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  1. Anyder - Today at 3:56 PM
  2. Please, keep ur ironic comments out of the discord, or I'll take care of them myself.
  3. Consdier this a warning.
  4. AsLan - Today at 3:58 PM
  5. Is irony banned?
  6. Anyder - Today at 3:59 PM
  7. No, but saying crap against SWBFspy is
  8. AsLan - Today at 3:59 PM
  9. No criticism rule?
  10. Anyder - Today at 4:00 PM
  11. U can write any critic u want, as long as it is based on reasonable facts and which seeks for improving something
  12. AsLan - Today at 4:01 PM
  13. So if I can criticise something and use irony i don't see what I did wrong
  14. Anyder - Today at 4:01 PM
  15. If u do not know what SWBFSpy Enagement is, good for u. But do not talk unless u know just a little about it.
  16. AsLan - Today at 4:01 PM
  17. I literally
  18. Anyder - Today at 4:01 PM
  19. Making fun of the SWBFSpy staff
  20. AsLan - Today at 4:01 PM
  21. Just made a pun to my friend Jean about the name
  22. Anyder - Today at 4:01 PM
  23. Is banned
  24. AsLan - Today at 4:01 PM
  25. Lol I know Jean better than you do
  26. Ask him if he cared
  27. It was a pun
  28. I didn't know they were banned either
  29. Anyder - Today at 4:02 PM
  30. Im not talking about Jean
  31. And I dont care if u know him better than I do.
  32. AsLan - Today at 4:02 PM
  33. I said nothing about nayone else
  34. *anyone
  35. Jean was the only name I mentioned
  36. Anyder - Today at 4:02 PM
  37. No
  38. SWBFSpy Engagement was
  39. And u made fun of the name
  40. AsLan - Today at 4:02 PM
  41. Dude
  42. You know what a pun is right?
  43. Anyder - Today at 4:03 PM
  44. No, dude no. I think I made myself clear
  45. AsLan - Today at 4:03 PM
  46. You realise its not remotely hostile?
  47. No you haven't
  48. Anyder - Today at 4:03 PM
  49. Im not talking about hostility
  50. AsLan - Today at 4:03 PM
  51. None of what you said is in the rules
  52. If puning isn't allowed
  53. And irony isn't allowed
  54. Fine
  55. But put it in the rules
  56. Because it isn't there
  57. Anyder - Today at 4:03 PM
  58. Disrespecting the staff is clearly a rule
  59. AsLan - Today at 4:03 PM
  60. Except I didn't disrespect anyone
  61. Anyder - Today at 4:03 PM
  62. And SWBFSpy Engagement is the Masterserver SWBFSpy Staff
  63. AsLan - Today at 4:04 PM
  64. I made a pun out of a NAME
  65. Anyder - Today at 4:04 PM
  66. U did make fun of something
  67. AsLan - Today at 4:04 PM
  68. Is that disrespectful
  69. Anyder - Today at 4:04 PM
  70. It is
  71. AsLan - Today at 4:04 PM
  72. So you think any humour is inherently disrespectful?
  73. You think by laughing at a group name
  74. Anyder - Today at 4:04 PM
  75. No
  76. AsLan - Today at 4:04 PM
  77. I'm disrespecting everyone in that group
  78. 0.o
  79. Are you serious?
  80. Anyder - Today at 4:04 PM
  81. U're making fun of anyone who has that group
  82. AsLan - Today at 4:04 PM
  83. Or are you just making trouble for the sake of it
  84. No I'm not
  85. Anyder - Today at 4:04 PM
  86. Because u claim it is somehow related to "marriage"
  87. Oh yes u are
  88. AsLan - Today at 4:05 PM
  89. Its a pun....
  90. You know what engagement is???
  91. Anyder - Today at 4:05 PM
  92. I clearly do
  93. And FYI it has more than 1 meaning
  94. AsLan - Today at 4:05 PM
  95. Then that name within the pun is related to marriage....
  96. Right
  97. So why is me using a different meaning disrespectful
  98. Anyder - Today at 4:05 PM
  99. But guess what, that engagement was not refered to marriage or whatever
  100. AsLan - Today at 4:05 PM
  101. For all you know
  102. I hadd no idea that that wasn't the intended meaning
  103. So stop jumping down my throat
  104. This is non-sensical
  105. Anyder - Today at 4:06 PM
