
Because of You

Apr 20th, 2014
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  1. >The night is cool and crisp, perfect for a late night walk around town.
  2. >Most stragglers have returned to their homes for the night, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  3. >You quite preferred it this way, personal time was something you didn't get a lot of these days.
  4. >For no reason you had found yourself by the Ponyville bar, and much to your bad luck the doors were kicked right open as you started to walk past.
  5. >There's some shouting and cursing, looking over at the spectacle you see somepony get thrown out into the street.
  6. >That's when you recognize her.
  7. >Rainbow Dash, out for another late night of drinking most likely, and things did not seem to be going her way tonight.
  8. >It's at this moment you have to decide whether or not to help her...
  9. >Again.
  10. >Her grumbling is loud and she makes a symphony of other unintelligible noises.
  11. >Stopping in your tracks you look her over.
  12. >It's a pity the slump she's gotten herself into really.
  13. >You sigh and mentally prepare yourself for another night of drunk-sitting as you approach her.
  14. "Get kicked out again?"
  15. >"Dose morons dunno who they’re messin wif!"
  16. "Right..."
  17. >This conversation is going to go nowhere fast.
  18. >Rainbow gets up from the ground and dusts herself off.
  19. >She's a little wobbly on the hooves, as is to be expected.
  20. >Skipping a few steps in the conversation you get straight to point.
  21. "Too drunk to get back to your house?"
  22. >"Issat a challenge?"
  23. >You don't care to find out if she can or not, as far as you're concerned she's given you your answer.
  25. "Come on, you're going back to my place."
  26. >There's a pause before a response.
  27. >"Thanks Anon, Ikun always count on you."
  28. >Unfortunately so.
  29. >You solemnly gesture for her to follow, and she does so, trying her best to keep steady.
  30. >Nobody else is out right now thankfully; you'd rather not be seen.
  31. >"Whatchoo doin out here anyways?"
  32. "Walking. Why do I need a reason?"
  33. >"Everything alright with the misses?"
  34. >Why would she ask something like that?
  35. "Where did that come from?"
  36. >"What? I didn't ask nuthin..."
  37. >Rainbow Dash shies away from you.
  38. >You write it off as drunken antics and move on.
  39. >Dash has a tendency to say strange things while drunk, you know this from experience.
  40. >She'll be back to herself in the morning and all of this will just be a faded memory.
  41. >It's a sad existence to live, a vicious cycle of repeating mistake after mistake...
  42. >Best not to dwell on it for too long.
  43. >You’ve learned to leave her to her own devices.
  44. >Perhaps it’s all for the best.
  45. >You’d like to say whatever life she wants is to live is fine by you, but that wouldn’t be true.
  46. >And yet here you were again, taking her in for the night.
  47. >What a hypocrite you are, claiming to not want to be involved, yet standing by her this entire time.
  48. >Sometimes people just need help.
  49. >Ponies included.
  50. >Once again your hypocritical tendencies shine through: willing to help with Rainbow's housing, yet not her true problem.
  52. >Looking back, you check that Dash is still following you.
  53. >Maybe, just maybe, you hoped she wasn't.
  54. >But she was, and she looks away from your eyes.
  55. >Tonight she's a special kind of drunk apparently.
  56. >Her steps are sluggish and heavy while her eyes are half closed, probably verging on the edge of sleep.
  57. >The apparent shyness is new.
  58. >It's all pathetic, really.
  59. "How are you holding up?"
  60. >You were pretty curious about her night, and some time passing conversation never hurt anyone.
  61. >"Good, good, wonderful." Rainbow states quickly.
  62. "What was going on back there exactly?"
  63. >She looks at you as if you're stupid.
  64. >"Another bar, another fight!"
  65. >It was impossible to tell if she was proud of it or if she expected you to know the answer already.
  66. >In hindsight it was obvious; that was her usual story.
  67. >That was all you needed to know anyways.
  68. "Land any good hits?"
  69. >"I smacked this one stallion right inis face!"
  70. >You laugh; it doesn't hurt to humor her.
  71. "Everything in one piece?"
  72. >Rainbow checks her back and turns around in a circle.
  73. >After finishing her body-check she beams proudly.
  74. >"Notta feather outta place!"
  75. >Her behavior reminded you of a filly's.
  76. >A drunk filly.
  77. "You're looking a little tired there."
  78. >She shakes her head, probably to rid her eyes of their drowsiness.
  79. >"I'll feel better once we get back your place."
  80. "Right..."
  81. >Because your house was such a safe haven.
  82. >Funnily enough, it was when Dash was over in her staggers that it felt the least like a haven.
  83. >Something had to give soon.
  85. >And so the two of you walked in unison down the night laden roads of Ponyville, with not a single witness present to the spectacle.
  86. >When you at last make it back home you are ready for a good sleep.
  87. >Dash is too, as you can see.
  88. >Her head is propped against the paneling of your house.
