
Pre-Campaign Testplay 5E #1 - 19 jan 15

Feb 15th, 2015
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  2. Start of #ruangdadu buffer: Tue Jan 20 02:32:08 2015
  3. [23:32] * Now talking in #ruangdadu
  4. [23:32] * Kayla ( has joined #ruangdadu
  5. [23:32] * DRomero ( has joined #ruangdadu
  6. [23:32] * Aether is now known as Aether_
  7. [23:32] <_bukan_malas_> !roll 1d20
  8. [23:32] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _bukan_malas_ [12] = 12"
  9. [23:32] * Seraphina__ is now known as Seraphina_Incendie
  10. [23:32] * _bukan_malas_ ( has left #ruangdadu
  11. [23:33] * _bukan_error_ ( has joined #ruangdadu
  12. [23:33] <_bukan_error_> !roll 1d0
  13. [23:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? _bukan_error_ [1] = 1"
  14. [23:33] <_bukan_error_>
  15. [23:33] * _meh (~meh@4956C033.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #ruangdadu
  16. [23:34] * _meh is now known as Viega_F
  17. [23:34] <Kayla> 2(I am ready)
  18. [23:34] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(as always! (OwO)7)
  19. [23:34] * _bukan_error_ is now known as _GelapMalam_
  20. [23:34] <Viega_F> 5(SIAP -3-)/)
  21. [23:34] <Aether_> 4(red i)
  22. [23:34] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Ready ? ---
  23. [23:35] <_GelapMalam_> (wew udah pada ready aja)
  24. [23:35] <Viega_F> 5(siap)
  25. [23:35] <DRomero> (oke)
  26. [23:35] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(as always (>w<)g)
  27. [23:35] <Aether_> 4(red)
  28. [23:36] <Viega_F> 5(SIAP -3-b)
  29. [23:36] <Aether_> 4(gomen, minta gambar lagi dong biar kebayang ,tadi tenggelem diatas ga bisa scroll)
  30. [23:36] <Aether_> 4
  31. [23:36] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( tinggi 155 dan halberd setinggi badan)
  32. [23:37] <Viega_F> 5(
  33. [23:37] <Aether_> 4(tinggi 175, pake rapier)
  34. [23:37] <_GelapMalam_> (halberd lebih tinggi dari badan kali maksud Seraphina_Incendie )
  35. [23:37] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(oh iya jg ya =w=)> *tehe*)
  36. [23:37] <_GelapMalam_> (like, one-and-a-half, or twice)
  37. [23:37] <Viega_F> 5(tinggi 160an, sesuai gambar)
  38. [23:38] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8(sorry, test color please)
  39. [23:38] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(one and a half deh =w=b)
  40. [23:38] <DRomero>
  41. [23:38] <DRomero> (test)
  42. [23:38] <Kayla> 2(test)
  43. [23:38] <Kayla> 2
  44. [23:39] <Aether_> 4(test)
  45. [23:39] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(test deh)
  46. [23:39] <_GelapMalam_> 14grey 12blue 10teal 3green
  47. [23:40] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8----- -----
  48. [23:40] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DnD 5E Playtest Session ---
  49. [23:40] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Part 1 ---
  50. [23:41] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The City ---
  51. [23:41] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- A city with bustling port, but not that busy just like the Next Town ---
  52. [23:41] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- People still can enjoy luxuries, or simply relaxing under the tender sun ---
  53. [23:42] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The windmills are dotting the rural hamlets, that they themselves are dotting around The City ---
  54. [23:42] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- with eternal breeze of cool wind; not cold nor hot, under a wide blue sky ---
  55. [23:44] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The City's port is bustling not only with trade ships, but also with Carracks or Caravelle, loaded with mercenaries from The Guild, in exploring further regions, or simply escorting the island traders ---
  56. [23:44] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The Guild is one of the most used mercenary guild; it starts as a small mercenary group, but now it is large enough and recently admitted new members ---
  57. [23:45] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Not only thru numbers, but The Guild also maintains connections and favors with many merchants; thus they also got numerous access of Ships ---
  58. [23:46] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- It is the thirteenth day, of the seventh month ---
  59. [23:47] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The Guild HQ has sent some letter of invitation to each of you, informing that there are new offers of missions available at HQ ---
  60. [23:47] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and as a (quite) new member, you actually have no schedule for few days ahead ---
  61. [23:47] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- what do you do, in this beautiful morning? ---
  62. [23:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(lokasi?)
  63. [23:48] <_GelapMalam_> (lokasi, masih di rumah masing, setelah menerima surat iklan mission)
  64. [23:48] <Aether_> 4(saya.. di rumah? kan kabur...)
  65. [23:48] <_GelapMalam_> (or di… 'kamar' masing2, in case yg tinggal di bawah jembatan / numpang di church)
  66. [23:49] <_GelapMalam_> (kabur dari Faraway Lands)
  67. [23:49] <_GelapMalam_> (ini di The City)
  68. [23:49] <Aether_> 4(sip =w=)
  69. [23:49] <Kayla> 2"..." *baca surat*
  70. [23:49] <_GelapMalam_> (kan ga ada native, dan semua sudah masuk guild)
  71. [23:49] <Kayla> 2*numpang di church deh*
  72. [23:49] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*beberes seadanya walau masih berantakan* *kamar sewaan sementara* \(=A=)/ "Nya!" *sambil klepek2 surat*
  73. [23:49] <Viega_F> 5"Mu! Ada tugas!" *baca surat*
  74. [23:49] <Aether_> 4*pokoknya dkt viega tinggalnya*
  75. [23:50] <_GelapMalam_> (silakan diatur2)
  76. [23:50] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13o(=A= )"~~~ "Sebelum baca surat, pertama-tama... MAKAN!" *sambil jalan saja ke kantin murah terdekat yg porsinya banyak*
  77. [23:50] <Aether_> 4*keluar kamar*
  78. [23:50] <Aether_> 4*gedor2 kamar sebelah*
  79. [23:50] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie reached the Honey Hornet Ham House ---
  80. [23:50] <Viega_F> 5"hum?"
  81. [23:51] <Kayla> 2*disuruh kkumpul dimana?*
  82. [23:51] <Kayla> 2*di suratnya*
  83. [23:51] <Aether_> 4"Liat liat" OwO
  84. [23:51] <_GelapMalam_> (kumpul di HQ)
  85. [23:51] <Viega_F> 5*buka pintu*
  86. [23:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) *masuk Honey Hornet Ham House* "Nya..."
  87. [23:51] <Aether_> 4*nunjukkin surat*
  88. [23:51] <DRomero> *tinggal di gubuk sederhana*
  89. [23:51] <Viega_F> 5"Ai juga dapat?"
  90. [23:51] <Aether_> 4"Kamu dapet juga kan?"
  91. [23:51] <Viega_F> 5*pamer surat* *huge grin*
  92. [23:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*masuk dan duduk dengan santai dalam resto* ( OAO)/ "NYA! LAPAR! MAKAN!"
  93. [23:51] <Aether_> 4*doki doki*
  94. [23:51] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Letter: HQ's board has new missions; feel free to visit ---
  95. [23:52] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= makan apa?"
  96. [23:52] <Aether_> 4"Jangan bilang kita mau naik pangkat, terus jadi ketua guild?"
  97. [23:52] <DRomero> DRomero started his morning prayer
  98. [23:52] <Viega_F> 5"mau kesana sekarang?" *grin*
  99. [23:52] <_GelapMalam_> 14HHHH Cook: *masak2*
  100. [23:52] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O)b "Apapun yg porsi besar!"
  101. [23:52] <Viega_F> 5"hahahaha"
  102. [23:52] <Aether_> 4"ini pasti misi rahasia..>_<"
  103. [23:52] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Enak dan murah jangan lupa-nya!
  104. [23:52] <Viega_F> 5"viega akan terkejut kalo beneran"
  105. [23:52] <Kayla> 2*oh benar, udah doa dkk*
  106. [23:52] <_GelapMalam_> 14HHHH Cook: " =___= kay kay"
  107. [23:52] <Aether_> 4"oh nggak ya...."
  108. [23:52] <Viega_F> 5"begitu dia pulang sudah dapat jabatan"
  109. [23:53] <_GelapMalam_> (DRomero tinggal di?)
  110. [23:53] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Ngga pake lama bos!"
  111. [23:53] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*dan buka surat* ( ._.)o
  112. [23:53] <DRomero> (sebuah gubuk sederhana yang dulunya kandang kuda)
  113. [23:53] <Viega_F> 5"semoga enggak"
  114. [23:53] <Viega_F> 5"bisa kena marah kalo beneran hahahaha"
  115. [23:54] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( ._.) "hummm... misi..? Dikasih makan ngga ya nanti..?"
  116. [23:54] <Aether_> 4"ah, guild jelek sistemnya"
  117. [23:54] <DRomero> After his morning prayer, Romero went to the nearest water source to clean himself
  118. [23:54] <DRomero> (ada sungai atau sejenisnya?)
  119. [23:54] <_GelapMalam_> (ada… fountain)
  120. [23:54] <Aether_> 4"Kalo aku jadi ketua guild kan papa mama bangga"
  121. [23:54] <Aether_> 4"papa mama kangen aku ga ya...."
  122. [23:54] <_GelapMalam_> (sisanya sungai payau)
  123. [23:54] <Kayla> 2*looking for...the church's priest*
  124. [23:54] <_GelapMalam_> (dengan… kanal yg dalam...)
  125. [23:54] <Kayla> 2*or priestess*
  126. [23:54] <DRomero> *ambil ember dan handuk*
  127. [23:54] <Viega_F> 5"kerja yang keras aja, pasti nanti juga naik pangkat ko" *jitak pake surat*
  128. [23:55] <Viega_F> 5"hum... disini ga dibilang ya jam berapa kumpulnya?" -3-)a
  129. [23:55] <DRomero> *masukin air ke ember, pake sedikit buat cuci muka terus lap tubuh pake handuk basah di tempat tinggal*
  130. [23:55] <_GelapMalam_> 10PR: " T_T) morning sister"
  131. [23:55] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( ._.) "hmmm..." *lipat surat*
  132. [23:55] <_GelapMalam_> 14HHHH: " =____= here. *kasih steak* "
  133. [23:55] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(oOAO)o "Nya! Nya! Lapar nya!"
  134. [23:55] <Kayla> 2(itu...priest ato priestess?)
  135. [23:55] <_GelapMalam_> (priestss)
  136. [23:55] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\( =w=)/ "YAAAAYYY~~~ Makasih Bos~~!"
  137. [23:55] <Aether_> 4"Kenapa ga langsung tanya guildnya aja?"
  138. [23:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero is.. taking a bath at the fountain ---
  139. [23:56] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Sister"
  140. [23:56] <Viega_F> 5"hoh boleh" O3O)b "nanti makan deket guild aja"
  141. [23:56] <_GelapMalam_> (Aether_ sama Viega_F di.. dalam rumah?)
  142. [23:56] <Viega_F> 5"bentar ya aku siap siap dulu"
  143. [23:56] <_GelapMalam_> (atau di pekarangan?)
  144. [23:56] <Viega_F> 5(inn)
  145. [23:56] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  146. [23:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( =w=)pq "Terima kasih sapi yang sudah berkorban~! Selamat makan~!"
  147. [23:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( =~=) *nomnomnomnom*
  148. [23:56] <Viega_F> 5"ai juga siap siap dulu~"
  149. [23:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero is still taking a bath ---
  150. [23:57] <Viega_F> 5*langsung balik ke dalem ambil senjata dan barang lalalala, pintu dibiarin kebuka*
  151. [23:57] <Kayla> 2"Today I will go to the guild to take a mission"
  152. [23:57] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) ( O~O) "..hmm.." *celingukan liat sekeliling dalam HHHH*
  153. [23:57] <_GelapMalam_> 10" T_T) done the prayer? we have no sermons to-day so you may go"
  154. [23:57] <DRomero> *kalau tubuh sudah bersih, kembali ke gudang untuk meminyaki persenjataan supaya gak karatan etc*
  155. [23:57] <Kayla> 2"I probably will not back for a while"
  156. [23:57] <DRomero> *terus dipakai dan pergi ke guild*
  157. [23:58] <Aether_> 4-.-
  158. [23:58] <Aether_> 4*tutup pintu kamar viega_f
  159. [23:58] <_GelapMalam_> 10" T_T) may the Lord watches yo ass lass, be safe" *back to clean stuffs*
  160. [23:58] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O~O) *nomnomnomnomnoom* *nods nods* *seakan mengerti segala sesuatu*
  161. [23:58] <Aether_> 4*masuk kamar sendiri terus mandi dan siap2*
  162. [23:58] <Kayla> 2"...thank you, Sister"
  163. [23:58] <Kayla> 2*dan pergi menuju ke church*
  164. [23:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero meminyaki… armor? oh senjata ---
  165. [23:58] <_GelapMalam_> (menuju church?)
