
CiE 1

Aug 5th, 2014
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  1. (first story, please fuck off trolls.)
  2. >The final hollow drops to your feet as you pull your Divine rapier from its chest.
  3. >Picking your hat back up, you notice something different in the air.
  4. >Cleanliness.
  5. >Hm? This I'sent Darkroot garden, there should be Demonic Foliage trying to chew your head open.
  6. >If this isnt Darkroot, Then where are you?
  7. >You crouch, rubbing your gloved finger over the dirt and standing again, Rubbing it inbetween your fingers.
  8. "Odd..The soil is lighter than lordran should be."
  9. >Is it possible you have traveled to New Anor Londo then?
  10. >You don't see any fancy buildings around, just dense forest and..
  11. >Aha! A footpath!
  12. >Its as if many animals, Equine specifically, have trotted along this path.
  13. >Wait, Equine? This ... Wherever you are, Has animals?
  14. >Still, probably undead animals.
  15. >Treading along the path your Victorian Longcoat sways behind you with the wind.
  16. >You feel like the myth "Bat man"
  17. >feels good.
  18. >Slinging your crossbow into its holder you walk slightly faster, you never really understood that.
  19. >Suddenly, Wolf!
  20. >A wolf made of wood, What the actual fuck.
  21. >Emptying your crossbow bolt into I'ts head it just shrugs it off and charges towards you, which your prepared for.
  22. >It jumps right over you instead of onto your blade.
  23. >Shitshitshitshitshit.
  24. >However, all is not lost as it snags on your blade, the fire enchantment kicking in and torching the damn thing alive.
  25. >First time 20K souls saved you.
  26. >Continuing down the trail, theres nothing of interest but a small town ahead with lots of.. Cattle?
  27. >Farmer village not pillaged by undead hollows yet? Have you found salvation at long last?
  28. >One of the small horses points to you with its hoof.
  29. >Others begin to notice you and out of nowhere, a fucking rainbow hits you in the bloody chest.
  30. >That hurts. That hurts alot.
  31. >You grab the rainbow horse with... Wings? And snatch it out of the air, but a purple glow around your hand stops further advancements on the damned creatures life.
  32. >The winged horse bucks you in the head and flies out of your hands.
  33. >Shit, it knocked you hard, too hard.
  34. >Is this what they called unconsciousness? You cant move, everythings black.
  35. >"Oooh, New arrival..It shall be fun peering into your head and seeing what juicy secrets you hold, Marvelous Chester." a voice you can only expect to hear in one of the Oolacile folkstories voice slyly and slowly speaks into your head.
  36. END of chapter 1.
  38. (first written story feedback pls.)
  39. (i completely butchered this dident i?)
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