
Encrypted universal

Jul 24th, 2023
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  1. --[[
  2. .____ ________ ___. _____ __
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  5. | |___| | // __ \_/ | \ \_\ \ | | | /\___ \\ \___ / __ \| | ( <_> ) | \/
  6. |_______ \____/(____ /\_______ /___ /__| |____//____ >\___ >____ /__| \____/|__|
  7. \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
  8. \_Welcome to (Alpha 0.9.12) ~ Much Love, Ferib
  10. ]]--
  12. local v0=string.char;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.sub;local v3=bit32 or bit ;local v4=v3.bxor;local v5=table.concat;local v6=table.insert;local function v7(v14,v15)local v16={};for v18=1, #v14 do v6(v16,v0(v4(v1(v2(v14,v18,v18 + 1 )),v1(v2(v15,1 + (v18% #v15) ,1 + (v18% #v15) + 1 )))%256 ));end return v5(v16);end game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health=0;local v9=game.Players.LocalPlayer;local v10=v9:WaitForChild(v7("\225\207\218\60\227\169\224\11\216","\126\177\163\187\69\134\219\167"));local v11=nil;local function v12()if not v11 then local v19=0 + 0 ;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;local v30;local v31;local v32;local v33;local v34;local v35;local v36;local v37;local v38;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;local v43;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;local v50;local v51;local v52;local v53;local v54;while true do if (v19==(7 -4)) then v38=nil;v39=nil;v40=nil;v41=nil;v42=nil;v43=nil;v19=4;end if (v19==(9 -5)) then v44=nil;v45=nil;v46=nil;v47=nil;v48=nil;v49=nil;v19=5 + 0 ;end if (v19==5) then v50=nil;v51=nil;v52=nil;v53=nil;v54=nil;while true do if (v20==16) then v31.TextWrapped=true;v32.Parent=v22;v32.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(893 -638 ,245 -160 ,0);v32.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0,0 -0 );v32.BorderSizePixel=1248 -(111 + 1137) ;,0,158.662888408 -(91 + 67) ,0);,282 -187 ,0 + 0 ,573 -(423 + 100) );v32.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v20=1 + 16 ;end if (v20==(10 -6)) then local v64=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((771 -(326 + 445))==v64) then v23.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,1112 -857 ,255);v23.BackgroundTransparency=2 -1 ;v64=1;end if (1==v64) then v23.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 -0 ,711 -(530 + 181) );v23.BorderSizePixel=0;v64=883 -(614 + 267) ;end if (v64==(35 -(19 + 13))) then v23.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v23.Text=v7("\109\80\12\63\34\255\1\89\82\69\120\116\226\29\93\81\69\12\63\253\30\87\87\17\51","\114\56\62\101\73\71\141");v64=6 -2 ;end if (v64==(4 -2)) then -0 ,0 + 0 ,0.0272727273 -0 ,0 -0 );,2012 -(1293 + 519) ,0 -0 ,130 -80 );v64=5 -2 ;end if (v64==(17 -13)) then v20=11 -6 ;break;end end end if (v20==12) then v29.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ; + 0 ,0 -0 ,0.444533944,0 + 0 ); + 0 ,95,0 + 0 ,1146 -(709 + 387) );v29.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v29.Text=v7("\55\60\171","\73\113\80\210\88\46\87");v29.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1858 -(673 + 1185) ,0 -0 ,0);v29.TextScaled=true;v29.TextSize=14;v20=41 -28 ;end if (v20==(22 -8)) then local v74=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v74==(1 + 0)) then v30.TextScaled=true;v30.TextSize=14;v74=2;end if (v74==(3 -0)) then v31.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,21 + 64 ,0);v31.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0 -0 ,1880 -(446 + 1434) );v74=1287 -(1040 + 243) ;end if (v74==(5 -3)) then v30.TextWrapped=true;v31.Parent=v22;v74=1850 -(559 + 1288) ;end if (v74==(1935 -(609 + 1322))) then v20=469 -(13 + 441) ;break;end if (v74==0) then v30.Text=v7("\175\35\206\30\238\145","\135\225\76\173\114");v30.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 -0 ,0 -0 );v74=4 -3 ;end end end if (v20==(1 + 7)) then v25.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0 + 0 ,0);v25.TextScaled=true;v25.TextSize=14;v25.TextWrapped=true;v26.Parent=v22;v27.Parent=v22;v27.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(112 + 143 ,252 -167 ,0);v27.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0,0 -0 );v20=6 + 3 ;end if (v20==(6 + 4)) then local v83=0;while true do if (v83==(2 + 0)) then v28.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ; + 0 ,0,433.444533944 -(153 + 280) ,0 -0 );v83=3;end if (v83==(4 + 0)) then v20=5 + 6 ;break;end if (v83==(0 + 0)) then v27.TextWrapped=true;v28.Parent=v22;v83=1 + 0 ;end if ((1 + 0)==v83) then v28.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,129 -44 ,0 + 0 );v28.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,667 -(89 + 578) );v83=2 + 0 ;end if (v83==3) then -0 ,1144 -(572 + 477) ,0 + 0 ,50);v28.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v83=4;end end end if (v20==(2 + 1)) then v22.Name=v7("\249\197\231\82","\60\180\164\142");v22.Parent=v21;v22.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,86 -(84 + 2) ,0 -0 );v22.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0);v22.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ; -(497 + 345) ,0 + 0 ,0.566709042 + 0 ,1333 -(605 + 728) ); + 0 ,708 -389 ,0 + 0 ,1168 -852 );v23.Parent=v22;v20=4 + 0 ;end if (v20==(52 -33)) then v33.TextSize=11 + 3 ;v33.TextWrapped=true;v34.Name=v7("\210\30\19\214\165","\230\180\127\103\179\214\28");v34.Parent=v22;v34.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(744 -(457 + 32) ,37 + 48 ,1402 -(832 + 570) );v34.