
Keltar Devir Backstory

May 27th, 2020
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  1. Keltar DeVir was a male drow, born in one of the ten main noble houses from Menzoberranzan. Conceived after a series of intrigues between both Houses Oblodra and DeVir, his biological father, Xar’zith Oblodra got captured by House DeVir during a spying mission. Matron Ginafae DeVir decided to keep him as a breeding slave, since the noble family of House Oblodra has always been known for being gifted by psionics, the Mother Matron of House DeVir had the idea to incorporate psionics into their House as well. Xar’zith was reported missed in action by House Oblodra, during that dark time he got raped repeatedly, until he managed to kill himself.
  2. Keltar was the only child born from that series of events gifted by the psionic powers, his house matron and priestesses quickly noticed his powers and pampered him, treating him even better than his sisters, something you wouldn’t normally see in such a matriarchal society.
  3. He lived a better life than most males from his city until he started his training.
  5. Matron Ginafae, however, was encountered by a problem, she didn't have the resources for his child to train his powers, and the kid was mostly interested into being a fighter.
  7. She then had the idea, to find the most exotic fighter they could find to train him, that way, combined with his powers, he would be mostly unpredictable for the enemy weapon masters from other houses.
  9. On the city of Mantol-Derith they found and bought a slave, she was a fighter from the far eastern lands of Kara-Tur, from the country of Wa, her name was Hoshi Kyosai, a skillful rônin who escaped her contry after her clan got destroyed and disowned.
  11. House DeVir forced the young human to take care of the drow kid, little they known she would also implant her ways and morals on him. Keltar had a hard time with her at first, but after the years, the rotten little brat learned the humility of the samurai, and to fight in the dragon school of combat, handling twin katanas that the drow specifically made for him with Hoshi's instructions
  13. During Keltar's Blood Rite, a trial he must do to achieve adulthood, he had to travel outside his town, to an specific location in The Underdark. Once he arrived, he discovered that they forced Hoshi to go there as well, realizing that his trial was to kill his mentor that practically raised him, he declined, and decided to run away together.
  15. At the same time, House DeVir got attacked by surprise by the unexpected House Do'Urden, all members of House DeVir died, but the mercenary guild of Bregan D'Aerthe had their eyes on Keltar, and knew he wasn't there.
  17. During their escape, Hoshi and Keltar got attacked by an scouting raid of Duergars (Grey Dwarves), lead by the ruthless mercenary leader: Horgar Hammerhead, a cunning strategist who used an earth elemental as his own armor, Hoshi fought him but the Duergar’s dirty tactics got her, the duergar targeted the drow kid, and she gave her life protecting his pupil, on her dying breath, she gave him her katanas, Akai Yuyake and Asahi (Red Sunset and Rising Sun), as well as her scarf as a memento, and since then, he has always carried them.
  19. Shortly after, Keltar got found by Bregan D'Aerthe, and Jarlaxle, their leader, he informed that Devir house was utterly destroyed by a rival house and that, in order to survive, the best choice was to join his mercenary band.
  21. During some decades, Keltar worked under Jarlaxle. At first he didn't quite enjoyed it, but still, he learned a lot, and enriched his fighting style even more under Jarlaxle’s guidance. During his jobs he researched about the evil Duergar, investigating about Horgar every time he could, in order to find him and hunt him to avenge Hoshi’s death.
  22. One day he tracked the duergar, surprising him this time, the young drow heavily injured him, but the grey dwarf conjured his earth elemental again, defeating the younger warrior, before Horgar landed the finishing blow, he mocked Hoshi’s legacy, this made the drow kid snap, his psyonic powers manifested into an uncontrolled rage, which granted him an unparalleled strength, turning the tides, Horgar was missed in action that day, Keltar fainted and had a memory blackout, found shortly after by Jarlaxle’s guys, who treated the unconscious young drow.
  24. Keltar’s associates told him that he managed to get his revenge, he was distressed by the fact he didn’t remembered it, but he had to settle with that, he continued working for the mercenary band after this incident.
  26. During one of his works, where he was given the task of infiltrate Hellgate Keep to retrieve a magical artifact, he got caught by the Scourge Legion of the devil Kaanyr Vhok.
  28. That sparked some interest in the archdevil Xezbeth, Devil Prince of Lies, host of the Mansion of Deception, located in Malebolge, 5th floor of the Nine Hells of Baator, where he owns one of the biggest collections of creatures and artifacts across all of the planes. Keltar was a bit unusual for a drow, and Kaanyr decided to trade him to The Devil Prince.
