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Feb 9th, 2015
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  1. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
  2. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  3. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (14.1 Git:20150129-38e4046). Platform: Windows NT x86 32-bit
  5. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build
  6. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Jan 29 2015 by MSVC 180030723 for Windows NT x86 32-bit version 6.0 (0x06000000)
  7. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Running on Windows 7 SP1, kernel: Windows NT x86 64-bit version 6.1
  8. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3225 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 4 cores available
  9. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1920x1080 32Bit at 60Hz
  10. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Running with restricted rights
  11. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Aero is disabled
  12. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Software\Kodi
  13. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Software\Kodi
  14. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata
  15. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\
  16. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\cache
  17. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Software\Kodi\Kodi.exe
  18. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Local hostname: h5
  19. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\kodi.log
  20. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: load settings...
  22. 20:56:21 T:3208 WARNING: CSettingString: unknown options filler "timezonecountries" of "locale.timezonecountry"
  23. 20:56:21 T:3208 WARNING: CSettingString: unknown options filler "timezones" of "locale.timezone"
  24. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
  25. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
  26. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
  27. <advancedsettings>
  28. <video>
  29. <excludefromscan>
  30. <regexp>-extras-</regexp>
  31. <regexp>[\\/]Extras[\\/]</regexp>
  32. </excludefromscan>
  33. <excludetvshowsfromscan>
  34. <regexp>-extras-</regexp>
  35. <regexp>[\\/]Extras[\\/]</regexp>
  36. </excludetvshowsfromscan>
  37. <usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking>
  38. <!-- Whether to use time based or percentage based seeking. -->
  39. <timeseekforward>10</timeseekforward>
  40. <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a short seek. Defaults to 30. -->
  41. <timeseekbackward>-10</timeseekbackward>
  42. <!-- Time to seek backward in seconds when doing a short seek. Defaults to -30. -->
  43. <timeseekforwardbig>120</timeseekforwardbig>
  44. <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek. Defaults to 600 (10 minutes). -->
  45. <timeseekbackwardbig>-120</timeseekbackwardbig>
  46. <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek. Defaults to -600 (10 minutes). -->
  47. <subsdelayrange>20</subsdelayrange>
  48. <!-- Delay range for subtitles, in seconds. -->
  49. </video>
  50. <sorttokens>
  51. <token>a</token>
  52. </sorttokens>
  53. <itemseparator> / </itemseparator>
  54. <!-- separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. Note, this is *space* *slash* *space* -->
  55. </advancedsettings>
  56. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
  57. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
  58. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
  59. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting (2)
  60. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_FREEMEM"
  61. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
  62. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
  63. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
  64. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
  65. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PAPlayer for core 3
  66. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
  67. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv
  68. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/mms/udp
  69. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
  70. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtmp
  71. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
  72. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
  73. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: aacp/sdp
  74. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
  75. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
  76. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
  77. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
  78. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
  79. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: radio
  80. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  81. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://profile/playercorefactory.xml.
  82. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player MPC-HC for core 4
  83. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player VLC for core 4
  84. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PowerDVD for core 4
  85. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: un-named
  86. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: retrogames
  87. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: extras
  88. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: tvshows
  89. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  90. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: isos
  91. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: discs
  92. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mmstrailer
  93. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: cinemaintros
  94. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hd-trailers
  95. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: ratingvideo
  96. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: ratingvideo3d
  97. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: stream
  98. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: movies
  99. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: movies2
  100. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: movies3
  101. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  102. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: creating subdirectories
  103. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
  104. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: recording folder:
  105. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: screenshots folder:
  106. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: load language info file: special://xbmc/language/Finnish/langinfo.xml
  107. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: trying to set locale to fin_fin
  108. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: global locale set to Finnish_Finland.1252
  109. 20:56:21 T:3208 INFO: load Finnish language file, from path: special://xbmc/language/
  110. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: C:\Software\Kodi\language\Finnish\strings.po
  111. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2731 strings from file C:\Software\Kodi\language\Finnish\strings.po
  112. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: PO file has Win Style Line Endings. Converted in memory to Linux LF for file: C:\Software\Kodi\language\English\strings.po
  113. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 536 strings from file C:\Software\Kodi\language\English\strings.po
  114. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
  115. 20:56:21 T:868 NOTICE: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
  116. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: CAESinkWASAPI::EnumerateDevicesEx: data format "AE_FMT_AAC" on device "marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)" seems to be not supported.
  117. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
  118. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Enumerated DIRECTSOUND devices:
  119. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 1
  120. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {0D0F8166-3B4F-4FEE-9912-6DE53378362C}
  121. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : Headphones - Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
  122. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
  123. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
  124. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  125. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
  126. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT
  127. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 2
  128. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {421537A3-0B24-4B94-AC29-D858E7253B14}
  129. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
  130. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
  131. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  132. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  133. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 44100
  134. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS
  135. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 3
  136. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {55F352A7-9F45-4A42-9F2D-C297F30B0D00}
  137. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI - marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)
  138. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: DIRECTSOUND: marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)
  139. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
  140. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,BL,BR,LFE
  141. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
  142. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS
  143. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 4
  144. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
  145. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
  146. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
  147. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
  148. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,BL,BR,LFE
  149. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
  150. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_DTS
  151. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Enumerated WASAPI devices:
  152. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 1
  153. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {0D0F8166-3B4F-4FEE-9912-6DE53378362C}
  154. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : Headphones - Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
  155. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Headphones (High Definition Audio Device)
  156. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
  157. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  158. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,96000,48000,44100
  159. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_S24NE4MSB,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_S16BE
  160. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 2
  161. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {421537A3-0B24-4B94-AC29-D858E7253B14}
  162. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : SPDIF - Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
  163. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
  164. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_IEC958
  165. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
  166. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
  167. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_DTS,AE_FMT_AC3,AE_FMT_AAC,AE_FMT_S24NE4MSB,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_S16BE
  168. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 3
  169. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : {55F352A7-9F45-4A42-9F2D-C297F30B0D00}
  170. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI - marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)
  171. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: WASAPI: marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)
  172. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
  173. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR,BL,BR
  174. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,176400,96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
  176. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: Device 4
  177. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceName : default
  178. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayName : default
  179. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
  180. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
  181. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR,FC,LFE,SL,SR,BL,BR
  182. 20:56:21 T:3808 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 192000,176400,96000,88200,48000,44100,32000
  184. 20:56:21 T:868 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
  185. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device WASAPI:{55F352A7-9F45-4A42-9F2D-C297F30B0D00}
  186. 20:56:21 T:868 ERROR: CAESinkWASAPI::InitializeExclusive: IsFormatSupported failed (AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT) - trying to find a compatible format
  187. 20:56:21 T:868 INFO: CAESinkWASAPI::InitializeExclusive: WASAPI Exclusive Mode Sink Initialized using: AE_FMT_S24NE4MSB, 44100, 2
  188. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - WASAPI Initialized:
  189. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Output Device : HDMI - marantz-AVR (Intel(R) Display Audio)
  190. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
  191. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S24NE4MSB
  192. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
  193. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
  194. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Frames : 2208
  195. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Frame Samples : 4416
  196. 20:56:21 T:868 DEBUG: Frame Size : 8
  197. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
  198. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/cpluff.dll)
  199. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.'
  200. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  201. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  202. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  203. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.'
  204. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  205. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.vortex has been installed.'
  206. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  207. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been installed.'
  208. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.vorbis has been installed.'
  209. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.wav has been installed.'
  210. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been installed.'
  211. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.'
  212. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.favourites has been installed.'
  213. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup4 has been installed.'
  214. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  215. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.'
  216. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.xbmc.versioncheck has been installed.'
  217. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.flac has been installed.'
  218. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been installed.'
  219. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.globalsearch has been installed.'
  220. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.bromix has been installed.'
  221. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.tvtunes has been installed.'
  222. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.'
  223. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been installed.'
  224. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.'
  225. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  226. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  227. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.common.plugin.cache has been installed.'
  228. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  229. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been installed.'
  230. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.skinshortcuts has been installed.'
  231. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.unidecode has been installed.'
  232. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simple.downloader has been installed.'
  233. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  234. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  235. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.'
  236. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  237. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been installed.'
  238. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.grab.fanart has been installed.'
  239. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.artwork.downloader has been installed.'
  240. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.blackglassnova has been installed.'
  241. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been installed.'
  242. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.picture.slideshow has been installed.'
  243. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been installed.'
  244. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been installed.'
  245. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  246. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  247. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.kodience has been installed.'
  248. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  249. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.rom.collection.browser has been installed.'
  250. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  251. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  252. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  253. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.cinema.experience has been installed.'
  254. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been installed.'
  255. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.lame has been installed.'
  256. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  257. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  258. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  259. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been installed.'
  260. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.parsedom has been installed.'
  261. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.'
  262. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  263. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.videoextras has been installed.'
  264. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.finnish-tv has been installed.'
  265. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.'
  266. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been installed.'
  267. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.transparency has been installed.'
  268. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been installed.'
  269. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  270. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.'
  271. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
  272. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.bromix
  273. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
  274. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.finnish-tv
  275. 20:56:21 T:3772 NOTICE: Thread RemoteControl start, auto delete: false
  276. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::LoadMappings - loaded node "Motorola Nyxboard Hybrid"
  277. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::LoadMappings - loaded node "CEC Adapter"
  278. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::LoadMappings - loaded node "Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter"
  279. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::LoadMappings - loaded node "iMON HID device"
  280. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/libcec.dll)
  281. 20:56:21 T:3772 DEBUG: CRemoteControl::Connect - connecting to: ::1:24000 ...
  282. 20:56:21 T:3204 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusCEC start, auto delete: false
  283. 20:56:21 T:4020 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusUSB start, auto delete: false
  284. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CWIN32Util::GetDriveStatus: Requesting status for drive \\.\E:.
  285. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CWIN32Util::GetDriveStatus: Requesting media status for drive \\.\E:.
  286. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CWIN32Util::GetDriveStatus: Requesting status for drive \\.\F:.
  287. 20:56:21 T:3208 DEBUG: CWIN32Util::GetDriveStatus: Requesting media status for drive \\.\F:.
  288. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Found screen: Generic PnP Monitor on Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, adapter 0.