  166. [23:59] <_GelapMalam_> ( @ Kayla )
  167. [23:59] <Kayla> 2*eh, guild*
  168. [23:59] <DRomero> Oh on the way to the guild stopped at some restaurants and cafe to ask for crumbs or leftovers.
  169. [23:59] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero , make a Wis (Perception) ! ---
  170. [23:59] <DRomero> !roll 1d20-1
  171. [23:59] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? DRomero [15] - 1 = 14"
  172. [23:59] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O~O) *nomnomnomnomnomnom*
  173. [23:59] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero , you spotted an open door, and Viega_F doing lalalala ---
  174. [00:00] <_GelapMalam_> (oh wait ditutup)
  175. [00:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- undo undo ---
  176. [00:00] <DRomero> (loh bukannya dibiarkan terbuka?)
  177. [00:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero, you spotted a restaurant, Honey Hornet Ham house ---
  178. [00:00] <_GelapMalam_> (ada Aether_ nutup ternyata)
  179. [00:01] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ is taking a bath ----
  180. [00:01] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie , you see DRomero at the HHHH ---
  181. [00:01] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) *nengok* *nomnomnomnomnom*
  182. [00:01] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla , you are still walking ---
  183. [00:01] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) *nomnomnomnomnom* *loading* *miringin kpala*
  184. [00:02] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ and Viega_F done preparing, what do you do now? ---
  185. [00:02] <DRomero> *pergi lewat pintu belakang atau ke dapurnya*
  186. [00:02] <Viega_F> 5*gantian gedor*
  187. [00:02] <Viega_F> 5"AI, AKU UDAH SIAP~"
  188. [00:02] <DRomero> Dengan langkah pelan dan kata-kata sederhana
  189. [00:02] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*mengingat2* (O~O ) *loading*
  190. [00:02] <Viega_F> 5*gedorgedorgedorgedorgedorgedor*
  191. [00:02] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla and Aether_ make a Wis (Perception) !!! ---
  192. [00:02] <Kayla> 2*jalan saja ke arah guild*
  193. [00:02] <DRomero> "Excuse me, may I ask for some leftovers or crumbs to take with me if you have some?"
  194. [00:03] <Kayla> !roll 1d20
  195. [00:03] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Kayla [14] = 14"
  196. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*kedengeran ga GM?*
  197. [00:03] <Kayla> 2(wis + perception 14)
  198. [00:03] <_GelapMalam_> 14HHHH: " =___= huh? "
  199. [00:03] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20
  200. [00:03] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Aether_ [4] = 4"
  201. [00:03] <DRomero> (Persuasion perlu?)
  202. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) *loading* "..kayak kenal.." *nomnomnomnom*
  203. [00:03] <_GelapMalam_> 1,15- Seraphina_Incendie , make a Wis (Perception) !! -
  204. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20
  205. [00:03] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Seraphina_Incendie [20] = 20"
  206. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(20 O_Od)
  207. [00:03] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ , you are still busy ---
  208. [00:04] <DRomero> "I am not asking for much, just some that you would throw away otherwise."
  209. [00:04] <Viega_F> 5-3-) "muuu lamaaaa"
  210. [00:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla , you heard there is a banging on the door at the nearby building ---
  211. [00:04] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) *loading* *nomnomnomnomnom*
  212. [00:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- or is it a door..? ---
  213. [00:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie you heard DRomero ---
  214. [00:04] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OpO) *lap2 mulut*
  215. [00:04] <Kayla> 2"huh?" *nengok ke arah suara*
  216. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O) "..Hmm.."
  217. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) *lirik*
  218. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O)
  219. [00:05] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= kay kay " *ambil2 roti2 sisa, pinggiran roti, pangkal wortel*
  220. [00:05] <Viega_F> 5"aiiiii kamu mandi kayak ceweeee~ lamaaaaa~" -3-)
  221. [00:05] <_GelapMalam_> 14*kulit kentang*
  222. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O )
  223. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "BOOOOSS~~"
  224. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*angkat tangan*
  225. [00:05] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla could not see, it is inside the building, make another Wis (Perception) ! ---
  226. [00:06] <Kayla> !roll 1d20
  227. [00:06] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Kayla [20] = 20"
  228. [00:06] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  229. [00:06] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= huh?"
  230. [00:06] <Kayla> 2(20)
  231. [00:06] <DRomero> "Thank you very much, may God repay this favor someday." *bows and take the leftovers*
  232. [00:06] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Pesen makanan yg bisa dibawa!"
  233. [00:06] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "2 porsi!"
  234. [00:06] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla heard "Aiii --- eeee--- maaaa" ---
  235. [00:06] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- sounds like a girl… ? ---
  236. [00:06] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= huh? kay kay.. kay kay.."
  237. [00:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ done ---
  238. [00:07] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Yang murah tapi banyak!"
  239. [00:07] <Kayla> 2"...what..."
  240. [00:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- now what do you do ? ---
  241. [00:07] <Aether_> 4*keluar*
  242. [00:07] <Kayla> 2*bergegas ke arah suara*
  243. [00:07] <Aether_> 4"Bentar, kan tadi rambutku belom kering tau"
  244. [00:07] <Viega_F> 5"aiiii~ lama bangeeet" -3-)~
  245. [00:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F … still banging the door..? ---
  246. [00:07] <Viega_F> 5"ah dijalan juga kering"
  247. [00:07] <Aether_> 4*buka pintu*
  248. [00:07] <Viega_F> 5(udah enggak)
  249. [00:07] <Aether_> 4"Tuh kan rambutmu belom kering juga... sini ah"
  250. [00:08] <Viega_F> 5"mu!" *ngindar*
  251. [00:08] <Aether_> 4*ngeringin rambut Viega_F*
  252. [00:08] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla spotted it seems that.. Viega_F was the one screaming, at Aether_ ---
  253. [00:08] <Aether_> 4"Kebiasaan, sini"
  254. [00:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(oOAO)o "Nya! Nya! Cepet nya!" *sambil trok2 meja*
  255. [00:08] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and Aether_ is now chasing Viega_F ---
  256. [00:08] <Viega_F> 5"muuuuu~" *ngindar, kalo perlu lari keluar*
  257. [00:08] <Kayla> 2"....."
  258. [00:08] <Aether_> 4*ngasihin handuk*
  259. [00:08] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ and Viega_F , roll INITIATIVE! ---
  260. [00:08] <Aether_> 4"Ooooi"
  261. [00:08] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+2
  262. [00:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Viega_F [12] + 2 = 14"
  263. [00:08] <Aether_> 4(eh, wut)
  264. [00:08] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+4
  265. [00:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Aether_ [14] + 4 = 18"
  266. [00:09] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ managed to do what he want to Viega_F ---
  267. [00:09] <DRomero> "Morning, miss Incendie see you in the guild."
  268. [00:09] <Aether_> 4"Kamu cewek jaga kecantikan dong"
  269. [00:09] <Kayla> 2(posisi awa jauh dari mereka?)
  270. [00:09] <Viega_F> 5"AKU BUTAAAAA"
  271. [00:09] <DRomero> *smiles and leave to the guild*
  272. [00:09] <_GelapMalam_> (Kayla is not that far, still at the inn's hall)
  273. [00:09] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) "...dia tau namaku lo..." *nengok*
  274. [00:09] <Aether_> 4"Berlebihan kamu"
  275. [00:09] <Viega_F> 5"AAAAAA SEKUHARAAAAAA"
  276. [00:09] <Aether_> 4*ngeringin rambut*
  277. [00:09] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero is heading to The Guild HQ ---
  278. [00:09] <Aether_> 4"sst, nanti ada yang salah paham gimana"
  279. [00:09] <Kayla> 2"!! Stop right there!" **bergegas ke arah Viega_F dan Aether_*
  280. [00:10] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla you heard the girl screamed 'Se-- ' oh ---
  281. [00:10] <Aether_> 4*berenti*
  282. [00:10] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(oOAO)o "BOOOOSSS~~~ CEPEEETT~~~" *trok2 meja*
  283. [00:10] <Aether_> 4"tuh kan......"
  284. [00:10] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= kay kay… *bungkus2* "
  285. [00:10] <Viega_F> 5(kepala ketutupan anduk... kan?)
  286. [00:10] <_GelapMalam_> 14*oper makanan bungkus ke Seraphina_Incendie *
  287. [00:10] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)o "jadi brapa?" *sambil siap2 bayar*
  288. [00:10] <_GelapMalam_> (yup)
  289. [00:10] <Viega_F> 5"AAAAAaaaa"
  290. [00:10] <_GelapMalam_> (td mau diandukin kan)
  291. [00:10] <DRomero> Sampai di guild kalau masih kosong duduk dan makan sebagian leftovers buat sarapan lalu sisanya bungkus.
  292. [00:10] <DRomero> Gabungin sama ration lain.
  293. [00:11] <Kayla> 2(eh, keliatan siapa yang ditutupin anduk?)
  294. [00:11] <Viega_F> 5*flailing*
  295. [00:11] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero is still walking ---
  296. [00:11] <Kayla> 2(atau sebelum ditutupin anduk O_O)
  297. [00:11] <Aether_> 4"yuu..."
  298. [00:11] <Aether_> 4"jangan aneh - aneh..."
  299. [00:11] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla sees Viega_F is screaming and flailing around with .. towel on the head ---
  300. [00:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero , make a Wis (Perception) !! ---
  301. [00:12] <Viega_F> 5"MUUUUuuuu" *flailing weakens*
  302. [00:12] <Kayla> 2"Sir Aether, release Lady Fhauri, right away!"
  303. [00:12] <DRomero> !roll 1d20-1
  304. [00:12] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? DRomero [19] - 1 = 18"
  305. [00:12] <Aether_> 4*lirik sebelah*
  306. [00:12] <Viega_F> 5"hum?"
  307. [00:12] <Viega_F> 5"hoh?"
  308. [00:12] <Aether_> 4*ambil sesuatu dari kantong*
  309. [00:12] <Viega_F> 5"suara kaykay?"
  310. [00:12] <Kayla> 2(eh, saling tau nama kan? O_O)
  311. [00:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you heard "Sir Aether, release Lady Fhauri, right away!" ---
  312. [00:12] <_GelapMalam_> (iya sih, kl mau)
  313. [00:12] <_GelapMalam_> (at least pernah quest bareng soalnya)
  314. [00:13] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero heard "Sir Aether, release Lady Fhauri, right away!" ---
  315. [00:13] <Aether_> 4"Kenapa memangnya?"
  316. [00:13] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*masih siap2 ngasih uang* ( O_O)o *sambil masukin 1 bungkus makanan ke dlm tas*
  317. [00:13] <Viega_F> 5"KAYKAAAAAY~ TOLOOONG~"
  318. [00:13] <DRomero> "Hm?"
  319. [00:13] <Aether_> 4*ambil.....sisir*
  320. [00:13] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero heard "KAYKAAAAAY~ TOLOOONG~" ---
  321. [00:13] <Kayla> 2"Sir Aether? Should I repeat myself?"
  322. [00:13] <_GelapMalam_> 14" =___= *siap terima uang* "
  323. [00:13] <Viega_F> 5*flailing resumes*
  324. [00:13] <Aether_> 4*lepasin anduk*
  325. [00:13] <DRomero> *stuff mouth with half of the leftovers and run to the source while eating*
  326. [00:13] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*kasih uang* ( O_O)-o "Nih Bos. Hari ini makanannya juga mantab!"