  89. >As you fumble around to unlock the front door you're almost certain you hear her snoring quietly.
  90. >Figures.
  91. >The door opens and you look towards the passed out Rainbow Dash, wondering what to do with her.
  92. >You've carried her before, so you knew it was doable and probably the easiest solution.
  93. >With another sigh, you put your arms under her and lift her up, rolling her onto her back while still in your grasp.
  94. >She’s heavy, sure, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.
  95. >One of her front hooves dangles as you carry her.
  96. >Entering your house step-by-step, you use your foot to swing the door closed behind you.
  97. >As you walk her over to your couch, she starts to stir slightly.
  98. >Coming up to the front of the couch, you bend over and lower Rainbow Dash onto it.
  99. >Once her back makes contact with the couch, she starts shifting about.
  100. >You pull your arms out from under her and begin to stand up when you hear her whisper your name.
  101. >Maybe you misheard her.
  102. >Leaning back in, you wait to see if she says it again.
  103. >”...Anon?”
  105. >Rainbow’s eyes are half-open and glazed over as she looks right at you.
  106. “Shh, get some sleep, Rainbow. You’re probably going to be feeling like hell tomorrow.”
  107. >”No, Anon, I-”
  108. >Before you can get back up again, one of Rainbow’s hooves has made its way onto your right hand.
  109. >She rolls onto her side and tugs on your hand slightly.
  110. >You get the message and move closer and down onto your knees.
  111. >”Can I… can I say something?”
  112. >Her voice is quiet, the stench of alcohol shadows her words.
  113. >Inching closer and closer, her features become more clear.
  114. >Half-lidded and drowsy, her eyes stare back into yours with an intensity, and her grip on your hand tightens.
  115. >She audibly swallows and her body begins to shake and her words start to quiver.
  116. >”A-Anon?”
  117. >Unsure of what she wants to say, you scoot closer and place your left hand on her side to try and comfort her.
  118. >Something’s eating her up inside.
  119. >A part of you wants her to admit her guilt.
  120. >For her to admit her addiction would be wonderful.
  121. >Then maybe you could help her.
  122. >”Yes, Rainbow Dash?”
  123. >In an instant she closes the distance between your lips and hers.
  124. >Your eyes spread wide open.
  125. >All you see is blue.
  126. >Dash’s eyes are shut tight in determination.
  127. >Her lips break from yours, and you’re left in shock.
  128. >Rainbow Dash just kissed you.
  129. >Rainbow Dash just kissed you for some reason.
  130. >No.
  131. >There was no reason.
  132. >She’s drunk.
  133. >This is bad, very bad and very awkward.
  135. “Dash... why did you...”
  136. >In an instant, she passes out on the couch while snoring lightly.
  137. >You’re not getting answers from her tonight.
  138. >Although, you’re not sure you actually want answers from her over this.
  139. >It’s late, and all you want is to get some sleep.
  140. >Tonight's been a drag, and tomorrow looks like its going to be an awkward one.
  141. >Before you retire to your room, you give the sleeping mare on your couch a final look, daring not to keep your gaze for too long.
  142. >She can only ever have your deepest sympathies.
  143. --
  144. >The morning sun is usually considered a thing of beauty, but as it sends its rays through the window and onto your face its the most evil thing in the universe.
  145. >Dear Celestia you've got quite the hangover.
  146. >Forget the rest of the world, it can handle a day without the awesomeness that is Rainbow Dash for just one day.
  147. >Right now, you just want to go back to sleep on this couch and dream away your headache.
  148. >Couch.
  149. >You're on a couch.
  150. >Why the heck are you on a couch?
  151. >It probably has something to do with the hangover.
  152. >Oh, wait no, that's right.
  153. >This isn't your house.
  154. >Oh crap whose house is this?
  155. >What're you doing here on this couch?
  156. >Unfortunately, these questions took precedence over sleep.
  157. >You shoot upright, taking quick glances around the room you're in.
  158. >That's when you see the shoes and jacket.
  160. >There's only one person you know that would wear clothing like that.
  161. >Actually, there's only one person you know.
  162. >This is Anon's house.
  163. >How did you not recognize it earlier?
  164. >You used to come here all the time...
  165. >Man it's been awhile, hasn't it?
  166. >You've gotta stop waking up on his couch.
  167. >He must have taken you in for the night again, what a real... pal.
  168. >What even happened last night?
  169. >Everything's a blur of cider, whiskey, and scotch.
  170. >You chuckle at this; that was just another Sunday night for you nowadays.
  171. >Ughh, Sunday.
  172. >You would have to report for weather duty tomorrow.
  173. >That's gonna suck.
  174. >Tomorrow...
  175. >Aww crap!
  176. >That's today now!
  177. >Seriously Rainbow?
  178. >Choose better drinking nights.
  179. >Hopefully you're not late; it's still pretty early looking outside.
  180. >Doing a flip off the couch, your head and stomach simultaneously wage war on your body.
