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a guest
Jun 16th, 2013
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text 9.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [Pass] strlen("abc") => 0x3
  2. [Pass] strlen("qwertyuiop") => 0xa
  3. [Pass] strlen("") => 0x0
  4. [Pass] strcpy(msg, "hi there") => 0x1ad108
  5. [Pass] msg => 'hi there'
  6. [Pass] snprintf(a, sizeof(a), "foo") => 0x3
  7. [Pass] snprintf(b, sizeof(b), "foo") => 0x3
  8. [Pass] strcmp(a, b) => 0x0
  9. [Pass] snprintf(a, sizeof(a), "bar") => 0x3
  10. [Pass] snprintf(b, sizeof(b), "baz") => 0x3
  11. [Pass] strcmp(a, b) => 0xfffffff8
  12. [Pass] snprintf(a, sizeof(a), "Display") => 0x7
  13. [Pass] snprintf(b, sizeof(b), "Defishing") => 0x9
  14. [Pass] strcmp(a, b) => 0x4
  15. [Pass] snprintf(buf, 3, "%d", 1234) => 0x2
  16. [Pass] buf => '12'
  17. [Pass] memcpy(foo, bar, 6) => 0x1ad0a0
  18. [Pass] foo => 'asdfghuiop'
  19. [Pass] memset(bar, '*', 5) => 0x1ad080
  20. [Pass] bar => '*****hjkl;'
  21. bzero32(bar + 5, 5)
  22. [Pass] bar => '****'
  23. t0 = *(uint32_t*)0xC0242014 => 0xc3026
  24. msleep(250)
  25. t1 = *(uint32_t*)0xC0242014 => 0x8341
  26. [FAIL] ABS(mod(t1-t0, 1048576)/1000 - 250) => 0x21
  27. LoadCalendarFromRTC( &now )
  28. s0 = now.tm_sec => 0x18
  29. Date/time: 2013/06/16 11:40:24
  30. msleep(1500)
  31. LoadCalendarFromRTC( &now )
  32. s1 = now.tm_sec => 0x19
  33. [Pass] mod(s1-s0, 60) => 0x1
  34. [Pass] mod(s1-s0, 60) => 0x1
  35. m0 = MALLOC_FREE_MEMORY => 0x4aa00
  36. [Pass] p = malloc(50*1024) => 0xf4e40
  37. [Pass] CACHEABLE(p) => 0xf4e40
  38. m1 = MALLOC_FREE_MEMORY => 0x3e1f0
  39. free(p)
  40. m2 = MALLOC_FREE_MEMORY => 0x4aa00
  41. [Pass] ABS((m0-m1) - 50*1024) => 0x10
  42. [Pass] ABS(m0-m2) => 0x0
  43. m0 = GetFreeMemForAllocateMemory() => 0x33f524
  44. [Pass] p = AllocateMemory(256*1024) => 0xab4e74
  45. [Pass] CACHEABLE(p) => 0xab4e74
  46. m1 = GetFreeMemForAllocateMemory() => 0x2ff518
  47. FreeMemory(p)
  48. m2 = GetFreeMemForAllocateMemory() => 0x33f524
  49. [Pass] ABS((m0-m1) - 256*1024) => 0xc
  50. [Pass] ABS(m0-m2) => 0x0
  51. m01 = MALLOC_FREE_MEMORY => 0x4aa00
  52. m02 = GetFreeMemForAllocateMemory() => 0x33f524
  53. [Pass] p = alloc_dma_memory(256*1024) => 0x40ab4eb4
  54. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x40ab4eb4
  55. [Pass] CACHEABLE(p) => 0xab4eb4
  56. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(CACHEABLE(p)) => 0x40ab4eb4
  57. free_dma_memory(p)
  58. [Pass] p = (void*)shoot_malloc(24*1024*1024) => 0x4a000068
  59. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4a000068
  60. shoot_free(p)
  61. m11 = MALLOC_FREE_MEMORY => 0x4aa00
  62. m12 = GetFreeMemForAllocateMemory() => 0x33f524
  63. [Pass] ABS(m01-m11) => 0x0
  64. [Pass] ABS(m02-m12) => 0x0
  65. [Pass] suite = shoot_malloc_suite_contig(24*1024*1024) => 0xf4d78
  66. [Pass] suite->signature => 'MemSuite'
  67. [Pass] suite->num_chunks => 0x1
  68. [Pass] suite->size => 0x1800000
  69. [Pass] chunk = GetFirstChunkFromSuite(suite) => 0xf4da0
  70. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  71. [Pass] chunk->size => 0x1800000
  72. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4a000064
  73. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4a000064
  74. shoot_free_suite(suite); suite = 0; chunk = 0;
  75. [Pass] suite = shoot_malloc_suite_contig(0) => 0xf4d78
  76. [Pass] suite->signature => 'MemSuite'
  77. [Pass] suite->num_chunks => 0x1
  78. [Pass] suite->size => 0x20c0000
  79. [Pass] chunk = GetFirstChunkFromSuite(suite) => 0xf4da0
  80. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  81. [Pass] chunk->size => 0x20c0000
  82. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4ddc0064
  83. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4ddc0064
  84. shoot_free_suite(suite); suite = 0; chunk = 0;
  85. [Pass] suite = shoot_malloc_suite(64*1024*1024) => 0xf4d78
