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Star Group Session 24

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Sep 22nd, 2012
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  1. <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- STAR GROUP SESSION 24 STARTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. [01:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 We return to our stalwart group in the midsts of a unprecidented pickle. Trying to save Green's life, by completing the task set forth by the Sugar Family, we find all save for Sour_Grape in the Water Works once more, about to do combat with Whip Chain and his guard. The little foul-mouthed pig-tailed mane filly thwarted an abduction/assassination attempt by mysterious stealth ponies even though she fell asleep.
  3. [01:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 fell asleep.
  4. [01:14] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Silly little filly. We now resume in the start of combat at the water works.
  5. [01:14] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 SESSION 24 BEGIN.
  6. 06[01:14] * +Sour_Grape didn't mean to... not her fauly Holy Light smiles like a momma. >.>
  7. 06[01:15] * +Sagittis has his minigun spinning up at the guards opening the door.
  8. 06[01:15] * +Roy_Calbeck springs into action! Da dahnt dant daaaaah!
  9. 06[01:15] * +Gareth is doing combatty thingies.
  10. [01:16] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The party inside the water works are on the ground floor, slaying the one guard in a most unsettling and horrific manner on the main floor, bound and gagged the door guard in the hallway. Ammy is in the hallway with Gareth, both can enter the main bottom floor, or go further down the hallway and go up to the second floor where the alerted guards are coming from the office.
  11. 06[01:17] * +Gareth looks between the options. "Thoughts?" He mutters to Ammy
  12. [01:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Roy_Calbeck, Sagittis and Dust Off are on the main floor, all are in stealth save for Sagittis. There are three targets of opportunity visible. One guard, the male griffon with nailbat on the catwalk, the glasses wearing unicorn at the door of the office, and Whip Chain staring out of the window. Those of stealth have the chance of a surprise attack.
  13. 06[01:19] * +Ammy "Charge loudly in an unordily fashion, open fire, shoot eachother in the back repeatedly, you know the usual" she says sliding her rifle bolt and joining the others in the main floor and getting to some cover'
  14. 06[01:20] * +Gareth rolls his eyes and follows, ducking behind a large water pipeline on the main floor. "Sounds like a barrel of laughs, baby!"
  15. [01:20] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Ammy and Roy_Calbeck are quite good at shooting their teammates >=).
  16. 06[01:21] * +Roy_Calbeck looks to Ammy, carefully taking out his scoped rifle while keeping his SMG on its sling. "Wanna try for that guy in th' window?" he whispers back.
  17. [01:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust Off pulls up her magical repeater rifle, doing her signature neck roll and unloading two shots off from her weapon saying quietly, "Murtaugh, guide my shots true."
  18. 06[01:25] * +Ammy "Sounds like a fine plan to me comrade" Ammy aims up from her cover and aims a precision shot at the unicorn and waits for the right oppertunity to fire
  19. 06[01:26] * +Roy_Calbeck growls at the opening of fire without warning. Not taking the time to voice complaint, he sights in and takes a headshot at Whip Chain.
  20. [01:32] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust Off fires off her two shots from stealth and manages to land an incredible shot right inbetween the eyes of the nailbat sporting griffon, the second shot landing in his torso, causing him to give out a pained and shocked warbly pained cry. "Shit! We're under attack!" cries the stallion behind him.
  21. 03[01:39] * Shadow is now known as Moon_Rock
  22. [01:40] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust Off being the speedy pegasus mare that she is, manages to quickly take another two carefully aimed shots and fires them, nailing the same target causing him to shudder and give more pained gasps. Looking in real bad shape, he clutches at his severe burn marks, most notably the one inbetween his eyes.
  23. 06[01:41] * +Gareth aims down the barrel of his gun and aims for the giant griffin. He was probably the biggest threat, and being damaged, he would be the best to try and take down.
  24. [01:45] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The griffon 'bodyguard' fires off his repeater round and nails his potential special friend right in the left leg, causing a nasty hole. Already suffering from severe injuries, it causes the nailbat user to buckle and fall down with a heavy metallic thudding on the catwalk, lying lifeless.
  25. 06[01:45] * +Gareth "And thats what you get for staring at my ass uninvited."
  26. 06[01:53] * +Sagittis spinns up his minigun and unleashes a hail of lead at the buck in the glasses.
  27. [01:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The sunglass wearing buck is literally cut in half by the minigun's gruesome assault, not wearing that protective of gear. Gurgling painfully his last breaths, he shudders one last breath before expiring.
  28. 06[02:06] * +Ammy takes a shot at the unicorn in the window before quickly jabbing forward to action her next bullet into the chamber and firing another precision shot at the same target
  29. [02:07] <+Ammy> (Hip Shot)
  30. 03[02:10] * Karina is now known as Kirengo
  31. [02:14] <+Ammy> (redact second shot)
  32. [02:14] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra colt rushes back in the hallway, then down to the beginning of the catwalk. Ammy fires a calcuted shot from her .32 rifle at Whip Chain, but misses him, causing him to turn his attention towards the mare.
  33. 06[02:15] * +Roy_Calbeck swears under his breath at the carnage occurring in his peripheral vision, adding an extra curse as Ammy's rushed shots go wide. Eschewing all pretense at stealth at this point, the unicorn lights up his horn, levitating the scoped rifle up for a shot at Whip Chain. Before the enemy has a chance to react, he works the rifle bolt and sends a second shot downrange at the
  34. 06[02:15] * +Roy_Calbeck slaver boss.
  35. [02:17] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pepper Spray enters the room that Holy Light and Sour_Grape are in. Clad in her security barding, her mane tied up in a neat bun, she shuts the door and says to the filly, "So what exactly happened in here?"
  36. 06[02:17] * +Sour_Grape "Fuckin' ninja! Tried'a break inta mah window so ah shot-gunned'em!"
  37. 03[02:19] * Hedge ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  38. 03[02:19] * Hedge is now known as Dust_Off
  39. [02:20] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The handsome unicorn stallion fires off two rounds expertly at slaver leader of the bunch, nailing Whip Chain in the torso twice, causing him to grunt and seethe in pain/anger. "Fuck! Get out there and take those fuckers out!" he screams angrily.
  40. 03[02:20] * SilentBrony|GM sets mode: +v Dust_Off
  41. 03[02:20] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  42. [02:27] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Three more ponies file out, all wearing leather barding of some degree. The first one looks and spots Roy_Calbeck, firing a round from his .357 magnum, the round goes flying with startling precision, nailing Roy_Calbeck right in the head... thankfully his helmet and natural endurance taking a good brunt of the force, though he reels in sheer pain.
  43. 06[02:27] * +Roy_Calbeck takes a bullet to the face. There is a *SPANG* as his arclight helmet is pierced, followed by a surprised grunt. The unicorn staggers in place.
  44. [02:28] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The second pony fires a sawed off shotgun, missing the group entirely, the last, another mare, floating a lever action shotgun fires off a spray of buckshot that peppers Gareth from affar, not being in range and wearing armor, the effects barely effect the hardy griffon.
  45. 06[02:29] * +Dust_Off gasps seeing Roy take one to the noggin, "Roy, get to cover! What is it with .357s and headshots?!"
  46. 06[02:29] * +Gareth grunts a tiny bit as the buckshot stings his hide. "Ow." He states, simply. "That all you got, baby?!"
  47. 02[02:30] * Moon_Rock ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  48. [02:34] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain can be seen tossing an object down to the party below on the ground, with a metallic clinking, they see too late that it's a frag grenade, as it lands right at Gareth's feet inbetween him and Ammy. Setting off a tremendously loud explosion, it the shock wave blows Gareth forward a few feet, while Ammy gets sent back and slams up against the wall of the hallway. Both in severe pain, Gareth looking in very bad shape.
  49. 06[02:35] * +Gareth sails through the air and smacks back down feeling pretty deadish. "Argh... I guess they had more..."
  50. 06[02:35] * +Gareth looks down at his battered, broken body. "M...Medic!"
  51. 06[02:36] * +Ammy groans as she stands against the wall in a dazed state, she takes a moment to regain her composure before moving to the nearest cover
  52. [02:37] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pepper Spray raises an eyebrow to Sour_Grape and says, "Ninjas huh? Why would they come after you? No_One's found out you've been working for us have they?"
  53. 06[02:40] * +Dust_Off gasps seeing Gareth go down. "Hold on!" She leaps into air and does a flashing skid. With a loud KA-Chow, a blinding light streams towards the enemy and Dusty rushes ro Gareth's side to examine him.
  54. 06[02:40] * +Sour_Grape shrugs, "Ain't got no fuckin' clue, I hope not. Might be there were lookin' for someone else, or were jus' tryin' get an and thought we weren't here. Dumbasses"
  55. 06[02:40] * +Gareth groans.
  56. [02:44] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pepper Spray looks at the filly for a moment, then turns to Holy Light and studies her for a moment, before looking back and saying, "Alright, well we need to move you both. This location doesn't seem to be as safe as we thought. Pack your things and we'll escort you to your new hiding spot. We'll keep a guard here posted for appearances and for the rest of your party when they return."
  57. 06[02:45] * +Sour_Grape nods and looks at Holy, "Get your things." She doesn't really have anything she isn't already holding on her
  58. [02:45] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off using her advanced combat medical observation skills notes that the poor griffon has several deep wounds from the fragmentation of the grenade. Thankfully his armor protected a good portion of his body, nothing seems to be critically hit... he's just loss a generous amount of blood. A couple of healing potions should suffice safely for the moment.
  59. [02:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light nods and says, "I'm... I'm ready to go." the dirty but pretty courtesan gets up and is ready to go. Pepper Spray nods, directing the two outside. Turning to the guard standing his post, the earth pony mare tells him quietly, "Maintain your position until further instructions." The guard nods and remains viligant, as the three leave.
  60. 06[02:48] * +Sour_Grape follows after the Guard with her shotgun in her mouth, and her guard up.
  61. 06[02:49] * +Dust_Off nods, "You'll make it! Just try not to get shot anymore!" She yells into the griffon's no doubt ringing ears..tempanic membranes...thingys. She makes him drink a health potion and then spins around to snap off a wild shot at the lever action mare.
  62. [02:50] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Only Pepper Spray and one other shrouded pony flank Sour_Grape and Holy Light as they make their way down a winding, dusty and sandy trail. Coming to a shack, near the caravan trading building, Pepper Spray opens it and directs them all inside. Inside is a quaint room with a table, bed, stove, and refridgerator, all in severely poor condition. There is also an open toilet in the room with a sink.
  63. 02[02:50] * Zeph|Sleep ( Quit (Connection closed)
  64. 06[02:51] * +Sour_Grape blinks at the shack, lovely.
  65. 01[02:51] <+Sour_Grape> "Will it be safe?"
  66. [02:53] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off adminsiters a healing potion then fires an /incredible/ fast shot that nails the lever action unicorn mare right inbetween the eyes, causing her to give a strange gasp, then tortured groan. The Murtaugh is strong with Dusty tonight.
  67. [02:54] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pepper Spray nods to Sour_Grape and says quietly as she shuts the door, "Yeah, just keep quiet, we're going to be watching the streets to make sure there's no other unexpected visitors. Though after that botch, I doubt anyone else will come. We don't know who these ponies are working for, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Ore family personally."
  68. 06[02:54] * +Gareth drinks down his potion and nods. Why did she tell not to eat snot? Damn ringing ears...
  69. 06[02:54] * +Dust_Off blinks, "I made that? That blows my it blew hers too."
  70. 06[02:55] * +Sour_Grape nods, "The Ore's ya think? Why so?"
  71. 06[02:56] * +Gareth struggles back to his feet and aims down the sights of his rifle, using his predetor instincts to find the weakes member of thier group and hones in.
  72. [02:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pepper Spray replies, "Ever since we've been falling on tough times, they've been the loudest at the table at the meetings to point out how we're not fit to help keep the peace in Dune anymore. I can't tell you how many times I've had to keep Guava from putting a hole in Madame Barite's head."
  73. 06[02:59] * +Sour_Grape nods and keeps this in mind, "Ah, gotcha, try'n'a muscel in on yer turf, gotta be playin' some bullshit there."
  74. [03:02] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth, feeling slightly renewed thanks to the pegasexy's medical efforts, fires off his two calcuated rounds and strikes home in the lever action wielding mare's chest with both rounds, causing her to clutch her stomach and spurt blood.
