
Fucking Squids Flying and Drinking my Blood and Shit [Day 85

Sep 16th, 2013
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  1. Day 85
  2. I went to the inn today as per usual. Inside I saw Phoenix and Matches. I was still curious about the people tripping on mushrooms in the square. Phoenix was the only person I ever gave them to. When I confronted him about it he tried to act dumb but I easily saw through him. He tried to pin it on me but he stopped and told he did it. I was actually pissed that he would do it in a open location. Seriously you don't hallucinate in a open space where you could eat someones face like the guy on bath salts.
  4. Uni came in after I lightly reprimanded Phoenix. I sat next to him and asked how he was. I was so happy that I hugged him when he told me that he wasn't all crazy anymore. I asked him if he wanted to hang out some time and he said yes. We were going to leave for the riverside but then Silent came in. I tried to introduce the two because I thought that they hadn't met before. Turns out that they had already met and that Silent didn't like him. When I asked why it was because Silent found out about the whole cheating on Penny thing. I didn't want Silent to mad at Uni so I made him apologize to her about the whole situation. She said okay but it felt as though she didn't mean it and was still actually pretty pissed. Silent wanted me to her for awhile but when she came in I was in the process of leaving with Uni. I walked over to her and sat with her and asked if she was angry if I left and she said no but I could tell she was. She just needs some time to get over it. I want to talk to her about it later.
  6. Uni and I walked over to the water and I splashed around on the edge of it for awhile. We didn't talk too much but more or less enjoyed each others company.
  8. I left Uni after awhile because I was going to go on a adventure I didn't mention before. Mary, Phoenix, Matches, Sun, Chinook, and I were going to the hunting grounds to catch some animals for coats and rugs and stuff. As we started into the woods we started hearing a cuckoo bird. For some reason everyone seemed to want to find the bird so I joined in the attempt. We didn't find that bird so we moved on.
  10. When we finally made it to the hunting grounds I was surprised by how flat the land was. Since the ground was so flat we had Chinook fly up to scope out the scene. When he landed he told us that he saw a dead bear and a trail of blood leading into the forest. We decided to go over to the bear and see what we could find. When we looked at the bear carcass it looked like wolfs just torn it apart. Sun broke off some of its teeth and I ripped out one of its ribs. I could use the rib for bone-meal to make some fertilizer.
  12. At the carcass we decided to set up a trap to snag some scavengers like a fox or coyote. Luckily for use we had Mary are resident trap maker with us. Since she didn't have all of her materials with her we had to go out and get some. Matches, Phoenix and I went out into the woods to gather the needed material while Mary made her plan. While we were getting the sticks we heard some howling off in the distance so we worked even faster. After gathering a nice bundle we quickly hurried back to the others.
  14. Mary began setting up the trap and she howled very loudly and hid behind the bear. I decided to follow suit since everyone else was doing it. After a moment or two a wolf appeared in the distance. The wolf was hurt. Its coat was covered in blood and it even had a trail of blood flowing from its neck. It was not a pretty sight. Since we had no way of getting to the wolf we had to wait until it came closer. The wolf never came closer in fact it just growled at the air and wailed as if in great pain back into the forest.
  16. We decided to leave the plains and flank the wolf in the forest. We started hearing that dumb cuckoo bird again. Matches asked if anyone had a rock. I pulled out George thinking she was going to hit the bird but I was wrong. Matches wanted me to throw him into the bushes. I threw him a pretty good distance and he took out some berries in the process. Nothing in our environment changed. So I went and started picking some berries. When I was picking the berries I heard Matches say something about bodies. I immediately stopped picking my berries and grabbed my sword. She then said one of them was still alive and I told her to use George to take it out. Instead she tossed him to me. I let the other move closer and when I gave my mark. I threw George and it hit the wolf square in the chest and it collapsed. Phoenix stabbed it in the head just to make sure and it made out a pretty sad death wail.
