
VicksInc #23

Jun 11th, 2012
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  1. (10:24:56 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli you awake in a black void. Theres some white swirlly stuff going on and about but for the most part. Nothing.
  2. (10:26:24 PM) ***Eztli looks around, his eyes glowing red as he looks in the void with his infrared.
  3. (10:27:59 PM) Eztli: .
  4. (10:28:08 PM) DM-Bro: You see a figure 50ft away...quite a familiar shape to him as well.
  5. (10:28:22 PM) DM-Bro: You cant make out the details cause lolinfravison
  6. (10:29:31 PM) ***Eztli draws his revolver, calling out to the shape. "Hands where I can see them... where the fuck am I?"
  7. (10:31:21 PM) DM-Bro: You hear though a familar clicking and spinning noise of a revlover being loaded and the barrel spinning. "Inside your mind is the easiest way to explain it."
  8. (10:33:01 PM) ***Eztli approaches the figure cautiously, the figure still in his sights. "I see... so what does that make you, then?"
  9. (10:34:13 PM) CEB|Away is now known as CEB
  10. (10:34:46 PM) DM-Bro: A bullet fires at your feet stopping you mid stride. "I'm you of course. The part you keep locked away from your friends and that bitch."
  11. (10:37:37 PM) Eztli: "If you were aiming at me, I've got worse vision than I thought..." Eztli grins briefly.
  12. (10:38:08 PM) DM-Bro: "You want me to try becuase trust me punk I can easily put one betweem your eyes. I've got nothing holding me back."
  13. (10:38:58 PM) Eztli: "Then what happens to you, hmm? We never thought things over before."
  14. (10:40:30 PM) DM-Bro: "It's simple. Whoever wins here gets control out there." The double reloads his gun. "So lets not waste anymore time."
  15. (10:40:41 PM) DM-Bro: roll initiative
  16. (10:40:42 PM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled initiative --> error: malformed expression
  17. (10:41:19 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  18. (10:41:19 PM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{25}
  19. (10:41:28 PM) Eztli is now known as Eztli|25
  20. (10:41:38 PM) DM-Bro: roll 1d20+13
  21. (10:41:38 PM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{19}
  22. (10:42:18 PM) DM-Bro: Real Eztli is first
  23. (10:43:12 PM) ***Eztli|25 fans the hammer of his revolver, the bullets glowing blue as he fires off two rounds.
  24. (10:43:44 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d20+19
  25. (10:43:44 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{31}
  26. (10:43:50 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d20+14
  27. (10:43:51 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{34}
  28. (10:44:09 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d20
  29. (10:44:09 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{11}
  30. (10:44:15 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d20
  31. (10:44:15 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  32. (10:44:22 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d100
  33. (10:44:23 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=92 ]{92}
  34. (10:44:25 PM) Eztli|25: roll 1d100
  35. (10:44:25 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
  36. (10:46:01 PM) Eztli|25: roll 3d6+14
  37. (10:46:01 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 3d6+14 --> [ 3d6=14 ]{28}
  38. (10:46:28 PM) Eztli|25: roll 3d6+14
  39. (10:46:28 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|25 rolled 3d6+14 --> [ 3d6=13 ]{27}
  40. (10:47:28 PM) DM-Bro: You fire your first shot into your double which freezes him solid and with percision aim you fire a second shot right into his forehead shattering him into peices
  41. (10:47:52 PM) Eztli|25: "You talked too much to be me." Eztli says, reloading his revolver with normal rounds.
  42. (10:47:58 PM) Eztli|25 is now known as Eztli
  43. (10:48:43 PM) DM-Bro: At that moment Eztli Cyrin and Luka all appear in a red velvet room where Juri is currently sitting on chair lounging around.
  44. (10:48:56 PM) Cyrin: "...well that was eventful."
  45. (10:49:10 PM) ***Juri opens one of her eyes. "Y'all are done now..? Finally."
  46. (10:49:36 PM) Eztli: "I put two in my own head. Cut me some slack." Eztli says deadpan.
  47. (10:51:15 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel you are still outside the room starring into the black void. When suddenly it vanishes and you can see inside the red velvet room where everyone is.
  48. (10:52:01 PM) ***Uvel rushes in with sword and shield drawn. "Comrades! Chaps! Where is the great evil and what happened to all of you?!"
  49. (10:52:34 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel you can sense it coming from an odd idol sitting on a table.
  50. (10:54:47 PM) ***Uvel looks at the idol with a bewildered look before screaming "SMITE! EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL." As we tries to cleave the idol in two.
  51. (10:54:53 PM) DM-Bro: Ok everyone can now see the freaking Idol shaped like a dick in a chariot
  52. (10:55:01 PM) Eztli: (NOPE)
  53. (10:55:09 PM) DM-Bro: Roll to atatck
  54. (10:55:09 PM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled to atatck --> error: malformed expression
  55. (10:55:19 PM) Juri: ...Well dayum Jimmy.
  56. (10:56:06 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+24
  57. (10:56:06 PM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{29}
  58. (10:56:47 PM) DM-Bro: You slice the statue in half castrating it.
  59. (10:56:59 PM) DM-Bro: A vast majority of the evil in the area is gone.
  60. (10:57:22 PM) DM-Bro: The house is still pretty evil. But less now without the dick statue
  61. (10:57:56 PM) Uvel: "Who in the first mind would worship such a phallic device? It'd be like one of the wizarding acts concentrating on sexual deeds!"
  62. (10:58:31 PM) DM-Bro: Listen checks
  63. (10:58:49 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  64. (10:58:49 PM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{23}
  65. (10:58:49 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+4
  66. (10:58:49 PM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{5}
  67. (10:58:54 PM) Cyrin: roll d20+3
  68. (10:58:54 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin rolled d20+3 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{20}
  69. (10:58:57 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13 to hear
  70. (10:58:57 PM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 to hear --> [ 1d20=2 ]{15}
  71. (10:59:42 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+7
  72. (10:59:42 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{26}
  73. (11:00:13 PM) DM-Bro: Everyone but Juri you hear this blood cluring scream of rage. Juri you hear smooth jazz.
  74. (11:00:36 PM) Juri: "Holy shit you guys don't you hear this swag as fuck music?"
  75. (11:01:36 PM) ***Uvel looks at the now sliced dick statue then back to where he hears the rage coming from. "...Well by jolly gentlemen, I do believe that is the sound of a knave who just lost his nadders!"
  76. (11:01:50 PM) ***Cyrin clutches his ears. "Hell no! Oww!"
  77. (11:01:57 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "I hear screaming Juri. To you it might be music. So, who else got to fight their clone in that horrible place?"
  78. (11:02:09 PM) Juri: "What? No I hear jazz..."
  79. (11:02:17 PM) Eztli: "... I think what we call music is vastly different." Eztli says, holding his earfins.
  80. (11:02:30 PM) Juri: "What in the FUCK are you guys hearing?! I HEAR A GOD DAMN SAXOPHONE"
  81. (11:03:01 PM) ***Cyrin shakes his head. "First psuedo-me and now this."
  82. (11:03:25 PM) Uvel: "...Blood curcling screams is a saxophone to you? Lady Juri, maybe you should cut back on the whole killing business hm?"
  83. (11:03:33 PM) Uvel: (curling even)
  84. (11:03:36 PM) Juri: "You guys fought yourselves? ..Huh..I just got put in here. No but really wheres this fuckin music coming from and what scream? And Luka...what clone?"
  85. (11:04:26 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Somebody who claimed to be the "evil" side of me." Luka shrugs lifting his frosty sword. "Let's just say we didn't see... ice to ice in the end. Cold bastard he was though. Even colder now."
  86. (11:04:31 PM) Eztli: "Yeah... did 'put two in my own head' not get across?" Eztli says, looking around the room.
  87. (11:04:50 PM) Juri: "...So you fight yourselves and hear screams and I hear music...dude what the fuck is going on in this house."
  88. (11:06:20 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Like I said, I'm so blowing this place to hell when we finish up here."
  89. (11:06:23 PM) Cyrin: "I would love to know. In the meantime, we've got to finish clearing this place out. First step is to investigate that scream."
