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- ---That done, I will be walking on the works---
- Written by a stupid Anon who wants to help tards like him
- Thanks to ScannerAnon who helped us with his account
- Thanks to PowerShellAnon who helped us with his knowledge
- Thanks to JasonFunderBunker for all his help
- Thanks to ScannerClearly for all his loyalness
- With both "installing" and "working for people" parts
- + + + INSTALLING + + +
- STEP 1) Copy this link into your browser:
- It will be the installer for Python 2.7.12
- Wait until it is totally downloaded, then click for opening it
- ATTENTION: If, just because strange things happen, you have already a Python version in your PC, assure it is 2.7.xx and not Python 3.x.x... If it is so, try to un-install it as much as you can.
- STEP 2) Install Python: just keep on pressing "Next" and install Python.
- If all goes well, the location of Python is C:\Python27
- +++ATTENTION+++: If the first window is something like "change/repair/remove", you had installed Python before and it didn't go good.
- If you do not success at it, do as follows:
- --Click on the Python installation file
- --- Then, click on "Change Python"
- ----Then, choose the "feature will be totally installed on the local hard drive" option on each feature EXCEPT THE LAST ONE, something like ".py to EXE"
- If all goes well, the message below the "installation tree" will say that the installation will require 26MB and it will contain 6 features. If so, it is okay: install everything, let the programme work and click Finish only when it appears. During the installation, DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING, even when a .cmd window will open on its own.
- STEP 3) Copy this link into your browser:
- It will be the "pip" installer for Python
- Wait until it is totally downloaded, and do not open it. Just click save (this is just a security check)
- ATTENTION: Some browsers may show "get" as a page full of text. I specifically tried with Chrome: page with text.
- In this case, right-click on the page and choose "Save as..." on the coming menu. It should save the Whole page as a "get pip" Python file.
- [For example, on Microsoft Edge, it auto-downloads the file. I don't know why, though.]
- ///Thanks to PowerShellAnon for this alert\\\
- STEP 4) Go to the Download folder in your computer, double click on get-pip (it may be called, too: it is normal)
- It will open a "cmd" window: let it work. First, it will un-install the outdated version of pip, then install the new one
- DO NOT CLOSE ANYTHING UNTIL THE CMD WINDOWS DISAPPEARS: it will do it, just wait a little.
- If all goes well, there is a folder called "Scripts" into C:\Python27. DO NOT CANCEL ANYTHING.
- If there is nothing, uninstall Python and try again.
- STEP 5) Copy this link into your browser:
- It will download a .zip file.
- Unzip it: there is a folder called "POKEMONGO"
- Open it: there are 5 subfolders and 10 files.
- Copy those 5 subfolders and those 10 files into a new folder, called "PokemonGO" or whatever you want, on your desktop.
- It seems stupid, but it makes things easier on the long run.
- STEP 6) Copy the file "requirements.txt" (it is above the "transform" file) and paste it into C:\Python27\Scripts (the SCRIPTS folder in your PYTHON27 folder)
- STEP 7) Press SHIFT (the key under CAPS LOCK) and RIGHT-click on C:\Python27
- STEP 8) Choose the "open command window here" option
- STEP 9) Write this thing into the console: setx PATH C:\Python27. If all went well, it should say something about a well-done operation or something like that. Then, close the window.
- STEP 10) Press SHIFT (the key under CAPS LOCK) and RIGHT-click on C:\Python27\Scripts
- STEP 11) Choose the "open command window here" option
- STEP 12) Write this thing into the console: pip install -r requirements.txt
- ATTENTION: It will may take several minutes to install everything
- ATTENTION: If it fails to load something and red letters appear, there is something wrong and you will have to restart everything
- ATTENTION: If it all went well, there may be green letters (I saw just bunch of sub-programs being installed successfully, all may happen)
- STEP 13) Go to this link:
- and create a new account, with its password.
- STEP 14) Do you remember the "PokemonGO" folder we created during Step 5? Press SHIFT (the key under CAPS LOCK) and RIGHT-click on it.
- Choose the "open command window here" option, then.
- STEP 15) Write this thing into the console: python -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l " yy.yyy" -st 10
- USERNAME can be the one you chose for your account or pokemonscan
- PASSWORD can be the one you chose for your account or 123456
- and yy.yyy are coordinates (check the example below for getting coordinates)
- A) Search your position on Google MAPS
- B) A RED ARROW will appear in the exact position you are at the moment
- C) Now, click on a place VERY CLOSE to the RED ARROW
- D) If all went well, there will be a little circle with a GREY ARROW inside it
- E) Therefore, there will be a small White box in the bottom part of your browser window. Last two numbers are coordinates.
- +
- +
- +
- Let's make an example:
- There is a member called pokemonscan and its password is 123456.