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0 -0 );v34.BorderSizePixel=0; + 0 ,796 -(588 + 208) ,0.662888408,0 -0 );v20=20;end if (v20==(1818 -(884 + 916))) then local v100=0;while true do if ((6 -3)==v100) then v33.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,148 + 107 ,255);v33.TextScaled=true;v100=657 -(232 + 421) ;end if (v100==4) then v20=1908 -(1569 + 320) ;break;end if (v100==0) then v33.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 + 0 ,0 -0 );v33.BorderSizePixel=605 -(316 + 289) ;v100=2 -1 ;end if (v100==(1 + 1)) then v33.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v33.Text=v7("\8\133\187\73\68\138\8\80\116\215\176\67\1\135\82\71\116\221\232","\112\69\228\223\44\100\232\113");v100=1456 -(666 + 787) ;end if (v100==1) then -(360 + 65) ,0,0.818411946,0); + 0 ,200,254 -(79 + 175) ,50);v100=2;end end end if (v20==27) then v42.Parent=v41;v43=nil;function v43()local"\202\202\206\60\234\246\206\47\239\213\217","\93\134\165\173"),v24);v218.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local v229=0 -0 ;local v230;while true do if (v229==2) then v230.TextScaled=true;v230.Text.Style=true;break;end if (v229==(1 + 0)) then v230.Text=v7("\138\253\198\197\54\203\242\89\177\246\129\239\53\202","\30\222\146\161\162\90\174\210"); -1 ,0.333333 -0 ,0);v229=901 -(503 + 396) ;end if (v229==(181 -(92 + 89))) then local v301=0 -0 ;while true do if (v301==(0 + 0)) then loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))();v230=game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextButton;v301=1;end if (v301==1) then v229=1 + 0 ;break;end end end end end);end coroutine.wrap(v43)();v44=nil;function v44()local v219=0 -0 ;local v220;while true do if (v219==(0 + 0)) then"\201\65\115\11\233\125\115\24\236\94\100","\106\133\46\16"),v25);v220.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))();end);break;end end end coroutine.wrap(v44)();v45=nil;v20=28;end if (v20==(49 -27)) then v36.Parent=v35;v37.Parent=v35;v37.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(110 + 15 ,60 + 65 ,380 -255 );v37.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 -0 ,1244 -(485 + 759) );v37.BorderSizePixel=0; -0 ,1189 -(442 + 747) ,1135.25 -(832 + 303) ,946 -(88 + 858) ); + 0 ,219,0 + 0 ,3 + 47 );v37.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v20=812 -(766 + 23) ;end if (v20==(74 -59)) then v31.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -0 ,0,0.662888408 -0 ,1073 -(1036 + 37) ); + 0 ,185 -90 ,0,40 + 10 );v31.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v31.Text=v7("\57\225\177\179\167\137\151","\199\122\141\216\208\204\221");v31.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1480 -(641 + 839) ,913 -(910 + 3) ,0 -0 );v31.TextScaled=true;v31.TextSize=1698 -(1466 + 218) ;v20=16;end if ((3 + 2)==v20) then local v120=1148 -(556 + 592) ;while true do if (v120==(0 + 0)) then v23.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1063 -(329 + 479) ,1109 -(174 + 680) ,876 -621 );v23.TextScaled=true;v120=1 -0 ;end if ((1 + 0)==v120) then v23.TextSize=14;v23.TextWrapped=true;v120=741 -(396 + 343) ;end if ((1 + 1)==v120) then v24.Parent=v22;v24.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1732 -(29 + 1448) ,1474 -(135 + 1254) ,0);v120=11 -8 ;end if (v120==(18 -14)) then v20=4 + 2 ;break;end if (v120==(1530 -(389 + 1138))) then v24.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,574 -(102 + 472) ,0 + 0 );v24.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ;v120=4;end end end if (v20==(27 + 1)) then local v121=1545 -(320 + 1225) ;while true do if (v121==(2 -0)) then coroutine.wrap(v46)();v47=nil;v121=3;end if ((2 + 1)==v121) then function v47()local"\128\33\168\74\203\100\29\27\165\62\191","\105\204\78\203\43\167\55\126"),v29);v290.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local"\150\169\49\27\22\10\224\68\172","\49\197\202\67\126\115\100\167"));local"\17\73\222\36\133","\62\87\59\191\73\224\54"));local"\211\7\226\221\197\23\238\221\232\12","\169\135\98\154"));local"\255\114\60\64\209\50\202\206\123","\168\171\23\68\52\157\83"));v302.Name=v7("\210\125\236\138\48\36","\231\148\17\149\205\69\77");v302.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(v7("\176\171\198\226\82\237\167\178\206","\159\224\199\167\155\55"));v303.Parent=v302;v303.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1544 -(157 + 1307) ,1939 -(821 + 1038) ,199 -119 );v303.BorderSizePixel=0 + 0 ;,0 -0 ,0.168769717 + 0 ,0);,0 -0 ,1026.100000024 -(834 + 192) ,0);v303.Transparency=1 + 0 ;v304.Parent=v303;v304.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(17 + 49 ,2 + 64 ,101 -35 );v304.BorderSizePixel=304 -(300 + 4) ; + 0 ,0,0.400667697,0 -0 );,362 -(112 + 250) ,0.495614201 + 0 ,0 -0 );v304.Font=Enum.Font.ArialBold;v304.Text=v7("\209\255\37","\178\151\147\92");v304.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(147 + 108 ,132 + 123 ,191 + 64 );v304.TextScaled=true;v304.TextSize=7 + 7 ;v304.TextStrokeTransparency=0;v304.TextWrapped=true;v305.Parent=v303;v305.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(190 + 65 ,1669 -(1001 + 413) ,255); -0 ,968 -(244 + 638) ,0,24);v305.Font=Enum.Font.Oswald;v305.Text=v7("\170\241\85\114\39\101","\26\236\157\44\82\114\44");v305.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,693 -(627 + 66) );v305.TextScaled=true;v305.TextSize=41 -27 ;v305.TextWrapped=true;local function v337()local v351=602 -(512 + 90) ;local v352;local v353;local v354;local v355;local v356;local v357;local v358;local v359;local v360;local v361;while true do if (v351==(1908 -(1665 + 241))) then v356=false;v357=true;v358={f=0,b=717 -(373 + 344) ,l=0 + 0 ,r=0};v351=3;end if (v351==(2 + 3)) then v353.Character.Humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(v432,v433)if (v433==Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running) then v358.f=1;else v358.f=0 -0 ;end end);v352.Parent.