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Rhydin: Council at the Battlefield Park Manor

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Dec 31st, 2013
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  1. [Setting: The dining hall of the Battlefield Park Manor, home to Baron Vanion Shadowcast. Grim tapestries and ebon decor hang from the walls. Dim candlelight fills the hall, granting a soft glow of orange light to the dining table. The table is covered in black cloth, and upon it is a veritable feast of sweet meats, fine desserts and drink. There, Vanion is waiting for the others to join him.]
  4. XanthVanBokkelen: ::the black robed, black hooded Lich appears in the dining hall, his footsteps ominous and slow as he makes his way to the table. His ruby gaze settles on the cards laid out, and he finds the one with his name on it. He sits down and crosses his arms, glancing towards Vanion at the far end of the table::
  6. Vanion Shadowcast: ::Smacks at his lips in a way that is decisively not gentlemanly, between sips of red wine. A servant sneaks up to his side to whisper something into his ear. He scowls, faintly, then waves her away. With a slight rise in his seat and a saccharine smile, he motions to greet Xanth's entrance.:: Good of you to come, Xanth. I don't suppose anything here looks particularly appetizing to you? If so, no need to wait. I do not keep schedule well.
  8. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Will bother the man for a glass of egg-nog in the Yule tradition, and dig a pink toothpick umbrella out of one of her pockets to add to it::
  10. Vanion Shadowcast: ::With that, he gestures broadly to the table full of sweet meats, fruits and other foods, and chuckles slightly at his own joke.::
  12. XanthVanBokkelen: Good evening, Baron. I require no food or drink. ::his ruby gaze shifts over to Xanthippe, someone he is not familiar with::
  14. Spell: Jesse'd come crawling out from under the table. Peeks over the edge at her name card. "I do not have much time! I must crush Claire and take the tower as mine own! But, for now, I will listen.. and mayhaps eat a bite or two, or three, or four, or five.. Or six. Or Xanth."
  16. XanthVanBokkelen: ::growls:: What is *she* doing here?
  18. Spell: "Eye'm the greatest." Already trying to bite a fork.
  20. Vanion Shadowcast: Come. Let's not grumble. Once most of our guests have arrived, I'll explain why I've summoned you. ::with that, he casts a side-long glance towards Xanthippe, and lowers himself back down into his seat. He takes another sip of wine.::
  22. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he lets out a displeased grumble, tightens his crossed arms, but quiets at Vanion's words. His ruby gaze seems to burn a shade more crimson as well::
  24. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Is busy stacking layers of food in a precarious looking sandwhich. When she is finally satisfied with the height of her creation she takes her seat::
  26. Deathlord: ::Arrives, stepping out of a column of flames to cast his gaze about the chamber. A casual glance through the occupants of the room before striding near to the table. The food sparks no interest, and the deathknight waves a gauntleted hand to summon forth his familiar icy throne. Choosing to settle himself there rather than at the table.::
  28. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he nods to Deathlord::
  30. Deathlord: ::a return of the gesture to the lich::
  32. Spell: "Deathlord, mine husband." She'd gesture to Deathlord while speaking this to Vanion, but also Xanth as well since she'd be looking his way the most. Then uses the fork to scratch at the top of her head. Fleas are a problem for her right now.
  34. Saieniel: Time was such an odd concept to her, it had hardly occurred to her that she might possibly be late. All the same, she made her entrance with little fanfare save the preceding scent of the sea and the ever present layers of sapphire blue silk that floated serenely behind her until she took her seat. Fingers curled in a waggling wave to Xanthippe, mostly because she quite favored the girl. The others were given a cursory glance and polite smile.
