
Writefag - A Very Special Place (unfinished)

Jul 16th, 2014
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  1. "All right Anon. New life at a new school. Hopefully it'll be better than back home"
  2. >Yeah, that's me, Anon Y. Mous.
  3. >Most of my friends call me Anon.
  4. >Well, if I had any that is
  5. >I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say, I wasn't with the "IN" crowd
  6. >I wasn't even in a crowd
  7. >Too much of a loser to be with the popular kids
  8. >Not enough of a loser to hang with the nerds
  9. >I was just me
  10. >I moved to a small apartment here, in order to spend my senior year in Canterlot High School.
  11. >My parents thought it would be better than to go to Detrot High.
  12. >Hey, new beginnings right?
  13. >Well, that's the idea
  14. >Hmmph, this place seems pretty much the same to Detrot High
  15. >Bunch of kids hanging around the halls, noise abundant everywhere, and th-
  16. >What is that coming right t-
  17. >"Coming through!!"
  18. >With that little warning, I got tackled to the ground
  19. >What a way to start the first day at school, minor bruising with a side of slight concussion
  20. >"Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! I was in a hurry an-"
  21. >Jeeze did she keep talking
  22. >Rubbing my head, I managed to regain my bearings and took a good look at my assailant
  23. >She was still apologizing when I did look at her
  24. >She wore a grey tee with a bubble design and jean shorts, looking like a typical teen
  25. >But that's where it stops
  26. >Her hair was golden blonde and her eyes of the same color
  27. >Speaking of which, her eyes were crossed
  28. >I couldn't tell if she was still talking to me or someone else
  30. >I slowly rose to my feet, waving my hand to dispell any of her doubts
  31. "It's fine. I should have been paying more attention"
  32. >She was one to quickly accept my apology as she gave me a big hug
  33. > I didn't expect this, and blushed as she did so
  34. >"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought I was gonna get yelled at again..."
  35. >Her mood switched from jolly to sullen instantly
  36. "Hey, it was an accident after all. I don't have any reason to yell. Just be careful when you're running somewhere."
  37. >I gave her a smile, hoping to brighten her mood a bit
  38. >She gladly returned the smile as she nodded
  39. >"Thank you mr..."
  40. "Anon. My name is Anon Y. Mous. Nice to meet you."
  41. >She smiled once more.
  42. >"My name is Derpy Hooves. Nice to meet you too Anon. Oh no, I'm gonna be late again! I hope we can talk again! See ya!"
  43. >As quickly as she arrived, she vanished
  44. "Derpy huh? Well at least I talked to someone new. That's a good start."
  45. >From what I can gather, things are gonna be fun at this new place.
  46. >No matter what school you go to, classes still tend to be just boring
  47. >Good thing I had a study hall right before lunch
  48. >A nice hour to be alone with my thoughts, and maybe homework if I wasnt feeling lazy.
  49. >A few of the kids were falling straight into those cliques just as I had thought
  50. >The jocks were in one corner of the room, and the nerds in the others
  51. >Neckbeards towards the back and preppy girls near the front
  52. >Just about everyone or everything was in it's own group
  53. >That is to say mostly everyone/thing
  54. >I didn't belong to anyone of them
  55. >This was beginning to become a repeat from last year
  56. >Only one way to deal with this
  57. >Keep it bottled inside and try not to flip out during school
  58. >"Hey, why don't you look straight at me when i'm speaking to you?"
  59. >I turned my head to look at the owner of the voice
  60. >Is that...Derpy?
  62. >"Didn't you hear me? Or are you as retarded as you look?"
  63. >Damn, did that yellow chick really bring some harsh words
  64. >Derpy shifted in her seat, her hands fiddling with the other
  65. >She obviously didn't like what was being said, and I had to admit, it was kind of a low blow
  66. >"Can't think of anything to say tard? I guess you really are dumber than you look"
  67. >I could feel that one from here
  68. >The yellow chick laughed proudly at what she said
  69. >Derpy on the other hand didn't take it so well
  70. >A small puddle formed on her desk that dripped from her face
  71. >Yup, those were the waterworks.
  72. >Okay, she definitely didn't deserve that
  73. >All right, it's time to stop this
  74. >As if on cue, Derpy got up from out of her seat and ran out of the room
  75. >A trail of tears followed her as she did
  76. >I really felt bad for her, considering I didn't see her for the rest of the day
  77. >Maybe it was just a coincidence
  78. >Finally, the school day was over
  79. >Nothing too eventful happened, just a typical day at school I guess
  80. >"Did you see that crossed eyed loser run out crying? One of my better works I hafta say."
  81. >I just shook my head and walked down the front steps
  82. >I wanted no part in that conversation
  83. >Walking down the street, I saw nothing but kids walking about, going in an out of shops
  84. >I should have suspected as much from a populated school
  85. >"I can't stop! Watch out!"
