
I play for fun

May 29th, 2016
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  1. >invited to play basketball
  2. >get the ball from an opponent, run it back to our net and score
  3. >team is angry at me, just shrug it off
  4. >buddy passes it to me, spike it into the ground as hard as I can
  5. >opponent manages to catch it on the way down and score
  6. >they're really getting made at me now
  7. >get the ball again
  8. >run off the court
  9. >they're all chasing me
  10. >throw it over the fence
  11. >it crashes through someone's front window
  12. >they're freaking out now
  13. >asking what the fuck I'm doing
  14. >smile at them
  15. >"What's wrong, guys? I'm just playing for fun."
  18. >me and my friends like to shoot clay pidgeons
  19. >whenever it is my turn I aim at their heads and they freak out
  20. >"what's your problem guys it's just a game, chill out :)"
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