  30. Keltar spent almost a century, frozen in some kind of weird magic, as a part of Xezbeth's collection, until one day, suddenly an explosion emerged from between the other suspension chambers, a strange powerful creature broke free and gathered himself a resistance group, he presented himself as Svyren Sithyrluss, a Death Slaadi, self acclaimed as “The Slytherer Supreme”, he presented himself along with his newfound minions, a necromancer called De Reis, and a brutish huge human warrior called Guilles, creatures were running rampant, and the drow didn't let this chance slip, the mansion had many portals, Svyren offered Keltar to join his cause along with De Reis and Guilles, but he refused and jumped into a portal, after escaping together.
  32. The drow found himself back in Faerun, this time, however, in the surface, in the middle of a dense temperate forest, somewhere in the north of the continent, the bright of the day burned his eyes, but he was thrilled to see the sky that Hoshi, his master, seen, he looked at the stars hopeful to find a new life, and to travel the world someday, often wondering what’s beyond those stars.
  34. In order to survive on the surface, Keltar first did some debatable acts; stealing and assaulting merchants, not knowing the common language or anything about surface creatures to hunt. Still, he never killed or hurt anyone. During those days, he learned a lot about how to survive in the wilderness, but rumors in the region were being spread about a drow bandit.
  36. Someday, in the woods, Keltar heard a singing voice, he followed it. There, he met a the guardian of the forest, a kind dryad named Helvella, they quickly connected with each other.
  38. Helvella was a really compassionate, lovely dryad, she heard all of Keltar's story, about Hoshi and the life on Menzoberranzan.
  40. The dryad and the drow kept seeing each other every day, she showed her about the lovely creatures of the forest she protected.
  42. They lived together for months, Keltar drived off some human and orc raids messing up with the forest here and there during those times, as time went in, Helvella and Keltar fell in love with each other, he swore to help her in her task, as her ranger.
  44. Until that fateful day came.
  46. Keltar was busy coming back from driving off some annoying goblins out of the forest when another portal appeared, with creatures from the Plane of Fire, they attacked Helvella and started burning everything in their path.
  48. Keltar came too late to protect her. Helvella managed to protect the animals of the forest but she was killed by those monsters.
  50. Keltar found Helvella during her last moments, he was once more heartbroken for a loss, but he knew there was not time to mourn her yet, the forest was in great danger.
  52. The evil Efreet Mafaq Al'Qasim the Terrific was the leader of this evil group of Azers. Who were sent by the Devil Prince to get back his collection of specimens. Keltar soon learned this, and fought them one by one.
  54. Keltar finally found that powerful Efreet, the drow faced a strong opponent, Mafaq was an skilled Kushite Dervish who swiftly wielded a pair of scimitars inbued with magic directly from the Plane of Fire.
  56. The dark elf managed to win, but he ended up heavily wounded.
  58. At that moment, a party of moon elves were sent to hunt the mysterious drow that was robbing the merchants in the region some months ago, they followed the fire, and found him, dragging Keltar into their town.
  60. Keltar was surprisingly welcomed at the Elven God temple.
  62. He was recieved by Halfarin, high priest of Corellon Larethian, he was an old male sun elf, he had the eyes of someone who witnessed a lot in this world.
  63. After a talk, Halfarin trusted the young drow, and asked him to make his stay there and learn their ways.
  65. However, Keltar was still mourning Helvella's death, shutting himself inside a room, barely getting out.
  67. One day, a young half-elf kid bursted into his room, that's where he met Lewis Mungar, an orphan that was being taken into custody by the temple as Halfarin’s apprentice.
  69. Keltar and Lewis quickly became friends, and the kid tried to drive the drow out of his room more and more. Keltar eventually found himself smiling again and making friends within the accepting community of Everlund.
  71. Keltar was still perplexed that elves and humans had no such problem with him, they were treating him as his equal. He lived happily in Everlund for some years, until the day Lewis was named a Cleric of Corellon.
  73. That day Halfarin made a big reveal to the young half-elf.
  75. Lewis's mother wasn't dead, she ran away and abandoned him at the temple when his husband died in the war, she was now at the elven city of Evermeet, they could find her there.
  77. Lewis quickly prepared himself for the long journey ahead, and Keltar went with him.
  79. That's where their first adventure began.
  81. Keltar and Lewis travelled far into the megalopolis of Waterdeep, after some minor issues, they got approached by the cult of Eilistraee from The Promenade of the Dark Maiden, a location in the Underdark beneath the city.
  83. Keltar felt at ease, knowing he wasn’t alone and learning about his fellow people who also left the evil drow society.
  85. There, they talked with Quilue Veladorn, chosen of Eilistraee, who simpatized with Lewis story, and she sent one of her apprentices with them, Faeryl Maeghym, a flirty priestess who accompanied them as ambassador to Evermeet.
