
Shitty One-Shots

Apr 28th, 2014
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  1. Shitty one-shots below -- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
  2. These are usually written on the spur of the moment, and have not been proofread for spelling, grammar, humour, or taste. Proceed at your own risk. Most recent stuff at the top.
  4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¦¦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. AiE Thread 957, response to post >>17487934
  6. ~~~~~~~~¦¦~~~~~~~~
  7. >Day Purplesmart deciphered an archaic spell from a dusty tome, and went looking for a test subject
  8. >"All right, now stay in the circle, Pinkie" mutters Twilight as she pours over the colossal manuscript, whilst the rest of the girls look on
  9. >"Here we go -- Res genus pudibunda enlargus!"
  10. >A purple aura surrounds Pinkie, obscuring her from view, then explodes out, covering the rest of the girls in glittery shimmers
  11. >Slowly, the mist lifts, revealing a rather butch looking Pinkie Pie
  12. "Did it work?"
  13. > She(?) looks over at Rarity, and, with an audible pop, unsheathes the most enormous bubblegum-pink shlong anyone in the room had seen
  14. >Twilight looks at what should now be properly called 'Bubble Berry', and coughs. "Umm, that didn't exactly go to plan. I'm really sorry Pink-.. I mean, Bubble, but you know the law"
  15. >Rarity magics into existence a large pair of dressmakers' shears, and holds them at the ready...
  16. "I'm sorry girls, but I just can't do this... I'll go. If I turn back to me again, I'll be back."
  17. >And with that, Bubble Berry slowly walks out of town, his enormous phallus leaving a furrow in the dirt in his wake
  18. >Today was a "Get your cocks out of here....leave the pussy" kind of day
  20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¦¦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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