  289. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1920x1080@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  290. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  291. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  292. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  293. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  294. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  295. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  296. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  297. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  298. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  299. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  300. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  301. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  302. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  303. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  304. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x200@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  305. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  306. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  307. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  308. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  309. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  310. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  311. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  312. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  313. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  314. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  315. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  316. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  317. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  318. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  319. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  320. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320x240@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  321. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  322. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  323. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  324. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  325. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  326. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  327. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  328. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  329. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  330. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  331. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  332. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  333. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  334. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  335. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  336. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400x300@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  337. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  338. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  339. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  340. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  341. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  342. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  343. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  344. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  345. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  346. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  347. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  348. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  349. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  350. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  351. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  352. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512x384@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  353. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  354. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  355. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  356. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  357. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  358. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  359. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  360. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  361. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  362. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  363. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  364. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  365. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  366. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  367. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  368. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x400@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  369. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  370. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  371. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  372. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  373. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  374. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  375. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  376. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  377. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  378. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  379. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  380. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  381. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  382. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  383. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  384. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  385. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  386. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 73.00 - Full Screen
  387. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640x480@ 75.00 - Full Screen
  388. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  389. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  390. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  391. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  392. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  393. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  394. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  395. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  396. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  397. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  398. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  399. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  400. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  401. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 29.97i - Full Screen
  402. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  403. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  404. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  405. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 30.00i - Full Screen
  406. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  407. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  408. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  409. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  410. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  411. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  412. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  413. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  414. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  415. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  416. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  417. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  418. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  419. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 25.00i - Full Screen
  420. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  421. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  422. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  423. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  424. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 720x576@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  425. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  426. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  427. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  428. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  429. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  430. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  431. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  432. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  433. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  434. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  435. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  436. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  437. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  438. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  439. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  440. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  441. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  442. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 72.00 - Full Screen
  443. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800x600@ 75.00 - Full Screen
  444. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  445. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  446. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  447. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  448. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  449. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  450. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  451. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  452. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  453. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  454. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  455. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  456. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  457. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  458. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  459. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  460. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 70.00 - Full Screen
  461. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024x768@ 75.00 - Full Screen
  462. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  463. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  464. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  465. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  466. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  467. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  468. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  469. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  470. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  471. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  472. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  473. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  474. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  475. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  476. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  477. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  478. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1152x864@ 75.00 - Full Screen
  479. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  480. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  481. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  482. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  483. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  484. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  485. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  486. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  487. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  488. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  489. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  490. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  491. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  492. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  493. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x600@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  494. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  495. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  496. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  497. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  498. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  499. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  500. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  501. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  502. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  503. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  504. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  505. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  506. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  507. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  508. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  509. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x720@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  510. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  511. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  512. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  513. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  514. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  515. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  516. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  517. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  518. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  519. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  520. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  521. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  522. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  523. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  524. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  525. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  526. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  527. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  528. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  529. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  530. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  531. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  532. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  533. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  534. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  535. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  536. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  537. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  538. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  539. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  540. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  541. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x800@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  542. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  543. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  544. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  545. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  546. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  547. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  548. 20:56:21 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  549. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  550. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  551. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  552. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  553. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  554. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  555. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  556. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  557. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x960@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  558. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  559. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  560. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  561. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  562. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  563. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  564. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  565. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  566. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  567. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  568. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  569. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  570. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  571. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  572. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  573. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  574. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  575. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280x1024@ 75.00 - Full Screen
  576. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  577. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  578. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  579. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  580. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  581. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  582. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  583. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  584. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  585. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  586. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  587. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  588. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  589. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  590. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1360x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  591. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  592. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  593. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  594. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  595. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  596. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  597. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  598. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  599. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  600. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  601. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  602. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  603. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  604. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  605. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  606. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1366x768@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  607. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  608. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  609. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  610. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  611. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  612. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  613. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  614. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  615. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  616. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  617. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  618. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  619. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  620. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  621. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  622. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1400x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  623. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  624. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  625. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  626. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  627. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  628. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  629. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  630. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  631. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  632. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  633. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  634. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  635. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  636. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  637. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  638. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  639. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  640. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  641. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  642. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  643. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  644. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  645. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  646. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  647. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  648. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  649. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  650. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  651. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  652. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  653. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  654. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x576@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  655. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  656. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  657. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  658. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  659. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  660. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  661. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  662. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  663. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  664. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  665. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  666. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  667. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  668. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  669. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  670. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1440x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  671. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  672. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  673. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  674. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  675. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  676. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  677. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  678. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  679. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  680. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  681. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  682. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  683. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  684. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  685. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  686. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1600x900@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  687. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  688. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  689. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  690. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  691. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  692. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  693. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  694. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  695. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  696. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  697. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  698. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  699. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  700. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  701. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  702. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1680x1050@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  703. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
  704. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 23.98 - Full Screen
  705. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 24.00 - Full Screen
  706. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 25.00 - Full Screen
  707. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 29.97 - Full Screen
  708. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 30.00 - Full Screen
  709. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  710. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 25.00i - Full Screen
  711. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  712. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 29.97i - Full Screen
  713. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  714. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1920x1080@ 30.00i - Full Screen
  715. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 2880x480@ 59.94 - Full Screen
  716. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 2880x480@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  717. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Additional mode: 2880x576@ 50.00 - Full Screen
  718. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
  719. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: window resize event
  720. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: window move event
  721. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CWinSystemWin32::ResizeInternal - resizing due to size change (0,0,1920,1080 fullscreen)->(0,0,1920,1080 fullscreen)
  722. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
  723. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::InitRenderSystem - trying D3D9Ex...
  724. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::InitRenderSystem - using D3D9Ex
  725. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice on adapter 0
  726. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - using hardware vertex processing
  727. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - adapter 0: igdumdim32.dll, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, VendorId 32902, DeviceId 354
  728. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - using D3DCAPS2_DYNAMICTEXTURES
  729. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - texture caps: 0x0021EC45
  730. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - RENDER_CAPS_DXT
  731. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - RENDER_CAPS_NPOT
  732. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - RENDER_CAPS_DXT_NPOT
  733. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice - Intel workaround - specifying minimum pitch for compressed textures.
  734. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CWinSystemWin32::SetFullScreen (windowed fullscreen) on screen 0 with size 1920x1080, refresh 60.000000
  735. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CRenderManager::UpdateDisplayLatency - Latency set to 0 msec
  736. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: load default splash image: C:\Software\Kodi\media\Splash.png
  737. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
  738. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: load keymapping
  739. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
  740. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
  741. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml
  742. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml
  743. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Harmony.xml
  744. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Interact.AxisPad.xml
  745. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml
  746. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml
  747. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.Controller.S.xml
  748. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Nintendo.Wii.U.Pro.Controller.xml
  749. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS3.Remote.Keyboard.xml
  750. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Sony.PLAYSTATION(R)3.Controller.xml
  751. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.WiiRemote.xml
  752. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
  753. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml
  754. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
  755. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml
  756. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://masterprofile/keymaps/Keyboard - Copy.xml
  757. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  758. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  759. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  760. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button play
  761. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  762. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://masterprofile/keymaps/Keyboard.xml
  763. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  764. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  765. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  766. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button play
  767. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  768. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://masterprofile/keymaps/remote.xml
  769. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  770. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  771. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  772. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/Keyboard - Copy.xml
  773. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  774. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  775. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  776. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button play
  777. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  778. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/Keyboard.xml
  779. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  780. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  781. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  782. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Keyboard Translator: Can't find button play
  783. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  784. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://profile/keymaps/remote.xml
  785. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button play_pause
  786. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button next_track
  787. 20:56:22 T:3208 ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button prev_track
  788. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/IRSSmap.xml
  789. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Microsoft MCE'
  790. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: * Adding remote mapping for device 'Abstract'
  791. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CButtonTranslator::Load - no userdata IRSSmap.xml found, skipping
  792. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: GUI format 1920x1080, Display 1920x1080@ 60.00 - Full Screen
  793. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
  794. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/libcurl.dll)
  795. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
  796. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CDatabaseManager::Initialize, updating databases...
  797. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
  798. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
  799. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic48
  800. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos90
  801. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version TV26
  802. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running database version Epg8
  803. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CDatabaseManager::Initialize, updating databases... DONE
  804. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: DPMS: supported power-saving modes: OFF STANDBY
  805. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
  806. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
  807. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
  808. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: load skin from: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency (version: 7.1.5)
  809. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: load fonts for skin...
  810. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading fonts from C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\720p\Font.xml
  811. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 124 strings from file C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\language\Finnish\strings.po
  812. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 37 strings from file C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\language\English\strings.po
  813. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin includes from C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\720p\includes.xml
  814. 20:56:22 T:3772 DEBUG: CRemoteControl::Connect - connecting to: ...
  815. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: load new skin...
  816. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading user windows, path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\720p
  817. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 3.62ms
  818. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: initialize new skin...
  819. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: guilib: Fill viewport on change for solving rendering passes
  820. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  821. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CTextureBundleXBT::OpenBundle - Opened bundle C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.transparency\media\Textures.xbt
  822. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  823. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  824. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  825. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  826. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  827. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogExtendedProgressBar.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  828. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: skin loaded...
  829. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10029
  830. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (LoginScreen.xml) ------
  831. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: LoginScreen.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
  832. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: removing tempfiles
  833. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
  834. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: initialize done
  835. 20:56:22 T:3332 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  836. 20:56:22 T:3332 INFO: initializing python engine.
  837. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Running the application...
  838. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Starting network services
  839. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
  840. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
  841. 20:56:22 T:3208 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
  842. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Unable to get bluetooth socket
  843. 20:56:22 T:4328 NOTICE: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: false
  844. 20:56:22 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized
  845. 20:56:22 T:4328 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
  846. 20:56:22 T:4652 NOTICE: Thread TCPServer start, auto delete: false
  847. 20:56:22 T:4328 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
  848. 20:56:22 T:4228 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
  849. 20:56:22 T:3332 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ start processing
  850. 20:56:22 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
  851. 20:56:22 T:3332 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  852. 20:56:22 T:3332 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\"
  853. 20:56:22 T:3332 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  854. 20:56:22 T:3332 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache
  855. 20:56:22 T:3332 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.common.plugin.cache" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  856. 20:56:23 T:3332 NOTICE: StorageServer Module loaded RUN
  857. 20:56:23 T:3332 NOTICE: StorageClient-2.5.4 Starting server
  858. 20:56:23 T:3772 DEBUG: CRemoteControl::Connect - failed to connect
  859. 20:56:23 T:3772 INFO: CRemoteControl::Process - failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds
  860. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  861. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  862. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: Stopping service addons.
  863. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: stopping PVRManager
  864. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Starting network services
  865. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been uninstalled.'
  866. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  867. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  868. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  869. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  870. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been uninstalled.'
  871. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  872. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.vortex has been uninstalled.'
  873. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.vorbis has been uninstalled.'
  874. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been uninstalled.'
  875. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.wav has been uninstalled.'
  876. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been uninstalled.'
  877. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.favourites has been uninstalled.'
  878. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been uninstalled.'
  879. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup4 has been uninstalled.'
  880. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  881. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.xbmc.versioncheck has been uninstalled.'
  882. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been uninstalled.'
  883. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.flac has been uninstalled.'
  884. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been uninstalled.'
  885. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.bromix has been uninstalled.'
  886. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.globalsearch has been uninstalled.'
  887. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.tvtunes has been uninstalled.'
  888. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  889. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.common.plugin.cache has been uninstalled.'
  890. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  891. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  892. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been uninstalled.'
  893. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been uninstalled.'
