
Spike the Griffon?

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >Be Spike.
  2. >okay
  3. >You're Spike. Got it? Let's go. (Long incoming)
  5. >Your head hurts pretty bad. Everything is black and you can only hear faint rustling (your jimmies? you're not sure yet...)
  6. >Oh, everything is black because your eyes are shut. That makes sense. You open them.
  7. >Now everything is blurry. Great.
  8. >Oh, okay, you must've hit your head or something. The weird sound is coming from the purple splotch in front of you. You're pretty sure it's Twilight moving around, and now you think she's talking to you. Your jimmies remain unrustled.
  9. >You try to move your mouth and make words happen, but that doesn't go over very well. Your mouth feels really REALLY weird.
  10. >Good thing your vision is clearing up and your hearing is losing the muffled distortion. That probably means there was no permanent damage.
  12. >Yup, that's definitely Twilight.
  13. >"ike? Spike? Are you okay?"
  14. >You move your arm... hey, your arm works! That's great! You move your arm up and scratch your head. Man, everything feels so weird right now.
  15. >"I... think so?"
  16. >"Oh thank Celestia you're okay! I was really worried there."
  17. >You try to stand up. That was a mistake. You hit the floor.
  18. >"What happened?"
  19. >"...Okay, I'm about to tell you something, and you need to stay calm."
  20. >"I'm calm."
  21. >"Can you STAY calm?"
  22. >"No promises."
  24. >"I was trying out a new spell, and... well there's just no excuse for how badly I messed it up. It was supposed to make breakfast!"
  25. >"That sounds like a great idea! I'm really hungry!"
  26. >"I just wanted to let you sleep in sometimes, so I was going to develop a spell that would make breakfast so you could sleep and I wouldn't set any food on fire while pretending I could cook! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!"
  27. >"WHAT wasn't supposed to happen, Twilight?"
  28. >"Okay, calm remember? CALM."
  29. >"YEAH, I'M CALM!"
  30. >"Well you don't SOUND very calm!"
  31. >"Out with it! What did your spell do? Do I have a mustache on my butt?"
  32. >Twilight levitates a mirror in front of a griffon.
  33. >"Who's that?"
  34. >Awkward silence.
  35. >"...oh."
  36. >"Yeah."
  37. >"So... you tried to cast a spell that would make breakfast..."
  38. >"Uh-huh."
  39. >"But you messed up..."
  40. >"Yes."
  41. >"And now I'm a griffon?"
  42. >"...I'm sorry."
  43. >"COOL!"
  44. >"What? Spike, this is serious! I don't know how long the spell will last, or what other effects it might have had on you!"
  45. >"Yeah, and? Twilight, you cast a dozen spells on me every week that do all sorts of wacky things. I'll be fine. Besides, this'll be cool. I've never been a griffon before!"
  47. >You get up and stretch out your freaky new limbs.
  48. >You look around. You're in the basement/laboratory.
  49. >Several breakfast ingredients litter the area. There's also some crusty old spaghetti stuck in one corner from Twilight's crazy experiment to end world hunger. Something about spontaneous bio-organic pasta generation. You don't remember or care.
  50. >A voice calls down from the main floor.
  51. >"Hey Twilight, you here? There's a party at Pinkie's in like ten minutes!"
  52. >Twilight shouts back up the stairs.
  53. >"I'm down here, Rainbow! I'll be there, just give me a second."
  54. >"Alright, I'll see you there I guess."
  55. >You hear the door shut.
  56. >You roll your eyes.
  57. >"When ISN'T there a party at Pinkie's?"
  58. >Twilight laughs.
  59. >"Okay, so... I guess I'll be going?"
  60. >"What, you're not gonna work on changing me back?"
  61. >"You'll change back on your own eventually. And what happened to this being 'cool'?"
  62. >"Let's just go to that party. I wonder what Pinkie is celebrating today..."
  63. >"Hold on, Spike. I'm not sure you should go out like this."
  64. >"Am I just supposed to stay here until I turn back? It could be days! Is this an elaborate experiment to make me die of boredom?"
  65. >"What are we supposed to tell the girls?"
  66. >"Okay, Twilight... one - why does it matter? And two - I'm a griffon who happens to be visiting. That's not THAT unlikely. Rainbow Dash brought one over before, remember? What was her name... Grumpy?"