  327. [00:14] <Viega_F> 5"MUUU!" *rambut berantakan*
  328. [00:14] <Aether_> 4"....."
  329. [00:14] <Aether_> 4*sisr rambutnya*
  330. [00:14] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero entered the Inn's hall and saw the.. event ---
  331. [00:14] <Kayla> 2*langsung mendekat ke Viega_F begitu dile....pas*
  332. [00:14] <Viega_F> 5*ngindar* "mu!" -3-
  333. [00:14] <_GelapMalam_> 14HHHH: " =___= kay kay"
  334. [00:14] <Kayla> 2*menengahi Viega_F dan Aether_*
  335. [00:14] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(=w= )/"" "Nanti aku makan di sini lagi!" *sambil wave2 dan jalan keluar dari HHHH menuju HQ*
  336. [00:14] <Kayla> 2*biar kepisah*
  337. [00:14] <Aether_> 4"perempuan harus jaga penampilan dong"
  338. [00:14] <Aether_> 4"..."
  339. [00:14] <Viega_F> 5"kalo penampilan bener nanti ketaua-"
  340. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5*liat kalya*
  341. [00:15] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8DRomero, Kayla , Aether_ and Viega_F in the Inn
  342. [00:15] <Aether_> 4"OI"
  343. [00:15] <DRomero> "Blister in brams Kaka? Brat's brong?" (Sister-in-arms Kayla? What's wrong?)
  344. [00:15] <Aether_> 4"ssst"
  345. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5"mu!" OxO
  346. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*sambil jalan santai dan liat langit biru* \(=w= )/ "Nya!"
  347. [00:15] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie , make a-- ah heck you see the inn ---
  348. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5"yang penting ga mau" -3-)
  349. [00:15] <Aether_> 4"Makanya ku benerin sini"
  350. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5"ga usah"
  351. [00:15] <Kayla> 2"......"
  352. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) "Nya?" *nengok* *liat inn*
  353. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5"nanti telat" -3-)
  354. [00:15] <Aether_> 4"Ga nanggung kalo ada yang tau..."
  355. [00:15] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and many people there… that you know / saw ---
  356. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) "..."
  357. [00:15] <DRomero> *brak*
  358. [00:15] <Aether_> 4"Ga lama tau..."
  359. [00:15] <Viega_F> 5"biarin" -3-)
  360. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*liat DRomero kan?*
  361. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya!"
  362. [00:15] <_GelapMalam_> (iya)
  363. [00:16] <Aether_> 4"tuh sampe kayla bingung"
  364. [00:16] <DRomero> *telen leftovers*
  365. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"nanti di jalan juga berantakan lagi"
  366. [00:16] <DRomero> "..."
  367. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5~-3-)~
  368. [00:16] <Aether_> 4"Ya nggak lah..."
  369. [00:16] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*lari2 kecil ke arah inn* \(OAO ) "Mr..... Who's ur name again?" *sambil mendekati DRomero*
  370. [00:16] <Aether_> 4*tempelin kepala di tembok*
  371. [00:16] <Aether_> 4*garuk - garuk tembok*
  372. [00:16] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO )"~~~ *masih lari2 kecil ke arah DRomero*
  373. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"hore ai nyerah~"
  374. [00:16] <DRomero> *melihat handuk, orang yang berantakan, Kayla yang bingung dan Seraphina yang mendekat*
  375. [00:16] <Aether_> 4"Papa, mama, tolong aku" *whispr whisper*
  376. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"ayo ke guild~"
  377. [00:17] <Kayla> 2"..."
  378. [00:17] <Aether_> 4*duduk ngeringkuk*
  379. [00:17] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO )"~~~ "Tuan yg tadi di resto~" *sambil mendekat*
  380. [00:17] <DRomero> "Ah, hello miss. It's Romero Domine, my name it is."
  381. [00:17] <Viega_F> 5*lambai surat*
  382. [00:17] <DRomero> "Hum."
  383. [00:17] <DRomero> "Alright I get it."
  384. [00:17] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Ah oke Tuan Romario!"
  385. [00:17] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13o-(OAO ) "Ini buat tuan!" *sambil oper kantong makanan*
  386. [00:17] <Kayla> 2"...oh, I didn't realize you were here, Brother Romero"
  387. [00:17] <DRomero> "This is an exorcism!"
  388. [00:18] <Kayla> 2"......"
  389. [00:18] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "Dan ngapain smua di sini? Ngga pada ke guild?"
  390. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5"hoh?"
  391. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5OAO
  392. [00:18] <Aether_> 4*duduk sambil meluk lutut*
  393. [00:18] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- now everyone is in the Inn's Hall ---
  394. [00:18] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the five of you ---
  395. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5"ada mero ama Indie juga" OAO
  396. [00:19] <DRomero> "It seems that the lady over there is being possessed by demons and his friend over there helped with the exorcism, Sister-in-arms Kayla over here came to help but somehow things are going worse than they expected."
  397. [00:19] <Aether_> 4"harusnya aku ga kabur, semua gara2 yu"*mumble mumble*
  398. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13<(O_O ) "Who?"
  399. [00:19] <Viega_F> 5"hai semuaaaa~"
  400. [00:19] <Kayla> 2"........"
  401. [00:19] <DRomero> "Fortunately, everything is better now."
  402. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(=w= ) "Ada semuaaaa--- siapa ya?"
  403. [00:19] <Aether_> 4*ngeliat Viega teralihkan perhatiannya, langsung loncat nyisir rambutnya*
  404. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) "mukanya pernah liat smua.. Pasti pernah bareng tapi lupa smua namanya" *celingukan*
  405. [00:19] <DRomero> "What a busy morning for everyone, I have to offer you my praise for being able to handle all that before a quest."
  406. [00:19] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indie lupa? OAO"
  407. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Siapa itu Indie?"
  408. [00:20] <Viega_F> 5;A;
  409. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*tadi oper kantong k DRomero ya =3=b*
  410. [00:20] <Kayla> 2"...So, everyone is heading to the guild...?"
  411. [00:20] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indie jahat" ;A;
  412. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Hah? Who?"
  413. [00:20] <Viega_F> 5;A;
  414. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13<(OAO ) "..."
  415. [00:20] <DRomero> "Ah, thank you very much Miss Incendie. May your good deeds be repaid by the Gods someday."
  416. [00:20] <DRomero> *bows and accept box*
  417. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13<(=A= ) "Nya..?"
  418. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13<(=A= ) "..."
  419. [00:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ sukses menyisir rambut Viega_F yg masih ga sadar ---
  420. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*loading* <(=A= ) "..."
  421. [00:21] <DRomero> "Although I am unworthy, you still helped me with this offering. I hope it isn't because you sympathized with my poor visage."
  422. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*geleng2 kepala* (OAO ) "Aku masih ga inget!!!"
  423. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Oh ngga.. Tadi kelebihan mesen buat bekel aja kok. Daripada ngga kemakan tuan Romario"
  424. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "..." *celingukan*
  425. [00:22] <Viega_F> 5;A;
  426. [00:22] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO)o- "Jadi namanya siapa aja sih? Aku lupa" *sambil point 1-1* "Tuan Romario udah. Lainnya?"
  427. [00:22] <Viega_F> 5"mero diinget" ;A;
  428. [00:22] <DRomero> "Hum, I see there is something more complex behind this. I'll offer you my thanks once again and ponder about the meaning behind this foods while savoring it carefully later."
  429. [00:22] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Kan tadi ngomong namanya"
  430. [00:23] <Kayla> 2"..." *menghela napas*
  431. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)o- "Mbak muka susah yang di situ?" *point Kayla*
  432. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-o(OAO ) "Mbak yg dari tadi nangis" *point Viega_F*
  433. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO)o "Dan tuan yang dari tadi nyisirin mbak muka nangis"
  434. [00:23] <DRomero> "Now then everyone, as I see that some of you may still be busy I will sadly have to part from this place because of some needs I have to attend in the guild."
  435. [00:23] <Viega_F> 5"viega" *sob*
  436. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*point Aether_*
  437. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Ah! Mbak Pega! Oke oke" *nods nods*
  438. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5"eh?"
  439. [00:24] <DRomero> "Hopefully we all will be in the same quest again someday so we can meet again in the future."
  440. [00:24] <DRomero> *smiles and leave for the guild*
  441. [00:24] <Aether_> 4"Perkenalkan ke yang sekian kali, namaku Aether nona seraph"
  442. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5*liat ke arah Aether_*
  443. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5"mu!" *melipir*
  444. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5"hoh?"
  445. [00:24] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Ah tuan Eter" *nods nods* "Nya!"
  446. [00:24] <Aether_> 4*sambil nyisir*
  447. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5"eh mero ke guild juga?"
  448. [00:24] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  449. [00:24] <Kayla> 2"My name is Michaela Sicilia, Lady Incendie"
  450. [00:24] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)o- "Mbak muka susah yg itu?" *point Kayla*
  451. [00:25] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)o- "Hoh.. Mbak Sisir.. Siap!"
  452. [00:25] <Kayla> 2"..."
  453. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5"mero mero tungguin~"
  454. [00:25] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(=A=)/ "Okeh! Inget semua lagi!"
  455. [00:25] <Aether_> 4"Sip, sudah bagus"
  456. [00:25] <Aether_> 4"Ayo berangkat Viega"
  457. [00:25] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- FAST FORWARD? ---
  458. [00:25] <Aether_> 4(FF)
  459. [00:26] <Viega_F> 5(FF de)
  460. [00:26] <DRomero> (FF)
  461. [00:26] <Kayla> 2"Well, since everything seems settled here, perhaps I shall continue my way to the guild, too"
  462. [00:26] <Kayla> 2(FF saja)
  463. [00:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "...guild..." *loading sambil FF*
  464. [00:27] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie make Int check !! ---
  465. [00:27] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- anyways, The Guild ---
  466. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie> !Roll 1d20+1
  467. [00:28] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Seraphina_Incendie [19] + 1 = 20"
  468. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(20 int check OAO)g)
  469. [00:28] <_GelapMalam_>!!
  470. [00:28] <_GelapMalam_> 1,15- Seraphina_Incendie still remember everyone's name -
  471. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(hoh oke =3=)7)
  472. [00:28] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- THE GUILD ---
  473. [00:29] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- not so savvy building, but built on a top of a canal ---
  474. [00:29] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- three stories building, with quite huge door at front ---
  475. [00:29] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O) *sambil ngemilin dikit2 bekel* *sambil jalan ke guild*
  476. [00:29] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- there is Receptionist there, but for members, you can directly go a bit inside, where there is a mission board ---
  477. [00:30] <_GelapMalam_> 12"BRAVOOO!!! FINALLY someone here!!"
  478. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O~O) "?"
  479. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O~O) *nomnom* *glek*
  480. [00:31] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "Hey you newcomers, we have work to do!!"
  481. [00:31] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O) "Nya?" *miringin kepala*
  482. [00:31] <Viega_F> 5"Pak Bra, pagi!" -3-)/
  483. [00:31] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "If you're idle, and nothing to do!!"
  484. [00:31] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "Just let me know, and I will bring you!!"
  485. [00:31] <DRomero> "I am sorry for the inconvenience I may have caused because of my tardiness." *bows*
  486. [00:31] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *nods2*
  487. [00:31] <DRomero> "I am here because of this letter which details about a quest?"
  488. [00:32] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *nods2 @ DRomero 
  489. [00:32] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Ada makanan enak?" *angkat tangan*
  490. [00:32] <DRomero> "Are you the one who sent this letter?"
