
Queen of Hearts (Anon X Fleur De Lis) Chapter 1

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. >You give a playful smile, as you slowly shuffle the deck.
  2. >One two three, one two three.
  3. >One-
  4. >You part the deck, as your hands go apart.
  5. >You flip the card on the bottom with your fourth finger.
  6. >Just so slightly.
  7. >Two.
  8. >Your hand goes forward, to unite the two halves of the deck again.
  9. >The card you just touched is just loose enough to-
  10. >Your ring finger pushes it, and it goes inside your sleeve.
  11. >Your white gloves and the white sleeves of your shirt welcome it, and the card slides out of view.
  12. >Your suit jacket is enough to hide the card.
  13. >Three.
  14. >Your hands part again, and so goes on the shuffling.
  15. >When you made sure the card is securely inside, you stop.
  16. “Now, what was your card, my good sir?”
  17. >The elderly stallion hesitates, before facing you.
  18. >”Jack of Hearts.”
  19. “Right, right, Jack of Hearts.”
  20. >You smile, and set the deck on the table, over-turned.
  21. >In a single curve, you run the deck over the table, neatly showing all of the cards.
  22. “Go on, look for it.”
  23. >The stallion and other ponies’ eyes wander around the cards, searching for the said card.
  24. >They eventually dig through it, searching.
  25. >The stallion smiles to you, bewildered.
  26. >”Celestia, my boy, I can’t find it.”
  27. >You just smile back.
  28. “Right, since you can’t find it, I will.”
  29. >You rub your hands together.
  30. >One.
  31. >As one hand covers another, your hidden hand reaches into the sleeve.
  32. >Two.
  33. >Your index and middle finger feels the tip of the card, and you hold it.
  34. >Three.
  35. >You pull away, and eventually the hand-rub.
  36. >You hold the card between your hands, holding it with your index and thumb.
  37. “Is this your card?”
  38. >You flip it over, and show it to the stallion.
  39. >His monocle goes pop, and his mouth goes agape in shock.
  40. >”How did you…”
  41. >You smile.
  42. “A magician never reveals his secret.”
  43. >The crowd claps- clops?
  44. >Not sure.
  45. >You bow, and let the crowd disperse.
  46. >You collect your cards, and pocket them.
  47. >You look over the masses of ponies, in their own flaunty dresses.
  48. >You might say it was very gay, but then some readers might giggle like the faggots they are.
  49. >Each pony with their special looks.
  50. >An average night.
  51. >Fancypants always had the most interesting parties, or so you have heard.
  52. >He brought in all kinds of entertainment, and for a week, that was you.
  53. >A human, with a sleight of hand.
  54. >Amazing these ponies relied so much on the ‘Wow’ factor of explosions and colors, they are astounded by your simple card tricks.
  55. >That, and the lack of opposable thumbs.
  56. >You look around, trying to spy any pony to entertain.
  57. >You notice a mare, with her own company of stallions, far off in the room.
  58. >Target acquired.
  59. >You slowly make your way through the crowd, not forgetting to greet any pony you recognized from the last party.
  60. >They were rather glad you were here.
  61. >You smile and shake their hand, limiting your speech.
  62. >Rule number one, keep your mystique.
  63. >You nod and continue your path, careful not to bump into any ponies.
  64. >That would be rude.
  65. >You reach your target, eyeing them carefully.
  66. >There were four sofas, flanking a small table.
  67. >The table had a vase in the middle of it.
  68. >What was the flower?
  69. >Not sure.
  70. >You can spot at least five young stallions perched on each sofa, all leaning towards a certain mare in the furthest sofa.
  71. >You turn to face the mare in question, laid out on her own sofa.
  72. >She was a unicorn- that was certain.
  73. >She had long, white streaked pink mane, which waved and curled slowly, as it reached down.
  74. >Her eyes were light purple, with its shine.
  75. >She had a pure white coat, slightly lavender in tint.
  76. >From the length of her legs, she seemed taller than most of the mares you met.
  77. >Her slender body curved into a pleasing form.
  78. >Of course, to you, it was met with a blind eye.
  79. >She had three fleur de lis as her cutie mark.
  80. >Her eyes gracefully rolled over her apparent suitors, as she lay there, staring.
  81. >You just smiled top the crowd.
  82. >Their eyes were all on her, however.
  83. >That was a problem to you.
  84. >Rule number two, do not be ignored.
  85. >You take out your card again.
  86. >You lift one hand, making distance from the other.
  87. >You gave the cards a nice pinch to a certain corner, and it flies straight into your other hand.
  88. >The flapping of the cards catches the mare’s attention, and as she turns her head to you, the group follows.
  89. >It is almost comical.
  90. “How would you like a card trick?”
  91. >You crack your trademark smile.
  92. >You then hold the deck with one hand, and use your other hand to fan it out.
