Guest User


a guest
Aug 14th, 2012
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Bash 1.34 KB | None | 0 0
  1. background yes
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  44. ${if_match "${execi 2 deadbeef --nowplaying "%a - %t"}" != "nothing"}
  45. ${else}${execpi 1 ~/.config/conky/}
  47. TEXT
  48. ${image /home/ratte/kren/s4.png  -s 270x270 -p -1, -1 }
  49. ${if_match "${exec deadbeef --nowplaying %t}" != "nothing"}${if_existing /tmp/deadbeef/}\
  50. \
  51. ${if_match "${exec deadbeef --nowplaying "%a - %t"}" == "${exec cat /tmp/deadbeef/db.log}"}\
  52. ${else}${execpi 1 ~/.config/conky/ddbC/}${endif}\
  53. \
  54. ${if_existing /tmp/deadbeef/cover.jpg}\
  55. ${image /tmp/deadbeef/cover.jpg -p -1,-1 -s 270x270 -n -f 2}
  56. ${endif}\
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