  181. >This is going to suck.
  182. >Taking it easier now, you wander over to the front door, wincing in pain.
  183. >Gonna have to repay Anon for his hospitality sometime.
  184. >You hope you weren't annoying or anything like that last night, that would stink.
  185. >Anon's always been there for you, all the more reason to make it up to him somehow.
  186. >Opening the door and closing it behind you, you brace yourself for the pain to follow.
  187. >Taking off into the skies, you feel like you might pass out, or vomit, or both.
  188. >So you think of other things to distract from the pain.
  189. >Of how many naps you're going to take while on weather duty; of how much your job is going to suck today; of last night and how you can't remember it; of Anon...
  190. >The pain doesn't leave entirely.
  192. --
  193. >All good things must come to an end they say, and this truth makes itself known as you groggily open your eyes to the morning light.
  194. >Bleh, you’re sure you could get away with five more minutes of sleep…
  195. >Catching a glimpse of your alarm clock, it reads half past 11.
  196. >Well damn, there goes your chance to snooze.
  197. >Places to be and such.
  198. >Getting up, you take the steps necessary to make yourself presentable to the world.
  199. >While putting on your pants, you stop as something comes to mind.
  200. >Rainbow Dash will be downstairs.
  201. >She kissed you last night.
  202. >And it wasn’t some kind of ‘friendship cheek kiss’ thing, it was a total ‘Anon you’re hot’ on the lips kiss.
  203. >But she couldn’t have meant it like that, right?
  204. >A sigh escapes you.
  205. >Today’s going to suck.
  206. >Ready to face whatever’s downstairs, you take a step forward…
  207. >Only to trip over the pants that were still around your ankles and fall flat on your face.
  208. >Fuck pants.
  209. >Although, if your going to confront Rainbow Dash about last night, you’re probably going to need them.
  210. >You get up, pull up your pants, buckle them, and descend the stairs.
  211. >When you reach the bottom, you call out for your guest.
  212. “Rainbow Dash.”
  213. >No immediate response.
  214. “Dash?”
  215. >She wasn’t on your couch, or the floor.
  216. >Scanning the room, it’s obvious she’s not in there.
  217. >A quick survey of your entire house reveals that you are alone.
  218. >Which means that she left.
  220. >She’s done this before, though only a few times, where she’d leave before you could talk to her.
  221. >To be honest though, you preferred those days where she left.
  222. >It saved you the trouble of giving her that pointless lecture.
  223. >Not like it’s done any good so far
  224. >Week after week it’s the same thing.
  225. >You sigh once more.
  226. >The problem you would have to address was only delayed now, and you just wanted it over with right now.
  227. >Oh well.
  228. >Guess things will have to be settled the next time you see her.
  229. >But for now, you’ve got someplace to be.
  230. >Somepony is waiting for you.
  231. --
  232. >The bell above the door to the flower shop rings as you walk inside.
  233. >A mixture of flowery aromas hits your nose like a steel wall.
  234. >It's not unpleasant, just incredibly pungent.
  235. >Carts and tables filled with pots and plants line the aisle to the front counter.
  236. >A certain rosey-maned mare has her back turned towards the door, rummaging around in some sort of box.
  237. >She sends a greeting without looking away from the focus of her attention.
  238. >You step up to the counter wordlessly and ring the bell.
  239. >Her ear twitches and she turns around to see the visitor.
  240. >"Hello-"
  241. >As her eyes move up to yours, her face lights up with a smile.
  242. >"Oh, Anon, you're here!"
  243. >Roseluck gets up from the floor and places her fore hooves on the counter.
  244. >Meeting her halfway, you place your elbows on the counter as well and lean in, the two of you meeting in a kiss.
  246. >Rose pulls away first.
  247. >"Is it really noon already?”
  248. "Wow, if I had known you were going to lose track of the time I wouldn't have bothered being so punctual."
  249. >She closes the gap once more with a quick peck on the lips.
  250. >"Somepony's gotta organize our seed inventory."
  251. "Just get Daisy to do it."
  252. >She playfully smacks your shoulder and laughs.
  253. >"Yeah, sure. She should just take my shift while she's at it."
  254. "What's that? You want to get out of here? Am I hearing you right?"
  255. >You lean in closer with a coy smile plastered on your face.
  256. "Has someone been missing me?"
  257. >Roseluck locks her gaze with yours, as if challenging you to look away.
  258. >She leans in slowly, inching closer and closer as she moves towards your ear, whispering her answer in a slightly drawn out fashion.
  259. >”No.”
  260. >The two of you immediately start laughing at the exchange.
  261. “Yeah, as if I’d believe that.”
  262. >Rose continues to giggle at her joke, and you remember why you came here in the first place.
  263. “Come on, it’s noon. Time for us to get lunch together.”
  264. >Motioning towards the exit, Rose nods her head and jumps over the counter.