  90. (11:06:24 PM) Uvel: "Many vile acts of evil Lady Juri, now we must go to where the scream is for I feel whoever that was is the master of his vile place! Chaps, let us move forward."
  91. (11:08:14 PM) DM-Bro: The door bursts open.
  92. (11:09:07 PM) DM-Bro: And in walks a small wizard looking girl. "WHO BROKE MY STATUE!?"
  93. (11:09:37 PM) ***Juri points at the bear
  94. (11:09:52 PM) Eztli: "..." Eztli does a mental double-take and groans.
  95. (11:09:55 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy glances at Uvel
  96. (11:10:09 PM) ***Cyrin just looks at the floor, shaking his head.
  97. (11:10:17 PM) DM-Bro: The girl turns to Uvel with a look of pure rage. "DO YOUR REALIZE HOW LONG I WORKED ON THAT FUCKING THING?!"
  98. (11:10:23 PM) Cyrin: "They don't pay us enough for this bullshit."
  99. (11:10:26 PM) DM-Bro: "AND YOU GO AHEAD AND JUST BREAK IT?!"
  100. (11:11:08 PM) Eztli: "Do you even know... you know what, don't answer that."
  101. (11:11:12 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well it was pretty... you know... evil. Who the fuck are you? I'm tired of this house with all the tubs and clones and whatever."
  102. (11:12:20 PM) DM-Bro: "Who the fuck am I? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS COMING INTO MY BOSSES HOUSE AND BREAKING MY SHIT!?! I SHOULD KILL YOU ALL INFACT!" She draws a staff and readys for combat
  103. (11:12:44 PM) DM-Bro: roll 1d20+6
  104. (11:12:44 PM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{10}
  105. (11:12:50 PM) Cyrin: "YOU KNOW WHAT, I DON'T EVEN CARE. LET'S DO THIS."
  106. (11:12:54 PM) DM-Bro is now known as PissedWizard
  107. (11:12:59 PM) PissedWizard is now known as PissedWizard|10
  108. (11:13:01 PM) Uvel: "Of course I would break such a horrible statue of pure evil little girl. It is my job-no MY VERY DUTY TO DO SUCH THINGS." Looks at the little girl for a minute. "I see then, your look might look innocent but I see your soul is pure evil, COME KNAVE, TASTE THE STEEL OF MY BLADE."
  109. (11:13:17 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+4
  110. (11:13:17 PM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{5}
  111. (11:13:18 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  112. (11:13:18 PM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{20}
  113. (11:13:19 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+16
  114. (11:13:20 PM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{31}
  115. (11:13:26 PM) Juri is now known as Juri|31
  116. (11:13:26 PM) Cyrin: roll d20+16
  117. (11:13:26 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+10
  118. (11:13:26 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
  119. (11:13:27 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin rolled d20+16 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{25}
  120. (11:13:28 PM) Eztli is now known as Eztli|20
  121. (11:13:34 PM) Uvel is now known as Uvel|5
  122. (11:13:45 PM) You are now known as Cyrin|25
  123. (11:13:47 PM) PissedWizard|10: Uvel you are to busy giving your speech of justice to notice combat has started
  124. (11:14:26 PM) Eztli|20: "Now I've seen some shit..."
  125. (11:14:37 PM) Juri|31: Cloak, run behind her, attack.
  126. (11:15:11 PM) Luka|MahBoy is now known as Luka|MahBoy27
  127. (11:15:37 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+40
  128. (11:15:37 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+40 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{43}
  129. (11:15:39 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+33
  130. (11:15:39 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+33 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{53}
  131. (11:15:54 PM) PissedWizard|10: roll 1d20+30 listen
  132. (11:15:54 PM) DiceBro: PissedWizard|10 rolled 1d20+30 listen --> [ 1d20=19 ]{49}
  133. (11:16:11 PM) PissedWizard|10: She hears you coming.
  134. (11:16:41 PM) Juri|31: Trigger serene mind
  135. (11:16:51 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+26
  136. (11:16:52 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{33}
  137. (11:16:52 PM) PissedWizard|10: No effect
  138. (11:17:18 PM) Juri|31: roll 2d8+17
  139. (11:17:18 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 2d8+17 --> [ 2d8=11 ]{28}
  140. (11:17:50 PM) PissedWizard|10: You stab into the wizards side with your blade.
  141. (11:17:54 PM) PissedWizard|10: roll 1d100
  142. (11:17:54 PM) DiceBro: PissedWizard|10 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=31 ]{31}
  143. (11:18:01 PM) PissedWizard|10: Nothing.
  144. (11:19:43 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d20+24
  145. (11:19:43 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{36}
  146. (11:19:46 PM) PissedWizard|10: Hit
  147. (11:19:46 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d20+19
  148. (11:19:46 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{21}
  149. (11:19:51 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d20+14
  150. (11:19:51 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{32}
  151. (11:19:55 PM) PissedWizard|10: Miss Hit.
  152. (11:20:03 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d6+4
  153. (11:20:03 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{6}
  154. (11:20:05 PM) Brutus_ [webchat@cc59707.1366b407.1654620b.31a16b5dX] entered the room.
  155. (11:20:07 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d6+4
  156. (11:20:07 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d6+4 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  157. (11:21:39 PM) PissedWizard|10: You fire two shots into her but she still stands
  158. (11:21:45 PM) PissedWizard|10: roll 1d100
  159. (11:21:46 PM) DiceBro: PissedWizard|10 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=21 ]{21}
  160. (11:21:48 PM) PissedWizard|10: Nothing
  161. (11:21:51 PM) PissedWizard|10: Cyrin.
  162. (11:22:11 PM) Cyrin|25: I charge her and take a wild swing with a claw!
  163. (11:22:21 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+27
  164. (11:22:21 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+27 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{42}
  165. (11:22:36 PM) PissedWizard|10: Hit
  166. (11:22:55 PM) Cyrin|25: roll 2d6+15
  167. (11:22:56 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin|25 rolled 2d6+15 --> [ 2d6=6 ]{21}
  168. (11:23:13 PM) PissedWizard|10: roll 1d100
  169. (11:23:14 PM) DiceBro: PissedWizard|10 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=82 ]{82}
  170. (11:23:15 PM) PissedWizard|10: HAHA
  171. (11:23:27 PM) PissedWizard|10: Cyrin fort or relfex save
  172. (11:23:38 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+21
  173. (11:23:39 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+21 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{24}
  174. (11:23:43 PM) PissedWizard|10: ...
  175. (11:23:46 PM) PissedWizard|10: DC was 25
  176. (11:23:56 PM) PissedWizard|10: You are grappled.
  177. (11:23:59 PM) PissedWizard|10: By...well
  178. (11:24:01 PM) PissedWizard|10: You know what
  179. (11:24:10 PM) PissedWizard|10: TENTACLE DICKS
  180. (11:24:11 PM) Cyrin|25: (I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS)
  181. (11:24:24 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
  182. (11:24:38 PM) Cyrin|25: "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!"
  183. (11:24:38 PM) ***Juri|31 invisible jaw drop!
  184. (11:24:57 PM) PissedWizard|10: Eztli your up
  185. (11:25:05 PM) Eztli|20: "...yooooooo.." Eztli says to himself.
  186. (11:25:09 PM) Juri|31:
  187. (11:25:12 PM) Juri|31: Juri.avi
  188. (11:27:07 PM) ***Eztli|20 points his revolver at the wizard, the bullets glowing blue as they are struck by the pin.
  189. (11:27:41 PM) Eztli|20: roll 1d20+19
  190. (11:27:41 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|20 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{34}
  191. (11:27:50 PM) Eztli|20: roll 1d20+14
  192. (11:27:51 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|20 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{16}
  193. (11:27:53 PM) PissedWizard|10: Hit miss
  194. (11:28:18 PM) Eztli|20: roll 3d6+13
  195. (11:28:18 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|20 rolled 3d6+13 --> [ 3d6=13 ]{26}
  196. (11:28:26 PM) Eztli|20: roll 1d100
  197. (11:28:27 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|20 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=75 ]{75}
  198. (11:28:38 PM) PissedWizard|10: You freeze her arm holding the staff.
