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Condensed Red Pill

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Nov 22nd, 2015
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  1. Islam is not a religion. It is much more than that. Islam is a plague. It spreads and kills off all that which is not it, leaving nothing but ruins in its wake. It exists purely to deceive, and destroy everyone and everything. Its Jihad, its holy war, is the destruction of the Great White Race, as we have grown complacent and taciturn since the end of the Second World War. That time must come to an end, as this world is rapidly approaching its own end, at the hands of Islam.
  3. Islam is your enemy. They may not explicitly state it to your face, but they are. But to know and recognize the enemy is the first priority. You already know of the fighting men of Islam. You call them terrorists. Those who are too weak to be that particular soldier or suicide bomber you see in your news sources, are the moderate side of Islam. Moderate muslims live and die by the tenet of Taqiyya; permission to deceive non-muslims to benefit and further Islam. They will not directly fight you, but they will insist, and spend every waking moment training the naive, that Islam is peaceful, that Islam does not condone killing. When confronted, they will feign ignorance. When defeated in argument, they will pretend as if they have won. When challenged, they may even threaten you. After all, you are a dying breed in their gathering storm.
  5. The symptom to note of their toxic grasp is to look at current society. Look at what has happened to it in the past decades. What happened to honor, or at least normality? And most importantly, where is your free speech?
  6. If you open Pandora's Box, you will find that they have enacted a genius campaign of propaganda, designed to turn normal people into liberal puppets through various shaming campaigns, and warp your fellows into believing that the very foundation of your entire civilization is suddenly wrong. They have enslaved many forces, from the greatest political organizations of our world to the police forces, lawyers, doctors, and lowliest of your society. They own your schools, they own your news. They have done, and will continue to do, what is necessary to ensure victory for Islam, and completing their jihad.
  8. To know more of whom you are facing, you must know and understand how they fight. These are not the scimitar-wielding forces of Hollywood, but they are warriors of the mind, of the law, and of propaganda. By controlling your heart and mind, they have learned how to control you, and made you their puppet, and you aren't even aware of it.
  9. The victory for Islam, and the death knell of anything else, comes on the back of sharia law. Sharia law is designed to control and shape muslims, to keep them on the path of Islam. But what is often forgotten, is that part of sharia law also unequivocally preaches death to all who scrutinize or question Islam in any form. This probably means YOU. Enacting sharia law through enemy nations would surely enable all forms of jihad to spread without quarter.
  11. The jihad is an attack not just by force, but by mind and spirit. All three are being waged against each and every person, each and every day. An attack by force is commonplace and simple, and very obvious, and likely to be met by a simple knockout punch. The real issue is how to overtake the mind and spirit of the west with confusion and fear, and convince the enemy to accept sharia by their own volition? There is a way, and to study it, we must turn to study the thought process of a madman- Alinskyism.
  13. Saul Alinsky- a Jewish-American Satanist and marxist- created Alinskyism, a form of extreme relativism or cultural marxism, in the 1940s. It was created as a means to destroy all western concepts, by simply devaluing identity through an attack on reason; by redefining terms in a hostile way and removing logic from western thought processes.
  14. Logic dictates that a man is a man, and a man is not a woman, and a man is not a non-man. By changing the rules, and defining that a man is a man, a man is a woman, and a man is not not a non-man, all meaning becomes entirely meaningless, and all societies and laws founded on that reason fail to function. By redefining genders at will, genders no longer exist. By redefining sexuality at will, sexuality doesn't exist. By redefining religious tolerance into accepting that every belief is every bit equal to one's own beliefs- that apples are indeed oranges- the result is not to affirm someone else's beliefs as being true, but rather to deny yours as being true.
  16. This thought process was carefully but steadily fed to the masses, through the education systems throughout America, and interfaith movements, and has been in effect in many world leaders today. Hillary Clinton wrote her senior thesis on Alinsky, with his help, and Barack Obama was highly influenced by him in his youth as a community organizer. Currently, it is being taught by the Industrial Areas Foundation, a large group of numerous interfaith movements and churches, started by Alinsky. Your local church or synagogue is likely a part of the IAF, a corporate entity that was started and controlled by a man who has literally dedicated his great work, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer. Lucifer, being the first great radical, who defied a god and earned his very own kingdom. Because of the slow, grinding process of removing every sense of society from society through Alinskyism, it no longer functions, and runs rampant with mass degeneracy. People seeking help against this degeneracy turn to their church for help, and their church gives them books to read, books recommended by the IAF, to which they belong. At the top of the list of recommended reading is Rules for Radicals. The irony of a Christian who is losing faith, being told by his own church to read a book dedicated to Lucifer is astounding.
