
A Touch of Class

Aug 28th, 2013
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  1. obligatory fimfiction link
  6. >Day cold in Equestria.
  7. >You are Anonymous, standing outside Carousel Boutique in the snow.
  8. >And it's nigh on fucking freezing out here, sweet jesus Equestrian winters are brutal.
  9. >You watch the taxipony as he takes several attempts to get the cart rolling, an effort made both hard and amusing by the slippery earth.
  10. >Unfortunately, Rarity's habit of packing five times her own weight in clothes was a trait that ran in the family
  11. >Not that her father Magnum seemed to notice or care that his wife had packed five suitcases
  12. >His cheeks puffing out, the taxipony throws one last colossal strain into getting the cart rolling -
  13. >And it finally rolls off.
  14. >And of course, no sooner has it started moving then both of Rarity's parents are hanging out the window, waving wildly.
  15. >"Buh-bye Rarity! Take good care of Sweetie Belle!"
  16. >"See you in two weeks, Sweetie, hon! Take care, Rarity!"
  17. >Rarity waves back, standing on tippy-hooves as the carriage rolls away.
  18. >"I will! Have a nice time!"
  19. >"...And don't forget to feed Opalescance!"
  20. >"Yes, yes, I will!"
  21. >"And don't forget to send a postcard to your Aunt Cerise for her birthday!..."
  22. >"Oh, and don't forget about your overdue books, dear!"
  23. >"And I've left the fire extinguisher under the sink!"
  24. >And assorted trailing remarks that soon fade into obscurity, along with the sight of the taxi as it drops over the far side of a hill and into the horizon.
  25. >You wave till the very last instant you can see her parents, and then...
  26. "Okay, they're gone." You sniff, and quickly begin to hobble back to the boutique door. "Quick, let's get the fuck inside."
  27. >Rarity, who is still waving her no-longer visible parents off, gives you a savage whack with the frozen newspaper that she'd taken out of the snow.
  28. >"Anonymous!" she hisses. "Language!"
  29. >Grumble grumble stupid rarara formalprissy.
  30. >It's freezing outside the boutique. With a glance, you can see a row of icicles clinging gamely to the flagpoles that adorn the fashion house's tall spire.
  31. >The snow falling from the dense grey clouds overhead is a hallmark of Rainbow Dash's work
  32. >it's so thick there's a huge drift on either side of the road
  33. >oh course, the snow on top of the slatted roof is no joke, either.
  34. >It's a pony's height in thickness, all the way around the boutique, and as you watch, a fat clump comes tumbling off, smothering another portion of Rarity's bare flower beds.
  35. >You never had winters like this back in Germaney.
  36. >The winter breeze picks up again, and a dusting of fresh, dry snow decides on a quarrel with you
  37. >You cop a bodyful of ice.
  38. >You wince and wipe the snow off your face.
  39. >fffffuuu damn cold ass wind jesus Rainbow Dash what the fuck
  40. >Quickly hurry back inside before the cold can wreck your shit
  41. >Such is life in the zone
  42. >The Ponyville administrative zone, that is.
  43. >
  44. >Rarity quickly skips through the door behind you, and, after another serious argument with the wind, you manage to get the door shut.
  45. >The whistling of the mild breeze outside is muffled and then replaced by the sound of a spitting fire
  46. >She sheds her dainty woolen jacket and hangs it to dry on the coat-rack by the door.
  47. >Immediately, you do your best imitation of a diamond dog, spraying tiny bits off ice off of your Mink coat.
  48. >Thus giving the lovely Rarity a bit of cold water.
  49. >"Wahaha!"
  50. >WHACK
  52. >"Don't!-" WHACK "Do that -" WHACK "Or my mane will get -" WHACK "Ruined!"
  53. "FINE, JEEZ."
  54. >Rarity storms off to get all of the 2 droplets of water out of her mane
  55. >Which, somehow, had not been ruined already by the wind, cold, or her rediculously chic fur ushanka
  56. >Her curls are still as immaculate
  57. >Somehow
  58. >Grumble grumble stupid horsre
  60. >"Well, it's just that..."
  61. >She glances outside, biting her lip nervously.
  62. >"Where do you think Sweetie Belle is right now?" She adds with a frown.
  63. >You make a dismissive noise.
  64. "Aah, they were out at AJ's place or something. I'm sure they'll be fine."
  65. >You kiss her on the lips again to quickly bring the focus back to you
  66. >Rarity purrs in delight as you slide a hand up her back leg, stopping just short of her sensitive cutie mark.
  68. - MEANWHILE -
  70. >You are Applebloom.
  71. >You are in the CMC Clubhouse.
  72. >Sweetie Belle scrawls furiously in her diary.
  73. "At night, Scootaloo was worse,"
  74. "And we knew the end had come."
  75. "She slept through the night before last, hoping not to wake; but she woke in the morning--yesterday. It was blowing a blizzard."
  76. "She said, 'I'm just going outside, now. I may be some time.'
  77. "She went out into the blizzard, and we have not seen her since..."
  78. "We knew that poor Scootaloo was walking to her certain doom"
  79. "...The feather flu is a proper bag of hayseed."
  80. "But we knew it was the act of a brave filly."
  81. >An impatient sigh interrupts her writing.
  82. >"Are we ready yet? asks Scootaloo.
  83. >Sweetie Belle scowls, glaring at the pegasus.
  84. "Scootaloo, you're supposed to be outside!"
  85. >The irate pegasus sits in the corner of the room, curled up in a pile of blankets and sulking.
  86. >"No, I don't wanna. It's cold out there!" Scootaloo sniffs. "And I've caught the feather flu once before. It sucked. I don't wanna go to the south pole."
  87. >You sigh, and flex your mittened hooves. The drawing of the fire in the clubhouse fireplace was not as fun as having an actual fire, but Applejack had forbidden them from that,
  88. >You give Sweetie Belle a plaintive look.
  89. >"Can't we jus' do somethin' warm?"
  90. >Sweetie Belle scrunches up her muzzle, considering it.
  91. >"Yeah!" Scootaloo chimes in. "Cutie Mark Crusader Hot Chocolate makers?"
  92. >At the mention of chocolate, the unicorn visibly wavers from her resolve
  93. >"Well..." she says. "Maybe... maybe Cutie Mark Pole Explorers is not for us."
  94. >And not a single innuendo was had that day
  96. - MEANWHILE -
  98. >She tenses slightly to the presence of your thumb on her three diamonds
  99. >Rarity breaks from your kiss to give you a mock admonishing glare
  100. >"My my, a bit frisky, aren't we anonymous?"
  101. >You respond by moving your lips to her jawline, and then her long, pristine neck, an action that makes her gasp and giggle at the same time.
  102. >"H-hey! Ha... you k-know I'm ticklish there!"
  103. >She vainly tries to cover her neck with her chin, but your face already occupies the area
  104. >You blow a raspberry or two into the soft, furred skin above her clavicle
  105. >Rarity squeals into your ear, and you feel her body writhe and kick underneath your gentle tickling as you press her back into the settee's black pillow
  106. >your other hand finds its way to the back of her neck
  107. >Meanwhile, Rarity continues to plead for mercy.
  108. >"Ahaha!" Oh Cel-e-estia, anon, p-please! I beg you, s-s-stohop!"
  109. >Release her from your assault and return to simply holding her, allowing a moment while Rarity takes a few deep breaths.
  110. >"Darling, you are such a tease!" she says, in an accusatory tone, the smile still on her lips.
  111. "Uh huh."
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