  75. [03:04] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The cyclops mare nods to Sour_Grape, then looks at the shrouded figure who has rags covering up his combat barding, a garb shrouds his face mysteriously. "Sear." grinning she says, "You know what to do if anything happens." the figure emotionessly with a scarred white eye nods back in confirmation, as Pepper leaves.
  76. 06[03:05] * +Gareth grins. "Ain't enough goons to stop this man."
  77. [03:06] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 What is a man? Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets!... Mysterious Insignia secrets...
  78. [03:07] <+Gareth> *griffin.
  79. 03[03:08] * Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  80. 03[03:11] * Zeph ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  81. 06[03:14] * +Sagittis pulls an inhailor from his back and huffs the contents before walking up onto the walkway and hoasing the guards with as many bullets as he can.
  82. 06[03:16] * +Sour_Grape looks at the strange figure, "What do you do if anything happens?"
  83. 03[03:19] * Zeph is now known as Krylo
  84. [03:19] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 "Sear" turns to Sour_Grape and lifts up a strange curved sword, that is old, but maintained very well. With a slicing motion in the air, he swings the sword as if severing somepony. Then sheathes the sword. Holy Light just looks at the filly with an odd expression, as she sits on the nasty bed.
  85. 06[03:21] * +Sour_Grape blinks, "You're a scary fucker."
  86. [03:23] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 "Sear" just looks at the filly silently. He has one crazy poker face... though it helps that the only thing visible is his eyes.
  87. [03:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sagittis's entire world explodes with vibrant colors, his entire being filling full of energy and drive. It... was... INCREDIBLE. Fuck sleep, he could live off this! Unable to surpress a deranged giggle, the zebra colt sprays his minigun at the guards, causing two of them to recoil. Fortunately for the two, their unlucky companion, the .357 magnum user, gets filled full of holes, looking like a gruesome swiss cheese, pouring t
  88. 06[03:25] * +Sour_Grape continues to stare at Sear. She can poker face too
  89. [03:26] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unlucky swiss cheese pony had shileded his other two recoiled companions, he flys back against one of them, having a terrified expression on his face.
  90. [03:26] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Pouring torrents of blood.
  91. 06[03:27] * +Ammy stumbles in her still partially dizzy vision to catch up to the others and fight again!
  92. 06[03:27] * +Roy_Calbeck grins despite the pain of doing so... that pony wouldn't be sending another round his way. Why did his tongue taste coppery?
  93. [03:27] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light rubs her neck with a hoof and sighs. She curls up on the bed, sitting on her haunches, going into a fetal position, the best a pony can.
  94. 06[03:32] * +Gareth chuckles deeply as the dude dies gruesomely.
  95. 06[03:32] * +Ammy climbs up and joins Sagittis on the catwalk
  96. 06[03:34] * +Sour_Grape walks back over to Holy Light and sits beside her, "It'll be allright."
  97. 06[03:34] * +Dust_Off looks up, "Nice job, colt!"
  98. [03:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light smiles weakly to the filly and hugs her. Resting her head ontop of hers. "I.. I know... just was scary to see that."
  99. 06[03:36] * +Sagittis lettsout a low, but still almost manic cackle. "I'll turn you all to chum!"
  100. 06[03:37] * +Sour_Grape nods, "Ya're tough."
  101. [03:37] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Though the zebra mare did not explicitedly state this herself, Ammy, pops open her last healing potion and sloppily quaffs it. Restoring herself slightly.
  102. [03:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light replies with a faint smile, "I'm not... but thanks anyway."
  103. 06[03:43] * +Roy_Calbeck spins about and lowers his head towards the floor, blood drooling from beneath his helmet onto the floor. His tail lifts defiantly, swinging the .357 revolver firmly clutched in its strands towards the stricken shotgun mare. "So tell me... DOES THIS GUN MAKE MY ASS LOOK FAT TO YOU?!" He fires.
  104. 06[03:43] * +Sour_Grape nods, "Sure ya are. At least ah think so."
  105. 06[03:44] * +Roy_Calbeck squeezes off two shots.
  106. [03:45] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Such choice words.
  107. 06[03:46] * +Dust_Off blinks and then stares at Roy'als plot., "It kind of does, Roy..."
  108. 06[03:47] * +Roy_Calbeck glares up at Dusty through the glazed glass window of his arclight helmet.
  109. [03:48] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The stallion's flank shots seem to be fairly wild as he misses completely with his first inital round. The second however nails the already heavily injured lever action mare in the head, causing a chunk of her brains to blow out and splatter on the side of the wall. Needless to say, the sight of Roy_Calbeck's rear was too much for her.
  110. [03:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The remaining slaver guard with his sawed off shotgun, hurriedly turns his attention to Sagittis, seeing Ammy with him. Terrified out of his mind at the colts brutal slaughter, he quickly reloads his shotgun, then fires off a blast.
  111. 03[03:50] * Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Sleeping[A]
  112. 03[03:51] * Xavi- ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  113. [03:52] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The buckshot can barely be felt by the chem-addled zebra colt, his armor more than a match to foil the 12guage blast.
  114. [03:55] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain rushes over to the door, and pulls out a magical energy rifle, taking aim at Sagittis and firing a red beam of death at the colt.
  115. [03:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The beam nails Sagittis in the chest, his reinforced mesh breastplate taking the brunt of the shot. That... he could definitely feel.
  116. 06[04:04] * +Dust_Off uses her advanced medical skill to see the condition her enemies.
  117. [04:06] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust notes that the last remaining goon has full life, 150 HP with 6 DT, due to his leather barding. Getting a glimpse of Whip Chain, who has 144 HP left from his singular wound, he has 8 DT.
  118. [04:08] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light holds on to Sour Grape saying, "That means a lot coming from you Grape. You're a wonderful filly. I just hope I can be as strong as you and your friends."
  119. 06[04:10] * +Dust_Off flies upwards towards the catwalks and takes two aimed shots at Whip.
  120. 06[04:10] * +Sour_Grape hugs back, "Folks're strong in different ways. We fights so we goods at it, ya don't so goin' through this like ya do makes ya even tougher:
  121. [04:13] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The pegasus mare takes flight and manages to land two more beams of death into the slave leader, causing him to wince and whinny out slightly in pain.
  122. 06[04:16] * +Gareth aims down the sights of his rifle at the goon.
  123. [04:16] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light gently rubs the filly's back tenderly, saying, "You're right about that." she nuzzles the Sour's head softly. Sear looks slightly misty eyed at the sight.
  124. 06[04:18] * +Sour_Grape blushes a little bit and nuzzles back, "Uh, yeah..."
  125. [04:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The griffon's .357 rounds fly and impact into the remaining goons right leg twice, causing him to buckle slightly and give out a sharp cry of agony.
  126. [04:18] <+Dust_Off> "Drop the rifle, and no one gets vaporized!" The pegasus yells to Whip_Chain.
  127. [04:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy light nuzzles the TOP of Sour_Grape's head.
  128. 06[04:20] * +Sagittis spins up and firs at the remaining guard.
  129. [04:20] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain is looking at Dust_Off in disbelief at first, then angrily shouts out, "You?! What the fuck?! Why're you taking us out, you crazy bitch?! That mare is worth every cap, I garuntee it! Even with... whatever the fuck she has!"
  130. [04:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 With an unsettling grin, the fluffle zebra colt unloads another deadly hail of lead that sprays the remaining guard apart, causing his head to nearly come apart, as he flops and twitches violently on the ground, meaty blood chunks sprayed over the walls and threshhold. Sagittis can smell smoking and hears another loud clanking metallic sounds in the barrell of his death machine, but in his state, he may barely even notice.
  131. 06[04:25] * +Sagittis growls at his jammed minigun as he loads something into his cannon and fires it at Whip Chain.
  132. [04:25] <+Sagittis> That something was his last sleep powder
  133. [04:31] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As the colt puts his large death machine away, he pulls out and loads his PAR-T cannon, moments later, the ominous suction sound can be heard followed by a deafining boom that propels the bag of sleeping powder right into Whip Chain's body, causing him to fall back over and land on the floor with a thud.
  134. 06[04:33] * +Dust_Off nods, "Very good!" She flies up and uses the very same rope Whip Chain gave her to tie him up, oh the irony.
  135. 06[04:33] * +Roy_Calbeck sighs as the last goons go down, looks around, and makes sure the place is clear before lifting up and touching his face.
  136. 06[04:33] * +Sagittis twitches on his meth fuled high and dashes over to Whip.
  137. [04:33] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain is a bound pony. Indeed the irony.
  138. 06[04:34] * +Dust_Off looks up fro
  139. [04:34] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Roy_Calbeck somewhat has a nasty headache. .357 rounds tend to do that, if not worse.
  140. 06[04:34] * +Roy_Calbeck feels around carefully for the entry wound.
  141. 06[04:34] * +Gareth reloads his rifle and slings it over his back. He walks over to the group with a slight limp. "Everypony still alive?"
  142. [04:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Roy_Calbeck can feel the entry point halfway buried into his left frontal skull. It causes severe pain to touch. If not for the thin metal sheet of his arc welding helmet, it could've been much worse he surmises.
  143. 06[04:35] * +Dust_Off looks up from her hoofiwork. Some of the knots were unorthodox...and the loops around the crotch unnecessary...but he was secure, "Everyone come up here. I'll look everyone over as we wait to talk to him. Bring the mare up."
  144. [04:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 There is also a hole in said arc helmet
  145. 06[04:35] * +Roy_Calbeck is bleeding rather profusely from a head wound. "Medic...!"
  146. 06[04:37] * +Gareth looks back at Roy. "Shit." He goes over to support the stallion. "Lets get you up to Dust, stat."
  147. 06[04:38] * +Roy_Calbeck sits on the floor and gingerly touches his skull on the back, feeling for an exit wound.
  148. [04:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 There are no exit wounds.
  149. [04:38] <+Roy_Calbeck> "No movement, thanks. Don't wanna move. Bullet's still in there."
  150. 06[04:39] * +Gareth nods. "Dust!" He calls. "We need you down here!"
  151. 06[04:39] * +Sagittis grunts and clutches his chest as he comes down from his high. "Owwwww."
  152. 06[04:40] * +Ammy climbs down and joins the others around Roy
  153. 06[04:40] * +Dust_Off looks out the door, "Damn, Sagittis, watch Whip. We need him alive for the moment." She glances at him, "Murtaguh, are you okay?"
  154. [04:40] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sagittis feels horrendously bad. His super energy suddenly gone.
  155. 06[04:40] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks and sits there on his rump, perfectly still.
  156. 06[04:42] * +Gareth looks over Roy_Calbeck's wound. "Way beyond my skill..." he holds two talons up to his face. "How many talons am I holding up?"
  157. [04:42] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Two."
  158. 06[04:43] * +Gareth nods. "Aight, you can still see. That's good I guess." He really doesn't know what he's doing. "Dust! You still alive up there?!"
  159. 06[04:43] * +Sagittis groans abd sits on Whip.
  160. [04:43] <+Sagittis> and*
  161. 06[04:44] * +Dust_Off looks out the door, "You're number two. Watch Whip." She rushes out of the office and glides down to Roy. She carefully removes his helmet to examine the wound.
  162. 06[04:44] * +Ammy taps Dust "You got something for Sagittis or are you just gonna let him crash to punish him for taking drugs"
  163. 06[04:45] * +Gareth steps back and sits down, giving his own wounded areas a rest. He could power through, but Roy... yeah, nah.
  164. 06[04:45] * +Roy_Calbeck already had the helmet off, and is simply sitting there as blood pours from the tender wound.
  165. 06[04:46] * +Sagittis waves a hoof at Ammy. "Don't worry. He has a bullet in his brain, I'm just a bit singed."
  166. 06[04:46] * +Dust_Off glances at Ammy, "Sagittis is taking something?"
  167. [04:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off notes that the bullet very very slightly entered the skull. Obviously not touching the brain, or Roy would be quite dead. That makes removal of the bullet incredibly important and dangerous.
  168. 06[04:48] * +Ammy "He huffed something, but to be honest he ripped a bitch up afterwards so I guess he is forgiven," she looks at Sagi "Alright, if you say so"
  169. 06[04:49] * +Sagittis waves the mares off again. "Rainboom. Just need to let my heart rate get down from 200."
  170. 06[04:49] * +Dust_Off bites her lip. "Gareth, help me get him into the office. I'll operate on the desk. Ammy clear the desk."
  171. 06[04:50] * +Gareth nods, getting his ass up. "Got it." He steps over and braces to pick the stallion up.