  35. Vanion Shadowcast: I would use a knife for that, Xanthippe. ::he mentions, with a lazy flick of his left hand as he watches her take his seat. Then, he goes still to witness Deathlord's grand arrival. His blue eyes watch impassively, flickering as though under the weight of unseen wheels turning.::
  37. XanthVanBokkelen: ::his ruby gaze settles on Saieniel, but he makes no acknowledgement of the smile::
  39. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Gives Saieniel a wave, careful not to tip over her stash of food and drink::
  41. Vanion Shadowcast: ::Very slowly, the golden elf dips his chin forward politely to greet Deathlord, and then Saieniel in turn. Two long braids of golden locks fall across his nose, and he flips them back over his left shoulder with a quick jerk of his head. Slowly, he rises, and begins to speak in a gentle tenor that carries through the room without a struggle over the sounds of servants stepping and forks being bitten.:: Good evening. I've waited long enough. I'm certain Anubis and Bile will join us, later, in one fashion or another. Thank you for coming. ::he finishes his greeting at large, as he lets his palms lay flat against the black tablecloth before him.::
  43. Deathlord: ::settles himself, with the unnatural stillness that only the dead can emulate, his fiery eyes turned towards Vanion to attend his words::
  45. XanthVanBokkelen: ::his shifts his ruby gaze towards Vanion as well as he speaks::
  47. Spell: "I thought there would be punch and pie as well," She whispered to the empty space beside her. Her shoulders perked up in a short, quick shrug. She'd lick a little a tthe fork before using it on her scalp once more. Peeks over to Vanion. "What's the plan? Can we blow up Twilight Isle? Will that be apart of the plan?" She'd instantly cut herself off. "Deathlord, can I borrow your sword?"
  49. XanthVanBokkelen: ::glares hard at Jesse::
  51. Vanion Shadowcast: There is punch and pie, over there. ::he gestures, after a brief pursing of his lips, before he continues on, letting his eyes move:: I asked you to come, for a simple reason. Many of us share the same enemies, and many of us share ... similar interests. What we have not done, always, in the past, is found a means to work towards common causes. I'd like to make a proposal. Any who would agree to this simple preposal may stay to hash out its terms. I will not be offended if you decide otherwise.
  53. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He lifts a single finger, as he sets forth his proposal, and straightens his posture slightly to stand to his full height.:: Each of us has our own goals. I can respect that. I propose that we drink and eat, if it's to our liking, and go around the table. Each of us can speak towards one goal, and the rest of us can offer what help we may towards that end. In this way, we may all aid each other.
  55. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He lowers himself back into his seat and takes another sip of wine, while gesturing broadly towards the table and those seated about it. After a swallow, he continues:: Are there any objections to this?
  57. XanthVanBokkelen: ::grunts, but speaks:: I have no objections.
  59. Deathlord: ::ponders the question, then answers:: And if our goals do not align?
  61. Xanthippe Kasiph: It seems a little... touchy feely support group for me, but I'll hear it out.
  63. Spell: "I only object if Deathlord objects. If he does not, then I do not."
  65. Saieniel: Her fingers steepled in front of her chest, elbows on the arms of the chair while she listened. A slow shake of her head rippled a wave down the sheet of silver white that frame her face. "No objections here. That I can think of anyways."
  67. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Seems to have procured a straw somewhere, from which she sips her egg nog through her mask's filter nozzle::
  69. Vanion Shadowcast: Well, then we will be forced to destroy one another. ::he retorts with a straight face. A moment later, rolling, elvish laughter escapes his lips, and he throws his head back slightly in a fit.:: My apologies, Deathlord. You raise a valid point. My counter-point would be, has any of us obtained what we really want? Concern over alignment of goals can hinder us. I, personally, will not object to any goals stated here this evening.
  71. Spell: "I want to kill all of you while also mineself to awaken she who slumbers, but that is mine end game and far, far, far into the future." She'd admit while biting her fork.
  73. Vanion Shadowcast: Perhaps we can think more in the short-term, then. No? ::his gaze flickering sideways, towards Jesse::
  75. Spell: "I am quite fine with short terms, but do not think because I am short that I agree with short terms."
  77. Saieniel: Jesse had her laughing behind splayed fingers, the corners of her eyes crinkling with mirth. "What a delightful one, isn't she." She murmured to no one in particular.
  79. Deathlord: ::the fiery points of light within his fleshless skull brighten slightly:: The question remains. Should I for example, pronounce a desire for a barony that is sought by another, what then? ::his voice is an icy toneless thing::
  81. Spell: "Mine husband raises a fine point. What if he wants what he wants?" She didnt' recall what Deathlord had said, just that he said it. Whatever it is - she agreed 100% to it.