  93. “Pick a card.”
  94. >The rest of the group seems hesitant, glancing about.
  95. >The mare shoots you an indifferent expression, before glowing her horn.
  96. >She gently pulls out a card.
  97. >Queen of Hearts.
  98. >You smirk at the coincidence.
  99. >She slowly brings it up to her face, blinks once, and sends it back to you.
  100. “Right…”
  101. >You shuffle once again, not forgetting to throw the hand over to another.
  102. >The rest of the crowd seems impressed; you can see some wide eyes.
  103. >Gets them all the time.
  104. >You finally stop, and draw a card.
  105. >You look over it.
  106. >It’s obviously wrong.
  107. >You raise a brow, and glance back and forth.
  108. “Is this your card?” You say, flashing the Ace of Diamonds.
  109. >”No.” She answers, turning her head away.
  110. >The rest of the crowd looks annoyed.
  111. “Ah, I suppose you are right.”
  112. >You hold up the card.
  113. “After all.”
  114. >You flick the card.
  115. “You’re the queen.”
  116. >The crowd gasps.
  117. >You smirk, holding up the Queen of Hearts.
  118. >The mare looks to you again, and smiles gently.
  119. >Looks like you got them all under you strings, Anon.
  120. >Time to break out other tricks.
  122. >After several more card tricks, and even the ancient rope trick, you have the crowd eating out of your hands.
  123. >Even the mare clapped a few times.
  124. >You finish your tricks, and retreat.
  125. >Many cheer after you, but not loud enough to startle the soft melody of background music.
  126. >You sit in your own corner, a small chair near the mini bar.
  127. >You don’t forget to take your complimentary drink, a simple glass of martini.
  128. >Your friends back home said you were being a pussy.
  129. >They might be right, but hey-
  130. >You have your way with your hands.
  131. >You watch the party, as it slowly dies out.
  132. >Even with its decline, it will still go on for another hour or two.
  133. >You make sure you are comfortable, and sink into the cushioned chair.
  134. >You close your eyes, and enjoy the steady rhythm in the background.
  135. >That sweet violin ring…
  136. >”Excuse me.”
  137. >You open your eyes, to see the pink maned mare again.
  138. “I’m sorry, but I’m in a break.”
  139. >”I know.”
  140. >She sits across you, eyeing your drink.
  141. >”I see you have quite a taste.”
  142. >You smile and fix yourself.
  143. “Who am I to argue with the beautiful lady?”
  144. >You smile, as you take another sip.
  145. >”You are quite a persona, aren’t you?”
  146. “Wait, where are my manners?”
  147. >You stand.
  148. >You walk over to the mini bar.
  149. >You knock on the counter, catching the bartender’s attention.
  150. >You flash the glass you are holding, and put up two fingers.
  151. >He nods.
  152. >As he gets to work, you turn to the lady waiting.
  153. >She slowly passes a glance at you with one eye, and then returns to her seating.
  154. >You smile, and take the two glasses, as they are handed to you.
  155. >You hold the glass on its thin body, careful not to disturb the cool liquids above.
  156. >You stir yours a little with a gentle flick of the wrist, swirling the cherry inside.
  157. >You silently walk over, and hand the mare the other drink.
  158. >She takes it with her magic, and places it on the table.
  159. >You return to your seat, and face the mare.
  160. “You have quite a persona as well.”
  161. >You say, taking a sip.
  162. >”Oh?” She replies, taking a sip as well.
  163. >”How so?”
  164. “First of all, we share similar taste.”
  165. >You smile.
  166. “Second of all, you can be the center of attention.”
  167. >She takes another sip.
  168. >”Well, I try to keep my mystique, though.”
  169. >Wait.
  170. >Did she just say the buzzword?
  171. >Bet she doesn’t know-
  172. >”And I always try to keep it interesting.”
  173. >Well, shit.
  174. >Rule three; keep it interesting.
  175. >You can’t help to raise your brow again.
  176. “That is interesting, looks like we are both entertainers in heart.”
  177. >You finish your drink.
  178. >You twirl the glass, letting the cherry roll around.
  179. “I always end up doing this-“
  180. >You look up and stop.
  181. >She’s doing the same?
  182. >”To savor the taste once more?”
  183. >You can’t help grinning, while you reached for the stalk of the cherry.
  184. >You lift it quickly to your mouth, and hold the small berry between your teeth.
  185. >You pull off the stalk, and set it down.
  186. >You can’t help noticing the mare is doing the same.
  187. “Do I know you from somewhere?”
  188. >You smile.
  189. >Goddamn Rule 63 coming into play, right here.
  190. >”Aren’t we entertainers in heart?”
  191. >You don’t believe in fate, you do not.
  192. >DO NOT
  193. >”Then I say we knew each other since long ago.”
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