  894. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been uninstalled.'
  895. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.unidecode has been uninstalled.'
  896. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.skinshortcuts has been uninstalled.'
  897. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been uninstalled.'
  898. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  899. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  900. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simple.downloader has been uninstalled.'
  901. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been uninstalled.'
  902. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  903. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.grab.fanart has been uninstalled.'
  904. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been uninstalled.'
  905. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.artwork.downloader has been uninstalled.'
  906. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.blackglassnova has been uninstalled.'
  907. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.picture.slideshow has been uninstalled.'
  908. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been uninstalled.'
  909. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been uninstalled.'
  910. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been uninstalled.'
  911. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  912. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.kodience has been uninstalled.'
  913. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  914. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  915. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.rom.collection.browser has been uninstalled.'
  916. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.cinema.experience has been uninstalled.'
  917. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  918. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  919. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  920. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been uninstalled.'
  921. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.lame has been uninstalled.'
  922. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  923. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  924. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.parsedom has been uninstalled.'
  925. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been uninstalled.'
  926. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  927. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  928. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been uninstalled.'
  929. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.videoextras has been uninstalled.'
  930. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.finnish-tv has been uninstalled.'
  931. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.transparency has been uninstalled.'
  932. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been uninstalled.'
  933. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been uninstalled.'
  934. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been uninstalled.'
  935. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  936. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 04658C88 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  937. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0468C250 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  938. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 04658070 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  939. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been installed.'
  940. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  941. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  942. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  943. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been installed.'
  944. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  945. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.vortex has been installed.'
  946. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  947. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been installed.'
  948. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.vorbis has been installed.'
  949. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.wav has been installed.'
  950. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been installed.'
  951. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been installed.'
  952. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.favourites has been installed.'
  953. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup4 has been installed.'
  954. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  955. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been installed.'
  956. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.xbmc.versioncheck has been installed.'
  957. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.flac has been installed.'
  958. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been installed.'
  959. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.globalsearch has been installed.'
  960. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.bromix has been installed.'
  961. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.tvtunes has been installed.'
  962. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been installed.'
  963. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been installed.'
  964. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been installed.'
  965. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  966. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  967. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.common.plugin.cache has been installed.'
  968. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  969. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been installed.'
  970. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.skinshortcuts has been installed.'
  971. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.unidecode has been installed.'
  972. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simple.downloader has been installed.'
  973. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  974. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  975. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been installed.'
  976. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  977. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been installed.'
  978. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.grab.fanart has been installed.'
  979. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.artwork.downloader has been installed.'
  980. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.blackglassnova has been installed.'
  981. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been installed.'
  982. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.picture.slideshow has been installed.'
  983. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been installed.'
  984. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been installed.'
  985. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  986. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  987. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.kodience has been installed.'
  988. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  989. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.rom.collection.browser has been installed.'
  990. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  991. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  992. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  993. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.cinema.experience has been installed.'
  994. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been installed.'
  995. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.lame has been installed.'
  996. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  997. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  998. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  999. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been installed.'
  1000. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.parsedom has been installed.'
  1001. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been installed.'
  1002. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  1003. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.videoextras has been installed.'
  1004. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.finnish-tv has been installed.'
  1005. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been installed.'
  1006. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been installed.'
  1007. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.transparency has been installed.'
  1008. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been installed.'
  1009. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been installed.'
  1010. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Not all directories were successfully scanned.'
  1011. 20:56:25 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
  1012. 20:56:25 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.bromix
  1013. 20:56:25 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
  1014. 20:56:25 T:3208 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.finnish-tv
  1015. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type broadcastnext references an unknown type PVR.Details.Broadcast
  1016. 20:56:25 T:3208 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.Channel"
  1017. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "PVR.Details.Channel" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "PVR.Details.Broadcast")
  1018. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type references an unknown type PVR.Details.Channel
  1019. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: Invalid item definition in "items" for type channels
  1020. 20:56:25 T:3208 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended"
  1021. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "PVR.Details.Channel")
  1022. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing PVR.Details.Broadcast
  1023. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing PVR.Details.Channel
  1024. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type stereoscopicmode references an unknown type GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode
  1025. 20:56:25 T:3208 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
  1026. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "GUI.Property.Value" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode")
  1027. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing GUI.Stereoscopy.Mode
  1028. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: JSONRPC: JSON schema type definition references an unknown type Setting.Details.Setting
  1029. 20:56:25 T:3208 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
  1030. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Adding type "Setting.Details.SettingList" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "Setting.Details.Setting")
  1031. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing Setting.Details.Setting
  1032. 20:56:25 T:3208 INFO: JSONRPC v6.21.2: Successfully initialized
  1033. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
  1034. 20:56:25 T:3548 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1035. 20:56:25 T:3548 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1036. 20:56:25 T:3548 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1037. 20:56:25 T:4408 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1038. 20:56:25 T:1412 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1039. 20:56:25 T:4592 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1040. 20:56:25 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999
  1041. 20:56:25 T:2928 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1042. 20:56:25 T:2928 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1043. 20:56:25 T:2596 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1044. 20:56:25 T:2596 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1045. 20:56:25 T:2596 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ start processing
  1046. 20:56:25 T:1412 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ start processing
  1047. 20:56:25 T:4592 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1048. 20:56:25 T:3252 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1049. 20:56:25 T:2928 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ start processing
  1050. 20:56:25 T:3548 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ start processing
  1051. 20:56:25 T:4408 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1052. 20:56:25 T:4592 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ start processing
  1053. 20:56:25 T:3252 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1054. 20:56:25 T:3252 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ start processing
  1055. 20:56:25 T:4408 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ start processing
  1056. 20:56:25 T:2596 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1057. 20:56:25 T:2596 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\"
  1058. 20:56:25 T:2596 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras;C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simplejson\lib;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1059. 20:56:25 T:2596 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras
  1060. 20:56:25 T:2596 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.videoextras" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1061. 20:56:26 T:1412 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1062. 20:56:26 T:1412 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\"
  1063. 20:56:26 T:2928 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1064. 20:56:26 T:2928 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\"
  1065. 20:56:26 T:4592 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1066. 20:56:26 T:4592 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\"
  1067. 20:56:26 T:3548 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1068. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\"
  1069. 20:56:26 T:3252 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1070. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\"
  1071. 20:56:26 T:4408 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1072. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\"
  1073. 20:56:26 T:1412 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader;C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\lib;C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.parsedom\lib;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1074. 20:56:26 T:1412 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader
  1075. 20:56:26 T:2928 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1076. 20:56:26 T:2928 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser
  1077. 20:56:26 T:4592 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1078. 20:56:26 T:4592 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck
  1079. 20:56:26 T:1412 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.module.simple.downloader" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1080. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\;C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simplejson\lib;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1081. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\
  1082. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience;C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simplejson\lib;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1083. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience
  1084. 20:56:26 T:2928 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.rom.collection.browser" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1085. 20:56:26 T:4592 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "service.xbmc.versioncheck" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1086. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1087. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart
  1088. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1089. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.cinema.experience" dependent on version 2.12.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1090. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.grab.fanart" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1091. 20:56:26 T:2928 NOTICE: RCB Service: Start
  1092. 20:56:26 T:2928 NOTICE: RCB Service: launch RCB on startup = false
  1093. 20:56:26 T:2928 NOTICE: RCB Service: scrape games on startup = false
  1094. 20:56:26 T:2928 NOTICE: RCB Service: Done
  1095. 20:56:26 T:2928 INFO: CPythonInvoker(5, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.rom.collection.browser\ script successfully run
  1096. 20:56:26 T:2928 INFO: Python script stopped
  1097. 20:56:26 T:2928 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 2928 terminating
  1098. 20:56:26 T:4592 DEBUG: Version Check: Version 0.3.2 started
  1099. 20:56:26 T:1412 INFO: CPythonInvoker(3, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.module.simple.downloader\ script successfully run
  1100. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (LoginScreen.xml) ------
  1101. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Startup.xml) ------
  1102. 20:56:26 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME
  1103. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
  1104. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ------
  1105. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  1106. 20:56:26 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
  1107. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  1108. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM albumview ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum=recentalbums.idAlbum
  1109. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: select * from albumview where strAlbum != '' order by idAlbum desc limit 10
  1110. 20:56:26 T:1412 INFO: Python script stopped
  1111. 20:56:26 T:1412 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1412 terminating
  1112. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  1113. 20:56:26 T:4408 NOTICE: script.grab.fanart: Grab Fanart Service Started
  1114. 20:56:26 T:3208 DEBUG: no profile (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\ found, skipping
  1115. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 10 ms for 10 items query: select * from movieview ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMovie desc LIMIT 10
  1116. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: script.grab.fanart: media type is: random
  1117. 20:56:26 T:2596 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 22 ms for 414 items query: select * from movieview
  1118. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 7 ms for 10 items query: select * from episodeview ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idEpisode desc LIMIT 10
  1119. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview ORDER BY dateAdded desc, idMVideo desc LIMIT 10
  1120. 20:56:26 T:4228 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  1121. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: script version 0.0.29 started
  1122. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - __init__
  1123. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - start
  1124. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
  1125. 20:56:26 T:2004 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1126. 20:56:26 T:2004 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
  1127. 20:56:26 T:4588 NOTICE: Thread RSSReader start, auto delete: false
  1128. 20:56:26 T:4588 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0FB7F580)
  1129. 20:56:26 T:4588 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  1130. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 33 ms for 414 items query: select * from movieview
  1131. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 18 ms for 260 items query: select * from movieview WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount < 1))
  1132. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Cinema Experience service script version 4.0.10 started
  1133. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
  1134. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - settings() - start
  1135. 20:56:26 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Reading settings.xml
  1136. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 471 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
  1137. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: script.grab.fanart: found 402 movies files
  1138. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 3 ms for 19 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview
  1139. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
  1140. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
  1141. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: script.grab.fanart: found 18 tv files
  1142. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetArtistsByWhere query: SELECT artistview.* FROM artistview WHERE (artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT song_artist.idArtist FROM song_artist) OR artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT album_artist.idArtist FROM album_artist)) and artistview.strArtist != '' and artistview.strArtist <> 'Eri esittäjiä'
  1143. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 3 ms
  1144. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetArtistsByWhere query: SELECT artistview.* FROM artistview WHERE (artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT song_artist.idArtist FROM song_artist) OR artistview.idArtist IN (SELECT album_artist.idArtist FROM album_artist)) and artistview.strArtist != '' and artistview.strArtist <> 'Eri esittäjiä'
  1145. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Time to retrieve artists from dataset = 16
  1146. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetSongsByWhere query = SELECT songview.* FROM songview WHERE ((CAST(songview.iTimesPlayed as DECIMAL(5,1)) < 1))
  1147. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: Time to retrieve artists from dataset = 63
  1148. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetSongsByWhere() - took 35 ms
  1149. 20:56:26 T:4408 DEBUG: script.grab.fanart: found 130 music files
  1150. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request random queries: 0:00:00.366000
  1151. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 4 items query: select * from movieview WHERE (movieview.idFile IN (SELECT DISTINCT idFile FROM bookmark WHERE type = 1))
  1152. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 4 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview WHERE ( ((tvshowview.watchedcount > 0 AND tvshowview.watchedcount < tvshowview.totalCount) OR (tvshowview.watchedcount = 0 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM episodeview WHERE episodeview.idShow = tvshowview.idShow AND episodeview.resumeTimeInSeconds > 0))))
  1153. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 2 ms for 226 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 6) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
  1154. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
  1155. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 3 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 10) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
  1156. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
  1157. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 3 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 9) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
  1158. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
  1159. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 106 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE (episodeview.idShow = 12) AND (((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount = 0)))
  1160. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 25
  1161. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
  1162. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 3 ms
  1163. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
  1164. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request recommended queries: 0:00:00.108000
  1165. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 5 ms for 260 items query: select * from movieview WHERE ((movieview.playCount IS NULL OR movieview.playCount = 0))
  1166. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 6 ms for 471 items query: select * from episodeview WHERE ((episodeview.playCount IS NULL OR episodeview.playCount < 1))
  1167. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 0 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
  1168. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere query: SELECT albumview.* FROM albumview WHERE albumview.strAlbum <> ''
  1169. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetAlbumsByWhere - query took 2 ms
  1170. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field 36
  1171. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request recent items queries: 0:00:00.163000
  1172. 20:56:26 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed for all queries: 0:00:00.639000
  1173. 20:56:27 T:4588 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  1174. 20:56:27 T:4588 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  1175. 20:56:27 T:4588 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  1176. 20:56:27 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4d, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1177. 20:56:27 T:4588 DEBUG: Thread RSSReader 4588 terminating
  1178. 20:56:27 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (0xf083) pressed, action is Right
  1179. 20:56:27 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4d, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1180. 20:56:27 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (0xf083) pressed, action is Right
  1181. 20:56:28 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4d, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1182. 20:56:28 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (0xf083) pressed, action is Right
  1183. 20:56:28 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  1184. 20:56:28 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  1185. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
  1186. 20:56:28 T:3136 INFO: initializing python engine.
