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- D/BeaconService﹕ got record
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting be ac. The bytes I see are: 02011a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting 02 15. The bytes I see are: 02011a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconService﹕ got record
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting be ac. The bytes I see are: 0201061aff4c00021522ba6a60188711e4b058b2227cce2b5400000000c5020a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 0215 seen
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 197 is 197
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 21 is 21
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 2 is 512
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 76 is 76
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconService﹕ beacon detected :id1: 22ba6a60-1887-11e4-b058-b2227cce2b54 id2: 0 id3: 0
- D/BeaconService﹕ This region does not match: id1: bbbbbbbb-1887-8888-1887-bbbbbbbb0004 id2: 0 id3: 0
- D/BeaconService﹕ looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
- D/BeaconService﹕ Waiting to stop scan for another 96 milliseconds
- D/BeaconService﹕ got record
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting be ac. The bytes I see are: 0201061aff4c000215bbbbbbbb188788881887bbbbbbbb000400000000c5020a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 0215 seen
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 197 is 197
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 21 is 21
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 2 is 512
- D/BeaconParser﹕ Byte array is size 2
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 0
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 0 with positionValue 1 and byteValue 76 is 76
- D/BeaconParser﹕ index is 1
- D/BeaconParser﹕ calculatedValue for position 1 with positionValue 256 and byteValue 0 is 0
- D/BeaconService﹕ beacon detected :id1: bbbbbbbb-1887-8888-1887-bbbbbbbb0004 id2: 0 id3: 0
- D/Callback﹕ attempting callback via intent: ComponentInfo{}
- D/BeaconService﹕ got record
- D/BeaconIntentProcessor﹕ got an intent to process
- D/BeaconService﹕ looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting be ac. The bytes I see are: 02011a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconIntentProcessor﹕ got monitoring data
- D/BeaconParser﹕ This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting 02 15. The bytes I see are: 02011a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- D/BeaconIntentProcessor﹕ Calling monitoring
- D/BeaconReferenceApplication﹕ Got a didEnterRegion call
- D/BeaconManager﹕ callback packageName:
- D/BeaconManager﹕ Unbinding
- I/BeaconService﹕ stop monitoring received
- D/BeaconService﹕ stopMonitoring called
- D/BeaconService﹕ Currently monitoring 0 regions.
- I/BeaconService﹕ unbinding
- I/BeaconService﹕ onDestroy called. stopping scanning
- D/BeaconService﹕ disabling scan
- D/BluetoothAdapter﹕ stopLeScan()
- D/BluetoothAdapter﹕ stopLeScan()
- D/BackgroundPowerSaver﹕ activity paused: active activities: 0
- D/BackgroundPowerSaver﹕ setting background mode
- E/BeaconManager﹕ Cannot contact service to set scan periods
- E/BeaconManager﹕ Cannot contact service to set scan periods
- D/BackgroundPowerSaver﹕ activity resumed: active activities: 1
- D/BackgroundPowerSaver﹕ activity paused: active activities: 0
- D/BackgroundPowerSaver﹕ setting background mode
- E/BeaconManager﹕ Cannot contact service to set scan periods
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