  491. [00:32] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *shakes head @Seraphina_Incendie 
  492. [00:32] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Sir Bravo"
  493. [00:32] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( ._.) *mikir2*
  494. [00:32] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *shakes head @DRomero 
  495. [00:32] <Viega_F> 5"hoh iya surat!" O_O
  496. [00:32] <Kayla> 2"I am also here with the same reason as Brother Romero"
  497. [00:32] <Viega_F> 5*rogoh kantong*
  498. [00:32] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *nods2 @ Kayla 
  499. [00:32] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Kalo yang surat ini ada makanan enak?" *wave2 surat*
  500. [00:33] <Viega_F> 5"a-aku juga!" *masih cari surat, di tas*
  501. [00:33] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: *shakes head @Seraphina_Incendie 
  502. [00:33] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "… @_@ *pusing* "
  503. [00:33] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( ._.) *mikir2*
  504. [00:33] <Viega_F> 5"muuuuu"
  505. [00:33] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Dapet uang buat beli makanan enak?"
  506. [00:33] <Aether_> 4*liat liat sekitar*
  507. [00:33] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "… SO, you guys idle?"
  508. [00:34] <Viega_F> 5"a-ada surat dari guild" O_O
  509. [00:34] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ sees the guild is not that crowded at all ---
  510. [00:34] <Kayla> 2"...yes"
  511. [00:34] <Viega_F> 5"jadi ada misi.... kayaknya"
  512. [00:34] <Kayla> 2@Bravo
  513. [00:34] <DRomero> "I may want to take the mission in this letter if you would allow me to."
  514. [00:34] <_GelapMalam_> 12"YES YES! THAT IS IT!! Miss Sion!!"
  515. [00:34] <Viega_F> 5O_O *kaget*
  516. [00:35] <_GelapMalam_> 12"OH! Well there are several there" *points at the board*
  517. [00:35] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) "Miss Sion siapa?" *celingukan*
  518. [00:35] <Kayla> 2*melihat ke arah board*
  519. [00:35] <_GelapMalam_> 12"But if you want to do Miss Sion with me, just let me know! My paper is that one *points yellow paper with pink ink* "
  520. [00:35] <DRomero> "Hum?"
  521. [00:35] <_GelapMalam_> 12*hormat* *loncat2 menjauh*
  522. [00:35] <_GelapMalam_> 12*trus duduk dengan tenang*
  523. [00:35] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O) "..."
  524. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  525. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5"muuu..." *nyerah nyari surat*
  526. [00:36] <DRomero> "Hm... at first I assume Miss Sion is a butchering of the word "Mission" but now that Miss Seraphina mentioned it, it may be someone's name "Miss Sion."
  527. [00:36] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*jalan2 mendekat ke papan yg ditunjuk* ( O_O) *cari yg namanya miss sion*
  528. [00:36] <Kayla> 2"..."
  529. [00:36] <DRomero> ""To do" Miss Sion I wonder what we're gonna do to this unknown lady."
  530. [00:36] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- well, the Mission Board has several papers ---
  531. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5"tapi misi yang di surat ga jelas juga" -3-
  532. [00:37] <DRomero> *mendekat ke papan*
  533. [00:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ does not notice anything strange --
  534. [00:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero approaches the board ---
  535. [00:37] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Nya..Miss sion.. Miss sion.. Yang mana ya..?"
  536. [00:37] <Kayla> 2"..." *melihat DRomero sejenak*
  537. [00:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and sees several papers attached just yesterday, according to the date ---
  538. [00:37] <Kayla> 2*lalu jalan ke arah papan*
  539. [00:37] <Aether_> 4*tetep berdiri belakang Viga_F*
  540. [00:37] <Aether_> 4*Viega_F*
  541. [00:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla approaches the board as well ---
  542. [00:37] <Viega_F> 5"ai masih ada suratnya?"
  543. [00:37] <Aether_> 4"Hum? Ini"
  544. [00:38] <Aether_> 4*ambil dari kantong*
  545. [00:38] <Aether_> 4"nih"
  546. [00:38] <Kayla> 2*coba liat kertas yang ditunjuk bravo dulu*
  547. [00:38] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*sambil liatin 1-1 kertas di papan* ( O_O)o-
  548. [00:38] <Viega_F> 5"pinjam" *ambil*
  549. [00:38] <Viega_F> 5*baca*
  550. [00:38] <Viega_F> 5"!" O_O
  551. [00:39] <Kayla> 2*coba baca baik-baik kertas yang berwarna kuning dengan tulisan tinta warna pink*
  552. [00:39] <Viega_F> 5"muuuu bukan dikasih misi ternyata, disuruh ambil misi" -3-
  553. [00:39] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Bravo's paper: a mission of escorting research scientists to investigate the island at coordinate (xx,yy); preliminary predictions pointed that there might be Undeads ---
  554. [00:39] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O)a "Nya.." *bingung*
  555. [00:39] <Viega_F> 5"oh well"
  556. [00:39] <Aether_> 4"oh"
  557. [00:39] <Aether_> 4"...."
  558. [00:39] <Viega_F> 5*ke board, masih megang surat*
  559. [00:39] <DRomero> "I see."
  560. [00:39] <Aether_> 4"terus gimana?"*bisik*
  561. [00:40] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*mikir* ( O_O)a
  562. [00:40] <Aether_> 4"Pulang aja?"*bisik Viega*
  563. [00:40] <DRomero> "Undeads are the enemy of the living, they are beings that should not be here in the first place."
  564. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5"yah udah disini~"
  565. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5"ambil misi aja"
  566. [00:40] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*mendekati Bravo* (O_O )"~~~~
  567. [00:40] <DRomero> "Sir, if you're okay with me please let me join the mission with you."
  568. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5"hum... tadi yang punyanya pak Bra yang mana ya" -3-)a
  569. [00:40] <DRomero> *samperin Bravo*
  570. [00:40] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Another paper: a mission to explore a ruins recently spotted by scouts, at island Skull Island; they say there are still monsters, but guaranteed no more traps ---
  571. [00:41] <DRomero> "I will surely give peace to poor Miss Sion who got turned into undead."
  572. [00:41] <Aether_> 4*Tunjukin kertas kuning tinta pink*
  573. [00:41] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "BRAVOOO!!! OAO)g "
  574. [00:41] <Aether_> 4"kertas kuning, tinta pink"
  575. [00:41] <Kayla> 2"...undeads..."
  576. [00:41] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Tuan! Aku mau kasi proposal!"
  577. [00:41] <Aether_> 4*cari*
  578. [00:41] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13@bravo
  579. [00:41] <Viega_F> 5"uuuuu.." *squint coba baca*
  580. [00:41] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "BRAA--- propose?!"
  581. [00:41] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Aku bantuin tapi traktir makanan!"
  582. [00:41] <DRomero> *gasp*
  583. [00:41] <DRomero> "How bold."
  584. [00:41] <Kayla> 2"Sir Bravo, I shall join your mission as well"
  585. [00:42] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ read the same thing ---
  586. [00:42] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Cemilan buat di jalan kayaknya kurang soalnya"
  587. [00:42] <Viega_F> 5"hu?"
  588. [00:42] <Viega_F> 5"eh yang lain pada ambil misi?"
  589. [00:42] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "BRAVOO!!! OAO)g @ Kayla "
  590. [00:42] <Viega_F> 5"yang mana?" OAO
  591. [00:42] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Yang murah juga ngga apa"
  592. [00:42] <Viega_F> 5(OAO == OAO)
  593. [00:42] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "BRA-- dicemil? O_O" @Seraphina_Incendie 
  594. [00:42] <Kayla> 2"...."
  595. [00:42] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "cemilaaannn.. Makanan!"
  596. [00:43] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13p(OAO ) "Apa gitu.. kue.. atau roti.. jerky juga boleh"
  597. [00:43] <DRomero> "Ah, sister-in-arms Kayla I am happy for your enthusiasm. Let me offer you my gratitude for standing together with me in this way of living as the servant of Gods."
  598. [00:43] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "AH BUT I need to remind you, I must stay at the ship and be ready in case anything goes wrong we can directly run away from the island"
  599. [00:43] <Viega_F> 5*deketin yang lain*
  600. [00:43] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) *nods* "Ngga papa nanti cemilan aku bawa di tas"
  601. [00:43] <Kayla> 2"It is our duty after all, Brother Romero" *smiles faintly*
  602. [00:44] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13b(O_O ) "If anything goes wrong, aku bakal nyelamatin cemilan duluan kok" *Nods*
  603. [00:44] <Viega_F> 5*poke poke bahu seraphina_incendie*
  604. [00:44] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indie..."
  605. [00:44] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Nya?"
  606. [00:44] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*nengok* ( OAO) "?"
  607. [00:44] <Viega_F> 5"ini pada mau misinya pak bra?" ._.
  608. [00:44] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O) "Kalo dapet cemilan sih iya" *nods*
  609. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  610. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5"masih muat dua orang?"
  611. [00:45] <Aether_> 4*garuk garuk kepala liat Viega*
  612. [00:45] <Aether_> 4*menatap langit...langit.."
  613. [00:45] <_GelapMalam_> 12Bravo: "BRAVOOOO!! OAO)g "
  614. [00:45] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Coba tanya aja ama si tuan"
  615. [00:45] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ the ceiling looks familiar ---
  616. [00:45] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Tuan ditanya katanya cemilannya masih bisa buat 2 orang lagi apa ngga"
  617. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5OAO) *kaget liat bravo*
  618. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5"e?"
  619. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  620. [00:45] <Viega_F> 5*geleng geleng*
  621. [00:45] <_GelapMalam_> 12"Cemilannya muat buat dua orang lagi *nods2*
  622. [00:46] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) *nods nods*
  623. [00:46] <Kayla> 2"....." *melihat Bravo*
  624. [00:46] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Katanya muat muat 2 orang lagi"
  625. [00:46] <Viega_F> 5"E? jadi aku sama ai boleh ikut?"
  626. [00:46] <Viega_F> 5"horeeee~"
  627. [00:46] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13d(OAO ) "Sip! Cemilan!"
  628. [00:46] <Aether_> 4"Permisi tuan Bravo, izinkan kami ikut serta dalam misimu"
  629. [00:46] <_GelapMalam_> 12"BRAVOOO! OAO)g "
  630. [00:46] <Aether_> 4*bow*
  631. [00:47] <Viega_F> 5O_O)b *yang penting thumb up*
  632. [00:47] <_GelapMalam_> 12"OH *ikutan bow* TIPE ini rupanya"
  633. [00:47] <Aether_> 4"terima kasih"
  634. [00:47] <_GelapMalam_> 12*thumbs up*
  635. [00:47] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13b(OAO ) "Cemilan!"
  636. [00:47] <_GelapMalam_> 12*bow sambil thumbs up* "cemilan!!"
  637. [00:47] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- FAST FORWARD? ---
  638. [00:47] <Kayla> 2" guess now it's time for the briefing?"
  639. [00:47] <Kayla> 2@Bravo
  640. [00:47] <DRomero> (FF)
  641. [00:47] <Kayla> 2(siap FF)
  642. [00:47] <Aether_> 4(FF)
  643. [00:47] <Viega_F> 5(FF)
  644. [00:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(FF)
  645. [00:48] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Simple Briefing ---
  646. [00:48] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Play: NONE ---
  647. [00:49] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- There is one researcher, but she is already has a 'bodyguard' with her, so you do not need to worry about her ---
  648. [00:50] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- she is looking for some kind of materials, and prospecting the island ---
  649. [00:50] <Kayla> 2*simple courtesy saja ke researcher*
  650. [00:50] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you all are needed to explore the island, and act as scout, a bit ahead of them ---
  651. [00:50] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) *cari bentukan yg seperti cemilan*
  652. [00:50] * _Nyem (~Yoru@E1CD1EDE.64A16F19.1FC1205.IP) has joined #ruangdadu
  653. [00:50] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but the bodyguard will focus on the flank and guarding the researcher, so they will not help you either ---
  654. [00:51] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Bravo waits at the ship, ready to launch in case of hasty retreat ---
  655. [00:51] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The journey across the sea is peaceful and a bit uneventful, and you all reached the island ---
  656. [00:52] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but before that, any questions? ---
  657. [00:52] <Aether_> 4(nope)
  658. [00:52] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the researcher is abit aloof, and there are snacks nearby ---
  659. [00:52] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13\(OAO ) "Mana cemilannya?"
  660. [00:52] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OwO )"~~~ "Nya!" *bahagia di pojok snack*
  661. [00:52] <DRomero> "What should we do if we find something important?"