  1187. 20:56:28 T:3136 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ start processing
  1188. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1189. 20:56:28 T:3136 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ the source file to load is "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\"
  1190. 20:56:28 T:3136 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ setting the Python path to C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\DLLs;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\Lib;C:\Software\Kodi\;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\plat-win;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\lib-tk;C:\Software\Kodi;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python;C:\Software\Kodi\system\python\lib\site-packages
  1191. 20:56:28 T:3136 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ entering source directory C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\
  1192. 20:56:28 T:3136 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
  1193. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB started
  1194. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: sys.argv = ['']
  1195. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: param =
  1196. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: setting launchRCB = True
  1197. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: launchRCB = True
  1198. 20:56:28 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1199. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: init log level
  1200. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB: current log level: 2
  1201. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1202. 20:56:29 T:3136 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1203. 20:56:29 T:3136 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1204. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
  1205. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: XBMC version: Assuming we are on Eden
  1206. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Init Rom Collection Browser: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\
  1207. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: RCB version: 2.0.17
  1208. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: RCB service addon: <xbmcaddon.Addon object at 0x10B79608>
  1209. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: checkUpdateInProgress
  1210. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: scrapeOnStartupAction = nothing
  1211. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: initializeConfig
  1212. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Config() set path to None
  1213. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
  1214. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: checkRomCollectionsAvailable
  1215. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: initXml
  1216. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
  1217. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Number of Rom Collections in config.xml: 7
  1218. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Reading config version from config.xml: 2.0.8
  1219. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Config file is up to date
  1220. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: readXml
  1221. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: initXml
  1222. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin readRomCollections
  1223. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: NES
  1224. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Nintendo NES\*.nes
  1225. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1226. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1227. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1228. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1229. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1230. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://UBUNTU/game/Nintendo NES/artwork/videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1231. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: %GAME%_game_.*
  1232. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1233. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1234. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1235. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1236. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1237. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1238. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1239. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1240. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1241. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1242. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1243. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1244. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\jnes\Jnes.exe
  1245. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  1246. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1247. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1248. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1249. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1250. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1251. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1252. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1253. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1254. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1255. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1256. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1257. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation
  1258. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.bin
  1259. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.img
  1260. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1261. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1262. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1263. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1264. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1265. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1266. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1267. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1268. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1269. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1270. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1271. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1272. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1273. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1274. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1275. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1276. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1277. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\ePSXe190\ePSXe.exe
  1278. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: -nogui -loadbin "%ROM%"
  1279. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1280. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1281. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1282. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1283. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1284. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1285. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1286. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1287. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1288. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1289. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1290. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Nintendo 64
  1291. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.z64
  1292. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.n64
  1293. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1294. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1295. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1296. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1297. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1298. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1299. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1300. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1301. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1302. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1303. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1304. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1305. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1306. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1307. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1308. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1309. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1310. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Project64 2.1\Project64.exe
  1311. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  1312. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1313. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1314. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1315. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1316. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1317. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1318. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1319. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1320. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1321. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1322. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1323. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation 2
  1324. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.img
  1325. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.bin
  1326. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1327. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1328. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1329. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1330. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1331. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1332. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1333. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1334. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1335. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1336. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1337. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1338. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1339. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1340. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1341. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1342. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1343. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\pcsx2\pcsx2-r5875.exe
  1344. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  1345. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1346. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1347. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1348. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1349. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1350. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1351. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1352. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1353. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1354. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1355. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1356. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Genesis
  1357. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Sega Genesis\*.bin
  1358. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1359. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1360. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1361. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1362. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1363. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1364. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1365. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1366. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1367. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1368. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1369. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1370. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1371. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1372. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1373. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1374. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1375. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Fusion364\Fusion.exe
  1376. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  1377. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1378. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1379. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1380. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1381. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1382. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1383. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1384. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1385. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1386. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1387. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1388. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Windows
  1389. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.lnk
  1390. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.cmd
  1391. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1392. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1393. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1394. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1395. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1396. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1397. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1398. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1399. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1400. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1401. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1402. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1403. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1404. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1405. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1406. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1407. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1408. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1409. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: "%ROM%"
  1410. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1411. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1412. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1413. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1414. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1415. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1416. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1417. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1418. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1419. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1420. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1421. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: SNES
  1422. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Super Nintendo\*.smc
  1423. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1424. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1425. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  1426. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  1427. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\fanart\%GAME%.*
  1428. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  1429. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1430. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1431. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1432. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1433. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1434. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1435. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  1436. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1437. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1438. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  1439. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  1440. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\snes9x-1.53-x64\snes9x-x64.exe
  1441. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%" -fullscreen
  1442. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  1443. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1444. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  1445. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  1446. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  1447. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  1448. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  1449. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  1450. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  1451. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  1452. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  1453. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site: local nfo
  1454. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1455. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1456. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1457. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1458. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1459. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1460. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1461. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1462. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1463. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  1464. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  1465. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\MyGames.db
  1466. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin cacheItems
  1467. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End cacheItems
  1468. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 13000
  1469. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  1470. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Night\720p\script-Rom_Collection_Browser-main.xml) ------
  1471. 20:56:29 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Night\720p\script-Rom_Collection_Browser-main.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  1472. 20:56:29 T:3208 WARNING: Trying to add unsupported control type 1
  1473. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1474. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1475. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1476. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1477. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1478. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1479. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1480. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1481. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1482. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1483. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1484. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1485. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1486. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1487. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1488. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1489. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1490. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1491. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1492. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1493. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1494. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1495. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1496. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1497. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1498. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1499. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1500. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1501. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1502. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1503. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1504. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1505. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  1506. 20:56:29 T:3208 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  1507. 20:56:29 T:3208 ERROR: Control 500 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  1508. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin onInit
  1509. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin loadViewState
  1510. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
  1511. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
  1512. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
  1513. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
  1514. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  1515. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
  1516. 20:56:29 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
  1517. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
  1518. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  1519. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
  1520. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showYear
  1521. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
  1522. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  1523. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
  1524. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
  1525. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
  1526. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
  1527. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGames
  1528. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: helper.buildLikeStatement
  1529. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: showGames: load games from db in 2 ms
  1530. 20:56:30 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  1531. 20:56:30 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  1532. 20:56:30 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  1533. 20:56:30 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  1534. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: showGames: load 3 games to list in 1 ms
  1535. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGames
  1536. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  1537. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  1538. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End loadViewState
  1539. 20:56:30 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End onInit
  1540. 20:56:31 T:4592 INFO: CPythonInvoker(1, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.xbmc.versioncheck\ script successfully run
  1541. 20:56:31 T:2596 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 4 ms for 19 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview
  1542. 20:56:31 T:2596 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 1 ms for 0 items query: select * from musicvideoview
  1543. 20:56:31 T:2596 INFO: CPythonInvoker(7, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.videoextras\ script successfully run
  1544. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x2e, sym: 0x0063, unicode: 0x0063, modifier: 0x0
  1545. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: c (0xf043) pressed, action is ContextMenu
  1546. 20:56:32 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 117
  1547. 20:56:32 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init ContextMenu
  1548. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml) ------
  1549. 20:56:32 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  1550. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1551. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1552. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1553. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1554. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1555. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1556. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1557. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1558. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1559. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1560. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1561. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1562. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1563. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1564. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1565. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1566. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1567. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1568. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1569. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1570. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1571. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1572. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1573. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1574. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1575. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1576. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1577. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1578. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1579. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1580. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1581. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1582. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1583. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1584. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1585. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1586. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1587. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1588. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1589. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1590. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1591. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1592. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1593. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1594. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1595. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1596. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1597. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1598. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1599. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1600. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1601. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1602. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1603. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1604. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1605. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1606. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1607. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1608. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1609. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1610. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  1611. 20:56:32 T:3208 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  1612. 20:56:32 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onInit ContextMenu
  1613. 20:56:32 T:3136 ERROR: EXCEPTION: 'platforms' is an invalid Id
  1614. 20:56:32 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while reading platforms from addon. Assume that we are not in RetroPlayer branch.
