
Anvil Notes

Sep 10th, 2015
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  1. [10:35:31] <Zini> I need to ramble off bullshit on skingrad and anvil so I can get back into writing muh lorepiece
  2. [10:35:37] <Zini> Okay so like
  3. [10:35:40] <Zini> Anvil
  4. [10:36:05] <Zini> founded my nords
  5. [10:36:32] <Zini> most successful of the Nordic kingdoms established in Colovia with the help of Alessia in payment for their services
  6. [10:38:00] <Zini> of the first kingdoms of colovia some were headed by nords and had mixed populations of nords and cyrods, and some kingdoms were founded by post-slavery tribals with primarily cyrod populations
  7. [10:39:30] <Zini> Anvil, as mentioned earlier, was one of the nordic ones, first ruled by an unknown member of the clan [anvil-something or other]
  8. [10:40:32] <Zini> by the time of Rislav Anvil was majority cyrod in population and its people, including the nordic nobles, spoke colovi
  9. [10:42:06] <Zini> The old nordic family was removed from power sometime after Rislav's time, at least within 300 years of it, and replaced with a Abecean colovi noble house
  10. [10:42:37] <Zini> What became of them is unknown other than the fact that they clearly weren't ruling by the time of the All Flags Navy
  11. [10:43:50] <Zini> When Anvil was being ruled by Bendu Olo, of the Olo family
  12. [10:46:36] Acer [~Acer@de6498d.cd7f79a.3ee19918.d14813fX] has joined #memospore2
  13. [10:48:30] <Zini> The Olo family actually traces its roots back to the niben valley, and it is known that up to Bendu the Olo family was on good terms with the Alessians in the white gold tower. It is unknown exactly why Bendu within his lifetime broke ties to the east, though it is likely due in some part to the events of leading the all-flags navy, possibly a rejection of their beliefs after personally working
  14. [10:49:07] <Zini> with high elves and wood elves. Later his grandchildren would spear-head the formation of an official colovian estates.
  15. [10:52:57] <Zini> The Olo family lost hold of Anvil during the war of righteousness, and it is believed that all individuals directly descended from Bendu perished during the war.
  16. [10:54:08] <Zini> Anvil exchanged ruling families during the interregnum as frequently as any city in High Rock, the Redguards, Colovians, and Bretons of the city constantly clawing at each other's throats and vying for power.
  17. [10:56:13] <Zini> Despite this it spent most of the interregnum powerful and gleaming, and was one of the most important cities in the Abecean for trade, both legal and illegal.
  18. [10:58:44] <Zini> Over the course of the early half of the septim dynasty the city was ruled by the Dralgoner's, one of the colovian families who had supported Tiber Septim's rise. They proved to be inadequate caretakers, and the city was mishandled and reduced to a corrupt den of pirates and thieves. Eventually the city fully descended into anarchy and finally revolution, with the Dralgoner family being
  19. [11:04:42] <Zini> slaughtered and its remainders exiled. The new rulers, composed of local captains and merchants in the city, dubbed the order of the Red Sabre, after the ship of the Captain Torradan ap Dugal, declared itself independent of the empire and began confiscating ships and cargo in acts of piracy. This lasted for a whole three years before Fasil Umbranox, a minor noble from the Weald with ties to the
  20. [11:05:18] <Zini> ruby throne, successfully acquisitioned permissions and funding to launch a fleet to reclaim anvil by the Elder Council.
  21. [11:06:42] <Zini> Fasil came down hard on the city in rebellion, hanging all members of the Red Sabre, destroying all of their island strongholds, and finally burning the entire city to the ground as a final retribution against the citizen's betrayal.
  22. [11:09:33] <Zini> For his victory against the rebels the elder council declared Fasil the new count of Anvil and funded its reconstruction. It is this rebuilt Anvil that persists to the modern day. Nothing remains of the ancient nordic palace or the old colovic tightly packed stone buildings common to Kvatch and Skingrad.
  23. [11:09:49] <Zini> Mojo: Sefiriot
  24. [11:09:53] <Zini> what do you guys think so far.
  25. [11:10:14] <Sefiriot> should've pinged me earlier Zini
  26. [11:10:31] <Sefiriot> I need to shower before reading this, it's looking like a huge wall of text. No offense.
  27. [11:10:45] <Sefiriot> keep going first though, I'll brb
  28. [11:11:44] <Zini> sorry
  29. [11:12:54] <Sefiriot> 's fine, just it's late, almost bedtime and I REALLY need to shower LOL
  30. [11:12:59] <Sefiriot> so yeah, back in a few
  31. [11:16:22] <Zini> The Umbranoxes still rule Anvil to this day, and under their skilled hands and watchful eyes Anvil became the jewel of the Abecean once more, attracting merchants from all across that sea, even from the isles of Yokuda.
  32. [11:16:33] <Zini> So that's a history of the city
  33. [11:16:39] <Zini> now for the county and the region
  34. [11:19:24] <Zini> The Gold Coast is usually defined as the region where the hills of the southern highlands begin to universally descend, all the way down to the sea where they transition into sandy beaches, sub-tropical forests, and tall and rocky cliffs.
  35. [11:22:28] <Zini> It is a small but important region, the nexus of abecean trade for cyrod through the county seat of Anvil. It's north and south borders are the rivers Strid and Brena, and its northern side has a tendency towards aridity while its southern side tends to be thickly forested.