  83. MinionofDeath1ord: ::groans and shuffles into the chamber, unable to travel as quickly as the master, shambling slowly, painfully, to take up a position behind and to the side of his master's icy throne::
  85. Bile: With an abrupt creak the door to the hall was opened. Dissonant black steel was as disruptive as a bomb in a subway. With a tilt of the bone to those present the form drudged to the seat, with the designated note before taking its place. `` My apologies, Baron Vanion. A pressing matter kept me at bay. ``
  87. Vanion Shadowcast: We bargain, Deathlord. And if we cannot agree, then the worst thing that has happened is for us to sit down here, and watch Xanthippe build that ridiculous sandwich.::
  89. XanthVanBokkelen: ::drums his fingers on his crossed arms in frustration, glaring at Jesse::
  91. Spell: Peeks at Xanth. Blink. Toys with her hair while blushing.
  93. Deathlord: ::a brief flicker of fire, and an almost imperceptible nod:: Continue...
  95. Vanion Shadowcast: ::His eyes snap sharply to Bile's entrance. A servant leads Bile to his seat.:: Thank you for joining us. You will understand what we are speaking towards, if you listen. ::their is an icy quality to the elf's honey-tongued voice::
  97. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Gives a tilt of her head, sounding more lucid than normal:: I've kind of got to agree with Bonesy actually. Telling people what you desire is telling them how to control you, how to harm you.
  99. Spell: "Can we all just agree that Twilight Isle should be blown up?" Leans ove to rest against the table.
  100. Vanion Shadowcast: Mmmh. I suppose I entrust each of you to be intelligent enough to choose something simple, without giving away your deepest secrets and darkest desires. But I'll not force you to play. ::he answers Xanthippe, after licking his lips, his expression calm and complacent::
  102. Saieniel: "Versus letting them figure it out on their own and lose precious downtime in which more could be accomplished? It's give and take, I do believe. A 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours' is it not?" Her head canted to one side as magenta gaze fell upon Xanthippe.
  104. Vanion Shadowcast: Let's start with ... Saieniel, then. ::he takes another sip of his wine and gesture with a flat hand towards her, a smile creeping up behind his crystal eyes:: Not everyone here knows you. I know little about you, myself. But, what can we ... help you with?
  106. Spell: Blows a kiss at Deathlord.
  108. MinionofDeath1ord: Nnnnhghnnnnnn ::a protestion made minus tongue, but for those capable of translating undead sounds "the master has no fear any may control him"::
  110. Vanion Shadowcast: ::After the question, he allows himself to regard each of those gathered, including Deathlord's Minion and Jesse. He gaze flattens, slightly, when he looks to Anubis' empty place at the table.::
  112. Deathlord: ::a gauntleted hand raises briefly, gesturing the minion to silence, before settling once more on the armrest of his frozen throne::
  114. Saieniel: "I have simple needs. My blade aligns with whichever side I feel will help it produce the most bloodshed." She rolled a wrist, idly fluttering her fingers to nothing in particular. "As of this moment, I do believe it is with those in this room that I can accomplish this. The rest is trivial to me." Pausing. "Unless in-fighting proves detrimental to that of course."
  116. Bile: From behind the bone came nothing. Aside from the eternal pluming green miasma the form remained motionless in its seat. Only once the elf had spoken did the gaze adjust accordingly.
  118. MinionofDeath1ord: ::glares at Jesse, silenced, but still protective of the master::
  120. Vanion Shadowcast: Naturally. So, you seek to spill blood. Are there any here who could make use of such a specific want?
  122. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he shakes his head no::
  124. Deathlord: ::turns his gaze to Saienel, the fires flicker for a long moment:: to what end do you seek bloodshed? What purpose does it serve? ::a cold emotionless inquiry::
  126. Saieniel: A pretty smile curls her lips though the it didn't reach her eyes. "I've my reasons. I promise a skilled blade and no mercy, need you anything further?"
  128. Deathlord: ::a flicker:: Where do you seek to cause this bloodshed?
  130. MinionofDeath1ord: ::muffled noises as the minion fidgets::
  132. Bile: As the brass-hued gauntlet extended to tap a single knuckle against the table the bone canted in regards to the conversation at hand. Do not allow this council to be adjurned without a proper hearing. Preach from the black book that you have been bestowed with. For the moment nothing was articulated. As he had lagged behind, he would wait his due turn in the order.
  134. Saieniel: "I'm not particular. Care you to get to the point and flat out ask me what you seek? Or do you wish to play twenty questions?" Her head tilting once more, expression flattening out.
  136. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He takes another sip of his wine, while silently watching. A robed servant hurries over to refill it. The elf slips him a coin beneath the table.::
  138. Spell: Using that same fork she scratched at herself with moments ago to rip into her food and eat. A crunch of bone and what not sounding out. She had chicken, so of course she'd eat the bone too.