  265. >As you make your way to the door, Rose turns around and shouts off to somepony somewhere in the shop’s backroom.
  266. >”Lily! I’m going out to lunch! You’re in charge!”
  267. >A faint “okay” sounds from the back, meaning the two of you are free to leave.
  268. >Making your way out into the bustling streets of Ponyville, one thing is stuck in your mind.
  269. >Something you wish you could just ignore, but you can’t take any risks with something like this.
  270. >You need to tell Roseluck.
  272. --
  273. >The corner café you were currently seated at was a personal favorite.
  274. >Nothing beats the quaint things in life.
  275. >Since it was lunch time, the place was full of ponies.
  276. >Today, you and Rose were order number 17.
  277. >You were both getting soup in a bread bowl.
  278. >Bread bowls fucking rock.
  279. >Sitting at your small table by the window with Rose, you look out the window and idly chat.
  280. >You’re not really paying attention though, and with what’s on your mind, how can you?
  281. >How are you supposed to break it to Rose?
  282. >’Hey babe, last night Rainbow Dash kissed me. It’s okay though, she was drunk and I’m sure she didn’t mean it. Also, I’m sorry that I brought her back to my place at all, considering you’ve told me I shouldn’t do that anymore, but, you know, alcoholics and everything. So, how’s your day been?’
  283. >Yeah, that’d work.
  284. >”Anon?”
  285. >You look back from the window you were staring out of and look at Rose, concern etched on her face.
  286. >”Is everything okay? It looks like something heavy’s on your mind.”
  287. >Looks like you’ve been found out.
  288. “No, no. I’m fine, I guess…”
  289. >Wow, Rose basically offered you a lead-in and you just shot it down.
  290. >Guess you’re not talking about this today.
  291. >”Oh, come on Anon. You can tell me.”
  292. >Nope, not talking about it.
  293. “Well… something happened last night.”
  294. >Great job, now you’re talking about it.
  295. >Rose leans in, expecting you to say more on the topic.
  296. >It’s too late to turn back, the truth has to come out.
  298. “Last night…”
  299. >You can’t think.
  300. >There are so many possible ways to explain what happened.
  301. “Look, I’m not going to beat around the bush. Last night, Rainbow Dash kissed me.”
  302. >Roseluck freezes in place.
  303. >Okay, as far as ways to explain last night go, that was probably the least graceful.
  304. >Rose continues to stare at you, her expression unreadable.
  305. >Oh dear god you hope she doesn’t hate you.
  306. “I can explain though! She was drunk… again. And I brought her back to my house… again. It happened all so quick and then she passed out and then left before I woke up and-”
  307. >”Anon.”
  308. >You look and see that Rose has relaxed, and is once again properly seated on her chair.
  309. >”I trust you.”
  310. >Those words alone relieve a large amount of pressure.
  311. >”It’s just that, I thought we’d gone over this before, Anon.”
  312. >Of course you had, but time after time again you just couldn’t do it.
  313. “Jesus, Rose, you can’t expect me to just leave her out there?”
  314. >”Anon, Rainbow Dash’s self-destructive tendencies shouldn’t have to be your problem!”
  315. “She’s my friend, Rose!”
  316. >Roseluck looks at you in disappointment, her body sagging slightly.
  317. >”Your friend? Anon… she’s just using you. I’m not saying this because I don’t think you should help others, but, because frankly, I’m worried that one of these days she’s going to drag you down with her.”
  318. “But that’s why I’ve got to help her!”
  320. >”Oh come on, you’ve said it yourself: she doesn’t listen to you. You can say you’ve been trying to ‘help’ her all you want, but as far as I see it, your just enabling these problems of hers.”
  321. “She’s not going to get better if I just abandon her!”
  322. >”Order number seventeen!”
  323. >The call from the front counter snaps you out of your debate.
  324. >Looking between an unhappy Roseluck and the counter, it seems as if your food has come at a bad time.
  325. “I… I’ll be right back.”
  326. >The exasperation in your voice has been replaced with a downtroddenness.
  327. >You scoot back from the table and get up, avoiding eye contact with Rose.
  328. >Fights aren’t fun.
  329. >Reaching the counter, you grab the tray of food and begin your return.
  330. >Your desire for bread bowls has been completely ruined now.
  331. >Placing the tray on the table, you retake your seat while Roseluck simply stares out the window
  332. >The next minute is wordless.
  333. >You stir the soup with your spoon nervously.
  334. >Rose hasn’t so much as looked at you.
  335. >Eventually, you can’t take the silence anymore.
  336. “Look-”
  337. >”You know I’m not mad at you, right?”
  338. >Her interjection surprises you.
  339. >Confusedly staring at Rose, she turns her head to look at you.
  340. >”I know you only want to help her, and I can respect that.”
  341. >She proceeds to turn her whole body away from the window.
  342. >”But with all she’s been putting herself through, been putting you through, and after last night… Anon, it’s time you let go.”