  87. They together had a large sailing towards the elven city, which Keltar didn’t enjoy at all, with his distaste for the sea, once they reached the city, the group got separated briefly, as Lewis quickly found his mother, and Faeryl had some diplomatic tasks to do in the name of The Promenade.
  89. Keltar wandered around the town into the forest, there he saw a naked red-headed elven lady bathing in the river, the young drow was flustered, but she playfully invited him to join her. Her name was Daenestra Evanara, who, in fact, turned out to be the city’s captain daughter.
  90. While Lewis caught up with his mother, Keltar and Daenestra ended up having a romance, Faeryl was amused when she found out, teasing the younger male drow, but she didn’t interfere that much, one day, Daenestra told him that she would run away with them, to come with Keltar.
  92. But for some reason, the next day, when they were about to leave, she wasn’t there, Keltar received a letter from her, where she explained that “They were from different worlds, and that she shouldn’t make this mistake”, the drow was heartbroken again, then, they left Evermeet, sailing back into the mainland.
  94. A huge storm struck them one day in the way back, and Keltar fell into the sea, he blacked out, and woke up off shore, next to a forest who was on fire, his memories about Mafaq flashed into his mind, and quickly ran at it. There, he found a druid in troubles surrounded by fiery creatures, the drow rushed to help him, but it was too late, the fire was already unstoppable. The distressed younger elf was named Ulguthien, Keltar tried to help him cheer up and promised to help him discover who did this.
  96. Keltar told him that they could find some help back at Waterdeep, but soon, he found out something weird… Nobody knew him at The Promenade, Lewis wasn’t there, and they didn’t knew about him either.
  98. In the way back from The Promenade, Keltar and Ulguthien were attacked by bandits, in the middle of the fight, a strange human wizard came to help them, this man was named Garret, and he was wielding two strange weapons that he called “Pistols” which Keltar mistakenly took as some kind of fancy wands.
  100. Garret was from the far realm of Lanthan, a place of unparalleled technology, and he was tracking a crime lord who stole sacred secret tech from there. Garret also sensed that Keltar wasn’t from this world, which led Keltar to believe they were in some short of parallel reality, which explained why Faeryl didn’t knew him.
  102. This crime-lord turned out to be a power-seeking wizard who, in fact burned Ulguthien’s forest while testing Garret’s technology, the three together tracked him and found him, after defeating and capturing him, the wizard revealed he could send Keltar back to his world to atone for his crimes, Garret and Ulguthien said goodbye to Keltar as he crossed the portal back to his reality, after Ulguthien and Garret promised they would send the wizard to the guard anyways.
  104. Keltar was sent into the right world, where he met Lewis again, the drow told him all of the story while they talked about it in a tavern, in that same tavern there were two hooded figures sitting not too far from them.
  106. Suddenly two other individuals irrupted into the tavern, they claimed themselves to be Jack Peyvah and Omra Mourabet, two wealthy merchants who were asking for adventurers to protect them as they were about to go into the realm of Ashtowyn, a place that was under siege by the forces of the Evil Lich Maarthurmal The Decaying.
  107. Keltar and Lewis accepted, as they thought they could help that kingdom in need with their actions, the two other hooded figures joined with them.
  108. They both revealed to be Saber Nyoki, a strange creature, he looked like a really tall half-fox half-feline humanoid, but, at the same time, with soft, feathery white wings, the other one was Cosmos, a skilled sorcerer. They later explained that they were on the run from Cosmos father, an evil wizard, who casted up his terrible experiments on poor Saber when he was a kid, as a slave, turned out that Saber was formerly an Avariel Elf before he got cursed with this form.
  109. They together traveled to Ashtowyn, the realm was surrounded with both dead and undead, the king Zane Alanwick thanked them for the help, and asked the party in a mission to undermine and destroy the Lich’s siege weapons.
  110. During this mission, Keltar saw what for a second seemed like a vampire to him, rushing at the dark elf, the creature attacked him, and Keltar fought back. They were evenly matched, but soon the vampire noticed that the group wasn’t a threat. He presented himself as Theren Alanwick, prince of Ashtowyn, who was out there fighting for his kingdom, Theren was a Moon Elf, who wielded a really big and heavy zweihander, with long black hair, a sickly pale skin, and some unsettling mysterious red eyes.
  111. They together carried own with their mission, in the way back to the capital, They found out that the Lich was orchestrating a sneak attack! They rushed out into the palace, and found Zane and Maarthurmal’s showdown was about to come to an end, the Lich was sealing the king’s soul into a gem, Theren rushed and caught the gem in his hands, and they together fought the Lich.
  112. This evil creature played with them, and suddenly trapped Lewis, Cosmos, Saber, Theren and Keltar into a portal.
  114. To be continued.
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