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a guest
Aug 27th, 2015
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  1. [jenkins-ci@lf_pod2 CI]$ rally --debug task start ./suites/opnfv-keystone.json
  2. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.368 24675 RALLYDEBUG rally.cli.cliutils [-] INFO logs from urllib3 and requests module are hide.
  3. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.368 24675 RALLYDEBUG rally.cli.cliutils [-] ERROR log from boto module is hide.
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Preparing input task
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Input task is:
  9. {
  10. "KeystoneBasic.create_delete_user": [
  11. {
  12. "args": {
  13. "name_length": 10
  14. },
  15. "runner": {
  16. "type": "constant",
  17. "times": 100,
  18. "concurrency": 10
  19. }
  20. }
  21. ],
  22. "KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants": [
  23. {
  24. "args": {
  25. "name_length": 10
  26. },
  27. "runner": {
  28. "type": "constant",
  29. "times": 10,
  30. "concurrency": 1
  31. }
  32. }
  33. ],
  34. "KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users": [
  35. {
  36. "args": {
  37. "name_length": 10
  38. },
  39. "runner": {
  40. "type": "constant",
  41. "times": 100,
  42. "concurrency": 10
  43. }
  44. }
  45. ],
  46. "KeystoneBasic.create_tenant": [
  47. {
  48. "args": {
  49. "name_length": 10
  50. },
  51. "runner": {
  52. "type": "constant",
  53. "times": 100,
  54. "concurrency": 10
  55. }
  56. }
  57. ],
  58. "KeystoneBasic.create_user": [
  59. {
  60. "args": {
  61. "name_length": 10
  62. },
  63. "runner": {
  64. "type": "constant",
  65. "times": 100,
  66. "concurrency": 10
  67. }
  68. }
  69. ],
  70. "KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users": [
  71. {
  72. "args": {
  73. "name_length": 10,
  74. "users_per_tenant": 10
  75. },
  76. "runner": {
  77. "type": "constant",
  78. "times": 10,
  79. "concurrency": 10
  80. }
  81. }
  82. ]
  83. }
  86. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.606 24675 DEBUG oslo_db.api [-] Loading backend 'sqlalchemy' from 'rally.common.db.sqlalchemy.api' _load_backend /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_db/
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be: started
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. Benchmarking... This can take a while...
  93. To track task status use:
  95. rally task status
  96. or
  97. rally task detailed
  99. Using task: 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be
  100. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.768 24675 INFO rally.api [-] Benchmark Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be on Deployment 5f8b3e14-b495-480c-bac9-fbeaa1cda3ef
  101. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.768 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Task validation.
  102. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.807 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Task validation of scenarios names.
  103. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.810 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Completed: Task validation of scenarios names.
  104. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.810 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Task validation of syntax.
  105. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.826 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Completed: Task validation of syntax.
  106. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.826 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Task validation of semantic.
  107. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.826 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Task validation check cloud.
  108. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.847 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] REQ: curl -g -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" _http_log_request /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  109. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.862 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] RESP: [200] date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:10 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 422 content-type: application/json connection: close
  110. RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}, {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"}], "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]}}
  111. _http_log_response /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  112. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.863 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2 [-] Making authentication request to get_auth_ref /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/
  113. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.935 24675 INFO rally.task.engine [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Completed: Task validation check cloud.
