
Incest- Luna's Lesson by Anonymous

Oct 10th, 2016
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  1. >”We know the snacks to be upon these lower cupboards…”
  2. >You’re not checking out her butt.
  3. >You’re definitely not feeling hot and tingly about this at all...
  4. >”Moonbeam have you seen the su-… oh my, it would seem that we have found something delicious after all.”
  5. >Your mom is looking at the tent in your pants hungrily.
  6. “AH!”
  7. >You jump while still laying down, so the result is more of a flop.
  8. >You’re all sweaty and breathing heavy.
  9. >You’re also sporting a very har-
  10. >”Anonymous? Art though unharmed?” your mom asks as she bolts into your room
  11. >Quickly you through the covers around yo in an effort to hide your whyboner.
  12. “Mom! D-don’t just come barging in like that!”
  13. >”We were worried that thou were’t ill.”
  14. “I’m not the ill one, you are. I thought Auntie said you have to stay in your chambers for a week.”
  15. >”How could we possible restrain ourselves from our darling boy in his time of need?”
  16. >Your face feel really hot now.
  17. “N-need? I j-just had a bad dream is all… I’m fine really!”
  18. >”Oh? We art fully aware that thine dream was… bad…"
  19. >Shit! Of course she is!
  20. “Uhm…. uh…”
  21. >Come on Anon, think of something!
  22. >”Anonymous, tis nothing to be embarrassed about our child. We are the Princess of Night! The sensuous one of the celestial sisters!”
  23. >NOPE!
  24. >JUST NOPE!
  25. >You plug your ears.
  26. “Oh stars MOM STOP! I- I don’t need to hear about th-that!”
  27. >Your mom trots closer to you.
  28. >Really close.
  30. >Like her head is hovering over your bed close.
  31. >You can see her shimmering mane is dull and that sweat has matted her forehead.
  32. >She also reeks.
  33. >But it’s in a weird… earthy flower kind of way…
  34. >It’s really…
  35. >NOPE! STOP!
  36. >”Anonymous, cease thine cries. We hath assured thee, we are not insulted by thine interest.”
  37. >You can’t even speak you’re so embarrassed right now.
  38. >Your mother gives you a warm smile.
  39. >”This day was to come eventually my son, thou art growing into a fine prince. Thine desires are growing as well, passing beyond tickets and baubles. We art a very proud mother.”
  40. >You are beyond confused now.
  41. >Is she congratulating you on getting hard to her.
  42. >”Tell us moonbeam, art thou familiar with the term Jus Primae Noctis?”
  43. “I… I think I saw it in some history books” you say weakly.
  44. >Your mother’s smile shifts from warm to something more… different.
  45. >”In order to preserve the noble bloodlines during a time when life was not as assured as it is now, t’was our royal duty to instruct the young stallions in the proper ways such that their bloodline had greater chances to succeed.”
  46. >Instruct… she can’t possibly mean.
  47. >”Never has it dawned upon us that we would have a darling boy of our own… and now we have the blessed opportunity to instruct you Anonymous.”
  48. “W-wait! Y-you don’t mean…”
  49. >Your mom raises herself onto your bed.
  50. >You try scrambling to move away, but she has you pinned onto your back in her magic.
  51. >”Anonymous, do not be alarmed dearest son. Greatly pleased are we to have this opportunity…”
  52. >She looks behind her at her raised tail.
  54. >”Surely the timing was a gift from the fates themselves.”
  55. >She looms over you now.
  56. >They earthy flowery smell is much stronger now and you can hear something that sounds like rhythmic squishing.
  57. >”And now we begin with the first lesson Anon, thou shalt woo every mare by kiss alone when we art done with thee.”
  58. >The smell, the sight, the sound, your dream, the throbbing in your bottoms.
  59. >You don’t think you can fight this anymore.
  60. >She leans down and closes her eyes slowly…
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