  106. Well, then u should have done what I told u in first place, get to know what u're gonna speak of
  107. Otherwise u look like a disrespecting fool
  108. AsLan - Today at 4:06 PM
  109. No
  110. Ask Jean
  111. The person I was talking about
  112. Who is in this group
  113. If he felt disresspecte
  114. 100% guarantee you he didn't'
  115. Which shows that your criticism isn't objective
  116. Anyder - Today at 4:07 PM
  117. I do not care about how he feels
  118. I care about what I feel towards my own project
  119. "Yeah flame Jean pls he deserves it for getting married to BF2 software(edited)"
  120. AsLan - Today at 4:07 PM
  121. Right so this is YOUR feelings we're talking about now
  122. Not the engament group of which Jean is one
  123. You just said you didn't care about his feelings
  124. Anyder - Today at 4:07 PM
  125. Yes, its the engagement group
  126. Cause that group is the SWBFSpy Staff, which I choose as the masterserver admin
  127. Do u get it now ? Cause u really dont seem to
  128. "well clearly not if you're engaged to SWBFSpy(edited)"
  129. AsLan - Today at 4:08 PM
  130. No I don't, you say I disrespected the group, yet if you ask the group member I was talking to, he will not say he was not disrespected, then you say you don't care what he thinks, then you back to saying you do(edited)
  131. Anyder - Today at 4:08 PM
  132. And more which were deleted
  133. AsLan - Today at 4:09 PM
  134. It seems like really you can't allow jokes
  135. To individual people
  136. Or irony
  137. Or criticism
  138. And you're making trouble
  139. Anyder - Today at 4:09 PM
  140. If u had not mentioned the swbfspy engagement group I wouldnt have even opened this chat
  141. Im not
  142. Otherwise I wouldnt have the project I have
  143. AsLan - Today at 4:09 PM
  144. Basic rules:
  145. - No rapr crunk or 1337sp34k.
  146. - Please use proper grammar.
  147. - No swearing. This includes abbreviations.
  148. - No racial slurs and insults.
  149. - Please use proper grammar.
  150. - No sexual content or pornography, or links to any sites with it.
  151. - No hostility comments.
  152. - Do not post with only emoticons.
  153. - Do not type in all CAPs as it's considered shouting and rude.
  154. - Discussion of piracy of any form will NOT be tolerated.
  155. - Allow the moderators to moderate the posts--no "junior moderator" comments, please.
  156. - Avoid political and religious topics.(edited
  157. The only rule I have broken
  158. Is grammar
  159. Crucify me for that if you want
  160. But then you better do the same for others
  161. Anyder - Today at 4:10 PM
  162. Plus, what if the readers of the message dont know ure friends and ure making fun of Jean ?
  163. tugarin could have kicked u for that, for instance
  164. Im doing literally the same for others
  165. Here, and in SWBFGamers
  166. AsLan - Today at 4:10 PM
  167. What rule listed here have I broken?
  168. Apart from grammar
  169. Anyder - Today at 4:11 PM
  170. - No hostility comments.
  171. - No racial slurs and insults.
  172. AsLan - Today at 4:11 PM
  173. Hostility?
  174. But you said
  175. Anyder - Today at 4:03 PM
  176. Im not talking about hostility
  177. Nothing racial was said
  178. Anyder - Today at 4:11 PM
  179. If it wasnt because u said u were friends with jean, I would have seen it as a hostile comment
  180. AsLan - Today at 4:11 PM
  181. And it wasn't an insult
  182. Anyder - Today at 4:12 PM
  183. Im not talking about the racial part, what the hell
  184. AsLan - Today at 4:12 PM
  185. Well I have no clue what you're talking about at all at this point so how should I know
  186. You're going in circles
  187. Apparently you're not talking about hostility, but you say I'm being hostile, you interpret a joke as an insult, and this is my fault(edited)