  86. [Pass] suite->signature => 'MemSuite'
  87. [Pass] suite->num_chunks => 0x7
  88. [Pass] suite->size => 0x4000000
  89. [Pass] chunk = GetFirstChunkFromSuite(suite) => 0xf4da0
  90. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  91. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x19bc000
  92. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4a000064
  93. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4a000064
  94. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4e68
  95. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  96. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x37b8000
  97. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x42200064
  98. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x42200064
  99. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4ea0
  100. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  101. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3bb8000
  102. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x419ff0a4
  103. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x419ff0a4
  104. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4ed8
  105. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  106. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3c90000
  107. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x49f240e4
  108. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x49f240e4
  109. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f10
  110. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  111. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3d68000
  112. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x47f240e4
  113. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x47f240e4
  114. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f48
  115. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  116. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3e40000
  117. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x45f240e4
  118. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x45f240e4
  119. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f80
  120. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  121. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x4000000
  122. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4ddc0064
  123. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4ddc0064
  124. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0x0
  125. [Pass] total => 0x4000000
  126. shoot_free_suite(suite); suite = 0; chunk = 0;
  127. [Pass] suite = shoot_malloc_suite(0) => 0xf4d78
  128. [Pass] suite->signature => 'MemSuite'
  129. [Pass] suite->num_chunks => 0x7
  130. [Pass] suite->size => 0x5f00000
  131. [Pass] chunk = GetFirstChunkFromSuite(suite) => 0xf4da0
  132. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  133. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x19bc000
  134. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4a000064
  135. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4a000064
  136. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4e68
  137. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  138. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x37b8000
  139. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x42200064
  140. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x42200064
  141. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4ea0
  142. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  143. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3bb8000
  144. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x419ff0a4
  145. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x419ff0a4
  146. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4ed8
  147. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  148. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3c90000