  67. >"She WAS pretty grumpy, but her name was Gilda. I... I suppose there's no real harm in you coming with me. What are we going to call you?"
  68. >"I dunno. Radical von Awesome?"
  69. >"I don't... think that'll work."
  71. >"If we're gonna be boring about it, I guess I could be Steve or Joe or Greg or something."
  72. >"It's not boring! It's... normal. Greg should be fine. Now come on 'Greg', we have a party to get to."
  73. >You and Twilight walk on over to the party.
  74. >"Hey, Pinkie. What are we celebrating today?"
  75. >"Oh you never would've guessed, even if you did want to try guessing which you didn't because I guess you don't like guessing..."
  76. >Something something something the word guess six more times.
  77. >"...but it's just great! Hey wait a minute... who's your friend?"
  78. >"Oh him? This is... Greg. Greg the griffon."
  79. >You wave awkwardly. Partially because it's a slightly awkward situation and partially because you're not used to waving with your new hand-claw-talon-things yet.
  80. >"Huh... well then, I guess you two can share the party."
  81. >"What?"
  82. >"You and Gilda, silly. OH! I forgot to tell you that part, didn't I? Rainbow Dash and Gilda made up! Now they're super great friends again and Gilda's being nice to all of us and the two of them definitely aren't an interspecies lesbian couple!"
  83. >This is a good opportunity for you to practice furrowing your new brow. "A what?"
  84. >Ridiculous coincidence or lazy writing, you decide: Gilda is back in town right at the same time that you become a griffon HOW-A-FUCKING-'BOUT-THAT.
  85. >Gilda steps around a corner, one claw over Dash's shoulder. Their discussion screeches to a halt as she spots you.
  86. >She stares at you fiercely and you're unable to look away. She's scanning you. Judging you.
  87. >Still, you find yourself thinking Gilda is quite... striking? No... intimidating? No...
  88. >You feel an odd sensation between your rear legs.
  89. >Shit. You think she's HOT.
  91. >You're not sure how it happened. One second she was over there staring at you, the next you had no idea where she was, but now...
  92. >Gilda's face is about an inch from yours. No metaphors, no exaggerating, no bullshit, you can FEEL her stare.
  93. >She's incredibly stiff and speaking very slowly. For the most part, her words come out in a dull and quiet tone, but she's alternating with an ear-piercing shriek.
  94. >"What the FUCK do you think you're doing? I'm pretty sure I was ABOUT AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE when I told you I didn't want to see you again. You have ONE FUCKING SECOND to leave. ONE."
  95. >The ponies in the room seem just as confused as you, if significantly less scared.
  96. >Rainbow Dash gets a look of understanding on her face and shoots a scowl at you.
  97. >You panic and turn for the door. Being scared shitless AND in an unusual body, you're not too good at fleeing in terror.
  98. >You make it about ten feet before Gilda counts to one.
  99. >She springs into the air and lunges for you, vicious claws at the ready.
  100. >FUCK. There is absolutely no way you could win a fight with this body.
  101. >Searing pain. She's digging into the joints where your wings meet your back, but you can't understand that level of detail right now - if you could even have identified that part of your body. All you know is that pain is your new world.
  103. >You try to respond, but only manage a choked, wailing sob.
  104. >She stops, flips you over, and resumes with the beatings. Her stare never breaks.
  105. >"LOOK AT ME"
  106. >Your pinch your eyes shut. You were trying not to cry, but you weren't doing a very good job.
  108. >Gilda continues to tear into you. You might die if none of the ponies here stop her.
  110. >All your senses are blurring together. You can't distinguish one object from another or tell for sure if you heard something or tasted it.
  111. >You can still certainly make out the pain, though.
  112. >If your senses were halfway functional, you'd see that now she's crying, too.
  113. >"Why?"
  114. >Her attacks are slowing down.
  115. >"Why are you just lying there?"
  116. >She stops her assault. She's trembling a bit.
  117. >"You... what's your name?"
  118. >You sniffle and choke and sniffle again.
  119. >"G-g-g... Greg."
  120. >Gilda lets out the most soul-crushing wail you've ever heard. It's clear that something is very, very, VERY wrong.
  121. >She's gone. You don't even see her leave.
  122. >Dash comes over to you and roughly shoves a hoof into your chest.
  123. >"If you're lying or acting or whatever... If you deserve the beating G was giving you, I'm going to help next time."