  140. Deathlord: ::a flat emotionless response:: Games have little interest to me. I wish to know the scope of your goal. Life is...tiring. Your goal does not interfere with mine unless your goal is to incite chaos and noise. Bloodshed is often followed by noise.
  142. Spell: "Bloodshed makes X'guth happy." She'd point a fork at Deathlord.
  144. MinionofDeathlord: ::perhaps not summoned directly by her Master, she appeared anyway and without the usual screech of Hail Deathlord::
  146. SwordofDeathlord: ::wrenches itself partially free from the scabbard carried by the minion:: DON'T BE TALKING SMACK TO THE DREAD AND MIGHTY DEATHLORD! If he asks a question, tell him what he demands to know!
  148. Saieniel: "Perhaps we'll have to speak further on this X'guth," offered aside to Jesse though her gaze remained on Deathlord. "Bloodshed is only followed by calamity should you not know what you're doing. I assure you there won't be a peep."
  150. Vanion Shadowcast: ::After the interaction between Deathlord and Saieniel, and the screaming of the Death Knight's sword, the Necromancer shifts comfortably within his ebon robe, and lazily lifts his right hand, and the wine glass it holds.:: Well, I certainly could make use of your blade - and your silence. I'll pay you, of course. May we iron out the details anon?
  152. Deathlord: ::another gesture, almost one of annoyance:: Minion...I did not summon the sword.
  154. Saieniel: She swings her legs over one arm of the chair, sitting sideways rather lazily. The sword's outburst bothered her not, it was a concept she was well versed in. "I'm sure arrangements can be made m'lord." Her gaze flittered toward the Baron.
  156. MinionofDeathlord: ::She shuffled forward toward the other minion and held out her hands as if to take hold of the Honoured Sword herself. Her Master was displeased. She would rectify that with such a gesture::
  158. MinionofDeath1ord: ::shoves the sword back into the scabbard, wrestling with it, impaired by a poorly functioning arm::
  160. SwordofDeathlord: NO DAMMIT! DON'T PUT ME AWA... ::muffled noises::
  162. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He clears his throat as the Minion and Sword struggle against one another to Deathlord's side. He seems, momentarily, amused.:: Very well, then. Would anyone else like to say something in regard to Lady Saieniel's bloodlust? I am very curious to know what Jesse wants, myself.
  164. Deathlord: ::turns towards Vanion:: I will hear more...
  166. MinionofDeathlord: ::Silent, she reached for the Honoured Sword::
  168. Spell: Jesse was still mid-bite of her next chomp of food. Blinks. "Oh.. What I want is simple." She'd drop the fork all together and rise. With a bang, she'd slam both palms against the table. "I want.." Another bang. "I want.." Then a blink. "In all honesty, I do not know what I want. To think too far ahead is to make far more mistakes, I simply live in the here and now. Mine end game, though single, has many possible ways.. Many, many, countless. Countless in such a way that I can't even count. For now, what I want is simple." She'd raise one of those hands and curl fingers into a shaking fist. "I want money, and such things that comes with money. Weaponry, forces, bodies, bodies for me to take control of. Controlled bodies that can then do my bidding, which can result in more money, more weaponry, more bodies. Such and such and such, this can continue on. For now, I have created the scarred crater within the confines of Twilight Isle, and once I find the way -- I will split from the Isle to create the icy fortress of death..! Also, Deathlord can come visit if he wants, but he has to RSVP."
  170. MinionofDeath1ord: ::hands off the sword to the other minion, and shuffles back, leaving the other the place of honor directly near the master::
  172. MinionofDeathlord: ::Visibly satisfied, she clasped the Honoured Sword close and then held it reverently. She positioned herself to the left of the other minion though a step or two in front::
  174. Spell: "Or if you'd like the long story short.. I do not know what I want, all I know is that I want it. Because it's mine." Presses a hand to her tiny chest. "By right."
  176. XanthVanBokkelen: ::a series of grumbles, as if he's using every ounce of willpower he has to restraint himself, can be heard issuing from his hood as Jesse speaks::
  178. Vanion Shadowcast: That's-- ::he trails off for a moment, takes a sip of wine, and casts a narrowing gaze at
  179. Jesse:: Quite a condundrum. Perhaps, what you are suggesting, is that you seek an army.
  181. SwordofDeathlord: ::fights free of the scabbard as it's passed from one minion to the other:: THE GREAT AND DIRE DEATHLORD GOES WHERE HE WILLS! HE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' INVITE!
