
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 12: A Ghostbuster in Baltimare

Dec 12th, 2012
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  1. >”Alright, Anon! You ready?”
  2. “Yeah. Should I be worried that your standing behind a brick wall, and I'm not?”
  3. >Its been about a month since you got out of the hospital with a couple broken ribs, and things have been very silent lately. P0nyville is practically ghost-free after your merry band found that tablet and took it above surface.
  4. >”No... Not really... Uh, maybe? Well...”
  5. >Because of the downtime, you've been a very busy ghostbuster. The fire-house is now completely renovated, you managed to make some slime growing vats, and Twilight has been very busy trying to help you build a slime-blower that won't explode when fired continuously.
  6. “On second thought, lets just get this over with.”
  7. >The last few attempts have been less than successful. Luckily, when they fail they usually just get slime everywhere, but damn if it doesn't get annoying after a while.
  8. >Taking in a deep breath, you point the nozzle of the slime blower at a ghost-cut out target and pull the handle... First, it sputters and burps, then... Nothing.
  9. >”Ah, darn it! I thought I had it this time.” Twilight laments on the other side of the cement wall.
  10. “Don't worry about it Twilight. These things don't happen in a day.”
  11. >You unstrap the defective pack, and check the gauges.
  12. >Its still getting pressure. Wait a sec, that red button wasn't there before.
  13. “Hey, Twilight. Whats with the red button?”
  14. >”Huh? Oh, that is the safety.”
  15. “You put a safety on a slime-blower? Why?”
  16. >”Well, just in case you don't want to discharge it by accident.” She explains.
  17. >With a sigh, you press the safety...
  18. >...Wait a second, the handle is still set to 'blow'.
  19. >Oh fu-!
  20. >Within a second, the metal tube at the end springs to life as it sprays a wave of pink goop, causing the cylinder to rocket back. Right into your joy department.
  21. “O-o-o-ow...”
  22. >Doubling over in pain, you clutch your injured nethers as the slime blower coats the entire room in happy ectoplasm... Leaving you surprisingly dry.
  23. >As it finally sputters out, you can hear Twilight run over, “Oh my gosh... Anon are you alright?”
  24. >No, you just got a metal cylinder to the baby maker!
  25. >You shake your head.
  26. >”Do you need anything.”
  27. >Gasping, you manage to squeak out,
  28. “Ice.”
  29. -
  30. >Your in some serious pain right now, but luckily a bag of ice on your slightly swollen nards is taking the edge off. Sitting in your favorite rolling chair is helping too.
  31. >You were lucky Mister Rich had an old minotaur-sized lounge chair sitting in the corner of his warehouse.
  32. >Twilight is happy, but trying to control her mirth so she doesn't seem insensitive about her devious little contraption trying to remove you from the gene pool.
  33. >”Feeling better, Anon?”
  34. “Yeah. The ice helps.”
  35. >”Well, at least it works right?”
  36. “That is true. Though the 'testicle assassination' button needs work.”
  37. >She rolled her eyes, “Well, if you were wearing the harness, it wouldn't have done that.”
  38. “Oh, I'm sure.”
  39. >Suddenly, your banter is cut short when a pair of new voices make themselves known.
  40. >”What at what we got here brother of mine, I believe this is the place.”
  41. >It was a pair of stallions, unicorns from the looks of them. Both were wearing stripped vest with white undershirts and hats that looked like they belonged from the nineteen fifties. Though, one did have a very nice mustache.
  42. “I'll be the judge of that. Who are you two?”
  43. >”He's F-”
  44. >Twilight sighed, sounding rather annoyed, “What are you two doing back here? Trying to take over Sweet Apple Acres, again?”
  45. >Hey... That's AJ's farm.
  46. “Who did what now?”
  47. >”These two tried to take over AJ's family farm and chase her out of town.” Twilight states, still scowling at the pair.
  48. >Now, AJ hadn't hung around you the most, but she was still pretty damn cool in your book. You turn your gaze to the pair of stallions, who seem to be sweating bullets now.
  49. “Really?”
  50. >”Listen, my brother and I can explain. It was friendly wager, we weren't seriously considering taking over their orchard-”
  51. >You've dealt with these types before. Swindlers and con-men, from the sound of them. And tried to fuck over your buddy? Fuck these guys.
  52. >Then again, they came to your fire-house for a reason, and you could at least hear them out.