  87. "Huh?"
  88. >I turned to face the source of the voice, only to find myself with a blur of gray charging into my body at full speed
  89. "Did someone get the license plate number of that truck?"
  90. >"Oh Anon! I'm sorry!"
  91. >I shook my head, coming back to reality
  92. "Derpy? We really have to stop meeting like this"
  93. >I let out a soft chuckle
  94. >"You're not angry...?"
  95. >I shook my head once more
  96. >I can't stay mad at someone like her
  97. "No, of course not Derpy"
  98. >She leaned and hugged me once more
  99. >"Thank you so much! I think I'll run you over more often!"
  100. "I guess I wouldn't mind that. Do people really scold you for that?"
  101. >She sadly nodded her head
  102. >"And not just that...I try to do good, I really do! But something always messes up...and i'm the one to blame..."
  103. >I rose to my feet, dusting myself off as i did so
  104. >I stuck my hand out, offering it to Derpy
  105. >She let cracked a small smile and took the offer
  106. >Helping her up, I offered to buy her something to eat
  107. >She accepted it, on the grounds that she pays for her own meal
  108. >Well, I didn't mind it.
  109. >after all, she was a nice girl
  110. >After taking shop in a small diner, I began to talk to her even more
  111. >Over the nice snack, she told me that she's been picked on for her appearance
  112. >And from the stories, she's sort of a klutz
  113. >But she has also been trying her best
  114. >I felt a bit sorry for her
  115. >Trying your damned hardest only to be stopped by some sort of divine intervention
  117. >After leaving the diner she gave me one more hug
  118. >I kinda was taken by surprise
  119. >And I felt a bit of blush tint my cheeks
  120. >"Thanks for being so nice to me Anon. It means a lot..."
  121. "h-hey. Its no problem at all."
  122. >She let go of me before saying good bye
  123. >She really was a carefree girl, and shouldn't have to deal with those jerks at school
  124. >After walking a bit more, I reached my apartment
  125. >I couldn't help but think about what she said earlier
  126. >"Thanks for being so kind to me. It means a lot..."
  127. >Really?
  128. >No one has even talked to her?
  129. >She doesn't seem to do the things on purpose
  130. >They are exactly as they seem, accidents
  131. >I yawned softly before retreating to my room
  132. >Jeeze, time really flew by today
  133. >I practically jumped into bed
  134. >Things seemed to get a bit better, and maybe that golden haired girl was part of it
  135. >One thing is for sure though
  136. >Things are going to get real interesting in Canterlot High
  138. >After spending a month here in Canterlot, I've learned many things
  139. >One of those things is that no matter what kind of life you've had, someone has had it worse
  140. >Sadly this was the case with Derpy
  141. >I learned about this during one of the study hall periods
  142. >Now study hall was just horrible
  143. >That yellow chick, Sunset Shimmer I think her name is, just kept on harassing poor Derpy everyday
  144. >And everyday it ended the same way, with Derpy running out of the room in tears
  145. >Well I decided I should follow her, just to show her some support when others wouldn't
  146. >Thing was, I really didn't get why, but I just felt terrible when people outright disrespected her
  147. >I also felt angry, and shocked
  148. >Maybe because she was really my only friend.
  149. > Since day one, she was the only one to talk to me.
  150. > And it seemed to be that I was the only one who talked to her like a normal person
  151. >Maybe it was because we came from the same world
  152. >Sort of
  153. >Whatever the reason was, I felt the need to just help her smile whenever she got sad
  154. >After a bit of tailing, I lost sight of her>Let me tell you, she moves faster than most of the kids in track
  155. >I searched around the hall I last saw her in
  156. >Not so much as a knocked over trash can
  157. >I sighed softly in defeat, just hoping she was all right
  158. >Tucking my hands into my pockets, I walked back to study hall
  159. >Or I would have if something didn't catch my ears
  160. >Just the faintest sound of a rattle in the...Janitor's closet?
  162. >I slowly stepped up to the door, and put my ear against it
  163. >Sure enough there was something making noise on the other side
  164. >I gently tapped on the door, trying to get whoever's attention, I assumed Derpy.
  165. >No answer, though the sound of someone sniffling did continue
  166. "Derpy. It's Anon. I'm comin-"
  167. >"N-no! Please...d-don't come..."
  168. >Yup, that was her
  169. >"Please...just..."
  170. >Her voice cracked with what little she spoke
  171. "Okay. Then I'll just stay out here. Does that sound fine?"
  172. >Silence seemed to be my only answer
  173. >It just killed me a bit
  174. >"Why...?"
  175. >I waited to see if she would say something else
  176. >That was all she said, nothing more, nothing less
  177. >All right, I thought to address the elephant in the room
  178. "I..I'm sorry...I don't understand..."
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