  1615. 20:56:33 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1616. 20:56:33 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  1617. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  1618. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  1619. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin rescrapeGames
  1620. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewState
  1621. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewMode
  1622. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewMode
  1623. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin helper.saveViewState
  1624. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End helper.saveViewState
  1625. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewState
  1626. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin clearCache
  1627. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End clearCache
  1628. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init ImportOptions
  1629. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml) ------
  1630. 20:56:34 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  1631. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1632. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1633. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1634. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1635. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1636. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1637. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1638. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1639. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1640. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1641. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1642. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1643. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1644. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1645. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1646. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1647. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1648. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1649. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1650. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1651. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1652. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1653. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1654. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1655. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1656. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1657. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1658. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1659. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1660. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1661. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1662. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1663. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1664. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1665. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  1666. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  1667. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  1668. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  1669. 20:56:34 T:3208 ERROR: Control 5211 in window 13002 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  1670. 20:56:34 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onInit ImportOptions
  1671. 20:56:34 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml) ------
  1672. 20:56:35 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1673. 20:56:35 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  1674. 20:56:35 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  1675. 20:56:35 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  1676. 20:56:36 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  1677. 20:56:36 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  1678. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected scraping mode: 0
  1679. 20:56:36 T:3136 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
  1680. 20:56:36 T:3136 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  1681. 20:56:36 T:3136 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
  1682. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init DBUpdate
  1683. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Start Update DB
  1684. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Iterating Rom Collections
  1685. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: matchingRatioIndex: 2
  1686. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: fuzzyFactor: 0.7
  1687. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: enableFullReimport: True
  1688. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Windows
  1689. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  1690. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: update is allowed for current rom collection: True
  1691. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: max folder depth: 99
  1692. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: (u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd',)
  1693. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Reading rom files
  1694. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: walkDownPath romPath: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  1695. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  1696. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  1697. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone
  1698. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1699. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['artwork', 'liero-1.6']
  1700. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero.nfo', 'Liero.lnk', 'Counter-Strike Source.cmd', 'Steam.cmd', 'Counter-Strike Source.nfo', 'Steam.nfo']
  1701. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\Steam.cmd
  1702. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\Steam.cmd
  1703. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork
  1704. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1705. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['fanart', 'videos', 'boxfront', 'screenshot']
  1706. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  1707. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.cmd
  1708. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.cmd
  1709. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart
  1710. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1711. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1712. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  1713. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam.cmd
  1714. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam.cmd
  1715. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  1716. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1717. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1718. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  1719. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.cmd
  1720. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.cmd
  1721. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront
  1722. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1723. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1724. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  1725. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.cmd
  1726. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.cmd
  1727. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot
  1728. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1729. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1730. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.png', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  1731. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\Steam.cmd
  1732. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\Steam.cmd
  1733. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6
  1734. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1735. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['liero-1.36-bundle']
  1736. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  1737. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle\Steam.cmd
  1738. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle\Steam.cmd
  1739. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle
  1740. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  1741. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1742. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero 1.35b2 for Mac OS X.URL', 'LIEROENG.TXT', 'changes.txt', 'Liero with directx.bat', 'NAMES.DAT', 'LIERO.CHR', 'SDL.dll', 'LIERO.dat', 'FILE_ID.DIZ', 'LIERO.TXT', 'LIERO.EXE', 'LIERO.SND', 'LIERO.OPT', 'Download new levels and more at Liero Hellhole.URL', 'openliero.exe', 'LEVEDIT.EXE', 'LICENSE.TXT']
  1743. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: files after walkDown = [u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd']
  1744. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Files read: [u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd']
  1745. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current rom file: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  1746. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (file): Steam.cmd
  1747. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (friendly): Steam
  1748. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: checkRomfileIsMultirom. gamename = Steam, lastgamename =
  1749. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Start scraping info for game: Steam
  1750. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File "R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd" already exists in database.
  1751. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Always rescan imported games = True
  1752. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: scraper == "local artwork": False
  1753. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFoldernameFromRomFilename: %sR:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  1754. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone
  1755. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using scraper:
  1756. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1757. 20:56:36 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1758. 20:56:36 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml) ------
  1759. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1760. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 4 results found. Try to find best match.
  1761. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1762. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Steam Slug
  1763. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG
  1764. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG
  1765. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG, ratio: 0.714285714286
  1766. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1767. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Steam Marines
  1768. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES
  1769. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES
  1770. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES, ratio: 0.588235294118
  1771. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1772. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent
  1773. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT
  1774. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT
  1775. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT, ratio: 0.322580645161
  1776. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1777. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  1778. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION
  1779. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION
  1780. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION, ratio: 0.238095238095
  1781. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Ratio != 1.0 and scraping option is set to "Accurate". Result will be skipped
  1782. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1783. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1784. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1785. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 4 results found. Try to find best match.
  1786. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1787. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Steam Slug
  1788. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG
  1789. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG
  1790. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with STEAMSLUG, ratio: 0.714285714286
  1791. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1792. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Steam Marines
  1793. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES
  1794. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES
  1795. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with STEAMMARINES, ratio: 0.588235294118
  1796. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1797. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent
  1798. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT
  1799. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT
  1800. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with NEOSTEAMSHATTEREDCONTINENT, ratio: 0.322580645161
  1801. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1802. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  1803. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try normalized names. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION
  1804. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Try with replaced sequel numbers. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION
  1805. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No result found. Try to find game by ratio. Comparing STEAM with MICROSOFTFLIGHTSIMULATORXSTEAMEDITION, ratio: 0.238095238095
  1806. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Ratio != 1.0 and scraping option is set to "Accurate". Result will be skipped
  1807. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using scraper:
  1808. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1809. 20:56:37 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: iso-8859-1
  1810. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1811. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 13 results found. Try to find best match.
  1812. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1813. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1814. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != mac. Result will be skipped.
  1815. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1816. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != turbocd. Result will be skipped.
  1817. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != mac. Result will be skipped.
  1818. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != webonly. Result will be skipped.
  1819. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != wii. Result will be skipped.
  1820. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1821. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != ps2. Result will be skipped.
  1822. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != saturn. Result will be skipped.
  1823. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != iphone. Result will be skipped.
  1824. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1825. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Ratio != 1.0 and scraping option is set to "Accurate". Result will be skipped
  1826. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1827. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: iso-8859-1
  1828. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1829. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 13 results found. Try to find best match.
  1830. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1831. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1832. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != mac. Result will be skipped.
  1833. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1834. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != turbocd. Result will be skipped.
  1835. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != mac. Result will be skipped.
  1836. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != webonly. Result will be skipped.
  1837. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != wii. Result will be skipped.
  1838. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1839. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != ps2. Result will be skipped.
  1840. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != saturn. Result will be skipped.
  1841. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != iphone. Result will be skipped.
  1842. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Platform mismatch. != pc. Result will be skipped.
  1843. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Ratio != 1.0 and scraping option is set to "Accurate". Result will be skipped
  1844. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1845. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1846. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1847. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1848. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1849. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using scraper:
  1850. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):;p=3
  1851. 20:56:38 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1852. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1853. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 18 results found. Try to find best match.
  1854. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1855. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Comparing Steam with Steam
  1856. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Perfect match. Using result Steam
  1857. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Using result Steam
  1858. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: pass url to next scraper:
  1859. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1860. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1861. 20:56:39 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1862. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Searching for game: Steam
  1863. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: 1 results found. Try to find best match.
  1864. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: PlatformSearchKey : 'PlatformSearchKey'
  1865. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: SearchKey : 'SearchKey'
  1866. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No searchKey found. Using first result
  1867. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: SearchKey : 'SearchKey'
  1868. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1869. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Using result
  1870. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Publisher
  1871. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['Oberon&nbsp;Media,&nbsp;Inc.']
  1872. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Description
  1873. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['<i>Steam</i> is a color matching game with a strong arcade element.<br><br>The player controls Tisha, a little girl riding a steampunk locomotive shooting colored balls from a mounted cannon at ball dispensers (in the first levels they are mole mounds). The train tracks circulate those dispensers as they keep filling the inner field around them with balls. Matching 3 or more balls of the same color makes them disappear. If the spheres accumulate, a floating time bomb appears. Its detonation ends the game.<br><br>Special balls with symbols are thrown randomly on the field. They act as a power-up when matched. Nuke balls explode surrounding balls. Haste balls temporally increase the train speed. Color bomb balls pop all spheres of the same color on the field. Time balls temporally stop the dispensers.<br><br>A hollow pole with a factory whistle at the left-side of the screen slowly fills with each match. Matching spheres also gives extra ammunition for the weapons. The level ends when the bar is complete and the whistle blown.<br><br>The train movement is controlled by the keyboard and the cannon aiming and shooting by the mouse. Some levels have gates, balls or enemies on the tracks, stopping the train movement. Other levels have pinball slider tracks and bouncer springs.<br><br>Enemies throw bombs that stop the train or the cannon from working. Most can be killed with one of the weapons, although some have to be color matched with a ball to be destroyed. <br><br>The weapons can be selected with the mouse wheel or pressing a number key. Besides the default ball-shooting cannon, there is a weapon with homing bees that wait for an enemy came out from hiding to attack it. The gun shoots a bullet that pops balls and kills vulnerable enemies. The laser cannon shoots a beam that destroys everything in its path. Tisha also can throw herself on balls and enemies, eliminating both in a kamikaze attack. ']
  1874. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Game
  1875. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['Steam']
  1876. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Perspective
  1877. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['3rd-Person&nbsp;Perspective']
  1878. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: SkippableContent
  1879. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: []
  1880. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: ReleaseYear
  1881. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['Apr 02, 2007']
  1882. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Genre
  1883. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['Action']
  1884. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultKey: Developer
  1885. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resultValue: ['Ignite&nbsp;Games']
  1886. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1887. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: sourceAppend = 'cover-art'. New url = ''
  1888. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1889. 20:56:40 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1890. 20:56:41 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1891. 20:56:41 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "<div class="thumbnailContainer">" (at char 15483), (line:234, col:9)
  1892. 20:56:41 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1893. 20:56:41 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1894. 20:56:41 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1895. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1896. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "<div class="thumbnailContainer">" (at char 15539), (line:234, col:9)
  1897. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1898. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1899. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1900. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1901. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1902. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1903. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1904. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: sourceAppend = 'cover-art'. New url = ''
  1905. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1906. 20:56:42 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1907. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1908. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "Front Cover</p>" (at char 15470), (line:234, col:9)
  1909. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1910. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1911. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1912. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1913. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "Front Cover</p>" (at char 15540), (line:234, col:9)
  1914. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1915. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1916. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1917. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1918. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1919. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1920. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1921. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: sourceAppend = 'cover-art'. New url = ''
  1922. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1923. 20:56:43 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1924. 20:56:44 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1925. 20:56:44 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "Back Cover</p>" (at char 15559), (line:234, col:9)
  1926. 20:56:44 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1927. 20:56:44 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1928. 20:56:44 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1929. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1930. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "Back Cover</p>" (at char 15507), (line:234, col:9)
  1931. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1932. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1933. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1934. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1935. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1936. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1937. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1938. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: sourceAppend = 'screenshots'. New url = ''
  1939. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1940. 20:56:45 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1941. 20:56:46 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1942. 20:56:46 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "<div class="thumbnailContainer">" (at char 34146), (line:646, col:9)
  1943. 20:56:46 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1944. 20:56:46 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: description file (tokens replaced):
  1945. 20:56:46 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Encoding: utf-8
  1946. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: an error occured while parsing game description:
  1947. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Parser complains about: No match found for "<div class="thumbnailContainer">" (at char 34111), (line:646, col:9)
  1948. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1949. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using url from previous scraper:
  1950. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1951. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1952. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Steam could not be found. Check if this path exists:
  1953. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
  1954. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert data
  1955. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Result Genre = ['Action']
  1956. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Reviewer : 'Reviewer'
  1957. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Region : 'Region'
  1958. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Media : 'Media'
  1959. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Controller : 'Controller'
  1960. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Players : 'Players'
  1961. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Rating : 'Rating'
  1962. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Votes : 'Votes'
  1963. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: URL : 'URL'
  1964. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: OriginalTitle : 'OriginalTitle'
  1965. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: AlternateTitle : 'AlternateTitle'
  1966. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: TranslatedBy : 'TranslatedBy'
  1967. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Version : 'Version'
  1968. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: IsFavorite : 'IsFavorite'
  1969. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: LaunchCount : 'LaunchCount'
  1970. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxfront
  1971. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  1972. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxfront
  1973. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxfront : 'Filetypeboxfront'
  1974. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  1975. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.*
  1976. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.*
  1977. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront
  1978. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  1979. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1980. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  1981. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxback
  1982. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  1983. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxback
  1984. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxback : 'Filetypeboxback'
  1985. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  1986. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Steam.*
  1987. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Steam.*
  1988. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  1989. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  1990. 20:56:47 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  1991. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1992. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  1993. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Standalone.*
  1994. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Standalone.*
  1995. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  1996. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone.*
  1997. 20:56:47 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  1998. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  1999. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2000. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2001. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: cartridge