  172. [04:50] <+Dust_Off> "Rainboom?! Are you mad? I'm surrounded by addicts."
  173. 06[04:50] * +Ammy mozies on up to the desk and sweeps her forehoof across knocking all the objects onto the floor
  174. 06[04:50] * +Roy_Calbeck relaxes, trying not to be too much a burden.
  175. 06[04:51] * +Sagittis shrugs. "I make the stuff, may as well use it when I need to."
  176. [04:51] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Mainly just papers and such, with a paper weight... Oh hey! A bottlecap!
  177. [04:52] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 There's also a couple of pencils and a coffee mug. No coffee pot though...
  178. 06[04:52] * +Gareth gently tries to pock the buck up. "Slowly... slowly... geez, you're heavy, old man."
  179. 06[04:52] * +Ammy flicks to bottle cap up and into her patrol pack and looks around
  180. [04:53] <+Roy_Calbeck> "So you're saying the gun DOES make my ass look fat."
  181. [04:53] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain snorts and jerks. Blinking, he jerks in his bindings hard and looks around.
  182. 06[04:53] * +Gareth "Nah, your ass is fat anyway."
  183. 06[04:54] * +Ammy "Hey Sag, you wanna come look for some meds for Dusty and Roy?" she says looking for the most viable room to loot from before looking at Whip Chain
  184. [04:54] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Looking at Roy_Calbeck's ass are ya Gareth?
  185. 06[04:54] * +Gareth has to carry it.
  186. 06[04:54] * +Roy_Calbeck pffts.
  187. 06[04:54] * +Sagittis is sitting on him and points his dule mounted saddle of doom at the stallion's face. "Stop that." He looks up to Ammy. "Kinda babysitting here."
  188. 06[04:55] * +Ammy nods and walks over to Sagittis and Whip Chain "Mind If I ask him where he keeps his shit?"
  189. 06[04:56] * +Dust_Off gets her tools ready, "I'm fully loaded, . Go get the mare in the harness, please."
  190. [04:56] <+Dust_Off> *I'm fully loaded, Ammy.
  191. 06[04:57] * +Sagittis shrugs. "Shoot." He turns to Whip with a twisted, exhausted grin. "Or I will."
  192. [04:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain looks up at Sagittis angrily and speaks, "Before I tell any of you shit, tell me why y'all are doing this?"
  193. 06[04:58] * +Gareth brings Roy and his fatass into the room and gently puts him down on the table. "Take it easy, old man."
  194. 06[04:59] * +Ammy "Ehh, we just plain don't like Slavers and we decied we'd go kill you all because we're just nice ponies" she taps her barrel to his cheek "Now be a good pony and tell me where your good shit is"
  195. 06[05:01] * +Dust_Off looks over at Gareth, "Hey, Ammy's lost it. Can you go get the guard mare we left down stairs? Don't want her running off yet."
  196. [05:01] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain blinks and scowls, saying, "Alright. If ya want caps, it's in the safe underneath the desk. Now that I answered that, tell me why that psycho cunt came in with that filly and bought that mare?"
  197. 06[05:01] * +Ammy looks back at Dust "Eh Eh come on, I'll go get her, just want to see If I can pick the groceries up on the way"
  198. 06[05:03] * +Gareth nods at Dust_Off. "You got it, boss." He goes down to find the mare.
  199. 06[05:03] * +Roy_Calbeck neither complains nor shifts around, waiting patiently to be tended.
  200. [05:03] <+Dust_Off> "We'll scour later. Deal with business first." She sticks her tongue out to concentrate and begins using her forceps to get the round.
  201. 06[05:03] * +Gareth goes back to wear they left the mare. Is she there, he wonders.
  202. 06[05:04] * +Ammy walks over to the specifed desk "We could tell you, but the better question is why should we, who wants to know so bad?"
  203. 02[05:05] * +Gareth ( Quit (Connection closed)
  204. 03[05:05] * Hobo ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  205. 03[05:05] * Hobo is now known as Gareth
  206. 06[05:05] * +Ammy looks for the safe beneath the desk as she waits for a reply
  207. 06[05:07] * +Sagittis "Lets say she has a very convincing foal. Now, who wanted you to bag her?"
  208. 03[05:07] * SilentBrony|GM sets mode: +v Gareth
  209. [05:09] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As Dust_Off attempts to remove the bullet, she accidently slips with her tools, to prevent it from landing on the bullet with full force, she manages to catch it, but not before very lightly nuding the bullet slightly further. Causing Roy_Calbeck to spasm involuntarily. Then the pegasus manages to remove the bullet. She knows through medical knowledge that the poor buck could be potentially suffering from brain damage from her
  210. 06[05:09] * +Roy_Calbeck slowly rolls his left eye counter-clockwise.
  211. [05:09] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 from her flub.
  212. [05:10] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Derp."
  213. [05:10] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth goes back into the hallway to see the terrified bound mare in the bondage getup laying helplessly on the floor. Looking up at the griffon, her eyes widen in fear, her cheeks stained with tears.
  214. [05:11] <+Roy_Calbeck> "The covalent particulars of a quark are bound within its countervailing frequency."
  215. 06[05:11] * +Gareth sighs and squats down next to the mare. "I ain't gonna eat cha." He picks her up and hefts her on to his shoulder. "Aight, lets move cause the faster we do this, the faster we leave." He starts moving her to the room.
  216. 06[05:12] * +Ammy gets no reply and bites her cheek before calling to Sagittis in their native tounge {Umgonge mara moja juu ya kichwa} (Hit him over the head once}
  217. [05:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Ammy indeed sees the safe under the desk, on the floor, secured by a sturdy lock. Would take a particularly skilled lockpicker to unlock it without a key. Whip Chain shakes his head and says, "No fuck that. We did business together, ya came back and shot up all my ponies and griffon. The least ya can fuckin do is answer MY question before ya do whatever."
  218. 06[05:12] * +Dust_Off hisses between clenched teeth as she pulls out the round. She bandages Roy's head and makes him drink a health potion. "Oh, Roy, are you okay? How do you feel?"
  219. [05:12] <+Roy_Calbeck> "No... no wait, stop! Okay, go ahead."
  220. [05:12] <+Ammy> (Change that to 'not a good enough reply'
  221. 06[05:13] * +Roy_Calbeck takes the potion in both hands and sips at it.
  222. 06[05:15] * +Sagittis pulls out his bottle of poison. "I don't really think you are in any position to negotiate.”
  223. [05:16] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare is now being dragged by Gareth, she still looks pretty scared, but has a gagball in her mouth and can't speak.
  224. [05:17] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain scowls and says, "I don't think I'm gonna be living regardless what you say. Even if ya don't kill me, if ya turn me to one of the families, I'm gonna be dead."
  225. 06[05:17] * +Gareth brings her up into the room. "Aight, package delivered, sign here here and here." He pulls one of the papers from the desk and slips it in between the ropes, then salutes. "G.UPS, have a nice day."
  226. 06[05:18] * +Dust_Off looks closely at Roy, "Roy...can you hear me?"
  227. 06[05:19] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks at Dust_Off. "Sure."
  228. [05:19] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain adds, "So at least I wanna know from the source, why the fuck she decided to fuck me over!" he tries to kick at Dust_Off pathetically in rage, but comes so short.
  229. 06[05:19] * +Roy_Calbeck focuses his eyes... er, eye... on Dusty. The other one rolls out of sync.
  230. 06[05:19] * +Gareth looks at Whip. "Because we could. Seemed like a fun way to spend the afternoon. Now if only it were at a beach with a bbq..."
  231. 06[05:20] * +Gareth looks at Roy_Calbeck. "Looking a little derpy there, buddy."
  232. [05:21] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Huh?"
  233. 06[05:21] * +Sagittis holds a hoof to Dust_Off. "Can I get an eye dropper?"
  234. [05:21] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain growls and says angrily, "For fun?! You fucking freakshow bird fuck!" he angrily spits more obscenities at Gareth for a bit. The slaver mare is just weeping pathetically, her cries muffled by the gagball.
  235. 06[05:21] * +Ammy returns to Whip Chain "It's true you may be dead by the end of the day, but it depends who kills you, now Sagittis here doesn't really care much for Slavers or anyone who sympathieses with them" she speaks up so everyone can hear "And I'm sure nopony in here objects to letting us do as we please to you?"
  236. 06[05:21] * +Dust_Off turns on Whip Chain, "I'm trying to check on a patient, you mongrel! You want to know why we fucked you over? Because we were never slavers. We're mercenaries, hired to save that mare. We hate slavers with a passion, so we came back to free the others and kill you."
  237. 06[05:22] * +Gareth points at his own eye. "got a little sync issue going on." He looks at Whip. "I'm a griffin, just be pleased I havn't started cooking you yet." HE rubs his tummy. "Mmmm, pony for dinner."
  238. 06[05:22] * +Dust_Off glances at Sagittis, "i don't have an eye dropper."
  239. 06[05:22] * +Roy_Calbeck points a hoof at Dust_Off. "What she said."
  240. 06[05:23] * +Gareth tilts his head in thought. "So yeah, fun."
  241. [05:23] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain gives one long sigh and slumps his head against the floor saying, "Just... fucking kill me then."
  242. 06[05:24] * +Sagittis ponders. "Anything I can get single drops of liquid with?"
  243. [05:24] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare begins to kick her bound hindlegs against the floor. Possibly to get attention? Or just cause noise?
  244. 06[05:24] * +Ammy could use her super Zebra mechanic powers to jury rig something mayhaps?
  245. 06[05:24] * +Gareth chuckles. "I have a better idea of what to do with you."
  246. 06[05:25] * +Gareth looks at the mare and squats down next to her. "What's up, darlin?"
  247. [05:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Ammy does see a small portable magical generator lighting a lamp up. It could definitely be a shocking experience.
  248. 06[05:25] * +Roy_Calbeck gazes down at Whip with his derped eyes. "See, I don't think you get it. If WE kill you, it won't be JUST killing ya. We'll be interested in examples. Deterrence to others. You understand."
  249. 06[05:25] * +Sagittis shrugs. "A rifle bullet should do it."
  250. [05:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The bound slaver mare mumbles something that can't be understood with the gagball in her mouth as she looks at Gareth with a deseprate look.
  251. 03[05:26] * Waak ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP
  252. 06[05:26] * +Dust_Off sighs, "Everyone hold on a moment." She looks at Roy, "Dammit, wandering eye...Roy, I'm sorry, The surgery wasn't smooth or easy, and the bullet went further in when i tried to get it. You have some brain damage."
  253. 06[05:27] * +Roy_Calbeck snerks. "Pull th' other three. I'm fine."
  254. [05:27] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain sneers and turns to Roy_Calbeck saying, "Whatcha gonna do? Take a rusty saw and cut my entrails open and string my guts about like a fucking flag? How 'bout heating up a knife and carving an eye out wid it? Is that whats running in your mind?"
  255. 06[05:27] * +Gareth looks at Dust_Off. "Hey, would you mind if I ungagged the mare?"
  256. 06[05:28] * +Ammy fishes out one of her 9mm cartridges and bites the lead off of it and pours the gun poweder out (Making sure to keep the powder and led in the process!) and gives the empty hull to Sagittis before walking over to the Bound up mare
  257. [05:28] <+Ammy> lead*
  258. 06[05:29] * +Roy_Calbeck turns a purely playful grin on Whip. "That'd be so... PEDESTRIAN. And quick."
  259. 06[05:29] * +Dust_Off looks around. "Everyone stop for a minute." She looks at Gareth, "Ungag her."
  260. 06[05:29] * +Roy_Calbeck looks to Dust_Off, then nods.
  261. 06[05:29] * +Gareth nods and gently takes the gag off. "Aight, whats up?"
  262. 06[05:30] * +Sagittis blinks at the 9mm... that was utterly useless. He needed the long, pointy bullet to do propper dropping. "Uh... thanks." He looks down at Whip, shaking the poison bottle. "You know what this is?"
  263. [05:30] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, well I've seen it all you pansy looking fuck. I was a raider once. I did my share of shit. Shit that'd make your weak stomach turn. So go right the fuck ahead. Do whatever ya think is gonna make me shit myself."
  264. [05:31] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The ungaged mare blurts out, "Please don't do whatever you're going to do to him, to me! I'll tell you everything I know! Please! PLEASE!" her cries are desperate and hysterical.