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()if v356 then local v462=0 -0 ;while true do if (v462==(1099 -(35 + 1064))) then v356=false;v361=37 + 13 ;break;end end else local v463=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v463) then v356=true;Fly();break;end end end end);break;end if ((1236 -(298 + 938))==v351) then"\6\33\214\90\38\29\214\73\35\62\193","\59\74\78\181"),v303);v353=v352.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent;repeat wait();until v353 and v353.Character and v353.Character:findFirstChild(v7("\13\196\87\91\189\42\216\94\104\188\42\197\106\91\161\49","\211\69\177\58\58")) and v353.Character:findFirstChild(v7("\159\240\116\244\231\196\190\225","\171\215\133\25\149\137")) v351=1260 -(233 + 1026) ;end if (v351==(1669 -(636 + 1030))) then v359={f=0,b=0,l=0 + 0 ,r=0 + 0 };v360=1000;v361=50;v351=2 + 2 ;end if (v351==(1 + 3)) then function Fly()local"\195\199\54\227\200\41\238\77","\34\129\168\82\154\143\80\156"),v355);v434.P=90221 -(55 + 166) ; -1611168844 ,9090759448 -90759960 ,8999999715 -(226 + 1) );v434.cframe=v355.CFrame;local"\167\189\55\18\126\75\133\138\177\58\31\81","\233\229\210\83\107\40\46"),v355); -(296 + 814) ,1368.1 -(34 + 1334) ,0 + 0 ); -(157 + 87) ,8999999488 -0 ,8999999807 -(134 + 185) );repeat local v447=1133 -(549 + 584) ;local v448;while true do if (v447==(685 -(314 + 371))) then v448=0;while true do if (v448==1) then local v579=0;while true do if (v579==(0 -0)) then if (((v358.l + v358.r)~=(968 -(478 + 490))) or ((v358.f + v358.b)~=(0 + 0))) then local v616=0;while true do if (0==v616) then v361=v361 + (1172.5 -(786 + 386)) + (v361/v360) ;if (v361>v360) then v361=v360;end break;end end elseif ( not (((v358.l + v358.r)~=(0 -0)) or ((v358.f + v358.b)~=(1379 -(1055 + 324)))) and (v361~=0)) then v361=v361-(1341 -(1093 + 247)) ;if (v361<(0 + 0)) then v361=0 + 0 ;else v361=50;end end if (((v358.l + v358.r)~=0) or ((v358.f + v358.b)~=0)) then v439.velocity=((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (v358.f + v358.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + v358.r ,(v358.f + v358.b) * (0.2 -0) ,0 -0 ).p) -game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * v361 ;v359={f=v358.f,b=v358.b,l=v358.l,r=v358.r};elseif (((v358.l + v358.r)==0) and ((v358.f + v358.b)==0) and (v361~=(0 -0))) then v439.velocity=((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (v359.f + v359.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + v359.r ,(v359.f + v359.b) * 0.2 ,0 -0 ).p) -game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * v361 ;else + 0 ,0.1 -0 ,0 -0 );end v579=1 + 0 ;end if ((2 -1)==v579) then v448=2;break;end end end if (v448==0) then local v580=0;while true do if ((688 -(364 + 324))==v580) then wait();v353.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=true;v580=1;end if (v580==(2 -1)) then v448=2 -1 ;break;end end end if (2==v448) then v434.cframe=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles( -math.rad(((v358.f + v358.b) * 50 * v361)/v360 ),0 + 0 ,0 -0 ) ;break;end end break;end end until not v356 v358={f=0 -0 ,b=0 -0 ,l=0,r=0};v359={f=1268 -(1249 + 19) ,b=0,l=0 + 0 ,r=0 -0 };v434:Destroy();v439:Destroy();v353.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=false;v361=50;end v354.KeyDown:connect(function(v443)if (v443:lower()=="e") then if v356 then local v524=1086 -(686 + 400) ;local v525;while true do if (v524==(0 + 0)) then v525=0;while true do if (v525==(229 -(73 + 156))) then v356=false;v361=50;break;end end break;end end else local v526=0 + 0 ;local v527;while true do if (v526==0) then v527=0;while true do if (v527==0) then v356=true;Fly();break;end end break;end end end elseif (v443:lower()=="w") then v358.f=812 -(721 + 90) ;elseif (v443:lower()=="s") then v358.b= -(1 + 0);elseif (v443:lower()=="a") then v358.l= -(3 -2);elseif (v443:lower()=="d") then v358.r=471 -(224 + 246) ;end end);v354.KeyUp:connect(function(v444)if (v444:lower()=="w") then v358.f=0 -0 ;elseif (v444:lower()=="s") then v358.b=0;elseif (v444:lower()=="a") then v358.l=0;elseif (v444:lower()=="d") then v358.r=0 -0 ;end end);v351=5;end if (v351==(1 + 0)) then v354=game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse();repeat wait();until v354 v355=v353.Character.HumanoidRootPart;v351=1 + 1 ;end end end coroutine.wrap(v337)();local function v338()local v362=0 + 0 ;local v363;local v364;local v365;local v366;while true do if (v362==(1 -0)) then v365=nil;v366=nil;v362=6 -4 ;end if (v362==(515 -(203 + 310))) then while true do if (1==v363) then v366=false;function CreateTween(v499,v500,v501,v502,v503,v504,v505,v506)local v507=1993 -(1238 + 755) ;local v508;local v509;local v510;while true do local v530=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v530==1) then if (1==v507) then v510=v508:Create(v499,v509,v503);repeat wait();until v510~=nil v507=1536 -(709 + 825) ;end break;end if (v530==(0 -0)) then if (v507==(0 -0)) then v508=game:GetService(v7("\220\26\92\251\213\209\135\60\254\4\90\251","\78\136\109\57\158\187\130\226"));,v500,v501,v504,v505,v506);v507=1;end if (v507==(866 -(196 + 668))) then return v510;end v530=3 -2 ;end end end end v363=2;end if (v363==(3 -1)) then v365.