  2002. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  2003. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypecartridge
  2004. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypecartridge : 'Filetypecartridge'
  2005. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2006. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Steam.*
  2007. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Steam.*
  2008. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2009. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2010. 20:56:47 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2011. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2012. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2013. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Standalone.*
  2014. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Standalone.*
  2015. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2016. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone.*
  2017. 20:56:47 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2018. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2019. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2020. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2021. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: screenshot
  2022. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  2023. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypescreenshot
  2024. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypescreenshot : 'Filetypescreenshot'
  2025. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2026. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.*
  2027. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.*
  2028. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot
  2029. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2030. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2031. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.png', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2032. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: fanart
  2033. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  2034. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypefanart
  2035. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypefanart : 'Filetypefanart'
  2036. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2037. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.*
  2038. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.*
  2039. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart
  2040. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2041. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2042. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2043. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: gameplay
  2044. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  2045. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypegameplay
  2046. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypegameplay : 'Filetypegameplay'
  2047. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2048. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2049. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2050. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2051. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam_game_.*
  2052. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2053. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2054. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2055. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2056. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2057. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone_game_.*
  2058. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2059. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2060. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2061. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: gameplay
  2062. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
  2063. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypegameplay
  2064. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypegameplay : 'Filetypegameplay'
  2065. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2066. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2067. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2068. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2069. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam_game_.*
  2070. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2071. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2072. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2073. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2074. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2075. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone_game_.*
  2076. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2077. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2078. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2079. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin createNfoFromDesc
  2080. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Romdir: R:\Standalone
  2081. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: NfoFile already exists. Wont overwrite file: R:\Standalone\Steam.nfo
  2082. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowOverwriteWithNullvalues: False
  2083. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Game does exist in database. Update game: Steam
  2084. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2085. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2086. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2087. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Importing files: {<config.FileType instance at 0x16862A08>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x1684DC38>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\boxfront\\Steam.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x16862E90>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x168676C0>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x16867B20>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\screenshot\\Steam.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x16867D50>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\fanart\\Steam.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x16867DA0>: []}
  2088. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2089. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2090. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.jpg
  2091. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2092. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2093. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.jpg
  2094. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2095. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2096. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.jpg
  2097. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Update finished
  2098. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin cacheItems
  2099. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End cacheItems
  2100. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin updateControls
  2101. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
  2102. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
  2103. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
  2104. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
  2105. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2106. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
  2107. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
  2108. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
  2109. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2110. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
  2111. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showYear
  2112. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
  2113. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2114. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
  2115. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
  2116. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
  2117. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
  2118. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End updateControls
  2119. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin loadViewState
  2120. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
  2121. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
  2122. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
  2123. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
  2124. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2125. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
  2126. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
  2127. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
  2128. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2129. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
  2130. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showYear
  2131. 20:56:47 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  2132. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
  2133. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2134. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
  2135. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
  2136. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
  2137. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
  2138. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGames
  2139. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: helper.buildLikeStatement
  2140. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: showGames: load games from db in 3 ms
  2141. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
  2142. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
  2143. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  2144. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  2145. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  2146. 20:56:47 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  2147. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: showGames: load 3 games to list in 3 ms
  2148. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGames
  2149. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  2150. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  2151. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End loadViewState
  2152. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: readXml
  2153. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: initXml
  2154. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin readRomCollections
  2155. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: NES
  2156. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Nintendo NES\*.nes
  2157. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2158. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2159. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2160. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2161. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2162. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://UBUNTU/game/Nintendo NES/artwork/videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2163. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: %GAME%_game_.*
  2164. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2165. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2166. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2167. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2168. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2169. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2170. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2171. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2172. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2173. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2174. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2175. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2176. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\jnes\Jnes.exe
  2177. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2178. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2179. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2180. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2181. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2182. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2183. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2184. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2185. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2186. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2187. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2188. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2189. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation
  2190. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.bin
  2191. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.img
  2192. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2193. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2194. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2195. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2196. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2197. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2198. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2199. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2200. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2201. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2202. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2203. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2204. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2205. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2206. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2207. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2208. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2209. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\ePSXe190\ePSXe.exe
  2210. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: -nogui -loadbin "%ROM%"
  2211. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2212. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2213. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2214. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2215. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2216. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2217. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2218. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2219. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2220. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2221. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2222. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Nintendo 64
  2223. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.z64
  2224. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.n64
  2225. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2226. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2227. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2228. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2229. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2230. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2231. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2232. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2233. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2234. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2235. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2236. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2237. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2238. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2239. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2240. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2241. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2242. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Project64 2.1\Project64.exe
  2243. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2244. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2245. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2246. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2247. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2248. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2249. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2250. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2251. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2252. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2253. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2254. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2255. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation 2
  2256. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.img
  2257. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.bin
  2258. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2259. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2260. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2261. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2262. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2263. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2264. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2265. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2266. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2267. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2268. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2269. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2270. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2271. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2272. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2273. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2274. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2275. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\pcsx2\pcsx2-r5875.exe
  2276. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2277. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2278. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2279. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2280. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2281. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2282. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2283. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2284. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2285. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2286. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2287. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2288. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Genesis
  2289. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Sega Genesis\*.bin
  2290. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2291. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2292. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2293. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2294. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2295. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2296. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2297. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2298. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2299. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2300. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2301. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2302. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2303. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2304. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2305. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2306. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2307. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Fusion364\Fusion.exe
  2308. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2309. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2310. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2311. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2312. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2313. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2314. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2315. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2316. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2317. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2318. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2319. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2320. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Windows
  2321. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.lnk
  2322. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.cmd
  2323. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2324. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2325. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2326. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2327. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2328. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2329. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  2330. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2331. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2332. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2333. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2334. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2335. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2336. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2337. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2338. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2339. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2340. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2341. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: "%ROM%"
  2342. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2343. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2344. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2345. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2346. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2347. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2348. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2349. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2350. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2351. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2352. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2353. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: SNES
  2354. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Super Nintendo\*.smc
  2355. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2356. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2357. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2358. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2359. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2360. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2361. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2362. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2363. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2364. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2365. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2366. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2367. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2368. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2369. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2370. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2371. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2372. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\snes9x-1.53-x64\snes9x-x64.exe
  2373. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%" -fullscreen
  2374. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2375. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2376. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2377. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2378. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2379. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2380. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2381. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2382. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2383. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2384. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2385. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site: local nfo
  2386. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2387. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2388. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2389. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2390. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2391. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2392. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2393. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2394. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2395. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2396. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2397. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End rescrapeGames
  2398. 20:56:47 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: ACTION_CONTEXT
  2399. 20:56:49 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4b, sym: 0x0114, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2400. 20:56:49 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: left (0xf082) pressed, action is Left
  2401. 20:56:49 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 1
  2402. 20:56:49 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  2403. 20:56:49 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  2404. 20:56:50 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4d, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2405. 20:56:50 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (0xf083) pressed, action is Right
  2406. 20:56:50 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 2
  2407. 20:56:50 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  2408. 20:56:50 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  2409. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x2e, sym: 0x0063, unicode: 0x0063, modifier: 0x0
  2410. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: c (0xf043) pressed, action is ContextMenu
  2411. 20:56:51 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 117
  2412. 20:56:51 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init ContextMenu
  2413. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml) ------
  2414. 20:56:51 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  2415. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2416. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2417. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2418. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2419. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2420. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2421. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2422. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2423. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2424. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2425. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2426. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2427. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2428. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2429. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2430. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2431. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2432. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2433. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2434. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2435. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2436. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2437. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2438. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2439. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2440. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2441. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2442. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2443. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2444. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2445. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2446. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2447. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2448. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2449. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2450. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2451. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2452. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2453. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2454. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2455. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2456. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2457. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2458. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2459. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2460. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2461. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2462. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2463. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2464. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2465. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2466. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2467. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2468. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2469. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2470. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2471. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2472. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2473. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2474. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2475. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  2476. 20:56:51 T:3208 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  2477. 20:56:51 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onInit ContextMenu
  2478. 20:56:51 T:3136 ERROR: EXCEPTION: 'platforms' is an invalid Id
  2479. 20:56:51 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while reading platforms from addon. Assume that we are not in RetroPlayer branch.