  265. 06[05:31] * +Gareth chuckles. "Alright then." He looks at Dust_Off. "We have a winner."
  266. 06[05:32] * +Sagittis smiles and pats Whip's cheek. "See? Some ponies can be reasonable."
  267. 06[05:32] * +Gareth tosses the ballgag to Sagittis. "Whack that on him for a bit."
  268. 06[05:33] * +Dust_Off raises an eyebrow, "That's amazing loyalty, Miss...?"
  269. 06[05:33] * +Roy_Calbeck snorts. "Ain't about YOU, stupid. It's about makin' it less likely somepony else comes in an' picks up yer job. Don't care if ya crap yerself or not. An' whatever you've DONE, that's somepony else's pain, ain't it? YOUR pain... that's somethin' else. Personally, I vote fer choppin' yer tail off. THAT'S a flag that'll get attention."
  270. [05:33] <+Dust_Off> (redact)
  271. 06[05:33] * +Dust_Off looks at the mare, "I thought you told us everything /before/."
  272. 06[05:35] * +Gareth looks at Roy_Calbeck. "Or make some stocks and lock him in it. Provide free rotten veggies, and stuff. Or, y'know, just hang him."
  273. [05:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain scowls and says angrily, "Shut up you stupid cunt..." to the ungaged mare. The mare turns and spits out to him, "If I'm going to die, I want it quick, I ain't a stupid shit like you are Whip! Fuck you /and/ your fucking brother!" The mare looks up to Dust_Off and responds, "That was before you wiped out our group! But I just don't want to be tortured, so what do you want to know exactly?"
  274. 06[05:36] * +Dust_Off nods, "Who are your contacts in Dune?"
  275. 06[05:36] * +Roy_Calbeck gets off the desk and steps over to Whip, putting his hoof on the side of the slaver's head in order to pin it to the floor. "Gag 'im."
  276. 06[05:36] * +Sagittis swigs a little bit of the poison on the ballgag and puts it on Whip. "You musn't speak to ladies that way."
  277. 06[05:36] * +Gareth looks over at Sagittis. "You gonna gag him or not?"
  278. [05:37] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare says, "Ore family. They pay us to operate in the Sugar district." Whip Chain, starts struggling hard to get out of his bonds.
  279. 06[05:37] * +Roy_Calbeck shoots Sagi a look. "Tell me that's Killin' Joke extract. I could use a laugh."
  280. 06[05:38] * +Dust_Off nods, "Ah, and who hired you to kidnap the mare?"
  281. 06[05:38] * +Gareth looks at Dust_Off. "That's gonna start a gang war if that gets out."
  282. [05:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain begins to cough violently in the gag, rolling around, or at least trying to.
  283. 06[05:39] * +Roy_Calbeck keeps his hoof firmly in place, pressing down when Whip tries to squirm.
  284. 06[05:39] * +Dust_Off glances at Whip Chain, "don't swallow your tongue. It's an awful way to go."
  285. [05:40] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The Slaver Mare says, "Some rich fuck in Canyon Divide. Freaky, older, always wears this business suit." Whip Chain can be heard making tortured sounds of pain, as the poison works it's way into his system.
  286. [05:40] <+Dust_Off> "Wait! You're poisoning him?"
  287. 06[05:41] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks at Dust_Off. "You didn't know?"
  288. 06[05:41] * +Sagittis waves her off. "Not a full dose. He'll live."
  289. 06[05:42] * +Gareth is squatting next to the mare. He pats her mane. "Anything else?"
  290. 06[05:42] * +Sagittis "He needs to learn not to treat ladies the way he does."
  291. [05:42] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain's struggles become weaker and weaker until he eventually lays there, looking in pretty bad condition.
  292. 06[05:42] * +Roy_Calbeck gives Sagi a look. "We don't want him dead yet. I still wanna see if he's such a tough guy with a bonesaw working its teeth through his dock."
  293. 06[05:43] * +Dust_Off glares, "I was paying attention to her, dammt." She glares at the colt in particular. "I hate his guts too but i need them inside his body to question him." she turns back to the mare. "Okay, where's the key to free the other slaves?"
  294. [05:43] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Take that tail right off, pin it to the wall outside..."
  295. [05:44] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light looks at the window that is bored up in the shack as she continues to stroke the filly. Weakly in a very tired voice she asks out loud, "You think your... friends are almost done?" she continues to support Sour_Grape. The morning light filters lightly through.
  296. 06[05:45] * +Sour_Grape looks over at the light and sighs, "Who knows, they like to take their time. I hope they're back soon..." she leans into the mane petting, it is best petting
  297. [05:45] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare shoots Whip Chain a glare and says bitterly, "He has it. Probably stashed under his fucking tail, the paranoid fuck."
  298. 06[05:46] * +Gareth grimaces. "Ew. Buttkey."
  299. 06[05:46] * +Roy_Calbeck grins, leans down, and grabs said tail in his teeth before yanking back.
  300. [05:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light's petting slows as her eyes flutter to a close, then stop altogether as she leans on Sour_Grape, snoring very faintly.
  301. 06[05:48] * +Dust_Off nods to Roy and then turns back to the mare, "Who do you talk to with the Ores and how?"
  302. [05:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Tugging with excessive force by the teeth, Roy_Calbeck gruesomely rips out the slaver leaders' tail in two vicious tugs. The first tug creating a ripping sound followed by the stallion whinnying an agonzing cry into the gagball, the second completely ripping off the tail in a blood chunk.
  303. 06[05:49] * +Gareth hisses. "Shit, Roy. Almost too mean..."
  304. 06[05:50] * +Gareth shrugs. "Eh, I'm over it. Key in there somewhere?"
  305. [05:50] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare just looks in shock at the display and shakes her head saying, "Idiot..."
  306. 06[05:50] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks, then spits out the tail.
  307. 06[05:50] * +Sour_Grape is not that big so can barely keep Holy up but smiles anyway. "Should'a gone ta sleep hours ago... sheesh..."
  308. 06[05:51] * +Dust_Off clears her throat. "Miss, I asked you a question..." She reaches forward and tugs a strap, tightening a few uncomfortable places.
  309. 06[05:51] * +Roy_Calbeck looks away, looks down at the tail, grimaces --- then bends down to pick the ruined butt-flag back up. He mutters through his teeth, "Lemme just go post this where it needs t'bee."
  310. [05:52] <+Dust_Off> "Get the key."
  311. 06[05:52] * +Sagittis gets off Whip. He was all for punishing for information, but that was just cruel.
  312. 06[05:54] * +Roy_Calbeck has such a look of self-loathing in his eyes as he steps out of the office... but he makes sure he doesn't look at the slaver boss. With either eye.
  313. 06[05:54] * +Roy_Calbeck goes and finds someplace to hang the damned thing.
  314. [05:54] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 There is no key from the tail.
  315. 06[05:57] * +Sagittis glairs at Roy_Calbeck. "Fuck the key. I'll just blow the door off." He heads down to where the guard said the slaves were
  316. [05:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare groans in pain from the tightening and says, "Shit sorry! Your friends are crazy! Fucking one of Barite's kids does business with us!"
  317. 06[05:58] * +Dust_Off curses, "Sagittis! Stop! You'll injure them! We still need to search!" The mare rushes out of the office.
  318. 06[05:59] * +Gareth nods at the safe. "My bet is that its in there."
  319. [06:00] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sour can hear a very strange mechanical voice speak to her suddenly, "Is. she. your. mother." there is a faint clicking sound afterwards.
  320. 06[06:00] * +Ammy "Safe bet, I looked at it before that lock is complex as hell though, anyone know how to crack it?"
  321. 06[06:00] * +Sagittis stops and looks to Dust_Off. "What?"
  322. 06[06:02] * +Roy_Calbeck trots back down the way they came in, looking for a rusty old nail or other protrusion near the front door... preferably just outside.
  323. 06[06:02] * +Dust_Off flutters next to him. "They're inside. You blow the door, you'll hurt them potentially. We haven't searched yet or even tried to pick it. Just wait."
  324. 06[06:02] * +Sour_Grape looks up confused and annoyed. "No! I mean... no... she ain't..." she starts frowning and pouting
  325. 06[06:02] * +Gareth looks at Ammy. "I can pick a lock, but I'm not great at it."
  326. [06:03] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Roy_Calbeck notes as he ventures out to the exit, that morning was coming in fast.
  327. 06[06:03] * +Roy_Calbeck posts the tail on a post, then heads back inside to regroup.
  328. 06[06:04] * +Sagittis shakes his head and groans. "Just... that one is getting into raider terratory."
  329. [06:04] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Ach du lieber Gott in himmel," mutters the unicorn.
  330. 06[06:04] * +Gareth looks at Sagittis. "Could you search him while Ammy and I check out that lock?"
  331. [06:05] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The sound of the mechanical voice originates from Sear as he responds to Sour_Grape, "I. just. assumed. as. you. both. seem. close. to. each. other." there's that strange clicking again each time he 'spoke'. his mechanical voice was actually sort of quiet and hard to listen to.
  332. [06:06] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare looks like she wants to say something, but refrains.
  333. 06[06:07] * +Sagittis turns and leers at everypony before going to the rader mare. "What is it?"
  334. [06:07] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare shakes her head and says, "I-It's n-nothing. Is there a-anything else you need to know?"
  335. 06[06:08] * +Roy_Calbeck steps back into the office, walking over to Whip and glaring down at him. The effect is somewhat... lessened... by his derpy gaze.
  336. [06:08] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain is shaking slightly on the ground, looking somewhat pale in complextion.
  337. 06[06:08] * +Ammy remembers her warning from the dungeon "Oh shit yeah, we need to make this look like it was a gang of thugs not a bunch of crusaders" she looks for some paper
  338. 06[06:08] * +Gareth rolls his eyes. "Okay, I'LL search him." He goes over to Whip and starts searching him for the key.
  339. 06[06:08] * +Sagittis narrows his eyes. "I am in no mood for bullshit, pony."
  340. 06[06:09] * +Dust_Off nods, "Yes, it is, frightening, Sagittis, but you did poison him for no reason." She frowns at the colt. She looks back at the Mare, "Really, just tell us."
  341. 06[06:09] * +Sour_Grape strains her ears to listen, "It's fine, it's fine. Get'cha how ya could mistake it... why ya talk like that?" she is eager to change the subject
  342. [06:10] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth finds two keys in the stallions pockets. As well as fifty bottlecaps and 20 micro sparkle cells.
  343. 06[06:10] * +Sagittis "I poisoned him because he refused to tell us after I threatened him with it. You need to follow through with your threats if you are willing to make them."
  344. 06[06:10] * +Gareth grins. "Sweet." He looks at the group and flashes the keys. "Was that so hard?!" He gets up and hands the sparkle cells to Dust_Off.
  345. 06[06:10] * +Roy_Calbeck leans down. "How's that raider background workin' fer ya? Feels just ducky, huh? No pain at all, that happens t'other ponies, right? Not you. Never you... but here it is."
  346. 06[06:11] * +Gareth looks at the keys, then to the safe. He goes over to see if either fit.
  347. 06[06:11] * +Dust_Off looks expectantly at the bound mare.
  348. [06:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear is silent for a moment then responds, "Attacked. by. a. raider. band. north. and. west. was. guard." he pauses then can be heard making a strange raspy breathing sound, before continuing, "Was. leader. of. guard. Took. out. many. raiders. told. me. my. mouth. was. too. big. cut. my. throat. took. cords."
  349. [06:13] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth through trial and error finds that one of the keys unlocks the safe. Inside is a treasure trove of caps, pre-war bits, and cigarette packs and cartons.
  350. 06[06:13] * +Sour_Grape blinks and gulps at the talk of being attacked by raiders. She hoped it wasn't anybody she knew. "Oh, that sucks. Ya got mechanical stuff instead?"
  351. 06[06:13] * +Gareth grins. "Ahahaha! We're rich!" Not really, but caps are caps. He counts them.
  352. [06:14] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 In addition to the 750 bottlecaps they spent to purchasing Holy Light. There is another 500. About 25 pre-war bits, and ten packs of cigarettes with 4 cartons of cigarettes.
  353. 06[06:15] * +Sagittis glairs at Gareth. "Wanderful, now would you get the fucking slaves?"
  354. [06:15] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear just nods to Sour_Grape saying, "Yes. took. new. name. used. heat. to. sear. my. wound. close. so. to. not. bleed. to. death."
