
Deadmeat Chronicles: Smarty Face Off

Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon fluffy unicorn, a carbon alloy horn adorns your head.
  2. >You have just finished refilling your food stores and you are taking a walk smelling the air.
  3. >Dammit and three other owie fluffies are behind you.
  4. >You wonder out into a large field enjoying the afternoon sun on your fluff.
  5. >”Bad fwuffy! Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  6. >You look to see who is yelling and you see the smarty you gave sorry poopies to running toward you.
  7. >You stand wide and puff your cheeks, “Go way! Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  8. >Your owchie friends get in line behind you.
  9. >The other smarty is still running toward you with a look of fury on its face.
  10. >”Yoo bad bad bad fwuffy!”
  11. >He runs in front of you huffing, “Gif dat bad fwuffy owchies!”
  12. >The fluffies behind him start to shuffle nervously, “Dat munsta fwuffy….”
  13. >You get ready to give big owchies but then you hear, ”Yoo go way! Dis Snuggle Wuggle awea!”
  14. >You get surprised as you and the other smarty turn and see Snuggle Wuggle walking toward you.
  15. >You snap at her, “Dis nuu yoo awea! Yoo awea dat way!” You point to where she came from.
  16. >”Dum dum fwuffy wike dis pwace… Snuggle Wuggle cwaim it! Dis Snuggle Wuggle awea noa!”
  17. >The other smarty looks at the female smarty and starts to wag his tail, “Yoo pwetty fwuffy, Smawty gif speshul huggies!”
  18. >Snuggle Wuggle nips at the smarty forcing him back, “Nuu smawty speshul huggies till Snuggle Wuggle say!”
  19. >The smarty starts to stomp, “Den smawty gif sowwy emfs! Dis noa smawty awea!”
  20. >You stare down the other two, “Deadmeat here first, Dis Deadmeat awea!”
  21. >The owchie friends start to puff their cheeks at each other and give raspberries.
  22. >They can’t focus on one group and look around as menacingly as they can.
  23. >The three of you are locking eyes, none wanting to back down.
  24. >Finally Snuggle Wuggle stomps and whines in frustration.
  25. >She points to the smarty and says, “Go way!”
  26. >He lets out a scream and falls backwards, “Ahhhhhhh! Fwuffy hewt! Ahhhhhhh!”
  27. >He wiggles his legs randomly and cries, his fluffies run up and start to give him huggies.
  28. >You jump back surprised looking at the Pegasus with her hoof stuck out.
  29. >Her jaw is agape as she slowly brings her hoof back and looks at it.
  30. >She still has a shocked look on her face when she looks over at you.
  31. >And evil smile crosses her face and she points at you, “Go way!”
  32. >”Ahhhhhh! Fwuffy butt hewt! Wahhhh!” One of your owchie fluffies goes by you rubbing his butt on the ground.
  33. >You hear one of your fluffies behind you, “She gif owwies wif her hoofie…”
  34. >You get in a battle stance, “Deadmeat gif biggest owchies! Go way!”
  35. >She looks hesitant but then points her hoof at you again, “Go way!”
  36. >Something shoots past your ears and hits the ground between you and the female smarty.
  37. >A splash of blue explodes from the grass and sprays her blue green fluff.
  38. >You, Snuggle Wuggle and your fluffies turn and see a teen age boy lowering a paintball gun, “Fuck, I missed.”
  39. >Two other boys are pointing and laughing at him, “You suck dude!” each have their own paint gun.
  40. >You start to back up.
  41. >It sinks in that you are caught out in the open.
  42. >Dammit starts to run to the boys, “Gif owchies fo de smawty!”
  43. >Snuggle wuggle is speechless and pees in fear.
  44. >You run and push Dammit down, “Nuu! Dey munstas!”
  45. >You see their toothy grins as they bring up their paint ball guns and start aiming.
  46. >You look at your fluffies, “Efewy fwuffy wun! Wun fwom munstas!”
  47. >You take off as fast as you can past Snuggle Wuggle.
  48. >Snuggle wuggle turns and runs as well, “Owchie fwuffies wun!”
  49. >She looks toward you, “And gif dum dum smawty owchies!”
  50. >All fluffies take off in random directions as paint balls start to fly through the area.
  51. >The boys start to walk up.
  52. >The downed smarty starts to sit up, “Tank yoo, huggies make smawty feew betteh!”
  53. >A boy walks up behind him and shoots him point blank on his head.
  55. >His fluffies start to hug him again.
  56. >”These faggots aren’t fun… let’s get the runners!”
  57. >You make it to some bushes and run under them.
  58. >You look out across the field and see the boys shooing randomly around.
  59. >You start to sneak back to your area.
  60. >”Nnnnnnn! Bad fwuffy!”
  61. >You feel a fluffy jump on your back and start to nip your ears.
  62. >You start to shake, “Get off Deadmeat!”
  63. >He falls to your side, it is one of Snuggle Wuggle’s fluffies.
  64. >He jumps up and starts to nip at your nose.
