
6 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-12-29 0215 +Pishnomore

Dec 28th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-12-29 0215 +Pishnomore
  4. "Robbo Max"
  5. __
  7. +Pishnomore __ Coming from a dishonest and disingenuous auto-hoaxer like you, your responses sure are panda cute. Haven't you got a flat Earth convention to attend, or has that already happened? What _are_ you still doing here, "Robbo"? Peekay's shoes won't shine themselves!
  11. __________
  12. 2017-12-29 0250
  14. +Pishnomore __ ::sigh:: "Robbo", I am not obligated to do any of the work for you. The things I am saying and pointing out are the culmination of countless hours gathering and _scrutinising_ giant panda footage over an _extensive period of time._
  16. I did not wake up this morning and watch a random giant panda video and begin shouting "conspiracy!" like you and your auto-hoaxing peers so often do. You have not spent _any_ time looking into this issue, and you are coming into it with nothing but your alcoholism, loneliness, and a debilitating oppositional defiance disorder.
  18. Why don't _you_ make an effort to answer your own questions, _if_ they're worth answering? Then, you can come back with a _proper_ refutation. Until then there is no reason for me to take you seriously, and as I say, I am not obligated to do any of the work for you.
  20. If you genuinely think I am "spreading falsehoods", then go ahead and do the necessary research and try to debunk what I am pointing out about the Chinese governments presentation of giant pandas. Though if you go down that path, then you will find out I am right because unlike you and your auto-hoaxing pals I am not here to spread falsehoods.
  22. Sadly, when you realise I am right your oppositional defiance disorder will force you into denial and you'll predictably double down. You are an intellectual coward.
  24. It could be hammering down with rain and the moment I point out it's raining you'll begin telling everyone "Lesta is spreading falsehoods!" because I haven't "proved" to your satisfaction it's raining. That's what an oppositional defiance disorder does to spiteful and jealous people. It's not a good look, but it's quintessentially _your_ look.
  26. Everyone who (unfortunately) knows of you, knows how panda cute it is that you never question Peekay on his certifiably claims. _Certainly not with the persistence and vigour with which you question mine._ "Robbo" - you're just a worthless little lackey trying to be relevant, *now get back to shining Peekay's shoes!*
  30. __________
  31. 2017-12-29 0435
  33. +Pishnomore __ ::sigh:: Poor "Robbo". You really want everyone to believe you're a victim! I have explained why I am not going to do any of the work for you. For someone else who is _genuinely_ interested in this topic, sure. But _you,_ Peekay's shoe shiner? _No way!_
  35. When someone like you has an oppositional defiance disorder *nothing* will ever be good enough. I could literally show you a video of panda nannies on a ladder smearing the scent of panda treats at the ends of thin branches, followed by footage of a giant panda falling from the same tree branch as it tries to reach at the scent, and you will _still_ find a problem with it.
  37. Because you're a disingenuous f_kc who can only fool people with your "questions" who don't know about you.
  39. If only you took this same approach with "Peekay" you'd soon realise what a charlatan he is. Yet your auto-hoaxing hero "Peekay" can suggest a pregnant woman nearly falling out of a window is fake CGI all day long and you lap it up without a question. But when it is suggested that something sneaky is going on with pandas falling out of trees? _Suddenly that's outrageous and can't possibly be the case!_
  41. That's why you're known as Peekay's shoe shiner lackey and aren't taken seriously.
  43. You want everything done for you, but you're not actually interested in what's done for you. You just want to argue for the sake of arguing and wasting my time.
  45. Watch this video and the others I've posted on giant pandas (I don't think you have), take a squiz at the links I have given to people in my replies to them (I don't think you have), pour yourself a big drink and do some binge watching of giant panda videos (I don't think you have). And when you have done these things, that's when you get back to me for a discussion.
  47. But until you have done these things you have done no work. You are not entitled to run your mouth as you do without first having done some work. You are not entitled to demand that everything be done for you else it's "disinformation", _you dishonest lazy f_kc!_
  49. *Go away you auto-hoaxing truther pest.*
  54. __________
  55. 2017-12-29 0600
  57. +Pishnomore __ Look everyone, "Robbo" can count to 7! ::applause:: There is nothing wrong with so-called "ad hominem" attacks you retard. Just because I address you as an auto-hoaxing dummy with an oppositional defiance disorder who does no work while expecting everything to be done for him does not mean I am wrong about the giant pandas. Nor does it mean I am wrong about _you._
  59. It does not mean there is no evidence to corroborate what I am saying about giant pandas being engineered to fall from tall trees. It just means that you are a slippery and dishonest f_kc, and I really don't like you.
  61. Why do you keep pestering Lesta to do everything for you? _Because you want to show off that you can count to ten?!_
  63. For other people who are genuinely interested, _sure,_ I have plenty of time to discuss and demonstrate my claims with them. But for you? An auto-hoaxing retard who shines Peekay's shoes? Haha - _no way._
  65. Go away, you tummy truther pest.
  68. __________
  69. 2017-12-29 0850
  71. +Pishnomore __ ::sigh:: I am not interested in "discussing" this topic with you because you are not of sound mind. You might conduct yourself differently with others, but with me you have a reputation for being a time-wasting sh!t stirrer who isn't capable of scrutinising evidence when it is presented. That is why you never became anything more than Peekay's shoe shine lackey.
  73. Before you run out of fingers to count on, stop. What I am telling you isn't a "logical fallacy", it isn't "shifting the goal posts". You are just not worth talking to. I'm sure that getting my attention has been exciting for you, but fun time is over.
  75. Come back when you have done some basic panda research and understand the issue. Maybe then I'll take you more seriously, but I probably won't because I am not obligated to "discuss" anything or be polite with troublemakers. Good day, "Robbo"!
  78. ____________________________________________________________
  79. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  90. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  91. What exists - exists to always exist.
  92. As it is written - so it is done.
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