  188. Anyder - Today at 4:12 PM
  189. U are
  190. It is. We do not have to know who u are friends with to moderate the server or the forum.
  191. AsLan - Today at 4:13 PM
  192. No it is not objectively an insult
  193. When I say somethign to someone
  194. It is not for you to decide
  195. What I mean
  196. It is for me and them(edited)
  197. Anyder - Today at 4:14 PM
  198. But guess what
  199. AsLan - Today at 4:14 PM
  200. If Jean felt insulted you'd have a right to come to me saying this
  201. But he doesn't
  202. Anyder - Today at 4:14 PM
  203. Im a moderator to moderate
  204. And if i dont find it suitable for the conversation, I remove it
  205. AsLan - Today at 4:14 PM
  206. Moderate? What are you moderating? NOBODY but yourself thinks this is a problem(edited)
  207. Anyder - Today at 4:14 PM
  208. Nobody ?
  209. Who else have u asked this to ?
  210. AsLan - Today at 4:14 PM
  211. Who else has messaged me or warned me?
  212. Anyder - Today at 4:15 PM
  213. Tugarin did send me a message
  214. AsLan - Today at 4:15 PM
  215. Great he sent YOU a message
  216. Thats useful to me
  217. Anyder - Today at 4:15 PM
  218. About all the incident with crow and how u feeded the troll
  219. AsLan - Today at 4:15 PM
  220. To help me know what I should and shouldn't do
  221. Anyder - Today at 4:15 PM
  222. Well, he's just starting as a mod, he's obviously gonna ask me what he should or shouldnt do
  223. AsLan - Today at 4:15 PM
  224. Either make your rules less ambgiuous and subjective
  225. Or don't come charging into a private message
  226. Anyder - Today at 4:16 PM
  227. Subjective ?
  228. AsLan - Today at 4:16 PM
  229. Telling me you'll censor your stuff
  230. Are you claiming what I said was objectively insult? If so then ask Jean/.
  231. Anyder - Today at 4:16 PM
  232. I'll censor any useless post. Text channels are to contribute to a conversation, not to say whatever comes to ur mind
  233. AsLan - Today at 4:17 PM
  234. Oh please, I made a perfectly valid contribution
  235. It was a criticism granted but thats not against any rules
  236. Anyder - Today at 4:17 PM
  237. If u wanna post whatever comes to ur mind, i'll create a channel for u to spam
  238. AsLan - Today at 4:17 PM
  239. And further more
  240. Anyder - Today at 4:17 PM
  241. What, how did that contribute to the conversation
  242. Please, I beg u to explain me how making fun of a group is contributing
  243. AsLan - Today at 4:18 PM
  244. Did you read my earlier message?
  245. Anyder - Today at 4:18 PM
  246. Even if it is the group ur dearest friend is in
  247. AsLan - Today at 4:18 PM
  248. About gameranger?
  249. Anyder - Today at 4:18 PM
  250. Yes, I deleted it
  251. AsLan - Today at 4:18 PM
  252. That was a valid contribution to discussion
  253. Unless criticism is banned ofc
  254. But thats not on any rules
  255. Anyder - Today at 4:18 PM
  256. That was clearly looking for the SWBFSpy community to get smaller by getting people to move to the GR Community
  257. What's with u and rules ?
  258. Seriousl
  259. y
  260. We are not ur parents to write everything u can or cant do
  261. AsLan - Today at 4:19 PM
  262. Yes seriously, don't expect me to allow you to roll up into private messages telling me off when I haven't broken rules you specifically laid out
  263. Anyder - Today at 3:56 PM
  264. Please, keep ur ironic comments out of the discord, or I'll take care of them myself.
  265. Consdier this a warning.
  266. You expect me to take this pseudo-threatening macho-admin comment lying down when you don't even tell me outright what rules I've broken?
  267. Anyder - Today at 4:21 PM
  268. pseudo-threatening macho-admin
  269. Seriously, just get the hell out of my sight.
  270. AsLan - Today at 4:21 PM
  271. Thats what I INTERPRETED it to be
  272. Which is as valid an interpretation as you saying what I said was an insult
  273. You don't have a leg to stand on
  274. Get the hell out of your sight? YOU turned up messaging ME, don't try playing that card.
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