  199. (11:28:48 PM) PissedWizard|10: Cyrin the tentacles release you.
  200. (11:29:15 PM) PissedWizard|10: Wizards next.
  201. (11:31:10 PM) PissedWizard|10: Everyone but Uvel
  202. (11:31:11 PM) PissedWizard|10: Fort save
  203. (11:31:30 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+14
  204. (11:31:30 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+14 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{21}
  205. (11:31:41 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+13
  206. (11:31:41 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
  207. (11:31:44 PM) Luka|MahBoy27: roll 1d20+14
  208. (11:31:44 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy27 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{29}
  209. (11:32:31 PM) Eztli|20: roll 1d20+11
  210. (11:32:32 PM) DiceBro: Eztli|20 rolled 1d20+11 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{27}
  211. (11:32:39 PM) PissedWizard|10: Cyrin and Juri
  212. (11:32:47 PM) PissedWizard|10: Your now one size category smaller
  213. (11:32:53 PM) PissedWizard|10: Mass Reduce Person
  214. (11:33:03 PM) Brutus__ [webchat@3cae4b8e.1366b407.1654620b.31a16b5dX] entered the room.
  215. (11:33:27 PM) Brutus_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 360 seconds).
  216. (11:34:08 PM) PissedWizard|10: Juri
  217. (11:34:11 PM) PissedWizard|10: Your turn.
  218. (11:34:27 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+26
  219. (11:34:27 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{41}
  220. (11:34:29 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+21
  221. (11:34:30 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+21 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{32}
  222. (11:34:31 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+26
  223. (11:34:32 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{42}
  224. (11:34:53 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+21 Climb
  225. (11:34:53 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+21 Climb --> [ 1d20=8 ]{29}
  226. (11:35:23 PM) Juri|31: whoop now I have to reroll this shit
  227. (11:35:27 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+27
  228. (11:35:27 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+27 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{34}
  229. (11:35:28 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+22
  230. (11:35:28 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+22 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{41}
  231. (11:35:29 PM) PissedWizard|10: You scale the small wizard and go onto her shoulder.
  232. (11:35:31 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+27
  233. (11:35:32 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+27 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{34}
  234. (11:35:48 PM) Juri|31: roll 2d4+18
  235. (11:35:48 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 2d4+18 --> [ 2d4=7 ]{25}
  236. (11:35:49 PM) Juri|31: roll 2d4+18
  237. (11:35:49 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 2d4+18 --> [ 2d4=6 ]{24}
  238. (11:35:50 PM) Juri|31: roll 2d4+18
  239. (11:35:50 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 2d4+18 --> [ 2d4=8 ]{26}
  240. (11:36:03 PM) PissedWizard|10: Dead
  241. (11:36:25 PM) PissedWizard|10: You stab right in to her jugular with your tiny mantis blades.
  242. (11:36:36 PM) PissedWizard|10: She falls towards Cyrin.
  243. (11:36:40 PM) PissedWizard|10: Relfex save
  244. (11:36:45 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+21
  245. (11:36:45 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+21 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{41}
  246. (11:37:03 PM) PissedWizard|10: You dodge the fuck out of the way and land on a gold coin!
  247. (11:37:04 PM) Cyrin|25: "FUCK. YOU. NOBODY TENTACLES ME."
  248. (11:37:13 PM) Juri|31: roll 1d20+20
  249. (11:37:13 PM) DiceBro: Juri|31 rolled 1d20+20 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{24}
  250. (11:37:18 PM) PissedWizard|10: Not you.
  251. (11:37:21 PM) Juri|31: WHOOPS NEVER MIND LOL
  252. (11:37:41 PM) You are now known as Cyrin|
  253. (11:37:42 PM) PissedWizard|10: A few moments after she dies Juri and Cyrin return to normal size.
  254. (11:38:10 PM) Juri|31 is now known as Juri
  255. (11:38:26 PM) Luka|MahBoy27 is now known as Luka|MahBoy
  256. (11:38:28 PM) ***Eztli|20 spins his revolver, putting normal rounds in the cylinder. "That was... interesting."
  257. (11:38:32 PM) Eztli|20 is now known as Eztli
  258. (11:38:59 PM) PissedWizard|10: 1560
  259. (11:39:00 PM) PissedWizard|10: exp
  260. (11:39:19 PM) PissedWizard|10: These cultists are fucking insane.
  261. (11:39:30 PM) PissedWizard|10: Theres one room left of this crazy mansion to explore.
  262. (11:42:52 PM) Luka|MahBoy: We enter the fucking room
  263. (11:42:52 PM) Juri: I stay cloaked and enter the next room
  264. (11:42:58 PM) Juri: cause hold on baby jesus this gon be a bumpy ride
  265. (11:43:20 PM) PissedWizard|10: You enter a fancyish stle of room with a panting on the end some chairs armor suits that kind of shit.
  266. (11:44:01 PM) PissedWizard|10: wat do?
  267. (11:44:31 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (spot check?)
  268. (11:44:41 PM) PissedWizard|10: Go for it
  269. (11:44:52 PM) PissedWizard|10: You can do perform checks for all I care
  270. (11:44:57 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+8 spot dat shit
  271. (11:44:57 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+8 spot dat shit --> [ 1d20=15 ]{23}
  272. (11:45:05 PM) Cyrin|: Fuck you, I roll a search check, Cyrin doesn't make no pussy spot checks.
  273. (11:45:10 PM) Cyrin|: roll d20+5
  274. (11:45:10 PM) DiceBro: Cyrin| rolled d20+5 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{12}
  275. (11:45:31 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+20 to search
  276. (11:45:31 PM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+20 to search --> [ 1d20=10 ]{30}
  277. (11:45:40 PM) Juri: Fuck niggers I roll a spot followed by a hide
  278. (11:45:43 PM) Juri: cause I'm a faggot
  279. (11:45:48 PM) Uvel|5: roll 1d20+6 Spot
  280. (11:45:48 PM) DiceBro: Uvel|5 rolled 1d20+6 Spot --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
  281. (11:45:50 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+19
  282. (11:45:51 PM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{31}
  283. (11:45:54 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+33 hide
  284. (11:45:54 PM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+33 hide --> [ 1d20=11 ]{44}
  285. (11:46:39 PM) PissedWizard|10: Cyrin you find a suit of armor with intracte looking designs
  286. (11:46:43 PM) PissedWizard|10: Looks fancy
  287. (11:46:57 PM) Cyrin|: "...This armor is fancy, but definitely not what I am looking for."
  288. (11:47:02 PM) PissedWizard|10: Eztli this painting...It looks fishy. Likesomething is behind it fishy.
  289. (11:47:22 PM) PissedWizard|10: Its also a panting of a large fish.
  290. (11:47:27 PM) PissedWizard|10: So that also might be it.
  291. (11:47:56 PM) Eztli: "There's something reeling about this picture..." Eztli says out loud.
  292. (11:48:38 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Hmm? Uvel. Keep guard will you?" Luka says moving up to Eztli
  293. (11:48:43 PM) Cyrin|: "You find something, Eztli?"
  294. (11:49:22 PM) Eztli: "Something's off about this picture.. I can't tell shit."
  295. (11:49:57 PM) PissedWizard|10: Its also fishy...
  296. (11:50:11 PM) PissedWizard|10 is now known as DM-BRo
  297. (11:50:14 PM) DM-BRo is now known as DM-Bro
  298. (11:50:53 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "This house is bullshit." Luka says stabbing the painting
  299. (11:51:05 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+28
  300. (11:51:06 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+28 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{39}
  301. (11:51:10 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+23
  302. (11:51:11 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+23 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{38}
  303. (11:51:16 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+18
  304. (11:51:17 PM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{26}
  305. (11:51:43 PM) DM-Bro: You stab the panting repeatedly and reveal a hidden passage leading down.
  306. (11:52:52 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "There. Problem solved." Luka cuts the remains on the ground
  307. (11:53:46 PM) ***Cyrin| tries to hand a torch to Luka.
  308. (11:53:55 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy stops and takes the torch
  309. (11:54:14 PM) ***Cyrin| heads into the dark passage.
