
Heirs of the New Revolution #OpJuly4th

Jun 9th, 2013
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  1. July 4th
  3. 1776
  5. A new nation declares it's opposition to tyranny, dissolving it's political ties to a corrupt government. The citizens of these colonies knew it necessary, as their right... as their duty, to throw off such suffering and abuses from their leaders, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to all humans, who are created equal.
  7. In the nearly two and a half centuries since these brave men of revolution stood their ground and battled to the death for the inalienable freedoms they envisioned for all people, their vision for a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has become as tainted and corrupted as the tyrannical government they absolved their allegiances to.
  10. "We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution." - JFK
  12. Since 9/11, our Constitutional rights are being shattered at an alarming rate. Warrant-less spying, overreaching restrictions on our right to bear arms, indefinite detention, and the right to kill U.S. Citizens, are just a few of the atrocities being waged against our inalienable rights. What we, the people of the United States of America, must remember is simply this... we, the people, are the government.
  14. Our elected representatives and public servants took an oath to defend the freedoms of the people. However, We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, and we hold the responsibility to overthrow any man who attempts to pervert the Constitution. Today, elected officials are blatantly ignoring, and outright destroying, that most precious document, which is the only safeguard of our liberties.
  16. And yet there is only a still, small voice of resistance. This is not due to a lack of bravery, nor to an unwillingness of a unified people to defend these rights.
  18. The lack of outcry is merely the silence of the uninformed.
  20. Mainstream U.S. media stands to profit financially from the corruptions and indiscretions of a dishonest government, so they do not report nor investigate these crimes against humanity.
  22. The remedy to this is for us to stand as one, to inform society of their government's misdeeds through education.
  24. We must first arm the people with the knowledge and understanding of the inalienable rights guaranteed to us by our founding fathers. To stand up against injustice, we must first know what we are standing for. We must let the people know that the strength of our Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Every single citizen must feel bound to do his share in defending the rights that our forefathers granted us. These freedoms are worth defending against all attacks, and it is our duty to do so.
  26. On July 4th, 2013, we ask all citizens to stand with us across every city in the United States. We will be standing amongst the citizens as a show of community and solidarity, and will hand out copies of the Constitution. We will build awareness to these unlawful sufferings, not by protesting, but by reaching out to the people.
  28. We believe that if all citizens were to read and fully understand the Constitution of the United States, we would be better equipped in our demands that our government work together to protect, not ignore or violate, our rights.
  30. We are also asking our brothers and sisters in cities across the world to stand together on July 4th, reaching out to your own communities as a cry out for freedom from injustice and tyranny. From here forward, let July 4th be a day to celebrate renewed freedoms and independence from tyranny across the globe.
  32. Please visit or for more information, including a list of cities where events are already being planned.
  34. We are Anonymous.
  35. We do not forgive.
  36. We do not forget.
  37. Expect us.
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