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- //==================================================================================================
- //
- // natives.galaxy
- //
- //==================================================================================================
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Achievements
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native bool AchievementsDisabled (int player);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Bank
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void BankReload (bank b);
- native void BankWait (bank b);
- native void BankSectionCreate (bank b, string section);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Battle Report
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native int BattleReportGetDialogControl ();
- native int BattleReportGetState (int inBattleReportId);
- native int BattleReportGetPriority (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetButtonText (int inBattleReportId);
- native string BattleReportGetButtonImage (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetMissionText (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetResearchTitle (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetResearchText (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetBonusTitle (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetBonusText (int inBattleReportId);
- native text BattleReportGetBestTimeText (int inBattleReportId);
- native string BattleReportGetMissionImage (int inBattleReportId);
- native bool BattleReportGetDifficultyLevelCompleted (int inBattleReportId, int inDifficultyLevel);
- native text BattleReportGetDifficultyLevelBestTimeText (int inBattleReportId, int inDifficultyLevel);
- native text BattleReportGetSceneText (int inBattleReportId);
- native string BattleReportGetSceneImage (int inBattleReportId);
- native bool BattleReportGetShownInMissionTotal (int inBattleReportId);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Boards
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void BoardSetAnchor (int inBoard, int inAnchor, int inOffsetX, int inOffsetY);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Campaign
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void CampaignProgressDeleteCampaignSave (playergroup players); // Blizzard maps only
- native void CampaignProgressEnableCampaignCompletedSaves (playergroup players, bool inDisable); // Blizzard maps only
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Cutscenes
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native int CutsceneGetTriggerControl (int inControlId);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Dialogs
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_triggerControlTypeCutscene = 22;
- const int c_triggerControlPropertyHotkey = 65; // int
- const int c_triggerControlPropertyAllowedButtons = 66; // int
- const int c_triggerControlPropertyAlphaMask = 67; // string
- const int c_triggerControlEventTypeHotkeyPressed = 8;
- const int c_triggerControlEventTypeDoubleClick = 9;
- native int DialogControlHookupUnitStatus (int type, string inTemplate, unit inUnit);
- native void DialogControlClearSelectedItem (int control, playergroup players);
- native int EventDialogControlMouseButton ();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Environment
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_pathingUnpathable = 0;
- const int c_pathingBuilding = 2;
- const int c_pathingCliff = 3;
- native int PathingType (point inPos);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Game
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native bool GameIsOnline ();
- native bool GameDataIsFullyDownloaded (int player);
- native void TriggerAddEventLoadGameDone (trigger t);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Melee
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_meleeOptionPoints = 6;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Objectives
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native int ObjectiveGetPriority (int inObjective);
- native void ObjectiveSetFirst (int inObjective);
- native void ObjectiveSetLast (int inObjective);
- native void ObjectiveSetAfter (int inObjective, int inAfterObjective);
- native void ObjectiveSetBefore (int inObjective, int inBeforeObjective);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Path
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_abilClassFilterExcluded = -1;
- const int c_abilClassFilterAllowed = 0;
- const int c_abilClassFilterRequired = 1;
- native void PathSetAbilClassFilter (int inPathId, int inAbilClass, int inFilter);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Ping
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void PingSetUseUnitTeamColor (int p, bool useUnitTeamColor);
- native void PingSetUseUnitVisibility (int p, bool useUnitVisibility);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Help