  114. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.940 24675 INFO rally.plugins.openstack.context.keystone.users [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Enter context: `users`
  115. 2015-08-27 06:40:09.940 24675 RALLYDEBUG rally.plugins.openstack.context.keystone.users [-] Creating 1 tenants using 30 threads
  116. 2015-08-27 06:40:10.042 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] REQ: curl -g -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" _http_log_request /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  117. 2015-08-27 06:40:10.050 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] RESP: [200] date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:07 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 422 content-type: application/json connection: close
  118. RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}, {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"}], "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]}}
  119. _http_log_response /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  120. 2015-08-27 06:40:10.051 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2 [-] Making authentication request to get_auth_ref /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/
  121. 2015-08-27 06:40:10.125 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] REQ: curl -g -i -X POST -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}72b13f4d9cb80020aa24d8ec31867481e2370f33" -d '{"tenant": {"enabled": true, "name": "ctx_rally_9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be_tenant_0", "description": null}}' _http_log_request /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  122. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 WARNING [-] Failed to consume a task from the queue: Unable to establish connection to
  123. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR [-] Unable to establish connection to
  124. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  125. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/common/", line 51, in _consumer
  126. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR consume(cache, args)
  127. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/plugins/openstack/context/keystone/", line 183, in consume
  128. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR self.PATTERN_TENANT % {"task_id": task_id, "iter": i}, domain)
  129. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/plugins/openstack/wrappers/", line 132, in create_project
  130. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR tenant = self.client.tenants.create(project_name)
  131. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/v2_0/", line 96, in create
  132. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR return self._create('/tenants', params, "tenant")
  133. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 151, in _create
  134. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR return self._post(url, body, response_key, return_raw, **kwargs)
  135. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 165, in _post
  136. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR resp, body =, body=body, **kwargs)
  137. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 176, in post
  138. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR return self.request(url, 'POST', **kwargs)
  139. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 206, in request
  140. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR resp = super(LegacyJsonAdapter, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
  141. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 95, in request
  142. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR return self.session.request(url, method, **kwargs)
  143. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 336, in inner
  144. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR return func(*args, **kwargs)
  145. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 382, in request
  146. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR resp = send(**kwargs)
  147. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/", line 426, in _send_request
  148. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR raise exceptions.ConnectionRefused(msg)
  149. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR ConnectionRefused: Unable to establish connection to
  150. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.133 24675 ERROR
  151. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.156 24675 INFO rally.plugins.openstack.context.keystone.users [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Starting: Exit context: `users`
  152. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.157 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] REQ: curl -g -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" _http_log_request /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  153. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.166 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] RESP: [200] date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:10 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 422 content-type: application/json connection: close
  154. RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}, {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"}], "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]}}
  155. _http_log_response /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  156. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.167 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2 [-] Making authentication request to get_auth_ref /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/
  157. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.286 24675 DEBUG neutronclient.client [-]
  158. REQ: curl -i -X GET -H "User-Agent: python-neutronclient" -H "X-Auth-Token: b07cb94ab6cf455ab12ddc2e4cb2e623"
  159. http_log_req /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutronclient/common/
  160. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.418 24675 DEBUG neutronclient.client [-] RESP:200 {'date': 'Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:14 GMT', 'connection': 'close', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'content-length': '4339', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-a53d6573-d45b-4d34-b9ff-22137a178fcf'} {"extensions": [{"updated": "2012-10-05T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "security-group", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "security-group", "description": "The security groups extension."}, {"updated": "2013-02-07T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "L3 Agent Scheduler", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "l3_agent_scheduler", "description": "Schedule routers among l3 agents"}, {"updated": "2013-03-28T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "ext-gw-mode", "description": "Extension of the router abstraction for specifying whether SNAT should occur on the external gateway"}, {"updated": "2014-02-03T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Port Binding", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "binding", "description": "Expose port bindings of a virtual port to external application"}, {"updated": "2013-06-12T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron Metering", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "metering", "description": "Neutron Metering extension."}, {"updated": "2013-02-03T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "agent", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "agent", "description": "The agent management extension."}, {"updated": "2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Quota management support", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "quotas", "description": "Expose functions for quotas management per tenant"}, {"updated": "2013-02-07T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "DHCP Agent Scheduler", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "dhcp_agent_scheduler", "description": "Schedule networks among dhcp agents"}, {"updated": "2014-04-26T00:00:00-00:00", "name": "HA Router extension", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "l3-ha", "description": "Add HA capability to routers."