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firefall patch notes

a guest
Apr 5th, 2012
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  1. Patch Notes - Beta 1330
  2. New Features
  3. Added more research nanotemplates to research vendor in Copacabana
  4. When a character logs back in the same zone, they will spawn at the nearest spawn point from their previous logout location
  5. When a character joins their squad leader on another instance, they spawn at the closest spawn point to the leader
  6. Added ability for Red 5 to communicate with all servers via broadcast system (we are now The Voice)
  7. Game Changes
  8. "Drop the Hammer" is no longer a repeatable mission.
  9. Awards the research scanning and thumping nanoprint at the end. Updated dialog, but no audio yet
  10. "The Resources Must Flow" is an entirely new mission intended to be the repeatable mission for Copacabana
  11. Bug Fixes
  12. Potential fixes for players getting stuck in states that prevented queuing into PvP matches
  13. Updated matchmaker to create more even and balanced games.
  14. Players are pooled into three groups... Levels 1-6, 7-9, 10-15. Players in pool 1 will be queued together with extras being pulled from pool 2, but never pool 3. Pool 3 players will only play with players from pool 3 unless additional players are needed from pool 2.
  15. Modified the skill rating to better identify top-tier players
  16. Multiple fixes to Login and Character create screens
  17. New checkbox for remember me
  18. Fixed depth of field on skyboxes
  19. Changed lighting on characters in character create
  20. Disabled facial hairs for heads that don't support them yet
  21. No more beta server status (yay 24/7)
  22. Much more
  23. Fixed ability to repeat authentication packets to login when auth servers are down
  24. Players can no longer log into multiple instances with the same account
  25. Removed the power level UI element. It'll return when there's gameplay attached
  26. Fixed a bug where HMG sounds would repeat continuously
  27. Fixes to the AI system and server support to fix the slow dumbing down of creatures
  28. Fixes to server infrastructure and server-side crashes
  29. Improved performance on ATI video cards
  30. Fix for not being able to complete "Drop the Hammer" due to Thumper being destroyed
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