  124. >She's gone, too.
  125. >You're now a sobbing, trembling mess in the middle of the floor of the very-definitely-ruined party. And you don't even know why.
  127. >After Twilight comes to help you up (why did she wait until NOW?), questions start flying.
  128. >Eventually the air is cleared and the only thing left is WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT GILDA CHICK? Mercilously attacking innocent griffons is not cool at all.
  129. >"We're just going to have to ask Rainbow. She seemed to know what that was."
  130. >You leave what's left of the party and go looking for Dash.
  131. >Once her house is in sight, you can clearly hear Gilda bawling incoherently while Dash awkwardly tries to assure her everything's okay.
  132. >Twilight's face is set with grim determination.
  133. >"Gilda! What is your problem! You could have killed poor Greg, here!"
  134. >She shuts up. Dash comes down.
  135. >"Look, Gilda's had... a hard life, okay?"
  136. >Dash looks at you.
  137. >"She's even more beat up about this than you."
  138. >You put on your best 'are you fucking serious' face and point a claw at yourself.
  139. >"Okay, wrong word. Really though, she needs time. Come on, let's go for a walk."
  140. >The three of you walk away. Once you get a little ways away, you can hear Gilda crying again.
  141. >Eventually, Dash stops and looks at you.
  142. >You flinch under her stare. You're a bit jumpy right now.
  143. >"I... I believe you, Greg. Your eyes are too gentle. You don't look like a rapist."
  145. >"...wat?"
  146. >"And you didn't even TRY to fight back! You just fell over and cried. I mean-"
  147. >Dash stops and smiles. You can hear approaching steps, but they don't sound like hooves.
  148. >Great, it's Gilda.
  149. >She mumbles a whole lot about needing to apologize.
  150. >Dash keeps trying to get Twilight to leave.
  151. >You have no idea how, but now she does it. Dash and Twilight run back the way they came, leaving you alone with Gilda. Shit.
  152. >Neither of you make eye contact. It is the longest and most uncomfortable silence in history.
  153. >She tries and fails to start talking. Looks like its up to you.
  154. >"Um... hi."
  155. >"..."
  156. >"So, my name's Greg. What's yours?"
  157. >"...Gilda."
  158. >"Okay. That's... that's good. Now, uh... why did you do... what you just did back there?"
  159. >"I thought you were someone else. You have no idea how sorry I am."
  160. >"You're right. I don't. It might help if you explained a bit more why you almost killed me."
  161. >"I thought you were someone who deserved it."
  162. >Oh man, what's the proper etiquette on talking to a rape victim? Is it kosher to bring it up, or do you have to let them do it? You say nothing for now.
  163. >"And the worst part is that HE WON. He's getting the last laugh, not me, because instead of getting my revenge and feeling better I'm out mauling griffons who didn't do anything and hating myself for it."
  164. >Fan-fucking-tastic, she's crying again. You don't want to be the asshole here, but it's really hard to feel sorry for the girl when she handed you your ass with extreme prejudice not even an hour ago.
  166. >Several times, you consider trying to put a comforting limb on a shoulder, but you realize you have no idea whether or not that's even a thing griffons do.
  167. >After about ten minutes, she calms down again and sighs.
  168. >"I guess he permanently fucked me up."
  169. >You stop yourself from agreeing with her, instead going for an easy question.
  170. >"Do I look like him?"
  171. >She waits.
  172. >"Kinda."
  173. >"KINDA? You didn't hesitate like I KINDA remind you of him."
  174. >"It's not just that..."
  175. >Is she... blushing now? What the fuck?
  176. >"It's the way you were standing. You were looking right at me, and you didn't even try to hide your boner. I guess I had... a flashback or something? It's pretty weird to just let everyone know like that."
  177. >You may not have mastered this body yet, but you're definitely blushing.
  178. >What exactly COULD you have done to hide it? You don't know how this damn thing works.
  179. >"So... uh... my therapist says she thinks a relationship would help me get over it. I don't know what I can do to make up for destroying you like that, but you are - or WERE, I guess - interested in me..."
  180. >She's blushing and pawing at the ground... what the ass is she...?
  181. >Oh god.
  182. >OH GOD. This bitch is CRAZY.
  183. >Your dick doesn't seem to care, and your brain is trying to make you feel sorry for her.