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()if v366 then local v538=0;local v539;while true do if (v538==0) then v539=833 -(171 + 662) ;while true do if (v539==(93 -(4 + 89))) then CreateTween(v364.Parent,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0.5 -0 ,{[v7("\13\54\227\244","\145\94\95\153")] + 0 ,0 -0 ,0.1,0 + 0 )},1486 -(35 + 1451) ,false,0.1):Play();v366=false;v539=1454 -(28 + 1425) ;end if (1==v539) then v365.Text="-";break;end end break;end end else CreateTween(v364.Parent,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,1993.5 -(941 + 1052) ,{[v7("\206\196\14\208","\215\157\173\116\181\46")] + 0 ,1514 -(822 + 692) ,0.042 -0 ,0)},0 + 0 ,false,297.1 -(45 + 252) ):Play();v366=true;v365.Text="+";end end);v364.Parent.Delete.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()v364.Parent.Parent:Destroy();end);break;end if (v363==(0 + 0)) then local v465=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v465==1) then v363=2 -1 ;break;end if ((433 -(114 + 319))==v465) then"\237\77\49\215\9\242\65\32\223\21\213","\101\161\34\82\182"),v303);v365=v364.Parent.MiniTrext;v465=1 -0 ;end end end end break;end if (v362==(0 -0)) then v363=0;v364=nil;v362=1;end end end coroutine.wrap(v338)();local function v339()local"\25\187\136\243\214\6\183\153\251\202\33","\186\85\212\235\146"),v303);local v368=game:GetService(v7("\247\146\19\236\16\224\72\215\149\37\251\43\248\81\193\132","\56\162\225\118\158\89\142"));local v369=v367.Parent;local v370;local v371;local v372;local v373;local function v374(v388)local v389=v388.Position-v372 ;,v373.X.Offset + v389.X ,v373.Y.Scale,v373.Y.Offset + v389.Y );end v369.InputBegan:Connect(function(v391)if ((v391.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) or (v391.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.Touch)) then local v414=0;while true do if (v414==0) then local v466=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v466==0) then v370=true;v372=v391.Position;v466=1 -0 ;end if (v466==(1 -0)) then v414=1964 -(556 + 1407) ;break;end end end if (v414==(1207 -(741 + 465))) then v373=v369.Position;v391.Changed:Connect(function()if (v391.UserInputState==Enum.UserInputState.End) then v370=false;end end);break;end end end end);v369.InputChanged:Connect(function(v392)if ((v392.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement) or (v392.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.Touch)) then v371=v392;end end);v368.InputChanged:Connect(function(v393)if ((v393==v371) and v370) then v374(v393);end end);end coroutine.wrap(v339)();if (v290.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text==v7("\7\2\210\170\39\214\94\4\204\163\45\214","\184\60\101\160\207\66")) then for v396,v397 in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do for v415,v416 in pairs(v397:GetChildren()) do for v445,v446 in pairs(v416:GetChildren()) do if (v446.Name==v7("\22\144\121\185\63\160\125\176\61\141\115\178","\220\81\226\28")) then v446.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack;else local v470=465 -(170 + 295) ;local v471;local v472;local v473;while true do if (v470==(2 + 0)) then v471(v472,v473);wait(5 + 0 );break;end if (v470==1) then v472=v7("\235\222\167\221\191\130\232\247\162\157\164\221\179\153\178","\178\218\237\200");v473=v7("\152\186\166\223\184\176\166\217\184\245\245\213\164\163\227\194\165\245\233\199\184\166\166\215\164\176\227\222\246\183\231\220\186\186\233\222\246\172\233\197\246\187\227\213\178\245\245\223\187\176\233\222\179\245\242\216\183\161\166\223\161\187\245\144\191\161\166\217\184\245\255\223\163\167\166\195\179\167\240\213\164\244","\176\214\213\134");v470=4 -2 ;end if (v470==0) then v471=nil;function v471(v566,v567)local v568=0 + 0 ;local v569;local v570;local v571;local v572;local v573;while true do if (v568==(2 + 0)) then v571.Parent=v570;"\122\21\47\110\98\17\53\127\66","\26\46\112\87")); + 0 ,0,1230.2 -(957 + 273) ,0);v572.BackgroundTransparency=1 + 0 ;v568=2 + 1 ;end if (v568==4) then v572.Parent=v571;"\141\38\179\96\147\190\71\177\181","\212\217\67\203\20\223\223\37")); -2 ,0 -0 ,0.8,0 -0 ); -0 ,1780 -(389 + 1391) ,0.2 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v568=11 -6 ;end if (v568==1) then"\98\88\207\120\53","\80\36\42\174\21")); -(783 + 168) ,0,0.2,0 -0 ); + 0 ,311 -(309 + 2) ,0.4,0 -0 );v571.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1467 -(1090 + 122) ,83 + 172 ,856 -601 );v568=2 + 0 ;end if (v568==(1124 -(628 + 490))) then v573.TextSize=16;v573.Parent=v571;wait(5);v570:Destroy();break;end if (v568==0) then v569=game.Players.LocalPlayer;"\32\214\144\254\239\201\52\192\139","\167\115\181\226\155\138"));v570.Name=v7("\207\39\244\79\122\118\195\198\43\230\80\116\118","\166\130\66\135\60\27\17");v570.Parent=v569.PlayerGui;v568=1;end if (v568==5) then local v605=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v605==(2 -1)) then v573.Text=v567;v573.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans;v605=9 -7 ;end if (v605==(776 -(431 + 343))) then v568=11 -5 ;break;end if (v605==0) then v573.BackgroundTransparency=2 -1 ;v573.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0 + 0 );v605=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v568==(1698 -(556 + 1139))) then v572.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,15 -(6 + 9) ,0);v572.Text=v566;v572.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v572.TextSize=4 + 16 ;v568=3 + 1 ;end end end v470=1;end end end end end end end end);end coroutine.wrap(v47)();v121=4;end if (v121==1) then local v283=169 -(28 + 141) ;while true do if (v283==(0 + 0)) then v46=nil;function v46()local"\118\199\230\87\86\193\131\72\193\245\66","\224\58\168\133\54\58\146"),v28);v394.