}, {"updated": "2013-06-27T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Multi Provider Network", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "multi-provider", "description": "Expose mapping of virtual networks to multiple physical networks"}, {"updated": "2013-01-14T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron external network", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "external-net", "description": "Adds external network attribute to network resource."}, {"updated": "2012-07-20T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron L3 Router", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "router", "description": "Router abstraction for basic L3 forwarding between L2 Neutron networks and access to external networks via a NAT gateway."}, {"updated": "2013-07-23T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Allowed Address Pairs", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "allowed-address-pairs", "description": "Provides allowed address pairs"}, {"updated": "2013-02-01T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron Extra Route", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "extraroute", "description": "Extra routes configuration for L3 router"}, {"updated": "2013-03-17T12:00:00-00:00", "name": "Neutron Extra DHCP opts", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "extra_dhcp_opt", "description": "Extra options configuration for DHCP. For example PXE boot options to DHCP clients can be specified (e.g. tftp-server, server-ip-address, bootfile-name)"}, {"updated": "2012-09-07T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Provider Network", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "provider", "description": "Expose mapping of virtual networks to physical networks"}, {"updated": "2014-06-1T10:00:00-00:00", "name": "Distributed Virtual Router", "links": [], "namespace": "", "alias": "dvr", "description": "Enables configuration of Distributed Virtual Routers."}]}
  161. http_log_resp /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neutronclient/common/
  162. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.527 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] REQ: curl -g -i -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" _http_log_request /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  163. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.535 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.session [-] RESP: [200] date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:14 GMT vary: X-Auth-Token content-length: 422 content-type: application/json connection: close
  164. RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2014-04-17T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json"}, {"base": "application/xml", "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml"}], "id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "type": "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]}}
  165. _http_log_response /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/
  166. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.536 24675 DEBUG keystoneclient.auth.identity.v2 [-] Making authentication request to get_auth_ref /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keystoneclient/auth/identity/
  167. REQ: curl -g -i '' -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "X-Auth-Project-Id: admin" -H "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}7048962a00fb54ad8246808b610d829a46b458cf"
  168. RESP: [200] {'date': 'Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:40:11 GMT', 'connection': 'close', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '2550', 'x-compute-request-id': 'req-a7978900-17f5-4baf-b5f1-9684063759ea'}
  169. RESP BODY: {"services": [{"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-consoleauth", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-2", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:08.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 1}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-scheduler", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-2", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:09.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 2}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-conductor", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-2", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:10.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 3}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-cert", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-2", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:08.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 4}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-consoleauth", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-4", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:05.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 7}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-scheduler", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-4", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:05.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 10}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-conductor", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-4", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:06.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 13}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-consoleauth", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-3", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:06.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 16}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-scheduler", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-3", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:06.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 19}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-conductor", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-3", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:06.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 22}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-cert", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-4", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:10.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 25}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-cert", "zone": "internal", "host": "node-3", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:03.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 28}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-compute", "zone": "nova", "host": "node-1", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:10.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 33}, {"status": "enabled", "binary": "nova-compute", "zone": "nova", "host": "node-5", "updated_at": "2015-08-27T13:40:06.000000", "state": "up", "disabled_reason": null, "id": 36}]}
  171. 2015-08-27 06:40:13.886 24675 INFO rally.plugins.openstack.context.keystone.users [-] Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be | Completed: Exit context: `users`
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. Task 9b419cd1-38a3-46d5-a846-811a4ce286be: failed
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. Traceback (most recent call last):
  177. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/task/", line 258, in validate
  178. self._validate_config_semantic(self.config)
  179. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/common/", line 163, in wrapper
  180. result = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  181. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/task/", line 239, in _validate_config_semantic
  182. ctx.setup()
  183. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/common/", line 163, in wrapper
  184. result = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  185. File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rally/plugins/openstack/context/keystone/", line 286, in setup
  186. msg=_("Failed to create the requested number of tenants."))
  187. ContextSetupFailure: Unable to setup context 'users': 'Failed to create the requested number of tenants.'
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