

May 20th, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate_> Geisha...I found this world map of mythology BTW on facebook:
  2. <Corbiu_Geisha> Again, overly simplistic
  3. <Boilerplate_> I guess it's more complex and myths (especially religion) are more widespread and not locked into a single geograhpic area perhaps?
  4. <Corbiu_Geisha> Yes
  5. <Corbiu_Geisha> Buddhism has influenced a lot of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean mythology
  6. <Corbiu_Geisha> And again
  7. <Corbiu_Geisha> Japanese, Korean, adn Vietnamese mythology has had a ton of influence from Chinese
  8. <Corbiu_Geisha> Hinduism and Buddhism also influenced a lot of South East Asian mthologies
  9. <Corbiu_Geisha> Islam too in Malay and Indonesian communities
  10. <Corbiu_Geisha> Also
  11. <Corbiu_Geisha> Malasia and Indonesia has a lot of Chinese and Indian immigrants
  12. <Corbiu_Geisha> As does Singapore
  13. <Boilerplate_> So basically Hinduism/Buddahism is the main influence in the Eastern hemisphere but different cultures made their own versions of it?
  14. <Boilerplate_> I heard something about comparitive mythology
  15. <Corbiu_Geisha> Islam also probably influenced African mythologies in areas where it is active, but I don't know the details
  16. <Corbiu_Geisha> Ancient Greeks also borrowed a lot of iconography from Ancient Egypt
  17. <Corbiu_Geisha> Then the Romans had a Mithras cult
  18. <Corbiu_Geisha> Which is Aryan in origin
  19. <Corbiu_Geisha> Not sure how that affects the mythology
  20. <Boilerplate_> So basically Greek Mythology originated from Egyption Mythology but they only had they're language changed and the Greeks europeanized them?
  21. <Corbiu_Geisha> No
  22. <Corbiu_Geisha> Firstly because there wa sno such thing as Europe back then
  23. <Corbiu_Geisha> Second, I said they borrowed things from Egyptian religion into their own
  24. <Corbiu_Geisha> Not that it was originated from
  25. <Boilerplate_> So "Europe" is a 19th century invention?
  26. <Corbiu_Geisha> Recent, yes
  27. <Boilerplate_> What was the land called then?
  28. <Corbiu_Geisha> Depends on who you asked
  29. <Corbiu_Geisha> The idea of a continental identity just didn't exist back then
  30. <Corbiu_Geisha> Also, just look at the damn map
  31. <Corbiu_Geisha> Look at Europe
  32. <Corbiu_Geisha> How the fuck is that a continent?
  33. <Boilerplate_> I noticed that everything connecting Europe, Asia, etc is just one bog continent. "Europe" as seen today is nothing more than a product of 19th century nationalism
  34. <Corbiu_Geisha> I would say white supremacy and racism to be exact
  35. <Boilerplate_> More accurately
  36. <Boilerplate_> A "Exclusive Nation of Surperior Whites as the beacon of civilations while looking down at the foreign uncivilized below" which is what they had in mind when creating "Europe"
  37. <Boilerplate_> I wonder where the origin of continental idenity came from and importantly the existence of white surpremacy and racism came into being.
  38. <Boilerplate_> I thought it had something to do with the Reinasannace and Christianity itself that could be the origin of white surpremicy with the whole "God's Chosen People" thing or similarly.
  39. <Corbiu_Geisha> Um
  40. <Corbiu_Geisha> I told you before
  41. <Corbiu_Geisha> Blumenbach
  42. <Boilerplate_> is he also the one who also invented the concept of continentel idenity?
  43. <Corbiu_Geisha> No idea
  44. <Boilerplate_> Hmmm.....
  45. <Boilerplate_> But we do know though that "Europe" never existed and just a imaginary 'stronghold' invented by white surpemicists/nationalists in the 19th century.
  46. <Corbiu_Geisha> I think it happened more like
  47. <Corbiu_Geisha> Looking at the map
  48. <Corbiu_Geisha> And you realised that all these landmasses are similar
  49. <Corbiu_Geisha> So you call them continents
  50. <Corbiu_Geisha> But then they realised that
  51. <Corbiu_Geisha> White people don't have their own continent
  52. <Corbiu_Geisha> So they decided to just make Europe one
  53. <Boilerplate_> and made a exclusive club barring from everyone else while missing the point that anyone could live at any land.
  54. <Boilerplate_> Since Europe and Asia all connect to one continent
  55. <Corbiu_Geisha> I don't think they were missing any point
  56. <Boilerplate_> They were just being assholes
  57. <Boilerplate_> oh I think I was wrong with the whole "God's Chosen People" since that concept only belongs in Judahism I think.
  58. <Boilerplate_> or I don't know
  59. <Boilerplate_> but point is, I thought white surpremicism might have Christian origins which I picked that as a possible one but I don't know.
  60. <Boilerplate_> Since I notice that the west basically changes the language of Christianity to make it sound secular but it's origins isn't though hence the same thing (much like the Ancient Theroists try to change the language to make it metal and make sense to the modern ear but they're still the same thing in the end)
  61. <Boilerplate_> Another example would be "Divine Right to Kings" becomes "Human Nature" and such.
  62. <Boilerplate_> *Ancient Astronaut Theorists
  63. <Boilerplate_> Corbiu_Geisha if your still here, how would you redo that map I linked to a while ago?
  64. <Corbiu_Geisha> I won't
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