  355. 06[06:15] * +Gareth nods as he pockets the caps. He'd distribute them later. He grabs the rest and starts moving down stairs. "Aight. I'll count out equal shares later then."
  356. 06[06:16] * +Ammy follows behind Gareth
  357. 06[06:16] * +Dust_Off looks at Gareth, "Sour gets her 750 back first
  358. 06[06:16] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks hard, once, then turns away.
  359. [06:16] <+Dust_Off> Then we split.0
  360. 06[06:16] * +Sour_Grape winces, "OUch, that does not sound nice at all... least ya got yer fuckin' health, eh?"
  361. 06[06:16] * +Gareth looks at Dust_Off. "Got it." He goes downstairs and puts the key in the door.
  362. 02[06:16] * Kirengo (OrangeYosh@Pony-44m.jmt.11.66.IP) Quit (Quit: )
  363. 06[06:17] * +Dust_Off looks down at the mare what's the Ore kid's name?"
  364. [06:17] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The bound mare looks at Dust_Off and says, "I uh... nothing we deserve what we get anyway right? Doesn't matter what happens.. Just... please... don't torture me."
  365. [06:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear stares at Sour for a moment, then looks down, not saying another word.
  366. 06[06:18] * +Sour_Grape sort of looks away awkwardly and scratches at her scars
  367. 06[06:18] * +Roy_Calbeck turns his screwed-up stare directly on the bound mare. But says nothing.
  368. 06[06:18] * +Dust_Off gets closer and raises her voice, "What is the Ore's name?"
  369. [06:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The bound mare responds, "Silver Ore."
  370. [06:19] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The other key unlocks the door revealing two bound equine figures with sacks on their heads. The smell is horrendous.
  371. 06[06:20] * +Dust_Off nods, "Good. And your group is from Gaskinville. You trade slaves there too?"
  372. 06[06:20] * +Gareth staggers back. "Good lord!" He covers his mouth and goes inside, taking the sacks off each pony. "You two alright?" He asks.
  373. 06[06:21] * +Ammy "Stars almight" Ammy gags, she unties her head bandana and ties it over her mouth and nose before following Gareth in
  374. [06:21] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slave mare nods to Dust_Off, "Yeah." As Gareth uncovers the sacks, he sees one of them is actually a zebra mare that has many scars... recent ones... on the right side of her cheek. Blinking she looks up at Gareth in confusion. The other is a unicorn stallion that has several brusies. instinctively, he raises his bound front hooves to his face and says in terror, "Please! I'll be good! Don't hit me again! Don't use 'Obedia
  375. 06[06:22] * +Ammy goes to help the Zebra mare out of love for her fellow striped brutha's
  376. [06:22] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 "use 'Obediance' on me!"
  377. 06[06:23] * +Gareth starts to untie the stallion. "You're gonna be alright. Painted the building with the slavers, you're pretty much free."
  378. [06:23] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare looks sickly, thin, and pale. She has a very hardened resolve look on her face as she stares at Ammy at first. She then looks confused as she notices she's being unbound, she looks up at her questioningly without a word.
  379. [06:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The Stallion looks at Gareth like he's an angel. Shuddering, he latches on to the griffon after being freed in a weak hug. Not looking sickly, but very thin, he says in a fairly ragged voice, "Oh... thank you! Thank you!"
  380. 06[06:25] * +Dust_Off nods, "Ah. Well. anything more you'd like to add? My friends are wildly variable and I'm not convinced you go free, or die, or tortured and then die."
  381. [06:25] <+Dust_Off> *you should go
  382. 06[06:25] * +Sagittis looks to Dust_Off, then to the slavers. "I'm going to go back and check on Sour and Holy."
  383. 06[06:26] * +Roy_Calbeck continues staring at the mare.
  384. 06[06:26] * +Gareth blinks and pats the stallions back. "Its what I do. Now lets get you out of this reeking room before I expell my lunch."
  385. [06:27] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slave mare thinks in desperation and says, "If you're going to go after Chain Gang. Becareful, he's got crazy defenses from some pre-war turrets. I don't know how he got them working, but they're really good at keeping intruders away."
  386. 06[06:27] * +Dust_Off looks at Sagittis, "Want help those poor ponies? We should get them to safety and provide them an escort. The rest of us can go see about Green."
  387. 06[06:27] * +Ammy looks at the zebra and smiles "Inaonekana kama sisi got hapa katika nick ya muda eh dada? Usijali tulipata medic kusubiri huko nje kwa ajili yenu, kuwakaribisha nyuma kwa ulimwengu bure"
  388. [06:27] <+Ammy> ((Looks like we got here in the nick of time eh sister? Don't worry we got a medic waiting out there for you, welcome back to the free world)))
  389. 06[06:28] * +Gareth stops hugging the stallion and heads back out.
  390. 06[06:28] * +Sagittis looks back to Dust_Off and ponders. "I... don't trust that you will do what needs to be done..."
  391. 06[06:29] * +Dust_Off looks at Sagittis, "want to come with? Roy could go back. Gareth and Ammy have to come.
  392. [06:29] <+Dust_Off> *"
  393. [06:29] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The now freed zebra slave looks Ammy over for a moment then says in Zwahili, ("Thank you. Before we leave. I must gather my things.") she goes to stand, then stumbles and nearly faceplants, she just remains in a kneeling position. The stallion nods to Gareth with a smile and says, "Please I wanna get out of here."
  394. 06[06:30] * +Gareth nods at the stallion. "Just gotta wait for the boss and the others." gotta keep up the gang act. Better to keep the allusion and not piss off the Sugar boss.
  395. 06[06:30] * +Ammy helps her up and offers her shoulder for her to lean on
  396. 06[06:31] * +Roy_Calbeck doesn't shift his gaze from the slaver mare. His one eye, however, shifts around quite a bit.
  397. [06:32] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare has a sad/frustrated expression as she seems to begrudingly accept Ammy's assistance. Breathing heavy and coughing slightly, she does he best to maintain a stoic gaze as she looks at Gareth, squinting to adjust to the light of morning. The stallion follows after Gareth and Ammy.
  398. 06[06:33] * +Sagittis sighs. "No. You were right. I should go with them... Just bring back that PipBuck, okay?"
  399. 06[06:33] * +Gareth looks up at the catwalk. "Yo boss, we got slaves that need freeing down here."
  400. 06[06:33] * +Gareth really hopes Dust_Off catches on to the gang illusion.
  401. 06[06:34] * +Dust_Off nods, "Okay, colt. Go on." She looks at Roy, "Opinions?"
  402. [06:34] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare blinks and looks over to the concrete window opening, then rests her head on the floor. Whip Chain is unconscious at this point, his blood pooling on the floor.
  403. 06[06:35] * +Gareth looks back at the slaves. "Wait here." He flaps his wings and flies up to the room. He enters and goes towards Dust_Off. "Yo 'boss.' Need to talk real quick."
  404. [06:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear's mechanical voice once more quietly speaks up, "You. work. with. others?"
  405. 06[06:35] * +Ammy helps the mare up the stars to the main room (As you can see your former master is... a little tired right now, but I'm sure he'll come to and you can get an 'apology from him)
  406. 06[06:35] * +Roy_Calbeck still doesn't look away. "She's cooperated. He did not. The treatment cannot be identical."
  407. 06[06:35] * +Sagittis heads down to the slaves. "Hello. I am Sagittis, and I will be taking you somewhere safe."
  408. 06[06:36] * +Roy_Calbeck sounds a little...out of it.
  409. 06[06:36] * +Dust_Off glances at Gareth, "What?"
  410. 06[06:37] * +Gareth sees Ammy's brought the slave up and facepalms. He whispers. "These slaves might be just the thing we need to keep up the look that gangbangers did this here. We say we're a gang, everypony's pleased. Wanna be the boss?"
  411. [06:37] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion nods to Sagittis with a hopeful smile saying weakly, "Oh thank you." As Ammy passes with the zebra mare, the slave looks at Sagittis for a moment but keeps silent. She looks... so much worse off than the stallion, but her resolve seems to stronger than ever. Looking at Ammy she just squints hard with a cold look at the mentioning of her 'master'.
  412. 06[06:39] * +Ammy is annoyed to learn the inverted comma's that were encasing 'master' decided they wouldn't stay and left
  413. [06:40] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare speaks weakly to Ammy in a determined tone in Zwahili, "I must get my things."
  414. 06[06:42] * +Sagittis waves to the two slaves. "I'll make you something to eat and something to help you sleep." He blinks at the zebra slave. "Oh?"
  415. 06[06:42] * +Dust_Off blinks at Gareth, "What in Murtaugh's shiny forehead are you talking about?"
  416. 06[06:42] * +Ammy stops (Lead the way Sister) they head to accuire her things
  417. 06[06:42] * +Gareth winces. "Teh Sugar boss wanted this to look like a gang assualt. Ammy said that earlier. With these slaves free to spread the word, it'll be easier than it would have been."
  418. 06[06:43] * +Sagittis snorts. "Like we give two shits what the Sugars want. These equines need to get out of the city."
  419. [06:43] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare turns to Sagittis and responds simply in her tongue, ("Yes.") then proceeds weakly up to the office. Eventually she makes her way up. Roy_Calbeck and Dust_Off can see how sickly and emaciated she appeared, but her expression never faltered from it's resolve.
  420. 06[06:44] * +Roy_Calbeck looks to the slaver mare. "I think I've got an idea for how you live."
  421. [06:44] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare laying on the ground looks up at Roy_Calbeck with a tinge of hope. "H-How?" she asks in a fear induced tone.
  422. 06[06:45] * +Gareth rolls his eyes. "Fine. Just make the job so much harder than it needs to be."
  423. 06[06:45] * +Ammy calls back "We can leave a note and tear the place up and draw some bad stick figure princesses screwing, I'm sure our newly accuired friends will agree to say we are a gang till they are safe and no longer being persued"
  424. 06[06:46] * +Dust_Off looks at Roy and then the zebra mare, "Oh my." The pegasus goes to the zebra, "I'm a doctor let me help."
  425. [06:46] <+Roy_Calbeck> "We've got two ex-slaves that need to spread word around about us an' what went down here. We need YOU t'keep yer mouth shut. A good scrub t'clean off that ball gag'll take care of th' second part. But'cha can't come with us..."
  426. 06[06:47] * +Roy_Calbeck turns to look at the freed unicorn stallion. "Hey, you. Want an indentured servant? I think she owes ya her life."
  427. [06:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare shakes and looks at Dust_Off with a stiff upper lip. Raggedly coughing, she makes her way past the pegasus and says, "If you wish to help me. Make them tell me where my things are." she gestures weakly to the two slavers on the ground with a thinly shaped foreleg.
  428. [06:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallions blinks at Roy_Calbeck and says, "What? I... I can't keep her like that!"
  429. 06[06:48] * +Ammy "You heard the Zebra, she's been locked up for this long the least she deserves is her things'
  430. [06:48] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Oh? Ya want us t'kill her right here? She can't be runnin' her mouth free."
  431. 06[06:49] * +Dust_Off glares at Roy, "No." She looks at mare, "Where are the zebra's things?"
  432. [06:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare looks postively terrified at the sight of the zebra mare and doesn't respond.
  433. 06[06:49] * +Roy_Calbeck seems not to notice the look. "Well?"
  434. 06[06:50] * +Sagittis walks up next to the slaver mare and puts a hoof on her shoulder.
  435. 06[06:50] * +Gareth looks at the mare. "This can't get much worse for you, so just cooperate and we'll be on our merry way.
  436. [06:50] <+Gareth> "
  437. [06:51] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare turns to Sagittis, her eyes deathly afraid of the mare obviously. Shaking her head at first. She finally closes her eyes then says in a tearful voice, "In... In the cabinet... it's not locked."
  438. [06:51] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare slave turns to a large double doored cabinet in the corner of the office and proceeds weakly to it.
  439. 06[06:52] * +Sagittis kneels down by the slaver and whispers. "Who is she?"
  440. [06:52] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare looks up at Sagittis and says in a terrified voice, "I.. I don't know! We... we don't learn their names. We--... we-.. " she winces, obviously not wanting to continue.
  441. 06[06:53] * +Roy_Calbeck walks over to the unicorn. "Look. Ya seem like a decent guy. I know ya don't wanna do this. But it's fer her own safety as well as ours. Keep that gag on 'er until th' heat from this mess blows over, an' then do whatever ya think is right. Her life is in YOUR hooves right now."
  442. 06[06:53] * +Sagittis looks at her sternly. "Tell me what you can. It may be important for your future."
