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Mercy by FrostedCupcakez (Chapters 9-12)

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Aug 19th, 2015
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  1. Mercy
  2. Written by FrostedCupcakez
  4. Expectations: Chapter Nine
  6. Britney and Jiphy had expected to arrive at Avicus in one day, however they ran into some awkward problems along the way. Britney had left out the part where she was horrible with her sense of direction.
  7. “Britney… North is that way.” Jiphy complained
  8. “Hush shoobie, I know where I’m going.” Britney said.
  9. Britney wandered farther into the forest, Jiphy followed with hesitation.
  10. “We’re lost aren’t we Brit?” Jiphy finally asked.
  11. “Pfft… What? No…” she replied.
  12. “Dang it.” Jiphy mumbled under his breath while he looked around.
  14. “Ashley, I swear… You got us lost!” Pavlo shouts.
  15. “I did not!” Ashley shouts back.
  16. The couple heard two voices arguing, and silently headed the direction it came from.
  17. “YOU SAID YOU KNEW WHERE YOU WERE GOING!” said a male voice; he was clearly upset at the other.
  18. “I DO, WELL AT LEAST I DID!” another voice replied, this one clearly a female.
  19. Pavlo and Ashley looked at each other, they hid behind a bush and could see the two clearly now.
  20. 1… 2… 3… Pavlo mouthed to Ashley, and then the two sprung to action. They jumped in front of the two arguing and held weapons to their throats.
  21. “GOD DANG IT BRIT, LOOK WHAT YOU DID” Jiphy yelled.
  22. “ME? WOW, OKAY. THANKS JIPHY!” Britney screamed back.
  23. Pavlo raised an eyebrow; these two were like a married couple he thought.
  24. “Okay… We get it.” Ashley said.
  25. They removed their weapons and introduced themselves. The four began to question each other when they heard a branch snap nearby, and then they all sprung into action.
  26. “Dear God, I have a headache from all that yelling.” Said an unknown voice.
  27. Everyone leaped the way the voice came from and held their weapons to the person with tattered clothes. The strange person held his hands up in surrender and gulped.
  28. “Just a random hobo passing through… D…Don’t mind me.” He said with a stutter.
  29. Everyone removed their weapons from his throat. Before anyone could ask questions, the hobo said: “Oh and before you ask, the name’s 26763.”
  30. The four exchanged looks and then Ashley asked: “You have numbers as your name?”
  31. “What? You don’t?” 26763 said.
  32. “No” they all replied.
  33. “Could you point us North?” Jiphy asked.
  34. 26763 pointed right and Jiphy started jumping up and down screaming he was right.
  35. “Okay. We get it. Jeez.” Britney said rolling his eyes.
  37. Home: Chapter Ten
  39. Ky dragged the rest of his belongings through the gates of the kingdom of Avicus. He was finally home; he took a deep breath and started towards the Berzerk cabin.
  41. “GIVE IT BACK!” Steven cried, trying to get his crayon pack back from Nate.
  42. “Sorry Steven, but you have to stop drawing on everything.” Nate replied.
  43. Nate walked over to the fireplace and threw the pack into the fire. Steven ran to the fireplace and collapsed crying.
  44. “I feel bad…” Nate said walking up to Andrew.
  45. “It’s for his own good Nate, thank you.” He replied.
  46. Elsa walked down the stairs in her white dress; Andrew looked at her and smiled. She was beautiful, but Andrew had Faith. He couldn’t help but stare at Elsa. There was a knock at the door and Elsa went to answer. When Elsa opened the door, her eyes froze and she fainted. Andrew ran over to the door and what stood before him made his jaw drop. It was the one and only… Kycraft.
  48. After a long journey, Jiphy and Britney finally arrived at the kingdom of Avicus. They stood in front of the cabin of Berzerk.
  49. “And this Jiphy… Is where I settled for years.” Britney spoke with pride.
  50. Jiphy’s jaw dropped, he had never seen anything like this before.
  51. They made their way to the door and noticed another person standing there.
  52. “What the hell!” Britney yelled.
  53. Ky turned around and laughed.
  54. “BRITNEY!” he shouted with his arms open.
  56. Overwhelmed: Chapter Eleven
  58. Elsa woke up her room, a cold cloth on her forehead. She stood up and the room started to spin, a pair of arms helped her stabilize.
  59. “Easy there…” she heard a voice say.
  60. Elsa looked over to see a new face staring at her.
  61. “I don’t think we’ve officially met before. I’m Britney.” Said the girl with a smile on her face.
  62. “What… What happened?” Elsa asked confused.
  63. “I’m going to assume you fainted after seeing Ky, he seems to have that effect on people.”
  64. When Elsa heard the word Ky, she seemed to feel even dizzier. How is this possible she thought? Ky had died… Or at least that’s what she had thought. There was a knock at the door, the two girls looked over to see Ky.
  65. “Just checking in” Ky said.
  66. Elsa couldn’t believe her eyes, Ky stood right in front of her and she was sure she wasn’t hallucinating. She ran up to Ky and gave him the biggest hug in history, tears streamed down her face.
  67. “Ky… How are you alive?” Elsa said with a sniffle.
  68. “I have my ways” Ky replied with a smirk.
  70. Christina woke with a start, her eyes travelled around the room. She was back at her own castle, but she wasn’t sure how.
  71. “Hello Christina” spoke Sli who was at her side.
  72. “Sli, I’m… Sorry“ she croaked weakly.
  73. “You said you could do it, but you didn’t. I wanted to make him feel how I felt.” Sli said with tears streaming down his face.
  74. “If it makes you feel better, I burnt down his house” Christina replied.
  75. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her right arm and looked down to see a cut in her arm. She looked up to see Sli very angry with a knife in his hand.
  76. “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” he shouted as he stormed out the door.
  78. Remains: Chapter Twelve
  80. Heat looked at where his old home once stood, but now it was nothing but ash.
  81. “Where are we going to go now?” Ingigo asked with concern.
  82. “Shut up for a minute, I’m trying to think” Heat replied.
  83. Heat stood up and began to walk south; he motioned for Ingigo to follow.
  84. “Sir… Where are we going?” Ingigo asked nervously
  85. “To visit an old friend.” Heat replied; his eyes burning with hate.
  87. Jiphy and Andrew sat at the mahogany table; Jiphy had just finished his interview to see if he was fit to join Berzerk. After some consideration, Andrew stood up and spoke: “Welcome to Berzerk!”
  88. Jiphy smiled, this was now his new home.
  90. “Is everything alright Master Sli?” Clock asked with concern.
  91. “I’m fine.” Sli said wiping his tears away.
  92. “I wouldn’t want our mighty leader to be upset” Clock spoke.
  93. Sli ignored Clock and continued to walk towards his room. He slammed the door in Clock’s face and headed to the closet. He heard Clock yell: “I’LL BE HERE IF YOU NEED ME MIGHTY RULER SLI.”
  94. He strolled over to the wall and pushed a secret button, a secret door opened and Sli entered. In the middle of the hidden room, a delicate wooden box with floral carvings sat on a table. Sli opened it and looked down at the photo that he now held. There was a girl smiling, her dark hair shining in the sunlight.
  95. “I will find you… I promise my love.”
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