  662. [00:53] <Viega_F> 5"Bu ilmuan namanya siapa?" O_O)/
  663. [00:53] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Mbak Pega gimana sih.. Kan namanya Miss Sion"
  664. [00:53] <_GelapMalam_> 7"ummm? well, you can leave them to me to.. handle."
  665. [00:53] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*sambil ngemil*
  666. [00:53] <_GelapMalam_> 7"Ummm, my name is not for public… consumption."
  667. [00:54] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O_O) "..."
  668. [00:54] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(|||OAO) "Nama bisa dimakan???"
  669. [00:54] <Viega_F> 5"muu... tapi bu ilmuan kepanjangan" ._.
  670. [00:54] <_GelapMalam_> 7"well now shall we go to explore the… unknown, no?"
  671. [00:54] <Aether_> 4"...."
  672. [00:54] <Kayla> 2" there anything in the island that we must give special attention to?"
  673. [00:55] <Kayla> 2"Besides the undeads..."
  674. [00:55] <Aether_> 4"Nona Viega kan suka bikin nama panggilan, gimana kalo nona panggil..."
  675. [00:55] <Aether_> 4"Sial saja"
  676. [00:55] <Viega_F> 5"bu il" -3-)/
  677. [00:55] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) *Sambil ngemil masukin cemilan beberapa ke dalam tas*
  678. [00:55] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) "Nya~ Nya~" *masukin cemilan dengan bahagia*
  679. [00:55] <Aether_> 4"Namanya 'ibu sial' "
  680. [00:55] <_GelapMalam_> 7"Ummmm, it seems that there are many undeads here who are craving for human's… flesh."
  681. [00:55] <Viega_F> 5"sush, ga sopan ngasih nama yang jelek" -3-)/ *getok kepala aether_
  682. [00:55] <_GelapMalam_> 7"Other than that… *giggles sambil menutupi mulut* "
  683. [00:56] <_GelapMalam_> 7"… none "
  684. [00:56] <Kayla> 2"...I see"
  685. [00:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( O~O) "Nya? Daging manusia emang enak ya..?" *sambil ngemil*
  686. [00:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- any other question? ---
  687. [00:56] <Viega_F> 5(O_O "indie...seram..."
  688. [00:56] <Aether_> 4"padahal siapa yang suka ganti nama orang"*mumble*(-.-)
  689. [00:56] <Aether_> 4(no)
  690. [00:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "katanya undead pengen makan manusia"
  691. [00:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,15- btw mau lanjut atau stop? -
  692. [00:57] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(nope so FF saja =w=/)
  693. [00:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,15- kl lanjut test battle *spoiler* -
  694. [00:57] <Kayla> 2"I think I don't have any more question for now..."
  695. [00:57] <DRomero> (FFFFFF)
  696. [00:57] <Kayla> 2(FF saja)
  697. [00:57] <Aether_> 4(test battle)
  698. [00:57] <Aether_> 4(FF)
  699. [00:57] <_GelapMalam_> (ok)
  700. [00:57] <Viega_F> 5(FF)
  701. [00:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- And you venture into the island ---
  702. [00:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you have chosen the daytime, to minimize risks, and must go back to ship some time after high noon, to minimize risk ---
  703. [00:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the explorations are a bit hurried somehow, and the researcher seemed to have known the area, and she pointed your way towards a ruin under a cliff ---
  704. [00:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and she simply told you ---
  705. [00:59] <_GelapMalam_> 7"Ummmmm, there, just right… down there" *points towards ruins*
  706. [00:59] <DRomero> "Okay."
  707. [00:59] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(O~O ) ( O~O) *celingukan sambil ngemil sedikit2*
  708. [00:59] <Kayla> 2"Very well"
  709. [00:59] <DRomero> *Berjalan di depan sambil siap siaga*
  710. [01:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- The bodyguard sets rope, so you found no difficulties in climbing down ---
  711. [01:00] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*tutup cemilan masukin dlm tas* (._. ) *bersiap dengan halberd* (O_O ) ( O_O) *Celingukan*
  712. [01:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and also now he is preparing some ladder and other tools to climb for later ---
  713. [01:00] <Kayla> 2*di sebelah/belakang/depan DRomero*
  714. [01:00] <Viega_F> 5(O_O = O_O)
  715. [01:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Walking Formation? ---
  716. [01:00] <DRomero> "You know, I can't help but notice that the researcher have some kind of... peculiarities in her speech."
  717. [01:00] <Aether_> 4*di belakang Viega_F*
  718. [01:00] <DRomero> "It's like she... tried to..."
  719. [01:00] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*kedua kayaknya*
  720. [01:00] <DRomero> "Warn us maybe?"
  721. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5"jangan terlalu was was ah mero" -3-)/
  722. [01:01] <Kayla> 2"Probably"
  723. [01:01] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Front Row, Middle Row, Back Row? ---
  724. [01:01] <DRomero> "Everything is more complex than it seems, it won't hurt to be a little bit more prepared."
  725. [01:01] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Aku kira dia lagi sakit tenggorokan makanya ngomongnya tersendat2"
  726. [01:01] <DRomero> FFR
  727. [01:01] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(MR)
  728. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5"jangan kebanyakan pikiran, nanti cepet keriput"
  729. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5(MR)
  730. [01:01] <Kayla> 2(FR)
  731. [01:01] <DRomero> "A sickness, hm? That could be it too."
  732. [01:02] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8- DRomero , Kayla ,Viega_F Seraphina_Incendie , Kayla -
  733. [01:02] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*nods nods* (OAO ) "Makanya cemilan juga ngga abis kan pas brifing?"
  734. [01:02] <Kayla> 2"Let us just focus on the mission"
  735. [01:02] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(kayla 2x?)
  736. [01:02] <_GelapMalam_> (wut
  737. [01:02] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8- DRomero , Kayla ,Viega_F Seraphina_Incendie , Aether_ -
  738. [01:02] <Kayla> 2*unsheate great sword*
  739. [01:02] <DRomero> "Wrinkles are signs of a life of thinking."
  740. [01:02] <_GelapMalam_> (tab kok error)
  741. [01:02] <Aether_> 4(saya tepat dibelakang Viega_F)
  742. [01:02] <DRomero> *shield dan pedang unseathed*
  743. [01:02] <DRomero> *always ready to defend*
  744. [01:02] <_GelapMalam_> (yup makanya masuk back row)
  745. [01:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*sambil siapin halberd* *posisi halberd sesuai gambar* (O~O )
  746. [01:03] <Viega_F> 5*jalan santai senjata seathed*
  747. [01:03] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- You journey towards the unknown ---
  748. [01:03] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and after some winding passages and empty rooms ---
  749. [01:04] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "..nya..." *celingukan*
  750. [01:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you traveled through a narrow alley ---
  751. [01:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- full of cluttering items here and there ---
  752. [01:05] <Kayla> 2*waspada ke arah depan saja*
  753. [01:05] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) ('A' ) ( 'A') ( OAO) ( ) *celingukan ke atas bawah kiri kanan depan belakang* "..nya.."
  754. [01:05] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- upon which it led you into a hall, with wide doors, and four huge pillars; one of them, the far-rigt pillar had collapsed, and the part of the pillar lie uncomfortably ---
  755. [01:05] <Viega_F> 5*liat liat*
  756. [01:06] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Everyone suddenly heard a clank ---
  757. [01:06] <Viega_F> 5"mu!" *liat ke arah clank*
  758. [01:06] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya!" *nengok k arah suara*
  759. [01:06] <Aether_> 4"jaga langkahmu Viega"*bisik*
  760. [01:06] <Kayla> 2"What was that?" *lihat ke arah suara*
  761. [01:06] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- And you saw several skeletons are walking towards you… emerging from behind the pillars… ---
  762. [01:06] <Viega_F> 5*unseathe senjata*
  763. [01:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- INITIATIVE!! ---
  764. [01:07] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  765. [01:07] <Kayla> 2"...undeads..."
  766. [01:07] <Kayla> 2(init itu...?)
  767. [01:07] <Kayla> 2(+ apa aja?)
  768. [01:07] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "...bahan kaldu sop!"
  769. [01:07] <Viega_F> 5"tulang" OAO)
  770. [01:07] <Aether_> 4(kalo ga sala cuma dex)
  771. [01:07] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+2
  772. [01:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Kayla [12] + 2 = 14"
  773. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(init dex?)
  774. [01:08] <DRomero> (di roll in atau roll sendiri)
  775. [01:08] <DRomero> (oh)
  776. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(bebas O_O)
  777. [01:08] <Kayla> 2(init 14 sa...oh, benar)
  778. [01:08] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+4
  779. [01:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Aether_ [5] + 4 = 9"
  780. [01:08] <_GelapMalam_>
  781. [01:08] <_GelapMalam_> (roll sendiri2)
  782. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(...kayaknya roll sndr ya..)
  783. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20-1
  784. [01:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? Seraphina_Incendie [12] - 1 = 11"
  785. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(11 saja init)
  786. [01:08] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+2
  787. [01:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Viega_F [8] + 2 = 10"
  788. [01:08] <Aether_> 4(9 init)
  789. [01:09] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+2
  790. [01:09] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? _GelapMalam_ [18] + 2 = 20"
  791. [01:09] <_GelapMalam_> (tolong diurut?)
  792. [01:09] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  793. [01:09] <Kayla> 2(ngeri)
  794. [01:10] <Kayla> 2_GelapMalam_ - Kayla - Sera - Viega - Aether
  795. [01:10] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(romero?)
  796. [01:10] <Kayla> 2(Romero?)
  797. [01:10] <DRomero> !roll 1d20
  798. [01:10] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? DRomero [15] = 15"
  799. [01:10] <Kayla> 2_GelapMalam_ - Romero - Kayla - Sera - Viega - Aether
  800. [01:10] <_GelapMalam_> (skels - DRomero - Kayla - Seraphina_Incendie - Viega_F - Aether_ )
  801. [01:11] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 3 skeletons at left, 3 skeletons at right, and 2 skeletons at front ---
  802. [01:11] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 2 skeletons from front charges DRomero ---
  803. [01:11] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  804. [01:11] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [17] + 4 = 21"
  805. [01:11] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  806. [01:11] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [5] + 4 = 9"
  807. [01:12] <Kayla> 2(gile)
  808. [01:12] <DRomero> "Pitiful beings, I will take your blows."
  809. [01:12] <_GelapMalam_> (wut
  810. [01:12] <DRomero> hit one
  811. [01:12] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6+2
  812. [01:12] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [3] + 2 = 5"
  813. [01:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the scimitars connected ---
  814. [01:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- loud clangs echoed the hall ---
  815. [01:12] <DRomero> HP: 7/12
  816. [01:13] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 3 skeletons from the left charges DRomero , Kayla , and Viega_F 
  817. [01:13] <Aether_> 4(uda bisa reaction belom si? Flatfoot ada ga ?)
  818. [01:13] <_GelapMalam_> (oh anggap ada dulu aja awa lupa)
  819. [01:13] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- any reactions? ---
  820. [01:14] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 3d20
  821. [01:14] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d20? _GelapMalam_ [12+5+16=33] = 33"
  822. [01:14] <Kayla> 2(...reaction itu opo?)
  823. [01:14] <Aether_> 4Defensive Duelist
  824. [01:14] <_GelapMalam_> (each +4, so it is 16, 9, and 20)
  825. [01:14] <Aether_> 4(ac +...)
  826. [01:14] <Aether_> 4(Nvm)
  827. [01:14] <Kayla> 2(oh, miss)
  828. [01:14] <Viega_F> 5(hit)
  829. [01:14] <Aether_> 4(hit)
  830. [01:14] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6+2
  831. [01:14] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [3] + 2 = 5"
  832. [01:14] <DRomero> miss
  833. [01:14] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- mau damage mental / fisik, Viega_F ? ---
  834. [01:15] <Viega_F> 5(fisik)
  835. [01:15] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the scimitars cut through your … ---
  836. [01:15] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6
  837. [01:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6? _GelapMalam_ [1] = 1"
  838. [01:15] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- left eyebrow, just right at top of it ---
  839. [01:15] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Tuan Romario! Mbak Pega!"