  18. It is important to note, for the theists, that the Quran includes many of the same key players that the Bible has, including Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Job, Joseph, Ismael, Aaron, Solomon, David, and others. However, in the Quran, they are instead simply prophets of Allah, like Mohammed, but lesser. In the Bible, Jesus is the son of god. In the Quran, Jesus has divine revelation that Allah is god. Several verses within Surah 5 of the Quran devalue the meaning of Jesus and deny the Christian faith. The three Abrahamic religions are each different: an apple, an orange, and a banana. If Christianity is an apple, then Islam, which denies all of what makes up Christianity, is certainly not an apple.
  19. However, the leftist, Alinskyist view instead preaches and indoctrinates that all are equal to one another. That all are, in fact, apples. This goes against the mutually-exclusiveness of the stories and is purely illogical. That the same people can be in three places at once, that all the same people can say three different things at the same time, these mutally-exclusive beliefs cannot all exist at the same time. Any and all logic has been thrown completely out the window, and by accepting that all religions are equal, you do not deny the enemy of being false, but you instead deny yourself of being truthful.
  20. And through interfaith dialogues- Alinksyist programs- one must take the equal-ground stance, that the other religion is also correct. By all speaking on equal terms and being forced to agreeIslam can deny what is written in the Bible through the Quran (written ostensibly to overwrite Christianity), but Christianity cannot deny what is written in the Quran.
  21. No church would ever allow this to happen to their faith. In order to push this strange narrative into existence, the seminaries needed to be populated with marxists. Those who entered were told to lay low for fifteen or twenty years, to enable the slow work of cultural-marxist degradation to take effect, before they began to break it down themselves. This is chronicled in School of Darkness, by Bella Dodd, a rather rare and suppressed book.
  23. Nothing no longer means anything to the western mind, and the other Abrahamic faiths have been conversing with the narrative given to them by their marxist leadership, and each following the rules that affirms their own holy book of being false in the face of the Quran, but Islam is still strong because it has been free from the marxist pressures from within, and the Alinskyist pressures of society. They have none of those problems. The west is in tatters. The time is right for Islam to plant the seeds of jihad against the west. By making use of these deep fissures in the very fabric of society, the Muslim Brotherhood- under the literary name of Islamic Movement- can penetrate its way into society through the broken interfaith movement of the IAF, and internationally through the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The Muslim Brotherhood is already known to be a terrorist organization. The OIC is a group functioning at the head-of-state level of the Islamic world that creates treaties which hold force of law, and gives them to the United Nations.
  25. In 1992, the OIC served a legal instrument to the UN that their definition of human rights is sharia law. When you hear the UN's Islamic nations talk about human rights, they are not talking about our human rights- the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that you are bound to- they are in fact talking about sharia, and this is recognized- but not properly translated- at UN-level. By that, anytime an Islamic nation attempts a mission that is geared towards furthering human rights in an area, it is actually enacting sharia law, primary among it is killing the non-believers and enslaving the women. Each and every "humanitarian mission" ends with dead UN forces and Christian doctors.
  27. Later, the UN accepted another proposal by the OIC that allows Islamic nations to define the word terrorism based on sharia law. As sharia law dictates that non-believers be destroyed, Islamic law does not consider our concept of terrorism as terrorism, and they are not breaking any UN rules. It is condoned. When they say that they "condemn all forms of terrorism", they are not including jihad, which is every attack on anyone not in compliance with sharia law, including all terrorist actions within history that were not Muslim-on-Muslim assaults.
  29. With an inherent ability to play by their own rules of engagement, both on a global stage and a faith-based stage, the road in now paved for their next attack on the west, this time an attack on our own rules of engagement.