  310. (11:54:16 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy lights the torch
  311. (11:55:38 PM) ***Eztli blinks his eyes, them turning red.
  312. (11:58:39 PM) DM-Bro: You enter a chamber thats pretty fucking dark
  313. (11:58:55 PM) DM-Bro: In the middle you manage to spot an elevator type thing with a large crank in the middle.
  314. (6/11/2012 12:00:46 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy places the torch in the open slot and one diagonal to it
  315. (12:03:03 AM) DM-Bro: So Uvel in the middle cranking shit?
  316. (12:03:10 AM) ***Eztli hands his torch to Luka, "You'll need this more than I will."
  317. (12:03:30 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Thanks." Luka puts the final torch in the last slot
  318. (12:04:00 AM) DM-Bro: The elevator waits your cranking.
  319. (12:04:30 AM) ***Uvel|5 moves to the center of the device and starts using the crank as fast as he can.
  320. (12:04:33 AM) ***Cyrin| watches Taco work the crank.
  321. (12:04:36 AM) Uvel|5 is now known as Uvel
  322. (12:04:58 AM) DM-Bro: Strength check
  323. (12:05:25 AM) Uvel: roll 1d20+8
  324. (12:05:26 AM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{21}
  325. (12:06:00 AM) DM-Bro: The elevator is a bit slow to go at first but eventually it starts lowering at a pretty good pace.
  326. (12:06:13 AM) DM-Bro: When suddenly
  327. (12:06:18 AM) Uvel: "Hold on chaps! Tis time we end this once and for all." He says as he puts his bear strength behind the crank.
  328. (12:06:19 AM) DM-Bro: BATS BATS ERRYWHERE!
  329. (12:06:26 AM) DM-Bro: Spot checks
  330. (12:06:51 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+8
  331. (12:06:51 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{19}
  332. (12:07:05 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+18 Woosh Woosh Spottan Shit
  333. (12:07:06 AM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+18 Woosh Woosh Spottan Shit --> [ 1d20=11 ]{29}
  334. (12:07:26 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  335. (12:07:26 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=99 ]{99}
  336. (12:07:47 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli you see...99 fucking bats.
  337. (12:08:08 AM) DM-Bro: They tottaly surround you.
  338. (12:08:34 AM) ***Eztli pauses "...there's fucking bats... everywhere..."
  339. (12:09:51 AM) Cyrin|: "...they're bats, they're likely harmless."
  340. (12:10:22 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "They're only bats right? Nothing to worry about. Had plenty in the mi- well this house is complete shit. So who knows."
  341. (12:10:36 AM) Uvel: "I do not believe these bats are corrupted by the evil of this place chaps, let us ignore them for now."
  342. (12:11:56 AM) DM-Bro: You reach the bottom floor with the bat swarm still surronding you.
  343. (12:12:04 AM) DM-Bro: And then hear cries of agony and bat screeches.
  344. (12:12:16 AM) DM-Bro: Theres some gore noises a bolt or two fired
  345. (12:12:17 AM) DM-Bro: And then
  346. (12:12:19 AM) DM-Bro: Silence
  347. (12:12:22 AM) DM-Bro: And less bats
  348. (12:12:25 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  349. (12:12:25 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=29 ]{29}
  350. (12:12:28 AM) DM-Bro: 29 less bats
  351. (12:13:20 AM) DM-Bro: You've reached the bottom.
  352. (12:13:47 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Why can't we go somewhere where there isn't screaming and death in this house? Do I need to remind anybody of that book Juri and I picked up?"
  353. (12:14:02 AM) Juri: "Yeah I'd..I'd rather not.."
  354. (12:14:05 AM) Cyrin|: "I'm pretty sure we're not finding anything like that, Luka."
  355. (12:14:23 AM) Cyrin|: "Let's just be careful."
  356. (12:15:50 AM) Eztli: "At least we have that needle I found.."
  357. (12:17:20 AM) Clovis is now known as Clovis|AFK
  358. (12:17:32 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well no point letting whoever just died cool off." Luka takes one of the torches with him
  359. (12:18:27 AM) Cyrin|: "Everyone grab a torch. No use wasting them."
  360. (12:19:17 AM) ***Eztli loads his last two freezing bullets into the revolver along with his normal rounds before taking his torch.
  361. (12:19:38 AM) ***Cyrin| grabs a torch.
  362. (12:19:58 AM) Luka|MahBoy: we leave the room
  363. (12:20:41 AM) ***Uvel rests for a bit before grabbing one of the torches and following the others.
  364. (12:22:13 AM) DM-Bro: You enter a long hallway where you can see a doorway to your right a bit up ahead.
  365. (12:22:39 AM) Juri: Remaining cloaked, moving forward.
  366. (12:23:57 AM) DM-Bro: Ignoring the room?
  367. (12:24:09 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy following right behind
  368. (12:26:44 AM) Juri: Lets go sidetrack into the room
  369. (12:27:00 AM) DM-Bro: Small room
  370. (12:27:11 AM) DM-Bro: FULL OF FUCKING WEAPONS
  371. (12:27:38 AM) DM-Bro: You stumbled upon an armory
  372. (12:27:52 AM) Juri: FUCK YEAAAAAAR WHAT DO WE GET
  373. (12:28:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Must be some good stuff in here."
  374. (12:28:28 AM) DM-Bro: Theres a Long sword, a Halberd, a Katana, and a whip.
  375. (12:29:16 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy picks up the Halberd "Might be able to sell it for something nice."
  376. (12:29:23 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  377. (12:29:23 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=32 ]{32}
  378. (12:29:32 AM) DM-Bro: It shocks your hand.
  379. (12:29:36 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d4
  380. (12:29:36 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  381. (12:29:38 AM) DM-Bro: 1 damage
  382. (12:29:48 AM) DM-Bro: It wasnt electricty that shocked you.
  383. (12:29:51 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "OW!" Luka drops the halberd
  384. (12:29:56 AM) DM-Bro: Almost as if the weapon rejected you.
  385. (12:30:12 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Hmm... well then I shall try... THIS!" Luka picks up the long sword
  386. (12:30:18 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  387. (12:30:18 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=15 ]{15}
  388. (12:30:22 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d4
  389. (12:30:22 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  390. (12:30:24 AM) DM-Bro: 1 damage
  391. (12:30:27 AM) DM-Bro: REJECTED!
  392. (12:30:46 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+5 to appraise the whip
  393. (12:30:47 AM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+5 to appraise the whip --> [ 1d20=19 ]{24}
  394. (12:31:05 AM) DM-Bro: You've never seen anything like this before
  395. (12:31:10 AM) DM-Bro: No one has
  396. (12:31:11 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "You piece of shit!" Luka drops the sword.
  397. (12:31:28 AM) DM-Bro: The weapons are all strange and foreign looking.
  398. (12:31:38 AM) DM-Bro: And seem to have a purple aura about them
  399. (12:31:49 AM) DM-Bro: Only Eztli sees it.
  400. (12:31:54 AM) DM-Bro: The Aura that is.
  401. (12:32:15 AM) DM-Bro: Luka wanna try the other two?
  402. (12:32:19 AM) Eztli: "Something's off about these weapons... can you sense anything, rug?"
  403. (12:32:21 AM) Juri: "So...weapons...? Meh, go nuts."
  404. (12:32:28 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well might as well try it. NEXT!" I pick up the whip
  405. (12:32:32 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  406. (12:32:33 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=95 ]{95}
  407. (12:32:37 AM) DM-Bro: ACCEPTANCE
  408. (12:32:52 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "You motherf- Hey it didn't shock me."
  409. (12:32:55 AM) DM-Bro: Purple flames light over the whip.
  410. (12:33:00 AM) DM-Bro: But they dont burn you.
  411. (12:33:21 AM) ***Uvel looks around. "I do not detect any sort of evil here Sir Eztli. But I do beleive I shall be fine with my own holy sword." He says padding his sword on its sheath.
  412. (12:33:46 AM) DM-Bro: Wanna try the Katana?
