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- function writeCenter(msg,y,sLen)
- if sLang==1 or sLang==0 then len = sLen else len = #msg end
- term.setCursorPos((52-len)/2,y)
- term.write(msg)
- end
- function findfromback(arg,w)
- for n = 1,#arg do
- local a=#arg-n
- if string.sub (arg, a,a+#w-1)==w then
- return a;
- end
- end
- end
- function writeAsNSymbol(text,n,y)
- if n >= 0 and n <= 50 then
- for i=1,#text do
- term.setCursorPos(n,y-1+i)
- write(text[i])
- end
- end
- end
- function progresBar(pos,x,y,len)
- local i, procentAsSymbol, progress
- local progres = ""
- procentAsSymbol = math.modf (100/(len-2))
- progress = math.modf (pos/procentAsSymbol)
- for i=1,len-2 do
- if i <= progress then progres = progres.."|" else progres = progres.." " end
- end
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- write("["..progres.."]")
- end
- function buttonAllPos(bts,x,y,btsn,sel)
- local i,event,key,xx,yy
- local len=#bts*2
- xx,yy=term.getSize()
- if sLang == 1 then
- len=len+1
- for i=1,#bts do len=len+(#bts[i])/2 end
- else
- for i=1,#bts do len=len+#bts[i] end
- end
- if type(x)=="string" then
- if x=="left" then x=1
- elseif x=="center" then x=(xx-len+2)/2
- elseif x=="right" then x=xx-len+1
- else x=1 end
- end
- if type(y)=="string" then
- if y=="top" then y=1
- elseif y=="center" then y=yy/2
- elseif y=="bottom" then y=yy
- else y=1 end
- end
- if sel==nil then sel=1 end
- while true do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.clearLine()
- for i=1,#bts do
- if i==sel then term.write("["..bts[i].."]") else term.write(" "..bts[i].." ") end
- end
- if sel=="break" then break end
- event,key=os.pullEvent("key")
- if key==203 and sel>1 then sel=sel-1
- elseif key==205 and sel<#bts then sel=sel+1
- elseif key==28 then break end
- end
- if btsn==nil then return bts[sel] else return btsn[sel] end
- end
- function TextGet(pos)
- lang={}
- lang[1]={
- {"Данная программа установит на ваш","компьютер ос MineX","MineX - полуграфическая ОС для ComputerCraft"},
- "Вас приветствует мастер установки ос MineX",
- {"<Назад","Выйти","Дальше>"},
- {"Внимание! Все существовавшие ранее","файлы будут недоступны"},
- {"<Назад","Выйти","Установить!"},
- "Вы уверены что хотите прервать процесс установки?",
- {"Да","Нет"},
- "Подождите пока мастер установки MineX OS выполнит",
- "необходимые операции..."
- }
- lang[2]={
- {"Dannaya programma ustanovit na vash","kompyuter os MineX","MineX - polugraficheskaya OS dlya","ComputerCraft"},
- "Vas privetstvuet master ustanovki os MineX",
- {"<Nazad","Vyiti","Dalshe>"},
- {"Vnimanie! Vse sushchestvovavshie ranyee","faily budut nedostupny"},
- {"<Nazad","Vyiti","Ustanovit!"},
- "Vy uvereny chto khotite vyiti iz protsessa ustanovki?",
- {"Da","Net"},
- "Podozhdite poka master ustanovki OS MineX vypolnit",
- "nyeobkhodimye operatsii..."
- }
- lang[3]={
- {"This program install on your","computer OS MineX","MineX - halfgraphical OS for ComputerCraft"},
- "Welcome to MineX OS Setup",
- {"<Back","Exit","Next>"},
- {"Attention! All pre-existing files","will are not available"},
- {"<Back","Exit","Install!"},
- "Do you really want to cancel the installation?",
- {"Yes","No"},
- "Wait until the installation wizard MineX OS",
- "will perform the necessary operations ..."
- }
- return lang[sLang][pos]
- end
- function FormInstallDisabet (func)
- writeCenter("--------------------------------------------------",7,50)
- writeCenter(TextGet(6),8,49)
- writeCenter("--------------------------------------------------",10,50)
- local select = buttonAllPos(TextGet(7),"center",9,{1,2})
- if select == 2 then
- func()
- else
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- end
- function FormHello()
- term.clear()
- writeCenter("Выберите язык/vuberite yazuk/select a language",8,46)
- sLang = buttonAllPos({"Русский","Russkiy","English"},13,9,{1,2,3})
- FormInfo()
- end
- function FormInfo()
- term.clear()
- writeCenter(TextGet(2),1,42)
- writeAsNSymbol(TextGet(1),5,3)
- local select = buttonAllPos(TextGet(3),"right","bottom",{1,2,3})
- if select==1 then
- FormHello()
- elseif select == 2 then
- FormInstallDisabet(FormInfo)
- else
- FormWarning()
- end
- end
- function FormWarning()
- term.clear()
- writeCenter(TextGet(2),1,42)
- writeAsNSymbol(TextGet(4),5,3)
- local select = buttonAllPos(TextGet(5),"right","bottom",{1,2,3})
- if select==1 then
- FormInfo()
- elseif select==2 then
- FormInstallDisabet(FormWarning)
- else
- FormProgres()
- end
- end
- function FormProgres()
- term.clear()
- writeCenter(TextGet(2),1,42)
- writeCenter("--------------------------------------------------",2,50)
- writeCenter(TextGet(8),3,50)
- writeCenter(TextGet(9),4,23)
- writeCenter("--------------------------------------------------",5,50)
- local response = http.get(
- ""
- )
- build = response.readAll()
- response.close()
- local response = http.get(
- """/fl"
- )
- fl = response.readAll()
- response.close()
- f:write(fl)
- f:close()
- dofile("fl")
- for i=1,#fileslist do
- if fileslist[i][1]=="dir" then
- fs.makeDir(fileslist[i][2])
- progresBar(i*100/#fileslist,1,9,49)
- else
- local response = http.get(
- """/"..fileslist[i][1]
- )
- fils = response.readAll()
- response.close()
- progresBar(i*100/#fileslist,1,9,49)
- file:write(fils)
- file:close()
- end
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- sLang = 0
- FormHello()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- textutils.slowPrint("MineX installation compleated...")
- textutils.slowPrint("CraftBIOS will be rebooted...")
- sleep(1)
- os.reboot()
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