
4C Journal "Confessions of a Colonel"

Sep 17th, 2013
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  1. Day 90
  2. Diary, Journal, whatever you call yourself. I haven't written in you since I got here. It's been a while, but until now I haven't had a reason for you. Well, now I do. Have I got a story for you. Damn... where do I even begin. I thought we were just going on a small adventure... just checking things out. Turns out those damn diamond dogs had another gang that's been watching us for quite some time. Me, being my usual self, Immediately had my suspicions. Hell, It's a group of thieves. I have every right to be suspicious. Seems the others Weren't reacting the same. They were just casually conversing with them. As if watching us was no big deal. We then learned That the leader of the mutts lost his little brother... while he was trying to steal from Green light. I don't know what was up with me, But I just couldn't relax. Everyone else was chilled out and calm, whilst I'm sitting there snarling and looking for ambushes. When they brought up the part about them watching us and learning us, I spoke up after they failed to describe me. "Smooth one. Memorize a town without memorizing it's leaders." To be fair, I was pretty pissed... for good reason. Anyway, I learned just how much respect I have around here. In which I mean, everyone made sure to laugh and point out that I said the word "leader". Nice to know I'm doing a good job, Dammit all. I was out there busting my ass the first nights we got here just to make sure no one died overnight. After that, the filthy mutt answered my question. It shut me up pretty quick. They saw it all. They saw me kill Silver. They described it with enough detail. Called me a murderer. Fucking mutt. I'm no damn murderer! Right?... After that, I was silent. Tried to keep it cool. The rest of the group kept talking to them, and they were getting increasingly pissed off. You could see it. The leader was smacking the other around. After that whole scene was over, we remembered seeing the lost dog... Slashed up in a cave. By then, despite everything, I decided To try and show some sympathy. His little brother died. Least I could do is at least try to comfort him. Thieve or not. I spoke up, telling him it might not be him, that we can try and help him keep looking. I guess false Hope isn't exactly the best thing to give right now, but from the look on his face, he wasn't too keen at the idea of Green Light killing his brother. I hid a petrol bomb behind my back. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. I slipped it back into my bag when he started to calm down, and leaned over to Green Hoof suggesting we get out of here before shit picks up. Soon as I say that, The mutt says he'll follow until he finds green Light. At this point, it was pretty clear what his intentions were. I pulled the bomb back out and got ready to spark it, telling him to cool it, and that we won't let him murder our friend. You know what his fucking response was? He said he was going to kill all of us. Starting with the murderer... I don't know what got to me, but I freaked out. I snarled at the fucker and yelled back that I'd kill him. Yeah I know, really helping my case. That certainly didn't excite the group. As if it matters. It's not like I'm the "Good Colonel" To anyone. I'm a killer to them too. I heard some of them whispering about restraining me or something. I wasn't backing down. That filthy bastard just kept pushing it. Even when his family and friends left, he kept pushing. He told us he would slaughter All of us if we got in his way. I stepped forward and told him it's through me first. What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking. I could barely know one of these bastards, and I'd still die for them. I'm not letting another murder happen. Not when I could have stopped it. What does the dog do? He keeps fucking pushing it. Booze even tries to reason with him. That made the dog even more enraged. He went to punch booze. Don't know why, But I couldn't stop myself. I jumped in between them and roared as loud as I could. I lost it. That damn dog pulls out a flail and tries to hit me with it. nicked me a little. I wanted to stab him down right there, but booze wanted non lethal. I tried, and failed. He kept going on, taunting me. I'd slash his legs, and the bastard would tell me "That's the murderer I know and love.". After a couple of us exchanged strikes, the dog got lucky. Got a good strike on Mary. That was enough proof That he wasn't going to stop. This dog was going to keep going until we all died unless someone did something. Apparently, I was that someone. I held my spear under my front hooves, and ran forward. Screaming at the top of my lungs, I shoved that spear right Through him. He dropped, and spoke his dying words. "...A murderer through and through... You're never gonna stop murdering... and you KNOW it..." That just... just... wow.... I Stood there for a few minutes, and just fell apart. I was sitting there, just trying to take it all in. I tried to tell myself he wasn't right. I tried to keep it together, I really did. It's just, How can you tell yourself you're a good person, when all you've done is destroy? When all you have done is killed? Murdered? I can't deny killing Silver. Even worse, I can't do anything about it now. I can't go back and stop myself. No amount of money can repay the lives I've taken. No amount of good deeds can rid my conscience of the guilt. I executed that man In the name of the "law" that he didn't break. The only law broken was by me. It should be me getting executed. It should have been me all along. All I can do is try my best to make up for it, even If I never will.
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