
Divine Dreams

Nov 27th, 2012
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  1. Fine tendrils of mist creep in, curling about your form and enveloping you in a cloud of dense brume. As you turn round and round, lost and bewildered by the uncertain surrounds, a light gleams faintly in the distance, growing brighter as it nears. Soon a figure emerges, statuesque and regal, carrying before her a lantern. She gives a graceful nod as she passes you, the faint scent of a water lily lingering in her wake as the mist around you fades away.
  3. Surrounded by supplicants clamouring for attention is a golden-haired youth, his roguish grin captivating all who draw near. With a casual flick of the wrist, he tosses a golden sovereign into the air, laughing as it spins and falls.
  5. Rising up from a mist of blood as a fierce battle rages, a warrior towers over his shadowed combatants. Letting free a ferocious roar, the master of combat charges towards you, and you see your own death in his eyes.
  7. The Scales constellation glitters in the night sky. Against the starry backdrop rises a throne, from which a blindfolded figure looks down with calm dispassion. Humbly you drop to your knees, awaiting judgement for your actions.
  9. Rising up in a billowing cloud of red fog is a fearsome figure, his features obscured by a long robe. All that can be seen is a crimson gem gleaming brightly from within the shadowy folds of the robe, and a cruel chuckle rumbles all around as you tremble in fear.
  11. A hunter moves silently through the forest, crouched low as he stalks his prey. An arrow whispers through the air, striking its target, and the howl of a wolf echoes through your dream. The hunter is soon joined by a lovely figure, graceful and more beautiful than any other you have seen. She brings her lips to his cheek with a simple kiss and, smiling at each other, the two lovers walk away, hand in hand, fading in the distance.
  13. A low, feminine chuckle resonates within the depths of your mind as your vision is flooded with crimson light. Out of the fiery glow comes a many-armed woman, dusky and sinfully beautiful, gliding upon the tail of a serpent as her devilish smile grows wider.
  15. Comforting rays of sunshine bathe your skin in warmth as a regal figure descends from her celestial throne. A leonine ferocity gleams in her eyes as she approaches you, and the warmth turns to searing heat before she pauses, fading away with a knowing smile.
  17. Beneath the arching boughs of a forest, a girl approaches, her golden hair dressed with a crown of fresh spring blossoms. As she gazes about the greenwood with a summery smile, she is surrounded by a flurry of autumn leaves and begins to fade, with snowflakes falling from the sky in her wake.
  19. Resplendent and valorous, a figure in gleaming armour towers over the land, two luminous swords within his vigilant grasp. Undaunted by foes, he journeys eternally onward, seeking out the shadows and bringing light to the darkness.
  21. A young woman sits at the edge of a glassy pond, casually tossing pebbles into the centre. As ripples form upon the surface and radiate outward, she turns to look at you and smiles, her bright eyes filled with compassion.
  23. Manic laughter ricochets across the lands as a young figure wreaks havoc without rhyme nor reason. Villages erupt in blazing fire while rampaging bands of mercenaries blend seamlessly into billowing smoke and flickering flames, following their leader with blind zealotry.
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