  840. [01:16] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- blood drips ---
  841. [01:16] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the 2 skeletons remaining, charges Seraphina_Incendie and Aether_ ---
  842. [01:16] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d20
  843. [01:16] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _GelapMalam_ [1+12=13] = 13"
  844. [01:16] <_GelapMalam_> (wut)
  845. [01:16] <Viega_F> 5"A... A"
  846. [01:16] <_GelapMalam_> ( 16 AC ke Aether_ ?)
  847. [01:16] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Mbak Si-- Woa woa woa!!" *kaget diserang*
  848. [01:16] * _Nyem2 (~Yoru@E52A64AB.55F8595E.1FC1205.IP) has joined #ruangdadu
  849. [01:17] * _Nyem (~Yoru@E1CD1EDE.64A16F19.1FC1205.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  850. [01:17] * _Nyem2 (~Yoru@E52A64AB.55F8595E.1FC1205.IP) Quit
  851. [01:17] <_GelapMalam_> (Aether_ ?)
  852. [01:17] <Aether_> 4((tadi sempet defensive duelist kan?)
  853. [01:18] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero siap2 ---
  854. [01:18] <_GelapMalam_> (dikasih sempet dulu saja)
  855. [01:18] <Aether_> 4(kalo sempet 17 ac)
  856. [01:18] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  857. [01:18] <Aether_> 4(=w=b)
  858. [01:18] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero 's TURN !! ---
  859. [01:18] <DRomero> Bisa ready action buat ngelindungin temen yang diserang kalau sebelahan?
  860. [01:19] <Kayla> 2"Hang in there, Lady Fhauri!"
  861. [01:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- yes, but anyone attacking you would get advantage, is it okay? ---
  862. [01:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- (lets trade) ---
  863. [01:19] <DRomero> It's okay
  864. [01:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- (deal) ---
  865. [01:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla 's TURN ---
  866. [01:20] <Kayla> 2*jarak?*
  867. [01:20] <Kayla> 2*yang nyerang Viega nyampe?*
  868. [01:20] * _meh (~meh@4956C033.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #ruangdadu
  869. [01:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 3 skeletons at DRomero , one at Kayla , one at Viega_F , one at Seraphina_Incendie , one at Aether_ 
  870. [01:21] <_GelapMalam_> (oh bisa)
  871. [01:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- formation: DRomero , Kayla , Viega_F Seraphina_Incendie , Aether_ ; you can attack enemy at you or at your next ally ---
  872. [01:22] <Aether_> 4(bisa nyerang yang di Viega kah? nanti)
  873. [01:23] <Kayla> 2*bacok saja yang dekat Viega*
  874. [01:23] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  875. [01:23] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero seemed to be focusing on defending his allies, Viega_F 's eyebrow is cut by the rusty scimitar, Aether_ has activated his defensive style parrying with rapier, and Kayla slashed the enemy near Viega_F ---
  876. [01:23] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+2
  877. [01:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Kayla [14] + 2 = 16"
  878. [01:24] <Kayla> 216 saja
  879. [01:24] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the greatsword smashed the thick skull ---
  880. [01:24] <_GelapMalam_> (sila damage)
  881. [01:24] <Kayla> !roll 2d6+2
  882. [01:24] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2? Kayla [6+4=10] + 2 = 12"
  883. [01:24] <Kayla> 2(...pllus STR kan?)
  884. [01:24] * Viega_F (~meh@4956C033.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  885. [01:24] <_GelapMalam_> (yup)
  886. [01:24] * _meh is now known as Viega_F
  887. [01:24] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  888. [01:24] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [5+1=6] + 4 = 10"
  889. [01:24] <Kayla> 2"Begone!"
  890. [01:24] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and it crumbles into dust ---
  891. [01:25] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie 's TURN !! ---
  892. [01:25] <Viega_F> 5"Kay... makasih"
  893. [01:25] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya.. Keren.."
  894. [01:25] <_GelapMalam_> (oh Seraphina_Incendie reach ya? bisa attack manapun...)
  895. [01:25] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( TAT) "Now.. Ini cemilanku, Nya! Jangan diambil seenaknya!" *bacok yg di depan ya*
  896. [01:25] <_GelapMalam_> (depan persis? oke silakan)
  897. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(maaf.. nanya.. jadi +4 kan? O_O)
  898. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20+4
  899. [01:26] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Seraphina_Incendie [13] + 4 = 17"
  900. [01:26] <Kayla> 2*nods* "Keep your focus, Lady Fhauri"
  901. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(17 =3=a)
  902. [01:26] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  903. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d10+2
  904. [01:26] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+2? Seraphina_Incendie [4] + 2 = 6"
  905. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(6 demej)
  906. [01:26] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie 's Halberd slashed through skeletons ribs; but there are not much left inside it ---
  907. [01:26] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  908. [01:26] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [7+2=9] + 4 = 13"
  909. [01:26] <_GelapMalam_> (7/13)
  910. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-bonus action : bard inspiration, nyanyi dan menyemangati pega =3=b*
  911. [01:27] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO)/ "Nya! Nya!"
  912. [01:27] <_GelapMalam_> (bard inspiration itu..? oh)
  913. [01:27] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-done-
  914. [01:27] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(dapet 1d6 =3=d)
  915. [01:27] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F 's TURN ---
  916. [01:27] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you can feel the fresh, warm blood at your eyebrow ---
  917. [01:28] <Viega_F> 5*tusuk yang depan indie*
  918. [01:28] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  919. [01:28] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  920. [01:28] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [5] + 5 = 10"
  921. [01:28] <Viega_F> 5(pake bardic inspiration)
  922. [01:28] <Viega_F> !roll 1d6
  923. [01:28] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6? Viega_F [6] = 6"
  924. [01:28] <_GelapMalam_> (wew inspired highly)
  925. [01:29] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you can feel the rushhhh !! ---
  926. [01:29] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  927. [01:29] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  928. [01:29] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [4] + 3 = 7"
  929. [01:29] <_GelapMalam_> (wew)
  930. [01:30] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and from the space of the broken ribs, Viega_F destroyed the spine; the skeleton crumbled to dust ---
  931. [01:30] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(Ow<)b "Nice, Mbak Pega!"
  932. [01:30] <Viega_F> 5"MU!"
  933. [01:30] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ 's TURN ---
  934. [01:30] <Viega_F> 5(eh saya masih ada bonus act)
  935. [01:31] <_GelapMalam_> (oh silakan bonus dulu kl gitu Viega_F )
  936. [01:31] <Aether_> 4*serang ke yang paling deket Viega yang bi--)
  937. [01:31] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F 's Bonus Action ---
  938. [01:31] <Viega_F> 5*bonus action: slash yang depan kayla*
  939. [01:31] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  940. [01:31] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [20] + 5 = 25"
  941. [01:31] <_GelapMalam_> (kondisi: DRomero [3], Kayla [1], Aether_ [1] )
  942. [01:31] <_GelapMalam_> (hanjir)
  943. [01:31] <_GelapMalam_> (crit)
  944. [01:32] <_GelapMalam_> (roll 2x dice)
  945. [01:32] <Viega_F> 5(modifier tetep?)
  946. [01:32] <_GelapMalam_> (modifier tetp)
  947. [01:32] <Viega_F> !roll 2d8+2
  948. [01:32] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+2? Viega_F [1+6=7] + 2 = 9"
  949. [01:33] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  950. [01:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [7+6=13] + 4 = 17"
  951. [01:33] <_GelapMalam_> (wow)
  952. [01:33] <_GelapMalam_> (Kayla[8/17])
  953. [01:33] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  954. [01:33] <Kayla> 2(oh)
  955. [01:33] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the second slash tried to reach the same spine, but it is blocked by some ribs not destroyed yet ---
  956. [01:34] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- you think same trick would work twice? huh ---
  957. [01:34] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ 's TURN ---
  958. [01:34] <Viega_F> 5"maaf kaykay, belum hancur"
  959. [01:34] <Aether_> 4(serang ke yang deket Viega ada?)
  960. [01:34] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero [3 skels], Kayla [8/17], Viega_F Seraphina_Incendie , Aether_ [1 skel] ---
  961. [01:35] <_GelapMalam_> (ada, samping Aether_ jg )
  962. [01:35] <Aether_> 4(serang yang depan deh)
  963. [01:35] <Aether_> 4*attack*
  964. [01:35] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+6
  965. [01:35] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Aether_ [10] + 6 = 16"
  966. [01:35] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  967. [01:35] <_GelapMalam_> (sila damage)
  968. [01:35] <Aether_> 4"wish me luck, father, mother, sister, brother..."
  969. [01:36] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d8+6
  970. [01:36] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+6? Aether_ [5] + 6 = 11"
  971. [01:36] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  972. [01:36] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [7+5=12] + 4 = 16"
  973. [01:36] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the rapier thrusts and hit a pendant, inscribed '--LUCK' ---
  974. [01:36] <_GelapMalam_> (Aether_ [5/16] )
  975. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- ROUND 2 !! ---
  976. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- _GelapMalam_ !!! ---
  977. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 1 skeleton attack Aether_ with its rusty scimitar ---
  978. [01:37] <Aether_> 4(Kalo diserang reaction devensive duelist)
  979. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  980. [01:37] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [11] + 4 = 15"
  981. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> (silakan)
  982. [01:37] <Aether_> 4(ac +prof (2))
  983. [01:37] <Aether_> 4(ac 17)
  984. [01:37] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but Aether_ 's quick reflexes save the day!! ---
  985. [01:38] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Tuan Eter!"
  986. [01:38] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 1 skeleton attack Kayla, slashing wildly ---
  987. [01:38] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  988. [01:38] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [12] + 4 = 16"
  989. [01:38] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "Mbak Sisir!"
  990. [01:38] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- BUT --
  991. [01:38] <DRomero> *clang*
  992. [01:38] <Kayla> 2(hi....wut)
  993. [01:38] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- suddenly DRomero deflected it with a shield ---
  994. [01:38] <_GelapMalam_> (ada yg ready kan)
  995. [01:38] <DRomero> =3=d
  996. [01:39] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- just as Kayla saw the wild cuts of rusty scimitar in front of her eyes ---
  997. [01:39] <Kayla> 2"!!"
  998. [01:39] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- skeletons started to pound on DRomero ---
  999. [01:39] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d20
  1000. [01:39] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _GelapMalam_ [20+17=37] = 37"
  1001. [01:39] <Kayla> 2"...I owe you for that one, Bro..."
  1002. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20
  1003. [01:40] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? _GelapMalam_ [14] = 14"
  1004. [01:40] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya! Tuan Romario!"
  1005. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> (oh)
  1006. [01:40] <DRomero> (anjeng)
  1007. [01:40] <Kayla> 2-
  1008. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d6+2
  1009. [01:40] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [6+5=11] + 2 = 13"
  1010. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> 13 damage
  1011. [01:40] <Kayla> 2*kepotong*
  1012. [01:40] <Kayla> 2"...ther Romero!"
  1013. [01:40] <Viega_F> 5"MERO" O_O
  1014. [01:40] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO|||) "Tuan Romario!!!"
  1015. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8(any last word before fall?)
  1016. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> (or last act?)
  1017. [01:40] <_GelapMalam_> (dikasih deh masuknya gimana)
  1018. [01:40] <DRomero> "I don't want to cross the road yet."
  1019. [01:41] <DRomero> *bruak*
  1020. [01:41] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 2 skeleton moved towards Kayla and ...
