

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. T.w² | balon: yo
  2. T.w² | balon:
  3. T.w² | balon: what's up with this snip stuff
  4. T.w² | balon: it needs to stop.
  5. T.w² | balon: you're doing it to almost all your posts
  6. T.w² | IKEA: Ok, well a few random points arise from your comments.
  7. T.w² | IKEA: 1) "you're doing it to almost all your posts" Well that's absolutely false.
  8. T.w² | balon: don't break down my words
  9. T.w² | balon: point being
  10. T.w² | balon: stop doing it
  11. T.w² | IKEA: 2) Perhaps explaining why allof a sudden you're concerned about this?
  12. T.w² | balon: we're scrolling through your threads etc and you're doing it? We don't see why
  13. T.w² | balon: you shouldn't be removing content from the forums
  14. T.w² | balon: for example your application has information which you randomly removed... there's other posts as well where stuff is removed. including posts in the trash bin
  15. T.w² | balon: trash bin is archieved
  16. T.w² | balon: normal members can't edit that
  17. T.w² | balon: I'm not "concerned" it's that it shouldn't be happening, someone brought it up to me so I'm simply bringing it up to you
  18. T.w² | balon: anything in the trash bin is an abuse of power, plus you're removing content from the forums which you posted... if anyone goes back and reads any of those threads theres now missing posts, input, etc, etc
  19. T.w² | IKEA: Ok, well it's clearly obvious who it was, but in any event, I'll keep that in mind. I don't see why I can't remove my past posts.
  20. T.w² | balon: Who would that be? And because it's a forum it's meant to have posts put on it, not have someone who has the power to remove them do such...
  21. T.w² | balon: kinda breaks the whole point
  22. T.w² | IKEA: It's a Web Moderator, I know who it is.
  23. T.w² | balon: no, it's not lol but
  24. T.w² | balon: all good
  25. T.w² | balon: regardless please stop doing it
  26. T.w² | balon: at least as much
  27. T.w² | balon: i understand like taking out names or ages cause people get anal on privacy randomly, don't take the word anal bad its just my way of describing it (i do the same shit lol)
  28. T.w² | IKEA: Hmm, well I'm still not wrapping my head around the complaint. I only snip my posts which I feel should be removed. They do not "derail" threads, I do it because I feel I should be able to, just like everyone else should be able to request something deleted. But in any event, instead of the person talking to me about it, they bring it to you. That's problem solving skills I love.
  29. T.w² | balon: they bring it to me cause you're staff
  30. T.w² | IKEA: Anyways, thanks for the heads up.
  31. T.w² | balon: and posts in the trash bin is an abuse of staff power :p
  32. T.w² | IKEA: Well I wasn't aware of that.
  33. T.w² | IKEA: No one told me that.
  34. T.w² | IKEA: How can I be aware of something I was unaware of?
  35. T.w² | balon: well... think of it like this
  36. T.w² | balon: can a member edit things in the trash bin?
  37. T.w² | balon: it's hidden to only staff
  38. T.w² | IKEA: No, but they can request this (I would hope).
  39. T.w² | balon: no they cant
  40. T.w² | balon: they can't see it exists
  41. T.w² | IKEA: If someone wants something deleted, they would assume so no one can see.
  42. T.w² | balon: the trash bin is where it gets 'deleted' to
  43. T.w² | IKEA: Not so only staff can see.
  44. T.w² | balon: the trash bin is an archieve
  45. T.w² | IKEA: Right, I archive my post, and remove the contents in it.
  46. T.w² | IKEA: I'm not too sure of the issue.
  47. T.w² | balon: We don't remove stuff, it only goes into the trashbin incase future reference is needed on any of it
  48. T.w² | IKEA: Well, in that case, was there something needed on my part? Sorry to sound a bit didactic, but again, I only remove contents of my posts relating to things that are personal, or can reveal certain information about me.
  49. T.w² | IKEA: I feel everyone is entitled to that.
  50. T.w² | balon: Once you make a post, it is on our servers.. we don't provide a deletion option to members for a reason
  51. T.w² | balon: That's why it was reported to me
  52. T.w² | IKEA: Ok, well, saying for me to "think of it like this" doesn't tell me anything, unfortunately.
  53. T.w² | balon: Ok let me be clear then.
  54. T.w² | IKEA: I would have liked to know this much longer ago, and this wouldn't have happened.
  55. T.w² | balon: You do not have the right to use powers which members do not have. If you cannot figure that out, we state in MANY places staff cannot use their powers or their features members do not have. This is considered abuse.
  56. T.w² | balon: By using ANY permission which everyone does not have, it is abuse. You are using an unfair advantage. It is the same thing with cheats in our CSGO servers, the exact wording we use I believe is 'unfair advantage'.
  57. T.w² | balon: But since you want to break apart my words on the think of it like this, I'll be direct and to the point instead of trying to be nice and relatable
  58. T.w² | balon: I don't like talking to people like I am their superior on the roster telling them what's what but if you want to take apart my words so be it.
  59. T.w² | balon: You are NOT to use powers which everyone does not have for personal benefit
  60. T.w² | balon: If you look in the trash-bin, members do NOT have access to this section
  61. T.w² | balon: Therefore they cannot edit this content, nor remove it, alter it, or even see it exists
  62. T.w² | balon: You have deleted data from TangoWorldWide by removing such content. We put things in there for a reason, it is an archive board, if you've ever deleted a thread before on you will see it gets placed in the trash bin
  63. T.w² | balon: It is coded and designed like that
  64. T.w² | balon: That is where 'deleted' content goes, content on the internet never gets deleted. Nor does it here
  65. T.w² | balon: Everything is backed up every 5-7 hours
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