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void HelpPanelSetHelpItemDarkenedWhenViewed (int inHelpItemId, bool inDarkened);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Players
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_playerPropDamageDealtTime = 18;
- const int c_playerPropDamageTakenTime = 19;
- const int c_playerStateStartingRallyEnabled = 17; // Read-only
- const int c_buildMenuOpening = 1; // uses c_customBuildOpeningOne to c_customBuildOpeningFive for inSlotNum
- const int c_buildMenuLateGame = 2; // uses c_customBuildLateGameOne to c_customBuildLateGameFive for inSlotNum
- const int c_buildMenuBeacons = 3; // only used for SlotInfo setup, uses c_beaconCustom1 to c_beaconCustom4 for inSlotNum
- native int PlayerAIBuildNumber (int player);
- native bool PlayerHasAccessTo (int inPlayer, string inEntityName);
- native void PlayerBeaconBuildMenuSetSlotInfo (int inPlayer, int inType, int inSlotNum, text inIcon, text inName, text inTooltip);
- native void PlayerBeaconBuildMenuDisableSlotInfo (int inPlayer, int inType, int inSlotNum, bool disable); // disables the button
- native void PlayerBeaconBuildMenuClearSlotInfo (int inPlayer, int inType, int inSlotNum); // removes the button
- native void PlayerBeaconBuildMenuCurrentSet (int inPlayer, int inType, int inSlotNum); //only applies to build types
- native int PlayerBeaconBuildMenuCurrentGet (int inPlayer, int inType); //only applies to build types
- native bool PlayerBeaconBuildMenuWasFromPlayer (int inPlayer, int inType); //only applies to build types
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Points
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native point PointFromName (string name);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Regions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native region RegionFromName (string name);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sound
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void SoundChannelDSPInsert (playergroup players, int channel, string dsp);
- native void SoundChannelDSPRemove (playergroup players, int channel, string dsp);
- native void SoundtrackStopCurrent (playergroup players, int category, bool fade);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Story Mode
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void StoryCreatePlanetPanel (); // Blizzard maps only
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Tech Tree
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void TechTreeSpecificRequirementEnable (int player, string requirementName, bool enable);
- native bool TechTreeSpecificRequirementEnabled (int player, string requirementName);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Timing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_timerWindowImageBorder = 0;
- const int c_timerWindowImageBackground = 1;
- const int c_timerWindowImageProgressFrame = 2;
- const int c_timerWindowImageProgressFill = 3;
- native void TimerWindowSetAnchor (int inWindow, int inAnchor, int inOffsetX, int inOffsetY);
- native void TimerWindowSetFixedHeight (int inWindow, int inHeight);
- native void TimerWindowShowBorder (int inWindow, bool inShow);
- native void TimerWindowShowProgressBar (int inWindow, bool inShow);
- native void TimerWindowSetProgressColor (int inWindow, color inColor, int inStep);
- native void TimerWindowSetImageType (int inWindow, int inImage, int inType);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Transmission
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void TransmissionSourceSetStreamingAllowed (transmissionsource source, bool allowed);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Triggers
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Generic trigger event that can be sent via script
- // NOTE: This was my idea; I'm pretty awesome.
- native void TriggerSendEvent (string name);
- native void TriggerAddEventGeneric (trigger t, string name);
- native string EventGenericName ();
- native void TriggerDebugEnableType (int type, bool enable);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Units
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_killDisplayDefault = 0;
- const int c_killDisplayAlways = 1;
- const int c_killDisplayNever = 2;
- const int c_unitBehaviorFlagUpdateDurationWhileDisabled = 10;
- const int c_placementTestCreepMask = 1 << c_placementTestCreep;
- const int c_placementTestPowerMask = 1 << c_placementTestPower;
- const int c_placementTestFogMask = 1 << c_placementTestFog;
- const int c_placementTestIgnoreBlockersMask = 1 << c_placementTestIgnoreBlockers;
- const int c_placementTestIgnoreInvisibleMask = 1 << c_placementTestIgnoreInvisible;
- const int c_placementTestZoneMask = 1 << c_placementTestZone;
- const int c_placementTestCliffMask = 1 << c_placementTestCliff;
- const int c_placementTestDensityMask = 1 << c_placementTestDensity;