  183. Spell: "Oh, but I have an army. I only need a battlefield for them to play on. Think of me as simply a.." She'd rotate her wrist. "Supplier. I do not care what for, as long as I get paid." She then blinked. "I must be leaving.. Mine challenge with Claire is soon, and she must learn." Jesse pressed a single finger to the table. "Her time is up," Pause. "Mine time is now." Another pause. "For she can't see," Yet another. "That mine time is now." She turned to give Bile a look and flashed him a smile.
  185. Saieniel: "I like her." She muses softly and reclines further in her languid sprawl over the arms of the chair.
  187. MinionofDeathlord: ::She slammed the Honoured (but often uncooperative) Sword back into the scabbard and hissed:: The Master bids you silent!
  189. XanthVanBokkelen: About damned time. ::as Jesse says she is leaving::
  191. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Gives Jesse an energetic wave:: Beat 'er up!
  193. Bile: Narrow osseous tissue aligned once more in turn to Jesse's smile.
  195. Vanion Shadowcast: ::he guffaws abruptly, but merely nods his head at Jesse as the girl prepares to leave.:: Yes. Do win.
  197. MinionofDeath1ord: ::the minion mumbles something to Jesse in its tongueless manner to the effect of "can I come visit?"::
  199. Spell: Squint. Thinks. "Sure, you can come play with porkpie. He's tiny, but he enjoys a good bone to fetch." She'd then grab the rest of her chicken before dropping out of sight. Crawls under the table to disapepar.
  201. SwordofDeathlord: ::fights to get free, but this minion is more experienced at keeping him sheathed::
  203. Vanion Shadowcast: Well, then. Lord Xanth? Perhaps, we may be of better service to you. ::after the excitement has passed, and the room grows muffled by quiet again::
  205. MinionofDeathlord: ::she could see she'd have to barter and muttered:: Quiet, Sword! Cooperate and I will unleash you later in the Lesser Pens.
  207. SwordofDeathlord: ::muffled noises from within the scabbard:: sooooo hungry....
  209. XanthVanBokkelen: ::his grumbles die down into a few grunts as Jesse leaves. He then speaks, in his low, gravelly voice:: I am afraid you have caught me at a bad time. For I grow weary of this ridiculous City. That ridiculous Governor and her insane "Press Secretary". This ridiculous Isle. I have no wish other than to gain control of the Celestial Tower once more. And barring that, to take an Elemental Tower to wait until such time that I can regain the mantle of ArchMage once again.
  211. Vanion Shadowcast: Ah. I can appreciate that goal. But, you are right. I do not know how I might aid you in that. ::he settles back into his seat, takes another sip of wine, and continues:: What of the rest of you? Any magic tricks for winning the Celestial Tower up your sleeves? ::the question sounds rather quite sincere::
  212. Saieniel: "I've yet to attempt the... sport." Her nose wrinkled with disdain. "My best advice involves removal of competition, but that's just me."
  214. SwordofDeathlord: ::lays quiet, lulling the minion into a false sense of security, then wrenches free of the scabbard long enough to yell:: CUT OFF THEIR FREEKING HEADS!
  215. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Raises her arm:: Oh, oh, I know this one! Next time don't let Jesse do that sparkly thing with her hand and smack the heck out of you in that tournament thingy!
  217. XanthVanBokkelen: I shall remember that in the future. ::he shifts his ruby gaze towards Xanthippe::
  219. Xanthippe Kasiph: Glad I could help!
  221. XanthVanBokkelen: ::grunts::
  223. MinionofDeathlord: ::She really needs to convince Deathlord to grant her Sword banishment abilities. She pointed to a spot in the distance and wrenched the Honoured Sword the rest of the way free:: Go, hunt there! Be silent!
  224. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He grunts softly at Xanthippe, then speaks again:: Well, Saieniel and the sword seem to agree. Do you care enough to rid yourself of your competitors in a permanent way? ::his crystal blue eyes shift back to settle upon the Lich::
  226. XanthVanBokkelen: I do not need to rid myself of them. I merely need to regain a Tower so that I can build my power and properly train for the next ArchMage Tournament. I plan on rectifying that situation when the Tower of Water is up for challenge again, at the end of next week.