  53. >”Oh yes you were, you liars!” Twilight huffed.
  54. >With a sigh, you look over to Twilight,
  55. “Listen, lets just hear them out. Maybe its something important?”
  56. >”But, Anon! These guys aren't nice-”
  57. “Twilight Sparkle... Please, let them just say what they came to say. Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement?”
  58. >You then give her a secretive wink, as a plan begins to formulate in your head.
  59. >You turn your attention back to the pair of stallions.
  60. “Please, continue.”
  61. >They both seem to go back to their previously upbeat selves, “Well, before we were so rudely interrupted...”
  62. >”He's Flim!”
  63. >”He's Flam!”
  64. >”We're the world famous, Flim Flam brothers. Coming to you from sunny Baltimare!”
  65. >”We heard from the grapevine that you were just p0ny that maybe able to help us-”
  66. >”Help you what? Ruin more innocent p0nies' lives?” Twilight muttered under her breath.
  67. >”Well, it maybe true in the past that we may have... Taken advantage of a few p0nies. But, we assure you, we have left that life behind to become entrepreneurs!” Flam responds.
  68. >”Yes, my brother speaks the truth! We've recently come into possession of our uncles' old fishery.”
  69. >”Quite! Old Hook, Line, and Sinker ran it for years until they got too old. But now, we're taking over the business!”
  70. >”Indeed we are, brother of mine. However; there is a slight hitch.”
  71. “Haunted?”
  72. >”Indeed, Sir Anonymous! That is your name right? Mister Anonymous?
  73. “Yeah. Well, please continue.”
  74. >”Thank you, well... We tried to preform some renovations when strange things started to occur.”
  75. >”Quite; tools coming to life and attacking workers, voices coming from the walls, and other strange phenomena.”
  76. >”It became so severe, that work has come to a stand still until we can work out a solution.”
  77. >”And that is where you come in, Mister Anonymous. We heard that your a ghoul catcher!”
  78. >”A spirit trapper.”
  79. >”A Ghostbuster!”
  80. >With a smile, you nod over to the pair.
  81. “Mmhmm. Got that right.”
  82. >”Perfect.”
  83. >”Excellent, well, if we can get you to come to Baltimare, you can remove that ghost for us.”
  84. “Of course. First we have business to discuss.”
  85. >”Ah. Well, what do you need to discuss with us?”
  86. “Payment.”
  87. >Flim seemed taken a back from this, “Well... We were under the impression that you worked for the greater good of p0nies everywhere, free of charge.”
  88. “And you'd be right. But busting ghost isn't cheap work. While P0nyville pays me with tax-payer money, you don't live in P0nyville, do ya? So this would be an outside gig, and I cannot, in good consciousness, use tax money to take care of your little problem.”
  89. >”You make a fair point. Surely, fifty bits is a fair price for your services?” Flam said, giving you a salesman's smile.
  90. >You smile right back, adjusting the icepack on your groin.
  91. “I'd have to pass.”
  92. >”One hundred bits then?”
  93. “Try again.”
  94. >”Two hundred?”
  95. “Your not even in the ball park.”
  96. >”Well, what is your price?” Flim stated, looking worried.
  97. >After a dramatic pause, you lean forward.
  98. “One thousand bits.”
  99. >Flam clutched at his chest, and almost feel backward, “One thousand bits?! That's robbery! Surely you jest?”
  100. >You put on a serious face.
  101. “Does it look like I'm joking?”
  102. >”Well, it seemed that this entire thing was a waste of time, brother. We'll simply take our leave.” Flim stated, tilting his hat backward and heading for the door.
  103. “Great, see you around. I just hope that a ghost portal doesn't open up...”
  104. >”Pardon?” They both said in unison.
  105. “Ghost portal. You see, when there is one haunting sometimes it can draw in other ghost... Think of it like a magnet. If too many ghost go to one area, an entrance to the ghost world forms and suddenly, your in some serious metaphysical shit. But, hey, good luck with that.”
  106. >Not necessarily true, but they didn't know that.
  107. >Turning away, you look to Twilight.. Whose wearing the biggest grin ever.
  108. >You can hear the two of them whispering, before Flam speaks up, “Seven hundred bits.”
  109. “One thousand.”
  110. >They whisper again, “Eight hundred and not a bit more!”
  111. “Still at one thousand.”
  112. >”Nine hundred, take it or leave it.”
  113. “Twelve hundred bits.”