  65. >You give him a fast boop then push him out from the bush.
  66. >He stands up with tears on his face, “Yoo fault nuu speshul huggies!”
  67. >You see a burst of color from his butt.
  68. >”Ahhhhahahaaa!! Wahhh!!” It screams and cries running back under the bush and past you.
  69. >Color starts to spray through the bush as you hear paint balls start ripping through it.
  70. >You take off again.
  71. >You run from bush to bush hearing the high pitched laughter and hoots from the boys around you.
  72. >”Bad munsta fwuffy!”
  73. >You see another one of Snuggle Wuggle’s fluffies run toward you across an open area.
  74. >He charges with a war cry and fury on his face.
  75. >”Fwuffy wan speshul huggie! It yoo fault! It yoo- AHHHHH!”
  76. >Almost immediately his side has splotches of colors explode on it.
  77. >He staggers to a bush with paint balls painting the area he was standing in.
  78. >You start to dart from tree to tree keeping an eye out for the two legged monsters.
  79. >Dum dum fluffies!
  80. >There are monsters attacking and they let their personal feeling interfere with their escape.
  81. >You are close to home and your hidey hole.
  82. >You are smarter than that.
  83. >You look around hoping your fluffies are safe.
  84. >When you get back you will-
  85. >”MUNSTA!”
  86. >The squirrel is hoping across the field.
  87. >You take off with your horn lowered.
  88. >The squirrel sees you and starts to chitter.
  89. >When you get close it starts to jump around you while you nip at it.
  90. >You almost got its tail!
  91. >It takes off with you giving chase.
  92. >It runs up a tree and you stand at the base shouting angrily, “Deadmeat get yoo munsta!”
  93. >”Yoo bad! Bad munsta take Deadmeat stuff! Yoo- WHAAA!“
  94. >You jump as a paint ball shoots between your legs and explodes on the tree.
  95. >You remember the two legged monsters and run behind a tree.
  96. >”Lucky son of a bitch!”
  97. >You run under a bush and start to sneak back to your area again.
  98. >You start getting closer.
  99. >”Why no werk?”
  100. >You look to your side and Snuggle Wuggle is waving her hoof at you.
  101. >You look at her, “Deadmeat no cawe, dat yoo area. Deadmeat nuu wan.”
  102. >She gives you a death stare and babbles and screams angrily unable to make words.
  103. >She turns and runs back to her area.
  104. >You are almost back to your area when you look back.
  105. >The other smarty has got back up and is looking around.
  106. >”Where bad fwuffies?”
  107. >His fluffies are making a small circle around him.
  108. >”Well guess those got away… Hey! Looks who’s up!”
  109. >One of his fluffies perks up, “Yay! Yoo new daddeh? Take fwuffy home!”
  110. >He trots up to the boys who kick him to the side, “Nope, not your daddy you little shit.”
  111. >They walk on, the smarty puffs his cheeks, “Dis smawty awae! You go way dum hoomin!”
  112. >The boys laugh and shoot the smarty between his eyes.
  113. >He falls back screaming.
  114. >The boys surround the smarty, “Looks like it’s just you asshole!”
  115. >The boys eyes narrow to slits with grins slithering across their face.
  116. >They start to slowly and methodically shoot the downed smarty.
  117. >”Wahhhhh! Fwuffy hewt! Hewp fwuffy! Wahhh! Fwuffy wan daddeh! Hewp! HEWP! WAHHHH!!”
  118. >The boys just laugh as they shot the smarty’s body randomly.
  119. >His fluffies are laying off to the side crying at their leaders pain.
  120. >”Why daddeh hewt smawty…”
  121. >”You boys get away from that fluffy!”
  122. >The man dressed in white carrying a net on his back is walking up.
  123. >he is dragging a wagon behind him with a large box on it.
  124. >The boys look at the man, “Ahhh, guess it’s the faggots lucky day. Hope they put you to sleep fucker!”
  125. >The boys start to walk away giggling, one steps on the smarty’s tail making him wail pitifully.
  126. >The man in white just looks down at the fluffy shaking his head.
  127. >He picks up the smarty and walks to the box.
  128. >He opens the top and puts him in.
  129. >His fluffies run up and start begging the man, “Nuu take smawty way! Smawty nee huggies!”
  130. >They are all jumping around the man in white’s feet, “Ok guys, hold on.”
  131. >He opens the box again and starts to pick up the concerned fluffies one by one.
  132. >”You give this poor guy all the hugs he needs.”
  133. >He places them one by one in the box and shuts it again.
  134. >Your heart sinks when you see the fluffy locked up.
  135. >You run back to your area and see your fluffies made it back.
  136. >Rose berry runs up to you, “Wosebewwy wan pway!”
  137. >You cut her off with a hug.
  138. >”Yay! Munsta smawty hug Wosebewwy! Wosebewwy gud fwuffy!” She hugs you back.
  139. >You let go and walk back to your hidey hole to rest.
  140. >Roseberry says, “Yoo bestest smawty!”
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