  227. Vanion Shadowcast: Yes. That should be an easy one for you to re-obtain. Very well, then. ::he lets his hands stretch out behind his head, and his legs reach further beneath the table before him:: What of you, Deathlord? I have not seen you in quite some time. Is there any way in which we might be of service to you?
  229. Deathlord: ::returning his fiery gaze to the elf, a pause as he considers the question:: I seek...quiet. ::a sweeping glance to the others in attendance:: the one called Anubis did once call upon me to serve as his champion. It was an unexpected act. However, I find that time in the baronial manor.
  231. MinionofDeathlord: Filthy sacs, all! ::glowering::
  233. Deathlord: Should such an opportunity present itself again, I would reclaim that manor and rebuild my garden. And such chaos and mayhem ::a breif pause to look at Saieniel:: as others might bring about I would wish to remain well away from my domicile.
  235. Vanion Shadowcast: I recall as much. ::he sweeps his left hand through his feathery blonde hair, and takes another drink from his glass. A servant comes to re-fill it with more wine, and the Necromancer hands him a coin beneath the table.:: And what do you think of my manor here?
  237. Saieniel: A smirk ghosted across her lips then died off quickly when Deathlord looked her way.
  239. Deathlord: I would find this domain a suitable place for a garden.
  241. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He glances lightly about the dim surroundings, then acquires a light-hearted countenance as he sits forward in his seat, his gaze locking with the Death Knight's.:: Then, perhaps I can offer you such an opportunity. Will you fight as my champion, should Overlady Teagan test me in my bid for the mantle?
  242. Deathlord: ::a flicker before his hollow icy voice answers:: I do not believe that option is open to you. I hold no present rank, and only the Overlord may select any champion. However, were such an option open, I would agree.
  244. Vanion Shadowcast: Ah. You do not hold the Warlord rank. In that case, I will see if I might find another way to create such an opportunity for you. I can think of several ways, if you do not mind my continued contact. ::he suggests, with a casual flick of his left hand::
  246. Deathlord: ::a brief nod:: I am amenable.
  248. XanthVanBokkelen: Since I am the only Warlord present at this gathering, I offer my blade, should you need assistance. ::he says, shifting his gaze back to Vanion::
  250. Vanion Shadowcast: Very well. ::he leans back in his seat once more, and his gaze shifts:: Xanthippe?
  252. MinionofDeathlord: ::piping up:: Master, I have nearly obtained the necessary rank. With your permission, I will attempt to complete the task.
  254. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He turns his head towards Xanth, and bows his head. A small, gracious smile touches the corners of his lips for but a moment.::
  256. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he nods back, then shifts his gaze to Xanthippe::
  258. Deathlord: ::without turning to address the minion:: if you obtain the necessary may offer your services to the elf.
  260. MinionofDeathlord: Yes, Master. ::in his presence she had to remain appropriately reverent. She fought back the urges to further introduce herself into the unfolding events::
  262. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Nods her head:: There are two things I could at the moment. Money, and a beast willing to surrender it's soul.
  264. Vanion Shadowcast: The latter is interesting to me. What sort of beast? ::he inquires, though he momentarily glances to the brief discussion between minion and lord::
  266. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Considers a few more moments:: It's not really money I need, but property. If anybody has lots of property they're willing to give away... The more powerful the better. Ferdinand is lonely, and his tricks will only take me so far before others begin to figure them out.
  268. Vanion Shadowcast: I can help with that. What of property? Are any of you great land owners? ::this ellicits another smug chortle from the elf, as he continues to amuse himself. It is possible that he's drunk.::
  270. XanthVanBokkelen: I have no such possessions.
  272. Bile: Bone visage shifted from side to side.
  274. Saieniel: "I've no need for physical property." She rolled her eyes and sat upright in the chair, straightening her back.
  276. Vanion Shadowcast: Well, I may be able to help on both accounts. What sort of land do you require? ::casting his gaze back to Xanthippe, without much seeming interest::
  278. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Hesitates, reluctant to reveal more:: Don't worry about it, the soul will be the greater boon anyway, if you can provide that.
  280. Vanion Shadowcast: Very well. Souls are easy work, at that. ::content, he turns in his chair to look to Bile. He remains quiet for a moment, and thoughtful, then addresses the armored being:: Lord Bile. You may speak.
