoulder again. "I-I just... I'm not sure I can look at you properly right now..."
  303. "Huh?" Chika lets her hand slip down Riko's side in a soothing motion. "What do you mean?" She gets the feeling this suddenly has nothing to do with the fever.
  305. Riko ducks further into the side of Chika's neck, refusing to show her face.
  307. "I just mean... all of this... I don't know what to do, Chika-chan... I just don't know..."
  309. Chika feels something flare up inside her chest, and she isn't sure what it is. Actually, she thinks she might know, but she isn't sure if she wants to.
  311. She pauses, thinking through her words before choosing them carefully.
  313. "Riko-chan... Please tell me what you mean. You can be honest. I'm your friend, remember?" She tries to ease back again to see her face, but Riko won't show herself.
  315. "Th-That's just it-" Her breath hitches and she ends up hiccuping several times.
  317. Chika whimpers and rubs her back for her. Hearing Riko like this is killing her, but she needs to know what this is about. She braces herself for the truth, even if she isn't sure what it's going to be about, or if it will be something she wants to hear. But she wants to hear it from Riko and she swears to do her best to accept whatever the answer is.
  319. After a moment, Riko composes herself enough to speak, but still not enough to look up.
  321. "That's just it, Chika-chan... You're my friend... my best friend, but... lately... I'm just not sure if that's what I want..."
  323. Once the words are out, she realizes they sound hurtful. With a gasp Riko straightens up, forgetting her misgivings in a heartbeat as she looks Chika directly in the eye, her own filled with tears.
  325. "B-But that's not what I mean! I-I'm so grateful to have you as a friend, Chika-chan! As my best friend and my neighbor! But lately I just... I don't know why I keep feeling these things. And it's only around you... just you, Chika-chan..."
  327. She can't continue. She's crying too hard and she can barely keep her eyes open.
  329. Hearing her like this is making Chika want to cry harder as well, but she knows that will accomplish nothing. She needs to be absolutely sure she's interpreting things correctly, because if she messes this up, she could end up hurting Riko in the worst way possible.
  331. If she can just be sure...
  333. If she can just be absolutely certain of Riko's feelings for her, Chika knows she'll be able to do something about it.
  335. So Chika tries again to ease back, still letting Riko hide, but wanting to see as much of her as she can.
  337. "Riko-chan... what kind of things are you feeling because of me? Is it... Is it something bad...?"
  339. "N-No!" In her urgency to quell Chika's fears, Riko straightens herself up and lifts her face, turning her watering golden eyes up to her. She shakes her head and more tears dribble down. "Th-That's not it, Chika-chan... None of it feels bad. It's just so confusing..."
  341. Chika pats her shoulder for her in a supportive way, offering a tiny smile.
  343. "Confusing how? Can you... explain it as best you can?"
  345. Riko ducks her face into her shoulder to wipe her eyes and draws in a shaky breath.
  347. "Well... E-Ever since the day we met, you've always... made me feel something I'd never felt before. It was like there was suddenly this light guiding my path. My heart would always jump with excitement whenever I was with you, and you always made me feel so happy..."
  349. Chika's smile widens as she listens, but the way Riko trails off worries her.
  351. "Do I... not make you feel happy anymore...?"
  353. "No!" Riko almost shrieks, her eyes ridden with panic. "Th-That's not what I mean, Chika-chan... That's not what I mean at all... It's just the opposite."
  355. She loses herself to the sobs again, and Chika pulls her back into her arms. She knows it's her own fault she's crying like this for trying to guess Riko's feelings. Chika's scared too, scared she might not be in a position to be Riko's friend anymore, let alone anything more than that.
  357. But judging by her passionate reaction and just her sweet gentle nature in general, Chika realizes she was being foolish for ever thinking Riko could dislike her. As her best friend she should trust her more than that.
  359. For a silent apology, Chika hugs her tighter, urging Riko to continue. When she does, she picks up where she'd last left off.
  361. "It's not that you don't make me feel happy anymore, Chika-chan. It's the exact opposite. Lately you've been making me feel... happier than ever. More and more... My heart would race just because I could talk to you or hold your hand. I started to get nervous for some reason, but I didn't want to upset you...
  363. "So I tried to hide it and be normal, but... then yesterday... in your room, I... I wanted something... Something I shouldn't want... from you..."