  413. (12:34:04 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "This is interesting... hmmm... how about this?" Luka picks up the katana
  414. (12:34:07 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100+99
  415. (12:34:07 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100+99 --> [ 1d100=25 ]{124}
  416. (12:34:08 AM) Eztli: "I do already have my gun... " Eztli says, looking away from the other weapons.
  417. (12:34:11 AM) DM-Bro: Acceptance
  418. (12:34:12 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (after stowing the whip)
  419. (12:34:15 AM) DM-Bro: The sword talks to you.
  421. (12:34:52 AM) DM-Bro: "I SWEAR I WILL CUT A BITCH!"
  422. (12:34:54 AM) ***Cyrin| looks mildly surprised.
  423. (12:34:55 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Uh... It is I! Luka! King of weaponry! And who are you?"
  425. (12:35:17 AM) Juri: "...D-Did I smoke when I wasn't paying attention?"
  426. (12:36:07 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Nobody is cutting dicks off! And with me you get to cut things so calm down." Luka looks at the others
  427. (12:36:15 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Am i talking to myself or..."
  428. (12:36:22 AM) DM-Bro: No everyone can hear it.
  429. (12:36:44 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (luka has no idea about this though)
  430. (12:36:48 AM) Eztli: "... I'll take that whip if you don't want it, Luka. Seems the sword is more interesting..." He says, staring at Luka.
  431. (12:37:01 AM) Eztli: Awkwardly.
  432. (12:37:02 AM) DM-Bro: "Is there any knife ears around? I fucking hate elves. Birds to always shitting everywhere."
  433. (12:37:11 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "I think it accepts owners. If you want you can try it." Luka hands the whip to Eztli
  434. (12:37:22 AM) ***Eztli attempts to grasp the whip.
  435. (12:37:31 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  436. (12:37:32 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=48 ]{48}
  437. (12:37:37 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d4
  438. (12:37:38 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  439. (12:37:46 AM) Luka|MahBoy: 'no knife ears. But we can kill birds. This one keeps shitting on me you see..."
  440. (12:38:15 AM) DM-Bro: "Thats all I need to hear! LEts kill so fucking birds!"
  441. (12:38:18 AM) DM-Bro: some*
  442. (12:38:37 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "You'll be glad to hear I disintegrated about 50 of them a few hours back then."
  443. (12:38:55 AM) DM-Bro: "I fucking love you. In a non gay way ofcoruse."
  444. (12:39:13 AM) Eztli: "I'll just keep my gun, thanks..."
  445. (12:39:27 AM) ***Juri rests her cloaked hand on Luka's shoulder. "Keep him away from my harpy, and we'll be fine."
  446. (12:39:41 AM) ***Uvel leans to Eztli. "I do say Sir Eztli, I do believe that sword fancies Luka my Boy in a way a sword should not love a man."
  447. (12:39:48 AM) DM-Bro: "Harpys are fine. They are civilized. Birds on the other hand."
  448. (12:40:03 AM) DM-Bro: "Flying rats is what those fucking cunts be."
  449. (12:40:44 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "well then. No problems whatever. So... why can you talk and why are you in this place?"
  450. (12:41:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (I take the whip that etzli can't use still too)
  451. (12:41:59 AM) DM-Bro: "No clue my freind one second I'm chilling in my house reading a book and the next some faggot with long hair and a messy beard fucking grabs me and drags me across the void where I turn into this fucking peice of shit form."
  452. (12:42:22 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+20 craft
  453. (12:42:23 AM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+20 craft --> [ 1d20=16 ]{36}
  454. (12:42:48 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli jury rigs the whip to your blade.
  455. (12:43:04 AM) Aeria left the room (quit: Quit: Migraine Warrior).
  456. (12:43:17 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Thank you Eztli. This will be most useful."
  457. (12:43:32 AM) DM-Bro: You can now switch between ice and pruple fire
  458. (12:43:40 AM) DM-Bro: You cant do both at once
  459. (12:43:44 AM) DM-Bro: cause thats just silly
  460. (12:44:00 AM) DM-Bro: Same effects only ones ice and ones purple fire
  461. (12:44:03 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (Variety is the spice of life after all)
  462. (12:44:11 AM) Eztli: "No problem.. interesting weapons though."
  463. (12:44:22 AM) DM-Bro: Theres the longsword and halberd still.
  464. (12:44:36 AM) DM-Bro: "So can we get the fuck out of here or what?"
  465. (12:44:51 AM) Brutus__ is now known as Boris
  466. (12:45:14 AM) ***Uvel leaves the room as he looks at the odd looking weapons.
  467. (12:45:24 AM) ***Cyrin| shrugs and follows after the rug.
  468. (12:45:26 AM) Eztli: "Well shit.. might as well take my chance." Eztli says, attempting to grip the longsword.
  469. (12:45:27 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Of course Varris. After we kill some people. Things. Maybe bird things."
  470. (12:45:38 AM) Boris is now known as Brutus_
  471. (12:45:38 AM) Juri: [x] Touch bladed longsword
  472. (12:48:33 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  473. (12:48:33 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
  474. (12:48:38 AM) DM-Bro: Acceptance
  475. (12:48:44 AM) DM-Bro: For Eztli
  476. (12:48:46 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  477. (12:48:47 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=28 ]{28}
  478. (12:48:49 AM) DM-Bro: JURI
  479. (12:48:54 AM) Juri: What?
  480. (12:48:55 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d4
  481. (12:48:55 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d4 --> [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
  482. (12:49:00 AM) DM-Bro: 3 damage
  483. (12:49:14 AM) ***Juri takes her hand back. "Fine I didn't want you anyway"
  484. (12:49:23 AM) DM-Bro: The long sword flares and shoots out a purple beam which puts a whole in the wall.
  485. (12:50:19 AM) Luka|MahBoy: I try to pick up the halibard again
  486. (12:50:24 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100-5
  487. (12:50:24 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100-5 --> [ 1d100=61 ]{56}
  488. (12:50:29 AM) DM-Bro: Acceptance
  489. (12:50:56 AM) ***Eztli thinks to himself and looks at both the longsword and his gun. "Surely... maybe a bit much..."
  490. (12:51:26 AM) ***Eztli makes his way out, the longsword stowed.
  491. (12:51:30 AM) DM-Bro: The halberd crystalizes.
  492. (12:51:36 AM) DM-Bro: Purple Crystles
  493. (12:51:43 AM) Cyrin|: (crystals)
  494. (12:52:04 AM) DM-Bro: Looks really sharp and powerful. But extreamly fragile.
  495. (12:52:10 AM) Clovis|AFK is now known as Clovis
  496. (12:52:47 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Huh. Well not sure what I will do with this but We shall see!" Luka uses the halbard as his main weapon
  497. (12:53:46 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Lets move on."
  498. (12:54:29 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy hands Juri the never endign potion to drink
  499. (12:55:23 AM) ***Juri chugs it and hands the bottle back to Luka, nodding as she swallows.
  500. (12:55:24 AM) DM-Bro: Listen checks.
  501. (12:55:30 AM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  502. (12:55:31 AM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{13}
  503. (12:55:42 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+7
  504. (12:55:43 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{10}
  505. (12:55:43 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  506. (12:55:43 AM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{14}
  507. (12:55:44 AM) Cyrin|: roll d20+3
  508. (12:55:44 AM) DiceBro: Cyrin| rolled d20+3 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{19}
  509. (12:55:51 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+4
  510. (12:55:51 AM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{15}
  511. (12:55:52 AM) DM-Bro: SMOOTH JAZZ EZTLI
  512. (12:56:00 AM) DM-Bro: Epic Sax Guy
  513. (12:56:12 AM) DM-Bro: Everyone else hears nothing
  514. (12:56:32 AM) ***Eztli struggles to keep himself from pelvic thrusting, his head bobbing.
  515. (12:56:56 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Ok. Juri. Take point."
  516. (12:57:10 AM) Juri: Alright, still cloaked.
  517. (12:57:12 AM) Juri: Moving forward.
  518. (12:57:48 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy follows behind Juri
  519. (12:57:48 AM) Uvel left the room (Kicked by DM-Bro (Knock it off!)).
  520. (12:57:49 AM) Uvel [] entered the room.
  521. (1:00:08 AM) DM-Bro: You see a fucking sleeping green dragon.