  184. >This is some pretty fucked up shit, coming from you AND her.
  185. >Not really sure what's happening, and for some reason unable to stop yourself or think rationally, you agree to a date tomorrow night.
  187. >The two of you were kicked out of the restaurant when you started arguing loudly.
  188. >It turns out you disagree on some key points. Like which of the ponies in town are the least lame. CLEARLY Rarity is the best and Gilda's just stupid.
  189. >Regardless, you're still together. You're walking around some little piece of nowhere on the edge of town and just letting the conversation go where it may.
  190. >Gilda's actually pretty cool. She may be a little crazy here and there, but you think you like-
  191. >GODDAMNIT.
  192. >NO. FUCK. NO. NONONONONO. Your heart belongs to Rarity. RARITY. Not this crazy bitch.
  193. >Besides, you're not into griffons.
  194. >Your dick disagrees.
  195. >Speaking of, it's been endlessly awkward each time you pop a boner and fail to conceal it. Every time, Gilda does a bad job of pretending she's not staring. What is WRONG with that girl?
  196. >There you go. That's a GREAT reason not to get involved. She's really messed up. One day your raging hardon triggers a flashback to her rape and she beats the shit out of you, the next she can't stop eyeing it like a starving creature eyeing fresh food.
  197. >Your dick still disagrees.
  198. >Oh shit, has she been talking this whole time? Nod and pretend you were listening!
  199. >"I'm... glad."
  200. >What is she glad about? What signal did you just send? This is probably bad!
  201. >"Alright, I should probably call it a night. See you tomorrow?"
  202. >"Uh... sure. 'Night, Gilda."
  204. >You return to the library. Sounds and lights from the basement make it clear Twilight is down there working on something.
  205. >You're tired anyway, so you ignore it and climb upstairs. You try to fit into your basket again.
  206. >Right. Too big. You wander over to the guest room and flop down on the bed, falling asleep within seconds.
  207. >You have a dream that you're back to your normal dragon-self and still dating Gilda. It's pretty great.
  208. >She's fun to be around, she's pretty, and best of all you're able to hide your boner now!
  209. >A weird noise at the window wakes you up.
  210. >Like a zombie, you shuffle to the window.
  211. >You can't see anything.
  212. >You go back to bed.
  214. >You have a dream about being a pony and dating Rarity. It's... okay.
  215. >You're really disappointed that it's not as amazing as you'd always imagined.
  216. >And why do you have to be a pony? Can't you just be a dragon like normal? Species shouldn't matter in the face of true love, or so you tell yourself any time you get funny looks.
  217. >You do love Rarity, right?
  218. >You barely even know Gilda!
  220. >One week later...
  221. >You're still a griffon.
  222. >Twilight's constantly working on something.
  223. >You've barely seen Rarity.
  224. >You've seen a LOT of Gilda.
  225. >But it's been a ton of fun. You even got a sneak peek at flight with this body. It's gonna be a long time before you get your real wings.
  226. >Man, Gilda's just... great.
  227. >Aaaaaand you're fairly sure it's turning serious.
  228. >Shit.
  229. >Whether you want her or not, you need to come clean.
  230. >You're not really a griffon, and she needs to know that.
  231. >You take her to up to an empty cloud.
  232. >You have something important to tell her.
  233. >She has something important to tell you, too.
  234. >The two of you simultaneously say "You first."
  235. >You both chuckle a little.
  236. >You bow and say "Ladies first."
  237. >She blushes.
  238. >You have an erection.
  239. >She maintains eye contact for once.
  240. >"Greg... I... I know this is kinda sudden, but..."
  241. >Damn. You knew you should've gone first. You try to interrupt her, but she keeps going.
  242. >"I think... I think I love you."
  243. >"Gilda, I'm not sure we-"
  244. >"Please, Greg. Let me have this. I've finally... I've finally found happiness again. You like me, don't you?"
  245. >You point at your dick.
  246. >She blushes, then laughs it off.
  247. >"Not that, Greg. You LIKE me. Right?"
  248. >You nod. She embraces you.
  249. >"Then why shouldn't we be together?"
  250. >Because you're a huge idiot, you say nothing.
  251. >You don't come home that night.
  253. >You feel... weird. You're lying on something soft, but not a bed. You open your eyes.
  254. >Blue.
  255. >The sky. Clouds. What?
  256. >OH!