  18. Matches saw something in the grass move and tried to catch it. What see saw was a ninja slug with tentacles. I resumed picking berries while keeping a eye on everything then I saw the slug clasp onto Matches head and neck. After some struggle and the slug slapping Phoenix's shit I finally managed to get the slug off Matches's face and throw it on the ground. The nasty ass slug attached its self to my hoof. I will never forget how cold and slimy it was. I shudder as I think about it. I tried to scarp it into a jar for Mary because she wanted it for... reasons. Phoenix tried to rip it off only to have it jump on him and bite his head. After more blocked attacks Matches flung it off of Phoenix's head. Mary tried to catch it again just to have it break her pot only to have it attack her. We tried to get it off Mary only to have me poke Mary with my sword. Mary proceed to rip it off her head and punch it to dust. The slug got hurt and then Matches finally caught it in a jar. The slug was not happy about being captured but eventually settled down.
  20. Suddenly with out warning the bushes started rustling. Then the oddest thing happened. FLYING SQUIDS. I shit you not flying squids just flew in. We decided to run because flying squids. Either we were running really slowly or those squids were just sanic fast because they quickly corralled us into a circle and made us fight them.
  22. During the fight one of the squids messed up son I capitalized on it and cut out a huge part of its tentacles off. Then Matches popped it like a balloon with her mace. Squid guts and blood covered her and Mary. One of the squids tried to bite me but I moved out of the way in time. Holy shit was its mouth disgusting. It had a full set of man teeth. It made my skin crawl when I saw it. While I was distracted n=by its gross mouth its brother decided to scrap me with its barbed tentacles. I tried to attack it but I tripped and fell on my ass pretty hard. I still have a bruise from that.
  24. I guess the blood from my wounds must have made one of the squids pretty hungry because that damn thing rammed into me like a line backer and bit the living fuck out of me. I felt it start tonging my new bite wound lapping up my blood. What made it even worse was that I know what its mouth looks like. Holy shit that hurt. The squid stated to leak a mix of my blood and its as Sun removed the squid kebab from my bloody side. I was pumped up on adrenaline at this point and when I had the opportunity I stabbed the squid and it burst covering Sun, Phoenix and I. At least I got my blood back. I was breathing heavy and I then I started taking deeper and slower breaths and dropped my sword. That squid must have sucked out a lot of blood because I passed out. Everything from that point got fuzzy. I even have a hard time remembering it all.
  26. After getting covered in more squid entrails I awoke with a gasp. Luckily when I woke up Phoenix cut the last squid in half with my sword. Since the danger of squids was over I just laid down feeling tired. I wanted to go to sleep so bad but that probably wouldn't have been the best idea. Phoenix patched me up some and then I said something about being bulletproof. Everything started flickering so I stood up and looked around and then promptly collapsed on the floor. I got lifted on to a make shift cot and Matches gave George to me.
  28. While we were being dragged back home George started talking more then usual. He started going on about pie or something. I wasn't really listening because I was fading in and out because of the blood lose. We reached the bear body and Matches took George and threw him into the dead bear. George was not amused. When Matches gave him back he said he didn't appreciate what she did throwing him into a bear and all. I cuddled George just to make him feel better about going into the bear.
  30. At the clinic Phoenix put me in one of the beds and when the doctors asked what happened I told them we were eaten by squids. The doctors were surprised. Phoenix told them that the squids drink blood. Talk of blood transfusions went around and I tried to follow Liven into the other room.
  32. Liven started cleaning off the giant bite hole on my side. Let me tell you that alcohol burned. Then I heard Mary scream from the other room. I assumed that she was feeling the alcohol like I was. Then Liven poked me in the wound with a spoon. He quickly apologized and proceeded to do more doctor stuff. I saw Matches throwing the pot with the ninja slug in it. What made it worse then her just throwing it up and down in the air was that the pot was cracking. I screamed at her to stop throwing it but she didn't listen. All the while Liven is making really angry faces. After the 4 face or so he walked out of the clinic. How unprofessional I thought. Luckily Green Light finished up the job Liven started. He does a good job because when he was finished I felt better. I still felt like shit but I felt like a better shit. (That sounded better in my head) I then feel into a dream less sleep.
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