  282. Bile: The narrowed bone masque was tilted to the Baron at his words. `` Might I begin by stating that I am thankful to be in the presence of such names whose reputation preceed them. `` A discordant symphony was created when the black steel rose from the seat and brass gauntlets shifted the chair to allow freedom. A slow pace began around the table, heading in Sai's direction at first. Within the twirling miasma that radiated there could be a distant pizzicato that was heard with the form. `` Among us I might be bold enough to claim there are no honorable traits. Some desire to see the rivers run red eternal. `` Brass-hued gauntlet was gently set upon Sai's head only for a fraction of a moment before lifted with the churning mobile suit in its path. `` There is the desire for a forlorn power that has been stripped. `` Bone tilted to Lord Xanth respectively. `` Some desire a form of entropy. `` A similar nod was given to Deathlord and co. `` Some merely wish to watch the world catch ablaze; and I am to believe that she has succeeded in her first trial. `` Meandering down the table and around, the gauntlets had been shifted behind the form and below the tattered remnants of a cloak that had once been so regal. `` We may not have much interest in aiding in one another's plights, or we may be evermore willing to assist in one another's demise. Perhaps that is the case for all of us.`` With every step the black steel took rivets could be heard shifting and groaning under the weight. `` Yet here we are. We are all present for the reason that we are all alike, even in our skewed circumstances. Low and behold we all can accept it as truth that outside the walls of this manor, there lies no individual who would sit idle for us to gain what we desire. There are no champions for us. I for one enjoy Baron Vanion's ideals; for even if we may not see eye to eye or even enjoy one another's presence, we can cease to step on one another's toes. For me? I could use all of your unique skills and talents. My goals? I intend to acquiesce all of the towers on the Isle as well as all of those rather enticing Opals. As unfortunate as it is to announce, I am incapable of acquiring them all, if merely one of each. That is however my goal. Were one of you, if not all of you able to ascertain a single piece of this puzzle; I would be eternally indebted.`` With the shifting plates returning to the ignition of it all, the form slipped back into the chair. `` This is no simple matter I understand. And there is no reason for any of you to trust me let alone not stab me in my back the moment I leave. I accept the reality of the situation. That is what I desire. I have no need to hide my ambitions from those among this council. If you aid me, I will aid you. If you seek to destroy me, I will greet you with open arms. The shroud of the black sun hangs over us all. I would much prefer your company when eternal night begins. `` Grateful for their uninterrupting patience, the bone canted to all that were present, as well as a wave of the brass gauntlets in accordance.
  284. Vanion Shadowcast: ::He merely continues to drink, as Bile speaks. He motions for his servant to come to him. He whispers to her, softly:: Red Sounten, please.
  286. Xanthippe Kasiph: Aww, Biley, you're so sweet!
  288. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he remains silent as well, arms still crossed, as Bile finishes his speech::
  290. Vanion Shadowcast: ::Speaking levelly, as the girl re-fills his glass:: You wish to borrow our Opals? I am not certain that I understand what you ask for.
  292. Saieniel: Her lips twitched in the first hint of a genuine smile with Bile's words and she gave him a fond look before returning to the bored expression of before.
  294. Bile: ``Everything one earns is their own. I merely wish to... breach a gap, with a miniscule trace of each.``
  296. Vanion Shadowcast: ::The golden elf laughs, the sound musical and easy, and it fills the room. Then, his cheeks blush, perhaps from the drink. He takes another sip and nods deeply towards Bile:: Well, I cannot see any harm come from that. I will help you, as I may. On our next meeting, you may inspect FireStar.
  298. Bile: ``If all were to come within the grasp of those gathered here, I would only ask for sparce time with all of them at once. Then my service would be yours eternal.`` Bone lowered itself as the gauntlets came to rest atop the table.
  300. Vanion Shadowcast: Very well, then. ::He rises slowly from his seat, and attempts to set his glass down upon the black tablecloth. It tips forward, and spills freely onto the surface before him. Ignoring it, he begins to speak, as one of the servants scurry over to clean the mess.:: Well, thank you for giving us all your ear for the evening. I will be simple, with what I am looking for. After all, when you have as much as I do, what more could you possibly want? Yes? ::he hiccups, slightly::
  302. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he turns his ruby gaze to Vanion, nonplussed by the spilled wine::
  304. Deathlord: ::a flicker of fire::
  306. Vanion Shadowcast: I wish to take a walk in the Celestial Tower. That is all. ::he says, stepping away from the table slightly to let his servant work, his left hand allowing him to lean casually against it.:: Should one of you take it before me, a visit would suffice.
