

Apr 10th, 2015
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  1. [b][url=""]Chris Jericho[/url] vs [url=""]Taz[/url][/b]
  3. Jericho started off trying to use his speed advantage to outmaneuver Taz, but Taz kept outwrestling the Lionheart. When Jericho went for a hammerlock, Taz was able to reverse it into a Northern Lights. Jericho went for a dropkick, Taz was able to dodge and catch Jericho into a gutwrench. Jericho went for a huricanrana, and Taz was able to reverse it into powerbomb position. He seemed to have been going for the pop up belly to belly from King Of The Ring, but Jericho saw it coming, and when Taz threw him up he turned in midair and nailed a reverse Frankensteiner! Jericho flipped Taz over, and put a foot on his chest, as if Taz were some new frontier Jericho was claiming.
  5. 1...2, Taz pushed Jericho's foot off his chest, knocking him off balance just enough for Taz to execute a takedown and drive Jericho to the mat before wearing him down with body blows and elbows to the head. Jericho did his best to protect his head until he was able to use his legs to push Taz away. Jericho used this small window to scramble to the outside and get some time to breathe. Taz just stood there in the center of the ring, waiting. Jericho tried to taunt him from outside the ring, but Taz just kept waiting. As the ref counted to 7, Taz hunkered down, and thrust his arms out to his sides.
  9. As the ref counted to 8, Jericho grabbed one of the ropes, and began to tentatively enter the ring. At 9, he rolled himself in, and right back out again, tapping the side of his head. Jericho got a mic and climbed on top of the announce table, turning to the crowd.
  11. "SEE? YOU CAN'T OUTWIT THE LIONHEART, CHRIS JERICHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" TAZ LEAPED OVER THE ROPES AND KNOCKED JERICHO RIGHT INTO THE CROWD! Taz dragged Jericho around the Albert Hall floor as the ref took his sweet time counting. Eventually, Taz tossed Jericho into the wall that separated the floor from the stands and wound up for a big splash, but Jericho was able to dodge and hit a devastating enzuigiri that knocked Taz's head into the wall! Jericho took the advantage just as the ref got to 5, and proceeded to drag Taz back to the ring. As the ref counted 8, Jericho whipped Taz into the barricade, and hit a flying shoulder block that knocked the both of them back into the ringside area. Jericho rolled Taz back into the ring and waited on the apron as Taz struggled back to his feet before slingshotting himself into the ring, bouncing off the ropes, and hitting a dropkick right into Taz's chest! Jericho wasted no time grabbing Taz's arms, locking them into double underhook position, and powerbombing him right to the mat, and pushing down as hard as he could as he kept Taz's legs hooked for the cover
  13. 1...2...2.9, Taz got the shoulder up! Jericho hauled Taz back up into powerbomb position, but Taz was able to free one leg, and reverse into a cross armbreaker! Jericho thrashed and writhed as he tried to keep his fingers locked so Taz couldn't completely lock in the armbreaker, and was able to get his leg on the ropes. Taz kept the hold in as long as he could, but wasn't able to completely lock it in by the time he had to break at 4. However, he did keep close, and was able to get Jericho set up for the Tazplex! But Jericho was able to grab the ref's sleeve, and as Taz whipped him overhead, the ref went as well, and flopped his way out of the ring as Taz kept Jericho's shoulders pinned. Once Jericho was sure the ref was out of commission, he kicked Taz right in the groin, forcing him to break the hold, and rolled out of the ring to get his guitar out of its case. Jericho rolled back in the ring, guitar in hand, and spun out of the way of an Angry Man's Clothesline before El Kabonging Taz with the guitar! Jericho went for the cover right as the ref regained consciousness.
  15. [b]1...2...3. Jericho wins.[/b]
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