
Betrys Background

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. Name: Betrys Kindrick
  2. Race: Halfling
  3. OP/UP? Kind of in the middle I guess. Wizard and all, but most of my stuff is gonna be based on Evo, which from my understanding breaks the game less.
  5. Personality: Friendly and good-natured, but impulsive and has problems relating to people that aren't magic (what do you mean you can't just cast a spell to wash dishes? what the hell do you do to wash dishes then?)
  7. Things she likes: Sunny days, cloudy days, hot meals, human-sized portions, her pet owl Aerona.
  9. Things she doesn't like: Rain, rude people, halfling-sized portions (at least, what humans think halfling sized portions are).
  11. Things she's scared of: Vampires. They're creepy, and she doesn't have as much blood as other people have.
  13. Things that freak her out: big, loud dogs when she's not expecting them.
  15. Background: Grew up in a Halfling enclave in a large, cosmopolitan city to the (CARDINAL DIRECTION FAR FROM CAMPAIGN SETTING). When she reached adolescence, the spark of soulthievery showed itself in her, and she was directed out of the wizard's school she had begun classes at, to the High Tower, the Mage's Guild for Soulthieves. She spent almost two decades there, before reaching a level where the guild was comfortable sending her out into the world. Eager to learn what all there is to see and do outside the Tower's walls, she has departed into the world, which brought her eventually to [LOCATION NAME].
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