  114. >”What? But you said one thousand!”
  115. “Well, the price just went up.”
  116. >”Fine, one thousand bits.” You can hear Flam say in an exasperated tone.
  117. >Lounging back in your chair, you turn to face them.
  118. “I just said twelve hundred.”
  119. >”Grrr, listen here you-” it looked Flam's mustache was about to burst into flame before Flim reached over to calm him down.
  120. >”Brother, calm yourself. Listen, Mister Anonymous, please be reasonable... The amount your asking for is a lot of money! We've spent so much fixing that fishery, if we don't get it running soon then all of our work will be for nothing.” That was the first genuine thing you've heard either one of them say this entire time.
  121. “Fine. I'll do it for one thousand, but your covering round trip tickets for me and another p0ny. Deal?”
  122. >The both released a sigh, smiling and puffing up their chests slightly, “You have yourself a deal!”
  123. -
  124. >AJ was laughing so hard, the milk shake she was drinking almost came out of her nose, “Ah wish ah could have been there ta' see tha' look their faces!”
  125. >You smirk, taking a bite of a cookie while you sat in a corner booth at Sugar Cube Corner.
  126. >Twilight was giggling, “I almost feel a little bad for them, Anon. I mean, one thousand bits isn't easy to come by.”
  127. >Rainbow Dash snickered, “Pfft, I'm sure those two jerks have plenty of bits. So, when are you going?”
  128. >You examine the pair of train tickets the brothers bought you.
  129. “Mid-day tomorrow. You wanna help me take out some ghosties?”
  130. >You nod over to Rainbow Dash. She seemed to always be the first to jump on an opportunity to smack around a ghost.
  131. >Rainbow Dash released a groan, “Awww... I really want to Anon, but I have work the rest of the week. Its the rainy season so I'm super busy.”
  132. >Damn. You turn to Twilight, whose still snickering.
  133. “What about you Twilight? You handled yourself pretty well around those things before.”
  134. >Twilight stops laughing, and frowns a little, “I'm sorry Anon, but I have plans too. I Pinkie promised Pinkie that I'd help her tomorrow.”
  135. >Fuck. That means Pinkie wouldn't want to do it either.
  136. >Highly doubtful that either Fluttershy or Rarity would be interested in busting a ghost. Then you notice the chuckling apple-themed earth p0ny.
  137. >She handled herself pretty well the last time.
  138. “What about you, AJ?”
  139. >She stopped laughing and almost fell over, “Wh-what?”
  140. “You want to come up with me to sunny Baltimare and help me take out whatever spook is causing mischief ?”
  141. >A nervous chuckle escapes her throat, “Well, while I'd love ta' Anon, ah really don't think spirit wranglin' is mah thing.”
  142. >”What? But its so much fun, AJ! You should totally do it.” Rainbow said, stamping her hooves on the floor excitedly.
  143. “Come on, AJ. I'll split the money with ya'. Four for you, four for me, and two for P0nyville. I'll even let you use the new fancy slime blower. Be my slimer, AJ.”
  144. >With the mention of extra money, AJ seemed to rethink her previous statement, “Well, Big Mac does need a new plow. An' ya' might need somep0ny there ta' keep those two in line... Well, Alright Anonymous. Ya' got ya'self a deal.”
  145. >She reached her hoof across the table, and you took and gave it a shake.
  146. “Awesome!”
  147. -
  148. >Baltimare wasn't as sunny as those two claimed it was. In fact, it was dreary. The skies were seemed to be in a constant state of over-cast. The weather patrol here must be lazy.
  149. >A lot of the p0nies were giving you and AJ funny looks, “Ah think we're gettin' some odd looks.”
  150. “Of course we're getting odd looks. You've got a ectoplasm distributor on your back, and your walking next to an alien with a proton thrower, a spectral container, and a PKE meter... Though they might just be staring cause I'm so handsome.”
  151. >You smirk as AJ rolls her eyes, “'Handsome' isn't tha' word I'd use.”
  152. “Don't hate.”
  153. >As you two continue to walk, the smell of baked sweet potatoes wafts to your nose. You look around and spy a food cart with baked root tubers.
  154. >There wasn't food served on the train, so you were pretty hungry...
  155. “Hey, I'm gonna get a sweet potato. You want one?”
  156. >”No thanks, sugar-cube.”