  522. (1:00:28 AM) ***Cyrin| claps a hand over his mouth.
  523. (1:00:40 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  524. (1:00:40 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
  525. (1:01:02 AM) ***Juri lets her face decloak for a moment, letting her "NOPE" face show for a split second before cloaking again
  526. (1:01:15 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "..."
  527. (1:03:27 AM) ***Cyrin| points at himself then points at the dragon.
  528. (1:03:52 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy signs "NOPE!" with his mouth silently
  529. (1:04:09 AM) ***Eztli stays behind the corner, giving a thumbs up from waaaaay the fuck away.
  530. (1:04:21 AM) ***Juri decloaks again and mimics Luka, quietly walking back toward Eztli.
  531. (1:04:29 AM) Clovis is now known as Clovis|Showeran
  532. (1:04:43 AM) ***Cyrin| gives the DON'T FUCKING TALK look to Uvel.
  533. (1:05:13 AM) Aeria [] entered the room.
  534. (1:05:14 AM) mode (+oa Aeria Aeria) by ChanServ
  535. (1:05:31 AM) DM-Bro: The dragon still sleeps.
  536. (1:05:48 AM) Aeria left the room (quit: Client exited).
  537. (1:06:36 AM) ***Cyrin| clears his throat audibly.
  538. (1:07:12 AM) DM-Bro: The dragon stirs awake. Its bright orange eyes focus on you. It sits up a bit and a steam of acid sprays from his nose. "Hnnn...what is it?"
  539. (1:07:24 AM) Aeria [] entered the room.
  540. (1:07:24 AM) mode (+oa Aeria Aeria) by ChanServ
  541. (1:07:51 AM) Cyrin|: "...Sorry to wake you, but we wanted to pass, but didn't want to spook you."
  542. (1:08:30 AM) DM-Bro: The dragon looks down to you and sighs. He shifts into a normal sized dragon man.
  543. (1:08:41 AM) Uvel: "Sir dragon, do you perhaps know anything about this place?"
  544. (1:08:43 AM) Aeria left the room (quit: Quit: NOPE.).
  545. (1:09:14 AM) DM-Bro: "Other than the filfthy humans who moved in and took my house from me? Jack shit."
  546. (1:09:33 AM) DM-Bro: "God knows what they've done to my home."
  547. (1:10:00 AM) Aeria [] entered the room.
  548. (1:10:00 AM) mode (+oa Aeria Aeria) by ChanServ
  549. (1:10:08 AM) Cyrin|: "They have not been doing good things, I can assure you of that."
  550. (1:10:41 AM) Eztli: "... is it safe now?"
  551. (1:10:57 AM) ***Cyrin| nods to Eztli. "As safe as it can be, I imagine."
  552. (1:10:58 AM) DM-Bro: "If it wasnt for the one human I would have easily killed them all." The dragon curses. "But what can you do I'd rather hide out down here than be a trophy or some shit."
  553. (1:11:31 AM) Clovis|Showeran is now known as Clovis
  554. (1:11:37 AM) ***Eztli makes his way out from the corner, waving to the dragon. "Yo."
  555. (1:11:57 AM) DM-Bro: The dragon nods to you. "Yo."
  556. (1:12:42 AM) Cyrin|: "Well, I have a proposal."
  557. (1:13:14 AM) DM-Bro: "If it involves with fighting with that one human count me out. That man is beyond anything I've seen done before."
  558. (1:13:52 AM) Aeria left the room (quit: Quit: knocking it off).
  559. (1:14:17 AM) Cyrin|: "...Don't suppose I can convince you to help us some other way?"
  560. (1:14:38 AM) DM-Bro: "The exit is this way." He points behind him. "It leads back into the town."
  561. (1:14:59 AM) Aeria [] entered the room.
  562. (1:14:59 AM) mode (+oa Aeria Aeria) by ChanServ
  563. (1:16:19 AM) Uvel: "That would be helpful after we take care of whoever is responsible for the horrible deeds commited in this house. Do you perhaps know anything about the human?"
  564. (1:16:47 AM) DM-Bro: "He turned me into a newt."
  565. (1:17:01 AM) ***Juri runs up from the back and pipes up. "A newt?"
  566. (1:17:03 AM) DM-Bro: "...I got better."
  567. (1:17:12 AM) ***Cyrin| blinks twice.
  568. (1:17:25 AM) ***Juri decloaks. "'re friendly right?"
  569. (1:17:50 AM) DM-Bro: "Do you plan on doing something to make me hostile?"
  570. (1:17:56 AM) Juri: "No I just want to go home."
  571. (1:18:05 AM) DM-Bro: "Then you guys are good."
  572. (1:18:12 AM) Juri: "...Wanna come with us?"
  573. (1:18:28 AM) Juri: (Juri_truemonsterlover.png)
  574. (1:18:31 AM) DM-Bro: "No."
  575. (1:18:42 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy goes to watching the back of the group
  576. (1:18:52 AM) Juri: "...Oh okay."
  577. (1:18:57 AM) DM-Bro: "Im going to finish my nap then leave
  578. (1:19:02 AM) DM-Bro: "*
  579. (1:19:20 AM) ***Cyrin| points further down the tunnel they came from. "Do you know what's down this way?"
  580. (1:19:27 AM) DM-Bro: "Death."
  581. (1:19:41 AM) DM-Bro: "That human went down there last I saw."
  582. (1:21:17 AM) Eztli: "Nope."
  583. (1:21:43 AM) Ausbro: (Dick)
  584. (1:22:08 AM) Cyrin|: "Even if we could fight him now, fighting on his home turf is likely a hilariously bad plan."
  585. (1:22:22 AM) Juri: "I agree."
  586. (1:22:28 AM) Cyrin|: "I suggest we get the fuck out of here, get back to the ship, bomb this place into dust and go home."
  587. (1:22:49 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Best idea ever. Hey sword, you hear that? I'll catch as many birds in the process for you."
  588. (1:23:05 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Catch them with a ray of death." Luka adds
  589. (1:24:07 AM) DM-Bro: "If you guys are going to bomb here I'm going to head out." The dragon turns back into his true form and gets the fuck out.
  590. (1:24:12 AM) DM-Bro: "Lets do it!"
  591. (1:24:20 AM) DM-Bro: ^ That was Varris.
  592. (1:24:38 AM) Clovis left the room.
  593. (1:26:34 AM) Cyrin|: "Let's book it, lady and gentlemen."
  594. (1:27:03 AM) DM-Bro: You make it outside conivently placed right near your shuttle.
  596. (1:28:32 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy jumps into the captain's seat
  597. (1:28:34 AM) DM-Bro: Luka.
  598. (1:28:35 AM) DM-Bro: Will save
  599. (1:28:55 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+9
  600. (1:28:55 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{22}
  601. (1:29:05 AM) DM-Bro: Varris takes control of your arm and swins wildly at the sky. "GET DOWN HERE YOU FUCKING RATS ILL KILL YOU ALL!"
  602. (1:29:19 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "HEY STOP IT! I HAVE A DEATH CANNON WAITING!"
  603. (1:29:27 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "You'll get your birds!"
  605. (1:29:39 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "I WILL! LATER!"
  606. (1:29:42 AM) ***Cyrin| points both hands at the amassed animals.
  607. (1:29:44 AM) DM-Bro: "LETS DO IT!"
  608. (1:30:03 AM) Cyrin|: (CANNON BRACERS FIRE~!)
  609. (1:30:44 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (does he let up on the arm rape? I wanna blow this place up.)
  610. (1:30:56 AM) DM-Bro: You can still walk.
  611. (1:31:04 AM) DM-Bro: Your arm is just swinging at birds.
  612. (1:31:25 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  613. (1:31:25 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=56 ]{56}
  614. (1:31:29 AM) DM-Bro: You kill 56 birds
  615. (1:31:36 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d1000
  616. (1:31:36 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d1000 --> [ 1d1000=996 ]{996}
  617. (1:31:44 AM) DM-Bro: Theres still 996 birds
  618. (1:31:46 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "THERE! You got dead birds! Now let up!"
  619. (1:31:52 AM) DM-Bro: "MORE!"