  443. [06:54] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 A ragged voice from the zebra mare answers, "She, tries to break us. Our spirit. Throws everything about us away. As if it is nothing. Less than trash." Opening the cabinet, the zebra mare pulls out a very interesting garbed armored barding that is dark crimson in color. A streak of white winds painted but faded on the chest.
  444. [06:55] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare dons the outfit, then pulls out an ancient sword of obvious zebra design... however it is curved in style... not straight edged as most zebra swords would appear. It is sleek and elegant, the metal finish still reflects a shine from the ambient light.
  445. 06[06:55] * +Gareth sits on the table.
  446. 06[06:56] * +Roy_Calbeck looks around. "Plus we need ta set ya up with some basics... mebbe that shotgun over there, piece together some leather armor. Getcha so' you can take care of yerself."
  447. 06[06:56] * +Dust_Off looks at the mare and then the zebra. She backs up.
  448. 06[06:57] * +Roy_Calbeck looks back, blinking at the zebra in the crimson barding. "What th'..."
  449. [06:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion looks at Roy_Calbeck and looks very conflicted. He then says, "Do... Do I seriously need to... like... own her? Or can I set her free later?"
  450. 06[06:58] * +Sagittis blinks and cocks an eyebrow at the zebra mare.
  451. [06:58] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Up ta you, pal... your choice. But hang on a second... get yerself some gear first. I'm sure there's some food t'be had too."
  452. 06[06:58] * +Sagittis hisses. "Nopony is owning anyone."
  453. [06:58] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As the zebra mare trots back over to the group wearing her crimson barding. It is to note, the barding is definitely not of Equestrian design. It's segmented plates at the limbs look sturdy and well constructed. As if it was made with care and precision. Pulling out a small powder, Sagittis immediately notices it is a restorative herb of some sort, as she opens it and munches it.
  454. 06[06:59] * +Roy_Calbeck looks to Sagi, the left eye rolling freely, but says nothing.
  455. 06[07:00] * +Sagittis tilts his head. That was one of the worst restorative uses of the resources possible.
  456. 06[07:01] * +Dust_Off looks at Roy, "I'm not of the opinion to let any of the slavers go. She was only cooperative after we killed her friends.
  457. [07:01] <+Dust_Off> No spark of shame and redemption."
  458. [07:02] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare in her outfit makes her way to Whip Chain, then pulls her curved sword out. Both Ammy and Sagittis can hear her speak faintly in Zwahili, ("Take the sins of your deeds into your spilt blood, as you transcend into the afterlife.")
  459. 06[07:04] * +Roy_Calbeck turns to look back at Dusty. Mostly. "Unless ya wanna execute 'er, puttin' her in this buck's custody is our only other real option."
  460. 06[07:05] * +Ammy puts the pieces together in her head and lets it happen.
  461. [07:05] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare proceeds to lift her sword up in a striking position. How she managed to lift her sword in her weakened state is anyone's guess, as she swings it down on the stallion in a ceremonious style. The Unicorn stallion slave goes wide eyed at the sight.
  462. 06[07:07] * +Gareth blinks. He totally deserved it, but... eh, nevermind. He swings his legs as he sits on the desk.
  463. 06[07:07] * +Sagittis stays with the slaver mare and watches.
  464. 06[07:07] * +Roy_Calbeck looks on.
  465. 06[07:08] * +Dust_Off glances at the zebra and Whip. She nods and takes out her rifle and puts it to slaver mare's head, "Any last words?
  466. [07:09] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain opens his eyes momentarily as a reflex, as the ex-slave effectively beheads him cleanly. Frowning, the mare buckles after, but manages to keep her self up by resting on the blade.
  467. 06[07:09] * +Gareth looks at Dust_Off and slowly shakes her head. "So helpful, but she's gonna die. Damn shame."
  468. 06[07:10] * +Sagittis pushes Dust_Off's rifle away. "She surrendered and did as we told her."
  469. [07:10] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The Slaver mare begins to leak tears and closes her eyes, saying, "Just... quick... I don't deserve it. But please kill me quickly."
  470. 06[07:10] * +Roy_Calbeck coughs into a hoof.
  471. 06[07:10] * +Roy_Calbeck gives the unicorn buck a significant look.
  472. 06[07:10] * +Gareth walks over. "I could get her out of here. Back to Tenpony or something with Green."
  473. [07:11] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn mare looks around and is heavily conflicted. Shaking his head he just sits and clutches at his stomach saying, "I feel like I'm going to throw up."
  474. [07:11] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Stallion, he's not a gender bender.
  475. [07:11] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Not unlike a certain stablecolt...
  476. 06[07:11] * +Dust_Off looks at Sagittis, "And she did it out of the kindness of her heart and not your cannon over her muzzle. Fine, deal with her." She goes to look for Whip Crack's rifle.
  477. 06[07:12] * +Roy_Calbeck nods. "That's normal. Reason I'm offerin' is, you're th' victim here. You've got a right ta call fer a little justice here. Yours or hers?"
  478. [07:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Whip Chain's magical energy rifle lays on the ground.
  479. [07:13] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion looks at Roy_Calbeck and says, "I'm mad. Don't get me wrong... but... it... it just seems wrong. I'd rather just go home but... if she lives she'll do it again won't she? Put more collars on others and beat them."
  480. 06[07:13] * +Gareth wonders if anyone even bothered listening to him at all.
  481. 06[07:13] * +Sagittis sighs and pinches his nose in his fetlock.
  482. 06[07:14] * +Roy_Calbeck cocks his head. "Will she?" He looks over to Gareth. "Then there's that offer, too."
  483. [07:14] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare gets up and trots over to the mare saying coldly, "She also, will die. Though her actions cry for an equal response to her ways, I will not sink to her level. She will get a clean death."
  484. [07:15] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion looks up to the zebra mare and says, "But!... What if she changes?!"
  485. 06[07:16] * +Roy_Calbeck moves to put himself between the zebra and the slaver mare. "Two of you are here. You've had your justice. This one is his decision, not yours."
  486. 06[07:16] * +Gareth looks at the mare. "I can make sure she doesn't do it again. Keep an eye on her, and if she becomes a slaver again, shoot her."
  487. 06[07:16] * +Gareth looks at the stallion. "That is, if I do take her back to Tenpony."
  488. 06[07:17] * +Ammy looks to the Slave Stallion "Zebra morals are different to your morals, they seek honor not fairness, restraining in favor of killing is seen as cowardly, or at least that was my tribes philosophy"
  489. 06[07:17] * +Sagittis stands up and shakes his head to the zebra mare.
  490. 06[07:17] * +Dust_Off snorts and picks up the rifle and stows in her bags and then heads down to search the body guards outside.
  491. 06[07:18] * +Sagittis looks over to Gareth. "Hey, there is an idea. Take this one back to Tenpony. Bound to be smarter than Green."
  492. [07:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare looks harshly at Roy_Calbeck. Saying, "I owe your group a debt. So I will respect your wishes. She.. deserves death. Mark my words." the mare then sheathes her sword. Turning she turns her back to the group and adds, "If you foolishly let her live. Her crimes. The lives she shackles. The blood she spills. Will be on your hooves. Not mine."
  493. 06[07:18] * +Gareth nods. "No doubt there, Sagittis."
  494. 06[07:19] * +Roy_Calbeck bows his head respectfully. "It is understood."
  495. [07:19] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion gets up and says, "But... she can change! Right?" he turns and looks at the slaver mare, who nods furiously in response.
  496. 06[07:20] * +Gareth nods. "Anypony can change, given the motivation." He looks at the mare. "And a badass griffin with a rifle might be that motivation."
  497. 06[07:20] * +Dust_Off laughs, evilly, "Don't be a fool buck!"
  498. 06[07:20] * +Roy_Calbeck turns his derp-eyed gaze to the both of them, then levitates the gag-ball up to scrub it clean of poison on Whip's body.
  499. [07:24] <+Roy_Calbeck> "If ya wanna make that call, here's th' deal: she keeps that gag an' restraint harness on until YOU feel sure about 'er. She doesn't go around talkin' ta anypony about anythin'. Anypony asks --- this' yer personal lifestyle an' they should butt out."
  500. [07:24] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare looks around and says, "Really? Y-You guys... will let me live? And take me out of here? To whereever this place is?"
  501. [07:24] <+Roy_Calbeck> "That, or she goes t'Tenpony.
  502. 06[07:27] * +Roy_Calbeck sits back and waits for the decision, not apparently noticing his eyes looping counter to one another.
  503. 06[07:27] * +Dust_Off sighs and looks up at the office. "...kinda wanted the harness back..." She sighs again and goes back to searching the other guards if they hadn't been looted yet.
  504. [07:27] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The slaver mare says, "I know you don't want to trust me, but I'll be quiet. I'll just... leave with him willingly."
  505. 06[07:28] * +Ammy smiles at the resolved conflict and proceeds to pick up a nearby chair and toss it through the window to Chains office, effectivly shattering it
  506. [07:28] <+Ammy> *Nearly resolved*
  507. 06[07:29] * +Sagittis nods. "Good... We may want to take off the harness to avoid drawing attention."
  508. [07:30] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off finds amongst the various other corpses. 146 Bottlecaps, Eight .357 rounds, Nine 12 gauge rounds, and fourteen 20 gauge rounds. She also finds the nailbat, the .357 magnum revolver, sawed off shotgun, lever-action shotgun, and the nailbat.
  509. [07:32] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off also finds two medical bandage rolls, a healing potion as well as three tins of mint-als.
  510. 06[07:32] * +Sour_Grape ears twitch. Someone somewhere had mint-als
  511. 06[07:33] * +Ammy kicks around some more furniture and INCREDIBLY SUBTLY FLIPS A TABLE
  512. 06[07:33] * +Roy_Calbeck cheers!
  513. 06[07:33] * +Dust_Off bags the items for future divvying. The mare trots over and looks at the corpses. She looks to see which has the most blood pooled around them.
  514. [07:33] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare looks at Ammy strangely with a frown.
  515. [07:33] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion sighs and says, "Can we please leave?"
  516. [07:34] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 They're all pretty bloody. Perhaps the most gruesome would be the ones slaughtered by The PAR-T inflation and minigun chunks.
  517. 06[07:34] * +Ammy smiles back "We got to make it seem like it was gangbangers, rules of engagement if you will, so kick some tables start a fire or two"
  518. 06[07:35] * +Roy_Calbeck nods, makes sure his spiked ponyshoes are secured, then goes around bucking at the displaced furniture. "Decision made!"
  519. [07:36] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth goes over to the slaver mare and says with a smirk, "Alright. Here's the deal. Your things belong to that nice stallion there. Got it?" he pats the mare on the side of her cheek giving a most fake smile. The slaver mare nods obediantly.
  520. 06[07:36] * +Sagittis gives a grim smirk. "I could level the building if you like."
  521. 06[07:37] * +Ammy laughs at Sagittis "Not to that extent"
  522. [07:37] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Hm. It's getting light outside, by th' by. We should prolly jus' go. Celestia knows with all these bodies in various states of disarray, that we've done enough damage fer two gangs..."
  523. 06[07:37] * +Dust_Off trots the assploded buck and dips her hooves in the bloody mess. She flutters up and starts painting on the wall. The paints a blood and crude picture of an ant biting a pony's face off and writes, "This is Mermadone turf now, beeeatches!!"
  524. [07:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth unbinds the slaver mare, stripping her of her barding. Looking at the scantily provocative bondage harness. He smirks at it and dangles it before Dust_Off.
  525. [07:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth actually whistles to Dust_Off to get her attention and smirks dangling the outfit for her.
  526. 06[07:38] * +Roy_Calbeck walks out of the office, looks up, and cocks his head. Briefly, both of his eyes seem to focus on the picture and slogan. "...Mermadone?"
  527. 06[07:39] * +Sagittis gets up and heads for the front door.
  528. 06[07:40] * +Ammy finishes being reckless and idiotically acting like a moron and sighs "That will keep me sane for a while, now shall we leave and get our delightful idiot out of jail?" she says following the others to the door
  529. 06[07:40] * +Dust_Off finishes her painting and looks at Gareth. She whistles innocently as she stuffs the harness into her bag and turns to Roy, "Myrmidon actually, but I thought i should include spelling errors. " She follows Sagittis out.
  530. [07:41] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth just rolls his eyes while smiling As he gives the slaver mare's barding to the thin stallion ex-slave, who looks at it wistfully, then puts it on. Minus her weapon that the group took from her.