  344. >This is not what you wanted to hear from your marefriend.
  345. >Letting go of your best friend…
  346. >Or else what?
  347. >You don’t want to imagine the consequences.
  348. “I don’t want to lose you, Rose.”
  349. >”No, Anon. I don’t want to lose you.”
  350. >It isn’t an ultimatum.
  351. >She’s pleading with you.
  352. “Hey…”
  353. Reaching out with your hand, you stroke her cheek comfortingly.
  354. “You won’t lose me. Promise.”
  355. >You’re not like her.
  356. >And so the rest of your time in the café drifts by.
  357. >Between idle chat and the occasional remark, nothing more is said.
  358. >When you finally do exit the café, Rose turns to you.
  359. >”Anon, I trust you. You know that, right?”
  360. >Crouching down to her level, you look at her for a moment.
  361. >Her eyes are filled with worry.
  362. >What a shame.
  363. >Leaning in, you give her a kiss, and then pull back and smile.
  364. “I’ll see you tonight, Rose.”
  365. >She nods, and departs on her way back to the flower shop.
  366. >You stand there, watching her as she leaves.
  367. >This whole thing has left you sulking.
  368. >It’s not like a fight has never happened between the two of you.
  369. >Actually, more often than not it was something to do with Dash…
  370. >But you and Rose, you’re tougher than that.
  371. >Five months of dating does that, you guess.
  372. >Taking your first steps away from the café, you don’t know what to do.
  373. >Buildings and ponies pass by as you walk, everything smudging together.
  374. >Maybe there’s the occasional ‘hello’, but your ears are tuned to silence.
  376. >What are you going to do about Rainbow Dash?
  377. >It was at that moment she saw you.
  378. >Perched on her cloud, Rainbow Dash looked down at you, an unaware smile growing on her face.
  379. >She was already feeling better from last night, and wanted to thank her friend for his help.
  380. >Jumping off her cloud, she dips down, flapping her wings to slow the descent.
  381. >Aiming for your stomach, you don’t notice her coming towards you.
  382. >It’s too late once she hits her mark, sending you down onto your back with a small dust cloud created from the impact.
  383. >With your head spinning, you try to comprehend what just happened until you notice the friendly face in front of yours.
  384. >It was a sight all too familiar.
  385. >”Hey Anon!”
  386. >The surrounding ponies all have their eyes on you, eyebrows raised.
  387. >You sheepishly smile at the unwanted attention.
  388. >The last thing you needed right now was for ponies to be paying attention to you.
  389. >With uncertainty, you respond to Dash.
  390. "Hi, Rainbow Dash... Can you get off me, please?
  391. >For a second she tilts her head in confusion, and then at once she realizes that she has you pinned right in the middle of town.
  392. >Stepping off of you, she laughs, embarrassed.
  393. >"Ahehehe, sorry about that, Anon."
  394. >Standing up, you brush the dirt off your pants.
  395. >The ponies around you slowly continue to proceed with their day, some roll their eyes.
  397. >Seems like Dash found you instead.
  398. “It’s… all right. Uhh, Dash? Can I talk to you about something?”
  399. >”Sure!”
  400. >The eagerness in her voice fades as quickly as it appeared.
  401. >”Oh... wait. This is about last night, isn’t it?”
  402. “Yeah…”
  403. >You weren’t eager to touch the subject, but something had to be done.
  404. >Rainbow Dash had crossed a major boundary, and it needed to be addressed.
  405. “Dash, what you did-”
  406. >”Listen, Anon, I’m sorry, okay?”
  407. >Guess it’s Rainbow’s turn to talk.
  408. >”You’ve been such a great, friend, helping me out all those nights and such.”
  409. >Nice as her words are, they aren’t any excuse for what she did.
  410. >”I know you don’t have to be so nice to me, but… I appreciate it.”
  411. >And now you need to stay away from me as per Rose’s request, you think to yourself.
  412. >”If I did anything stupid last night, you know I didn’t mean it, right?”
  413. “Rainbow, that’s not enou- wait. What did you just say?”
  414. >”What? Just that I’m sorry if I was a pain last night. I kinda don’t remember most of it, ya know? It’s all just a blur in my head.”
  415. >She doesn’t remember.
  416. >Does that change anything?
  417. >Is this good?
  418. >Is this bad?
  419. >Is it incredibly awkward to bring up the kiss now?
  420. >”You know how awesome I normally am! Drunk me is just... slightly less awesome.”
  421. >If she doesn’t remember then you don’t have to talk to her about it.
  422. >But you’ve already told Rose all about it.
  424. >Damnit! This is why you should just keep secrets from your marefriend!
  425. >You could have just acted like it never happened, but it’s too late now.
  426. >What are you going to do?
  427. >”Anon?”
  428. >Rainbow’s voice snaps you out of your mental episode.
  429. “Yeah?”
  430. >”Are you okay? You seem a little out of it.”