  620. (1:32:01 AM) Cyrin|: "Let's just get to the ship."
  621. (1:32:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Just... stop!" luka walks to the ship out of bird sight
  622. (1:32:28 AM) DM-Bro: Once Varris cant see the birds he calms down.
  623. (1:32:45 AM) DM-Bro: "By the gods all those vermin..."
  624. (1:33:12 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Soon my sword. Soon." Luka takes the controls with the pirate hat and... he leaves the bird under the seat out of sight
  625. (1:34:15 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16
  626. (1:34:15 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{27}
  627. (1:34:38 AM) DM-Bro: You can piolt the ship just fine.
  628. (1:34:39 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy pulls high into the sky, above the brids, above the city "You wanted dead birds right?"
  629. (1:34:45 AM) DM-Bro: "LETS DO IT!"
  630. (1:35:13 AM) Cyrin|: "Unleash the whirlwind, Luka."
  631. (1:35:28 AM) DM-Bro: Laser? Bomb? Nuke? Or Glass?
  632. (1:35:28 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "I've been waiting for this. Fuck this gay town!" Luka fires into the mansion and then into the town.
  633. (1:35:37 AM) Luka|MahBoy: I fire...
  634. (1:35:56 AM) Luka|MahBoy: Scorched earth. Glass the entire place.
  636. (1:36:22 AM) Luka|MahBoy: (catching as many birds in the process as I can)
  637. (1:36:31 AM) DM-Bro: You fly the safe minimum distance away and shoot a thin beam into the center of the town.
  638. (1:36:40 AM) DM-Bro: Nothing happens.
  639. (1:36:56 AM) Cyrin|: "...that was anticlimatic."
  641. (1:36:57 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "WHAT THE FUCK! I've been waiting for this!"
  642. (1:37:04 AM) Eztli: "Well shit."
  643. (1:37:09 AM) DM-Bro: After the bright flash
  644. (1:37:19 AM) DM-Bro: Nothing is left.
  645. (1:37:28 AM) Luka|MahBoy: what about the birds?
  646. (1:37:31 AM) DM-Bro: All gone
  647. (1:37:35 AM) ***Uvel just stares at the explosion. "....Tis a beautiful sight seeing evil being destroyed like such."
  648. (1:37:39 AM) DM-Bro: Theres no signs of anything.
  649. (1:37:41 AM) DM-Bro: At all
  650. (1:37:46 AM) DM-Bro: Just pure scorched earth
  651. (1:37:53 AM) DM-Bro: spot checks.
  652. (1:38:02 AM) Cyrin|: roll d20+3
  653. (1:38:02 AM) DiceBro: Cyrin| rolled d20+3 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{23}
  654. (1:38:11 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+18 to see shit cap'n
  655. (1:38:11 AM) DiceBro: Eztli rolled 1d20+18 to see shit cap'n --> [ 1d20=7 ]{25}
  656. (1:38:13 AM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  657. (1:38:13 AM) DiceBro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{18}
  658. (1:38:13 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+8
  659. (1:38:13 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{24}
  660. (1:38:34 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin. You see a long haired man crawl out of the ground. He looks pissed as fuck and is looknig right at you.
  661. (1:39:04 AM) ***Cyrin| flips Samuel the bird. "CHEESE IT."
  662. (1:39:18 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Oh shit!" Luka flies the fuck away
  663. (1:39:40 AM) DM-Bro: A thick beam of pure magic is fired towards you but he misses
  664. (1:40:08 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "There you go sword. Now don't possess my arm again. It is the least you can do for me after killing all those birds for you."
  665. (1:40:29 AM) DM-Bro: The sword is somehow spasming. "All those dead birds...soooooo goood!"
  666. (1:40:40 AM) DM-Bro: Thunk!
  667. (1:40:45 AM) Eztli: "... did your sword just..."
  668. (1:40:47 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Hey stop getting off on my belt!"
  669. (1:40:49 AM) DM-Bro: Something landed on the ship.
  670. (1:40:59 AM) Cyrin|: "...Oh shit."
  671. (1:41:12 AM) Luka|MahBoy: Can i do a barrel roll?
  672. (1:41:17 AM) DM-Bro: You see Samuel sitting on the front of the ship looking at you all.
  673. (1:41:19 AM) Juri: "...What the fuck...was that..."
  674. (1:41:44 AM) Cyrin|: "OVERHIVE DAMNIT, WHY WON'T YOU FUCK OFF."
  675. (1:41:50 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d20+30
  676. (1:41:50 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16 barrel roll
  677. (1:41:50 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d20+30 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{45}
  678. (1:41:50 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 barrel roll --> [ 1d20=1 ]{17}
  679. (1:42:07 AM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16 barrel roll reroll
  680. (1:42:08 AM) DiceBro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 barrel roll reroll --> [ 1d20=10 ]{26}
  681. (1:42:26 AM) DM-Bro: "Now now children thats no way to treat a guest." He's now inside the ship sitting down causally.
  682. (1:42:30 AM) DM-Bro: casually*
  683. (1:42:39 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Shit..." luka keeps flying
  684. (1:43:23 AM) Eztli: "... awfully cozy for someone who hates 'monsterpeople'..." Eztli says, keeping his pistol holstered.
  685. (1:43:27 AM) DM-Bro: Uvel you detect so much evil you pass out.
  686. (1:43:38 AM) ***Cyrin| hammers his telecomm. "SWEET FUCK WHERE IS VICK WHEN WE NEED HIM."
  687. (1:44:21 AM) DM-Bro: "This is quite the nice little contraption." Samuel looks around casually.
  688. (1:44:32 AM) DM-Bro: Your telecom is now a noddle
  689. (1:44:33 AM) ***Uvel twitches as he passes the fuck out with shield and sword in hand.
  690. (1:44:42 AM) ***Juri pulls out a joint and eyes Samuel.
  691. (1:45:03 AM) DM-Bro: Your joint is now a granola bar.
  692. (1:45:07 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy just keeps flying, wondering what everybody is doing and why they're just standing the fuck around
  693. (1:45:13 AM) ***Juri eats the granola bar.
  694. (1:45:15 AM) DM-Bro: Newt
  695. (1:45:22 AM) ***Juri eats the newt*
  696. (1:45:27 AM) DM-Bro: Your a newt I mean
  697. (1:45:28 AM) Eztli: "... take it you came for more than a passing chat. In the air."
  698. (1:45:31 AM) Juri: Oh.
  699. (1:45:36 AM) Juri: "Will I get better?"
  700. (1:45:58 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "What the fuck is going on?!" Luka glances back
  701. (1:46:03 AM) DM-Bro: Samuel chuckles. "That depends if you survive this conversation."
  702. (1:46:21 AM) Eztli: "Keep driving Luka." Eztli says.
  704. (1:46:44 AM) Juri: "That sword reminds me of someone, you know."
  705. (1:47:01 AM) DM-Bro: "Your so obnoxius Mr. Varris how about I send you somewhere else." Samuel snaps his fingers and Varris is gone.
  706. (1:47:14 AM) DM-Bro: "There. Much better."
  707. (1:47:16 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Now is not the- What did you do to my sword?"
  708. (1:47:19 AM) Cyrin|: "...Start talking, bastard."
  709. (1:47:28 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin you have no mouth.
  710. (1:47:40 AM) Juri: "What's it like to be a human girl?"
  711. (1:47:46 AM) Eztli: "We seem to be at an impasse."
  712. (1:47:55 AM) Juri: "Maybe we could compromise"
  713. (1:48:22 AM) DM-Bro: Samuel just chuckles. "Hmm...You defintly are an intresting bunch...So familar to."
  714. (1:49:10 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "So why are you here?" Luka glances back
  715. (1:49:24 AM) DM-Bro: "To be honest. The only reason I havent killed you all yet is becuase your remind me of some old freinds. Of course they werent you disgusting monsters but regardless It's nice to see something that reminds me of some old freinds before your kind killed them."
  716. (1:49:44 AM) DM-Bro: "I want to see what my old companion is up to and why he sent his lackies to glass my new house."