  531. 06[07:42] * +Roy_Calbeck chuckles, shakes his head, and follows the others out.
  532. [07:43] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Also amongst the loot was the Assault carbine with Twenty Five 5mm rounds.
  533. 06[07:45] * +Ammy pats Sagittis on the shoulder "You scored first blood so congratulations, you get to yell at Green first"
  534. [07:45] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare looks at the group strangely but decides to say nothing as she follows them to wherever. The unicorn stallion however does ask, "Why do you guys need to make this look like a gang attack?"
  535. [07:46] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth is escorting the slaver mare carefully.
  536. 06[07:46] * +Sagittis looks at Ammy as if she had three heads.
  537. 06[07:46] * +Dust_Off looks at the former slaves. "Trouble with one of the families. "They don't want any connection to it."
  538. [07:46] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light sleeps soundly, hugging Sour_Grape like a filly teddy bear. Sear begins to sharpen various throwing knives with a whetstone.
  539. 06[07:47] * +Ammy turns to the Unicorn Stallion and gestures to Dust off "The guy who told us to come here said he didn't want this to look like his goons did it, so he told us to look like a bunch of Gangbangers did this as a hit to gain turf"
  540. [07:48] <+Dust_Off> "You are all free to go. We might be able to get you out of the city."
  541. [07:48] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion nods and says, "Right..." looking about awkwardly.
  542. [07:48] <+Dust_Off> She says to the slaves.
  543. [07:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As the group ransacks the office, they note that there is a fridge in another corner.
  544. 06[07:49] * +Roy_Calbeck heads right over to it. "I could use a beer after all that..."
  545. 06[07:49] * +Sagittis huffs. "I am taking folks to Grassy Flats later if there are any takers."
  546. 06[07:52] * +Ammy nods "I think all of us could use a little less of this town after all this shit"
  547. 06[07:52] * +Dust_Off nods, "That's what I meant."
  548. 06[07:53] * +Roy_Calbeck opens the fridge.
  549. [07:53] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The zebra mare nods to Dust_Off and says to her, "Thank you. For releasing us from bondage." Going up to the pegasus mare, she gives her a small kiss on each cheek and pulls back saying to her in her stoic resolve, "My name, is Uuja. My tribe lives far to the south, where the iron clad ponies call their land. Look for the ancient watchers and follow their gaze. You will find my home then."
  550. 06[07:55] * +Dust_Off blinks and blushes a big, "We glad we could help you, Uuja. Fly right and take care."
  551. [07:55] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As Roy_Calbeck opens the fridge, he finds 3 bottles of beer, 2 bottles of whiskey, a bottle of wine. Ten bottles of purified water, as well as six box of sugar apple bombs, three packs of noodles, two Yum Yum devil eggs, and three cans of cram.
  552. [07:55] <+Dust_Off> *blushes a bit.
  553. 06[07:56] * +Roy_Calbeck looks to the slaves. "I asked if ya were hungry..."
  554. [07:57] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Uuja begins to wrap herself up with the flowing garb that is a part of her outfit. The mare turns to Roy_Calbeck and says, "I do not wish to ask more of you than I already owe... but I will need food for my travels." The unicorn stallion says, "Yes definitely!"
  555. 06[07:57] * +Sagittis looks over to Uuja. "Can I at least convince you to stay for a meal?"
  556. 06[07:57] * +Roy_Calbeck steps aside and gives a slight bow. "Sir, mademoiselle, Cafe Le Myrmidon is OPEN."
  557. [07:59] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mare takes five bottles of water, all the noodles, as well as two boxes of sugar apple bombs. Nodding to the group she speaks, "Live strong, Die well." then covers herself much like the other zebras they spotted in the Broken Carriage Wheel and takes her leave.
  558. [08:00] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Uuja turns to Sagittis and looks at him for a moment saying, "This place is not kind to our kind. But I will not refuse your request. I owe you all a debt."
  559. [08:01] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Well, let's grab an' go fer now an' cook up a real meal elsewhere. Daylight's burnin' outside."
  560. [08:01] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion takes two bottles of purified water, as well as a box of sugar apple bombs and yum yum devil eggs. Then he gets the bottle of wine and stashes them in the saddlebags he took from the slaver mare.
  561. 06[08:02] * +Roy_Calbeck takes the rest of the booze, the Cram, and the remaining two boxes of Apple Bombs.
  562. 06[08:02] * +Sagittis nods. "Okay then. I'll head back ahead. I should have it ready by the time you get there."
  563. [08:02] <+Roy_Calbeck> And the remaining water if nopony else does.
  564. 06[08:05] * +Dust_Off nods, "Can we move out?"
  565. 06[08:05] * +Roy_Calbeck nods. "Let's DO this!"
  566. 06[08:06] * +Ammy "I think me and Gareth should go confirm the deed while you lot move, can I get his armor as evidence or something?"
  567. [08:06] <+Dust_Off> "Take his head."
  568. [08:07] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth says, "Gotcha covered." to Ammy and has the stallions head. It was beheaded after all.
  569. 06[08:07] * +Sagittis looks over to Ammy and Gareth. "Oh?"
  570. 06[08:09] * +Ammy nods "Alright we should move then, we'll meet you back at the inn, hopefully with our 'friend' joining us" she turns to Sagittis "Yes?"
  571. [08:09] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth looks at Ammy and says, "She's not getting touched alright? She needs to get back to her parents or it's my flank on the line."
  572. 06[08:11] * +Ammy "Don't worry, I'm sure we can verbally assualt her into apology"
  573. [08:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth turns to the group and says, "Why don't we get Green, I'll let her out and take her home along with this mare?" he refers to the slaver mare.
  574. 06[08:13] * +Roy_Calbeck nods. "Go do it."
  575. 06[08:13] * +Sagittis glowers and just watches them, unjamming/reloadig his guns.
  576. [08:13] <+Roy_Calbeck> "And Gareth?"
  577. 06[08:13] * +Ammy begins walking out and headed to retreive Green Gareth hopefully in tow
  578. [08:13] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth looks at Roy_Calbeck, "Yeah?"
  579. 06[08:14] * +Roy_Calbeck extends a hoof. "Better luck with yer next contract. Welcome t'th' Business."
  580. 06[08:14] * +Sagittis slipps into the shadows and follows Gareth and Ammy.
  581. 06[08:15] * @SilentBrony|GM shakes Roy_Calbeck and sighs saying, "Yeah... thanks... I'll be sure to select my contracts more carefully."
  582. [08:15] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth DOES THIS.
  583. 06[08:15] * +Roy_Calbeck grins, spins about, and gallops hell-for-leather towards the Broken Wheel.
  584. 06[08:15] * +Dust_Off goes to the inn.
  585. 06[08:15] * +Dust_Off flies hell-for-feather.
  586. [08:16] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The group splits up, Gareth, Ammy, and Sagittis breaking away. Roy_Calbeck, Dust_Off, and the slaves / slaver mare go to the broken carriage wheel. Much to latter's surprise they find the guard directs them to follow another guard, informing them that an issue occured last night.
  587. [08:17] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Ninjas...?!"
  588. 06[08:17] * +Dust_Off looks concerned. "Damn mules..."
  589. [08:17] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sagittis is sneaky, oh so sneaky, as he slips away from the other group and follows Gareth and Ammy. The two of them are allowed into the manor while Sagittis sneaks in.
  590. 06[08:18] * +Sagittis is waiting outside the manor.
  591. [08:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The guard proceeds to direct Dust_Off and Roy_Calbeck to the plain and very quaint shack, finding inside a sleeping Holy Light, a tired looking Sour_Grape, as well as a strange garbed equine figure with a scarred milky eye, who is all weird and silent.
  592. [08:18] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sagittis waits outside the manor then!
  593. 06[08:19] * +Roy_Calbeck eyes the curious individual. The other eye does its own thing.
  594. [08:20] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth and Ammy are approached by several armor clad guards, along with the mustached stallion wearing the fancy pinstripe outfit and snazzy fedora. He speaks to them in his suave smooth voice, "So then. There was reports of gunfire and explosions at the Water Works. I trust the deed was carried out?"
  595. [08:20] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear is absolutely silent, his expression unreadable as the only thing really visible are his eyes, to which he just looks amongst the room.
  596. 06[08:21] * +Dust_Off trots cautiously up wrapped equine, "Hello, we're friends of Sour_Grape and Holy Light. I'm Dust_Off and he is Roy_Calbeck
  597. [08:21] <+Dust_Off> *"
  598. 06[08:21] * +Ammy "to spec, we even tore it up like a gang would to hide our involvement, the deed is done" she says clearing her throat
  599. 06[08:21] * +Roy_Calbeck nods his head respectfully, the second time he's done that today. A new record!
  600. [08:21] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth nods and presents Whip Chain's head saying, "Yeah. Here's the proof. "
  601. [08:21] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Sear just looks at Dust_Off. Creepy.
  602. 06[08:22] * +Dust_Off blinks, "Umm...can we go in?"
  603. 06[08:22] * +Sour_Grape "Huh, who is it?"
  604. [08:22] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The mustached stallion looks at the head, the motions for a random guard to take it away, while another brings forth the bound and duct-taped unicorn mare. She is, surprisingly unharmed, beyond one brusie to the side of her face.
  605. [08:22] <+Dust_Off> "Grape, it's Dusty and Roy."
  606. [08:23] <+Dust_Off> "And others."
  607. [08:23] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Dust_Off and Roy_Calbeck with the unicorn stallion slave, the zebra slave and slaver are already inside the shack.
  608. [08:23] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 It's quite crowded now.
  609. 06[08:23] * +Sour_Grape "Uh, hi. What's up."
  610. 06[08:23] * +Ammy looks at Green "I trust we are done here?"
  611. [08:24] <+Dust_Off> "Job's done." She looks at Holy Light, "The whole ring is broken up."
  612. 06[08:24] * +Sour_Grape "And Green?"
  613. [08:25] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth gives a sigh of relief. The unicorn mare looks at Ammy with tears in her eyes, that reflect a tinge of anger underneath. The mustached Stallion speaks with a grin, "Oh yes. We have settled accounts here... provided our feline avian friend here makes good on his word and transports the lovely Miss Green back to her home. Where she will... /live/ the rest of her days happily."
  614. 06[08:26] * +Gareth nods. "Yes sir. Of course."
  615. 06[08:26] * +Ammy nods "That shouldn't be a problem"
  616. [08:26] <+Dust_Off> "Amy and Gareth are getting her. Gareth will drag her off after we leave the city. He gets paid and we can inflict her on her parents. "
  617. 06[08:27] * +Sagittis has gotten lost on the way to the manor.
  618. 06[08:27] * +Roy_Calbeck laughs. "Can't imagine anypony else who best deserves her back in their lives."
  619. 06[08:27] * +Sour_Grape looks around, "Where's Saggi? Then, can't see'em"
  620. 06[08:28] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks, momentarily focuses both of his eyes, and looks around. "Huh? I coulda sworn..."
  621. [08:28] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The guards shove Green into Gareth's embrace. The mustached stallion smirks and says, "However. I must admit, I am impressed with the speed and subtleness to an extent, that you performed in this task. Should you desire more work, I can assure you both that the caps will be quite lucrative."
  622. 06[08:28] * +Gareth looks at the moustached stallion. "I'll keep that in mind sir. I'll send word when I need work."
  623. 06[08:30] * +Ammy "Perhaps, If we are ever short on caps, we shall contact you, now if you have no further questions I believe me and Gareth will be taking our leave
  624. 06[08:30] * +Dust_Off looks around, "Well, dammit." She sighs, "Colt....we need her dammit." She shakes her head, "We did get your caps, Grape."
  625. [08:30] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The Mustached Stallion turns to Ammy and says, "Oh and Miss. Due call me Table Sugar. I look anticipant in meeting your other companions, provided they are not as foolhardy as Miss Green." Turning he says, "Gaining favor with the Sugar Family will be a most prudent choice in your future, I can assure you."
  626. 06[08:31] * +Sour_Grape humms, "Oh, um, thanks. Didn't need'em back, but appreciate it."
  627. 06[08:31] * +Dust_Off smiles, "You loaned it all to us. You deserve it back."
  628. [08:31] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The Three are allowed to leave the manor at this point and make their way to their lost group.
  629. 06[08:31] * +Roy_Calbeck snorts and gives a playful smile. "But if ya really don't WANT it..."
