
azure/missus oc male hardvore/cannibalism/bloodplay/sex

Jul 10th, 2013
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  1. Missuscupcake: I think a boy would just be an incredibly fucked up human though :3
  2. azureangelic: agreed
  3. azureangelic: and a surprising glutton~
  4. Missuscupcake: God yes please
  5. Missuscupcake: And of course he wouldn't be able to digest meat very well
  6. azureangelic: of course
  7. azureangelic: so when he does inevitably decide to bring hom a pretty looker boy from the nightclub, sex him into submission and indulge himself on the toned young man's succulent body he's left a groaning, gurgling mess afterwards, distended belly packed drum-tight with meat and coated with bloody smears as he slowly heaves himself out of bed and basks in the feeling of his painfully aching, unbearably heavy midsection bearing down on his rather noticable arousal
  8. Missuscupcake: Next time he ought to let his food take care of his need before eating them~
  9. azureangelic: he just cant control himself sometimes~
  10. Missuscupcake: Hehe
  12. Missuscupcake: I'm just an anatomyfag and go EW THERE'S SOMETHING ALIVE IN THERE NO. And yet I love assimilation
  13. azureangelic: much more managable chunks
  14. azureangelic: though not any easier to digest
  15. Missuscupcake: Of course not :3
  16. Missuscupcake: God and the burps would be awful and bloody and gurgle
  18. azureangelic: then again when hes subjecting his tummy to overhized hunks of raw flesh and crunching bones up as he eats and peeling tendons off by the mouthful it isnt too surprising that he ends up looking twelve months pregnant with a massive smooth dome of violently churning and bubbling tummy that leaves him moaning and gasping and instinctively reaching his blood-soaked hands to his nethers to try to relieve himself of both his raging indigestion and his shamelessly inguldent erection, writhing and hiccuping and giving sickly, strained belches as he blindly gropes around his straining belly
  20. Missuscupcake: Also you're getting more and more sexual with these I love it
  21. azureangelic: which is why i added it in~
  23. Missuscupcake: I'm sorry there is hardly anything better than jerking off with a bloody hand
  24. azureangelic: what about jerking off with a bloody hand with said hand bumping into a bubbling sloshing bellyful of food and flesh and causing the owner to stir up more nauseatingly gutteral belches and groans in the process
  25. Missuscupcake: Guhhh
  27. Missuscupcake: Im thinking of such awful puns. Like being able to taste his food's lips on his own lips with every belch.
  28. azureangelic: pfft
  29. Missuscupcake: "Damnit I didn't even get to kiss--rrrrrp--oh... /oh/. Well that counts."
  31. azureangelic: and now im being terrible and thinking of his ex turning out to have a brother/significant other who shows up at the door and he opens it and comes face to face with the gluttonous cannibal's enormous hugely distended audibly groaning and quaking belly covered in bloody smears and handprints and his dick at full mast beneath it equally messy and the owner looking down at his visitor over his swollen girth gnawing on a broken bone with a psychotically interested grin and enough of a foul, flesh-scented belch to ensue his still-protesting tummy had room for the second course that had so gratitiously decided to show up at his door
  33. azureangelic: the cannibal boy only gets halfway through his second meal before he actually starts to reach his limit and his belly looks, feels and sounds like it close to bursting
  34. azureangelic: but thats just the way he likes it~
  35. Missuscupcake: Fuck dude
  36. Missuscupcake: I'm loving this you have no idea -w-
  37. azureangelic: yay~
  38. azureangelic: ill leave you think of the fun ways he can use the half-eaten corpse in his living room to help relieve the painfully hard boner he's stuck with, especially with that meaty boulder of a gut in the way
  40. Missuscupcake: I like thinking of this character. I imagine he gets too close to a guy at the bar and nuzzles against him in a drunken haze and kisses him, looks up with glossed over eyes and tells him he tastes fucking great
  41. azureangelic: next time the bartender sees him hes in the bathroom missing most of his neck and shoulder and the happy cannibal is belching rudely at the counter and wiping blood from his teeth
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