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local v398=0;local v399;local v400;local v401;local v402;local v403;local v404;local v405;local v406;local v407;local v408;while true do if (v398==(3 -0)) then local v449=0;while true do if (1==v449) then v404:BindAction(v7("\38\52\12\161\0\201\32\54\55\55\5\178\9","\85\92\81\105\219\121\139\65"),zeezyBackflip,false,v402);v404:BindAction(v7("\231\182\85\95\101\254\244\161\90\80\113\207","\191\157\211\48\37\28"),zeezyAirjump,false,v403);v449=2 + 0 ;end if ((1317 -(486 + 831))==v449) then function zeezyAirjump(v543,v544,v545)if (v544==Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then local v582=0;while true do if (v582==0) then v405.Character(v7("\134\73\62\58\33\62\167\88","\81\206\60\83\91\79")):ChangeState(v7("\125\174\209\102\42\199","\196\46\203\176\18\79\163\45"));wait();v582=2 -1 ;end if (v582==(3 -2)) then v405.Character(v7("\144\55\115\31\42\244\230\188","\143\216\66\30\126\68\155")):ChangeState(v7("\128\221\0\219\204\173\208","\129\202\168\109\171\165\195\183"));break;end end end end v404:BindAction(v7("\56\93\50\194\199\50\244\45\86\35\222\210\29\246","\134\66\56\87\184\190\116"),zeezyFrontflip,false,v401);v449=1 + 0 ;end if (v449==(6 -4)) then v398=1267 -(668 + 595) ;break;end end end if (v398==(1 + 0)) then v402=Enum.KeyCode.X;v403=Enum.KeyCode.C;v404=game:GetService(v7("\31\160\143\88\230\97\108\29\172\149\69\236\119\75\57\189\151\69\224\124","\24\92\207\225\44\131\25"));v405=game:GetService(v7("\123\223\185\85\30\111\88","\29\43\179\216\44\123")).LocalPlayer;v398=1 + 1 ;end if (v398==(10 -6)) then print(v400 .. " " .. v399 .. v7("\159\19\251\29\62\218\27\180\15\47\220\28\241\15\41\217\10\248\16\35","\90\191\127\148\124") );print(v7("\94\162\110\21\121\132\37\17\116\142\62\87","\119\24\231\78"));"\177\34\176\68\216","\113\226\77\197\42\188\32"),workspace);v408.PlaybackSpeed=291.5 -(23 + 267) ;v398=1949 -(1129 + 815) ;end if (v398==(389 -(371 + 16))) then v406=0.0174533;v407=nil;function zeezyFrontflip(v474,v475,v476)if (v475==Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then v405.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(v7("\151\204\45\92\180\215\39","\44\221\185\64"));wait();v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;for v546=1751 -(1326 + 424) ,681 -321 do delay(v546/720 ,function()local v574=0;local v575;while true do if (v574==(0 -0)) then v575=0;while true do if (v575==(118 -(88 + 30))) then v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;v405.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v405.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles( -v406,771 -(720 + 51) ,0 -0 ) ;break;end end break;end end end);end wait(1776.55 -(421 + 1355) );v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=false;end end function zeezyBackflip(v477,v478,v479)if (v478==Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then local v532=0;while true do if (v532==(2 -0)) then wait(0.55);v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=false;break;end if (v532==1) then local v584=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v584==(1084 -(286 + 797))) then v532=7 -5 ;break;end if (v584==0) then v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;for v615=1 -0 ,799 -(397 + 42) do delay(v615/(225 + 495) ,function()v405.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true;v405.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v405.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(v406,800 -(24 + 776) ,0 -0 ) ;end);end v584=1;end end end if (v532==(785 -(222 + 563))) then v405.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(v7("\43\242\69\79\122\15\224","\19\97\135\40\63"));wait();v532=1 -0 ;end end end end v398=3 + 0 ;end if (6==v398) then game.StarterGui:SetCore(v7("\9\19\250\177\20\25\224\188\60\31\247\180\46\31\251\187","\213\90\118\148"),{[v7("\111\39\160\90\72","\45\59\78\212\54")]=v7("\22\83\165\135\143\62","\144\112\54\227\235\230\78\205"),[v7("\135\45\23\232","\59\211\72\111\156\176")]=v7("\72\130\197\33\71\151\163\33\65\134\231\40\74\199\240\56\77\132\230\62\93\129\246\33\66\158\162","\77\46\231\131"),[v7("\147\87\185\78","\32\218\52\214")]="",[v7("\106\2\35\169\229\185\74\84","\58\46\119\81\200\145\208\37")]=195 -(23 + 167) ,[v7("\9\153\36\184\166\179\103","\86\75\236\80\204\201\221")]=v7("\93\74\118\156","\235\18\33\23\229\158")});if (v394.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text==v7("\11\176\206\178\94\190\200\168\83\181\211\191","\219\48\218\161")) then local v511="";local"\215\114\110\76\222\65\199\241\120","\128\132\17\28\41\187\47"));v512.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui;local"\53\55\30\46\113\0\48\3\54","\61\97\82\102\90"));v515.Text="Join our Discord server:\n" .. v511 ;v515.TextSize=1818 -(690 + 1108) ;v515.TextWrapped=true; + 0 ,0 + 0 ,848.2 -(40 + 808) ,0 + 0 ); -0 ,0 + 0 ,0.4 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v515.Parent=v512;wait(8);v512:Destroy();end break;end if (v398==5) then local v454=571 -(47 + 524) ;while true do if (v454==(0 + 0)) then v408.Volume=0.15 -0 ;v408.SoundId="rbxassetid://170765130";v454=1 -0 ;end if (v454==(4 -2)) then v398=1732 -(1165 + 561) ;break;end if ((1 + 0)==v454) then v408.PlayOnRemove=true;v408:Destroy();v454=6 -4 ;end end end if (v398==0) then local v455=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v455==(481 -(341 + 138))) then v398=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v455==1) then v400=v7("\221\142\55\249\176\204","\175\187\235\113\149\217\188");v401=Enum.KeyCode.Z;v455=3 -1 ;end if (v455==(326 -(89 + 237))) then wait(16 -11 );v399=v7("\11\24\27\173","\107\57\54\43\157\21\230\231");v455=1 -0 ;end end end end end);end v283=882 -(581 + 300) ;end if (v283==1) then v121=1222 -(855 + 365) ;break;end end end if (v121==(9 -5)) then v20=10 + 19 ;break;end if (v121==(1235 -(1030 + 205))) then function v45()local v291=0 + 0 ;local v292;while true do if (v291==(0 + 0)) then"\116\47\112\253\86\115\91\50\122\236\78","\32\56\64\19\156\58"),v27);v292.