  630. [08:32] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green looks at Gareth in the saddest manner imaginable, mumbling incoherently with her mouth duct taped.
  631. 06[08:32] * +Ammy "Noted Mister Sugar, do have yourself a wonderful day" Ammy begins to wander away
  632. [08:32] <+Ammy> *back to the inn*
  633. 06[08:33] * +Sagittis follows the three, making sure they were not going to let Green go or bolt off somewhere.
  634. 06[08:33] * +Gareth nods at the stallion and looks at Green. "Alright, lets go." He begins to move to the exit.
  635. [08:33] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion looks about nervously and says to the group, "Hey guys... uhh if you don't mind. I'm really happy to be free now, but can I get going? I promise if you ever make it to Smokey Ridge, I'll help you guys out however I can."
  636. 06[08:34] * +Roy_Calbeck nods. "Where's that?"
  637. 06[08:34] * +Dust_Off nods to the unicorn, "Go on, and take care, Mister...?"
  638. 06[08:34] * +Gareth untied Green, but left the duct tape
  639. [08:34] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 The unicorn stallion extends a hoof saying, "Saltine."
  640. 06[08:35] * +Roy_Calbeck takes it and shakes it. "We're th' Mareizona Irregulars, Captain Dust_Off over there commandin'. Hopefully, you'll never need us again."
  641. 06[08:35] * +Sour_Grape swats Roy_Calbeck, "Nah, I'll take it back, thanks." She smiles a little, "Alright, now what?"
  642. [08:35] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green uses her magic to remove her duct tape as the group leaves the sugar manor, they proceed down a street in an alley on their way to the Broken Carriage Wheel. Sagittis has spotted them leaving the front and is trailing them.
  643. 06[08:36] * +Roy_Calbeck laughs, surprised, at the sudden swat in mid-shake.
  644. [08:36] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Saltine nods and says, "I run a simple farm, but trust me. I'll give anything for helping me out. Thank you guys so much." the stallion makes his leave.
  645. 06[08:37] * +Dust_Off smiles. She was Captain now. Alrighty. "good bye, Mister Saltine. Hmmm...certainly helping our name and reputation."
  646. 06[08:37] * +Sour_Grape nodds, "Seeya later."
  647. 06[08:37] * +Ammy turns to Green "Well...?"
  648. 06[08:38] * +Gareth "Alright Green. Here's what we're doing. As soon as we finish the juice's job, then you're going back to Tenpony with me, and we're going to cure your addictions, and you're going to stay in Tenpony. Until then, keep quiet and we'll be fine."
  649. [08:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 As Green removes her duct tape and is now away from the manor she looks at Gareth with a frown and says. "It took you long enough! Did you spare the evil slavers while you were supposed to kill them all?"
  650. 06[08:38] * +Gareth looks at Green. "Killed em. Now shush."
  651. [08:38] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green is... slightly loud.
  652. 06[08:38] * +Gareth adds "And as for the time, we could have been longer, you ingrateful child. Now shut up and I won't get any more angrier."
  653. [08:39] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green huffs and says, "Better have. But we need to kill the evil family now. They're corrupted and will drag every pony with them with their secrets and lies. It's all secrets and lies with these ponies!"
  654. 06[08:40] * +Gareth growls at Green and looks as fierce as possible. "Shut up now, or I will be bringing you back in pieces."
  655. [08:41] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green looks at Gareth then quibbles her lips, and gives him her best adorably hurt look, saying, "Gareth, why are you so mean? I only want to make the DJ proud."
  656. 06[08:41] * +Gareth shakes his head. "I don't care. You fucked up and almost got me and Ammy killed. Now shut it."
  657. [08:43] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green quickly gives a frustrated look and speaks in an irritated manner, "Worst. Guardian. Ever." Sagittis is /still/ lurking behind them in this alley, though the alley is soon to end.
  658. 06[08:43] * +Gareth "Worst. Client. Ever."
  659. 06[08:46] * +Dust_Off looks down at Grape, "So...mule ninjas?"
  660. [08:46] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Ammy, Gareth, Green, and Sagittis make their way to the Broken Carriage wheel and are surprised to be informed that something occured with Sour_Grape and Holy Light throughout the night and had to be relocated.
  661. [08:47] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 They are then all led to the Shack... which is so overcrowded, as they all file in.
  662. 06[08:47] * +Roy_Calbeck is in the process of ribbing Sour about the ninja attack, because ninjas don't really exist.
  663. 06[08:47] * +Sour_Grape "It was a mule? Ah ain't never checked. Somethin' tried coming i-" She sees Green and reaches for her riot shotgun
  664. 06[08:47] * +Dust_Off glares at Green.
  665. 06[08:47] * +Roy_Calbeck blinks... and tackles Sour.
  666. 06[08:48] * +Sour_Grape is tackled fuck. She continues to reach for her shotgun and surprisingly doesn't saw a word
  667. 06[08:48] * +Sagittis mumbles something very unkind about the health of Green's genitals and their direct conection to her almost nonexistant brain in griffin.
  668. 06[08:48] * +Dust_Off blinks at Sour, "We need her alice!"
  669. [08:48] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Get that shotgun away!"
  670. [08:48] <+Dust_Off> *alive
  671. [08:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green looks at the group and looks ashamed at first then says, "Is that anyway to treat a hero?"
  672. [08:49] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Uuja looks at the exchange with confusion and interest. Sear's expression is undescernable.
  673. [08:49] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Sour, no!"
  674. 06[08:50] * +Sour_Grape squrims under Roy_Calbeck but still makes no noise but to grunt. Stupid shotgun was not getting any closer
  675. [08:50] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Gah! Get back here, young filly! I swear...!"
  676. 06[08:50] * +Dust_Off steps in front of Green and casts a glance at Sear. "Stop. We can settle our squabbles later. We have a job, dammit!"
  677. 06[08:51] * +Gareth facepalms. "sour, I'm getting her out of here as soon as possible."
  678. 06[08:51] * +Ammy walks infront and raises a hoof to calm everyone down "Now Now" she looks at Green and Points at Holy "You have a lot of apologising to do, specifcally to endangering her saftey"
  679. [08:52] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green looks shocked and says outloud in an angry tone, "What are you doing?! Gareth! DO your job and help me!"
  680. 06[08:52] * +Sour_Grape manages to grab the shotgun then and point it at... Dust, "You're in the way."
  681. 06[08:53] * +Gareth stands in front of Green. "You make it incredibly hard you dumbass."
  682. 06[08:53] * +Dust_Off glares at Ammy and then Green, "Everyone shut the fuck up and get your shit together." She looks at Grape particularly, "We all leave. That's our orders. We'll settle our differences later. Job first."
  683. 06[08:53] * +Sagittis is more or less directly behind Green.
  684. [08:54] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light awakens from all the commotion, looking about in confusion and fear. She then rubs her eyes and looks and sees Grape reaching for her weapon.
  685. 06[08:54] * +Sour_Grape shakes her head, "I said, I said if I see her she dies. That's it, that's the end of it. I'm not helping her get out of the city, the only place I will help her too is hell, now move."
  686. 06[08:54] * +Roy_Calbeck glares down at Sour_Grape. "If you open fire in here, young lady, I will take you OVER MY KNEE."
  687. 06[08:56] * +Sour_Grape stares bewilderedly at Roy_Calbeck not entierlyl sure if he's serious...
  688. 06[08:56] * +Roy_Calbeck would have a completely dead-serious look, if not for the fact that one eye is staring off at a completely different angle.
  689. [08:56] <+Roy_Calbeck> "Do you hear me?! I will TAN YOUR HIDE."
  690. 06[08:56] * +Gareth looks at Dust_Off. "She knows why we need her, right?"
  691. 06[08:57] * +Sour_Grape "Roy I've had half my face bitten off I'm not scared of a spanking!"
  692. 06[08:58] * +Dust_Off looks bewildered at Roy as well and then Back to Grape, "Grape, I'm pissed too, but Gareth takes her back to Tenpony. And he'll make sure she's /taken care of/. We need her to complete this job, to leave the city."
  693. 06[08:58] * +Sour_Grape blinks, "What? We can't leave without her?"
  694. [08:58] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light speaks up quietly, but is probably drowned out in the sea of commotion, "Miss Green... Did you really sell me out?"
  695. 06[08:58] * +Gareth "If you want to get Holy out of here, then we need Green."
  696. [08:59] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green blinks and says, "What?" looking at Holy Light.
  697. 06[08:59] * +Sour_Grape glares, "Fuck." She stows her shotgun for now. "Green... if we ever meet again I'm cutting off your horn and shoving it up your ass."
  698. 06[08:59] * +Gareth winces.
  699. 06[08:59] * +Dust_Off nods to Grape, "Like I was saying, all of us have to leave. Every single one."
  700. 06[09:00] * +Ammy "I can see you all want seperate things but before Green and Gareth leave the least Holy Light Deserves is apology, so everyone shut up and let her give it, then we can all leave and continue on with our lives"
  701. 06[09:01] * +Sagittis "She deserves more than that," he huffs, comming out of stealth.
  702. [09:01] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green giggles at Sour_Grape and says, "Shovel beats Shotgun."
  703. 06[09:01] * +Dust_Off glares at Green, "Shut up, moron."
  704. [09:02] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light chimes in again, standing, "Miss Green. I asked you a question. Did you sell me out?"
  705. 06[09:02] * +Ammy is surprised at Sagi "Thats why I said the least Sag"
  706. 06[09:02] * +Roy_Calbeck steps back from Sour... and, pointedly, out from between the two. "Tired of savin' yer life, Green."
  707. 06[09:02] * +Sour_Grape "I will nail your hooves to a sheet of wood and hang you upside down in the middle of the desert for scavengers to eat."
  708. [09:03] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green goes to say something in resposne, when Holy Light stamps a hoof and says much louder, "Miss Green! I asked you a question!"
  709. 06[09:03] * +Sour_Grape jumps off the bed and pushes past green and over to Sagittis grumbling all the way, "Lets fucking go then, the sooner the better."
  710. [09:03] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green blinks and looks at Holy Light saying, "What?" in a frustrated tone.
  711. 06[09:04] * +Gareth looks at Green. "Did you tell the moustached pony where Holy was."
  712. [09:04] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light has a stern resolve to her expression. Showing no fear as she speaks, "I was told you sold me out to the Sugar Family, is this true?"
  713. 06[09:05] * +Dust_Off winces and in front of Juice Family employee too...
  714. [09:06] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Green blinks and replies, "No, I told them that the Sugar Family had slaves, they asked for proof, so I used you as it."
  715. [09:07] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light looks at Green for a moment, then rears back and slaps the unicorn mare, hard, causing her to reel back from the impact. Green looks back in utter disbelief and rage.
  716. 06[09:08] * +Gareth steps in front of Holy Light. He looks at her and mouths "just for show" and winks. "I can't let you do that." He announces. He looks back and looks at Holy. "Totally deserved that."
  717. 06[09:08] * +Sour_Grape looks over and sees the slap. This makes Sour Grape smile, not as much as should would smile if Green was dead. She leans over to whisper to Sagittis, "Ah say, we need'a find this ten-pony tower sum day and pay Green a visit."
  718. [09:08] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Holy Light says angrily, "They could be working /with/ the slavers! You can't trust anyone here!"
  719. 02[09:09] * wolf5000 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  720. 06[09:09] * +Sagittis "I have no intention of letting her get that far."
  721. 06[09:10] * +Sour_Grape looks over at Sagittis and nods
  722. 06[09:10] * +Roy_Calbeck raises a hoof towards Holy Light. "It's not that she trusts. It's that she always tells the truth... no matter how bad it hurts."
  723. 01[09:10] <+Sour_Grape> Sagittis gains +5 friendship points!
  724. 02[09:11] * Hoard ( Quit (Connection closed)
  725. [09:11] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 After finally saving Green our group now sets off to complete Guava's mission, then hopefully send Holy Light back to her foal. What will happen next time? Find out in the next session of Star Group Fallout Equestria!
  726. [09:11] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 For inequine torture, The group, save for Sour_Grape, loses -10 Karma.
  727. [09:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 For Saving more slaves and setting them free with provisions, they gain +10 Karma.
  728. 06[09:12] * +Gareth didn't torture!
  729. [09:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 Gareth watched
  730. [09:12] <+Ammy> REDUNDANCY IS FUN KIDS
  731. [09:12] <@SilentBrony|GM> 3 SESSION 24 END
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