  2480. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2481. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2482. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2483. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2484. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin rescrapeGames
  2485. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewState
  2486. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewMode
  2487. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewMode
  2488. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin helper.saveViewState
  2489. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End helper.saveViewState
  2490. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewState
  2491. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin clearCache
  2492. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End clearCache
  2493. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init ImportOptions
  2494. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml) ------
  2495. 20:56:52 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
  2496. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2497. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2498. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2499. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2500. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2501. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2502. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2503. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2504. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2505. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2506. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2507. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2508. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2509. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2510. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2511. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2512. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2513. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2514. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2515. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2516. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2517. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2518. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2519. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2520. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2521. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2522. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2523. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2524. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2525. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2526. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2527. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2528. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2529. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2530. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no translation available in currently set gui language, at path C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\Finnish
  2531. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
  2532. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
  2533. 20:56:52 T:3208 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
  2534. 20:56:52 T:3208 ERROR: Control 5211 in window 13002 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  2535. 20:56:52 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onInit ImportOptions
  2536. 20:56:53 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-contextmenu.xml) ------
  2537. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2538. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2539. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2540. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2541. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2542. 20:56:54 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2543. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2544. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2545. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2546. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2547. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2548. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2549. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2550. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2551. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2552. 20:56:55 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2553. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2554. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2555. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2556. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2557. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2558. 20:56:56 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2559. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2560. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2561. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2562. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2563. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2564. 20:56:57 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2565. 20:56:57 T:3208 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00D0C018, multi=00CB2E38)
  2566. 20:56:58 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2567. 20:56:58 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2568. 20:56:58 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  2569. 20:56:58 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  2570. 20:56:59 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  2571. 20:56:59 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  2572. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected scraping mode: 0
  2573. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site: local nfo
  2574. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2575. 20:56:59 T:3136 DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
  2576. 20:56:59 T:3136 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  2577. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: init DBUpdate
  2578. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Start Update DB
  2579. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Iterating Rom Collections
  2580. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: matchingRatioIndex: 2
  2581. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: fuzzyFactor: 0.7
  2582. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: enableFullReimport: True
  2583. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Windows
  2584. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2585. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: update is allowed for current rom collection: True
  2586. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: max folder depth: 99
  2587. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: (u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd',)
  2588. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Reading rom files
  2589. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: walkDownPath romPath: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2590. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2591. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2592. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone
  2593. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2594. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['artwork', 'liero-1.6']
  2595. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero.nfo', 'Liero.lnk', 'Counter-Strike Source.cmd', 'Steam.cmd', 'Counter-Strike Source.nfo', 'Steam.nfo']
  2596. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\Steam.cmd
  2597. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\Steam.cmd
  2598. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork
  2599. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2600. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['fanart', 'videos', 'boxfront', 'screenshot']
  2601. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2602. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.cmd
  2603. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.cmd
  2604. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart
  2605. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2606. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2607. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2608. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam.cmd
  2609. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam.cmd
  2610. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2611. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2612. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2613. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2614. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.cmd
  2615. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.cmd
  2616. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront
  2617. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2618. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2619. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2620. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.cmd
  2621. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.cmd
  2622. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot
  2623. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2624. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2625. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.png', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2626. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\Steam.cmd
  2627. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\Steam.cmd
  2628. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6
  2629. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2630. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['liero-1.36-bundle']
  2631. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2632. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle\Steam.cmd
  2633. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle\Steam.cmd
  2634. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\liero-1.6\liero-1.36-bundle
  2635. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.cmd
  2636. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2637. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero 1.35b2 for Mac OS X.URL', 'LIEROENG.TXT', 'changes.txt', 'Liero with directx.bat', 'NAMES.DAT', 'LIERO.CHR', 'SDL.dll', 'LIERO.dat', 'FILE_ID.DIZ', 'LIERO.TXT', 'LIERO.EXE', 'LIERO.SND', 'LIERO.OPT', 'Download new levels and more at Liero Hellhole.URL', 'openliero.exe', 'LEVEDIT.EXE', 'LICENSE.TXT']
  2638. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: files after walkDown = [u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd']
  2639. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Files read: [u'R:\\Standalone\\Steam.cmd']
  2640. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current rom file: R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2641. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (file): Steam.cmd
  2642. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: gamename (friendly): Steam
  2643. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: checkRomfileIsMultirom. gamename = Steam, lastgamename =
  2644. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Start scraping info for game: Steam
  2645. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File "R:\Standalone\Steam.cmd" already exists in database.
  2646. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Always rescan imported games = True
  2647. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: scraper == "local artwork": True
  2648. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFoldernameFromRomFilename: %sR:\Standalone\Steam.cmd
  2649. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone
  2650. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert data
  2651. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Publisher : 'Publisher'
  2652. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Developer : 'Developer'
  2653. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: ReleaseYear : 'ReleaseYear'
  2654. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  2655. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Genre
  2656. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Reviewer : 'Reviewer'
  2657. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Region : 'Region'
  2658. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Media : 'Media'
  2659. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Controller : 'Controller'
  2660. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Players : 'Players'
  2661. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Rating : 'Rating'
  2662. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Votes : 'Votes'
  2663. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: URL : 'URL'
  2664. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Perspective : 'Perspective'
  2665. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: OriginalTitle : 'OriginalTitle'
  2666. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: AlternateTitle : 'AlternateTitle'
  2667. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: TranslatedBy : 'TranslatedBy'
  2668. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Version : 'Version'
  2669. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Description : 'Description'
  2670. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: IsFavorite : 'IsFavorite'
  2671. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: LaunchCount : 'LaunchCount'
  2672. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Game : 'Game'
  2673. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxfront
  2674. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2675. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.*
  2676. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.*
  2677. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront
  2678. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2679. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2680. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2681. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxback
  2682. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2683. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Steam.*
  2684. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Steam.*
  2685. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  2686. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2687. 20:56:59 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  2688. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2689. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2690. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Standalone.*
  2691. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\Standalone.*
  2692. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  2693. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone.*
  2694. 20:56:59 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback
  2695. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2696. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2697. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2698. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: cartridge
  2699. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2700. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Steam.*
  2701. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Steam.*
  2702. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2703. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2704. 20:56:59 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2705. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2706. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2707. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Standalone.*
  2708. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\Standalone.*
  2709. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2710. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone.*
  2711. 20:56:59 T:3136 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge
  2712. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2713. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: []
  2714. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2715. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: screenshot
  2716. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2717. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.*
  2718. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.*
  2719. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot
  2720. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2721. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2722. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.png', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2723. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: fanart
  2724. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2725. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.*
  2726. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.*
  2727. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart
  2728. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam.*
  2729. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2730. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Counter-Strike Source.jpg', 'Liero.jpg', 'Steam.jpg']
  2731. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: gameplay
  2732. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2733. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2734. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2735. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2736. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam_game_.*
  2737. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2738. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2739. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2740. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2741. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2742. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone_game_.*
  2743. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2744. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2745. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2746. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: FileType: gameplay
  2747. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolve path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2748. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2749. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Steam_game_.*
  2750. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2751. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Steam_game_.*
  2752. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2753. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2754. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom folder name: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2755. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\Standalone_game_.*
  2756. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: dirname: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos
  2757. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: filemask: Standalone_game_.*
  2758. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
  2759. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['Liero_game_.mp4', 'Counter-Strike Source_game_.mp4']
  2760. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Steam" at path "R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*". Make sure that file names are matching.
  2761. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin createNfoFromDesc
  2762. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Romdir: R:\Standalone
  2763. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: NfoFile already exists. Wont overwrite file: R:\Standalone\Steam.nfo
  2764. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Importing files: {<config.FileType instance at 0x1682C620>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\screenshot\\Steam.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x1682C670>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\fanart\\Steam.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x1682C6C0>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x1682C710>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x1682C558>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x1682C5D0>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x168251E8>: [u'R:\\Standalone\\artwork\\boxfront\\Steam.jpg']}
  2765. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2766. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2767. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\Steam.jpg
  2768. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2769. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2770. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\Steam.jpg
  2771. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
  2772. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 220
  2773. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: File already exists in database: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\Steam.jpg
  2774. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Update finished
  2775. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin cacheItems
  2776. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End cacheItems
  2777. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin updateControls
  2778. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
  2779. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
  2780. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
  2781. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
  2782. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2783. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
  2784. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
  2785. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
  2786. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2787. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
  2788. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showYear
  2789. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
  2790. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
  2791. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
  2792. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
  2793. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
  2794. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
  2795. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End updateControls
  2796. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin loadViewState
  2797. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
  2798. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
  2799. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
  2800. 20:56:59 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogProgress.xml) ------
  2801. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
  2802. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2803. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
  2804. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
  2805. 20:56:59 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Default\720p\script-RCB-importoptions.xml) ------
  2806. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
  2807. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2808. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
  2809. 20:56:59 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showYear
  2810. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
  2811. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 7
  2812. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
  2813. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
  2814. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
  2815. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
  2816. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGames
  2817. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: helper.buildLikeStatement
  2818. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: showGames: load games from db in 2 ms
  2819. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
  2820. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
  2821. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  2822. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  2823. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
  2824. 20:57:00 T:3136 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
  2825. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: showGames: load 3 games to list in 4 ms
  2826. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGames
  2827. 20:57:00 T:4940 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
  2828. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  2829. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  2830. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End loadViewState
  2831. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: readXml
  2832. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: initXml
  2833. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin readRomCollections
  2834. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: NES
  2835. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Nintendo NES\*.nes
  2836. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2837. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2838. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2839. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2840. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2841. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://UBUNTU/game/Nintendo NES/artwork/videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2842. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: %GAME%_game_.*
  2843. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Nintendo NES\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2844. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2845. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2846. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2847. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2848. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2849. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2850. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2851. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2852. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2853. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2854. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2855. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\jnes\Jnes.exe
  2856. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2857. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2858. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2859. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2860. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2861. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2862. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2863. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2864. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2865. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2866. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2867. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2868. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation
  2869. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.bin
  2870. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation\*.img
  2871. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2872. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2873. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2874. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2875. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2876. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2877. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2878. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2879. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2880. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2881. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2882. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2883. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2884. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2885. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2886. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2887. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2888. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\ePSXe190\ePSXe.exe
  2889. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: -nogui -loadbin "%ROM%"