  308. Saieniel: "Is the wee witch not staking her claim to it as we speak?" She perked a brow, gaze lingering on the Baron.
  310. Vanion Shadowcast: Indeed. I've already spoken with her on the matter. But I like to -- hedge my bets. ::he lets his light-blue eyes travel slowly to those gathered about the table::
  312. XanthVanBokkelen: ::grunts:: Should I regain the mantle, I would have no problem in granting you access to the Celestial Tower.
  314. Saieniel: "Indulge my curiosity, m'lord, but what is allure there? I suppose I've yet to see it myself." She intoned softly.
  316. Deathlord: ::a flickering fire as the deathknight scans the table and then back to the elf:: and the Egyptian? Has he expressed a desire?
  318. XanthVanBokkelen: Magical power. In abundance. Libraries of magical tomes. It is a veritable powerhouse of magical energy.
  320. Vanion Shadowcast: ::The Necromancer's reaction to Saieniel's question is, at first, surprise. Then, a slow, earnest, almost innocent smile touches his smooth, story-book features.:: And the stars, Saieniel. The stars are there.
  322. Saieniel: "I've always been rather fond of the night sky." She mused, content with the answer.
  324. Bile: The head which rested atop the balled gauntlet was piqued at the mention of its contents and nature. `` It would seem that this is a cause we all take equal interest in. ``
  326. Vanion Shadowcast: ::canting his head towards Deathlord:: No. Anubis has said nothing to me, beyond that he would be here. But, you know how the slaver is. ::he laughs again, brief and lilting::
  328. SwordofDeathlord: ::giggles inside the scabbard::
  330. Deathlord: ::another inquiry in his hollow icy monotone:: And are there others who are not present?
  332. Vanion Shadowcast: Lady Tara, and a young girl that I'm growing fond of named Edie Rolstein. They did not respond to my missive, though. ::he retorts simply, with a sloppy flick of his left hand::
  334. Deathlord: Then we are done. ::more statement than question::
  336. Vanion Shadowcast: Well. I enjoyed your company this evening. For those that I've promised help to, I will reach out soon. ::He stumbles a bit, at the corner of the table, but holds himself upright. For his part, his speech remains minimally affected, only slightly slurred:: For now, I fear that I have drank myself into something approaching a stupor. I intend to lie down. If there is anything else that I might aid you with, you may write me. Is there anything else any of you would like to say?
  338. XanthVanBokkelen: I have nothing further.
  340. Bile: ``I've achieved what I came to do.``
  342. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Gives a little shake of her head, her straw making loud noises as she tries to suck up the last of her egg nog ::
  344. Deathlord: ::rises to his feet, his gaze flickers over the inebriated elf, but he offers no comment:: My minions
  345. shall keep me informed.
  347. Vanion Shadowcast: Good. Stay, eat and drink, if you desire. My people will show you out. ::he motions to a robed woman, and palms her another coin. Then, he turns, and offers a subtle bow to those gathered about the ebon table.::
  349. Deathlord: ::a brief nod to Vanion, and then a gesture to the minions followed by an imperious:: come
  351. XanthVanBokkelen: ::he rises from his chair, nods in response to Vanion's bow:: Good evening, Baron. ::he follows the robed woman, as she leads them from the room::
  353. Deathlord: ::stepping into the shadows and dispersing into wisps of darkness::
  355. Vanion Shadowcast: ::With a flick of his left hand, the shadows descend upon him from the unlit ceiling, and he is gone.::
  357. MinionofDeath1ord: ::stumbles after the master as best it is able::
  359. Saieniel: "I'm bored." She said flatly, pressing her palms to the table's edge before rising to take her leave.
  361. Bile: Without a sound the steel had uprooted itself and offered a brass wave to Sai and Xanthippe. `` It is always my pleasure to be in the company of you beauties. Farewell until we meet once more. ``
  363. MinionofDeathlord: ::Her Master desired to be informed. She would wait until there was information to pass along. So there she remained::
  365. Xanthippe Kasiph: ::Gives a little salute to the backs of the departing. She gives a little shrug at the minion.:: Make yourself comfortable then. ::She heads up the stairs to the upper level::
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