  365. The more she confesses now the more she cries, and the more difficult it is for her to speak, but she keeps going.
  367. "I-I don't know... h-how it happened or when... o-or if I should even be... feeling this way when I'm not sure how you feel... b-but I... I can't help it and I can't stop these feelings anymore, Chika-chan... and when I realized I was in love with you it was already too late-"
  369. Chika doesn't need to hear anymore, and she certainly doesn't need to let Riko continue floundering in all of these painful puzzling emotions.
  371. So she stops her – gently – in a way she's sure she can use now.
  373. Chika kisses her lips softly, muffling whatever guilty words Riko was planning on saying next. She can feel her jolt and tense up, feel the way her breath hitches and a small whimper trembles on her lips.
  375. Chika maintains a firm embrace on her sides, not hard enough to force her to stay, but not soft enough to let her think Chika isn't entirely certain about this now. Chika would only do this if she was one hundred percent sure it's what Riko wants, which is why she asked her for confirmation of her feelings.
  377. Feelings Chika had realized a while ago that she herself reciprocated.
  379. And the truth is she'd been too scared to say anything about it, the same fear Riko had suffered; the fear of hurting the other person.
  381. But now that she knows the feeling is mutual, it's only in Chika's nature to dive in headfirst.
  383. Her hand resting on Riko's side can feel the speed of her pulse now as the reality sinks in for her friend. Chika knows it was unfair of her to act before Riko was finished speaking, but she couldn't help herself. She didn't want to have to keep seeing Riko so hurt a second longer than she had to.
  385. The kiss now only lasts for a few seconds, but it feels like hours. Chika only pulls away because she feels Riko has stopped breathing.
  387. When she next opens her eyes and looks up, she finds Riko frozen, both eyes wide and still brimming with tears. Her lips are still parted slightly, but her voice is so small Chika barely hears it.
  389. "Chika...chan..."
  391. And all at once Chika feels she's done something terribly wrong. The dread of kissing Riko when she might not have been ready or wanting of it hits Chika in the chest like a truck, and she instantly feels a gripping nausea. She'd been so sure it was all right, but she'd acted on her own without really knowing Riko's position on it. And now she might've hurt her-
  393. "Chika-chan..."
  395. The tears overflow, passing Riko's trembling lips on the way down as she throws herself forward into Chika's arms, wailing twice as hard as before. Chika hastily catches her and pulls her close, but the panic is still swelling inside her chest.
  397. "R-Riko-chan? Are you okay? I-I'm so sorry... I... I didn't-"
  399. "Dummy!" It's the only word Riko can manage to blurt out in between sobs and hiccups. Chika is almost about to interpret it the wrong way before Riko clarifies in a soft, quivering voice:
  401. "I wish... you'd done that sooner..."
  403. The words finish with the tiniest giggle, a little trill of excitement and elation.
  405. And the second Chika realizes she hadn't done the wrong thing, she allows herself to smile again. In her glee she pulls Riko across her lap and squeezes her back as tightly as she can, crying and sighing into her shoulder.
  407. "Riko-chan... I'm sorry. I didn't know if... if it was what you wanted, but I... I felt like it was okay. I should have made absolutely sure first, but-"
  409. This time it's Riko who cuts her off with a kiss. Riko pulls back and leans in so quickly, with a kiss full of such life and fervor it almost puts Chika's to shame.
  411. Riko's heart is beating so hard and so quickly Chika can feel it more clearly than her own. But she can tell it's different from when she'd had the fever. It doesn't feel quite so stifled or straining anymore. It doesn't seem like it's painful. Rather, Chika believes it feels like a song, singing all of the feelings and emotions Riko can't put into words right now because her lips are occupied.
  413. So she lets her heart sing a rhythm instead, and Chika listens.
  415. She lets it soak into her soul and dance around her own heart, until their pulses overlap and sing as one.
  417. Riko eases back, and Chika wishes she hadn't, but she understands they both need to catch their breath.
  419. And when she next looks up into those sparkling eyes like golden sunset over the ocean, Chika feels something warm and wonderful stir in her chest. There's a blush painting Riko's cheeks, one that's light and healthy now, and had likely chased away the remnants of her sickness.
  421. This is a new fever, and a much better one. One Chika can share with her.
  423. Once they've both managed to compose themselves a little, Riko lets out a sigh and rests her forehead against hers.
  425. "Thank goodness," she murmurs. "I was so scared, Chika-chan. I was so scared I might hurt you..."
  427. "Me too." Chika loops both arms around Riko's waist and interlocks her fingers at the small of her back. "I couldn't bear to see you like that, Riko-chan. You were in so much pain..."
  429. "It couldn't have been easy for you either," Riko says. "Now that I know you felt the same way..."