- I chose a random place in France, whose coordinates are 48.299734, 4.090735
- You can see where you are on Google Maps and click into the map: it will provide you a window like this one:
- (I suggest switching to "Earth" mode)
- Therefore, the total message will be: python -u pokemonscan -p 123456 -l " 48.299734 4.090735" -st 10
- +++ ATTENTION +++
- ATTENTION: You can use pokemonscan as user and 123456 as a password
- (ATTENTION: these kind of accounts get banned quite quickly, due to many users using its credentials all at the same time. If a map appears, but it is blank, change account and use your own one.
- We will provide new fake scan-accounts whenever it is needed, though.)
- So, the message will be python -u pokemonscan -p 123456 -l " coordinate1 coordinate2" -st 10
- +
- +
- +
- ATTENTION: the symbol before coordinates in not a 1, number ONE, but a little "l", the l as in "little"
- ATTENTION: coordinates must be written without a comma between them
- ATTENTION: Coordinates MUST have the " ": so, it will be "coordinate1 coordinate2". There are no other options
- ATTENTION: -st 10 checks a radius around you: the more bigger the value next to "-st" is, the farther the program will check
- Some nice characteristics make the scan...spicier:
- -dp gives Pokestops in the area, it says if a Pokestop has a lure on itself and when said lure will expire
- -dp gives Gyms in the area and which team is controlling it
- -i ignores Pokemon, separated by commas:
- >>>>> ATTENTION: -i works like this:
- >>>>>> -i "FirstPokemon, SecondPokemon, ThirdPokemon..."
- >>>>>>>> ATTENTION: the name of the Pokemon must start with a capital letter, so something like A B C D E F ...
- >>>>>>>>>> ATTENTION: Names of Pokemon must be separated by commas
- >>>>>>>>>>> ATTENTION: " goes before the name of FirstPokemon and after the name of LastPokemon, so like:
- >>>>>>>>>>>> -i "FirstMon, SecondMon, ThirdMon, FourthMon, LastMon"
- -o is "-i" opposite: it will only search desired Pokemon
- >>>>> ATTENTION: -o works like this:
- >>>>>> -o "FirstPokemon, SecondPokemon, ThirdPokemon..."
- >>>>>>>> ATTENTION: the name of the Pokemon must start with a capital letter, so something like A B C D E F ...
- >>>>>>>>>> ATTENTION: Names of Pokemon must be separated by commas
- >>>>>>>>>>> ATTENTION: " goes before the name of FirstPokemon and after the name of LastPokemon, so like:
- >>>>>>>>>>>> -o "FirstMon, SecondMon, ThirdMon, FourthMon, LastMon"
- So, a normal line of code may be the following:
- python -u pokemonscan -p 123456 -l " 48.299734 4.090732" -st 6 -dp-dg -i "Rattata, Pidgey, Zubat, Doduo"
- ^ ^ ^ ^
- |___________________________(you have to write it EVERYTIME)____________|_|_________(you may not write it)________|
- Of course, when I say "mandatory", I do not mean that you have to write exactly what I wrote on the cmd, it is an example.
- Put your username after -u, your password after -p, the desired location between " after -l, the to-be-ignored Pokemon after -i and between ", as we stated before.
- (There are more options, but essentially you only need these ones. You may find more on
- STEP 16) Wait until some CMD lines are done. It should be saying something like "looping [x]/100", meaning that the programme has tried "x" times to get Pokemons
- ATTENTION: When servers don't act properly, they may write a bunch of identical lines saying "retrying" because an "api" is failed.
- It is normal, even if annoying.
- When servers are down, lines of code as "retrying_api_req" and "retrying_get_profile" will appear in loop.
- STEP 17) Open your browser and copy this link:
- http://localhost:5000
- (It works for IE, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera)
- If, somehow, it does not work, try localhost:5000
- [It seems that localhost:5000 does not work on Microsoft Edge]
- STEP 18) It will give you a map with Pokemons around the designated place whose coordinates were put during step 15 after -l "
- If you want to look for another place, press CTRL+C in the CMD window that is open until step 15
- + + + WORKING FOR PEOPLE + + +
- "There is a red error message": Python was not installed correctly or there are problems with early version of Python.
- Be sure to un-install ALL as much as you can
- "When I try to scan, it says error with a latitude": Ask the committer to write coordinates better: when that error happens, it means that latitude was too much or too scarce, happening due to a typo.
- If it is correct, try to put a space between " and the first coordinate.
- "When I try to scan, scans are slow or give blank maps" : We do not know why, it is probably a data overload.
- Still not sure why it does happen, but, for me, closing the cmd console and Google Chrome helped.
- Also, the selected account may be banned because of many anons using it at the same time.
- If it happens, write in on the thread and some Anon will create a new fake account for scanning.
- Be helpful!
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