
Weiss Meditate level 2

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. Key: Dezue
  2. App for: Meditate Level 2
  3. Character Name: Weiss
  5. Having no ability to talk through a normal means and having no real connection to the outside world Weiss was more of a hermit than anything else. He remained in his little hole away from everything. Only nature, the animals and the silence of the land to keep him company. The solitude was absolute in the valleys, crisp air and the occasional waterfall along its path made it a perfect place to find ones self and obtain true peace and serenity. Weiss found a rock in the middle of a waterfall, the cold water smashing against his body as he tried to remain seated up right and enter a state of deep concentration. He focused on the nothingness that was his mind, blank, empty, only his breathing and heartbeat existed now.
  7. Or at least that was what it was supposed to be, he could still feel the waterfall against him, pushing down on his stuffing filled body. He focused harder on himself, within the darkness of his focus he soon found a light and with his minds eye floated towards it. As he reached it he grew blind, finding there in the light a way to let go of the world around him, as if his surroundings had bled into the nothingness, the deep black, becoming nothing along with it. He was free in this place, free to roam the passages of his soul, free to find himself and the answers he sought.
  9. In this place Weiss focused on himself, ways to improve his body, his ki flow, in attempt to increase it, unlock its hidden ability to progress and become more of a driving force behind his body. The meditation was now becoming an engine in which his body was fed fuel, allowing his body to be pumped full of enlightenment, creating a perfect flow of ki to be distributed evenly amongst his limbs, his heart, his mind. He was to master this flow later on in life, but for now he worried more about using it to develop fully, to understand himself further. As he would come to know himself, he would come to know about everything around him.
  11. After coming out of this state of being, Weiss felt stronger, wiser, far more calm and focused. He could see the world in new eyes and enjoyed the feeling of understanding. He had an energy in him that could be hustled, that could be altered to his liking, he understood the boundaries he had and knew how to eventually surpass them, breaking free from what ever limitations most people were said to have. He knew it would take time, effort, and far more concentration in the future. He knew the method in which to do this, and now it would be routine. Time alone, in such peace, was a blessing and Weiss was going to treat it as such.
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