  431. “No, no. I’m fine, promise. No worries here!”
  432. >Dash gives you a funny look, confused by your quick response.
  433. >”Okaaay. Anyways, I was wondering if tonight, because we haven’t done it in such a long time, we could, and of course only if you wanted to, go out, but not like ‘go out’ go out, just, you know, go out to a bar, have a few drinks, and chill at your place, but only if it’s alright with you because you’ve already done so much for me I just wanna return the favor, y’know?”
  434. >That entire sentence.
  435. “You want to... hang out?”
  436. >”Y-yeah. If you’re not busy, that is!”
  437. >She’s reaching out to you.
  438. >Rose would probably be disappointed with you.
  439. >This is pretty much the opposite of what she wanted you to do.
  440. >But it has been a while since the two of you have hung out like that.
  441. >In fact it’s probably been around… four months.
  442. “Rainbow Dash, I…”
  443. >You look at her.
  444. >Your friend.
  445. “Sure. Sounds like a plan.”
  446. >Her face lights up, and she performs a backwards flip, at the end of it she’s flying at eye-level with you, beaming.
  448. >”Awesome, it’s a d-plan!”
  449. >There’s a slight falter to her smile, but it goes unnoticed to you.
  450. >”I’ll meet you at your place at eight, okay?”
  451. >She barely gives you any time to reply before she’s flying away, waving back at you.
  452. >Slowly raising your hand, you give a meager little wave back to her.
  453. >Before long, she’s out of your sight.
  454. >With a sigh, your hand drops back to your side.
  455. >What have you gotten yourself into?
  456. --
  457. >To be perfectly honest, you probably didn’t even have to tell Rose.
  458. >In fact, you didn’t even have to tell her about the kiss in the first place because Dash couldn’t even remember it.
  459. >It would be so easy to just go behind her back with all this.
  460. >But in the end, as you knocked on the door of her house, you knew you would never be able to do that to her.
  461. >The door opens and light pours out into the red evening.
  462. >”Anon, what a surprise.”
  463. >Rose gives a mock smile.
  464. >She knew you were coming over, you always did after all.
  465. >Stepping inside her house, you take off your shoes and Rose leads you into the kitchen.
  466. >The two of you take your seats across from each other, and you start to have flashbacks to lunch.
  467. >Just a few hours ago you were in the exact same situation: sitting with your marefriend, waiting for the right time to tell her the bad news.
  468. >Instead, you choose to focus on dinner.
  470. >A salad bowl and accompanying bread rolls sit in front of you.
  471. >You can’t seem to focus on anything.
  472. >Sounds echo through your head, and you give a few mindless nods of the head and accompanying ‘yeahs’.
  473. >The conversation is very one-sided.
  474. >It’s late into the evening when you finally notice Rose staring at you, concern written on her face.
  475. >”Anon…”
  476. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”
  477. >Rose nods her head.
  478. >”Do you- do you want to talk about it?”
  479. >You look at her, and you know what she thinks you’re going to say.
  480. >But you can’t say it.
  481. “What time is it?”
  482. >Confused by the seemingly random question, Rose hesitates before giving you an answer.
  483. >”Twenty to eight.”
  484. >Sighing, you back up from the table and stand up.
  485. “I made other plans for tonight.”
  486. >She looks at you, her face unreadable.
  487. >”You didn’t do it then…”
  488. “No…”
  489. >Both of you keep your heads down.
  490. >“And instead you decided to, just, pretend like nothing’s wrong?”
  491. “It’s not like that Rose.”
  492. >”Then what’s it like, Anon? Because as far as I see it, you’re asking to become just like her.”
  493. “She’s my friend, Rose!”
  494. >Your eyes lock with hers, begging for her to understand.
  495. >But she looks away dejectedly.
  496. >There is nothing more said.
  497. >You apprehensively step back from the table.
  498. >As you stand in the door frame to the kitchen, between Rose and Rainbow Dash, you grasp the frame for support you didn't realize you needed.
  499. >Turning your head to look back, but averting your gaze at the last second, you try to reassure Rose.
  501. “I’m not like her.”
  502. >”I hope so, Anon. I really hope so.”
  503. >With those final sour words, you turn forward and leave.
  504. >When you exit the house, you break into a medium jog for your place.
  505. >Didn’t want to be late, you had to show Rainbow Dash you would be there for her.
  506. >Briskly making your through town, your house comes into view in the distance.
  507. >Getting closer, it seems Dash isn’t anywhere to be seen.
  508. >Maybe you beat her-
  509. >Your thought is cut short when you feel a weight latch onto your back, causing you to go stumbling forwards.
  510. >For what was the second time this day, you go tumbling onto the ground.
  511. >Once again, Dash had gotten the jump on you.
  512. “Do you really have to keep doing that?”
  513. >”Heh, come on, Anon. You gotta be ready for anything.