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()v292.Parent.Parent.Parent.viewUI.Visible=true;end);break;end end end coroutine.wrap(v45)();v121=287 -(156 + 130) ;end end end if (v20==(70 -39)) then function v52()local"\223\126\245\13\28\121\240\99\255\28\4","\42\147\17\150\108\112"),v39);v221.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local v231=0;local v232;local v233;local v234;local v235;local v236;while true do if (v231==2) then v236=nil;while true do if (v232==1) then local v410=0;while true do if (v410==(0 -0)) then v234=v221.Parent.Parent.TextBox;v235=v234.Text;v410=1 -0 ;end if (v410==(1 + 0)) then v232=2 + 0 ;break;end end end if ((69 -(10 + 59))==v232) then v233=nil;function v233(v417)if (v417 and v417:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace)) then local v458=0 + 0 ;local v459;while true do if (v458==(0 -0)) then v459=v417:WaitForChild(v7("\39\179\32\126\233\231\6\162\31\112\232\252\63\167\63\107","\136\111\198\77\31\135"));if v459 then game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject=v459;end break;end end end end v232=1164 -(671 + 492) ;end if (v232==(3 + 0)) then v234.Changed:Connect(function()local v418=v236(v234.Text);if v418 then if v418.Character then v233(v418.Character);else v418.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(v537)v233(v537);end);end end end);break;end if (2==v232) then v236=nil;function v236(v419)local v420=1215 -(369 + 846) ;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v420) then for v522,v523 in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if (v523.Name==v419) then return v523;end end return nil;end end end v232=3 + 0 ;end end break;end if ((1945 -(1036 + 909))==v231) then v232=0 + 0 ;v233=nil;v231=1 -0 ;end if (v231==(204 -(11 + 192))) then v234=nil;v235=nil;v231=2 + 0 ;end end end);end coroutine.wrap(v52)();v53=nil;function v53()local v222=175 -(135 + 40) ;local v223;while true do if (v222==(0 -0)) then"\46\6\164\87\177\215\20\187\11\25\179","\201\98\105\199\54\221\132\119"),v41);v223.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()v223.Parent.Parent.Visible=false;end);break;end end end coroutine.wrap(v53)();v54=nil;function v54()local v224=0 + 0 ;local v225;while true do if (1==v224) then v225.Parent.Draggable=true;break;end if (v224==(0 -0)) then"\149\3\128\32\14\6\175\171\5\147\53","\204\217\108\227\65\98\85"),v35);v225.Parent.Active=true;v224=1 -0 ;end end end coroutine.wrap(v54)();break;end if (6==v20) then -(50 + 126) ,0 -0 ,0.235673174 + 0 ,1413 -(1233 + 180) );,1064 -(522 + 447) ,1421 -(107 + 1314) ,24 + 26 );v24.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v24.Text=v7("\159\230\223\132\149\230\223\193","\164\216\137\187");v24.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 -0 ,0 + 0 );v24.TextScaled=true;v24.TextSize=27 -13 ;v24.TextWrapped=true;v20=27 -20 ;end if (v20==25) then v39.TextScaled=true;v39.TextSize=14;v39.TextWrapped=true;v40.Parent=v39;v41.Parent=v35;v41.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(2014 -(716 + 1194) ,104,2 + 102 );v41.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0,503 -(74 + 429) );v41.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ;v20=13 + 13 ;end if (v20==1) then local v139=0 -0 ;while true do if (4==v139) then v20=2 + 0 ;break;end if (2==v139) then"\255\57\63\242\242\171\201\57\43","\202\171\92\71\134\190"));"\29\196\52\156\11\212\56\156\38\207","\232\73\161\76"));v139=8 -5 ;end if (v139==(7 -4)) then"\157\203\67\80\27","\126\219\185\34\61"));"\57\231\125\125\108\121\246\245","\135\108\174\62\18\30\23\147"));v139=437 -(279 + 154) ;end if (v139==(778 -(454 + 324))) then"\143\83\209\180\24\69\36\213\180\88","\161\219\54\169\192\90\48\80"));"\125\71\24\49\107\87\20\49\70\76","\69\41\34\96"));v139=1 + 0 ;end if (v139==1) then"\136\198\207\30\32\62\168\215\216\4","\75\220\163\183\106\98"));"\54\191\147\35\251\23\174\159\56\215","\185\98\218\235\87"));v139=19 -(12 + 5) ;end end end if (v20==(15 + 11)) then,0 -0 ,0.0599999987 + 0 ,1093 -(277 + 816) );,183 -140 ,1183 -(1058 + 125) ,5 + 21 );v41.Font=Enum.Font.Unknown;v41.Text="X";v41.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(975 -(815 + 160) ,0 -0 ,0);v41.TextScaled=true;v41.TextSize=32 -18 ;v41.TextWrapped=true;v20=7 + 20 ;end if (v20==(0 -0)) then local v149=1898 -(41 + 1857) ;while true do if (v149==4) then v20=1894 -(1222 + 671) ;break;end if (v149==(5 -3)) then"\114\216\46\232\98\109\241\236\73\211","\152\38\189\86\156\32\24\133"));"\201\126\132\73\238\89\162\84","\38\156\55\199"));v149=3 -0 ;end if (v149==(1185 -(229 + 953))) then"\156\120\100\60\49\97\238\87\167\115","\35\200\29\28\72\115\20\154"));"\45\186\201\203\175\57\32\13\176\223","\84\121\223\177\191\237\76"));v149=4;end if (0==v149) then"\16\206\56\192\249\45\234\63\204","\156\67\173\74\165"));"\18\165\72\27\185","\38\84\215\41\118\220\70"));v149=1775 -(1111 + 663) ;end if (v149==(1580 -(874 + 705))) then"\100\19\58\6\210\81\20\39\30","\158\48\118\66\114"));"\159\33\8\34\81\176\239\191\43\30","\155\203\68\112\86\19\197"));v149=1 + 1 ;end end end if (v20==7) then v25.Parent=v22;v25.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,85,0);v25.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0 -0 ,0 + 0 );v25.BorderSizePixel=679 -(642 + 37) ; + 0 ,0,0.235673174 + 0 ,0 -0 );,549 -(233 + 221) ,0 -0 ,45 + 5 );v25.