
RE Team O - Felix/Beth1

Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. Felix & Bethany, 9/26/17
  3. Felix twitched nervously fixing his shirt absentmindedly. Unlike usual, his current attire was not caked in grease and torn all over. Breathing in and out to calm himself he knocked on the inn room that he believed Bethany and Belladonna to have housed themselves in.
  5. Toweling off her hair from cleaning up after her morning run, Beth whipped up her a new hair ribbon from the number laying over the back of a chair when she heard a rap on the door. Sighing, she headed over, pulling on her boots, and opened the door. "Bella, did your forget-! Oh! Hello... Felix was it?"
  7. Felix jumped a bit at the door opening. His face fell a little when he realized it was Beth who had come to the door. "Yeah that's me" he added a little to hastily "I take it Bella is out?"
  9. Bethany took a moment to look over the man standing in front of her. She'd tried to at least get a general feel for the people she'd be working with, but this Felix she wasn't sure about, yet. "I'm afraid she's out right now, yes. Can I help you with something instead?"
  11. "Well I just have to meet her of course!" he said enthusiastically. Cupping his hands together he stared past Beth and said dreamily "she's just so beautiful."
  13. Beth started at his energy, then slide forward slightly, blocking his gaze from where he was trying to peer into their room. She assumed he was trying to spy her sisters undergarments, or something. "Ah, well, I'm not sure that's such a good idea. We're merely supposed to be working together, that's all."
  15. She had a definite edge to her previously pleasant voice.
  17. Snapping back to reality for the moment Felix jumped up and down slightly like an overenthusiastic child "Don't you see meeting her would help me so much with my ideas," his nervousness from before had all but left his mind at this point.
  19. Taking another step foward fully into the hall, forcing Felix to step back lest he bump into her, Beth pulled the door shut behind her with a definite snap, eyes narrowed. "Look, Felix, I don't know what barn you crawled out of, but I'm sure she wants nothing to do with these... ideas... you might have."
  21. Felix, startled, would be forced to step back by the sheer intensity of Beth. He blinked stupidly a few times. "What you think she would mind taking some measurements? Last time I tried that nearly got my arm ripped off, buttttt I was hoping with your sister that might be different."
  23. Beth paused briefly in her building fury, shocked at the... sheer audacity of this man. Coming up to their private rooms, hoping to meet her sister... "What are you even after, coming up here?! You think she's some... model you can paw over, just cause you can't keep your crazed ideas to yourself? In the middle of the day?!"
  25. Felix was...well naive to put it lightly, so although there was a bit of him that started to realize something was wrong his mouth just automatically responded to the last thing he heard. "I came up here to set up a meeting! I thought the middle of the day would be the best time to see her!" he added with a pout "and my ideas are great!"
  27. Beth shook a finger at him, poking Felix in the chest. "Look, I don't think I want you hanging around, trying to spy on my sister, planning who knows what. I thought you were just a spacey guy tinkering around with your little toys or whatever, but I've got my eye on you now, buddy."
  29. This time Felix would actually register something with what Beth said. That little part of him trying to tell him what was wrong was going crazy now. "Wait...why would I want to spy on your sister."
  31. Beth frowned, folding her arms, trying to look down at the (taller?) man in front of her. "Isn't... that why you came up here? To gain access to Bella while I was out?"
  33. He'd stammer out something unintelligible as things started clicking in his brain. He started blushing profusely as he went over everything he had said, thinking I did say I was interested in the wyvern right!? RIGHT!? At this point he buried his face in his hands, still blushing profusely mind you, and screamed a little to let it all out "AHHHHHHHHHH". He got down on his knees and started to beg Beth. "Pleasssssseeeeee oh by the gods I didn't mean your sister, I want to meet the wyvern, I was hoping, you know, your sis could show me her mount so I could get some measurements, and the beautiful comment, I also meant the wyvern." He said all this with one very long breathe. He gave a small look upward and added "Please don't kill me."
  35. Stepping back when he dropped to the floor, Beth watching the man with narrowed eyes, honestly baffled by the abrupt change of attitude from cocky to repentant. "You... were talking about... Impulse? You've been checking out her wyvern?! Are you... are you some sort of... dracophile?!"
  37. Felix stared for a bit not quite sure how he ended up in this situation, but realizing it was his fault in the first place. "Wha- No! I just want to take measurements in a controlled environment for my work! They don't like me that much so I was going to see if your sister could help. I just think they are beautiful creatures that's all I swear!" He cupped his face again "ah I'm such an idiot...."
  39. Beth gradually calmed down, slowly, as she started to peice together that Felix wasn't a stalker, or a threat, just... an idiot. "What... sort... of work are you talking about, exactly? What do you need wyverns for, anyway?"
  41. She couldn't help but feel she was beginning to understand why the wyverns felt nervous around him.
  43. Felix's ears perked up at the question. He shot up quickly and like an excited child started talking rapidly "Well you see, I create like, these puppets of metal string and wood, and well I modeled them after the badland wyverns, which are you know just the most majestic creatures. So you know I need to get the dimensions right, so they can be in all their glory on the battlefield, I'll show them to you sometime!" His eyes sparkled with passion and excitement.
  45. It was now Bethany's turn to step back, hands held up, trying to stem the barrage of excited chatter. "Hey, uh... how about... are you SURE you're not gonna do anything... weird... with Bella or her wyvern? You're positive?"
  47. Taken a bit aback by this Felix responded "What? No, of course not! I'm not some creep, I don't even know you two"
  49. Beth couldn't help but think that's something a creep might say, but she shook her head and sighed. "Ok, look. I... suppose I can introduce you to Bella. Just... just be good."
  51. Now that talk of his work had died down all the flustered feelings from the previous interactions came flooding back into his mind. He wobbled, overwhelmed for a moment, by all the embarrassment from before. "Thank you so much...but I...I think I need to lie down for a bit..." with that he'd turn around to leave, and walk promptly into a wall. Stumbled and dazed he'd raise his hand and turn back, and in an attempt to nonchalantly pass off the moment would say "I'm okay!" before hobbling away.
  53. Seeing the guy smash into the wall, Beth took a couple steps forward, holding her hand up. "Hey, uh... do you need help? You don't look so good!"
  55. She frowned as he stumbled down the hall, wondering how long it would take him to realize his room was the other way down the hallway. Shrugging, she decided he could handle himself, and entered her room to find her cloak.
  57. ==END RP==
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