
AiDS Episode #1 -- Nightswitch / Welcome to Dark Skyes

Apr 5th, 2014
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  1. based anon:
  2. "Hey Nightswitch, what does your cutie mark even mean?"
  3. >S/he looks at you before looking up at the sky, and round sun above the clouds, "It symbolizes the duality of gender, and how one follows the other. Night into day, day into night. And how both rely on the other, I am mare, and I am stallion."
  4. "Soooooo that meeeeeanssss?"
  5. >S/he looks over at you and flicks her/is scarf, "It means I swing both ways, you wanna blow job or not?"
  6. "Depends, is night mare, or stallion?"
  7. >"Mare."
  8. "Shit, I'll take it."
  9. >You unzip your pants as s/he closes her/is eyes and begins to go down on you. S/he can really suck cock. Today was a good day.
  10. /based anon
  11. my writing:
  12. >It's like nothing you've ever felt before. This was your first time with anyone outside your species... (or anyone but yourself for that matter)
  13. >This sure is one weird fucking highschool that some folks are so relaxed about sex like this
  14. >You consider holding the back of Night's head, but s/he is doing one *hell* of a job without your doing anything
  15. >In a way that's seamless beyond description, Night pushes you to be layed mostly back and rotates h(er)/(is)self without missing a beat.
  16. >You relax and just let h(er)/(im) proceed with whatever.
  17. >You have some reading to do as classes fire up but it can wait til tomorrow. You're the new kid, and you can't be expected to be completely on your shit right anyways life is... good right now.
  18. >Your eyes were closed for a bit but you open them when you feel a pressure from either side about your upper torso.
  19. >It takes you a second to process what's going on. Night has wrapped h(is)/(er) legs around your upper back, squeezing you tightly and is -- get this -- now belly up toward you, but still mouthing the d by arching h(is)/(er) back back down towards your crotch way more than you thought physically possible.
  20. >(S)he squeezes you closer like this and the area just beneath her tail begins to touch against your chest.
  21. >Your rational mind protests but you're mostly mush by now. Your rod is in deep and being forced to curve with Night's highly-arched neck.
  22. >You grunt. It's like magic.
  23. >Nights notices this and slows right the hell down to a painfully slow rate. You feel like you're on fire.... good fire.
  24. >You consider trying to return the favor but your senses are awash with stimulus, and actually Nights is a bit out of reach and you're being 'hugged' so hard by h(is)/(er) hind-legs it would AT LEAST put a crick in your neck to attempt it,
  25. >and you'd probably do a poor job at this point
  26. >Your heart races as you feel that edge approaching and (s)he slows down even more
  27. [cont'd...]
  28. >The Golden-Rule part of your mind considers h(is)/(er) hindquarters again but (s)he looks pretty dry.
  29. >You feel a bit relieved at this.
  30. >That's shortly washed away by what you're feeling however.
  31. >Night (being a stallion half of the time) seems to know a few things about dicks, and notices immediately once you've tipped over the threshold.
  32. >H(is)/er legs are squeezing so hard now it's just a bit harder to breath.
  33. >You release. That throat, tongue and mouth, and those fuzzy legs around you and little touches of hoof-wall on you in motion.
  34. >The pressure of h(is)/er grip feels so good during your throes. You hug the pony as you go now, squeezing your eyes shut and feeling a tear or two welling where your eyelids meet. It's not enough to fall or roll down your face.
  35. >You still feel a little girly though, somehow.
  36. >Maybe you understand the transgender thing a bit better now.
  37. >Or maybe you just got fucked completely silly and would believe just about any dumb half-rational thought that occurred to you right now.
  38. >OR maybe it's both.
  39. >You hope to whatever sick gods or watching its both. You'll feel less guilty that way, you think.
  40. >You hug as tight as you can through it, and eventually Nights' grip on you eases in perfect synchronicity with your peak ebbing away now.
  41. >You loosen your grip as well, and after a moment, Nights' slides h(is)/er mouth off of you.
  42. >You are exhausted, but follow Nights' some distance to lay down somewhere.
  43. >There might have been a car or a train or something involved and eventually a proper bed... it's kindof a happy haze.
  44. >A little part of your mind is waving its arms on your shoulder like a little good-conscience angel that you just fucked a trap.
  45. >You flick the presence away with a dumb smile.
  46. >The thought crosses your mind that it's going to be weird in the morning when you wake up with a skinny-but-sinewy and (you-now-know) extremely flexible stallion in bed next to you.
  47. >You don't fucking care.
  48. >It felt good. You sleep.
  49. >You put the thoughts about gender-ambiguity from your mind for the moment.
  50. >Ron Paul died long ago anyway.
  51. >And he was a faggot. Way more of a faggot than you....
  52. >...Even if you do start to wonder what it would feel like if to try a similar feat as Nights did for you tomorrow afternoon after classes, during the daytime when (s)he'd be...
  53. >End
  55. This is my first cloppy greentext.
  56. Thoughts, you guys?
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