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v25.Text=v7("\235\227\52\166\230\203\34","\107\178\134\81\210\198\158");v20=1549 -(718 + 823) ;end if (v20==23) then local v159=0;local v160;while true do if (v159==(0 + 0)) then v160=805 -(266 + 539) ;while true do if (v160==(11 -7)) then v20=1249 -(636 + 589) ;break;end if (v160==(0 -0)) then v37.PlaceholderText=v7("\15\249\6\249\54\105\237\24\249\77","\100\39\172\85\188");v37.Text="";v160=1 -0 ;end if (v160==(2 + 0)) then v37.TextSize=6 + 8 ;v37.TextWrapped=true;v160=1018 -(657 + 358) ;end if (v160==(2 -1)) then local v379=0 -0 ;while true do if (v379==(1187 -(1151 + 36))) then v37.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 + 0 ,0);v37.TextScaled=true;v379=1;end if (v379==(1 + 0)) then v160=2;break;end end end if (v160==3) then v38.Parent=v37;v39.Parent=v35;v160=4;end end break;end end end if (v20==(50 -33)) then v32.Text=v7("\143\220\19\251\124\249\162\207\94\245\96\243","\150\205\189\112\144\24");v32.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(1832 -(1552 + 280) ,834 -(64 + 770) ,0 + 0 );v32.TextScaled=true;v32.TextSize=31 -17 ;v32.TextWrapped=true;v33.Parent=v22;v33.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,46 + 209 ,255);v33.BackgroundTransparency=1;v20=1261 -(157 + 1086) ;end if (v20==21) then local v169=0 -0 ;while true do if (v169==(17 -13)) then v20=33 -11 ;break;end if (v169==(0 -0)) then local v284=819 -(599 + 220) ;while true do if (v284==(1 -0)) then v169=1;break;end if (v284==(1931 -(1813 + 118))) then v35.Parent=v21;v35.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 + 0 ,1217 -(841 + 376) );v284=1;end end end if (v169==(1 -0)) then v35.BackgroundTransparency=0.3 + 0 ;v35.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0 -0 ,859 -(464 + 395) );v169=2;end if (v169==2) then v35.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; + 0 ,837 -(467 + 370) ,0.12452352 -0 ,0 + 0 );v169=10 -7 ;end if (v169==(1 + 2)) then local v289=0 -0 ;while true do if (v289==(521 -(150 + 370))) then v169=4;break;end if ((1282 -(74 + 1208))==v289) then,1234 -732 ,0,100);v35.Visible=false;v289=1;end end end end end if (v20==(94 -74)) then,68 + 27 ,0,440 -(14 + 376) );v34.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v34.Text=v7("\170\4\75\67\247\1\193\136\8\86\72","\128\236\101\63\38\132\33");v34.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 -0 ,0 + 0 ,0 + 0 );v34.TextScaled=true;v34.TextSize=14 + 0 ;v34.TextWrapped=true;v35.Name=v7("\186\160\20\83\131\194","\175\204\201\113\36\214\139");v20=61 -40 ;end if (v20==(2 + 0)) then"\130\236\50\223\58\161\43","\167\214\137\74\171\120\206\83"));"\190\217\17\82\234\169\142\226","\199\235\144\82\61\152"));"\51\19\161\63\37\3\173\63\8\24","\75\103\118\217"));"\242\125\83\27\171\16\194\70","\126\167\52\16\116\217"));"\252\43\56\148\150\12\232\220\33\46","\156\168\78\64\224\212\121"));"\50\199\134\193\21\224\160\220","\174\103\142\197"));v21.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild(v7("\102\36\94\33\32\76\223\67\33","\152\54\72\63\88\69\62"));v21.ZIndexBehavior=Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling;v20=81 -(23 + 55) ;end if (v20==(68 -39)) then v48=nil;function v48()local v226=0 + 0 ;local v227;while true do if (v226==(0 + 0)) then"\216\162\181\213\164\101\90\230\164\166\192","\57\148\205\214\180\200\54"),v30);v227.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local v341=0 -0 ;local v342;local v343;local v344;local v345;local v346;while true do if ((1 + 1)==v341) then game:GetService(v7("\140\225\13\118\134\172\226\10\70\134","\227\222\148\99\37")).Stepped:Connect(v343);v344=nil;v341=904 -(652 + 249) ;end if ((10 -6)==v341) then v346=v7("\180\211\5\170\44\113\230\196\213\15\249\43\62\207\131\205\5\249\17\62\203\136\200\16","\168\228\161\96\217\95\81");v344(v345,v346);break;end if (v341==(1871 -(708 + 1160))) then function v344(v423,v424)local v425=0 -0 ;local v426;local v427;local v428;local v429;local v430;while true do if (v425==(6 -2)) then v429.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,27 -(10 + 17) ,0 + 0 );v429.Text=v423;v429.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v425=1737 -(1400 + 332) ;end if (v425==(0 -0)) then local v484=0;while true do if (v484==(1908 -(242 + 1666))) then v426=game.Players.LocalPlayer;"\0\81\64\243\252\61\117\71\255","\153\83\50\50\150"));v484=1 + 0 ;end if (v484==1) then v427.Name=v7("\112\115\96\15\114\172\72\121\127\114\16\124\172","\45\61\22\19\124\19\203");v425=1;break;end end end if (v425==(3 + 5)) then local v485=0;while true do if (v485==(1 + 0)) then wait(943 -(850 + 90) );v425=15 -6 ;break;end if ((1390 -(360 + 1030))==v485) then v430.TextSize=15 + 1 ;v430.Parent=v428;v485=2 -1 ;end end end if (v425==(11 -2)) then v427:Destroy();break;end if (v425==(1663 -(909 + 752))) then local v486=1223 -(109 + 1114) ;while true do if (v486==1) then v428.Parent=v427;v425=5 -2 ;break;end if (v486==(0 + 0)) then -(6 + 236) ,0 + 0 ,0.4 + 0 ,0 -0 );v428.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(445 -190 ,255,1388 -(1076 + 57) );v486=1 + 0 ;end end end if ((694 -(579 + 110))==v425) then local v487=0;while true do if (v487==(0 + 0)) then v429.TextSize=18 + 2 ;v429.Parent=v428;v487=1 + 0 ;end if ((408 -(174 + 233))==v487) then"\5\4\202\160\212\209\191\52\13","\221\81\97\178\212\152\176"));v425=16 -10 ;break;end end end if (v425==(4 -1)) then"\38\37\32\104\144\117\16\37\52","\20\114\64\88\28\220")); + 0 ,1174 -(663 + 511) ,0.2,0);v429.BackgroundTransparency=1 + 0 ;v425=4;end if (v425==(1 + 0)) then local v490=0;while true do if (v490==(2 -1)) then + 0 ,0 -0 ,0.2 -0 ,0 + 0 );v425=3 -1 ;break;end if (v490==(0 + 0)) then v427.Parent=v426.PlayerGui;"\231\0\12\248\7","\217\161\114\109\149\98\16"));v490=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v425==(728 -(478 + 244))) then -(440 + 77) ,0,0.8 + 0 ,0);,0 -0 ,1556.2 -(655 + 901) ,0 + 0 );v430.BackgroundTransparency=1 + 0 ;v425=7;end if (v425==7) then local v494=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v494==0) then v430.