- const int c_unitAbilAutoCastChangeAll = -1;
- const int c_unitAbilAutoCastChangeOff = 0;
- const int c_unitAbilAutoCastChangeOn = 1;
- native void UnitShowKillDisplay (unit inUnit, int inKillDisplay);
- native void UnitSetInfoText2 (unit inUnit, text info);
- native void UnitSetInfoTip (unit inUnit, text tip);
- native void UnitSetInfoSubTip (unit inUnit, text subTip);
- native unit UnitMagazineLastCreated ();
- native unitgroup UnitMagazineLastCreatedGroup ();
- native void UnitInventoryContainerOpen (playergroup inPlayers, unit inUnit, int inContainer, bool inOpen);
- native point UnitTypePlacementTestsFromPoint (string inType, int inPlayer, point inSource, fixed inRange, int inTests);
- native point UnitTypePlacementTestsFromUnit (string inType, int inPlayer, unit inSource, fixed inRange, int inTests);
- native void UnitEventSetNullVariableInvalid (bool inVal);
- native void TriggerAddEventUnitStartedAttack2 (trigger t, unitref u, string inWeapon);
- native void TriggerAddEventUnitAttacked2 (trigger t, unitref u, string inWeapon);
- native string EventUnitGetWeapon ();
- native fixed EventUnitDamageAbsorbed ();
- native unit EventUnitGetItem ();
- native string EventUnitGetItemType ();
- native void TriggerAddEventUnitAbilityAutoCastChange (trigger t, unitref u, abilcmd a, int inChangeType, bool includeSharedAbils);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Unit Groups
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native int UnitCount (string type, int player, region r, unitfilter filter, int maxCount);
- native int UnitCountAlliance (int player, int alliance, region r, unitfilter filter, int maxCount);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User Interface
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_mouseButtonFlagLeft = (1 << 0);
- const int c_mouseButtonFlagMiddle = (1 << 1);
- const int c_mouseButtonFlagRight = (1 << 2);
- const int c_mouseButtonFlagXButton1 = (1 << 3);
- const int c_mouseButtonFlagXButton2 = (1 << 4);
- const int c_achievementToastStyleTerran = 0;
- const int c_achievementToastStyleZerg = 1;
- const int c_syncFrameTypeStatusUI = 35;
- const int c_syncFrameTypeArmyButton = 36;
- const int c_gameMenuDialogLoadReplayButton = 20; // unused
- const int c_gameMenuDialogLoadLastButton = 21;
- const int c_gameMenuDialogMoreOptionsButton = 22;
- const int c_gameMenuDialogEndGameButton = 23;
- const int c_gameMenuDialogAchievementsButton = 24;
- const int c_gameMenuDialogMessageLogButton = 25;
- const int c_localSelectionTypeArmyButton = 9;
- const int c_targetModeStateAny = -1;
- const int c_targetModeStateOff = 0;
- const int c_targetModeStateOn = 1;
- native void UISetMinimumLetterboxHeight (int inHeight);
- native void UISetAchievementToastStyle (playergroup inPlayers, int style);
- native void TriggerAddEventTargetModeUpdate (trigger t, int player, abilcmd inAbilCmd, int state);
- native abilcmd EventTargetModeAbilCmd ();
- native int EventTargetModeState ();
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Visibility
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native bool VisIsVisibleForPlayer (int player, point inPos);
- //==================================================================================================
- //
- // AI.galaxy
- //
- //==================================================================================================
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Build and Train Priorities
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_makePriorityDetection = 8;
- const int c_makePriorityFood = 9;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Town States
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_townStateBuilding = 2;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Wave States
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_waveStateBeacon = 12;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Best Target Flags
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_btSortMeleeAllyAttackOnly = 256; // chooses the best target only considering already attacking computer allies
- const int c_btSortMeleeAllyDefendOnly = 512; // chooses the best target only considering computer allies that want help defending
- const int c_btMeleePreferSplitAttacking = 1024; // melee AI will each try to hit different opponents rather than attacking the same target (weaker AI, but more fun to play against) (ignored for more than 2 teams)
- const int c_btDefaultAllyAttackOnly = 1 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 256;
- const int c_btDefaultAllyDefendOnly = 1 + 16 + 32 + 128 + 512;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Difficulty
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_diffLimitAPMCombat = 7; // If we're not limiting all APM, do we still limit combat APM (has no effect if c_diffLimitAPM is Enabled since combat is limited by that).