  431. "I just didn't want to mess anything up..."
  433. "Me, either..."
  435. Another beat of silence. Riko wraps her arms around Chika's shoulders and shifts herself down until their noses are brushing.
  437. "But I'm so glad, Chika-chan. I'm so glad you feel the same way. I can't even put it into words how happy I am. My heart feels like it's going to overflow!"
  439. "That's exactly how it feels!" Chika agrees. "But you know, I think we found out one good way to express that, right?" She brushes her nose against Riko's cheek affectionately, and feels Riko nudge her back, giggling.
  441. "You're right."
  443. Their eyes meet, and this time they initiate the kiss together. It sends thrills through each of them, makes both their hearts swirl with excitement.
  445. By now the tears have mostly stopped, but whatever ones that manage to slip free are for joy, and nothing else.
  447. Another moment that seems to last forever comes and goes as the two girls part for breath, smiling and giggling and blushing.
  449. "Riko-chan!"
  451. "Chika-chan!"
  453. They laugh and hug each other again, channeling this excitement however they can.
  455. That's when they're made to remember they actually had come here today for the sake of practicing. Mari and Kanon are making their way over now, and Chika sees them before they call out her name.
  457. "Heeey, Chika-chan!"
  459. "How's Riko-chan doing?"
  461. "Crap!" Chika stiffens sheepishly. "W-We're supposed to be practicing."
  463. "Oh no," Riko whimpers. "Th-This is bad! I-I can't face them like this, Chika-chan! My face is all red and my heart won't calm down-"
  465. "I-It's okay! Just close your eyes and stay like that. I'll handle it." She still has Riko across her lap in a hug, but to the others it looks like she'd fallen asleep on Chika's shoulder, so that's what Chika goes with. As the seniors get closer she can see the concern in their eyes as they look Riko over.
  467. "Is she asleep?"
  469. "She must be really sick."
  471. "Y-Yeah," Chika agrees. "She did have a fever yesterday. We thought it had gone away so that's why we came to practice today, but it seems she's still sick. I was gonna let her rest for a few more minutes and then take her home."
  473. "That's probably for the best," Kanon agrees. "If she's just trying to practice like this she'll only get worse."
  475. "Yeah," Chika nods. "Sorry we're gonna miss the rest of practice. We'll make it up later this week."
  477. "It's fine," Mari assures. "Just take care of Riko-chan and make sure she gets better. That's the most important thing."
  479. "Right. I will."
  481. The two older girls wave before heading back to the others. Chika waits until they're out of earshot.
  483. "There. I feel bad about missing, but I think it's best I take you back home anyway." She feels Riko press closer and give a nod.
  485. "Yeah... I don't think I would've been able to concentrate at all..."
  487. "Do you still feel sick?"
  489. "N-No. Not because of that..."
  491. Chika grins.
  493. "Well then if it's my fault you won't be able to concentrate I'll have to take full responsibility for you, Riko-chan!"
  495. "E-Eh?"
  497. Before she can comprehend what's happening, she feels Chika's arms around her shoulders and beneath her knees. With a grunt Chika gets to her feet, holding Riko princess-style. Riko shrieks and clings to her shoulders.
  499. "Ch-Chika-chan!"
  501. "Don't worry! All those exercises helped build up my muscles! Plus you're not heavy at all, Riko-chan!"
  503. "Y-You don't have to! I-I can walk by myself!"
  505. "Are you sure?"
  507. "Yes! If you carried me like this all the way back I don't think my heart would ever be able to recover from it!"
  509. "Okay, okay. Riko-chan, you're so cute~!"
  511. "D-Don't say that. I won't be able to stand..."
  513. Chika laughs and lets her down on her own two feet, but makes sure to keep an arm around her for support. Riko's face has gone bright pink once again, but there's a new energy around her that had never quite been present before.
  515. Chika can feel it in herself as well, this exciting bubbly sensation wafting all around her, fueling Riko's emotions and getting some back from her as well.
  517. Their hands come together softly, fingers curling and interlocking with a gentle squeeze as they begin to walk.
  519. Chika feels like there's still so much she wants to say to Riko, and judging by the look in her friend's eyes there's a lot Riko wants to say to her too.
  521. But when their gazes meet, both girls discover they can't find the words just yet.
  523. They just smile instead, and for now that's all they really need.
  525. ---------
  527. A/N: Finally~ It was such a relief to finally write them get through that final push. There'll be one last quick chapter to wrap things up!
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