  1021. [01:41] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d2
  1022. [01:41] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d2? _GelapMalam_ [1] = 1"
  1023. [01:41] <_GelapMalam_> Seraphina_Incendie
  1024. [01:42] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d20
  1025. [01:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? _GelapMalam_ [9+16=25] = 25"
  1026. [01:42] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 13 to Kayla and 20 to Seraphina_Incendie ---
  1027. [01:42] <Kayla> 2(miss)
  1028. [01:42] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6+2
  1029. [01:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [5] + 2 = 7"
  1030. [01:42] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 7 damage to Seraphina_Incendie ---
  1031. [01:42] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(hoh OAO)
  1032. [01:42] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13"NYA!" (>A<|||)
  1033. [01:42] <Viega_F> 5"INDIE" (OAO
  1034. [01:43] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero 's DEATH ROLL ---
  1035. [01:43] <Aether_> 4"Yu-Viega, mundur"
  1036. [01:44] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and then, Kayla 's TURN!! ---
  1037. [01:44] <Kayla> 2*jadi posisi tulang...*
  1038. [01:44] <Kayla> 2*depan 3, belakang 2 ya?*
  1039. [01:44] <_GelapMalam_> (yup)
  1040. [01:45] <Kayla> 2*bacok dulu yang depan mata deh*
  1041. [01:45] <_GelapMalam_> (ok)
  1042. [01:46] <Kayla> 2"Please take care the skeletons behind!" @Ae-Se-Vi
  1043. [01:46] <Kayla> 2"Now, return to dust!"
  1044. [01:46] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+4
  1045. [01:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Kayla [3] + 4 = 7"
  1046. [01:46] <Kayla> 2*miss*
  1047. [01:46] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8(ada bonus action?)
  1048. [01:46] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie 's TURN ---
  1049. [01:46] <Kayla> 2(apa itu bonus action?)
  1050. [01:47] <Kayla> 2(*yaoming*)
  1051. [01:47] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya!"
  1052. [01:47] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-bonus action dl boleh GM?-
  1053. [01:47] <_GelapMalam_> (boleh)
  1054. [01:48] <DRomero> !roll 1d20
  1055. [01:48] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? DRomero [14] = 14"
  1056. [01:48] <DRomero> (1 success)
  1057. [01:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-bonus action: healing word- \(OAO ) "Nya!" *ke romario*
  1058. [01:48] <_GelapMalam_> (oh silakan 1d4+.. cha?)
  1059. [01:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(hp 1d4+cha 3)
  1060. [01:48] <_GelapMalam_> (roll saja Seraphina_Incendie )
  1061. [01:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d4+3
  1062. [01:48] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d4+3? Seraphina_Incendie [4] + 3 = 7"
  1063. [01:48] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(7 hp OAOb)
  1064. [01:49] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero heard someone, from not across the road, calling: "NYA!" ---
  1065. [01:49] <DRomero> *blinks*
  1066. [01:49] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*tulang tinggal brapa?*
  1067. [01:49] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and you remember that it is not your time yet ---
  1068. [01:49] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- regain 7 hp ---
  1069. [01:49] <_GelapMalam_> (tulang: 3 depan, 2 belakang)
  1070. [01:50] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13"...bahaya nya.." ( TAT) -standart cure wound diri sendiri-
  1071. [01:50] <_GelapMalam_> (yg depan [8/17] satu, yg belakang [5/16])
  1072. [01:50] <_GelapMalam_> (silakan roll)
  1073. [01:50] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*tepuk bahu sendiri*
  1074. [01:50] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(ability modnya apa sih?)
  1075. [01:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(1d8 + spellcasting mod ceunah O_Oa)
  1076. [01:51] <_GelapMalam_> (cha)
  1077. [01:51] <_GelapMalam_> (bard kan cha-based)
  1078. [01:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(ok)
  1079. [01:51] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F 's TURN ---
  1080. [01:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d8+3
  1081. [01:51] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Seraphina_Incendie [4] + 3 = 7"
  1082. [01:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*healed 7 hp* ( TAT) "nya..."
  1083. [01:51] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-done-
  1084. [01:52] <Viega_F> 5(yang tadi diserang depan kayla belum ancur kan?)
  1085. [01:52] <_GelapMalam_> (belum)
  1086. [01:52] <_GelapMalam_> (yg diserang Aether_ jg belum)
  1087. [01:52] <Viega_F> 5*stab yang depan kayla*
  1088. [01:52] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1089. [01:52] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [9] + 5 = 14"
  1090. [01:52] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1091. [01:52] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  1092. [01:52] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [3] + 3 = 6"
  1093. [01:52] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 2/17 ---
  1094. [01:53] <Viega_F> 5*SLASH*
  1095. [01:53] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1096. [01:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [14] + 5 = 19"
  1097. [01:53] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- it still has another layer of armor leftovers inside ---
  1098. [01:53] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but no more now ---
  1099. [01:53] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  1100. [01:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [8] + 3 = 11"
  1101. [01:53] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- as the second slash incapacitated it ---
  1102. [01:53] <_GelapMalam_> (habis kan?)
  1103. [01:53] <Viega_F> 5(habis)
  1104. [01:53] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ 's TURN ---
  1105. [01:54] <Aether_> 4*serang yang di depan aja*
  1106. [01:54] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the skeleton with a pendant inscribed with '---LUCK-' ---
  1107. [01:55] <Aether_> 4"doakan aku keluargaku.."*ngomong pelan*
  1108. [01:55] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+6
  1109. [01:55] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Aether_ [4] + 6 = 10"
  1110. [01:55] <_GelapMalam_> (alamak)
  1111. [01:55] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the skeleton 'grinned' ---
  1112. [01:55] <Aether_> 4(a.a...lamak?)
  1113. [01:55] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Skeletons: first attack Aether_ ---
  1114. [01:55] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  1115. [01:55] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [10] + 4 = 14"
  1116. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> (miss?)
  1117. [01:56] <Aether_> 4(15)
  1118. [01:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( OAO) "!!""
  1119. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- second attack Seraphina_Incendie ---
  1120. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  1121. [01:56] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [18] + 4 = 22"
  1122. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6+2
  1123. [01:56] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [4] + 2 = 6"
  1124. [01:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(|||OAO) "NYA!!!"
  1125. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- ceprot!! ---
  1126. [01:56] <Aether_> 4"CARE!"
  1127. [01:56] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- another slash, another wound ---
  1128. [01:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(#=A=) "...baru juga disembuhin..."
  1129. [01:56] <Viega_F> 5"INDIE" (O_O
  1130. [01:56] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*bete*
  1131. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- third skeleton attack Viega_F ---
  1132. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  1133. [01:57] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [18] + 4 = 22"
  1134. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> (wew)
  1135. [01:57] <Kayla> 2"curse them..."
  1136. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d6+2
  1137. [01:57] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6+2? _GelapMalam_ [5] + 2 = 7"
  1138. [01:57] <Viega_F> 5(hit)
  1139. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- slash? ---
  1140. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- fourth ---
  1141. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  1142. [01:57] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [6] + 4 = 10"
  1143. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- fifth ---
  1144. [01:57] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 1d20+4
  1145. [01:57] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GelapMalam_ [3] + 4 = 7"
  1146. [01:57] <Kayla> 2(ke sopo?)
  1147. [01:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- ke Kayla lah, sisa siapa di depan ---
  1148. [01:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero masih di lantai ---
  1149. [01:58] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero 'S TURN !!! ---
  1150. [01:58] <DRomero> 15feet: bangun dari prone
  1151. [01:58] <DRomero> Musuh masih ada 5 ya? posisi?
  1152. [01:58] <_GelapMalam_> (yg bisa digebuk 3)
  1153. [01:58] <_GelapMalam_> (di depan mata, dan.. 'flanking')
  1154. [01:59] <_GelapMalam_> (dapet advantage)
  1155. [01:59] <_GelapMalam_> (yg 2, lupakan ada banyak hambatan ke sana)
  1156. [01:59] <DRomero> (wah nantang ini)
  1157. [01:59] <DRomero> Serang yang hpnya paling kecil deh kalau gitu
  1158. [01:59] <Kayla> 2(wut, nantang)
  1159. [02:00] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  1160. [02:00] <DRomero> !roll 2d20
  1161. [02:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? DRomero [3+13=16] = 16"
  1162. [02:00] <DRomero> +3 each
  1163. [02:00] <DRomero> jadi 16
  1164. [02:00] <DRomero> >_>
  1165. [02:00] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  1166. [02:00] <DRomero> hit?
  1167. [02:00] <DRomero> !roll 1d8+1
  1168. [02:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+1? DRomero [2] + 1 = 3"
  1169. [02:00] <DRomero> harusnya saya gak serang
  1170. [02:00] <DRomero> >_>
  1171. [02:00] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the skeleton looks at you ---
  1172. [02:01] <_GelapMalam_> (eh wait)
  1173. [02:01] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+2
  1174. [02:01] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+2? _GelapMalam_ [4+3=7] + 2 = 9"
  1175. [02:01] <DRomero> "Attack me again, vile beasts!"
  1176. [02:01] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla 's TURN ---
  1177. [02:01] <_GelapMalam_> (kayaknya sisa 2 depan 2 belakang)
  1178. [02:01] <Kayla> 2*bacok yang nyerang Viega bisa?*
  1179. [02:01] <DRomero> "You who should have perished long ago, denounce your attachment to this world and move on!"
  1180. [02:01] <_GelapMalam_> (bisa)
  1181. [02:02] <Kayla> 2*swing the great sword towards its skull*
  1182. [02:02] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+4
  1183. [02:02] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Kayla [6] + 4 = 10"
  1184. [02:02] <Kayla> 2( <_< )
  1185. [02:02] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie 's TURN ---
  1186. [02:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(#=A=) "I'm hungry and I'm not in a good mood nya!" *bacok yg di depan*
  1187. [02:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20+4
  1188. [02:03] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Seraphina_Incendie [19] + 4 = 23"
  1189. [02:03] <Kayla> 2"oh God, why?"
  1190. [02:03] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- there is one locked in melee with Aether_ , with Seraphina_Incendie , with Viega_F / Kayla , and with DRomero ---
  1191. [02:03] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1192. [02:03] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  1193. [02:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d10+2
  1194. [02:03] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+2? Seraphina_Incendie [1] + 2 = 3"
  1195. [02:03] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(cm 3 sih =3=a)
  1196. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  1197. [02:04] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [5+7=12] + 4 = 16"
  1198. [02:04] <DRomero> "Concentrate, sister-in-arms Kayla. I will distract these creatures, you aim for the opening in their defense!"
  1199. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F 's TURN ---
  1200. [02:04] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-bonus action: bard inspiration to Kayla- "NYA!" \(OAO )
  1201. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  1202. [02:04] <Viega_F> 5"MUUUU" *stab yang didepan*
  1203. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> (oke)
  1204. [02:04] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1205. [02:04] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [3] + 5 = 8"
  1206. [02:04] <Kayla> 2"I appreciate that, Brother Romero"
  1207. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> (…)
  1208. [02:04] <Kayla> 2"' *liat ke arah Sera*
  1209. [02:04] <_GelapMalam_> (slash?)
  1210. [02:05] <Viega_F> 5"ugh...." "UOOO"
  1211. [02:05] <Viega_F> 5*second wind*
  1212. [02:05] <_GelapMalam_> (hoh cerdas)
  1213. [02:05] <_GelapMalam_> (dapet berapa hp?)
  1214. [02:05] <Viega_F> !roll 1d10+1
  1215. [02:05] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+1? Viega_F [7] + 1 = 8"
  1216. [02:06] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ 's TURN ---
  1217. [02:06] <Viega_F> 5*pant*
  1218. [02:06] <Aether_> 4"tolonglah sihir yang terdiam di diriku, berikan sedikit kekuatan padaku.."
  1219. [02:06] <Aether_> 4"aku masih kangen keluarga..."*ngomong plan*
  1220. [02:06] <Aether_> 4*attack*
  1221. [02:07] <Aether_> 4(yg depan)
  1222. [02:07] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+6
  1223. [02:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Aether_ [9] + 6 = 15"
  1224. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> (akhirnya)
  1225. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1226. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  1227. [02:07] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d8+6
  1228. [02:07] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+6? Aether_ [8] + 6 = 14"
  1229. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- jebol satu tengkorak di belakang, sisa 3 ---
  1230. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but now, the skeleton's turn ---
  1231. [02:07] <Aether_> 4*move ke depan*
  1232. [02:07] <Aether_> 4(belon move)
  1233. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- well… serang yg baru maju kalau gitu ---
  1234. [02:07] <_GelapMalam_> (done?)