  36. [11:24:22] <Zini> The actual county of Anvil occupies the entirety of the gold coast and the western half of the southern highlands, containing numerous towns and villages and the cities of Anvil and Kvatch. It is easily the most powerful county of Colovia, with a significantly large population and large influx of trade.
  37. [11:27:08] <Zini> Mojo: how about you, what do you think?
  38. [11:33:10] <Sefiriot> This is post Oblivion Crisis right? Ok carry on
  39. [11:33:31] <Zini> yeah, this is post OC
  40. [11:33:34] <Zini> and that's all I have so far
  41. [11:35:18] <@Mojo> I'm going to have to brush up on my Cyrodiil lore before I give an opinion. Looks great otherwise
  42. [11:37:53] <Sefiriot> Same here. What Era was Rislav in again? Late First Era right?
  43. [11:38:04] <Zini> early first
  44. [11:38:39] <Zini> Rislav was ruling during 1E478 until whenever he passed away
  45. [11:39:17] <Zini> The ayleids were overthrown during the year 1E243
  46. [11:40:00] <Zini> Bendu Olo was king of Anvil sometime after 1E2200
  47. [11:40:25] <Sefiriot> right
  48. [11:40:39] Sefiriot is not as up on Cyrodiil lore as she should be
  49. [11:40:42] <Zini> and the war of the righteousness was the early 2300s
  50. [11:41:31] <Zini> And Reman wouldn't unite the Colovian Estates and the fractured petty kingdoms of the nibenay until the 2700s
  51. [11:43:17] <Zini> Reman and his descendents then ruled for a little over 200 years, the akaviri ruled for 400, and interregnum lasted for another 420 years before Tiber united cyrodiil, and then the rest of Tamriel over the course of 40 years
  52. [11:43:36] <Zini> The red sabre thing is like... 250 years into the septim dynasty
  53. [11:43:37] <Sefiriot> UESP's timeline covers this lot, right?
  54. [11:43:42] <Zini> yeah
  55. [11:43:44] <Zini> pretty much
  56. [11:43:49] <Sefiriot> ta
  57. [11:49:22] <Zini> Homebrew stuff: Anvil being founded by nords, pretty much everything prior to the rule of Bendu, Bendu being of nibenese descent, Bendu's family spearheading the colovian estates, the point at which the Olo family collapsed, the descent of Anvil into anarchy, I rewrote the nature of Anvil becoming a pirate kingdom because the version in game is kinda lame
  58. [11:55:13] <Sefiriot> your version sounds pretty great, actually
  59. [11:55:24] <Sefiriot> reminds me of the Warring States period in China
  60. [11:55:45] <Zini> How so?
  61. [11:56:25] <Sefiriot> the descent into anarchy bit XD
  62. [11:57:06] <Sefiriot>
  63. [11:57:17] <Zini> ah
  64. [11:57:41] <Zini> I kind of wanted to make Anvil becoming a shithole a little more morally grey
  65. [11:58:22] <Zini> as it currently stands its 'somehow Anvil became bad. Anvil gets taken over by pirates. Fasil Umbranox comes in and saves the day and oops the city accidentally got set on fire'
  66. [11:59:50] <Sefiriot> nope. I actually like the flavour of Qin Shihuang you've given Fasil there
  67. [12:00:14] <Sefiriot> though-- maybe more like Asoka before he reformed
  68. [12:00:51] <Zini> this version is 'Tiber appoints a fucking shit. Anvil becomes fucking shit. The citizenry, many of whom have turned to piracy and smuggling to survive, ally with abecean pirate lords to overthrow the fucking shit. Are pirates so they raid stuff (though they do trade with certain groups as well). Central Cyrod sends a hard-line loyalist in to clean up shop who blasts the rebels back to the
  69. [12:00:54] <Zini> stone age'
  70. [12:01:59] <Sefiriot> yep
  71. [12:02:07] <Sefiriot> definitely more Ashoka than Qin Shihuang
  72. [12:05:17] <Zini> I'm trying to think of what I would write for the culture
  73. [12:05:46] <Zini> ethnically Anvil is primarily Colovian, Redguard, Bosmer, and Breton
  74. [12:05:49] <Zini> well
  75. [12:05:58] <Zini> mainly colovian, redguard, and bosmer
  76. [12:06:33] <Zini> with bretons and nords coming in after that with a small minority of altmer
  77. [12:08:09] <Zini> plenty of bosmer on the north side of the river Strid in and around the sub-tropical forests, and significant minority within the villages and towns throughout Gold Coast
  78. [12:08:55] <Zini> lots of redguards as well for the same reason as in the southern highlands; they invaded tons of times throughout the first and second eras/migration happened between those times/merchants went to sell goods to the colovs
  79. [12:09:51] <Zini> The nords are a combination of small numbers of nords who come in through the abecean and some who are descended from nords who settled there in the past
  80. [12:11:31] <Zini> Not sure if there should be Imga in the sub-tropical forests anymore
  81. [12:11:35] <Zini> there used to be
  82. [12:11:50] <Zini> Marukh came from tropical forests on the gold coast
  83. [12:12:09] <Zini> probably heard of Alessia first from the nords
  84. [12:12:44] <Zini> question is whether the colovs tolerated their presence their or whether they were fully pushed to the southern side of the river
  85. [12:20:03] <Zini> absolutely how I imagine anvil looking, but with an occasional manor, an occasional roman style villa, and a castle out on that island
  86. [12:20:38] <Zini> ... and, y'know, without the satellite dishes
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