  514. >Of course, because ponies jumping on top of you is such a major concern of yours.
  515. >It’s only happened twice so far, and it’s always been Dash.
  516. >How long has she been waiting here.
  517. >But then something dawns on you.
  518. “Dash, are you... early?”
  519. >This catches her off guard apparently, as she looks around sheepishly.
  520. >”Oh, am I? Guess I just lost track of the time, y’know?”
  521. >Normally that’s what someone says when they’re late.
  522. “Well you’re catching me a little off guard here. I need to change my clothes, okay?”
  523. >Visiting Rose for dinner and hanging out with Rainbow Dash are, after all, two entirely separate social occasions.
  525. >”N-no! It’s fine! You look fine!”
  526. >Honestly, you’d feel better if you were more casually dressed.
  527. >But… if Dash thinks you’re fine as you are.
  528. “Alright, then just let me grab a few things.”
  529. >All you needed was a jacket and your coin purse.
  530. >The jacket because it’s going to get chilly later, and the coin purse because… well fuck, it’s not like you can fit fifty bits into a wallet now, is it?
  531. >With all that in tow, you’re able to begin your walk with Rainbow to any bar in town.
  532. >Ponyville is painted a warm red, as the edges of the sky begin to turn purple.
  533. >The path you’re walking is very familiar.
  534. “Funny, I’m so used to making this trip with you the other way.”
  535. >Your joke elicits no response from Rainbow, and for a moment you regret it.
  536. “Hey, you know I’m just teasing… right?”
  537. >She turns her head up to look at you and smiles widely.
  538. >”Of course. It was funny.”
  539. >Rainbow’s forced smile tells you all that you need to know.
  540. >Letting the silence continue, your walk with Rainbow drags on until you reach the fine establishment of the Prancing Pony.
  541. >The ’fine’ was sarcastic; it was just a regular bar.
  542. >Stepping through the screen door, the smell of alcohol hits your nostrils with the force of 50 newtons.
  543. >It’s definitely been awhile since you were last here, that’s for sure.
  544. >Soon enough the you and Dash take your seats at a corner table.
  546. >Rainbow gets out of her seat immediately and takes a few steps back.
  547. >”You’re not going to order any food, are you?”
  548. “No, I ate at Rose’s place earlier.”
  549. >”Right… I’ll be right back then.”
  550. >Dash walks off to the front counter, not needing to ask you what you wanted.
  551. >After a minute she came hovering back, two nameless beers in her hooves.
  552. >One for you, and one for her.
  553. >By the time you reached three however, she was at eight.
  554. >And you just let it happen.
  555. >”Come on, Anon. Let loose! What happened to the guy that could down a hundred o’ these?”
  556. “Heh… I’m pretty sure I could never make it past ten when I really tried…”
  557. >”At least get a buzz going, man.”
  558. >She brings your drink up to your mouth, trying to encourage you to consume it.
  559. >It’s been a long time since you just let yourself go when it came to drinking.
  560. >But things change.
  561. >So here you were, torn between the two people two separate ponies wanted you to be.
  562. >And you needed to choose.
  563. “Hey Dash, listen, I’m not looking to get drunk off my ass tonight, okay?
  564. >That would make you more of a hypocrite, wouldn’t it?
  565. >”Awww, come on Anon!”
  566. >Someone sounds a little frustrated.
  567. >”You’ve been no fun since you started dating Rose.”
  568. >As soon as the words leave her mouth Dash visibly flinches.
  569. >”I mean, not that…”
  570. >She struggles for her words.
  571. “It’s fine Dash… someone had too.”
  572. >The last part is muttered under your breath as you look away.
  574. >Maybe you do need to drink more tonight.
  575. >”Anon… can we move things back to your house now?”
  576. >Rainbow Dash looks unsure of herself, and you don’t know what to make of it all.
  577. >Perhaps it would be best if you went back to your place.
  578. >There, you can try a final time to get through to Dash.
  579. “Alright, why not? Let’s get out of here.”
  580. >And just like a blur, your time in the bar was over, Dash on the best footing she’d probably been on all month.
  581. >Now, the outside air was cool, and the red streets had become dark blue.
  582. >There was a number of coy remarks you could make towards Rainbow Dash about all the times you’d escorted her back to your place just like this.
  583. >They were probably better left unsaid.
  584. >Your sure she’s feeling some sort of buzz, her steps are slightly wobbly.
  585. >The walk proceeded in silence once again, but now it was strange and unwelcome.
  586. >When you finally reached your house again, you were anxious.
  587. >You were going to try one more time for her.
  588. >Unlocking your front door, you breathe in deep and let Rainbow pass you by, walking inside.
  589. >Standing by the entrance, you step in and meticulously take off your jacket.
  590. >Here goes nothing.
  591. “Dash?”
  592. >A questioning grunt answers you from your living room.
  593. >You approach the couch Dash was sprawled out on as if it were any other night.
  594. “Can we talk?”