  1235. [02:08] <Aether_> 4(nemenin Dromero)
  1236. [02:08] <Aether_> 4(done)
  1237. [02:08] <Aether_> 4(Defensive duelist kalo diserang)
  1238. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- skeleton 1 ke DRomero , satu ke Aether_ , satu ke Kayla ---
  1239. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 3d20
  1240. [02:08] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d20? _GelapMalam_ [13+11+5=29] = 29"
  1241. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> (17, 15, 10)
  1242. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> (ada yg hit?)
  1243. [02:08] <Aether_> 4(17)
  1244. [02:08] <Kayla> 2(miss)
  1245. [02:08] <Kayla> 2(romero juga miss keknya)
  1246. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> (DRomero 17 hit?)
  1247. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> (ok)
  1248. [02:08] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- DRomero 's TURN ---
  1249. [02:08] <DRomero> nope
  1250. [02:09] <DRomero> Aid Kayla in her attack
  1251. [02:09] <_GelapMalam_> ( O_O )
  1252. [02:09] <DRomero> *provoke skeletons*
  1253. [02:09] <_GelapMalam_> ( ok, Kayla dapet advantage abis ini )
  1254. [02:09] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla 's TURN, and you see DRomero tries to provoke all skeletons ---
  1255. [02:10] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- but it seems it did not provoke any reaction from the skulls ---
  1256. [02:10] <Kayla> 2(hmm...bisa nyerang yang deket Romero?)
  1257. [02:10] <_GelapMalam_> (bisa)
  1258. [02:11] <Kayla> 2*exhales slowly and focus at the skeleton near Romero*
  1259. [02:11] <Kayla> 2*slash the skel*
  1260. [02:11] <Kayla> 2(advantage? O_O)
  1261. [02:11] <_GelapMalam_> (yup)
  1262. [02:11] <Kayla> !roll 2d20
  1263. [02:11] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Kayla [11+4=15] = 15"
  1264. [02:11] <_GelapMalam_> (hit.. I guess)
  1265. [02:11] <Kayla> 2(+..4)
  1266. [02:11] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1267. [02:11] <Kayla> 2(15?)
  1268. [02:11] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  1269. [02:11] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(ada 1d6 sih O_Od buat attack tadi dikasi bard inspi)
  1270. [02:12] <Kayla> 2"Return to where you belong!"
  1271. [02:12] <_GelapMalam_> (bisa disimpan buat nanti2 jg harusnya)
  1272. [02:12] <Kayla> 2(ga bisa buat demej ya? *plak*)
  1273. [02:12] <Kayla> !roll 2d6+2
  1274. [02:12] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2? Kayla [5+4=9] + 2 = 11"
  1275. [02:12] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(iy =w=d itu 10 menit sih jadi aman)
  1276. [02:12] <_GelapMalam_> (yg deket ro-- )
  1277. [02:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8---- phsyuuu~ -----
  1278. [02:12] <DRomero> "Very good!"
  1279. [02:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- sisa 1 di Aether_ dan 1 di DRomero ---
  1280. [02:12] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie 's TURN !! ---
  1281. [02:12] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*paling deket yg?*
  1282. [02:13] <_GelapMalam_> (reach? bisa yg mana aja)
  1283. [02:13] <_GelapMalam_> (yg udah luka di.. Aether_ )
  1284. [02:13] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*bacok yg di dpan romario* "NYA!" (TAT#) "SOP KALDU!!!"
  1285. [02:13] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20+4
  1286. [02:13] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Seraphina_Incendie [17] + 4 = 21"
  1287. [02:13] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1288. [02:14] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d10+2
  1289. [02:14] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+2? Seraphina_Incendie [6] + 2 = 8"
  1290. [02:14] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(8 demej)
  1291. [02:14] <_GelapMalam_> (5/16)
  1292. [02:14] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-bonus action: bard inspiration to Eter- ( TAT)/ "NYA!"
  1293. [02:14] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13-done-
  1294. [02:14] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- there are no sop kaldu here --
  1295. [02:14] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Viega_F 's TURN ---
  1296. [02:14] <_GelapMalam_> (apakah jadi cewe pms lagi..?)
  1297. [02:15] <Viega_F> 5"MUUU" *serang yang diserang Indie*
  1298. [02:15] <_GelapMalam_> (silakan)
  1299. [02:15] <Viega_F> 5*stab*
  1300. [02:15] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1301. [02:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [15] + 5 = 20"
  1302. [02:15] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1303. [02:15] <_GelapMalam_> (damage)
  1304. [02:15] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  1305. [02:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [2] + 3 = 5"
  1306. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the skeleton is almost not slain ---
  1307. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- then crumbles to dust ---
  1308. [02:16] <Aether_> 4(<_<)
  1309. [02:16] <Viega_F> 5*move ke skeleton terakhir*
  1310. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> (ok)
  1311. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> (lalu?)
  1312. [02:16] <Viega_F> 5*slash*
  1313. [02:16] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1314. [02:16] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [17] + 5 = 22"
  1315. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1316. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> !roll 2d8+4
  1317. [02:16] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d8+4? _GelapMalam_ [6+2=8] + 4 = 12"
  1318. [02:16] <_GelapMalam_> (nyem)
  1319. [02:17] <_GelapMalam_> (damage?)
  1320. [02:17] <Kayla> 2(itu
  1321. [02:17] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  1322. [02:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [15] + 5 = 20"
  1323. [02:17] <Kayla> 2)
  1324. [02:17] <Viega_F> 5(eh salah)
  1325. [02:17] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  1326. [02:17] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [7] + 3 = 10"
  1327. [02:17] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  1328. [02:17] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the slash took the skulls of, but the body is still moving and slashing scimitar wildly ---
  1329. [02:18] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Aether_ 's TURN ---
  1330. [02:18] <Aether_> 4*samperin skeleton terakhir*
  1331. [02:18] <Aether_> 4"dark magic in my blood, I trust you.."*ngomong pelan*
  1332. [02:18] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+6
  1333. [02:18] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+6? Aether_ [19] + 6 = 25"
  1334. [02:19] <_GelapMalam_> (hit)
  1335. [02:19] <Aether_> 4+(bard inspiration buat apa?)
  1336. [02:19] <_GelapMalam_> (kl kurang attack-nya)
  1337. [02:19] <_GelapMalam_> (bisa dipakai)
  1338. [02:19] <Kayla> 2(matilah itu pasti)
  1339. [02:19] <Aether_> 4(hoh)
  1340. [02:19] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d8+6
  1341. [02:19] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+6? Aether_ [3] + 6 = 9"
  1342. [02:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and the skeleton crumble to dust ---
  1343. [02:19] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- play : NONE ---
  1344. [02:19] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(TAT#) "..."
  1345. [02:19] <Aether_> 4"Kamu tidak apa - apa nona Viega?"
  1346. [02:19] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Hoh.."
  1347. [02:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "..." *loading*
  1348. [02:20] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- then utter silence ---
  1349. [02:20] <Kayla> 2*menghela napas*
  1350. [02:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO|||) "Nya!!! Tulang buat kaldu sopnya ngga ada!!!" (|||OAO)
  1351. [02:20] <Viega_F> 5"cuma luka sedikit hehehehe"
  1352. [02:20] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- just some echoes of your voices can be heard in the hall --
  1353. [02:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*celingukan*
  1354. [02:20] <Kayla> 2"....."
  1355. [02:20] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13|||Orz
  1356. [02:20] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and the blood drips from Viega_F ---
  1357. [02:20] <Viega_F> 5*duduk*
  1358. [02:20] <Aether_> 4*keluar air mata*
  1359. [02:20] <Viega_F> 5*bruk*
  1360. [02:20] <Viega_F> 5(wut)
  1361. [02:20] <Kayla> 2"...!" *nengok ke arah Viega*
  1362. [02:20] <_GelapMalam_> (full hp?)
  1363. [02:20] <Aether_> 4O_O!!
  1364. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5(bruk duduk maksudnya)
  1365. [02:21] <Kayla> 2(oh, oke)
  1366. [02:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- the wound from the eyebrows… ---
  1367. [02:21] <Aether_> 4*jongkok deket viega*
  1368. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5*usap luka*
  1369. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5"ow"
  1370. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5"yah"
  1371. [02:21] <Aether_> 4"Kalo..kamu mati gimana..."*ngomong pelan*
  1372. [02:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and also on Seraphina_Incendie 's arms ---
  1373. [02:21] <Kayla> !roll 1d0
  1374. [02:21] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Kayla [0] = 0"
  1375. [02:21] <Aether_> 4TwT
  1376. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5"ga akan, ga akan"
  1377. [02:21] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- and on many parts of DRomero ----
  1378. [02:21] <Aether_> 4"hiks"
  1379. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5"yah"
  1380. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5*berdiri lagi*
  1381. [02:21] <DRomero> "I'm sorry for my incompetence thank you for your helps earlier." *bows to the others*
  1382. [02:21] <Viega_F> 5*terhuyung dikit*
  1383. [02:22] <Kayla> 2"...oh"
  1384. [02:22] <Aether_> 4"kamu jangan asal gitu dong.."
  1385. [02:22] <Kayla> 2*nengok ke DRomero*
  1386. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5"oh"
  1387. [02:22] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8- "oh" -
  1388. [02:22] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(OAO ) "Nya!"
  1389. [02:22] <Aether_> 4*duduk meluk kaki*
  1390. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5"Mero jangan terlalu banyak pikiran" -3-/
  1391. [02:22] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- it echoes ---
  1392. [02:22] <Kayla> 2", that is not true, Brother Romero"
  1393. [02:22] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13*sambil mendekat ke Romario*
  1394. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5"EW"
  1395. [02:22] <DRomero> "To repay this debt, let me scout ahead a bit to find if there's another undeads here."
  1396. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5"SEKUHARA"
  1397. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5*lompat*
  1398. [02:22] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- "EW! EW! EW!" ---
  1399. [02:22] <Kayla> 2"Wa....what?"
  1400. [02:22] <Viega_F> 5OAO
  1401. [02:22] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- "SEK SEKU HA KUHA RA RA RA" ---
  1402. [02:22] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13"Tuan Romario ama Mbak Sisir ngga apa?" (OAO )
  1403. [02:23] <Aether_> 4*nunduk*
  1404. [02:23] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- everyone roll perception !! ---
  1405. [02:23] <Kayla> !roll 1d20
  1406. [02:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Kayla [20] = 20"
  1407. [02:23] <Aether_> 4*ke pojo-*
  1408. [02:23] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  1409. [02:23] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20-1
  1410. [02:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? Viega_F [11] - 1 = 10"
  1411. [02:23] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Wis (Perception) ---
  1412. [02:23] <Kayla> 2(20 <_<)
  1413. [02:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> !roll 1d20
  1414. [02:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Seraphina_Incendie [7] = 7"
  1415. [02:23] <Aether_> 4!roll 1d20+2
  1416. [02:23] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Aether_ [4] + 2 = 6"
  1417. [02:23] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(7 doang lagi fokus liatin sisir romario =3=b)
  1418. [02:24] <Aether_> 4(6 karena lagi sedih)
  1419. [02:24] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Kayla heard, some small sound, replied the echo of Viega_F 's scream, somewhere, deep in the ruins ---
  1420. [02:24] <DRomero> !roll 1d20-1
  1421. [02:24] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? DRomero [9] - 1 = 8"
  1422. [02:24] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- TO BE CONTINUED ---
  1423. [02:24] <DRomero> *nggak ngeh*
  1424. [02:24] <_GelapMalam_> 10--- "… hmm?" ---
  1425. [02:24] <Kayla> 2(a...apa? OAO|||)
  1426. [02:24] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- Thank you for playing ---
  1427. [02:25] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- see ya tomorrow ---
  1428. [02:25] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13( makasih GM \(=A=)/ )
  1429. [02:25] <Kayla> 2(thank you GM =3=/)
  1430. [02:25] <_GelapMalam_> 1,8--- 1,8つづく1,8 ---
  1431. [02:26] * Viega_F is now known as _meh
  1432. [02:27] * Aether_ is now known as _tsk
  1433. [02:31] * Kayla is now known as _Eva_
  1434. [02:31] * Seraphina_Incendie is now known as _dadu_si_bebek_
  1435. End of #ruangdadu buffer Tue Jan 20 02:32:08 2015
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