  157. >You approach the cart, reaching into your pocket to retrieve a few bits... There was another p0ny in front of you wearing a heavy jacket, and holding what looked like a cigar in his mouth. As you approached, both the vendor and the p0ny looked at you with bewilderment.
  158. >”Whats with all the gear?” The p0ny in the jacket queried wide eyed.
  159. “Someone spotted a cockroach at the old fishery. I'm here to take care of it.”
  160. >”Must be a big cockroach.”
  161. “Take your head clean off.”
  162. >The p0ny motions for you to go before him, “I'll get the next one.”
  163. >With a shrug, you pay the bewildered vendor a couple bits and receive a piping hot sweet potato. Mmmm. Potato.
  164. “Thanks.”
  165. >After scarfing the potato, both of you were standing before to the 'Hook-Line-Sinker Fishery'.
  166. >It was a large stone building, probably older than you were. Scaffolding was all over the front, signs of the brothers' trying to breath some new life into the decrepit old factory. Whipping out your PKE meter, you flip it on... And sure enough, it beeped to life.
  167. >”I'm guessin' this is the place then?”
  168. “Of course.”
  169. >”Ya' know all tha' best places ta' take a girl, Anon.”
  170. “Don't I though? Don't I?”
  171. >”Ah, there you are Mister Anonymous and you've brought the lovely Miss Applejack.”
  172. >And that would be Flim, with his brother Flam right beside him.
  173. >“Ah almost forgot how annoyin' they were.” AJ grumbled.
  174. “What are you two doing here?”
  175. >You really don't like it when the clients show up. They tended to get in the way and get themselves hurt. Those lawsuits were never fun.
  176. >”With the hefty sum of bits we're paying, we want to make sure the job is done correctly.” Flam continued.
  177. >You just chuckled. These idiots wanted to observe? Alright, lets humor them.
  178. “Well, okay then. Well, just show us inside and we'll get to work.”
  179. >AJ whispered to you, agitation heavy in her tone, “I don' trust those two as far as I can throw 'em. They're up ta' somethin'.”
  180. “Don't worry. I'll get rid of them.”
  181. >The two unicorns ushered you into the fishery. The interior was covered in white drapes, with lumber and stone placed all around the place. It still had that smell of rotten fish and old sea water.
  182. Looked like they stopped right in the middle of construction. You whip out your PKE meter again and start to scan around. Giving the sensitivity knock a little tweak, the meter squeals loudly. The two brothers were eying you curiously, you whistle and look over to AJ.
  183. “Get the slime-blower out. I'm willing to bet we're gonna see some action soon.”
  184. >AJ nods, and nervously stands up on her hind hooves and draws the blower. You holster the PK meter and draw your proton-wand, flicking the switch as it hums to life.
  185. “Alright, Flim and Flam, fair warning... This equipment that we're using is extremely dangerous. Once the proton streams start flying, if you get the in way there is a good possibility that you could be vaporized.”
  186. >”Vaporized? What do you mean?” Flim stuttered.
  187. “Well, you see this little gizmo right here? It fires a stream of positively charged protons. It helps neutralize ghost's energy, making it easier to capture. However, the side effect is that a missed shot could cause a lot of damage. Mostly its just charred walls or destroyed furniture... But, living tissue... Oh ho ho. You just don't want to know.”
  188. >You shake your head and release a forced chuckle.
  189. >Flim and Flam huddle together and whisper to one another, Flam then pops his head back up “In that case, we'll leave you two to it. We'll wait outside.”
  190. “Oh, really?”
  191. >Desired result: achieved. Nothing quite like the possibility of proton-scarring to scare someone off.
  192. >”Absolutely! We know that you two p0nies can take care of yourselves...” Flam chuckles nervously, as they both edge for ajar door... Which slams shut on it's own.
  193. >It begins.
  194. >”No escape for the kin of cheaters.” The room itself seemed to echo, as the click of a reel begun to echo throughout the entire fishery.
  195. >A class four with revenge issues. This is gonna be fun.
  196. >”Flim, I don't think us coming in here was the best of ideas!”
  197. >”I'm starting to think the same, dear brother.”
  198. >”Will ya' two quit it? Anonymous has taken on worst than this, right?”
  199. “Yeah... Just in case, you two may want to leave through the nearest window.”
  200. >The windows begin to flow with water. Salt water to be more precise.
  201. >Of course.