  257. >Shit! You look down. Gilda. You're lying on top of Gilda. She's still sleeping, but she looks happy.
  258. >Last night was probably a mistake.
  259. >You scratch your head. Man, everything feels weird.
  260. >You see something... purple.
  261. >FUCK.
  262. >You're a dragon again. Dragons fall through clouds.
  263. >You panic, for more than one reason, and clutch Gilda tightly.
  264. >She stirs and her eyes flutter open.
  265. >She's mumbling something that sounds like good morning.
  266. >You dig your claws in tighter. You really don't want to fall.
  267. >"Geez, Greg, I didn't know you wanted to be rough-"
  268. >You pop a boner in her chest plumage. You're pressed pretty tightly against her.
  269. >Her eyes snap all the way open. She's staring at you.
  270. >You laugh awkwardly.
  271. >"You get off me RIGHT NOW or I will end you."
  272. >You start stuttering.
  273. >"C-clouds. Fall. Can't."
  274. >She looks around and sighs wearily.
  275. >"Okay listen, you caught me in what was a pretty good mood. I'm gonna set you down on the ground gently, then I'm gonna go find Greg. Neither of us are going to speak of this moment again. I'm not even going to ask how you got here or why. We'll just pretend this never happened. Sound good?"
  276. >You frown and say nothing.
  277. >"I'll take that as a yes."
  278. >She flies you down and you let go.
  279. >"I guess I am gonna ask one question... you're a dragon, right?"
  280. >You nod.
  281. >"In case you didn't notice, I'm a griffon. It doesn't... it doesn't work that way."
  283. >You were too much of a chickenshit to say anything. She flew off to go find Greg.
  284. >Twilight is happy to see you back to normal.
  285. >You're not happy about anything.
  286. >You sulk around the library for most of the day.
  287. >Eventually, Dash comes by asking where Greg went. She says Gilda's looking for him.
  288. >Twilight gives you a weird look before telling Dash she has no idea where Greg went.
  289. >Dash flies off and you die a little inside.
  290. >"Okay Spike, I need to get back to my little project. We don't know where Greg went, okay?"
  291. >You nod.
  292. >Twilight goes back downstairs.
  293. >That night, out of a newly formed habit, you went to the guest bedroom to sleep instead of your basket. You couldn't flop down onto the bed. You had to climb up to it because you're so much smaller.
  294. >You can't sleep.
  295. >You hear a weird noise at the window. It's... familiar.
  296. >There's nothing there. Right? There was nothing there the last time.
  297. >You look up and see Gilda.
  298. >You open the window and climb out onto one of the tree's branches.
  299. >She scowls at you.
  300. >"What do YOU want?"
  301. >"I could ask you the same thing."
  302. >"I'm looking for Greg."
  303. >You sigh. This is going to be hard.
  304. >After some thought, you decide to be direct.
  305. >"You're lookin' at him."
  306. >"Har-de-fuckin'-har."
  307. >"I'm serious. Last night, I meant to tell you, but things got out of hand..."
  308. >"Listen you little shit, I don't know what game you're trying to play but this isn't funny."
  309. >"Twilight was experimenting with some crazy new magic, and it went wrong. I got turned into a griffon."
  311. >"Magic can't just turn creatures into other creatures! It doesn't go catastrophically wrong without hurting someone!"
  312. >For a very brief moment, you consider a cheesy line about how she's right - it hurt her. In the heart. Because love, get it?
  313. >You decide against this.
  314. >"You haven't known Twilight Sparkle very long, have you?"
  315. >"You're a DRAGON!"
  316. >"And you're not good at listening. How do you think I got up on top of you this morning? I can't fly like this."
  317. >"But you're not a griffon!"
  318. >"The spell wore off! I turned back to normal."
  319. >"I don't know who's sick idea this prank is, but it's really not funny!"
  320. >She's about to cry.
  321. >"Gilda, it's me. Really. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was just about to. We both said we had something important to tell eachother, remember? This was my thing."
  322. >She turns away from you without a word and flies off.
  323. >Her tears blur her vision and her flight is a little wobbly.
  324. >She almost hits a few buildings before she comes to rest on top of a cloud some distance away.
  325. >You jump down and try to follow on foot, but she's way too fast for you.
  326. >Ridiculous, incredible, unbelievable coincidence time for the purpose of convenient plot movement - guess who just happens to be flying by when Gilda lands?