  717. (1:50:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Not like we have much choice is it?" Luka sighs
  718. (1:50:42 AM) Juri has changed the topic to: Welcome to FunksteadyD&D | Today's Mission: Give the DM first grade spelling lessons. | Campaigns: Captain's Comrades (Pyrite); Vicks Inc (BroickRose) | Pastebins: (Vicks); (Captain)
  719. (1:50:48 AM) Eztli: "We're not so bad, once you stop coming after us."
  720. (1:51:34 AM) Juri: "Can I see what it's like to be human?"
  721. (1:51:59 AM) DM-Bro: "There's much more going on then just my pure hatred for your race. Lizardmen...your race was by far the biggest problem back then. So many of you and so viscious." Juri your human.
  722. (1:52:16 AM) DM-Bro: "Hm...You look exactly like her to."
  723. (1:52:18 AM) ***Juri looks at herself and grins. "Holy fuck..I'm pretty."
  724. (1:52:25 AM) Juri: "Yo Luka check this shit out!"
  725. (1:52:26 AM) DM-Bro: "You know what stay that way. I like it."
  726. (1:52:59 AM) ***Cyrin| just shakes his head, before resuming his death glare.
  727. (1:53:08 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Nice. Like you better when you can stab things with natural swords though. Better than being a newt though." He grins yet still visibly worried
  728. (1:54:08 AM) Eztli: "Us lizards get around... you'd be surprised."
  729. (1:54:43 AM) DM-Bro: "Well children while this has been fun just messing with you all I really came to just deliver a message. Tell Victor that he needs to stop playing TechnoWizard and attend to the pressing matters at hand before we all face another genocide."
  730. (1:55:05 AM) DM-Bro: And with that he's gone.
  731. (1:55:10 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Another?"
  732. (1:55:14 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin your mouth is back.
  733. (1:55:21 AM) Eztli: "He'll want to know about this.."
  734. (1:55:22 AM) DM-Bro: Juri your still human.
  735. (1:55:33 AM) Cyrin|: "...Fuck that guy."
  736. (1:55:41 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Juri... why are you still human?"
  737. (1:55:46 AM) Juri: "...Iunno but I'm alright with this"
  738. (1:55:56 AM) Juri: "Miss my blades though.."
  739. (1:56:36 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Huh..."
  740. (1:56:48 AM) DM-Bro: Uvel you come to.
  741. (1:57:13 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well lets get back shall we?"
  742. (1:57:30 AM) ***Uvel just sits straight up. "AWAY YOU FOUL CREATURE OF DESTRUCTION AND DEATH! AWAY OR FACE MY-Oh he's gone."
  743. (1:57:33 AM) Eztli: "Before he decides on a second round... gladly." Eztli sighs.
  744. (1:57:52 AM) ***Juri waves to Uvel
  745. (1:59:21 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy takes the parrot out and puts it on his shoulder "Well one advantage to losing the sword I suppose."
  746. (1:59:52 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "So where is the professor?"
  747. (2:00:25 AM) Cyrin|: "...also the mimic."
  748. (2:00:31 AM) DM-Bro: "Uh ohh what?"
  749. (2:00:45 AM) DM-Bro: The professor was asleep the entire time in the back.
  750. (2:01:09 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "There you are! You owe me an injection of that perfected stuff. Try not to kill me in the process would you?"
  751. (2:01:58 AM) DM-Bro: "Oh my no that stuff is still unstable even perfected."
  752. (2:02:21 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Easy come easy go." Luka sighs
  753. (2:03:04 AM) Eztli: "You got enough to coat on weapons...?" Eztli says, looking back at his knives.
  754. (2:03:56 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Stabbing things with a compound that is supposed to make you super strong. Good idea of course."
  755. (2:03:57 AM) ***Uvel stands up and looks over Juri. "Lady Juri there is something hair style? No no no....AH! You're a human now!"
  756. (2:04:28 AM) ***Juri waves again. " long Luka?"
  757. (2:05:00 AM) Eztli: "It worked on my knife belt... and it's either this or ask Legion to 'donate' his blood..."
  758. (2:05:54 AM) DM-Bro: "Oh no no those were just the magic in the knives reacting to the mixture."
  759. (2:06:06 AM) DM-Bro: "I suppose I could try it on a few weapons."
  760. (2:06:55 AM) Eztli: "You'll do just fine, Professor... ?" Eztli says, trailing off.
  761. (2:07:08 AM) DM-Bro: "Fornsworth."
  762. (2:07:40 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "About 24 hours Juri. We used a lot of power to glass his city."
  763. (2:07:51 AM) Juri: "Worth it, can I smoke?"
  764. (2:08:24 AM) ***Cyrin| just throws his hands up. "Fuck this, I'm taking a nap."
  765. (2:08:37 AM) Juri: "Aw come on, I'm a fucking human."
  766. (2:08:44 AM) ***Uvel nods to Cyrin, sits down on a seat, and just falls asleep.
  767. (2:08:45 AM) Juri: "YOU LOST YOUR MOUTH, I WAS A DAMN NEWT."
  768. (2:08:55 AM) Juri: "....Stupid...asshole commander..."
  769. (2:09:06 AM) Eztli: "So now there's two humans... shit. This is a bother.."
  770. (2:09:15 AM) Cyrin|: "Do what you want, love. I'm not stopping you. I'm just having a colossally bad day."
  771. (2:09:26 AM) ***Juri puts a joint in her mouth and lights it. "I got better... I think.."
  772. (2:09:30 AM) Cyrin|: And with that, Cyrin wanders off to find somewhere comfortable to sleep.
  773. (2:12:09 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "I'll try a hit... another time Juri. Smoke away from me while i fly though. I promise to try it again at home."
  774. (2:12:58 AM) ***Juri makes a hand motion like "What the fuck I'm across the ship from you idiot" and inhales, shaking her head.
  775. (2:14:15 AM) Eztli: "So a day on a ship... in the sky..." Eztli groans.
  776. (2:15:08 AM) ***Juri exhales and stares at her feet. "Fuck the sky...and I'm human now.. this is so damn weird..."
  777. (2:17:42 AM) ***Eztli sets the longsword down and looks at his gun, "I could make this work..."
  778. (2:18:44 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Don't you complain Eztli. I have to fly this thing." The parrot squaks "HA HA ALL NIGHTER"
  779. (2:18:46 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Shut up bird."
  780. (2:18:53 AM) Juri: "Can I take a look at that Eztli?"
  781. (2:19:20 AM) Eztli: "Not like we can't take shif-" Eztli gets a glimpse out the window, "Yeah, have fun with that."
  782. (2:20:06 AM) Eztli: "Was thinking of working it around my gun... though guess you'll need something to stab people now." Eztli says.
  783. (2:21:01 AM) ***Juri picks up the sword and gun and stares at them both, placing the sword against the bottom of the gun. "What like...some sort of...bayonet?"
  784. (2:21:15 AM) Eztli: "Something like that.."
  785. (2:21:20 AM) Juri: "Or maybe.."
  786. (2:21:25 AM) Eztli: "Like... a gun-sword.."
  787. (2:21:35 AM) ***Juri holds the sword upright with the grip of the revolver against the hilt.
  788. (2:21:37 AM) Juri: "Like this..."
  789. (2:22:04 AM) Eztli: "It's a work in progress."
  790. (2:22:16 AM) DM-Bro: roll 1d100
  791. (2:22:17 AM) DiceBro: DM-Bro rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=91 ]{91}
  792. (2:22:30 AM) DM-Bro: Ignore that
  793. (2:23:39 AM) Eztli: "Can't do shit with them in the sky but I'll come up with ideas.."
  794. (2:25:22 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy hums a tune while flying
  795. (2:25:24 AM) ***Juri sets the weapons down at her feet and lays back. "You know what I miss more than my blades? My carapace.."
  796. (2:25:38 AM) Juri: "Now it's like...everywhere is squishy.."
  797. (2:25:46 AM) Eztli: "One of the downsides of being human. Squishier."
  798. (2:27:00 AM) Luka|MahBoy: "Don't remind me. But work with what you got." luka grumbles taking a sip from his flask
  799. (2:27:16 AM) Cyrin|: FADE TO BLACK
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