  202. >The two full grown stallions rush over to the door and begin to frantically pound on it, screeching in utter terror... AJ is looking pretty shaken herself.
  203. >The cold sea water begins to rise up to about the middle of your calf...
  204. >Then, ghostly fins break through the surface.
  205. >Fucking ghost-sharks? Really? Fucking really?
  206. “Shoot the fins!”
  207. >You command, letting your proton stream fly. The beam skirting across the water with a crackle and a pop.
  208. >”Don't gotta tell me twice, sugar cube!” AJ yells, as she begins to hose down the water with copious amounts of slime.
  209. >They were everywhere! Swarms of spectral sharks flew through the air, threatening to take a bite out of anything in their way. Lucky for you two they didn't appear to be too tough.
  210. >Most of the ghostly chompers were disintegrated under the combined slime-beam assault (along with several pieces of hardware and a few non-essential support beams).
  211. >While your back was turned, one managed to sneak up behind you. Only for it to get neutralized by a well placed geyser of slime.
  212. >Girl was a natural with that blower. Too bad she already found her apple-related calling in life.
  213. “Wow. Nice shootin' Tex.”
  214. >Flam had enough and just collapsed into the water, while Flim was desperately trying to wake him up.
  215. >”Thank ya' kindly, Anonymous. Tha' the last of 'em?”
  216. “Not yet. Those were just minions. The big boy is still hanging around here.”
  217. >The water that was pooling on the floor begins to ripple, as the head of a ghostly fisher-p0ny begun to surface as the water churned. Its 'skin' was a pallid white, a pale yellow rain slicker cover its form as it clutched a distressed fishing rod in one hoof. It looked over to Flim, then Flam. “Too long have I waited for this.”
  218. >Raising its reel, a semi-transparent flying line wraps around the brothers and hefts them into the air, it snarled evilly, “I lost everything because of your blood. And you shall pay the price!”
  219. “Hey, that's my bread and butter your fucking with.”
  220. >No spirit is gonna kill anyone while your around.
  221. >You take a snap shot at drowned assassin, the stream ripping into it's shoulder as the two brothers fall to the floor.
  222. >Alright, clients safe, but now its got its eyes on you.
  223. “AJ, think you can get those two idiots out of here?”
  224. >You look over, and she's already making a b-line for the pair sea water soaked chuckle heads.. Always seems to be ahead of you, that one.
  225. >At least you can turn your attention to the ghost now, you proceed to open up a can of proton flavored whoop ass.
  226. “Come on! Ran out of goddamn sharks?”
  227. >You train the beam on it, and it writhes about jumping side to side. “ENOUGH!” It shouts, as a wall of water comes crashing towards you.
  228. >This wasn't the first your been assaulted by ecto-charged sea water, but it knocks you off your feet all the same.
  229. >Spitting, you try to rise to your feet... Only for the world to turn upside down.
  230. >The spirit has you dangling like a worm on a hook, “You try to defend the kin of those cheaters? Why?!”
  231. >Glancing down at the trio of p0nies, AJ is bucking viciously against the door to try to force it open. Keep talking, gotta keep him distracted.
  232. “I don't know. Why do you want to kill them so badly?”
  233. >The thing's empty eye sockets turn a bright blue as it snarls, “This fishery used to be mine! The one known as 'Hook' made a bet with me, that he could catch more fish than I could in one day. ..”
  234. >That's right, keep monologging.
  235. >”If I won, he and his troublesome brothers would have to leave town.” The spirit's eyes begun to water, “He won the bet, but only because he cheated! His brothers were secretly adding fish to his pile! I saw them do it. No one believed me, so I lost my fishery.”
  236. “Those bastards..”
  237. >You chimed in, keeping him distracted. The door begun to crack and buckle. Almost there AJ.
  238. >”Without the fishery, I couldn't support my family. I lost my wife, my children, and then finally my home. I couldn't stand it any longer... I ended my life how I spent it. Out in the bay.”
  239. “Well, sounds like you lost a lot. You have my sympathies. I know it sounds crazy, but I can kind of relate.”
  240. >”Really? I find that hard to believe.”
  241. >Alright, time to break out the Anonymous charm. If it wants a 'woe is me story', you can do that. Your not any good at bluffing, so instead, you opt for the truth.
  242. “Well, as you can tell I don't look like any other p0ny you've probably seen. Cause I'm not from here. I'm far away from my family and friends, and they all think I'm dead. All I really want to do is talk to them, tell them I'm alright, but I can't.”