- const int c_diffAdvancedRetreatLogic = 20; // Controls whether the AI uses advanced logic when retreating (does a calculation to see if the enemy has faster unit that will continue to attack us while we retreat).
- const int c_diffAutoTransport = 31; // Should transports automatically look for units unable to move to their goal and pick them up? (worker trying to expand to an island, etc).
- const int c_skirAuto = 0; // melee difficulty settings
- const int c_skirMed_Hard = 4;
- const int c_skirHard_VH = 6;
- const int c_skirChVision = 8;
- const int c_skirChMoney = 9;
- const int c_skirChInsane = 10;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Utility
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void AISetCompNameToDiff (int player, int difficulty);
- native void AISetStockArmyDefaultScale (int player, fixed scale); // Sets the gloabl scale (doesn't change current army)
- native void AISetStockArmyOverride (int player, string data, int replaceCount, string replaceUnit);
- native void AIAddToStockArmy (int player, string data, int change); // AIAddStringInt with Scale & Override logic
- native void AIScaleCurrentStockArmy (int player, fixed scale, int start, int end); // Scales the current army
- // these calls can be expensive, they also ignore units/buildings when pathing. returns -1 if no path/known building
- native int AIPathDistToNearestKnownEnemyStructure (int player, point loc, bool onlyDropoffs);
- native int AIPathDistToNearestFriendlyStructure (int player, point loc, bool onlyDropoffs);
- native bool AICanPathToAnyKnownEnemyStructure (int player, point loc, bool onlyDropoffs);
- // all of these are known buildings only (enemies may have unknown buildings)
- native int AINumEnemyBuildings (int player);
- native void AIAddAirDanger (int player, string unitType);
- native bool AIDefaultSuspectAirDanger (int player);
- native int AIGetNumTeams (); // may not be accurate outside of regular melee games
- native int AIGetSelfRaceVal (int player);
- native int AIGetNumWorkers (int player);
- native int AIGetNumDropoffs (int player);
- native int AIGetNumEstablishedTowns (int player);
- native bool AIHasNearbyAlliedAttackers (int player, point loc, fixed range); // self or ally
- native bool AIHasNearbyAlliedDetector (int player, point loc, fixed staticRange, fixed mobileRange); // self or ally
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Coop Helper Functions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_coopTraining = 0;
- const int c_coopWaveDefender = 1;
- const int c_coopWaveAttacker = 2;
- const int c_coopTurtle = 3;
- const int c_coopCasterOnly = 4;
- const int c_coopAirOnly = 5;
- const int c_coopMultiRacial = 6;
- native void AISetCoopFlag (int player, int index, bool state);
- native bool AIGetCoopFlag (int player, int index);
- native point AIGetBuildingPlacement (int player, point center, string aliasUnitType, int buildFlags);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Construction
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native int AIGetInternalTrainQueueCount (int player);
- native int AIGetInternalBuildQueueCount (int player);
- native int AIGetInternalResearchQueueCount (int player);
- native void AISetDefaultArmyUnit (int player, string unitType);
- native void AIForceTrainingDelay (int player, int workerDelay, int armyDelay, int defenseDelay); // forced gaps in unit production for low difficulty
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Stock
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int c_stockNormal = 0;
- const int c_stockOptional = 1;
- const int c_stockExpansion = 2;
- const int c_stockDefense = 4;
- const int c_stockForced = 8;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Tactical
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native point AISelfReinforceDropPoint (int player);
- native void AIForceTacticalDelay (int player, int delay); // forced delay between all tactical spells for low difficulty
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Combat
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void AISetSpawnerTargettingDelay (int player, string behaviorName, int count);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Transports
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native void AITransportDisableAutoPickup (int player);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Waves
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- native unit AIWaveCurrentLeader (wave w);
- native wavetarget AIWaveTargetMeleeBeacon (int player);
- native int AIEvalAllSelf (int player);
- native int AIEvalAllAllied (int player);
- native int AIEvalLargestEnemy (int player);
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