  595. >”Whoo boy…”
  596. >She sounds less than thrilled.
  598. >Cautiously sitting down next to her on the couch, you think about how to begin.
  599. “You have a problem, Dash.”
  600. >Stifling a laugh, she tries to rebuke you.
  601. >”Pfft. Says who?”
  602. “Come on Dash, you’ve been drinking yourself to death practically every week for the past month now! And if anyone would know, it’d be me. Now you can’t tell me you don’t see anything wrong with that.”
  603. >She begins to grow defensive.
  604. >”Hey, look, I never asked you for your help, okay? Besides, what’s the worst I’ve done, huh?”
  605. “You kissed me, for starters!”
  606. >That wasn’t supposed to come out.
  607. >”I… what? When?”
  608. >Rainbow Dash has seemingly become a shade of blue paler, shock apparent on her face as she sits upright.
  609. “It happened last night… before you passed out. You kissed me.”
  610. >”Y-you know that was an accident, right?”
  611. >You really wanted that to be the case, truly you did.
  612. >But you knew better than to dream.
  613. >”Right?”
  614. “Dash… why are you doing this to yourself.”
  615. >She looks up at you in pain, and turns away, her hair covering her features.
  616. >”You don’t want to know…”
  617. “Rainbow Dash, please, I’m your friend aren’t I?”
  618. >From underneath her hair, you can see her dreary eyes look at you.
  619. >”Do you really want to know why I keep doing this to myself, Anon? Why I’m drinking myself to death practically every night?”
  620. >As you look on at her she collects her composure, taking deep breaths.
  621. >”I do it… because of you…”
  623. >You misheard her.
  624. >She mumbled it.
  625. >There’s no way you…
  626. “What did you say?”
  627. >Her head lifts up, and you can see her red eyes clearly now.
  628. >”I do it because of you, Anon.”
  629. “I-I don’t understand.”
  630. >At last, she completely faces you.
  631. >”I drink myself to death because I can’t stand to think about you”
  632. >She swallows tightly.
  633. >You sit in disbelief.
  634. >Her dry mouth continues to talk once more.
  635. >”Every single day I have to be reminded that I can’t have you, that I’ve suddenly become the second-most important thing to you. And I’m sorry that I can’t handle that, but I just… I always thought that eventually… you and I, we would…”
  636. >Her words are clear.
  637. >Unmistakably clear.
  638. >Through your own unintentional ways, you did this to her.
  639. >The kiss was more than meaningless.
  640. “You… you’re in love with me...”
  641. >”Yeah, so what? Blame me for it.”
  642. >It was a secret never meant to be let loose, and Dash couldn’t hide it all any longer.
  643. >That put the blame on you.
  644. >Because you made her drink.
  645. >You sent her down this spiraling path.
  646. >All because you sought happiness elsewhere.
  647. “Dash…”
  648. >Her ears perk at her name.
  649. >All because…
  650. >Because you did nothing wrong.
  651. “Dash… you can feel however the hell you want…”
  652. >Your voice contains a tang of venom, and your gaze narrows on her.
  653. “But don’t you dare blame this shit on me.”
  654. >She looks at you, visibly hurt.
  655. >This was the last thing Dash expected to hear from you.
  657. “I’m sorry but… I don’t feel the same way, especially after everything you’ve put me through.”
  658. >Rainbow Dash’s eyes moisten and her voice falters.
  659. >In vain, she continues in pursuit of you.
  660. >”What about our trip to Manehatten, or that night we spent lighting fireworks? Does all that not mean anything to you? All that time we spent together…”
  661. >Slowly and hesitantly, she drags herself in front of you and rests her head on your chest.
  662. >”You and I… we could be so perfect together.”
  663. >There’s a tremor in her voice, and you can feel a wetness on your shirt.
  664. >”Just like I always dreamed…”
  665. >Her words were no more than a raspy whisper.
  666. >But you couldn’t accept this to go on any longer.
  667. >She wanted something she couldn’t have, and if you let this go on any longer, maybe eventually she’d get it.
  668. “Dash… I think you should leave. Now.”
  669. >”Yeah…”
  670. >You don’t watch as she slinks off the couch and makes her way to your door.
  671. >Looking back, she doesn’t catch your eyes.
  672. >“See ya, Anon...”
  673. >She flew out into that night, whereto you don’t know.
  674. >Perhaps another bar to drown out the pain of knowing you.
  675. >You found your way to the door, and stood there a time, unmoving, looking out into the darkness.
  676. >Eventually, you grabbed your jacket, and stepped out into the night as well.
  677. --
  678. >As Roseluck stood there doing dishes in the sink, she could only have hoped to have heard a knock on her door.
  679. >When to her surprise, her wish came true, she opened it immediately.
  680. >She saw you there, and noticed at once the condition you were in.
  681. >Letting you inside, she closed the door, and immediately felt you embrace her, never wanting to let go.
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