  243. >The spirit looks at you, looking conflicted.
  244. >Keep going Anon, you got him!
  245. “You know what sucks worse? My sister is gonna have a baby soon, and I'm probably not even gonna be able to see it. I'm gonna be an Uncle. Probably won't even be able to meet him... Or her.”
  246. >The ghost seems captivated now. Alright, you got this. They just need a few more seconds and AJ will get that door open.
  247. >Feeling dizzy, the blood must be all rushing to your head.
  248. “Life isn't fair. And I'm sorry you got screwed, but doing this isn't going to solve anything. Its time to give up the ghost. You've earned your eternal rest, let us living smucks worry about the details.”
  249. >It seems to ponder your words, “Maybe you're right...” It begins to lower you to the ground.
  250. >Did you just talk down a ghost? Holy fuck, that is a first!
  251. >”Listen to the wise p0ny, good sir! I assure you, my brother and I will take good care of your fishery!” Stated Flim, giving him a dime store smile. AJ stopped her bucking and her hoof met her face.
  252. >”Ya' couldn't keep ya' mouth shut, could ya'!?”
  253. >The spirit's once calm demeanor turns into an angry torrent as you drop three feet into the shin deep water below, “NO! I will not allow you have my fishery!” It screeched, the walls starting to crack and rumble as more water begun to pour in.
  254. >Well, so much for talking this spirit down.
  255. >With a surge of adrenaline you jump to your feet, and level the charged proton lance.
  256. “Slime him, AJ!”
  257. >Both you and AJ bath the entity in slime and protons, its form cannot withstand the combined assault as it starts to fade.
  258. >Time to wrap this up.
  259. >You flick on the capture stream, the spirit tries to free itself in frantic and desperate feats of aerial acrobatics.
  260. “Sorry it came to this.”
  261. >Jumping into the air, you slam the spirit down into the ground, causing the wooden floor to crack with the impact, the spectral angler looking stunned. That crack in the floor allows the water to drain into the basement, leaving just enough room for you to set down your trap.
  262. >This didn't feel right. This poor bastard deserved rest, not containment. But you couldn't just let it go. Even if those guys were the biggest douche bags on the planet, they don't deserve to die.
  263. >That would be too simple. And they owed you money.
  264. >Slamming your heel on the pedal, the doors open as that blinding white light engulfed the spirit and sucked it down into the steel container.
  265. >Once the trap slammed shut, the water stopped, and the front door that AJ was abusing fell over with a thud. You just stood there, frowning.
  266. >It wasn't the first time you had to trap a spirit that didn't deserve it, but it always left a bad taste in your mouth.
  267. >With a sigh, you walk over to retrieve the still steaming trap.
  268. “Don't worry, I'll give you a nice private corner in the storage room.”
  269. >AJ trotted over, patting your side, “Ya' alright, Anon?”
  270. >You nod your head, and then sigh.
  271. “Alright, Flim... Flam... We took care of your ghost problem. So I believe you owe us some bits.”
  272. >At this point, Flim had finally managed to wake Flam up.
  273. >Flam looked about with a look of horror, “The fishery... It's completely destroyed!”
  274. “Hey, busting ghost ain't easy, buddy.”
  275. >Flim glares at you, “He's not your buddy, guy! And my brother is correct, you've done even more damage than that ghost could have ever done.”
  276. >Oh great, this spiel.
  277. >”Hey now, Anon just saved both of your hides! Least ya' can do is thank 'im fer it.” The stetson hat wearing mare said with a glare.
  278. >”Oh, we're quite sure he did, but the fact still remains that this fishery is in worse shape then it started.” Flam huffed, and turned up his snoot.
  279. >Oh ho ho, you've had enough of this bullshit.
  280. “Listen you two chuckle heads, I don't care if you don't like it. You hired me, and I did what you wanted. Now, I'll gladly take my bits and get out of here.”
  281. >”Well, I refuse to pay! Don't you agree, brother?” Flim stated, his brother nodding along.
  282. >”Indeed, you will not see a single bit from us. We suggest you take your leave before we call the guard.”
  283. >Those fuckers. They're gonna stiff you on the payment.
  284. >”You two scammin', lyin', cheatin'... Ah outta-”
  285. >Calmly, you walk over to AJ and put her hat over her face. She stops, looking up at you with a confused expression.