  327. >Through blurry eyes, Gilda sees a griffon that looks kinda like Greg. She sighs with relief and flags him down, wiping some of the tears off her face.
  328. >He gets an almost hungry look on his face. He has an erection, and he's not hiding it.
  330. >You run back to the library, shouting Twilight's name.
  331. >She responds from the basement.
  332. >You head down the stairs and see her messing with some weird magic shit.
  333. >"I need the balloon."
  334. >"In a minute, Spike, I'm just about done here."
  335. >"Not in a minute! Right now! It's really important!
  336. >"Aaaaaand... done! Now go stand right there, Spike." She points at a symbol on the floor.
  337. >"Twilight I don't have time for this right now!"
  338. >"Spike, I'm trying to help you. Do you want to be Greg again for the next hour or not?"
  339. >Uhbwuh?
  340. >"I'm not blind, Spike. I know what's been going on. I didn't think you'd need it so soon, though. We're lucky I finished just in time."
  341. >FuckyeahTwilightSparkle.
  342. >You hop over to where she pointed, jittering anxiously.
  343. >One quick flash of light and it's over. You're a griffon again, and this time she can watch you change back if she has to.
  344. >You fly off as fast as your limited mastery over griffon physiology allows.
  345. >Once you get close to the last place you saw her, you hear an... shouting.
  346. >Over there! You spot something moving on that cloud right there and close in.
  347. >You land and see that there are... two somethings?
  348. >Gilda is fighting that griffon!
  349. >Man, she looks so badass.
  350. >Wait, why is there another griffon?
  351. >"Come on baby, you're the one who called me over! I thought maybe you came to your senses and realized you wanted more."
  352. >"FUCK YOU."
  353. >He smiles.
  354. >"That's exactly what I'm saying."
  355. >Gilda roars furiously.
  356. >Making use of the element of surprise, you go for a running tackle.
  357. >You pin him against the cloud for all of two seconds before she shoves you off effortlessly.
  358. >Gilda turns and sees you.
  359. >"Greg?"
  360. >"No. Spike. I told you."
  362. >The rapist rises and snorts angrily.
  363. >"Oh I SEE then. So this is the asshole that owns you now? So logically if I take him out, you're mine, right?"
  364. >You don't... wait... what?
  365. >Gilda snarls.
  366. >"You did enough damage to me, and who knows how many other girls. You're the one who's getting taken out."
  367. >She dives for him and pins him, much more effectively than you, to the cloud. All his limbs are held in place, and his tail swishes uselessly.
  368. >"Greg- I mean Spike... whatever. FUCK HIM UP."
  369. >You've never attacked anyone before. You're not sure if you can do it.
  370. >You try.
  371. >You sink your talons/claws/whatever the damn things are called into his belly and you rip and you tear and he screams.
  372. >It feels good.
  373. >He screams in pain.
  374. >It feels bad. No matter how horrible someone is, you can't condone this kind of violence. You reel back, remorseful already for the relatively minor injuries you've given him.
  375. >"...Let him go."
  377. >"Gilda, you're better than this. Killing him isn't going to undo what happened."
  379. >A little less than an hour later, he's in the custody of the Ponyville police. Gilda still can't believe you convinced her to let him go.
  380. >The two of you are in a secluded grove near the edge of the forest.
  381. >You break free from the embrace you've been in for the last five minute eternity and you look into eachother's eyes.
  382. >It's hard to read her face.
  383. >"So you... you really aren't a griffon?"
  384. >"No, Gilda. I'm not. And I'm sorry."
  385. >With a soft glowing puff of magic and smoke, you revert to your dragon form.
  386. >"But... we had something special, didn't we?"
  387. >"What do you mean HAD?"
  388. >"I mean... we can't do this, can we?"
  389. >"Why not? I love you, Gilda. Don't you love me?"
  390. >"I do, Spike. But... what do we do now?"
  391. >"What do you mean? We carry on. We go to dinner, we see a movie, we show that we care."
  392. >"But... but we can't be TOGETHER anymore."
  393. >"Why, do you not want to?"
  394. >"You're... you're a dragon. I'm a griffon. It... it doesn't work that way."
  395. >"Why not?"
  396. >"Because... you don't... we can't... how would...?"
  397. >You point at your dick. You have an erection and you're not trying to hide it.
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