  2890. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2891. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2892. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2893. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2894. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2895. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2896. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2897. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2898. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2899. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2900. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2901. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Nintendo 64
  2902. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.z64
  2903. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\N64\*.n64
  2904. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2905. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2906. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2907. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2908. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2909. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\N64\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2910. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2911. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2912. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2913. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2914. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2915. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2916. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2917. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2918. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2919. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2920. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2921. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Project64 2.1\Project64.exe
  2922. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2923. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2924. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2925. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2926. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2927. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2928. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2929. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2930. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2931. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2932. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2933. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2934. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: PlayStation 2
  2935. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.img
  2936. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Playstation 2\*.bin
  2937. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2938. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2939. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2940. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2941. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2942. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Playstation 2\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2943. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2944. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2945. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2946. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2947. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2948. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2949. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2950. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2951. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2952. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2953. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2954. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\pcsx2\pcsx2-r5875.exe
  2955. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2956. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2957. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2958. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2959. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2960. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2961. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2962. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2963. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2964. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2965. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2966. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2967. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Genesis
  2968. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Sega Genesis\*.bin
  2969. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  2970. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\boxback\%GAME%.*
  2971. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  2972. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  2973. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\fanart\%GAME%.*
  2974. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Sega Genesis\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  2975. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2976. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2977. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2978. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2979. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2980. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2981. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  2982. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  2983. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  2984. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  2985. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  2986. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\Fusion364\Fusion.exe
  2987. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%"
  2988. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  2989. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  2990. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  2991. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  2992. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  2993. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  2994. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  2995. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  2996. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  2997. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  2998. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  2999. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Windows
  3000. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.lnk
  3001. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Standalone\*.cmd
  3002. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  3003. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\boxback\%GAME%.*
  3004. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  3005. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  3006. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\fanart\%GAME%.*
  3007. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Standalone\artwork\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  3008. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  3009. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3010. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3011. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3012. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3013. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3014. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3015. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3016. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3017. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3018. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  3019. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  3020. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: "%ROM%"
  3021. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  3022. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  3023. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  3024. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  3025. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  3026. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  3027. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  3028. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  3029. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  3030. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  3031. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  3032. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: SNES
  3033. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: R:\Super Nintendo\*.smc
  3034. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxfront\%GAME%.*
  3035. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\boxback\%GAME%.*
  3036. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\cartridge\%GAME%.*
  3037. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\screenshot\%GAME%.*
  3038. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\fanart\%GAME%.*
  3039. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: R:\Super Nintendo\videos\%GAME%_game_.*
  3040. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3041. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3042. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3043. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3044. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3045. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3046. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
  3047. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3048. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3049. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
  3050. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
  3051. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Software\snes9x-1.53-x64\snes9x-x64.exe
  3052. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "%ROM%" -fullscreen
  3053. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
  3054. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
  3055. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
  3056. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
  3057. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
  3058. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
  3059. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
  3060. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
  3061. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
  3062. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
  3063. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk
  3064. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site: local nfo
  3065. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3066. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3067. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3068. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3069. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3070. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3071. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3072. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3073. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3074. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
  3075. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
  3076. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End rescrapeGames
  3077. 20:57:00 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: ACTION_CONTEXT
  3078. 20:57:01 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4b, sym: 0x0114, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  3079. 20:57:01 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: left (0xf082) pressed, action is Left
  3080. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 1
  3081. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  3082. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  3083. 20:57:01 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4d, sym: 0x0113, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  3084. 20:57:01 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: right (0xf083) pressed, action is Right
  3085. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 2
  3086. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
  3087. 20:57:01 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
  3088. 20:57:02 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x01, sym: 0x001b, unicode: 0x001b, modifier: 0x0
  3089. 20:57:02 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: escape (0xf01b) pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  3090. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: 10
  3091. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: onAction: ACTION_CANCEL_DIALOG
  3092. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: exit
  3093. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewState
  3094. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewMode
  3095. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewMode
  3096. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Begin helper.saveViewState
  3097. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End helper.saveViewState
  3098. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: RCB_INFO: End saveViewState
  3099. 20:57:02 T:3136 NOTICE: close Connection
  3100. 20:57:02 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
  3101. 20:57:03 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\resources\skins\Night\720p\script-Rom_Collection_Browser-main.xml) ------
  3102. 20:57:03 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  3103. 20:57:03 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
  3104. 20:57:03 T:3136 INFO: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ script successfully run
  3105. 20:57:03 T:2596 INFO: Python script stopped
  3106. 20:57:03 T:2596 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 2596 terminating
  3107. 20:57:03 T:4592 INFO: Python script stopped
  3108. 20:57:03 T:4592 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 4592 terminating
  3109. 20:57:03 T:3136 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(8, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ the python script "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmc::PlayList
  3110. 20:57:03 T:3136 INFO: Python script stopped
  3111. 20:57:03 T:3136 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3136 terminating
  3112. 20:57:04 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x50, sym: 0x0112, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  3113. 20:57:04 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: down (0xf081) pressed, action is Down
  3114. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  3115. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  3116. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10111
  3117. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
  3118. 20:57:05 T:3208 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogButtonMenu.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
  3119. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x4b, sym: 0x0114, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
  3120. 20:57:05 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: left (0xf082) pressed, action is Left
  3121. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
  3122. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
  3123. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnQuit from xbmc
  3124. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 8, from xbmc, message OnQuit
  3125. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
  3126. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: Saving settings
  3127. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: stop all
  3128. 20:57:06 T:4228 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 4228 terminating (autodelete)
  3129. 20:57:06 T:2004 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 2004 terminating (autodelete)
  3130. 20:57:06 T:4940 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 4940 terminating (autodelete)
  3131. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: stop player
  3132. 20:57:06 T:3208 INFO: stopping PVRManager
  3133. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Signaling network services to stop
  3134. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
  3135. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Waiting for network services to stop
  3136. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: Webserver: Stopping...
  3137. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: WebServer: Stopped the webserver
  3138. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: Webserver: Stopped...
  3139. 20:57:06 T:4328 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
  3140. 20:57:06 T:4652 DEBUG: Thread TCPServer 4652 terminating
  3141. 20:57:06 T:4328 DEBUG: Thread EventServer 4328 terminating
  3142. 20:57:06 T:4020 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusUSB 4020 terminating
  3143. 20:57:06 T:3204 DEBUG: Thread PeripBusCEC 3204 terminating
  3144. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
  3145. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: clean cached files!
  3146. 20:57:06 T:3208 NOTICE: unload skin
  3147. 20:57:06 T:3208 INFO: Unloading old skin ...
  3148. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit () ------
  3149. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  3150. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: CTextureBundleXBT::Cleanup - Closed bundle
  3151. 20:57:06 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: Stopping service addons.
  3152. 20:57:07 T:3548 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: script version 0.0.29 stopped
  3153. 20:57:07 T:3548 INFO: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ script successfully run
  3154. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ script termination took 166ms
  3155. 20:57:07 T:3548 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(2, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\ the python script "C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\\" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Window,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Player_Director
  3156. 20:57:07 T:3548 INFO: Python script interrupted by user
  3157. 20:57:07 T:3332 NOTICE: StorageServer-2.5.4 Closed down
  3158. 20:57:07 T:3332 INFO: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ script successfully run
  3159. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(0, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\ script termination took 119ms
  3160. 20:57:07 T:3332 INFO: Python script interrupted by user
  3161. 20:57:07 T:4408 INFO: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ script successfully run
  3162. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(4, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.grab.fanart\ script termination took 485ms
  3163. 20:57:07 T:4408 INFO: Python script interrupted by user
  3164. 20:57:07 T:3252 DEBUG: [Cinema Experience] - Cinema Experience service script version 4.0.10 stopped
  3165. 20:57:07 T:3252 INFO: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ script successfully run
  3166. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(6, C:\Users\H5\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\script.cinema.experience\ script termination took 159ms
  3167. 20:57:07 T:3332 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3332 terminating
  3168. 20:57:07 T:4408 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 4408 terminating
  3169. 20:57:07 T:3548 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3548 terminating
  3170. 20:57:07 T:3252 INFO: Python script interrupted by user
  3171. 20:57:07 T:3252 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 3252 terminating
  3172. 20:57:07 T:3808 DEBUG: Thread ActiveAE 3808 terminating
  3173. 20:57:07 T:868 DEBUG: Thread AESink 868 terminating
  3174. 20:57:07 T:3208 NOTICE: stopped
  3175. 20:57:07 T:3208 NOTICE: destroy
  3176. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.json has been uninstalled.'
  3177. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3178. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3179. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3180. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3181. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in webinterface.default has been uninstalled.'
  3182. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3183. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.vortex has been uninstalled.'
  3184. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.vorbis has been uninstalled.'
  3185. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.wma has been uninstalled.'
  3186. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.wav has been uninstalled.'
  3187. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simplejson has been uninstalled.'
  3188. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.favourites has been uninstalled.'
  3189. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim has been uninstalled.'
  3190. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.beautifulsoup4 has been uninstalled.'
  3191. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3192. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.xbmc.versioncheck has been uninstalled.'
  3193. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.metadata has been uninstalled.'
  3194. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.flac has been uninstalled.'
  3195. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.confluence has been uninstalled.'
  3196. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.bromix has been uninstalled.'
  3197. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.globalsearch has been uninstalled.'
  3198. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.tvtunes has been uninstalled.'
  3199. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3200. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.common.plugin.cache has been uninstalled.'
  3201. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3202. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3203. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.pil has been uninstalled.'
  3204. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.milkdrop has been uninstalled.'
  3205. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.gui has been uninstalled.'
  3206. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.unidecode has been uninstalled.'
  3207. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.skinshortcuts has been uninstalled.'
  3208. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.dxspectrum has been uninstalled.'
  3209. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3210. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3211. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.simple.downloader has been uninstalled.'
  3212. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.core has been uninstalled.'
  3213. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3214. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.grab.fanart has been uninstalled.'
  3215. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.requests has been uninstalled.'
  3216. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.artwork.downloader has been uninstalled.'
  3217. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.blackglassnova has been uninstalled.'
  3218. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in screensaver.picture.slideshow has been uninstalled.'
  3219. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.pvr has been uninstalled.'
  3220. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.album.universal has been uninstalled.'
  3221. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.xbmc.builtin.aac has been uninstalled.'
  3222. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3223. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.kodience has been uninstalled.'
  3224. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3225. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3226. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in service.rom.collection.browser has been uninstalled.'
  3227. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.cinema.experience has been uninstalled.'
  3228. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3229. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3230. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3231. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.local has been uninstalled.'
  3232. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in audioencoder.lame has been uninstalled.'
  3233. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3234. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3235. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.module.parsedom has been uninstalled.'
  3236. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in metadata.artists.universal has been uninstalled.'
  3237. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3238. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3239. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.python has been uninstalled.'
  3240. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in script.videoextras has been uninstalled.'
  3241. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in repository.finnish-tv has been uninstalled.'
  3242. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in skin.transparency has been uninstalled.'
  3243. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in visualization.waveform has been uninstalled.'
  3244. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.addon has been uninstalled.'
  3245. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in xbmc.codec has been uninstalled.'
  3246. 20:57:07 T:3208 DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in has been uninstalled.'
  3247. 20:57:07 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0BE2DA28 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  3248. 20:57:07 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 046DA4F8 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  3249. 20:57:07 T:3208 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: 'An unreleased information object was encountered at address 046590F8 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.'
  3250. 20:57:07 T:3208 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
  3251. 20:57:09 T:3772 DEBUG: Thread RemoteControl 3772 terminating
  3252. 20:57:09 T:3208 NOTICE: unload sections
  3253. 20:57:09 T:3208 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
  3254. 20:57:09 T:3208 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
  3255. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
  3256. 20:57:10 T:3208 NOTICE: destroy
  3257. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10013 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3258. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10014 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3259. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10015 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3260. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10016 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3261. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10017 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3262. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10018 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3263. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10019 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3264. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10021 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3265. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10107 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3266. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10115 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3267. 20:57:10 T:3208 WARNING: Attempted to remove window 10104 from the window manager when it didn't exist
  3268. 20:57:10 T:3208 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
  3269. 20:57:10 T:3208 NOTICE: unload sections
  3270. 20:57:10 T:3208 NOTICE: application stopped...
  3271. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: PVRManager - destroyed
  3272. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(special://xbmcbin/system/libcurl.dll)
  3273. 20:57:10 T:3208 ERROR: dllFreeLibrary - Invalid hModule specified
  3274. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadAll(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/cpluff.dll)
  3275. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadAll(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/libcec.dll)
  3276. 20:57:10 T:3208 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadAll(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
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