  30. In 2005, the OIC met to begin the 'Ten Year Plan', which is designed to impose Islamic speech codes on the western world, through the UN. They sought to insert the term islamophobia into the western vernacular. This term was coined in the 1980s by another Muslim Brotherhood group, the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). The most intrinsic and popular leftist terms of the time, such as racism, sexism and homophobia, were the perfect place to drop their term, which would convince the leftists, without quarrel, to implement Islamic programs through their own social justice programs. With these put into place throughout all of society, Alinsky's puppets are now Islam's puppets, and Islam now has every right to enact an Islamic speech code upon you. If you do not follow the new speech code, you are a hater, a racist and a bigot for speaking out against Islam. You are discredited and stripped of any merit, while their degeneracy swells slightly more. Remember, that if everything is right, then there is no truth, and there are no facts. And if you are willing to stand up when nothing is true, you have taken an extreme stance, and are by definition an extremist. If you are willing to fight for something not based in fact (anything, to an Alinskyist), you are a violent extremist.
  31. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a US government institution, used this exact narrative- pushed into power by the Muslim Brotherhood- to classify veterans returning from conflict zones as examples of violent extremism, simply because they were fighting.
  33. Political correctness was not a random happening, it was exactly what Alinsky wanted- the complete destruction of identity- but it was likely not intended to be a route of mass invasion. Islam noticed an Alinskyist society was highly susceptible to a mass invasion, as they studied in all of the west's schools, and lived in their society, and took advantage of it quickly. While likely not the intention of the movement, a Satanist would likely not mind the thought of hundreds of millions of Christians being sent to hell, where he himself wished deeply to go.
  35. 2015 arrives. The Ten Year Plan has been working, and now its time is finished. The Alinskyist puppets are beginning to speak the language Islam wants them to speak, and now it's time to punish the ones that did not follow the narrative laid out directly by the Muslim Brotherhood. The new year begins with the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the attack in Copenhagen, and the attack in Garland, Texas. Later in the year, the mass "refugee" invasion of Europe and the terrorism in Paris. These are not coincidences.
  37. Know that the jihad is nigh eternal, that all muslims must fight the battle against the infidels until all opposition is wiped out, and sharia law rules every square inch of the world. This is stated in The Quranic Concept of War, a handbook produced by a Brigadier General in Pakistan, a sharia-controlled land, taken from India by conquest. As all muslims are bound by sharia law to not produce falsehoods about Islam, the fact that this book has not been refuted by the Islamic world and the author executed, quietly, but explicity states that this is not a lie nor a slander to Islam; that it is verifiable fact. This book is popular throughout the Islamic world and found on many dead terrorists, chiefly during conflicts with India. Ask the Sikhs if Islam is the religion of peace, they'll tell you what Islam means to the world.
  39. Unlike the Bible, which is rewritten and reinterpreted into complete meaninglessness, what is written in the Quran is ostensibly the word of their god, and it cannot be reinterpreted or altered in any way. The jihad is a concrete concept within the Quran, a holy war designed not just to terrorize the enemy, but to keep the enemy in a constant state of terror.
  40. You cannot speak your mind without being punished as a racist, or a xenophobe, or a bigot by the Left and their Alinskyist social justice movements. You may not act without being jailed as an islamophobe. Your country is being overrun by radical muslims, propogated by your own politicians, and defended by your own laws. Simultaneously, your society is exploding into mass degeneracy, propogated by your own media, and defended by your own laws. You notice that Islam encourages the degeneracy in the name of freedom, and yet never partakes in the degeneracy themselves, but you may say nothing about it. Even though you outnumber all the leaders of your country that push this narrative onto you, you are not allowed to fight back. Your leadership is being completely delegitimized by someone else's hostile narrative and controlled into bending to their will. Are you terrorized yet?
  42. When you do feel terrorized by the mass degeneracy and disorder, when you are a weak, empty husk ready to fall, this is when they will present to you an offering: their sharia law will outlaw all of that chaos and bring back order to your world caused by rampant Alinskyism, but only if you submit to the will of Islam. If you do join Islam, you will be spared... for a while. Eventually, your turn to die will follow when you are deemed an infidel simply for being different before. A powerplay is being formed against you, and while you're distracted by the media and what's being forced into your life, their pieces are moving into position. While the military fights pinprick battles against obvious, throw-away organizations like ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Shebab, or Boko Haram, the more insidious groups are seeping into the woodwork under the guise of moderate Islam and surrounding you.