  286. “AJ, I do believe these two have a point. I mean, our little brawl did do quite a bit of damage, and they are unsatisfied as customers. It is well within their rights to refuse payment.”
  287. >You look over at the two, putting on your best politician's smile.
  288. >”I'm glad you see it our way, Mister Anonymous. Well, I suppose that means our business is concluded.”
  289. >They both seem a bit surprised by what you just said. There gonna be even more surprised with what comes next.
  290. “Not quite.”
  291. >You set the trap back on the ground, and hold the pedal in your hand.
  292. “I have to put the ghost back in his natural habitat.”
  293. >”What!?” They both say in unison.
  294. “Well, the price tag included both catching and containment of one spectral baddy. If your refusing to pay, I'm not going to waste more resources putting him away.”
  295. >You set the pedal on the ground, and look over to AJ.
  296. >That look on her face is priceless.
  297. “Get ready to run. As soon as I let this guy out, he's gonna be pissed. Luckily, he's more interested in those two than us, so we'll be fine. Oh, and just to warn you two, he'll probably be a lot more mobile now, so... I'll let you figure it out.”
  298. >”Wait wait wait! There's no need for that, we'll cover the price of containment. How much is that? Two hundred bits? Right?!” Flim tried to negotiate in a panic.
  299. “Try again.”
  300. >Your boot hovers over the trap switch.
  301. >The two of them released a defeated groan and slumped over, “You... You wouldn't. Would you?”
  302. >An evil grin crosses your face, and you swear you see them both go white.
  303. “Try me.”
  304. >With a groan, Flim begins to walk to the door, “You have us over a barrel, Anonymous. You'll have your bits.”
  305. >Flam tries to protest, but he soon silences himself and just settles on giving you a death stare.
  306. >You look over to AJ whose looking at you, mouth agape.
  307. “Close your mouth, AJ. A fly might get stuck in your throat.”
  308. -
  309. >The train ride back to P0nyville was filled with a happy conversation, and you counting out the loot.
  310. >”Ah still can't believe ya' managed to get those two ta' pay up. Though, Ah'm curious, would ya' have let that spook back out?”
  311. >Shrugging, you finish dividing up the big bag of bits, and hand AJ her cut.
  312. “Maybe. Those two guys were jerks.”
  313. >”Yah, ya' got that right.” AJ took the small bag of bits and laid back in her seat, “Ah couldn't help but hear what ya' said to tha' ghost.”
  314. >Shit, you were kind of hoping she didn't hear you.
  315. “Uh huh.”
  316. >”Ya' really miss yer family, don'tcha?”
  317. >You stop counting the bits and remain silent. Goddamn it, your a terrible liar. Think quick.
  318. >”Tha's wha' I thought.”
  319. “I didn't say anything.”
  320. >”Ya' don' hafta, sugar cube. Ah'm pretty good at readin' p0nies. Ya' could talk ta' me bout it if ya' want ta'.”
  321. >With a sigh, you look up to face AJ whose giving you a sympathetic smile.
  322. “Already came to grips with it.”
  323. >You were lying, but you sounded convincing enough.
  324. >”Didn't Ah just say I was good at readin' p0nies?”
  325. >That look on her face.
  326. >Yeah, she saw right through that little lie.
  327. >With a sigh, you look back to a bit, flipping the golden coin between your fingers. You've been wanting to say something for a while, and since AJ brought it up...
  328. “... I could of went home, AJ.”
  329. >”Wha' do ya' mean?”
  330. >You briefly flashback to that faithful out of body experience. Standing on the shores of Miami, watching your own damn funeral.
  331. “It's hard to explain. I had a chance to go home, but I didn't take it. Some nights I just sit awake and wonder if I made the right decision is all.”
  332. >”Why didn'tcha? Was it one of them 'seemed to good ta' be true' things?”
  333. >You point at her.
  334. “Nailed it. Besides, if I went away, who would expose you to your daily amount of 'weird'?”
  335. >AJ laughed, “Pinkie Pie, prolly.”
  336. “Yeah, but does she give you dangerous equipment that could potentially explode?”
  337. >”Coulda' what now?”
  338. “Nothing, AJ.”
  339. >You went back to counting bits, feeling a little better to have that off your chest.
  340. >"Whelp, if it means anythin' to ya', Ah'm glad ya' stayed. Wouldn't know wha'd we do without ya'."
  341. "Thanks, AJ."
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