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Artifice Modpack

a guest
Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. - Admin Commands Toolbox (Pregenerate and unload chunks with server commands.)
  2. - Animation API (For Ars Magica and Mutant Creatures.)
  3. - Death Counter (It's just like golf.)
  4. - Inventory Tweaks
  5. - Mine Tweaker (Allows customization of recipes.)
  6. - Morpheus
  7. - NEI + Waila
  8. - Opis + Map Writer
  9. - Applied Energistics (This is what gives us ME computers.)
  10. - Big Reactors (For Thermal Expansion)
  11. - Buildcraft (What a new and exciting mod! But really, Buildcraft, we love you.)
  12. - EnderIO (The best pipes in the game; if unfamiliar, watch tutorial)
  13. - Minechem (Time to start that drug lab PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY)
  14. - MineFactory Reloaded (Lakes of poo, for some reason.)
  15. - Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod (A fresh new addition, very very fun.)
  16. - Simply Jetpacks (For Thermal Expansion)
  17. - Sync (With Hardcore Nether Star recipes)
  18. - Thermal Expansion + Redstone Arsenal + Thermal Dynamics (Itemducts are back!)
  19. - Tinker's Construct + Mechworks (Advanced drawbridges are gone to prevent crashes.)
  20. - Ars Magica 2 (The Shrink spell will be disabled, as will any other problematic spells. Also, beware of using Sync, as your magic levels are tracked independently for each clone.)
  21. - Blood Magic + Blood Utils + Sanguimancy (Comes with an in-game book!)
  22. - Necromancy (Mob drops can be crafted into rotten flesh, for those that don’t want them.)
  23. - Soul Shards: Reborn (Also available in dungeons, for those without end stone.)
  24. - Thaumcraft 4 + Baubles, with Addons:
  25. - Forbidden Magic (Creepy stuff and Blood Magic compatibility)
  26. - Thaumic Tinkerer (Just makes Thaumcraft a bit more robust and useful)
  27. - Thaumcraft Mob Aspects (Adds aspects to modded mobs)
  28. - Witchery (Now with magic mirrors! But don’t use Sync if you’re a werewolf, vampire, or infused being. It’ll mess up everything.)
  29. - Better Storage
  30. - BiblioCraft
  31. - Carpenter's Blocks (Although using way too many can cause some lag.)
  32. - Chisel 2 (Now with more awesome!)
  33. - DecoCraft (The furniture and storage blocks are usable.)
  34. - Ender Storage
  35. - Extra Buttons
  36. - Extra Utilities
  37. - IronChests
  38. - JABBA
  39. - Malisis Doors (Adds animated doors, doors from 1.8, new doors, and Mordor. Not really.)
  40. - Medic Craft + Sweet Tea! (Adds bandages and herbal tea. Yes, this is totally necessary.)
  41. - Morph (With abilities disabled, obviously.)
  42. - Open Blocks
  43. - Ore Dictionary Converter (A block that converts different mod ingots to the same kind.)
  44. - Redstone Paste (Run redstone, repeaters, and comparators up walls behind sideways slabs!)
  45. - Statues
  46. - Warp Book (Hardcore recipes and ender pearl fuel; also available in dungeon chests.)
  47. - Archimedes' Ships (They don’t preserve block rotation, but otherwise work perfectly.)
  48. - Better Dungeons (AKA Chocolate Quest. Configured for low-ish spawn rates.)
  49. - Dragon Mounts (Dragon eggs are rarely found in dungeon chests.)
  50. - Growthcraft + Addons (If you wanted bees and booze, here you go!)
  51. - Hardcore Ender Expansion (Finally, the End is worthy of exploration. Get geared up first.)
  52. - Realistic World Gen (Currently only hot and cold biomes, but still amazing. You will like.)
  53. - Shoulder Surfing (Use the I, J, K, and L keys to adjust your 3rd-person camera)
  54. - Useful Food (They’re sandwiches, sandwiches, barely even human ... )
  55. - Wall Jump (Default hotkey is Left Control. You get 10 wall jumps before needing to land.)
  56. - Flan's Mod + Addons (Fuel required Buildcraft fuel and MFR rubber to craft)
  57. - Primitive Mobs (The rocket creepers and festive creepers have been disabled.)
  58. - Special Mobs (Instead of Infernal Mobs. Works a bit better, I think.)
  59. - Mutant Creatures (Bring a shotgun to this party. And yes, they spawn in the wild.)
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