
What kind of punk steals a prosthetic leg at the fair?

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. >You were going to find that pickpocket and beat the shit out of him; what kind of punk steals a prosthetic leg?
  2. >it had started as a good day at the fair
  3. >you used your good hoof to hold the corn on the cob after shaking bits from your mane
  4. >you found some shade behind a vendor tent and stood and ate
  5. >suddenly, you found your pretty pink plot plopped on the ground
  6. >all you saw was a short yellow tail ducking between tents
  7. >you hold the corn in your teeth, and give chase
  8. >you've been missing your right foreleg at the elbow since you were a filly, a week after you got your Mark
  9. >you've adapted by taking up a three-legged gait a home, but you prefer to walk and trot with your wood leg on
  10. >you've never been good at the tri-trot
  11. >the crowd is thin today, being a Tuesday
  12. >you catch a glimpse of the culprit in the distance - you think
  13. >clip-clop clip, clip-clop clip
  14. >the worst part is that you just got fitted last week
  15. >your growth has slowed as you've matured into a fine young mare, and you expected not to need a new prosthetic for at least half a year
  16. >one of the Fillydelphia police catches up alongside you
  17. >quite easily
  18. >"where you going in such a rush, young lady?"
  19. >your breathing ragged, you explain in brief
  20. >the officer peels off
  21. >you keep following
  22. >you're getting tired
  23. >hopefully so is the perp
  24. >you haven't seen him in a minute
  25. >this part of the Fillydelphia Fairgrounds has a diving show
  26. >they just set the diving pony on fire and he dove into the water from a fifty foot tower
  27. >you scan the audience
  28. >none of the stallions have yellow tails
  29. >one of the mares does, though
  30. >she is looking at the audience, not the show
  31. >she and her suspiciously oblong saddlebag haven't noticed you yet
  32. >the cop and three of his squadmates surround the exits
  33. >they're looking for a stallion, thanks to what you told them
  34. >the thief spreads her wings
  35. >one is half-gone
  36. >it has enough feathers to appear whole when folded
  37. >the other opens her saddlebag with dexterous feathers
  38. >she has a cloud
  39. >you have the ancient strength of your earthpony forebears
  40. >you take a running leap, grateful that you have both of your back legs
  41. >like a silent ballet, she turns in slow motion, seeing you coming toward her
  42. >your foreleg stump outstretched
  43. >your face a rictus of righteous fury
  44. >the police say they're not going to press charges against you
  45. >you reattach your prosthesis
  46. >the rest of the day at the fair is all the sweeter
  47. >--end-
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