  44. The Muslim Brotherhood includes a line from the Quran on their emblem which states, against them make ready, a line which, in its entirety, reads very similarly to "Kill them all and let god sort them out." Remember that this is a terrorist group whose various tendrils control puppets within your very churches, your schools, and your workplaces to force their narrative of what is okay to say and what isn't, and what is okay to be and what isn't.
  46. This kind of attack has worked partially in history, chiefly in the attempted colonization of China by the west. The western thought process of logic and reason completely undermined all concepts taught by Confucianism, and the people were addicted to new drugs they had never seen before. Rules failed to work, degeneracy ran rampant, and society began to collapse. This was only beginning to be rectified through a switch to a totalitarian regime that quashed all opposition to their national identity. The difference here is that the Islamic subversion tactic is much more in-depth and thought out, while we remain mainly oblivious to it.
  48. Much of sucking-up to the Islamic world by leadership is because they have incredible oil resources. This oil money is almost the only thing keeping the country standing up at all, it helps to fund the house of Saud, the other Wahabbist clans, to Sunnis and Shiites. American money goes to Islam for oil, and Islam then uses that money to destroy America.
  49. There are dozens of splinter groups of Islam, but do not be fooled into believing that there are good and bad Muslims, or that there are some who interpret the Quran differently. The Quran cannot be interpreted differently without being wrong on all counts. They have many different groups, and these groups can be shed as rapidly as they're formed, but they all believe the same things, they all work towards the same end goal. They all exist to destroy you, they just serve as different parts of the greater whole.
  51. If you are still fooled into thinking their brains are primitive, think again. While our generation is concerned over whether someone is a pansexual genderfluid, or just bisexual, Islam has worked very well and very hard at destroying us from the inside, for many decades, and it is working exactly as planned. They understand our methodologies because they were taught them by our own universities and socities, but we cannot yet conceive of theirs; partially because it is so foreign, and partially because we are not permitted to think about them under their forced laws. If they cannot kill you with force, and they cannot convert you to a suicidal train of thought, then they will kill you with your own laws. This is the jihad. They will use your own systems against you, to strip you of any hope of defending yourselves before they move in for the kill. It only makes sense that a force determined to destroy you physically and mentally would enact its stealthy attack behind the back of a political movement designed to leave you completely bereft of spirit and morality.
  53. Your laws have been custom-tailored by a hostile foreign force over decades to kill you. But for the sake of you, your family, your countrymen, and your entire legacy, you must be brought to bear arms, and to fight against this insurgency. Inaction against the jihad will be taken advantage of by them. The Islamic tools in the west, the Left, will make every attempt to stop you, because they are unwitting slaves, broken by unchecked decades of Alinskyism. They have no concept of what they do anymore, and seek only to hasten their own demise at the hands of sharia law.
  55. Know you, possibly the last breedable generation of the Great White Race, that the Islamic horde is a hydra of 1.5 billion people. It grows every day as it indoctrinates your own countrymen, and it will continue to grow so long as combating it is only directed at a single head. All Islamic facets are targets. When you fight against Islam, your fight must be a crusade: you must stop each and every target, and you must continue until all targets are no more, or they will simply grow back, and the battle starts all over again. Every day not fighting them is another day they are removing your freedoms and out-breeding your race into extinction.
  57. This is based on credible, declassified information courtesy of ex- US intelligence analyst Maj. Stephen Coughlin, who briefed various VIPs within the Pentagon in counter-terrorism measures. His brief was so head-turning to those who could not understand terrorism that it was referred to as the Red Pill Brief, and he was told to publish them into a book before the enemy found out, and was executed him as an infidel. While his book was published (Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad), Major Coughlin attracted the attention of an Islamic plant within the upper echelons of government, and was ordered removed for defamation of Islam.
  58. The government quickly obeyed this order.
  60. Do not let the evil win.
  61. Resist the Alinskyists. Resist their poison. Resist the political organizations that do not care about your well-being.
  62. Fight back, on your terms if you must. Reclaim your cultural identity and keep your country yours.
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