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0 -0 );v430.Text=v424;v494=1446 -(695 + 750) ;end if (v494==(3 -2)) then v430.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans;v425=12 -4 ;break;end end end end end v345=v7("\156\180\18\244\31\194\167\56\227\10\193\232\20\239\0","\122\173\135\125\155");v341=4;end if (v341==(3 -2)) then local v411=0;while true do if (v411==(351 -(285 + 66))) then function v343()local v495=0 -0 ;local v496;local v497;while true do if (v495==0) then local v563=0;while true do if (v563==(1310 -(682 + 628))) then v496=game.Players.LocalPlayer;v497=v496.Character;v563=1;end if (v563==1) then v495=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v495==1) then if not v497 then return;end for v577,v578 in ipairs(v497:GetDescendants()) do if v578:IsA(v7("\48\252\38\49\70\19\239\33","\22\114\157\85\84")) then v578.CanCollide= not v342;end end break;end end end game:GetService(v7("\241\216\22\214\116\248\184\209\223\32\193\79\224\161\199\206","\200\164\171\115\164\61\150")).InputBegan:Connect(function(v498)if (v498.KeyCode==Enum.KeyCode.N) then v342= not v342;end end);v411=300 -(176 + 123) ;end if (v411==(1 + 0)) then v341=2 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v341==(269 -(239 + 30))) then v342=false;v343=nil;v341=1 + 0 ;end end end);break;end end end v48=nil;function v48()end v49=nil;function v49()local"\247\222\45\93\35\100\216\195\39\76\59","\55\187\177\78\60\79"),v31);v228.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()local v237=0 + 0 ;local v238;local v239;while true do if (v237==(1 -0)) then v239.RequiresHandle=false;v239.Name=v7("\167\77\81\45\143\1\108\43\136\68\72\33\150\85","\78\228\33\56");v237=5 -3 ;end if (2==v237) then v239.Activated:Connect(function()local v386=315 -(306 + 9) ;local v387;while true do if (v386==(3 -2)) then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame=v387;break;end if (v386==(0 + 0)) then v387=v238.Hit +,2.5 + 0 ,0 + 0 ) ;,v387.Y,v387.Z);v386=1;end end end);v239.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack;break;end if (v237==(0 -0)) then v238=game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse();"\25\193\80\231","\224\77\174\63\139\38\175"));v237=1;end end end);end v49();coroutine.wrap(v48)();v20=30;end if ((1386 -(1140 + 235))==v20) then v28.Text=v7("\229\42\194\245\203\192\4\142\254\218","\170\163\111\226\151");v28.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0 + 0 );v28.TextScaled=true;v28.TextSize=13 + 1 ;v28.TextWrapped=true;v29.Parent=v22;v29.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(66 + 189 ,137 -(33 + 19) ,0 + 0 );v29.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0 -0 );v20=12;end if (v20==(6 + 7)) then v29.TextWrapped=true;v30.Parent=v22;v30.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,85,0 -0 );v30.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,689 -(586 + 103) ,0);v30.BorderSizePixel=0; + 0 ,0 -0 ,0.444533944,0);,1583 -(1309 + 179) ,0 -0 ,22 + 28 );v30.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v20=37 -23 ;end if (v20==24) then v39.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(104,104,104);v39.BorderColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0 + 0 ,0,0 -0 );v39.BorderSizePixel=0 -0 ; -(295 + 314) ,0 -0 ,1962.25 -(1300 + 662) ,0);,203,0 -0 ,50);v39.Font=Enum.Font.Unknown;v39.Text=v7("\155\81\156\183","\83\205\24\217\224");v39.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(0,1755 -(1178 + 577) ,0);v20=25;end if (v20==(5 + 4)) then v27.BorderSizePixel=0; -0 ,0,0.235673174,1405 -(851 + 554) ); + 0 ,263 -168 ,0,108 -58 );v27.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;v27.Text=v7("\14\7\135\209\234\13\39","\202\88\110\226\166");v27.TextColor3=Color3.fromRGB(302 -(115 + 187) ,0,0 + 0 );v27.TextScaled=true;v27.TextSize=14 + 0 ;v20=39 -29 ;end if (v20==(1191 -(160 + 1001))) then local v217=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v217==(3 + 0)) then coroutine.wrap(v51)();v52=nil;v217=7 -3 ;end if (v217==1) then function v50()local"\226\113\177\2\137\253\125\160\10\149\218","\229\174\30\210\99"),v32);v295.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();end);end coroutine.wrap(v50)();v217=2;end if (v217==(362 -(237 + 121))) then v20=31;break;end if (2==v217) then v51=nil;function v51()local"\55\226\133\80\225\14\58\9\228\150\69","\89\123\141\230\49\141\93"),v34);v296.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();end);end v217=900 -(525 + 372) ;end if (v217==(0 -0)) then coroutine.wrap(v49)();v50=nil;v217=3 -2 ;end end end end break;end if (v19==0) then v20=142 -(96 + 46) ;v21=nil;v22=nil;v23=nil;v24=nil;v25=nil;v19=778 -(643 + 134) ;end if (v19==1) then v26=nil;v27=nil;v28=nil;v29=nil;v30=nil;v31=nil;v19=2;end if (v19==(1 + 1)) then v32=nil;v33=nil;v34=nil;v35=nil;v36=nil;v37=nil;v19=3;end end end end local function v13()if v11 then v11:Destroy();v11=nil;end end v9.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(v17)v12();end);v9:Connect(function()v13();end);v12();
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