  149. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x49f240e4
  150. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x49f240e4
  151. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f10
  152. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  153. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3d68000
  154. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x47f240e4
  155. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x47f240e4
  156. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f48
  157. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  158. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x3e40000
  159. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x45f240e4
  160. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x45f240e4
  161. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0xf4f80
  162. [Pass] chunk->signature => 'MemChunk'
  163. [Pass] total += chunk->size => 0x5f00000
  164. [Pass] p = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(chunk) => 0x4ddc0064
  165. [Pass] UNCACHEABLE(p) => 0x4ddc0064
  166. chunk = GetNextMemoryChunk(suite, chunk) => 0x0
  167. [Pass] total => 0x5f00000
  168. shoot_free_suite(suite); suite = 0; chunk = 0;
  169. EngDrvOut(0xC0F14400, 0x1234)
  170. [Pass] shamem_read(0xC0F14400) => 0x1234
  171. call("TurnOnDisplay")
  172. [Pass] DISPLAY_IS_ON => 0x1
  173. call("TurnOffDisplay")
  174. [FAIL] DISPLAY_IS_ON => 0x1
  175. call("TurnOnDisplay")
  176. [Pass] DISPLAY_IS_ON => 0x1
  177. SetGUIRequestMode(1); msleep(1000);
  178. [Pass] CURRENT_DIALOG_MAYBE => 0x1
  179. SetGUIRequestMode(2); msleep(1000);
  180. [Pass] CURRENT_DIALOG_MAYBE => 0x2
  181. SetGUIRequestMode(0); msleep(1000);
  182. [Pass] CURRENT_DIALOG_MAYBE => 0x0
  183. [Pass] display_idle() => 0x1
  184. GUI_Control(BGMT_PLAY, 0, 0, 0); msleep(500);
  185. [Pass] PLAY_MODE => 0x1
  186. [Pass] MENU_MODE => 0x0
  187. GUI_Control(BGMT_MENU, 0, 0, 0); msleep(500);
  188. [Pass] MENU_MODE => 0x1
  189. [Pass] PLAY_MODE => 0x0
  190. [Pass] MEM(dialog->type) => 0x414944
  191. GUI_Control(BGMT_MENU, 0, 0, 0); msleep(500);
  192. [Pass] MENU_MODE => 0x0
  193. [Pass] PLAY_MODE => 0x0
  194. task_create("test", 0x1c, 0x1000, test_task, 0) => 0x208800b2
  195. [Pass] test_task_created => 0x1
  196. [Pass] get_task_name_from_id((unsigned int)get_current_task()) => 'run_test'
  197. [Pass] mq = mq ? mq : (void*)msg_queue_create("test", 5) => 0x20d200b2
  198. [Pass] msg_queue_post(mq, 0x1234567) => 0x0
  199. [Pass] msg_queue_receive(mq, (struct event **) &m, 500) => 0x0
  200. [Pass] m => 0x1234567
  201. [Pass] msg_queue_receive(mq, (struct event **) &m, 500) => 0x9
  202. [Pass] sem = sem ? sem : create_named_semaphore("test", 1) => 0x215802a0
  203. [Pass] take_semaphore(sem, 500) => 0x0
  204. [Pass] take_semaphore(sem, 500) => 0x9
  205. [Pass] give_semaphore(sem) => 0x0
  206. [Pass] take_semaphore(sem, 500) => 0x0
  207. [Pass] give_semaphore(sem) => 0x0
  208. [Pass] rlock = rlock ? rlock : CreateRecursiveLock(0) => 0x21ea0086
  209. [Pass] AcquireRecursiveLock(rlock, 500) => 0x0
  210. [Pass] AcquireRecursiveLock(rlock, 500) => 0x0
  211. [Pass] ReleaseRecursiveLock(rlock) => 0x0
  212. [Pass] ReleaseRecursiveLock(rlock) => 0x0
  213. [Pass] ReleaseRecursiveLock(rlock) => 0xf
  214. [Pass] f = FIO_CreateFileEx(CARD_DRIVE"test.dat") => 0x4
  215. [Pass] FIO_WriteFile(f, (void*)ROMBASEADDR, 0x10000) => 0x10000
  216. [Pass] FIO_WriteFile(f, (void*)ROMBASEADDR, 0x10000) => 0x10000
  217. FIO_CloseFile(f)
  218. [Pass] FIO_GetFileSize(CARD_DRIVE"test.dat", &size) => 0x0
  219. [Pass] size => 0x20000
  220. [Pass] p = alloc_dma_memory(0x20000) => 0x40848aa8
  221. [Pass] f = FIO_Open(CARD_DRIVE"test.dat", O_RDONLY | O_SYNC) => 0x4
  222. [Pass] FIO_ReadFile(f, p, 0x20000) => 0x20000
  223. FIO_CloseFile(f)
  224. free_dma_memory(p)
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